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Sermon Title .

One Nation Under God Part II

Sermon Text.. Psalm 33:1-22
Invocation Scripture. . 1 Tim 2:1-6
Main Idea :

The nation that chooses to be under

God is the nation that is blessed and
prospered, the nation that doesnt is

Objective : To challenge members to teach their

children and grand children that our
nation was founded by Christian men,
who believed the Christian religion and
who enshrined its essence and heart into
the structures of our nation.
One Nation Under God
Psalm 33:1-22
Point I :

The Power of Being One Nation Under

God .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Psalm 33:1-9

Point II :

The Prudence of Being One Nation

Under God . . . . . . . . . . . . Psalm 33:10-15

Point III:

The Protection of Being One Nation

Under God . . . . . . . . . . . Psalm 33:16-20

Point IV: The Peace of Being One Nation Under

God .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Psalm 33:21-22

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1) The Peace from Earthly Fear 2) Of Heavenly Hope 3) In Every Moment

One Nation Under God

Psalm 33:1-22
We come today to the final point of our 4 part
sermon. I hope and pray that as we have walked
through this Psalm that have a new appreciation for the
incredible presence of God in the founding of our
nation and that you realize, that unlike what the media,
our colleges, universities and secondary schools have
been teaching, the men and women who founded our
nation, who shaped its governmental structures and
who knit the very fabric of our society, were indeed
VERY Christian men and women.
In addition, I hope and pray that you have been
inspired to study a bit about these great and Godly
men... To remind our current leaders of what these men
said and of the intent they had in the founding of our
nation!! I am also hoping that each of us have seen the
connection between One Nation Under God and One
Family under God and One Person Under God, for as
we determined in these last few weeks, unless the
people of a nation bring themselves under the mighty
hand of God, the nation ITSELF will not be under the
mighty hand of God! For we clearly say that our nation
is of the people, by the people and for the people
We will also reemphasize once again today, that if
you have called out to God through faith in Jesus
Christ, confessing your sin and seeking His forgiveness
and restoration and become a Christian... Just like our
founding fathers, you have obligated yourself to obey

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1) The Peace from Earthly Fear 2) Of Heavenly Hope 3) In Every Moment

God, to place His Will (that is clearly expressed

through His Holy Word, the Bible) as your will. That
you will believe Him and His word and not set them
aside, that you will work through the power of the Holy
Spirit to weave the threads of His truth into every fiber
of your life! And that you have pledged not to deviate
from these truths throughout your life.
I submit to you today my friends, that the Peace of
being One Nation Under God, comes only to us when
we obey the Holy Word of God, and let it speak for
itself in its most plan and simple context! That any
attempt to twist it or to squeeze out of it something that
is not there destroys the blessings and benefits that it
was designed to bring to mankind. And what are those
Benefits... They are the Power, the Prudence, the
Providence Being One Nation under God! With those
elements in place my friends, we then can experience
the Peace of Being One Nation Under God! And that is
our fourth and final point today.. .Turn with me back to
Psalm 33 and let us consider this fourth and final point
and as we read, I would like for you to see 3 things
1) Peace of God from Earthly Fears, 2) the Peace of a
Heavenly Security and the 3) Peace of knowing Gods
presence every moment of every day!
< < < Read: Psalm 33:20-22 > > >
Point IV: The Peace of Being One Nation Under
God .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Psalm 33:20-22
Psa 33:20-22 Our soul waits for the LORD; He is
our help and our shield. (21) For our heart

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1) The Peace from Earthly Fear 2) Of Heavenly Hope 3) In Every Moment

rejoices in Him, Because we trust in His holy name.

(22) Let Your lovingkindness, O LORD, be upon
us, According as we have hoped in You.
Peace from Earthly Fears. . . . . . . . . . . . Psalm 33:20
Psa 33:20-22 Our soul waits for the LORD; He is
our help and our shield.
The passage says that we should wait for God... and
from our human perspective this is a difficult thing,
because in general the nature of man is for his own
benefit and for the immediate attention to that desire
which he has. To be driven by our desires is to be
bound by the heaviest and strongest chains that can be
placed on the heart, the mind, and the person of any
human being and does not provide any means of Peace
to the heart, the mind and the soul of man.
And thus, the call to wait... the call to patience, the
call to faith... is implicit here in this verse.
Patience is a hard lesson for mankind to learn, and
yet I believe that patience is a foundational pillar to true
peace of heart and peace of mind. // Not being driven by
the things that wage war within us, not being overcome
and overwhelmed by the things that seem to threaten
from the outside provide the platform for TRUE peace.
But patience my friends, must have a focus,
patience must have an end in mind and hear me... hear
me... A sure and certain hope!
That means that patience for the sake of patience is
worthless, it is meaningless... Waiting on the Lord

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1) The Peace from Earthly Fear 2) Of Heavenly Hope 3) In Every Moment

must be intentional and active... You see, the Psalmist

here says Our soul waits for the LORD;
Consider the truth that the psalmist speaks to the
SOUL of man, not just to his/her heart or mind... the
soul is the very essence of WHO we are, that which is,
in fact, eternal!! THERE IS AN ETERNAL
COMPONENT!!! With our waiting focused on God,
on our Lord on the creator and sustainer of the universe,
there is confidence.. There is genuine hope, that is not
grounded in something that can not produce results, but
rather grounded in a REALITY that will come to
When our life is founded on faith, then the eternal
overshadows and colors all that we do! All of a sudden
we realize that God has a plan and a purpose for our
lives, that our lives have ultimate meaning and purpose
and that God Himself desires an eternal relationship and
has proven this truth by sending His Son, Jesus Christ,
to right the wrong that man inflicted upon Himself, to
restore the relationship that fills and fulfills mankind!
And what is that? An eternal relationship with the very
God of the Universe!! It is in this knowledge that
TRUE peace is experienced...
But the writer, also reveals his faith in God and his
understanding of the Loving Providence of God as we
saw so clearly in last weeks message... Look at what he
writes at the end of this verse...
He is our help and our shield.
Wow... If I know that I have a helper... if I know
that I have one to shield me... I can move an act and

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1) The Peace from Earthly Fear 2) Of Heavenly Hope 3) In Every Moment

function in my life in true peace and comfort.

May I ask you this morning my friends... Do
you wait on God... Is He a part of your every day
thinking? Is your confidence... your trust, you
reliance upon Him?
If so, then I submit that you CAN live with a deep
sense of Peace and Contentment, for in that confidence
in Him we can truly KNOW peace! It is faith, that
gives us His peace so that we can trusts in His provision
and protection... and thus any individual, any family,
yes, even any nation, who puts their trust in the Lord, is
that nation that will have TRUE peace! Because peace
in the soul, is not subject to the storms that swirl around
us!! We can be in the midst of a battle and know the
peace of God!
General Stonewall Jackson was quoted as saying,
My religious belief teaches me to feel as safe in battle
as in bed. God has fixed the time for my death. I do not
concern myself about that, but to always be ready, no
matter when it may overtake me.

O beloved... this allows a man not only to live in

Peace, but to live courageously, intentionally and with
focus and passion!
And what is it that the power and presence of God
can protect you from my friend? Even a cursory study
of scripture reveals that the providential hand of God
can protect us and provide for us in terms of food,
clothing, shelter... can make provision for the peace and
security needed to raise families and to provide for

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1) The Peace from Earthly Fear 2) Of Heavenly Hope 3) In Every Moment

them, to enjoy the world that God has made, to be able

to learn about all the amazing things that God has
placed in this world, things that we can learn and
discover, be amazed and delighted about. And yes...
God can stay the hand of the enemy, can keep them
from touching our lives and all the things that He, in
His gracious provision, showers upon us!!
He is, INDEED our help and our shield!! And that
in every aspect of our humanness... our weakness, our
struggles with the flesh in which we now live, He is
sufficient! The Power, the Prudence and the Protection
of God, make possible the PEACE of God!!
Just as the heart of a child is moved from terror to
peace, from fear to contentment when in the presence
and loving arms of a strong father... in whom they have
total confidence, // so too, the people and the nation
who have placed themselves squarely within the
providential protection of the one true and living God
of the Universe, they can find and know His peace, and
in that peace, they are freed to prosper!! Without it...
hear me... hear me... they are doomed to struggle! With
fears from within and fears from without... That is why
religious freedom was so important to our founders!
They knew that God had granted mankind certain
inalianable rights, which are life, liberty and the
pursuit of happiness... These things CANNOT happen
when fear and oppression exists!
John Adams, Our 2nd President
It is the duty of all men in society, publicly, and at
stated seasons, to worship the SUPREME BEING,

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1) The Peace from Earthly Fear 2) Of Heavenly Hope 3) In Every Moment

the great Creator and Preserver of the universe.

And no subject shall be hurt, molested, or
restrained, in his person, liberty, or estate, for
worshiping GOD in the manner most agreeable to
the dictates of his own conscience; or for his
religious profession or sentiments; provided he
doth not disturb the public peace, or obstruct
others in their religious worship.
John Adams, Thoughts on Government, 1776

So we see clearly that Being One Nation, or One Person

that is TRULY under God provides a Spiritual, Mental
and Emotional Framework of Peace... a Peace that
frees us to pursue the gifts and talents God gives so
that we can become ALL that He Desires!!!
But there is a second thing here my friends...
Peace for Eternal Provisions.. . . . . . . . . . Psalm 33:21
(21) For our heart rejoices in Him, Because we
trust in His holy name.
What does it mean to trust in His holly name
The answer is clear and it is simple... it is a direct
reference to Faith in Jesus Christ!
Act 4:12 "And there is salvation in no one else; for
there is no other name under heaven that has been
given among men by which we must be saved."
Listen my friends... Man fears what he doesnt know!
Death is the ultimate fear for mankind. From this side
of heaven, we can not understand it!!

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1) The Peace from Earthly Fear 2) Of Heavenly Hope 3) In Every Moment

All that one whom love was, all that they might still
have been, in our mind and in our personal experience
is gone!! The life, the love, the hope, the touch, the
tears, the laughter, the joy... It is all robbed from us in
death when someone dies, we cannot see beyond the
shell of their body, we can not hear any more their
voice, their body is lifeless... From our perspective ALL
has ended!
And yet... within every person is the nagging truth
that mankind is more than just this flesh and blood, that
there is something more than the heart, the mind, the
feelings... There is a Spiritual component!! An essence
of man that lives on...
This The BIBLE confirms my friends!!! Turn to
Luke 16 and hear from Jesus Himself....
< < < Read: Luke 16:19-31 > > >
Listen my friends, your suspicions are correct, you DO
LIVE FOREVER!!! That is not the question!! The
question is WHERE?.... And Jesus presents to us only
two options!!! In the presence of God in Heaven or
separated from God in the fires of Hell!!!
YOU CHOOSE!!! I CHOOSE!!! And we do that
on this side of heaven!!! If you choose faith in Christ,
then you choose the Temporal and the Eternal peace
that this choice provides!!
Act 4:12 "And there is salvation in no one else; for
there is no other name under heaven that has been
given among men by which we must be saved."

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1) The Peace from Earthly Fear 2) Of Heavenly Hope 3) In Every Moment

Isnt that what we learned in our last series on sharing

our faith with the GRACE Presentation... What was the
letter A? Atonement, God provides atonement, the
forgiveness of sin through His Son Jesus Christ... and
then what was the letter C? Choose.. We must letter C Choose and letter C - Christ and letter C we must
confess Him and believe in Him?
Rom 10:8-11 But what does it say? "THE WORD
HEART"--that is, the word of faith which we are
preaching, (9) that if you confess with your mouth
Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God
raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; (10)
for with the heart a person believes, resulting in
righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses,
resulting in salvation. (11) For the Scripture says,
O beloved... there is a clear Confidence that we can
have through Faith in Jesus Christ of an Eternal
existence that is beyond anything that we can think or
imagine!! Yes... One Nation, One Person Under God
provides Peace as a result of the Heavenly Hope that
God has revealed to us!!
Because of His revelation of this final state, it
impacts the attitudes and the choices that we make on
this side of heaven!! Are you seeing more clearly then
why our first supreme court Justice, John Jay wrote...
"Providence has given to our people the choice of

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1) The Peace from Earthly Fear 2) Of Heavenly Hope 3) In Every Moment


their rulers, and it is the duty as well as the

privilege and interest of our Christian nation [sic]
to select and prefer Christians for their rulers."
John Jay, "The Correspondence and Public Papers of John Jay", Henry P. Johnston, ed.
(NY: Burt Franklin, 1970), Vol. IV, p. 393, October 12, 1816

O beloved... The Power of being One Nation under

God, coupled with the Providence of being one nation
under God, moves us to understand that it is Prudent to
be One nation under God in order that we might
experience the Peace of being One nation under God!
But may I quickly add one final thought that is so
clear in our text today... Look back at Psalm 33:22
Peace of the Heart and Mind. . . . . . . . . . Psalm 33:22
(22) Let Your lovingkindness, O LORD, be upon
us, According as we have hoped in You.
Listen friends... The psalmist prayer here is that the
lovingkindness of God be upon them.... Have you ever
prayed that prayer?
Perhaps you should? It is a good thing to pray that
the Loving Kindness of God be upon you and upon
your family, your children and grand children... your
vocation or your business, your community your state,
yes even our nation!!! For the Nation that chooses to
be One Nation Under God provides the possibility for
its citizens to daily live in the knowledge of the loving
kindness of God... Because the nation that chooses to be
One Nation Under God provides the framework
within which its citizens can express their faith and

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1) The Peace from Earthly Fear 2) Of Heavenly Hope 3) In Every Moment


live that full and meaningful Christian life that God

desires for them to live!!
But a nation that turns its back on God opens the
door for all kinds of trauma and terror that weaves the
fabric of its culture... Turn to Rom 1:18 and see what
happens to mankind when he steps over that final
hurdle of wickedness and slaps God in the face...
< < < Read: Romans 1:18-32 Focus vs 28 > > >
What was the straw that broke the camels back?
What was the last hurdle before plunging into this
hornets nest of total depravity, that will LITERALLY
rob every citizen of its Peace, its hope, its security,
its ability to enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of
hapiness It is the adoption of a culture of death, the
homosexual lifestyle.... That is the spring board from
which all of these other ills comes! And our courts
have now opened that Pandoras box wide!!! And the
flood of oppression, debauchery and wickedness are
already flowing!
And yet... even in that... the Christian can know
Peace... Just as General Jackson said... We can know
peace, because we KNOW God and God has our time
and His purpose for our life fixed...
You see my friends, the truth is, that the greatest
peace we can experience on this side of heaven, may
not be peace from the context of war, or even crime,
or other conflict... It is the peace of knowing that
our life is safe and secure in the hands of our
Heavenly Father, because of the Atoning work of

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1) The Peace from Earthly Fear 2) Of Heavenly Hope 3) In Every Moment


Jesus Christ the Son of God, who came and gave His
life for each of us!! And has granted to us, the
promise of the Heavenly Father, by sending the very
Presence of the Holy Spirit of God, who abides with
us and dwells within us, to strengthen us, give us
understanding of the Word of God and of how to
live that full and meaningful Christian life, so that
no matter what we face, we face on the Earth... we
face it with confidences, (Point I) because of the
Heavenly Hope (point II) that we have, so that in
EVERY MOMENT of Each and Every day, we can
live with peace in our heart, know that we are sons
and daughters of the King of Kings and Lord of
Lords and that HE is in control and in charge of all
things and thus... so that we know that 1Co 10:13
No temptation has overtaken you but such as is
common to man; and God is faithful, who will not
allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but
with the temptation will provide the way of escape
also, so that you will be able to endure it.
Listen friends, when we cry out to God, when we
make Him and integral part of our personal, community
and national life, we can expect that as we cry out to
Him that He will hear us and protect us.
When we are waiting on Him, when the very
fiber of our nation revolves around Him, we can indeed
expect His provision and we can hope in Him!!
O beloved... The words of Maccartney a british
historian in 1857 are chilling as we consider them

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1) The Peace from Earthly Fear 2) Of Heavenly Hope 3) In Every Moment


today, he wrote...
"Your Republic will be as fearfully plundered and
laid waste by barbarians in the twentieth century
as the Roman Empire was in the fifth, with this
difference, that the Huns and Vandals who ravaged
the Roman Empire came from without, and that
your Huns and Vandals will have been engendered
within your own country by your own institutions."
Does that make you quiver.... It should...
When you consider what we face today, the words
of President Abraham Lincoln become profound....
We the people are the rightful masters of both
Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the
Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert
the Constitution. Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln Memorial - See more at:

Listen my friends... Do you want to have peace, peace

that leads to prosperity, productivity, provision and
abundance? Then we must turn back to God!
But I fear, that in our apathy we have given away
our ability to retain that through our political structures.
In our sleep, we have let the evil and wicked of the
world take over our nation, and so we, like the first
century Christians will have to begin once again and
one by one, reach men and women with the Gospel,
then, if Christs coming will wait... there may
eventually be an America again that CHOOSES to be
one Nation Under God...

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1) The Peace from Earthly Fear 2) Of Heavenly Hope 3) In Every Moment


But if that is not to be... Then my friends... We can

live our individual life as one person under God... we
can lead our families to be one family under God, and it
through that solid, stable structure, that the World can
Know that God is, that He is the creator of all things
and that He is sovereign and that His Son will return
and that we must be ready!
Let us pray...

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