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PIPP Drill

Feedback Cheat Sheet

Directions: Provide the teacher with one glow (i.e., strength) and grow (i.e., area for
growth) using the cheat sheet below. When delivering feedback, it can be helpful to use the
following sentence starters:
Glow: One thing you did well was
Grow: Next time, try
Constructive Feedback
(Next time try)
Economy of Language


Acknowledgement vs.

Nonverbal Gesture

Concisely telling your student why you are praising them

Delivering praise in fewer words

Praising replicable actions as opposed to traits so that

students can do it again.

Using a clearer (and stronger) statement of praise for the

behavior that exceeds expectations
Eliminating your praise language for the behavior that meets

Using a nonverbal signal to help convey the power of the

positive to your students (i.e. pat on the back, thumbs up)

Whispering to your student so that the conversation remains

between the two of you
Circulating- walk more discreetly to the misbehaving student
in order to draw less attention to his/her misbehavior.



A more positive tone/make it more upbeat for praise

A more neutral tone for acknowledgement

Body Language

A more casual pose

Managing your eye level to convey warmth (e.g. lean in or
crouch down to match the level of the student)

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