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RESURGAM ET LIBERTAS Let ome arse—and Fredo! Zarks Withdraw (pom them! 1 awoke the Lard of Speech! (ist on tis wind-omept apt of sand to bleach, {A warfsh hon Iam the Star tha sas August and arcane Trath, embated Awe ‘Whose might apointed me and armed, 0 teach “This One Word, this None Other Word 10 preach (Do wha thou wil shall be the hole of the Lew Among the rns of Carthage faitve, 1, the Bist English poet ever thst From Maly, whowe fant boss that he [Will pats"he smbles i bis drunken Ist Over the stten corp of Liberty,” Laugh in eile" Shall Liberty no re?" ‘The Council of the mie They tremble at A teror tot exorcised atthe pole. ‘The ees of Freedom glow Hike ery cat, "Let us aie (quot ‘one witehletotat) 2 tall about Ber neck o war us that Her presence threatens our inoral souls, That were our cu fo seule to Our holes = The dee sneered" Ben nl all he ca? Syucake Mursolink: “Look beneath my hat? 50 well T rattd-erown me Soperrt! My fears sce Freedom in he finest spark “OF light here proclaim snelgence Of any sor a capital fence! ‘Come, let ue eab the larder in the rk! Alas! "the test laid plans of men and mice Gang afc apy” Movne nibbled through the at That Held Hon meshed-but no mouse yet. Proved able by dues o by device Te leash hs limbs. Not thou with all hy lice, Mowe, cans force thy counsy to forget ‘The Gracch Bruno, and. Marin) -Let ‘The rons of Freedom fay once more her price For Freedam’ eyes can perce the ploomies ave And Freedom's laws fasten the wikis Krave, ‘Ave; remember Targa! Forward, Bem so ‘The Faith our fathers lived by and died for! Up, Farmer Freement Nall tothe bam-door All there Black shined and blacked vermin « THE ERUPTION OF AETS (July, 1923 ©) “Have not 1 spoken, event, Benito, “The bg the rave, the mighty Meson, The ultramodeen Cesar, with ey * Ve Vid Viele all he world agree, 00 Dies mere mountain think that fee Sir vp reiion? Shall such teeny-neeny oleanees vente Aispay thee spleen) And socinisn can? Subse, mosquito!” Inscruiale, the sbteranean ave (OF Alena beled ia avait dead Law ‘he gs would quel he Titans ory, wader Far, Earthquake! thei pani, rants heap LL ipo loa o Liberty aslep She wakes, She sts. Her tombatone? Tossed in shunder! o "Im this hour, compares, nameless South Tyrol, 1 teat if you raw in the gre) morning om the ramparts of ‘Monta the man of the land Tyrol prepared 10 die fr bt dome, for whose freedom he had fought bythe sie of your lncetore"Napolon then thought the withthe éouh of ish mom the heroic spit of T9P0l would ccllaie ie seceeed Miself "This ws the last time that we dare call ot bo on ‘mownians the holy name of our home "Phe Morning Post,” Su. 38h ‘TwROL. Some men ate lost to every sense of shane They ue to call tit cotry byt ame Abborred offence! it was indeed igh time For Masai 10 sspres the eine, Perish the eich whose ‘Tyrolean soul Fails co lot out the accured nameTyral) AAR Manolis you have yet to learn What quality of tame is wong o bar In mountain aie. “Twere wise m8 101 Meeting the glacier bred” of Banik! Tempe nt the spirit ofthe Stor! Mine eye Sees through the darkness of fury, The modern Gesser mect modern Tell ‘Tyrol hunt Afussoli! ame wo bell @ 11 nom del Tivale sto soppreio delta lingua le {ona in vinta dam dacrto del profes della farted guetta fonnado datt ata dopo la goers U nome dt Alto Apide bvtataimporto ot Tirelo mer sionte + gulls ab Aleting al roto dlls province Tat eit sompot, soe, annus, pubblico tri, note, future che portatiera Fantco nome. srsive Seguasral «le pertomne che atoporaterla parla pote Incorrarann nee pone comminate all dit 434 del Cofice (erate Hatin Talon Pree,” 15th tien 1985 TIROLO. ‘Schiata vglacc « svergogaata, questa (Chiesa nomare it patio sacl: Tirso! Sucilego misao! Inn apes 1 Sommo Dace 8 far cesar it doo, Perse i vile Ia cl avita fee Non ool press alleseerata glco AM il rosepgiat sul mont gih swede; Dalla fore alle vette nerampa il fo. Ma come Mascon nom pavents Visa Is yace det perenal ghia, E Io spiro tenar della tormenta? Parmi veder vel trbida avvenire Gessernovello © novo Tell ul Bre ‘Non 6 i Too che doveh pet @ CORFU (Sept and, 1923 ex). Macbeth The caste of Macdup 1 will srprise: Seite upon Fife: pte f0 the edge ofthe sword ‘is wife, his uber, and all wnfertnate sole That trace him in is ine. No Batting like «oot; Ths deed 1 do, before th purpore coo o But the bratl character of tome o the Lelion demands ‘lth their favour of the Staite alliatum, the titre of (Greek testy, and the unprovoked bombardment0f an open ‘on without warning, provoke anivetial reprobation The sophisries by which 48 ought to palate oF to xnsin ee the wort of thse wearer do not dectve cbady The Times," Set 3. This old barbarous prctice which sindicaes “rational Aonour "by the bombardinent of ows and the seaphier lof nmacen cssons, ‘New York" Evening Pot.” Mealomaniae nation" Eileptecitomaes* "This inerational rebrand ”—" Ti saarhbuctor who Jas stayed out of the Middle ge.” Pret of the United States, ‘Signor Mussolin mould not reply 10 ch o dacoment if came fom a Great Power. by Sing that Powers tr tory Wik Corfu © Me hand, aly could bette sp the diac ond Corfu posses therefore Satie wgnifconce that bears on the delicate Tlations of Waly and Pago tov ‘Manchester Guardion = Sept the “ Giomale tae” “Phe Cort ehamnet ragetcally commands the mouth of the ddriatie end, ‘he possesion ofa marine nation, wold be like revoler lied of eal part of Hay (On the other hand hat been suceerted that Ualy in powesion of Corl which woald make an tcelen ib Imarine ace, coud arly clone the daria fo an} he? Power” The Isat London News,” Sept. 8th This reiver of Roman Impariatiom ought to bere ‘ninded that Caer. though nol shy Dlametes i pic life never atrauted 3 rye, New York Times.” ® THE GAMBLER'S LAST THROW Curse on the electoral heavens’ ominous wrack! [My throne 5 trering-bar timely tick Too fool folk yer ance more—Come,wity and quick! Diver their fekle minds to wm new wack! CCanot I ind some neighbour to stack? Some sarved and wounded weakling tay pick AA quareel with, and doctor him with sick, Wathout the danger of his hating back? tly mine! God, our good patra, ard et at to my prayer my brother riganas murder! ‘Thunder my threate-then-lest blood coal or folly Scbside, make haste to heap our cannon-sher (On some defences harkout! Great! We got ‘A douen orphans 3t the very ft soley! o INFERNO- * Modern Inprovemen's “The darkest dungeon of the dammed: beneath “The seventh crcl, were the Traore Thee Dell ininxpible infamy, Sate in his council Satan hough bis ett tinned the fou hope, hl ll Ms serpents seeche ‘In tate about hi towels: Let there be ‘New crime to cap out climax: T decree The fend that finds it worthy of the wsentht From one black comer one mean devil spat is sul "A masterpiece, and mine, be that! Take Fear, Ambition, Falnehood, Pride ally hem Im Maslin history shalt repoet— He cannonadd a defencelst port And murdered innocents t gratify them!” 9) THE MASSACRE OF THE INNOCENTS. Blind wich the lst of power surfed, ad raving Wik rors success, the despot rst Howling, th Hels fell Puries at his bees ach der drug smensifes the erasing For crime; the brutal eiunph of enslving His people sled; hy toreted frenay fess ‘The bloed-art ache, that sts delirious wheels (OF murder whistling in hie sul past sting Bloodshot, his bulging eyetalls fx eer glare (On Greece, bis have delight in ber despa, He need not fae t plunge his digi hrogh Her bruised breast. "Go forth yet and guste My thirst, tel biteress of murder!—drerch Im death the innocent chien of Crd an PEACEFUL aNo TEMPORARY. The Blood of am Armenian child cith [tom the ground “There in Janina’ salen forest lak Maske villain: spring, and slay, and diappears, ‘We know not of tei od, we children here In Cort, takiog refuge from the Turk:— We orphans, t» familiar with the work (Of blondy-minded men! We sailed seeng Feat Flee before Justice, with calm eyes and clear Percng the menace, murder ia te murk? Blind babes! your blood was needed 9 assage ‘The drovgit of Mussolin's rabid rage! Escaped from wolves, a. mad dog snaps hin jw Upon your flesh! Mine England, speak to! Floats ot thine Ensign om the Middle Se, ‘To mute urer and evabish Lan? a) THE PLAGUE CARRIER, Drowse not thow ares, amiable, absurd, ld Europe, dreaming comfortable Hes Enehnore Greed, Arropance, and Coward Explosion suey follows! Hast aot Beard ‘These manes Napoleon the Fusrmand Third And Wilheln? Theres 0 aed fa-or wie ‘That may escape is portion ofthe price (OF mocking Freedoms matory ‘ord Loose mot one moniter to devour thine house Deen oot so ile this mean malignant mou, ‘hat squeals la Rome tha per ies atin irl These vermin cary Paguel Mee prudence ids Statesmen deive sabe frm their weary id Till Europe fas made yp her mind to kia hin os) STRADDLING THE ANTE. Jonna} Fate decreed the mame unkiowa {Tl wow, a Seraevo's once. The tide ine rolls np, aed Rumour rumbles: Hide 0 tnore the howe where Murder et throne! Beware! the echo of the dying eonn ‘of an oscute Atehdke was multiplied Till mer from Canada and China ded Te avengesin vain-nhat 0 man ight ane “The brigands fle—Ieave Main 19 i+— ies thee exlait-hastns to outdo it “The mad dog tne mck, bombards Corto ‘Where mo man ested mat nd Nad rst hs stat From Hell or wherefores~Euroe, tape out ‘he spark of war-and Musoliat toot oo EPIGRAMS, 1 Phe Seecream Statesman, ‘My montse soa om a plate, shapely cone, Without backbone Av as U watched and mind, showed and Hopped, And sloped Iss ikling reales sell “ MENE, MENE TEREL, UPHARSIN,” Mister Mossel! “There's ots of things ook easy o fools ‘That seem not 0 te the wie Musotnt* pu God ack inthe schools "Hutmwho pu him Hack Inthe kes? 3. Blackie ow practical to wear a shit Whe colour will aot show the dict! How excelent 3 pol of at To meat a shirt to match my beat] Hapa fe for those wh hk [AU ighy with Kise to do thei workt 4 fomino-Corf 1 went to the North Pte ad shot ‘an Esquina upon tbe spr His friends ered "Out gpon the trator “They harried of to the Equator A, hang slain » Hoenn, Repoced at having got Revenge 10 very few days Inter 5. NeFartimo, Before she birth of Muslin, an Was tld by God " Get ona bet you can! Ales bis death the human race most plod Paten, beret that demi semi-God ned, in set-procectio, ft were lose Paina! co simulate forgeuioes Yes" Isc Cho tear the thin page Kose And put his sor Yo proper ste as)

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