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Here are Analogies 20 Questions with Answers.

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le1: Odometer is to mileage as compass is to
______ .A. speed B. hikingC. needle D. direction2:
Marathon is to race as hibernation is to _______ .A.
winter B. bearC. dream D. sleep3: Window is to
pane as book is to
_________.A. novel B. glassC. cover D. page4: Cup
is to coffee as bowl is to
________.A. dish B. soupC. spoon D. food5: Yard is
to inch as quart is to ________.A. gallon B.
ounceC. milk D. liquid6: Elated is to despondent as
enlightened is
to ___ _______.A. aware B. ignorantC. miserable D
. tolerant7: Optimist is to cheerful as pessimist is
to _____
_____.A. gloomy B. meanC. petty D. helpful8:
Reptile is to lizard as flower is to
________.A. petal B. stemC. daisy D. alligator9:

Play is to actor as concert is to

_________.A. symphony B. musicianC. piano D. per
cussion10: Sponge is to porous as rubber is to
_________.A. massive B. solidC. elastic D. inflexible
11: Careful is to cautious as boastful is
to ______ __.A. arrogant B. humbleC. joyful D. sus
picious12: Pen is to poet as needle is to
_________.A. thread B. buttonC. sewing D. tailor13:
Secretly is to openly as silently is to
_______ .A. scarcely B. impolitelyC. noisily D. quietl
y14: Embarrassed is to humiliated as frightened is to
_________.A. terrified B. agitatedC. courageous D.
15: Pride is to lion as shoal is to
_________.A. teacher B. studentC. self-respect D. fi
sh16: Artist is to painting as senator is to
________ _.A. attorney B. lawC. politician D.
constituents17: Exercise is to gym as eating is to
__________.A. food B. dietingC. fitness D. restaura
nt18: Candid is to indirect as honest is to
_________ .A. frank B. wickedC. truthful D. untruthf
ul19: Guide is to direct as reduce is to
_________.A. decrease B. maintainC. increase D. p
reserve20: Oar is to rowboat as foot is to
_______.A. running B. sneakerC. skateboard D.
jumpingAnswers:1: D2: D3: D4: B5: B6: B

7: A8: C9: B10: C11: A12: D13: C14: A15: D16: B17:
D18: D19: A20: C

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