Mid Term - II: Law of Evidence

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Hari Singh Gour Sagar Vishwavidyalaya

(A Central University)
B.A. LL.B. Hons. IX Semester

Mid Term - II
Date: --/11/2014
Duration: 1 Hours

Maximum Mark: 20

Attempt all questions.


Answer the following in 50 words:

1. How will you prove a municipal law? (1 Marks)

2. A appears before a court as a witness and says that he is an Assistant Professor of Law at Dr.
Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalya, Sagar ( A Central University). What evidence is to be
produced before the court for proving that he is an Assistant Professor of law? (1 Marks)

3. Which kind of documents are the following: (1 Marks)

a) An insurance policy
b) A post-mortem report

4. How will you prove a certificate of registration? (1 Marks)

5. Whether a court can take judicial notice of a newspaper article? Give Reason? (1 Marks)


What is judicial notice? Of what facts court can take judicial notice? (4 Marks)


What do you understand from the term character of a person? To what extent it is relevant or
irrelevant in criminal cases? (5 Marks)


Elucidate upon the rule of best evidence with the help of statutory provisions and judicial
precedents? (6 Marks)

B.A. LL.B. Hons. VII Semester

Mid Term - II

Dr. Hari Singh Gour Sagar Vishwavidyalaya

(A Central University)

Date: --/11/2014
Duration: 1 Hours

Maximum Mark: 20

Attempt all questions.


Give one difference between the following;

1) Inevitable accident and Act of God (1 Marks)

2) Volenti non fit injuria and Contributory negligence (1 Marks)
3) General defence and specific defence (1 Marks)
4) Malice in fact and Malice in law (1 Marks)
5) Exemplary damages and Compensatory damages (1 Marks)

Answer the following with the help of legal principles and judicial precedents;

A. During an argument, A, pushes B, onto C's land, saying 'I hope he shoots you'. C brought
an action against A and B for trespass to land. Decide? (4 Marks)

B. X points an unloaded gun at Y who believes that it is loaded and is afraid that X is going
to kill him? Decide the liability of X? (4Marks)

Dr. Hari Singh Gour Sagar Vishwavidyalaya

(A Central University)
C. Z throws a stone at W but misses and hits P. Decide the liability of Z towards P?


D. W wife of H gives his diamond studded Rolex watch to B (a beggar) in his absence and
without his consent. H sues B for trespass to goods. Decide? (4 Marks)

B.A. LL.B. Hons. VII Semester

Mid Term - II
Date: --/11/2014
Duration: 1 Hours

Attempt all questions.

Maximum Mark: 20

Dr. Hari Singh Gour Sagar Vishwavidyalaya

(A Central University)
1) What is insurable interest? (1 Marks)
2) Can A insured the life of his fianc? (1 Marks)
3) Can B insure the life of his aged and retired father? (1 Marks)
4) Whether a woman after her divorce can claim proceeds of the life insurance policy taken by
her husband? (1 Marks)
5) When insurable interest is required in case of marine insurance policy? (1Marks)

6) Elaborate upon the doctrine of causa proxima in marine insurance with help of statutory
provisions and decided cases? (7 Marks)

7) Contract of insurance is said to be a contract of utmost good faith. Comment? (8 Marks)

B.A. LL.B. Hons. IX Semester

Make up Exam
Date: --/11/2014
Duration: 1 Hours

Attempt all questions.


Give one difference between the following; (5 Marks)

a) Court and arbitrator

b) Fact in issue and relevant fact

Maximum Mark: 20

Dr. Hari Singh Gour Sagar Vishwavidyalaya

(A Central University)
c) Direct and personal evidence
d) Evidence and proof
e) Oral and documentary evidence

Section 6 of The Indian Evidence Act, 1872 is based on the English doctrine of res gestae
though this word has been scrupulously avoided by the section. Examine the scope of section
6 of the Act discussing the English doctrine of res gestae as well? (8 Marks)


Whether an admission can be used by the maker of the admission in its own favour? If so, in
what circumstances? (7 Marks)

B.A. LL.B. Hons. I Semester

Make up Exam
Date: --/11/2014
Duration: 1 Hours

Attempt all questions.


Give one difference between the following; (5 Marks)


Law of tort and law of torts

Exemplary damages and ordinary damages
Malice in law and malice in fact
Tort and breach of trust
Mandatory and Prohibitory injunction

Maximum Mark: 20

Dr. Hari Singh Gour Sagar Vishwavidyalaya

(A Central University)


Every injury imports damage but every damage does not import injury. Comment. (7
Explain judicial remedies in tort? (7 Marks)

B.A. LL.B. Hons. IIV Semester

Make up Exam
Date: --/11/2014
Duration: 1 Hours

Maximum Mark: 20

Attempt all questions.


Which system has been created by the Redressal of Public Grievances Rules, 1998?
Which provision of the Insurance Act 1938 specifies about nomination by policyholder?
Give the expanded form of ULIP used in insurance?
Insurance business is transacted in India primarily as per the provisions of which Act?
Define marine insurance contract?


Elaborate upon the historical development of life insurance in India? (7 Marks)


Discuss the salient features of IRDA? (8 Marks)

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