The Book of Ruth Chapter 1v 1-12 Verse 22: Tonight After Whatever It Is The Lord Anoints Me To Say, You Will

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Blemming Town Tea Party

December 16, 2016

Theme: Women Moving forward for Godarise, shine and

Tonight after whatever it is the Lord anoints me to say, you will

be empowered women with the Word of God that never fails.

be able to pray more and enjoy intimacy with God on a daily basis.

build an army of women intercessors to stand in the gap for their families, the church and
the nation.

reach out to one another in love and fellowship for the advancement of the kingdom.

help women who are hurt to be healed and move away from the past into a colorful destiny
that God has for them.

Use your gifts to set the captives free from physical, spiritual, and emotional bondage.

There are two books in the bible that are named after
women..The book of Ruth and Easter

The book of Ruth chapter 1v 1-12

Verse 22
Summarize story
Bethlehem judaA place that is known for bread
Famine or recession in the land of bread
Nothing is more tragic that when people live in or
come to a place for bread and cannot find bread,

When people come to the church of God looking for

bread and finds everything else but bread
Naomi and her family Left Bethlehem Juda and go to moab outside
the will of God

Two sons died

Naomi ends up in a deadly situation
Sometimes when we end up in
Yet who knows that you have come to the Kingdom, for
such a time as this! Esther 4:14
We live at a unique time in history, and God has placed each one
of us in a unique position. The opportunities for Christian women
today are immense, and its time for women to arise. Young or
old, whatever your race, whatever your upbringing or
background, whatever your ability, whatever your present
circumstances, the Lord Jesus Christ wants to raise you up,
equip you, and release you to advance His Kingdom, in
preparation for His return. God does not always choose the most
likely, or the most talented to bring blessing to the body of Christ.
Eph 4:7-11&12 But to each one of us grace has been given
as Christ apportioned it. It was he who gave some to be
apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists,
and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God's
people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may
be built up.
So where are the Deborahs and Esthers? The women who are
prepared to make a difference in our generation? They are here!

You are a, potential leader like Deborah, intercessor like Esther,

prophet like Huldah, Godly mother like Mary, Godly grandmother
like Naomi, evangelist like the Samaritan woman at the well, a
person with a servant heart like Phoebe, or a Christian businesswoman like Lydia. I could go on and on, yet the truth is that God
has designed your ministry just for you, although it will have
similar qualities to these women of the Bible. Whatever place you
are in now, whether you know the Ministry that God has called
you into, or you are still uncertain, whether you are functioning in
your ministry, or are wondering how to get started, or even if you
are still running in the opposite direction like Jonah,


wants to speak to you and move you forward.

The two words for minister in the Greek is first servant

(Diakonos 2 Corinthians 3:6 He has made us competent as
ministers of a new covenant.) and second under-rower
(Huperetes Acts 26:16, speaking of Paul.)
Some of us has been in the church for many years and still
havent found our ministry. We need to recognize our ministry and
move forward. Remember we are just strangers passing through
this land. We dont have long here.

How do I Recognise my Ministry

1. Pray and ask God what ministry He wants to give you
expect Him to speak and listen for His answer.
2. Ask others who you trust in the body of Christ to pray with
3. Expect Him to speak through His Word your ministry needs
to be on a solid Biblical foundation He may give you a
specific Word.
4. Expect Him to speak through others as people are
ministering the Word of God etc. something may light up for
5. Specific prophecies for you if God speaks directionally
through a prophet, it can often be confirmation to what God
is already saying to you, or perhaps you need to hold on to
it, and allow God to build on it, and open the right doors. All
prophecy needs to be weighed, you should never move out
on a prophecy alone.
6. Recognise the witness of the Holy Spirit in your life and the
excitement in your spirit.
7. Your leaders can often recognise Gods call on your life when
you cannot talk to them before stepping out, when you feel
God is leading you in a specific area, or if you are uncertain
where God is leading you.
8. Be willing to step out in what God says; dont limit Him. If it
is His call on your life He will also equip you. He is not
looking for your ability, but your availability.

Looking At Esther How some of these principles worked

in her life
1. Esther was a young woman who had a good relationship with
God, although His name is nowhere mentioned in the book,
His ways and His influence in her life is evident throughout
Esther expected to hear from God, and trusted Him
2. She did not allow her background to limit her an orphan
girl, in exile in a foreign country where women were at best
thought of as second class citizens, and her race despised. In
spite of all this she moved forward into what God had for her.
(Esther 2:7)
3. God supernaturally worked in her life, and opened doors, to
get her into the place where her ministry would become
effective, and positioned her so she could help her people, at
a time of national disaster. She often had to trust God, at
times things were probably quite difficult for her to
understand, being brought into the alien environment of the
Royal Palace. (Esther 2:8)
4. Esther had a Godly character, and found favour with God
and men, King Xerxes, and Heggai who was in charge of the
Kings harem, it was not merely an external beauty that
Esther possessed, she was, more importantly, beautiful on
the inside. As a result, and against the odds, Esther became
Queen of the Persian Empire, which covered a large area.
(Esther 2:9 & 2:17)
5. She did not allow the things of the world, nor power and
position to corrupt her, but as they were submitted to God,
they became tools for effective ministry.
6. She submitted to those in authority over her; her guardian
her cousin Mordecai; and Heggai (Esther 2:15) and listened
to what they said. She worked in unity with Mordecai, and
the other Jews in the Persian Empire, and her ministry was

7. Yet who knows that you have come to the Kingdom,

for such a time as this! I am sure that these words
spoken by Mordecai must have been the prophecy that was
instrumental in her recognising that God had been working
in her life all along to bring her to such a place of influence in
Persia. After this she moved into a place of true leadership,
calling for a time of National prayer and fasting, interceding
for the release of Gods people.
8. In calling for a time of prayer and fasting she demonstrated
her submission and surrender to God she knew that it was
only Him who could save her people, the Jews, from the
threatened annihilation.
9. Esthers ministry was like a seed, she started really small, as
a no-one, but as she was obedient, God brought the
increase, and she truly became Queen.
Focusing On Ministries
1. It is important in order for the Kingdom of God to advance
for each one to be willing to move into our God given
ministry. For Jesus and for the early Church, the way to
effective ministry was very much through discipleship.
Younger Christians would get alongside those who were more
mature in the faith, and learn from them, so there was very
much a continuous flow in the body of Christ. The emphasis
today is very much on getting back to that Biblical
foundation. Its time for you to rise up and take your
place! Yet who knows that you have been brought to
the Kingdom, for such a time as this!
2. If you know and are functioning in your ministry, it is
important that you keep your ministry submitted to God
there can be a danger that we know how to do it and try to
run off on own. We need to keep teachable, and close to
God, so that our ministry remains fresh and effective, God
often wants to do a new thing in our lives.

3. For some it may be that God is saying that now is the time
for you to disciple someone else. That in itself can be very
challenging and carries with it new responsibilities.
A call to leadership not everyone will become leaders, but
some will be called to this special service to the Church.
Apostles, prophets, evangiist, pastors
Teachers, preachers, Sunday school teachers, musicians
singers, helping others, ministry in the homes or workplace,
Interpretation of tongues,

Are you prepared to allow God to speak to you and show you the
ministry He has prepared for you? The word minister means
servant God is preparing us for works of service, so that the body
of Christ may be build up.
Your ministry is like a seed, full of growth potential . He wants to
call you, enable to recognise that call, and equip you so that you
can function well, and grow. Remember Esther was a young
woman who recognised the call of God on her life, there has never
been a better time for us to arise, as Deborahs, Esthers, etc. etc.
God wants to speak to you, He is building His Kingdom, and the
doors are opening. Arise! Arise! Arise!

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