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The Gap Analysis will assist each state to gather information on its code policy; code enforcement infrastructure,

programs an
professional designers; certification requirements for code enforcement officials; training requirements, content, and materia
officials; and efforts to track and measure energy code implementation and compliance. Through the use of the various questi
information on its code policy; code enforcement infrastructure, programs and protocols; certification requirements for profe
for code enforcement officials; training requirements, content, and materials for design construction enforcement officials; an
implementation and compliance.

Acronyms and Abbreviations

Executive Summary

Construction Overview
Permits by year (2000-2009)

Energy Portfolio
State Power Plants/Energy Production
Sources of Production/Consumption
Energy Production vs. Consumption

Federal Policy
Responsible Department

State Policy
Does Home Rule Apply?
Relevant State Policies
Current res/com Code
Buildings Covered by Code
New Legislation
Participation in Code Development
Effect of Current Code/Model Code on Savings
2009 IECC info Relevant to State
Climate/Green Initiatives
Energy Star Homes Program in State
Incentives for Green Building
Above Code/Green Code Data

Local Policy
State/Significant Jurisdiction Populations
IECC in Jurisdictions
IBC or IRC in Jurisdictions
Code Status by Jurisidiction
IRC chapt. 11
Population covered by res code
Population covered by com code
Local Climate/Green Initiatives
Jurisdictions BCAP will work with

Community Standards
How Rural Jurisdictions Enforce Code
Resources Available to Small Jurisdictions
Clarity of legal enforcement standards
Compliance Incentives/Non-Compliance Consequences
Process to Measure/Evaluate Compliance
2009 IECC info Relevant to State

Issues with Enforcement

Resources Available
Residential Construction by Jurisdiction
Code Official Familiarity with Energy
Priority of Energy Codes

Certification Process
Uniform Certification Process
Standard for Maintaining Professional Certification
Continuing Education Requirements
State Provided Certified Training

Third Party Enforcement

Is Third Party Enforcement Applicable
HERS Raters in State

Code Inspectors
State Materials for Education/Training Availability
Code Official Association/Certification Board
Code Official Certification Checklist
Permitting Fees

Building Professionals
State Materials for Education/Training Availability
Builder Association/Certification Board
Architect Association/Certification Board
Permitting Fees

Additional Education/Training Options

Additional Organizations that Provide Training

Comments and recommendations


Professional Capacity

n on its code policy; code enforcement infrastructure, programs and protocols; certification requirements for
enforcement officials; training requirements, content, and materials for design construction enforcement
ementation and compliance. Through the use of the various questionaires BCAP will assist each state to gather
ture, programs and protocols; certification requirements for professional designers; certification requirements
ent, and materials for design construction enforcement officials; and efforts to track and measure energy code
All State Questions #

Executive Summary
Do you have statewide energy code for residential bldgs? For commercial bldgs? a1
What energy code have you adopted for residential bldgs? For commercial bldgs? When does it go into effect? a2
What is the state law or act that enables the adoption of an energy code? a3
What is the state board or authority that administers the codes? a4

total annual residential housing units permitted in 2006 b1
total annual residential housing units permitted in 2009 b2
How much energy does the state produce on its own? b3
What is the state ranked in the U.S. in total per capita energy production? b4
What is the state ranked in the U.S. in total per capita energy consumption? b5
What are the major sources of energy production and what % do they account for in state and U.S. energy production b6
What percentage of carbon emissions is the state responsible for in the U.S.? How many MMT per person? b7
What percentage of nitrous oxide emissions is the state responsible for in the U.S.? How many MMT per person? b8
What percentage of sulfur dioxide emissions is the state responsible for in the U.S.? How many MMT per person? b9

Adoption - Federal Policy

What state department is responsible for SEP and EECBG funding? c1
Amount of SEP funds received. What % was dedicated to ipmlementation/enforcement of energy code? c2
Amount of EECBG awarded. What % was dedicated to ipmlementation/enforcement of energy code? c3
Did the state/governor assure DOE that they would update energy code? c4

Adoption - State Policy

Is the State a Home Rule State? d1
What is the state department responsible for administering building codes? d2
What buildings does the code apply to? d3
Name of code applying to health care facilities - are there efficiency provisions d4
Name of department administering code to health care facilities - are there efficiency provisions d5
Name of department administering fire code d6
Name of Fire code d7
what is fire code based on d8
what building types does the fire code address d9
Is there any New Legislation regarding codes since the start of 2009? d10
What are the effects of the new legislation? d11
current legislative activities? d12
does the state participate in model codes and standards development? d13
Does the State review and consider model legislative or regulatory rulemaking language and adapt that as needed? d14
Does legislation or rulemaking allow for a regular review and update cycle for energy codes? d15
Does the adoption and revision of building codes correspond with the publication of a new edition of a national energy standard or model
energy code? d16
Does the state use the ICC forum online? d17
Does the state send a representative to DOE's annual codes conference? d18
Does the state use OCEAN and its resources? d19
If STATE adopted the code, how much could be saved that is currently spent on homes? d20
Does the state have a climate action plan? Does it include code implementation? d21
How do the state's climate mitigation activities compare with the rest of the region? d22
Does the state have a green building policy? (based on LEED/other/advanced code?) d23
Do your state programs promote the use of AEDG's or other advanced building standards or guidelines? d24
# of LEED projects certified? d25
# of LEED projects registered d26
How do LEED projects compare with other states in region? d27
How many projects certified/registered in the rest of the region? d28
Does the state have an energy star for homes program? d29
# of energy star homes d30
# of energy star homes constructed in 2009? d31
# of energy star partner builders d32
# of builders signed up after 2008 d33
% of energy star homes that the state accounts for in the country d34
What are the other relevant green/climate initiatives in the state? (renewables) and do these programs promote partnerships for energy
code adoption/compliance d35
Is there a state dept that administers incentives for green buildings? d36
What are the green building incentives provided by the state d37
Utility green builing incentives? d38
Any other opportunities for utilities to participate in energy efficiency? d39
Do state buildings have a different energy code? d40
What programs (besides codes) has the state participated in that relate to energy efficiency? d41
Do you participate in code development hearings? d42

Local Policy
State Population e1
What are the major population centers/ e2
Do the majority of communities/cities have mandatory building codes? e3
# of municipalities in the state e4
# of cities/communities that have adopted the any version of the I-Codes e5
# of cities that have adopted the IECC e6
have any cities adopted the 2009 IECC? e7
what % of states population do the jurisdictions/cities that have adopted the IECC account for? e8
Is the IBC v. IECC comparison relevant? e9
#/% of population covered by an energy code (IBC/IRC/IECC) e10
Residential: % of population covered by IECC, % cover by IRC, % not covered at all (including IBC) e11
Commercial: % of population covered by IECC, % covered by IBC, and % with no code e12
what # of jurisdictions will BCAP work with? e13
What is the name of the State Code Division? e14
Has the jurisdication adopted the IECC, IRC, or IBC? e15
Are cities/jurisdictions allowed to charge fees to cover the cost of enforcement? e16

Do jurisdictions/cities have enforcement strategies that oversee energy code enforcement in areas that do not have sufficient infrastructure? e17
Are there mechanisms at the local level for 3rd party inspectors to perform plan review and inspection? e18
Do local jurisdictions issue a “stop order” after an inspection and or plan review reveals an energy code violation? e19
Do local jurisdictions require a change order and re-review of energy code violations? e20
Do any of the large cities have a comprehensive climate change mitigation plan? Describe their actions-and do these actions promote
partnerships for adoption/compliance of energy code e21
Are there incentives for these advanced programs e22
How does the state's climate plan compare to the rest of the country? e23
are these cities farther along than the state in climate legislation? e24
# of LEED based building policies in the state (ie. All new govt. construction must be LEED-Silver) e25
# of cities (if any) that have signed on to the US Conference of Mayors' Climate Protection Agreement e26
Name any communities/counties that are member of ICLEI e27
What is the relationship between city and county policy in the state? e28

2009 IECC in State

What are the changes by climate zone within the state? f1

What are the primary barriers/challenges with energy code enforcement? g1
Do rural communities share enforcement staff ? g2
do county inspection departments enforce codes in smaller communities and unicorporated areas? g3
Does the State have an agency or board responsible for overseeing enforcement of energy codes in jurisdictions that do not have sufficient
infrastructure? (has the state assessed the need for infrastructure?) g4
are enforcement standards and criteria set in state law? g5
Does state law allow local jurisdictions to charge fees to cover costs of enforcement and set enforcement rules at local level? g6
Does the state engage the building community and stakeholders in developing compliance infrastructure? g7
Does the state have a process in place to measure and evaluate compliance? Has the state reviewed DOE’s guidance on measuring code
compliance? g8
Have any compliance studies been performed, or are any planned? g9
Does your state provide incentives for contractors that do well, such as expedited permitting or reduced fees? g10
Does your state provide penalties for re-inspection and repeated reviews? g11

Does your state seek partnerships with manufacturers and big box retailers to promote energy efficient products and services? g12

Does your state help to subsidize the use of handheld electronics or other technologies to facilitate building inspection? g13
% decline in permitting from 2008-2009 g14
What is the main background/education/certifications of code inspectors? g15
Do many come from biulding energy efficiency backgrounds? g16
What is are the certification requirements for energy code officials g17
is there a standard for maintaining certification through CEUs? g18
What are the requirements for becoming a building inspector? g19
Does the State provide certified training in energy code plan review and inspection? g20
What is the turnover rate of code officials? g21
Is the state developing third-party enforcement and verification infrastructure? g22
# of RESNET certified HERS raters/other 3rd party certified infrastructure? g23
# of companies listed by Energy Star that employ qualified raters in the state g24
Does the state assist with enforcement at the local level? g25
How many times per project is the site visited for inspections? g26
How long is the average site inspection? g27
Do you feel that the requirements in the code are clear enough to follow easily? g28
Are state buildings inspected differently? g29

Education and Training

What is the culture in the state towards energy efficiency provisions? (disinterest, mistrust other?) h1
Does the state have adequate materials for education and outreach including a calendar of events, compliance materials, and the ability to
share regional resources with code officials, architects, builders? h2
Is there a state code official organization? h3
What are the current training/CEU opportunities within the state? h4
how much are permitting fees and how has this effected revenue in the last few years h5
What is the certification process for building professionals? h6
Which board or agency is responsible for the certification? h7
What is the certification process for commercial developers, architects, and engineers? h8
Which board or agency is responsible for the certification? h9
Any additional details about certification and CEU training? h10
Has code board assessed its code training infrastructure? h11
What are other orgnizations (besides BCAP/ICC) that assist in code training, enforcement and enforcement? h12
Is there training available for specific products? h13
Response Initials Source Date Contact Info
Questions for State Energy Offices

Executive Summary
Do you have statewide energy code for residential bldgs? For commercial bldgs?
What energy code have you adopted for residential bldgs? For commercial bldgs? When does it go into effect?
What state act allows for the adoption of an energy code?
What is the state board or authority responsible for management of the code?

Adoption - Federal Policy

What state department is responsible for SEP and EECBG funding?
Amount of SEP funds received. What % was dedicated to ipmlementation/enforcement of energy code?
Amount of EECBG awarded. What % was dedicated to ipmlementation/enforcement of energy code?

Adoption - State Policy

Name of code applying to health care facilities - are there efficiency provisions
Does legislation or rulemaking allow for a regular review and update cycle for energy codes?
Does the adoption and revision of building codes correspond with the publication of a new edition of a national energy standa
energy code?
Does the state use the ICC forum online?
Does the state send a representative to DOE's annual codes conference?
Does the state use OCEAN and its resources?
How do the state's climate mitigation activities compare with the rest of the region?
Does the state have a green building policy? (based on LEED/other/advanced code?)
Do your state programs promote the use of AEDG's or other advanced building standards or guidelines?
Does the state have an energy star for homes program?
What are the other relevant green/climate initiatives in the state? (renewables) and do these programs promote partnerships
code adoption/compliance
Is there a state dept that administers incentives for green buildings?
What are the green building incentives provided by the state
Utility green builing incentives?
Any other opportunities for utilities to participate in energy efficiency?
Do state buildings have a different energy code?
What programs (besides codes) has the state participated in that relate to energy efficiency?

Local Policy
Are cities/jurisdictions allowed to charge fees to cover the cost of enforcement?
What is the relationship between city and county policy in the state?

Does your state provide incentives for contractors that do well, such as expedited permitting or reduced fees?
Does your state provide penalties for re-inspection and repeated reviews?

Does your state seek partnerships with manufacturers and big box retailers to promote energy efficient products an

Does your state help to subsidize the use of handheld electronics or other technologies to facilitate building inspecti
Does the State provide certified training in energy code plan review and inspection?
What is the turnover rate of code officials?
Is the state developing third-party enforcement and verification infrastructure?
Does the state assist with enforcement at the local level?

Education and Training

Does the state have adequate materials for education and outreach including a calendar of events, compliance materials, and
share regional resources with code officials, architects, builders?
What are the current training/CEU opportunities within the state?
Any additional details about certification and CEU training?
Has code board assessed its code training infrastructure?
What are other orgnizations (besides BCAP/ICC) that assist in code training, enforcement and enforcement?
# Response Initials Source Date Contact Info










Questions for State Governments

Adoption-State Policy
What is the state department responsible for administering building codes?
What buildings does the code apply to?
Name of code applying to health care facilities - are there efficiency provisions
Name of department administering code to health care facilities - are there efficiency provisions
Name of department administering fire code
Name of Fire code
What is fire code based on?
what building types does the fire code address
Is there any New Legislation regarding codes since the start of 2009?
What are the effects of the new legislation?
Current legislative activities?
does the state participate in model codes and standards development?
Does the State review and consider model legislative or regulatory rulemaking language and adapt that as needed?
Does legislation or rulemaking allow for a regular review and update cycle for energy codes?
Does the adoption and revision of building codes correspond with the publication of a new edition of a national energy standa
energy code?
Does the state have a climate action plan? Does it include code implementation?
How do the state's climate mitigation activities compare with the rest of the region?
Is there a state dept that administers incentives for green buildings?

Local Policy
What is the name of the State Code Division?
# of LEED based building policies in the state (ie. All new govt. construction must be LEED-Silver)

are enforcement standards and criteria set in state law?
Does state law allow local jurisdictions to charge fees to cover costs of enforcement and set enforcement rules at local level?
Does the state engage the building community and stakeholders in developing compliance infrastructure?
Does the state have a process in place to measure and evaluate compliance? Has the state reviewed DOE’s guidance on measu
Have any compliance studies been performed, or are any planned?
Are state buildings inspected differently?

Education and Training

How much are permitting fees and how has this effected revenue in the last few years
# Response Initials Source Date Contact Info






Questions for Local Energy Offices

Adoption-State Policy
What buildings does the code apply to?
Name of department administering code to health care facilities - are there efficiency provisions
Is there any New Legislation regarding codes since the start of 2009?
What are the effects of the new legislation?
Current legislative activities?
Does legislation or rulemaking allow for a regular review and update cycle for energy codes?
Does the adoption and revision of building codes correspond with the publication of a new edition of a national energy standa
energy code?
Does the state use OCEAN and its resources?
Do state buildings have a different energy code?

Local Policy
Has the jurisdication adopted the IECC, IRC, or IBC?
Are cities/jurisdictions allowed to charge fees to cover the cost of enforcement?

Do jurisdictions/cities have enforcement strategies that oversee energy code enforcement in areas that do not have sufficient
Are there mechanisms at the local level for 3 rd party inspectors to perform plan review and inspection?
Do local jurisdictions issue a “stop order” after an inspection and or plan review reveals an energy code violation?
Do local jurisdictions require a change order and re-review of energy code violations?
What is the relationship between city and county policy in the state?

Do county inspection departments enforce codes in smaller communities and unicorporated areas?
Does the State have an agency or board responsible for overseeing enforcement of energy codes in jurisdictions that do not h
infrastructure? (has the state assessed the need for infrastructure?)
Are enforcement standards and criteria set in state law?
Does state law allow local jurisdictions to charge fees to cover costs of enforcement and set enforcement rules at local level?
Does the state engage the building community and stakeholders in developing compliance infrastructure?
Are state buildings inspected differently?

Education and Training

What are the current training/CEU opportunities within the state?
What are other orgnizations (besides BCAP/ICC) that assist in code training, enforcement and enforcement?
# Response Initials Source Date Contact Info







Questions for City Governments

Adoption-State Policy
What buildings does the code apply to?
Name of department administering code to health care facilities - are there efficiency provisions
Is there any New Legislation regarding codes since the start of 2009?
What are the effects of the new legislation?
current legislative activities?
Does legislation or rulemaking allow for a regular review and update cycle for energy codes?
Does the adoption and revision of building codes correspond with the publication of a new edition of a national energy standa
energy code?

Local Policy
Do any of the large cities have a comprehensive climate change mitigation plan? Describe their actions-and do these actions p
partnerships for adoption/compliance of energy code
Are there incentives for these advanced programs
How does the state's climate plan compare to the rest of the country?
are these cities farther along than the state in climate legislation?
# of LEED based building policies in the state (ie. All new govt. construction must be LEED-Silver)
Name any communities/counties that are member of ICLEI

Education and Training

how much are permitting fees and how has this effected revenue in the last few years
# Response Initials Source Date Contact Info




Questions for Code Officials

Adoption - State Policy

What buildings does the code apply to?
Name of department administering fire code
Name of Fire code
what is fire code based on
what building types does the fire code address
Does the state use OCEAN and its resources?

Local Policy
Has the jurisdication adopted the IECC, IRC, or IBC?
Are cities/jurisdictions allowed to charge fees to cover the cost of enforcement?

Do jurisdictions/cities have enforcement strategies that oversee energy code enforcement in areas that do not have sufficient
Are there mechanisms at the local level for 3 rd party inspectors to perform plan review and inspection?
Do local jurisdictions issue a “stop order” after an inspection and or plan review reveals an energy code violation?
Do local jurisdictions require a change order and re-review of energy code violations?

What are the primary barriers/challenges with energy code enforcement?
Do rural communities share enforcement staff ?
Do county inspection departments enforce codes in smaller communities and unicorporated areas?
Does the State have an agency or board responsible for overseeing enforcement of energy codes in jurisdictions that do not h
infrastructure? (has the state assessed the need for infrastructure?)
Does the state engage the building community and stakeholders in developing compliance infrastructure?

Does your state help to subsidize the use of handheld electronics or other technologies to facilitate building inspecti
What is the main background/education/certifications of code inspectors?
Do many come from biulding energy efficiency backgrounds?
What is are the certification requirements for energy code officials
is there a standard for maintaining certification through CEUs?
What are the requirements for becoming a building inspector?
Does the State provide certified training in energy code plan review and inspection?
What is the turnover rate of code officials?
Is the state developing third-party enforcement and verification infrastructure?
# of RESNET certified HERS raters/other 3rd party certified infrastructure?
# of companies listed by Energy Star that employ qualified raters in the state
Does the state assist with enforcement at the local level?
How many times per project is the site visited for inspections?
How long is the average site inspection?
Do you feel that the requirements in the code are clear enough to follow easily?
Are state buildings inspected differently?

Education and Training

What is the culture in the state towards energy efficiency provisions? (disinterest, mistrust other?)
Does the state have adequate materials for education and outreach including a calendar of events, compliance materials, and
share regional resources with code officials, architects, builders?
Is there a state code official organization?
What are the current training/CEU opportunities within the state?
Any additional details about certification and CEU training?
What are other orgnizations (besides BCAP/ICC) that assist in code training, enforcement and enforcement?
# Response Initials Source Date Contact Info







Questions for Builders/Architects

Adoption-State Policy
What buildings does the code apply to?
Name of department administering fire code
Name of Fire code
what is fire code based on
what building types does the fire code address
Does the state use OCEAN and its resources?
Do you participate in code development hearings?

Local Policy
Do local jurisdictions issue a “stop order” after an inspection and or plan review reveals an energy code violation?
Do local jurisdictions require a change order and re-review of energy code violations?

Does the state engage the building community and stakeholders in developing compliance infrastructure?
Does your state provide incentives for contractors that do well, such as expedited permitting or reduced fees?
Does your state provide penalties for re-inspection and repeated reviews?

Does your state seek partnerships with manufacturers and big box retailers to promote energy efficient products and services
Do you feel that the requirements in the code are clear enough to follow easily?

Education and Training

What is the culture in the state towards energy efficiency provisions? (disinterest, mistrust other?)
Does the state have adequate materials for education and outreach including a calendar of events, compliance materials, and
share regional resources with code officials, architects, builders?
What are the current training/CEU opportunities within the state?
how much are permitting fees and how has this effected revenue in the last few years
What is the certification process for building professionals?
Which board or agency is responsible for the certification?
What is the certification process for commercial developers, architects, and engineers?

Which board or agency is responsible for the certification?

Any additional details about certification and CEU training?
What are other orgnizations (besides BCAP/ICC) that assist in code training, enforcement and enforcement?
# Response Initials Source Date Contact Info







Questions for Product Manufacturers

Adoption - State Policy

Do you participate in code development hearings?

Education and Training

What is the culture in the state towards energy efficiency provisions? (disinterest, mistrust other?)
Is there training available for proper use/installation of specific products?

How does the energy code influence your business?

Profit margin
Job creation

What do you produce and how does it relate to energy code requirements?
# Response Initials Source Date Contact Info


Questions for Regional Groups

Adoption - State Policy

Is there any New Legislation regarding codes since the start of 2009?
What are the effects of the new legislation?
current legislative activities?
does the state participate in model codes and standards development?
Does the State review and consider model legislative or regulatory rulemaking language and adapt that as needed?
Does legislation or rulemaking allow for a regular review and update cycle for energy codes?
Does the adoption and revision of building codes correspond with the publication of a new edition of a national energy standa
energy code?
If STATE adopted the code, how much could be saved that is currently spent on homes?
Does the state have a climate action plan? Does it include code implementation?
How do the state's climate mitigation activities compare with the rest of the region?
Does the state have a green building policy? (based on LEED/other/advanced code?)
Do your state programs promote the use of AEDG's or other advanced building standards or guidelines?
What are the other relevant green/climate initiatives in the state? (renewables) and do these programs promote partnerships
code adoption/compliance
What are the green building incentives provided by the state
Utility green builing incentives?
Any other opportunities for utilities to participate in energy efficiency?
What programs (besides codes) has the state participated in that relate to energy efficiency?

Local Policy
# of cities that have adopted the IECC
have any cities adopted the 2009 IECC?

Do jurisdictions/cities have enforcement strategies that oversee energy code enforcement in areas that do not have sufficient
Are there mechanisms at the local level for 3 rd party inspectors to perform plan review and inspection?
Do any of the large cities have a comprehensive climate change mitigation plan? Describe their actions-and do these actions p
partnerships for adoption/compliance of energy code
are these cities farther along than the state in climate legislation?
Name any communities/counties that are member of ICLEI

What are the primary barriers/challenges with energy code enforcement?
Does the state engage the building community and stakeholders in developing compliance infrastructure?
Does the state have a process in place to measure and evaluate compliance? Has the state reviewed DOE’s guidance on measu
Have any compliance studies been performed, or are any planned?

Education and Training

What is the culture in the state towards energy efficiency provisions? (disinterest, mistrust other?)
Does the state have adequate materials for education and outreach including a calendar of events, compliance materials, and
share regional resources with code officials, architects, builders?
What are other orgnizations (besides BCAP/ICC) that assist in code training, enforcement and enforcement?
# Response Initials Source Date Contact Info










Questions from BCAP Research

total annual residential housing units permitted in 2006
total annual residential housing units permitted in 2009
How much energy does the state produce on its own?
What is the state ranked in the U.S. in total per capita energy production?
What is the state ranked in the U.S. in total per capita energy consumption?
What are the major sources of energy production and what % do they account for in state and U.S. energy production
What percentage of carbon emissions is the state responsible for in the U.S.? How many MMT per person?
What percentage of nitrous oxide emissions is the state responsible for in the U.S.? How many MMT per person?
What percentage of sulfur dioxide emissions is the state responsible for in the U.S.? How many MMT per person?

Adoption - Federal Policy

What state department is responsible for SEP and EECBG funding?
Amount of SEP funds received. What % was dedicated to ipmlementation/enforcement of energy code?
Amount of EECBG awarded. What % was dedicated to ipmlementation/enforcement of energy code?
Did the state/governor assuring DOE that they would update energy code?

Adoption - State Policy

Is the State a Home Rule State?
What is the state department responsible for administering building codes?
What buildings does the code apply to?
Name of department administering code to health care facilities - are there efficiency provisions
Is there any New Legislation regarding codes since the start of 2009?
What are the effects of the new legislation?
current legislative activities?
If STATE adopted the code, how much could be saved that is currently spent on homes?
# of LEED projects certified?
# of LEED projects registered
How do LEED projects compare with other states in region?
How many projects certified/registered in the rest of the region?
# of energy star homes
# of energy star homes constructed in 2009?
# of energy star partner builders
# of builders signed up after 2008
% of energy star homes that the state accounts for in the country

Local Policy
State Population
What are the major population centers/
Do the majority of communities/cities have mandatory building codes?
# of municipalities in the state
# of cities/communities that have adopted the any version of the I-Codes
# of cities that have adopted the IECC
have any cities adopted the 2009 IECC?
what % of states population do the jurisdictions/cities that have adopted the IECC account for?
Is the IBC v. IECC comparison relevant?
#/% of population covered by an energy code (IBC/IRC/IECC)
Residential: % of population covered by IECC, % cover by IRC, % not covered at all (including IBC)
Commercial: % of population covered by IECC, % covered by IBC, and % with no code
what # of jurisdictions will BCAP work with?
# of cities (if any) that have signed on to the US Conference of Mayors' Climate Protection Agreement

2009 IECC in State

What are the changes by climate zone within the state?

% decline in permitting from 2008-2009
# Response Initials Source Date Contact Info

b1 Do we really need this? Can be found, but we have data for 2008 and 2009 and that might be enough.
b2 CPA State Data Entry Excel sheet
b3 State Energy Office, potentially Governor's Office or state gov. website
b6 EIA
b6 EIA
b8 EIA
b9 EIA


d20 Incremental Cost Analysis
d30 EPA
d31 EPA
d32 EPA
d33 EPA
d34 EPA

e1 CPA State Data Entry Excel sheet, data for 2007

e2 CPA State Data Entry Excel sheet
e3 IECC chart saved in maps folder, State Energy Office, Local Energy Offices
e4 CPA State Data Entry Excel sheet, U.S. Census
e5 IECC chart saved in maps folder
e6 IECC chart saved in maps folder
e7 IECC chart saved in maps folder
e8 Population data in CPA Excel sheet
e9 Maps
e10 IECC website or chart saved in maps folder, Population data in CPA Excel sheet
e11 IECC website or chart saved in maps folder, Population data in CPA Excel sheet
e12 IECC website or chart saved in maps folder, Population data in CPA Excel sheet
e13 IECC website or chart saved in maps folder

f1 RECA Charts

g14 CPA State Data Entry Excel sheet

might be enough.

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