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Reflection Questions

Section 3
As a leader, the area that I will work on for the next time is my fluency,
time management and my leadership skills. I will improve my fluency by
listening very well to my classmates and to expand my vocabulary by reading
as much as possible. Progressing my time-management will well occur when I
start to time my presentation before presenting it. Lastly, I will improve my
leadership skills by listening carefully to my participants and to control the
arguments by engaging every participant. I would like to follow these steps for
the next seminar.
Active Participant:
Section 1
I still need to work on my English fluency and simplify my answers to be a
more effective seminar participant. I will improve my fluency by listening very
well to my classmates and to expand my vocabulary by reading as much as
possible. After answering questions, I realize that I could answer the question
simpler than I did with few words. I can simplify my answers by taking some
time to think of my answer and to try as much as possible to grasp the main
idea of my answer.
Passive Participant:
Section 2
The idea that I learned after the discussion, and I didnt consider it before
the seminar was that Boo Radley was using the tree to communicate with Jem
and jean. During the discussion Sabiha mentioned that Boo Radley was
putting gifts in the tree to the Jem and Jean as a way of communication. I
think that this idea is significant because if Boo Radley is the person who

sends the gifts, so this means that he is a kind person and that he knows that
Jem and Jean wants to reveal his identity.

Section 4
The one point that someone agreed with from section four seminar
concept of Jems maturing throughout the chapter. Omar asked, Do you
think that Jem is becoming more mature in this chapter and how?. Active
participants agreed and mentioned that when Jem told Atticus that Dill ran
from his house and came to Atticus house, even when Dill begged Jem not to
tell Atticus about that. This point is significant is demonstrating how Jem is
becoming more responsible, acting maturely.
Section 5:
All active participants on section 5 seminar agreed that Jem was deeply
depressed ad shocked when Atticus lost the case. Maria asked, Do you think
that Jem was upset after the case?. I think that this is significant because this
question reveals the truth of society and how unfair it is and for children
realizing this reality hurts them a lot as they think that their society is the
Section 6:
Some active participants in section 6 seminar where laughing so much. If I
was a leader I would control this by politely cutting them refocusing them to
the main ides of the section. Laughing aloud for a long time in a Socratic
seminar weakens the discussion making it more like home discussion than a
Socratic Seminar and it disturbs the passive participants to gather useful

Some active participants where disagreeing on some points which

transforms the Socratic seminar to a debate. If I was an active participant in
this seminar, I would use words like, I can expand on this idea by or Good
point and considering also....
Section 7
The part that made section seven seminar interesting to me is how the
leaders managed their time. It is interesting because all leaders helped each
other in a friendly manner and shared one timer to allow every leader to have
an equal amount of time.
The active participants were somehow louder than the other seminars. It is
interesting because it engaged the passive participants and shared useful

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