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Michael E.

Silverman, MD
Assistant Residency Director
Dept. of Emergency Medicine
Morristown Memorial Hospital

Review barriers
EMs unique
Back to basics
Teaching students
Role modeling

1964 : 20 % of teaching at bedside

1978: 16 %
Now: <<<


Hectic/ Unpredictable
Flow Maintenance
Concern of Pt Satisfaction
Urgent nature
Not Trained
Decline in PE skills
Not compensated for bedside education

Opportunity Abounds

24/7 Attendings
Undifferentiated Patients
Incredible Variety
Ranging Levels of Acuity
 Sick vs. Not Sick

Hone PE Skills
Continue to Grow your Knowledge Base
Keep up with Current Literature

Time limits
Independent study (Adult Learners)

Students Review Procedures

Teach Practiced Based Learning

Brief Hits

Dont try to Accomplish to Much

Wont Remember
Each Case Can Have a Teachable Moment

Non- confrontational
Be a role model


Different Levels

Know Where They Are At

MS 2, 3, 4
Varied Knowledge Bases

Incorporate Core Competencies

Include the Patient


68% Increased Understanding of Dz

77% Enjoyed

Advanced Notice
Limit Length
Explain Exam
Answer Questions

Provide Feedback

Observe H and P
Case Presentations

Inspire Confidence
Explain Decision Making Process
Treating Students with Respect
Providing Role Models/ Ethical
Encouraging EBM
Teaching Autonomy
Teach with Enthusiasm
Communicate Expectations

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