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The Integrated and Accredited Professional Organization of Architects

National Headquarters: 53 scout Rallos St., Diliman, Quezon City, 1103 Philippines
Telephone Nos. (632) 412-6364, 412-6374, 412-6403 Fax No. (632) 372-1796
E-mail: Website:


Series of 2006


National Committee on Membership

Membership Policy Manual

Series of 2005


Definition of Terms and Acronyms


Subject and Qualifications for Membership




Deadline of Membership Registration and Payment of Annual Dues


UAP Number


Classifications of UAP Regular Members


Official Roster of UAP Members


Chapter Membership


Oath of Membership


Annual Renewal of Membership


Membership Reactivation


Membership Disqualification


Membership Recognitions

Membership Policy Manual

Series of 2006

Article V Section 40 of Republic Act No. 9266, otherwise known as The Architecture Act of 2004 duly signed into law by
President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo on March 17, 2004, enunciated the Integration of the Architecture Profession to wit:
The Architecture profession shall be integrated into one (1) national organization which shall be accredited by the Board
(Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture), subject to the approval by the Commission (Professional Regulation Commission),
as the integrated and accredited professional organization of architects: Provided, however, that such an organization shall be
registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), as a non-profit, non-stock corporation to be governed by By-Laws
providing for a democratic election of its officials. An architect duly registered with the Board shall automatically become a member
of the integrated and accredited professional organization of architects and shall receive the benefits and privileges provided for in
this Act upon payment of the required fees and dues. Membership in the integrated and accredited professional organization of
architects shall not be a bar to membership in other associations of architects.
Moreover, the Rules and Regulations Implementing the Provisions of Republic Act 9266 otherwise known, for brevity,
as the IRR of the Architecture Act of 2004, provided complimentary provisions in its Rule No. V Section 40, Paragraphs 2-4 to wit:
Pursuant to the Boards Resolution No. 3 Series of 2004 consequently approved by the Commission, the United
Architects of the Philippines, Inc. (UAP) duly registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as a non-profit, nonstock corporation governed by By-Laws providing for a democratic election of its officials, is the integrated and accredited
professional organization of architects.

An architect duly registered with the Commission shall automatically become a member of the UAP and shall
receive the benefits and privileges provided for and described in its by-laws upon payment of the required fees
and dues. The UAP shall keep an updated official registry of its bona-fide members indicating membership
and annual dues official receipt number.


Bona-fide members of the UAP practicing the architectural profession shall be required to provide their official
UAP registration number and annual membership dues official receipt number and date of payment, among
others, on official documents prepared by them for purposes of obtaining government regulatory permits and

On July 22, 2004, the SEC officially approved the new 2004 version of the By-Laws and Amended Articles of
Incorporation of the United Architects of the Philippines, Inc. Its certification ushered in the adoption of the UAP as the integrated
and accredited professional organization of architects as embodied in Republic Act No. 9266, otherwise known as Architecture Act
of 2004.
These developments broadened the fundamental framework of the rules and guidelines for registered architects
practicing in the Republic of the Philippines. That is, to be automatically entered (as of March 17, 2004) as members of the UAP
as enunciated in the aforementioned article.
Basically, this has been the most logical platform of argument by which this manual derived its purpose.


As used in this Policy and Procedures Manual, the following terms shall be defined as follows:

Architect means a person professionally and academically qualified, registered and licensed under R.A.9266
with a Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card issued by the Professional Regulatory
Board of Architecture and the Professional Regulation Commission.


UAP means the United Architects of the Philippines, Inc., the integrated and accredited professional
organization of architects in the Philippines in which all registered Filipino architects shall be members without
prejudice to membership in other voluntary professional associations.


R.A. 9266 means the Architecture Act of 2004


PRBOA means the Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture


PRC means the Professional Regulation Commission.


SEC means Security and Exchange Commission

Membership Policy Manual

Series of 2006


Series of 2007


An architect duly registered with the Board shall automatically become a member of the United Architects of the
Philippines, the integrated and accredited professional organization of architects and shall
receive the benefits and privileges provided for upon payment of the required fees and dues.



Every architect registered with the PRC-PRBOA shall register for membership with the United Architects of the


Registration to UAP membership may be made through the UAP National Secretariat or any UAP Chapter the
new member would like to belong to.


Registrant shall accomplish two (2) sets of duly approved membership application form. Payment of the
processing fee and the initial annual dues can likewise, be made through the UAP National Secretariat, or any
UAP Chapter through its Treasurer.
Chapter contact persons and telephone numbers may be
telephone numbers (632)4126364, 4126374, 4126403.



secured from the UAP National Secretariat ,



Active UAP Chapter members vying to become members of the Electoral College or the College of Fellows,
the deadline of registration and payment of annual dues is September 30.


There is no registration deadline for new members, however it is mandated by law that without the UAP
number, which can be attained only thru registration with the UAP, non-paying members forfeit their rights and
privileges to practice the architectural profession.


Regular members who fail to pay their annual dues likewise forfeit their rights and privileges to practice the
architectural profession.


Registrant may pay their Chapter annual dues directly to the UAP-IAPOA National Secretariat provided they
are updated in their National Annual Dues. Payment will be acknowledged and turned-over by the UAP
National Secretariat to the Chapter Treasurer who will in turn issue the Chapter Official Receipt to the
registrant. Chapter Dues may differ from other chapters as this is established by their own Chapter Board.


New registrants are issued permanent UAP numbers however, this can only be valid for use in documents
requiring governmental permits if accompanied by an updated receipt number of annual dues payment.


Pursuant to the provisions of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Architecture Act of 2004, every
UAP member is required to provide their UAP number on all documents requiring governmental permits.


All members are required to affix their UAP Number together with their receipt number and date of issue on
every architectural drawings and documents prepared by them. The sequence of the UAP number shall be as

Permanent UAP Registration No.
(Issued by the UAP National
Secretariat only)

UAP Official Receipt No.

(Issued by the UAP National
Secretariat only)

Date Issued


Validity of the UAP number is consistent and coincides with the UAPs fiscal year (July 1 to June 30) of
the current year.

Membership Policy Manual

Series of 2006



Active Members
1.1 Members who diligently pay their dues (National and Chapter) and are active members of a UAP chapter;
1.2 Not under suspension from the practice of architecture by the PRC-PRBOA;
1.3 Rights and Privileges
1.3.1 A regular member has the right and privilege to practice the architectural profession.
1.3.2 To vote in his Chapter, be nominated to chapter board and be voted upon;
1.3.3 Be elected as a member of the Electoral College and be voted upon;
1.3.4 To print after his/her name the initials, UAP representing United Architects of the Philippines;
1.3.5 Subscribe to all publications and documents issued by the UAP for information,
assistance and guidance of its members;
1.3.6 Participate in all activities of the General Membership;
1.3.7 Receive the certificate of membership;
1.3.8 Avail subsidy on the registration fees on conventions and conferences.
1.4 Duties and Responsibilities
1.4.1 Attend diligently and consistently Chapter, District, Area and National activities and functions of the
1.4.2 Participate actively in Chapter, District, Area and National activities and holding positions of
responsibilities, and serving the Organization through conscientious contribution of time, talent and
1.4.3 Regularly renew membership in good standing status thru the diligent payment of annual dues and
update membership databank;
1.4.4 At all times, uphold the dignity of being a regular professional member of the UAP through
consistently improving professional competence by way of continuing professional development
(CPD), and honorable personal conduct.

2. 0

2.1 Members who diligently pay their dues but are still undecided on their memberships to any particular UAP
2.2 A member of a UAP Chapter based abroad, classified as Filipino Citizen and has not waived his/her
Philippine Citizenship, or is classified as Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW), and is updated in his/her
financial obligations to the UAP organization is classified as an inactive Regular UAP member.
However, if he/she is classified as non-Filipino Citizen by adopting other/foreign nationality and
citizenship, he/she will be subjected to the provisions of the R.A 9266, PRC-BOA Resolutions, UAP ByLaws, the APEC Registry of Architects, the Philippine Dual Citizenship Law, whether he/she can be
classified as a Regular UAP Member.
2.3 Not under suspension from the practice of Architecture by the PRC-BOA.
2.4 Rights and privileges
2.4.1 Has the right and privilege to practice the architectural profession.
2.4.2 Receive a permanent UAP membership number.
2.4.3 To print after his/her name the initials, UAP representing United Architects of the Philippines.
2.5 Duties and Responsibilities
2.5.1 Diligent payment of annual dues and update membership databank;
2.5.2 At all times, uphold the dignity of being a regular professional member of the UAP through
consistently improving professional competence by way of continuing professional development
(CPD), and honorable personal conduct;
2.5.3 Consistently consider being an active member in the spirit of unity and reconciliation.


Delinquent Members
3.1 PRC-PRBOA registered architects, whether based locally or abroad, who neglect or do not pay
their UAP-IAPOA annual dues;
3.2 Members who opted not to pursue the architectural profession.

Membership Policy Manual

Series of 2006






The UAP, by virtue of R.A.9266, maintains an Official Roster of regular UAP members categorized into Active,
Sustaining and Inactive members, which is officially updated annually. However, through the regular electronic
Membership Database this Roster shall automatically update itself on a regular basis thereby maintaining an
up-to-date and detailed assessment of membership structure anytime of the year.


For regular members, this will allow, among others, for the accurate assessment, vis-a-vis UAP Comelec
requirements pertaining to the Electoral College and National Elections conducted during the UAP Annual
National Convention.


Architects updated in their annual dues and who are members of a UAP Chapter on the basis of residence,
place of work, or any place relevant to his/her practice as an architect avail of the benefits of an Active


No member shall simultaneously hold membership in more than one UAP Chapter;


Any member of a chapter who transfers his place of residence, place of work or place relevant to his practice
thereby losing his basis for membership can retain his membership in that chapter, provided he remains
active in the original chapter or transfers officially to another as provided for in this By-Laws.


Any member of a Chapter may transfer from one Chapter to another as provided hereunder:
4.1 A member shall be allowed to pursue his transfer to another Chapter only once a year on or before the
end of February of that current fiscal year.
4.2 A member shall be allowed to transfer to another Chapter only if his membership status is in good
standing. No UAP Chapter shall be allowed to admit transferees from other chapters unless the member
is in good standing at the time of the transfer.
4.3 A member who has decided and is qualified to transfer to another Chapter shall file three (3) sets of duly
accomplished application form for chapter transfer to the Chapter President of the Chapter of which he is
a member. The application form for chapter transfer can be secured from the National Secretariat.
4.4 The President of the originating chapter with the concurrence of the Chapter Board of Directors together
with the Chapter Treasurers certification of the members status, whether in good standing or not, shall
issue the approved or disapproved application form for Chapter transfer.
4.5 Should the application for transfer be approved by the Chapter, the three (3) copies of the application
form for the Chapter transfer shall be forwarded to the President of the Chapter-of-Choice of the member.
4.6 The Chapter through its Chapter Committee on Membership where the member is transferring to shall
review and evaluate the application for transfer and with concurrence of the Chapter Board issue the
acceptance of the transfer of the member into the Chapter. The Chapter Secretary shall inform the
member in writing of the acceptance of his request for transfer.
4.6 The Chapter Committee on Membership shall then forward the first set of the approved form for the
chapter transfer to the original Chapter for record purposes. The second set shall be forwarded to the
National Secretariat for the UAPs National Membership Databank, and the third set shall be retained by
the new host chapter.
4.7 It is incumbent upon the member to ensure that his/her membership to his/her chapter of choice is valid
and is officially recognized by the National Membership Databank.
4.8 Should any member be found to be listed under more than one chapter based on official records
generated by the National Secretariat, the member shall be dropped from all other chapters except in the
chapter where he was originally accepted when he first applied for regular UAP membership.


Official registration and acceptance to the chapter is attained when the registrant is formally inducted into the
chapter organization.


During the induction ceremony, the inducting officer shall turnover, to the new member, the official
membership paraphernalia consisting of the following:
2.1 Original Certificate of UAP Membership;
2.2 Oath of Membership duly signed by the inducting officer
2.3 UAP Pin (if any)


After the induction ceremony, a copy of the Oath of Membership duly signed by the new member and the
inducting officer shall be transmitted to the UAP National Secretariat for assignment of permanent UAP
membership number and for recording to the official roster of the UAP. The UAP National Secretariat will also
facilitate the processing of the UAP identification card which shall indicate among others, the new members
permanent UAP membership number.

Membership Policy Manual

Series of 2006





Members are encouraged to be conscientious of the timely payment of their annual dues to avoid disruption in
their practice of the architectural profession.


Renewal of membership updates the UAP numbers of a member and thus, is entitled to the rights and
privileges of a UAP member depending on their membership classifications.


Members who fail to renew their membership for a period prescribed in the UAP By-Laws are deemed
inactive. As such, they voluntarily waive their rights and privileges and shall be listed in the Membership
Roster of Inactive Members.


Whenever an Inactive member makes a full payment of the membership dues, penalty equivalent to ten (10%)
shall be added to the assessed annual dues.


Inactive members listed in the Official Membership Roster may reactivate their membership by applying
through the UAP National Secretariat.


Members applying for reactivation shall be assessed their total delinquent payments i.e., number of years
multiplied by annual dues, plus ten (10%) percent surcharge as penalty.


Should a member declare incapability to settle in full all pending annual membership dues (National and
Chapter), he/she shall be allowed to pay only the delinquent dues and will remain in the Inactive Status. As an
inactive member, he/she therefore is unable to practice the architectural profession.


Unless an amnesty program is passed and approved by the UAP National Board, it is incumbent upon the
member to correct said deficiencies without delay.

The following shall be the basis for disqualification for UAP-IAPOA Membership:



Evidence that he/she is not a registered architect with the PRC-BOA;


Conviction by any courts of a felony involving moral turpitude, or other derogatory information supported by an


Inimical affiliation affecting the UAP By-Laws, Code of Ethical Conduct and Standards of Professional Practice
as determined and validated by the National Membership Committee and approved by at least three-fourths
(3/4) of the National Board.

The UAP has the following membership recognitions: Charter Member, Regular Member, Member Emeritus, UAP Senior
Member, and Fellow and Honorary Member of the College of Fellows.
1.1 Qualifications
The Members of the three organizations of Architects which were integrated as the UAP are considered as
Charter Members if they registered with the UAP on or before December 31, 1975.

Rights and Privileges

Every Charter Member who is in good standing with the UAP shall have the right to a document evidencing his
membership thereof, receive and abide by these Bylaws, use and print after his name, the initials, "CUAP",
representing "Charter Member, United Architects of the Philippines", and enjoy all the rights and privileges as
enumerated for the Regular Members.

Membership Policy Manual

Series of 2006

A Fellow is a Regular Member who has been elevated as Fellow. Upon his formal bestowal of the title Fellow, he
shall have the right to use and print after his name the initials "FUAP", representing "Fellow, United Architects of the
Philippines" and shall automatically become a Member of the College of Fellows.
All Fellows of the three organizations integrated as the UAP bestowed by their respective organizations on or before
December 31, 1975 and accepted and registered in the UAP College of Fellows on or before August 31, 1979 are
considered Fellows of the UAP.
2.1 Qualifications
Regular Members, to qualify for nomination as Fellow must have been in good standing with the UAP
continuously for at least ten (10) years at the time of his nomination and must have rendered notable contribution
to the advancement of the architectural profession in any of the fields of Design, Construction, Management and
Technology, Education or Public Service; in addition to Exceptional Service to UAP; for which the Jury of Fellows
nominated him as Fellow and confirmed by the UAP National Board of Directors (hereinafter referred to as the
National Board).
2.2 Nomination
Nomination for Elevation as Fellow shall be made through a written petition by a Chapter in good standing where
a nominee belongs, supported by a Board Resolution approved by the Chapter or by at least thirty (30) Regular
Members in good standing signing as nominators, or by a group of at least twenty (20) Fellows in good standing,
except the members of the Jury of Fellows.
No incumbent member of the National Board may nominate or be nominated as Fellow during his term.
2.3 Rights and Privileges
Every Regular Member who has been elevated as Fellow continues to enjoy all the rights, privileges and
responsibilities of a Regular Member. As a mark of distinction and honor, he has the privilege to use the title
"Fellow", print after his name the initials "FUAP" representing Fellow, UAP, and wear the medallion given for this
distinction at all formal functions of UAP; the right to wear the COF Pin, receive the Certificate of Membership to
the College of Fellows, be bestowed with the Plaque defining the merits of his Elevation to Fellow and the COF
Medallion evidencing the honor he received ; to attend all meetings of the College of Fellows and to sit with the
Jury of Fellows.
2.4 Honorary Member of the College of Fellows
2.4.1 Qualifications
Honorary Membership in the College of Fellows may be conferred upon any architect ( foreigner) of high
and reputable character who, having exceptionally contributed to the advancement of the architectural
profession; is nominated by at least thirty (30) UAP Fellows in good standing and approved by the
National Board upon recommendation of the Jury of Fellows as Honorary Member of the College of
2.4.2 Rights and Privileges
An Honorary Member of the College of Fellows has the right and privilege to be invited in the functions
and activities of the organization as may be decided by the National Board. Being an Honorary Member of
the College of Fellows is not a right to practice the architectural profession in the Philippines, which is
subject to the laws of the land for foreign professionals.
3.1 Qualifications
A Member Emeritus is a Regular Member who has been in good standing with the UAP continuously for at least
thirty-five (35) years with a record of loyalty and remarkable service to the organization. For Charter Members, the
number of years to be counted shall start from ones membership prior to the unification of the three architectural
organizations. Regular Members may be conferred the title of Member Emeritus upon written recommendation
of the Membership Committee and the Committee on Awards and approval by the UAP National Board.
3.2 Rights and Privileges

Membership Policy Manual

Series of 2006

Every Regular Member who has been conferred the status of Member Emeritus continues to enjoy all the rights,
privileges and responsibilities of a Regular Member. He has the privilege to use the title "Member Emeritus", print
after his name the initials "EUAP". He shall pay the required annual dues as Member Emeritus as prescribed in
these Bylaws.
The highest distinction that may be bestowed by the National Board upon a Fellow of the UAP is the Likha Gold Medal
Award. This award shall be given as recognition of his having impeccable moral character, the highest standards of
professional and ethical conduct, excellence and prestige in the practice of the architectural profession and having
performed distinguished contribution and service to UAP. He must also have exceptional achievements and active
participation in the concerns of the community and country.
5.1 Qualifications
Persons or individuals conferred Honorary Membership by the UAP before the passing of R.A. 9266 shall retain
the honor given to them.
5.2 Rights and Privileges
Honorary Members of the UAP shall have the right and privilege to be invited in all functions of the UAP as per
decision of the National Board. Honorary Membership may not be bestowed after the passing of R.A. 9266.
Republic Act No. 9266 (Architecture Act of 2004) March 17, 2004, Republic of
the Philippines.
UAP By-Laws and Amended Articles of Incorporation-2004 Approved
Version: United Architects of the Philippines (UAP) as certified by the
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) July 22,2004.
The Rules and Regulations Implementing the Provisions of the Republic Act No. 9266, Board of
Architecture(BOA), Professional Regulation Commission (PRC)
Policy and Procedures Manual for IAPOA Membership Series of 2004;
United Architects of the Philippines
Primer on Republic Act No. 9266. United Architects of the Philippines, Manila,

Membership Policy Manual

Series of 2006

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