ReadMe PDF

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Document: read me

The best way to get familiar with our program DataMiningFox (DMF)
1. In the directory Documentation/TestData there are test data for regression and
classification examples and the file FirstSteps.pdf which describes the data and gives
instructions for your first steps with the program using these test data. By following the
insructions you obtain first results in just a few minutes and first insights about the
quality of the program and its results.
2. Probably many users will be able to test and experiment with the program without the
first-steps-instructions described in point 1. However, it is essential to know about the
content of the test data in order to be able to do tests with meaningful results.
3. The program works with csv-files. If you want to quickly find out about csvfiles and
the required format for this program then open some of these test data files first with an
editor (e.g. WordPad, emacs) and then with a spreadsheet program (e.g. Excel,
OpenOffice) using semicolon as the column separation character. A detailed description
of the required csv-file format you also find when running the program and seeing the
documentation on the keywords.
4. The document FirstSteps.pdf also describes how you can test using your own data.
5. The manual (DMF_Manual_en.pdf) describes all the functions of the program.
6. In the manual in the chapter The prediction quality of DataMiningFox you can read
about the empirical proof that the program is able to discover over 90% of the hidden
correlations and information in the data and expoits it for making predictions.
We are happy to help you with our software DataMiningFox to manage your challenges
Your EasyDataMining team

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