Katsugen Breathing

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Katsungen Respiration - Seitai- Haruchika Noguchi

Katsungen Breathing - Seitai- From the Haruchika Noguchi System for the
treatment of ailments.
By Haruchika Noguchi
Living creatures breathe, something that is particularly obvious in the case of animals. The
essence of respiration is not merely the superficial phenomenon of exchanging oxygen and
carbon dioxide; the breathing is a fundamental activity necessary for maintenance and
operation of life. In fact [in Japanese], IKURU (live) is iki suru
(breathing) I imagine they know when something - a candle, for example - are
burned, the carbon compounds that make up the candle together with
oxygen and decompose, and that the result is not only the production of
water and carbon dioxide, a source of heat is generated. The way in
which living creatures maintain their life is similar to combustion: the
substances taken from the outside become constituents of the structure
cell and are stored as energy in a material state. At the same
time, these substances are decomposed and consumed, the energy being
produced in this process employed by the activity of the organism.
Considering the oxidation that takes place inside the living being, the
beginning of the process of decomposition of substances can occur in the
absence of oxygen, but without additional oxygen, the reaction will stop at
that moment. The decomposition process of substances within the body in the
absence of oxygen can be called intramolecular respiration, breathing
Anaerobic catabolism or breathing. Moreover, respiration having
in the presence of oxygen is named aerobic respiration. This type of
breathing is through the respiratory organs, not just the
lungs, skin also is an even greater respiratory organ.
Among simple living creatures are those only by
breathing on his skin. Earthworms and leeches do this. The
creatures such as loaches [a type of small fish] and larvae of
dragonflies breathe through their skin as somehow more so. Breathing
lung of humans occurs regularly as the movement
of the lungs.
Breathing is a process of anabolism and catabolism. What happens in the
interior of the body of an organism it does not have the speed of burning a
candle, but does so more slowly and a more complicated way. You can
think of this in terms of fermentation combustion, as when made
yoghurt or beer. Oxygen is supplied in order to burn and
decompose the substances stored in the body; this gives as a
result of oxidation, and which may be called as final product, dioxide
carbon is expelled into the atmosphere. This is called respiration. Thus
as there are two types of breathing: external respiration, in which there is a
gas exchange between body fluids and the environment; and
internal respiration, through which there is a gas exchange between the
body fluid and cells. External breathing is through

the respiratory organs. But is the internal breathing that we can

consider as breathing, in its true essence, of living creatures.
This internal breathing involves rupture and oxidation of substances in
order to obtain the energy necessary for the living activity of the
cells. The internal breathing allows keep going even in the absence of
When some type of physical activity is carried out, the degree of breathing
increases without being aware of it. It is because the body needs
oxygen. In the case of a normal breath, inhale and exhale between 300
and 800 cc (the average is 500 cc) of air for each full breath, but if
a larger amount exhales, then you can get to inhale between 1500 and
3000 cc the supplement required average is 1600 cc) Even with
all lungs are on average 800 cc air. These remain
even if you try to drain all the air from the lungs.
With a capacity of 3700 cc breathing, the amount of air inhaled and
exhaled to live is 500 cc, one - ninth of the total capacity of the
lungs that is 4500 cc. Only the stomach is made to work at
120 percent of its capacity so it is natural that your balance can become
Basically, humans have an internal rhythm that works in
harmony with the ratio of four beats per breath. Hands,
legs, viscera and stomach maintain their operation according to
this rhythm and it is also true that, also the stomach, you should
use only one ninth of its capacity. That is why the
keep quiet and deep breathing has always considered, both
in East and West, as a way to stay healthy.
By Haruchika Noguchi
Translation: Luis Crespo
In the forms of breathing used by Hindus and yoga,
breathing is caught in the lower abdomen, it rises to the chest and
again again lead to the lower abdomen, or also must
maintain a breath that has a rate of six beats per each
full breath. These forms [breathing] were intended to give
added importance to the breath. Breathing methods used by
Chinese to prolong life, and Taoism, is innermost nature and
the method used to gather breath in the lower abdomen
is, even today, new. In Zen Buddhism techniques are used
respiratory, and in Japan there is the art of "long breath." The word
English "spirit" of the Latin word "breathe." These things definitely
demonstrate that respiration human beings was something
remarkable for primitive peoples. Even today it is not a phenomenon
ordinary but, as a result of our knowledge, the fact that we
breathe is not surprising or leads to recognize that is extraordinary.
This attitude does not differ from that is implicit in someone who tells a child,

"Thunders and lights - it's only electricity, you know"; For this reason the
minds of city kids today do not work with freshness [purity].
Compared with people in the remote past, the mental activities of
people today have no freshness [purity] whatsoever.
In any case, we teach Katsugen breathing is analogous to
intramolecular breathing involves the use of imagination, and is one of the
seitai respiratory Gyoki practices call. We practice breathing
down your spine.
The object of breathing is intramolecular Katsugen breath, so
not think of a direct connection to external respiration; what is done
is to breathe calmly and deeply while attention gathers in a
particular part of the body. When, after scratching a finger, one becomes
aware for the first time has been scratched, the pain increases. One can
assume that this is because Katsugen unconscious breathing has become
more sensitive that part. And not only the sensitivity: if one realizes
that is bleeding and draws attention to the fact, the bleeding will increase
suddenly. Then you can notice that the blood circulation,
also, is connected with the rest of the vital functions. For the same
reason, the mere thought of running water when, for example,
is one in a boring meeting may make you unable to think of anything other
than go to the toilet.
In this sense, breathing Katsugen, if it takes place in a passive way,
it can be inconvenient; but if they practice with the intention to explore
actively the body and circulation of ki in it, they can make
a role more active when needed. If you do breathing
Katsugen when their stomach hurts, the pain will increase somewhat but
not much later disappear; this is because, although the sensitivity
increases, they also become more active stomach functions. The
breathing Katsugen through the palms together is the way
to get ability to do yuki, and made through the spine
is the way to make the UNDO Katsugen arises spontaneously. It is
difficult to breathe through the column, but once you are able to do, it is
more convenient. No matter how tired they are, if they breathe through the
spine three or four times, they will sweat slightly along the
column and fatigue disappear with the sweat. When they are nervous
before an exam or another situation, if breathing down your spine,
soon they will be sedate and emerge a new energy. Just
keep breathing in the lumbar vertebrae is the secret to regain
youth. Once they have learned, through experience, to breathe
through the column, see that it is immensely appropriate and will be able to
discover a independent of what happens around them.
It 's good for someone whose head is lazy to do Katsugen, breathe
in the point between the eyebrows. If they see someone in pain, all you have to
do is cause the Katsugen breathing through the palm of his hand,
directing your breath to the person. This is what we call yuki and has
an unlimited effectiveness. We do not know because it happens, when asked

yuki someone, your body gives life and even his facial color becomes bright and
full of life. By yuki, giving light turns fast and painless, and
children grow up with more energy. Also with yuki they can cure
injuries and diseases of cats, dogs and birds. Even relaxes stiffness
of a corpse when asked yuki. The more you use one the yuki, with more
things you will be surprised. In any case, breathing
Katsugen is something interesting. Before you start arguing about the same, they start by trying
it .
If you are older [old], retain your breath for the column in the
lumbar vertebrae, making this a number of times a day for several
days, and will find that their shriveled sexual organs have regained
new vigor, and along with this , feelings and physical strength
probably again be as before getting old. If you have a
weak, indecisive character, breathe through the column and, without being aware of it,
human beings will become a strong willpower. They may think,
before they begin to practice breathing Katsugen, I'm
exaggerating, but when they have practiced for a while,
think that what I said was too moderate.
In any case, I experience it first and then open their mouths, I am
convinced that what say the same individual before and after practice
will be different.
You can practice it live or expose it online in the next intensive carving of natural breathing.

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