Visual Studio Guidelines For Building A Project

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Data dictionary design document

Create a data dictionary that describes each data item you will use in your project. Each entry should contain:
Item name
This is the formal name that will be used to identify this data item. The name must follow the most
restrictive naming rules for all the software that will be using it.
Provide a brief description of the data item.
Data type
This is a description of the data type or structure for this data item. Examples are: character, Boolean,
integer, floating point, string, linked list, array.
This indicates the expected size of the data item. If the actual size is unknown, provide an estimate. If
the size will vary, provide the range of values (smallest and largest possible values).
Default values
Specify any default values that will be used
Acceptable values
For numeric data, specify the minimum and maximum values. For fixed lists of data, provide the list of
all acceptable values (50 states, true/false, Mr./Mrs./Miss).
Describe any security processes, procedures or needs (encryption).
Example using Excel:

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