Martial Law After 44 Years

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Martial Law after 44 years

Speaker 1: Ask Them, What Is Martial Law?

Martial law is the imposition of the highest-ranking military officer as the military governor or as the head of the
government, thus removing all power from the previous executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government.
Speaker 2: Trivia: Martial law, as we have it in the Philippines, is an American inheritance.
Speaker 1: Martial Law has great impact to our society. Where every administration reflected. When we speak of
history, we still tend to think of a narrative of events.
Speaker 2: Which we will Discuss. How the Philippines was after 44 years of Martial Law?
Speaker 1: Administration of Corazon Aquino
Democracy was restored
The people believed she was the positive change
Changed the Constitution of the Philippines (1987 Constitution) which is still followed in the present.

Not able to fully re-establish the Philippines from the effects of Martial Law.

Speaker 2: Administration of Fidel V. Ramos (19921998)


Coup dtat attempts and uprisings during the Aquino administration. This lead to a destabilized
People started to lose their trust in the government. (Due to Coup dtat)

During the Ramos administration, civil liberty and government stability was restored.
Philippines experienced a period of political stability and rapid economic growth and expansion (A
result of his policies and programs designed to foster national reconciliation and unity)
Speaker 1: Administration of Joseph Ejercito Estrada

The economic team was strong but during the latter part, the admin failed to capitalize on the gains of the
previous administration.
Prioritize the development of the economy


Graft and Corruption- Graft and corruption was pretty eminent.

The Asian Financial Crisis and climatic disturbance hindered economic performance

Speaker 2: Administration of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo


It was a challenge to Arroyo to gain the trust of not only her people but of the trust of the investors as well.
She has also done a lot for the Philippines including lifting the Philippines out of its financial crisis.


Former President Joseph Estrada left President Arroyo with a country which needed to recover due to the
political crisis and the economic crisis.
The president faced a lot of challenges in her early presidency which includes an unstable economy and
protests by the supporters of Estrada.

Speaker 1:Administration of Benigno Aquino Jr.

Positive: - Oversaw 7.1% growth of the Philippine economy in 2012

-initiated K-12 education in the Philippines

Negative: - Under the BS Aquino government, the Philippines has earned top awards for the worst Airport,
worst traffic
and worst country to die in.
-Thievery and mismanagement of public funds under the guise of mechanisms such as Disbursement
Acceleration Program (DAP) and Presidential slush funds

Speaker 2: Present- Duterte Administration

Duterte Administration Campaign Against Drugs and Corruption

Big Issues: (Contrary to Martial Law)

Burial of Ferdinand Marcos Libingan ng mga Bayani (Elaborate)

State of Lawlessness (Summarize)

The only aim of the declaration is to suppress and prevent lawlessness and violence, LAW EXPERTS on
Saturday said the peoples rights should not be affected by President Dutertes declaration of a state of
lawlessness, as it is limited to calling out the military to help the police suppress violence. Aguirre said the
declaration did not amount to an imposition of martial law. Instead, it was a precautionary measure that had
factual basis in the explosion.
Rule of law of State of Lawlessness
Asked about its effect on peoples rights, Public Attorneys Office chief Persida Rueda-Acosta said legal and
substantive rights are protected because this [is] part of the rule of law.
Acosta said the President had the power to call out the armed forces to maintain the rule of law and prevent any
lawless violence under Article VII, Section 18, of the 1987 Constitution.
She also stressed that police power is one of the inherent powers of the state, alongside eminent domain and taxation.
The only aim of the declaration is to suppress and prevent lawlessness and violence, Acosta said.
Reyes, in a text message to the Inquirer, cited two Supreme Court decisions that defined the limits of the Presidents
power under Article VII, Section 18, of the Constitution.

She said that under the Presidents exercise of the calling-out power, the authority of the President appears to be
limited only to the summoning of the armed forces to assist in the suppression of lawless violence, invasion or rebellion
through ordinary police action.

Speaker 1&2: Ask them for questions? Then Give your Reflection about how Martial Law Impact our Society.

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