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Creative Commons

<a reel="license" href=""><img

alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0"
src="" /></a><br />This
work is licensed under a <a rel="license"
href="">Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International License</a>.

Plagiarism and Writing Tools

Final Reflection on Thing Nine

I really enjoy using the plagiarism and word tool applications. They are
the most thorough editors that anyone could use when writing a paper. I
think that I would like to use this when writing papers and lesson plans in
order to make sure that they are all written properly and I leave few errors. I
like that it not only catches spelling errors, but it also makes suggestions for
additional words here and there as well as changing a few words. I think that
this would increase the understanding of errors in papers and also prevent
some of the same mistakes from happening again in students' works. I also
like that there are additional services to check for plagiarism. I will definitely
use that aspect when I am teaching to make sure that the students are not
stealing work from others without contributing to them. Also, I think that the
Creative Commons tool is super helpful and interesting! I never knew that I
could create something like that for my own work. Now that I know this, I
think that this will only be more helpful for me and my future students.

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