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Campaign Report
Mirza Ashfaq Ahmed.
Shahnawar Tauqir


Ali Raza


Saqib Mehmood


Zain ul Abedin


Adnan Khaliq


M.B.A Marketing
smestr 6th

Motivation Starts from Home

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The Social marketing campaign Motivation starts from home was started to persuade
parents to motivate 8-15 years old children for their study and fitness. We followed the
complete Social marketing process for our campaign as followed

Background, Purpose & Focus:

Based on our judgment and observance of childrens in sports and study, we came up
with the following background, purpose and focus.

Background & Problem:

Children are admitted in schools and sport places hoping that they will be successful
in both sports and study but only hope is not enough. They need active & ongoing motivation
for both study and sports. According to Garn, Matthews, & Jolly (2012), childrens academic
motivation is contributed by a key role of parents. In the same way, Cheung, S & Pomerantz
(2012) stated that parents oriented motivation leads to success in schools.
Unfortunately, children lack motivation for their study and sports. As a result, they
dont pay their full attention in sports and study and many times it leads to partial or complete
failure in study and sports.

The purpose of this social marketing campaign is to increase the motivational
interactions between parents and their sports (fitness) and study.
The team members of this social marketing campaign based on their judgment that parents at
least motivate their children but for a very limited time and in a non-effective way. So we
want to increase their current activity so that they effectively motivate their children for
sports and study.

The team members had following three options to fulfill the purpose of this social
marketing campaigns
1. Motivation from teachers
2. Motivation from Parents
3. Motivation from peers
Out of these three options, we focused on childrens motivational interactions with their
parents due to following three
1. Children can be influenced by their parents more than anyone.
2. Parents are responsible to provide accessories necessary for study & sports (fitness).
3. Children spend most of their time with their parents.

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Situational Analysis:
Situational analysis consists of Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats often
referred to as SWOT analysis. This analysis defines where we stand in developing and
implementing our social marketing campaign. Due to lack of time & other projects, we
couldnt spend much time to go through pestle analysis to obtain SWOT factors. Much of
them are the results of our best judgment.


Availability of social media for greater campaign exposure

Banner exposure at UOG.
Pamphlets distribution to target audience
Target audience readiness to accept our campaign

1. Lack of time
2. Uncertainty of Routine
3. No consideration by target audience due already filled minds with other ads

1. Ability to arrange for high quality web traffic for spreading our message
2. Relationship with cost effective poster designers for campaign
3. Personal relations to maximize the exposure

1. Concentration to other projects
2. Having no abilities in team to design poster themselves

Target Audience:
Target audience refers to the specific people whose behavior is influenced by marketers
in social marketing context. In our campaign, we have two target audiences i.e., primary
(parents) secondary (children)

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1. Primary Audience:
Primary target audience in our social marketing are parents. To arrive at specific target,
we went through the full STP (Segmenting, Targeting, and Positioning) process. However
position is too described in next steps of this report. First of all, we segmented the target
audience according to Geographic location & Education level & use of Social media.
In Education level, we chose the segment that is at least metric pass. According to use of
social media, we choose Facebook as primary platform to target the desired audience. Finally
according to geographic location, we choose parents in Pakistan.
So here is the brief description of our Target audience:
Our target audience consists of parents of children aging 8-15 years old living in Pakistan
who also use Facebook

2. Secondary Audience:
Our secondary audience are the children. We segmented the children according to age
groups and choose the children as our target audience that fall in group 8-15 years. Basically,
children were our main beneficiary of the campaign whose wellbeing is tied with our primary
So here is the brief description of our secondary target audience
Children aging 8-15 years old who have less or no motivational interaction from their
parents for the study and sports?

Behavior Objectives & Goals:

Every social marketing campaign has behavioral objectives such as to accept, reject,
modify, or abandon an old behavior. Our social marketing campaign has two basic objectives.
Firstly, to increase the motivational interaction between parents & children for Study and
Secondly the same interactions for sports.
Goals are set after behavior objectives. They are quantifiable measures of the behavior. Our
goals are:

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Increase awareness of benefits of motivation by parents

Make parents spend 1 hour with their children for sports & study
Fulfill childrens needs regarding sports & study
Bring positive change in both sports & study

Barriers, Benefits & Competition:

Barriers include all the factors that hinder the targeting audience from adopting the desired
behavior. They can be both perceived/real

Lack of time (perceived)

Lack of resources (perceived)
Lack of motivation (real)
Reliance on outside help i.e. tuition

In our campaign, the benefits are directed towards Children who are our main

Physical fitness
Active participation in sports
Self-interest in study
Better & improved performance
Improved health

All those activities which target audience can do instead of desired behavior are called
competition activities.
1. Shopping
2. Time with friends
3. Other miscellaneous activities

Positioning Statement:
Positioning refers to creating a unique and distinctive position in the mind of target audience.
Positioning is set through a statement or tag line. We have set the following statements

Motivation starts from Home:

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This statement is behavioral focused because it is encouraging the target audience to

perform the desired behavior. It simply delivers the message that children first get motivation
from home and then from anywhere else.

Be friends with your Child first:

This tagline encourages parents to have friendly environment with their children
necessary for motivational interactions.

Social Marketing Mix:

Social marketing mix consists of 8 strategies that have been followed by our campaign below

1. Product:

Product means the benefits from performing the behavior. These are as follows:
Physical fitness
Active participation in sports
Self-interest in study
Better & improved performance
Improved health

2. Price:
Costs associated with adopting the behavior in our campaign are as follows:
1. 1 hour daily
2. Money for fulfilling their needs
Non-Monetary incentives
Motivation for children
Better grade/marks
Better performance in sports
Non-Monetary dis-incentives
Children performance will be weak in both sports and study

3. Place:
The suitable place for performing the behavior include the house and the nearest
play ground or parks.

4. Promotion:
For promotional purposes, we have arranged for a poster that will displayed in
UOG according to demand plus a Facebook group/page will be made for primary
awareness to parents

5. Publics:
In our campaign, publics include parents, children and team itself.

6. Partnership:

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Our campaign didnt partner with any other organization due to ability to run by
team itself.

7. Policy:
There is policy regarding our campaign.

8. Purse Strings:
The funds have been arranged solely by us. And we didnt take help from any

Monitoring & Evaluation Plan:

Our monitoring and evaluating plan will be run on Facebook. As we set 4 measurable
goals in behavior goals step previously so we will monitor & evaluate our campaign
according to these three goals on monthly basis. Firstly, we will count number of views of
Facebook page/group to assess the awareness level. Secondly, we will post polling questions
for parents as to how many days they spend 1 hour with their children in one month. Thirdly,
how many times did they fulfill their childrens needs? And Finally, Did their efforts bring
positive change in their sports and study.

As we did our campaign on social media only thats why there is very low cost
involved in our campaign. We have decided a budget for Rs.2500 for the posters and
travelling for campaign.

PLAN for implementation:

We have divided the campaign work in our team according to skills possessed. So
Zain up Abedin & Adnan Khaliq will arrange for poster.Shahnawar Tauqir & Adnan will
write report whereas Ali & Saqib will arrange for Facebook page/group. The money spent on
the campaign will be collected by all the team members.

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Garn, A. C., Matthews, M. S., & Jolly, J. L. (2012). Parents' role in the academic motivation of students
with gifts and talents. Psychology in the Schools, 49(7), 656-667.
Cheung, C. S. S., & Pomerantz, E. M. (2012). Why does parents' involvement enhance children's
achievement? The role of parent-oriented motivation. Journal of Educational Psychology, 104(3), 820.

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