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CMIS 351

Preliminary investigation on the project. Your documentation should contain the following sections:
1. Description of the problem or opportunity
Description of proposed system
who is affected (departments/customers/suppliers)
what systems are affected
2. Definition of project scope/constraints
what project will/must do (not how, just what) high-level overview
perhaps what it won't do high level overview
identify any constraints/limitations
consider cost/time/expertise/technology/politics
3. Findings of fact
List details of organization
Hierarchy chart/list of impacted areas
collect samples of existing reports/screens/programs
collect any other documentation
perform observations
may use interviews/surveys
managers/line workers/clerks
what do they do now?
What works/doesnt work well?
What would they change/like to see?
study current/similar systems
4. Analysis of costs/benefits/scheduling/usefulness
Use fact-finding info from step 3
what is the business case for the project?
Generate time and cost estimates rough estimates
5. Evaluate feasibility
four types operational/technical/economic/schedule
opinion and justification on each
6. Recommendation
Your recommendation whether or not to go forward
Justifications supporting recommendation

Operational feasibility
Does management support the project?
Will the new system result in workforce reduction?
Will the new system require training?
Will users be involved in planning/development?
Will the overall gain to the organization outweigh individual losses?
Will customers experience adverse impacts?
Is there any risk to company reputation/goodwill?
Does the development schedule conflict with other priorities?
Are there legal and/or ethical issues that need to be considered?
Technical feasibility
Does the company have the necessary hardware/software/network resources?
Does the company have needed technical expertise?
Does the proposed system have the capacity for expansion in the future?
Will the proposed system integrate with existing company and customer/supplier systems?
Will proposed hardware/software supply adequate performance?
Economic feasibility
Estimate costs for:
Staff, including in-house, consultants, etc.
Hardware, supplies and other equipment
Software, developed in-house and purchased
Licenses and fees
Other consulting expenses
Facility costs
Opportunity cost of not developing the system
Tangible benefits (ex. Reduces overtime, lowers costs, etc.)
Intangible benefits (ex. Improved customer satisfaction, enhances company image, more
info for better decisions)
Scheduling feasibility
Is firm timetable established?
Is the project assigned to a project manager?
What happens if the project is late?

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