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CMIS 230

Input/Output design specifications

There are two types of deliverables for the input/output design phase. The first is a description of each screen
and report for the entire application.
The deliverable for each report or screen display consists of two items. The first is a graphical depiction of the
report or screen display showing the approximate locations of all headings, labels, controls, data fields, totals,
graphics, images, videos, hidden data and any other items that would appear on the screen or report.

The second item is a textual description of each component that appears on the graphical depiction of the report
or screen. It should include the following:
Screen or report name
Name of each component on the screen or report
Type and description of each component on the screen or report
If the component is clickable, a description of the event or process that is initiated if that component is clicked
Includes buttons, list boxes, menu items, URLs
For example:
Clear fields

text box
text box
text box
list box

holds customer first name

holds customer last name
holds customer street address
holds 2-letter codes for 50 states
initiates the steps to add a new customer to the database
resets the screen fields back to the default settings

The second deliverable is a navigation map that shows all the linkages between the screens in your system. This
can be used to illustrate the menu system used, or the linkages between Web pages in a web-based application.
This is a simple document, containing simply a square to indicate a screen (or web page) and all the links from
it to the other screens (or web pages). This shows how users will get around in your application.
For example:

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