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speakout Elementary



Watch the video podcast. Who has a similar routine to yours?

1 Read the text about the podcast presenter, Finn. Then watch the video podcast from 00:10- 0:25
and complete the text.

Hi, I 1 m Finn. I 2_____________ for the BBC 3_____________ London

as a producer. I 4_____________ work at nine thirty and usually
_____________ around six. What 6_____________ you do?

Glossary: B
 BC producer = makes TV and radio programmes

2 Look at the two people below and read the things they say. Check new words in your dictionary.
Then watch the video podcast and write A or B next to each sentence.
1 I teach science at a secondary school.

2 I'm a student.
3 I catch my bus at about twenty past seven.

4 I catch the tube home. Then I make some food.

5 And I like getting home and relaxing in the evenings.
6 I love what I'm doing. I love my course.
7 I don't like the rush in the mornings.

8 Getting up at half past six.

3 What do they do? Look at the people below and read their answers. Then watch the video podcast
from 0:25-0:45 and circle the correct answer in italics.

Shes a receptionist / Hes an English

Hes an engineer /
secretary in London. teacher /accountant. retired.

He teaches English in Hes a student nurse /

Abu Dhabi / Argentina. doctor.

Glossary: r etired = he doesnt work now because he is 65.

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speakout Elementary


4 Whats their daily routine? Look at the people in Ex 3 again and read their answers below. Then
watch the video podcast from 0:47-2:00 and match their answers to pictures A-E in Ex 3.
I dont have breakfast
because I dont have time.

I get into work always have

a meeting in the morning.

Usually I wake up and make

a couple of cups of coffee.

It takes me about 20 minutes

to get to my workplace.

Well, normally I go for a walk,

and go to the gym every morning.

Glossary: h ave a meeting = meet with other people to talk about work

5 What do/dont they like about their daily routine? Look at the people below and read their answers.
Then watch the video podcast from 2:01-3:14 and underline the correct answers, a or b.

1 His daily routine is always

___________ .
a) the same b) different

1 He likes his _______ now.

a) work b) free time

1 He ___________the people he
works with.
a) likes b) doesnt like

2 Sometimes people are quite

___________ .
a) angry b) happy

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2 He ___________ his daily

a) enjoys b) doesnt enjoy

2 He ___________very happy
with his job.
a) is b) isnt

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The way we speak

6A The people in the pictures say clock times in different ways. Watch the video podcast from 0:472:00 again and complete the times.

1 I get up at about 2 I get up at about 3 I leave at

half past six, grab
___________ .
a cup of tea
and get home
about six.

4 I work from
5 And I work from
________ eight
nine till about
until three thirty.
four ________ .

6B Draw the times from Ex 6A on the clocks below.

7 Write your answers to Finns questions.

1 What do you do?
2 Whats your daily routine?
3 What do you like about your daily routine?
4 What dont you like about your daily routine?

Fun Facts
Office workers who have a routine are happier than ones who dont. Find out more here:

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