Minutes From The JISTE Editorial Board

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Present: Jacky Pow, Sybil Wilson, Forrest Crawford, Johan Borup, Anna Hugo, Craig
Kissock, Ray Wong, Karen Bjerg Petersen, Peggy Saunders.

Minutes: The minutes of the 2009/2010 Editorial Board meeting convened at the Weber
seminar was approved on motion by Forrest Crawford and Anna Hugo.

Membership: list reviewed; those whose three-year terms ended to be advised and invited to
renew their term -Sybil
Two new members, Karen Bjerg Petersen (Denmark) and Peggy Saunders (USA) approved
to join the board. Anna continues as Associate Editor with responsibility for book reviews.

Editor’s Report: distributed, as contained in the Editor’s page for JISTE 14.1. Sybil agreed to
remain editor for a fifth year (term is four years), this year to be a transition year; the new co-
editors, Peggy and Karen to take over at the Norway seminar, 2011. They begin their
editorial term with Vol. 16.1 (2012)

Publishing and Distribution: Johan agreed to continue his responsibilities for publishing,
printing and distributing until the Bhutan seminar (2012), so will publish and distribute
Volumes 15 (Brazil) and 16 (Norway), then retire. A new publisher will be needed for
Volume 16 (Bhutan). Weber expressed interest in taking this on -Forrest, Peggy, Ray
Investigate printing and distribution costs in Hong Kong -Jacky
Investigate cost of using a company (e.g. Routledge, Sage) for distribution-Peggy, Karen
Investigate cost of joining e-journal distribution network -Peggy
Investigations to be completed and findings with recommendations sent to Sybil by
June 30, 2010. After this date inform the board for their decision making -Sybil
After the board’s decision, inform libraries and sponsors of our intent whether we will be
changing to e-journal and using package distribution -Peggy, Johan
We will keep the present distribution method- print and online – during time of transition.
Our present technology facilitates the journal availability online to the public; only the
current volume is closed to members.

Of the $75 membership fee, $45 goes to the journal – production and distribution. The
greatest single expense is for international mailing.

Roles for the next issues (Vol. 15, 1 and 2)

Book reviews on the theme: “Educators for a better world” and subthemes of the Brazil
seminar (No.1) -Anna, Peggy, Karen
Book reviews for the open issue – any issue on teacher education (No.2)
-Anna, Peggy, Karen
This issue (#2) will publish 1 or 2 articles from nonmembers
Editing -Sybil with help from Peggy and Karen
Put “Call for Submissions” on the website -Sybil -
General Discussion:
The improved technology is working well. Can we put a banner on the website to highlight
link to the journal that shouts, “here is the journal? ” Important to maintain the journal image
and the ISfTE logo.
If we change to an ejournal will need to find out from libraries and sponsors how they will
receive that, e.g. sponsors have their institution’s logo on the journal. How will that work
with an ejournal?

Notes by Sybil Wilson

Appointed Board members serve for a term of three consecutive years; the term may be renewed.
One third of the appointed members rotate annually. To this number is added ex officio members
(officers of ISTE) and other members invited to be on the Board for their specific expertise and
contributions. The term of the editor and the associate editor is four years.
Name Areas of Country email Role Term Term
expertise begins ends
Anna Language South hugoaj@unisa.ac.za Associate 2006 2010
Hugo teaching, Africa Editor, Book
special ed review editor E2011
Catharine Practicum Australia C.SINCLAIR@uws.edu.au Past Editor
Sinclair P.D member R2010 2013
Cornelia Multicul.Ed South Cornelia.Roux@nwu.ac.za Secretary 2007
Roux Diversity, values Africa 2009 R2010 2013
Helene Statistics South mulleh@unisa.ac.za member 2007
Muller Ed.res. Africa R2010 2013
Jacky Technology Hong jackypow@hkbu.edu.hk member 2009 2012
Pow Kong
Josephine ECE, Educ. USA Josephine.agnewtally member 2009 2012
Agnew- Leadership, @park.edu
Tally policy
Joyce Rdg. Ed, lang.ed. Canada jcastle@brocku.ca member 2007
Castle teachers’ P.D. R2010 2013
Karen E-learning, Denmark kp@dpu.dk member 2010 2013
Bjerg MCE,language
Petersen teaching/testing,
school culture
Lam Siu Teacher Hong syrlam@hkbu.edu.hk member 2004
Yuk development Kong
(Rebecca R2010 2013
Nasir Science Pakistan Mahsir1@yahoo.com member 2007
Mahmood education R2010 2013
Peggy Curr/instruction USA psaunders@weber.edu member 2010 2013
Saunders TESL, MCE
Rabab teachers' Palestine rababtamish@gmail.com member 2007
Tamish knowledge, R2010 2013
teachers' work
Sybil Curriculum,MCE, Canada swilson@brocku.ca Editor 2006 2010
Wilson practicum E2011
Wally Eval &asses’t Australia w.moroz@ecu.edu.au member 1998
Moroz Social Sc. ed R2007
Sec. ed. curr R2010 2013
Ethan website USA contact@isfte.org Tech manager 2009
Quirt Ex-officio
Forrest Secretary USA fcrawford@weber.edu Ex-officio 2009
Crawford General
Janet Past Secretary Scotland jpowney@virgin.net Ex-officio
Powney General
Johan Publish& Denmark Johan.Borup@ucsj.dk Treasurer
Borup distribute Ex-officio
Updated May 4, 2010

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