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What the reviewers say... “Pracical Sampling wit 60 a valuable tool for siden, ‘esearch dretos,polcy rasoarch anayss and clams faced twin sampling decisone and not wanting fo get In expendd theorical or mathematica! cecuesone of samp fat ‘presen sinpiled Du sullcanty. gated” review of samping technique and eaves “Vames H. Frey, University of Novada, Las Vegas, ‘Prnclcal Sampling is designed fo be @ Now to! book, ans ‘Gary Hen rman tue fo tal goa. searchers who mus scunty daw @ sample as pero! they research vl fd hs ook usehit Tho strength ol the book i Ws use of at ‘ames 10 ducate each of te main oins, whih gies th oot a sansinetional quay. Theater chacar are the bast they present practi! ssvsslon of samping frames, sarang) echngues. ways of detrmaing the dated ample aia ar ‘sues suchas weighing aed evaluation of ronvespanses Contemporary Scclogy “Tats Look wont answer al quests on apptied samping, ul ‘wi snsilze you to questions you dk know fo aak Ls ‘many Sage puocaons. Praca! Sampling wold be a use in Mato, Yume 21 {Si 8099-29807 elath ISBN 02098-29565 paper PRACTICAL — SAMPLING [Conte © 1990 by Sage Dinos, ne. ‘I chs reer. No pa of he bok may be repeoece or ted {nay tom or by any mem, elevoicor mec, nag pas ‘coring. recring, by any informton wee md review Sten, ‘tht pein in wring rome peer Fr intone: "rin he ald Sate of Arman {ray of Cones Casoging Pion Ds rte Sample! Gary. Henry em (Api soil resech mands seri; 28) Incins biographical vetereee ISON 0.020557" TERN 0.809-2959-5 ik) 1, Sompling(Satisies) 2, Sac sry 1 Seen HANS 990 san 7 acm oman ‘air 4 ss 9 8 76 Sone Porto an: Ving Contents Actanvedments Intradaton Sample Deft ‘Scmling aa Vay ‘Why Sample? Overview of the Book ‘Sample Seoton Aperoeciee Nonprobablty Serpting Lilly of Nompecabiey Samples Prbaliliy Somping CCoetison Practical Sample Delgn Souees of Err in Suspting Desig Pract Sampling Design Pranework Presmpling Ces Sampling Choices Potaumpting Chokes ‘Sommer our Pratl Sample Designs North Carin Cazsn Survey Survey of he Fel Fel fo Hori Deine Mert in Virgina ‘Survey Reseach Cotes Nall Howe Se ‘Siang Panes Gene PopuitionSemtingFranes Spel Poplation Suning Pres ‘Tol Exor an Suman Hone Conctnons ‘Sampling Tehntges ‘Simple Ramon Seeting Syste Sepia Seite Sampting ‘hater Sent Bute Samping Sey 7 Sauple Ste lea Sample Se nls of he Desig for Sample Sie lon Analy ‘Adjet fo nell aed Noaesponte tapeme ‘Cetby cmp Sal Poplaons ‘siomry 8 Peseanpling Choices ‘Use of Weights ‘Braun of Nonesponse ‘rsanon of he Dat Cnc Deleresers oat be Author ™ ut be 1 Acknowledgments Pra Sampling wl ot exit wid! be condos a upon ‘may fel, bay Stat, Sey Suon, a reg Repo ‘ee wih wai revowe The series cooiors, Leon Bian ut Debra Rog, were encouraging sd dplomtealy roaring. Kent Dickey ‘Vga Heng pve te foul analog {evo Tm Hendrick nd Pa Strino polbe be pats. Soe Ba fd Anne Kart oak uy dikes aa serie nots tl yt me ba ‘en, pend capes, Kay Heyl never gg te weal at Tent wrt rer tha oft ng porch ad oy Way) finer, sever doubed tte book wold be Bed Introduction ‘Mos dt used inthe scel an pty slncs ellie fom a. ‘Publi einionmveys, scl experimen, and evens of ecaiond ‘onovabe ae exami of reer wee rmpling oui eT ‘sy research in whch ih ings re boing extol rr te sets ‘rans nde yt er sky popes, camping is bela ie Snples are 0 fsjucl led ht coireanpes sate hers he ‘ie stalyppaaonnelved ch ath deel O'S. ce ae ‘savy tre Wittoat relying om sampling othe busi or cofecng alte dat, the ik ad eos involved with ping new metho of ‘caching or sia servic very woul ei jy. Eee ‘he effecivenes of ew programs would be probe “The inaduton dws of probity ampli ecoigcs hve msl te growth of erp socal an poly reece er 21h cenuy. Despite importance of sarting,researshers nel tnd pley sires reev lilepacic with Saying nd fee sx ane comeing praia sari spinon. Aasunptons vat ‘oving rch oen unl anal equi he ecco ish oie, Researchers ofen nf sie tetera site “The sampling emai sgl. Tine dot poi rescarce from cletig din on th ene rp o popu ta fat {ore pata end Hover, reece the cnsue' of eh re nl intrested inthe poplin ret sb! fhe pl, on. Exeating the sy fnfngs fo» tet he jopaaton, “sample oh nite popaain ral portant w overcome esi between cas und ine os he oe a a infrmation ses thcother. Kanwisige of task sanping lps as fame ‘ascent dings rensmly ey hop spree ty the sy pareigats the sey responds ‘Understanding sling ud is npn especialy import ley ria Questions tha comely are a conduc tf ig Daley research decile uaeraanding he ces rin see Ble design aI the tage! poultion fo the psixy or prop die! Inte sie way athe poplin he ly He iene fol Inge sje or ula Nase he cannes nnd by payer iy i de spl a ci en For pap? Tale Thighs xe he ase, he eerste wake lens boat the afl of ie aya ie ptr frag tly og am exsipof a arson! f sevice ee forthe advanced cy npc of ering sign cso he esi ca eso + Pupaltien dito, Nl no provide mvs mec seen ft “aT ley in ae. he pps or wie hse ‘Sowntncomen cous fey rod al and ede re ht Sart evel rv tel hk ced reac anette al + Seng nad, A mpg sey tea ney Ing be ‘etn th ff. Gp reece pov te hie el ‘ene inte, Tee, eae of mesma ‘Ste este pi of ee nay be ih Ts wk eld ‘euch Sti erty Hn woe owe aly + Pree oft eae. A et, mem propio, pd trovasup, en hee pig neo sbi, te D> ‘ten, At sr ue ft el ek yee Ba ‘Sinn bets on ach resi ext” ete For ‘ta cine oe ede ene ine i 6.4 of eb eley oqe re Fer asa epee ay ‘eam on heen vee 31 on 73. sing ‘Ooi aden lx poplin, ena x ripple ‘Son vainaby ely 000 fo one a a eget ers ‘Ste ee may btn npc exh Pods hd pepe ‘erties deny estates ee. ‘he mord “spe ed a vey of ays in atc nd every ‘ lepuge. For eval, Mark and Work (1987, p47 pol ot ‘To the che, he word sample conjures up te mage of sal pit saeing Beha a eal conser of Hus a, aye kof which ie compton us bedi” The sump i ‘tka npr othe lenst Innay ball oe wbsance ha as Staal or insunce fem a tine tease, opr fs gee mas that fs bee leo. at etarssig ie eopontin of sample san ex Init Disoery of amen ine wae forensic emt’ age, tots septation of the populon often, bas Sample Das fr Patey Hasse — win taton _ ‘pe iin Canin of rae yin ine ey ca Shao Fei ee “he chewiats ample canbe se tv specimen, hr the pa iat cv npr. cons, snes 1 nthe ech ‘rw ado i oo, meas pao os ed ‘© in information stot he ie fool A snp eh ses ‘eel of te poplin. A good sane wil resent ype ‘el The mpl docs hve ar re ote il pty sce {sc its aol w fd ou abot he poplin, “queso ie stray fa dso + Hows oe seat ye ta wo pee yon * How egw he spl ense he aio ne? ‘ida concerning he fst qson wil be este in te nex caper ad conte thngho he book. In Chip 3, poe sours fer 15 the sample ands femework for making ccs in he spl deni proces ae presets Before ing tse dissusions, «comet on he ef te ward ‘nivel i he connent ve peeps man 1h.” provides no ido informa ao eagle: Te epee isabel iin ed singly presar ‘este jgment one pr f ewan’ ue, Noose eer ceahishe otra srl ra ioe erseiive, reqs, Sewever sepesenive mle” teeny denen ofthe amp tis rovldd. Dropping esr ad inl» serpin of ‘ape sez pes nd information on he soresyondttebevees 1h samp a the poplin ir rcommende The pornce of Te ‘tacirhn fs ode! fae text section ‘arly cama researcher colt dao al the subject of eet in ‘mca say. Samples proves prata and filet means tocol {ha These srves as mel fhe population. However fra cher nextel ly Hap 9 he popula, the moe! wate an “She reprseaaton of he popuston “They of feserbet ora of sty w extend ings yond sample nis ie, apne i tered 1 8 external iy” {Compirll © Sty 1563, Cook & Cag, 197), Co ad Cap het pone he cra quetn for extemal vali by king, “Gven ta ther probly cous elon fom const A cms Dw escola hi aombip cron pao stings, wa nes?” (97, 139), For expe, eseashers ind tha aig eer amid ton mone cage fr realing nthe third grade nan ner ‘hl nproved he stiles vosbuliry aed comprehension. Conse hs scold esa ah the nso] etd onl ork ‘aru schools? abut wih oars rade? Are he ae re! ‘te navely of sng the compete nthe sro a Weald nx OF ‘sho he roel wears? "Te aiiyw geese sly Hadas i anton oe supe oe “shich he aa eal omnes, Hoth sampling desig nd erection “te pet enervaby. The petal nmpling apache inthis bok enhenres bow espn nd exccton far thea alc te ‘lity onal errr of he reserch, Spe eign nade ning 98 ‘eproineseton eh nich ri ig ling, a deter ing tember of er nese for he dy. Heng del ‘hues ainnng = compen tine fhe ppt forthe sy ‘Stanme eee. onsen etree rescaled “rom nen ene emi acc reese ppolson. APY tlhe ce mon Wnt afr he compton the ro rm wha !uc arly collec Yat «Fearing om the pee the re ‘Therefore, pat upting eign mate ep three design ant exe. ation fo eral vay, he sample desig ie ety at ‘yan dre ats wo esc ally eos Cook ‘sn Cangbetdaceain of vty (1979), Sate eacaonvaty iste tify to reachoreuslon abut elon tht appear ines du that, coarition. Stas! ex re peer med examine ‘hte he estat sane eo chang. Or Kins tl Thiemann sae, “A sie dati rl ht wes apie! "ted, deterines wher teal hypotei can be eet heer te ever x comincing bey reason dob (197.9 23), Drcatse tee teat sre me to Hh these othe elnp. (ete! size) a hese of sal, he sarge sie can be ita vod “fae concn ao ovriion’” (Cont & Carga 17, 3, ‘Srl supe ie my conte conservative bis (ype xe) ‘inthe apllcaon of ssa! eA Type Il ror oars wea 3 thesis ot ejecta nat ane. ition, he grr iervention Being Vested judge tfectve even teh (hes aves effect. However, the "enone duit cron ey be lnyssle oct lente expec essen teal spl se ‘he comevaive scar in aces wheres esto sve ‘in ve Bt the sap sae et slicet forthe effet eor ove the satiel sient theta. Ta husrmenon Gon be special fsaing in evshtioa ofp pogams where the mbes aan od spl sie areal. Els renin the po. {pam ha are rl a ingle fal rey to he ah ea ‘Sniece Therefor, ears ay roel enlist he prog fale a work ety This problema sump se tial con clusion vlly,sferal o sx ower, i diced Chapter (ee Kraemer & Them, 187: Oss, 1085; ce Lipsey, 199, for ame Seti explration} ‘A second sjet of satiical conchsion ality. relat meres input smping conser, Te lal on ones epee are vraton then (Cok & Coplh, 179. ‘When oserved varton Ween heuer fico reet Be rulliypthers cre bp bhai Yo sie ee beget Sipe ses con compen fr thence waitin, acing hs Srameat i unbiendHowever, t compensa rth tine of te Vata donk ley of tana, ie end fn acne or eat i th sgn panes way sasrun? Given nine el of ally comers, a resacher ly y fay som” Simp vay 2 pclae. Re ccc nye rst pin fn eid aly ‘SPhrogeen sou eich hy sss ost. For exaupl a racarcer Sod t"De developed pesca roger wri ear le pone copie par and ecrene We ed for spechl-iheion “stuns for hese ste afrYears?” A aes pln se ‘Tron dtcd by piensa nthe quson he roarcer anor rer gueaion on ase np uo enh sing Ce, et ly nt ask {Taal cute rovied we develope progenitor Foote ete te pat of propa. Resour ioe ‘fc reve ttn ts ene, the alr osu fam bth Fo- (Panna et rome coro, Fad fd, iis, ded Fosume e pore Be deepest rans weal be ies gly {Eine woll be te ivesimert nda cole, alison tlw Apne rt even Nor moc be det exp ple las fr propa wit mrt fs pat “Saunlng aw wo i of te eget pg eng tte popen: The pia reason sapling erence onset ae sch pb sap ean ao improve gly, For exe ‘estan he ero ae ia a a oy rane terion nd year may esi rag Seif ating fra ssn hl re wo iit rdace ‘Ske ren Supng ea alow ener 0 be eed prove {ie amu nd uly fs on chino pale pees ot ng aren an ecu sion were splg ot advil {wean cme: eplog om al apo wad sa- ne tiny rl tio, When diag visa pp ‘Go ess tr seme cling dao te nr poplin en rots he rena refi oft dx Th aac of pe ‘Re ce we nt mach ip a ‘Sra ingyen mer mah np _ ‘Kher emt tte was ne rom he ‘Stnie te ete ie can age. Tis ype often FRc) ocer wis wl porto were comme hve more {Cte intoaonconesng vidal members of te poplin Tecra my shoe ry fate sng ‘ns tha mynd to rconndaons aout dito po, Sis For xp, wing ap fp bane ea ‘an nis steal cnr rf ny ove sty cca lea asso ns he rd of rests inti aes oder in sone ny ‘eel tanya pend te eae ke, Cit sik wera tt Oe als weld tt os sd ie cat arbre ly nay, ica, stay ang may slows ots us nhc _Mteclude use of the study. ae Spin tis wee oe td te la io you inal ne fee pc ay Sey emcee aly. mayo, Set ne fr ye its wes sng ot ne, on of cnn sted ple eis mone ran Forests Sig {Devin Io de rp prune comes ‘stating A cu rey ahs fe trp ppasinsae ‘cies upc at Rach nes ead Stans SSH fersnton cnt rnryre (by caer eas ‘ing lr or sara dat apse ne ‘that do. - nae OvERVInW oF THE B0OK 7h rng Si” ap ed a ik ee ‘oy bk ef tng ty, ggg ‘iain te ne dp, nd eens fe Sa ‘ele of empl aly enon pr bee ny ‘preach Theft ay, meres ace ‘eid stalin eto te ae ean ae Sten by a ame pp. Pca sp egy se lca ype wpe a ea “Te lpn iting es pings races sen pan te ara npg scans re ‘Stun trad by scone aon san ce a ‘Si is ok hrs oar, Te cacy et Pye“ sa tan owe el ots: plato The super eponds yaking, "Wi do you wat Fi (shen whom” Reser iar stint ret a of nmin {te singe question of sample re. To improve the yoo res ‘ober, the npiaions OT earping mit be nce ugha he “This bok present an aproch vo saple eg th proves tsi Sur mhing decison sou design acme go te rate po ‘st This pponch sie prctea somoe dep Therm pee ame th presen erates ad gid fr chasing heveen te alernatver is phases, aes dn seri "ery Thebok conceptual nd proves dtl capes of clelng ‘Merstves in nena sarping prectce xnot heavy thereto roathemaeal. sioagh te Raters! ie based onthe therell and ‘nthe! sapling work tt tr preceded It ad roves references for ove fers it proceeding dese no the Ihetre The Bok is rented var the resetcer who nets spy eam lng ez tn. As Soh, tpt! or rade each ‘a social a policy scenes th ted spleen sampling eto help rege reaerches. Alo, it ai be eferene for spe design DY festrhors who need advice on sampling in nag hel reece weer, research who ar plsng ge, complex Sapes wou ‘ell ads sch the aktnee of tm speed same, hapless to spe election approaches aoa sm poilysamptg, Sever! bse deat Tsns eeapron ‘Gage 3 presets the pti sein design approach ects ‘nine ma prescatton a te suerte nota sam linge an vate ofthe revere fe praca spe ein. Teen toptber these ton prsexpan hy amp dei rt being ins ‘he oven escarch design and exeatn. Relate mae, eres ‘or selecting amon hearts, nd pens fo hecho at art ofthe pret sumpling dein approce, Conte present fr delle fromthe eta Ire ‘The cumple ate dsr wing the ogee prac! ale sign fatewor, explined la Cape The camp ‘acy of ses helen pe of pyle, rth, ot spe deigrs. “The reining thee cpl dw onthe examples for Mtatons. omer Sdeal with png anes, Chater wi epg ecinas, ser Chapter csosies spl The al che cover fos Sample Selection Approaches ‘Arproaches ample leon Bl ito bow catego: pot a acoprobaiiy sping, Probably same sete chy thatevery member of he population scala psy bei ‘ladle he sample Neneh amples recede one ‘ment of th ressarcors to achieve pital aberthes of the resect and. The emery Kes of is book ten probe ape, The rs for ths oes int pray sample cae realy onaoe osc rine posi bs tnd Hly err. Thre ean sch svg fr nom echt samgles Hower, onbailly mee ae tl Ws a ruin comatanes. Nonprabbity samples are wel or may reser projects. These samples ca be coun for canveiece or one bso ferme ‘ployed ceri. Nonpriity somples we asl acleon of se lite sprees that ve td ‘ne welt determine the uni fe ppl econ i the ‘ample. The wleson math for rogenaty shes conta Pi ‘ha of probity samples that re clo by ranomize! ecto ‘ha astues tection idepentet of tev algmens ‘Si frequen sed womproteihy sample Seger ‘Met sie se sales “yp se ate, Caen es ‘oe me The six mops spl are sme i Tble 2.1 Nonprbatily Sampo Dass Sano ton Sty — Mo namaintcom Bide eer ad eee ‘i a i in nat Ca Stn no oo br ot fentanyl pep ins. Acoma suglesopo infvidals ree mpg, om n to sea SDE pre neal Rr tae, gi Soa Sean tvs by he Anerion pbc yt emer oan edi toy psy tn expec Stale alan ap te ek sar tht ead propery Tower ene sad fe ial paying gree wih coathel Sot dato Tee rious ns op at fo groupe at have bon end by randan ‘Spo eden peat ate cede al omtge Sams tas ds lr ie fom ‘hse sag a pig eso rab ate fl ing th eatte sup at the memes of bh grape. Cones ‘Slings oved hs xaple ot rae sping, When te ele ‘ltr etic! nt wo rps i his ee, adopt se. ‘Onc roup i sn a move wih rpc vac: he te rp Soest il le Da mie ly chr re playing te panes wh pt eonf sit, {Sao ccs tebe to et {hemor ae congue he sets atc in hepa ne a comesins pl Thy wre pat anes mop fo FAL ebay Kr ~ vernin cin veer Coren often ah wet ve ea eee ee injec a vide tvs th Aman pet Condos oer tan esse ise ovis uy be oie wo lncrese the popes tard vince These coin one founding vacates, wich make i fish to sere ie eee Independent vate, his as vst wri, For ey ia ‘evel of est may te hypotsied worse ove teen, Also oun spe maybe ibe an, ree tre presi “othe excl ht al esa inthe sea ct the cot prop) ta moro es cs te all pap ‘Unie Sits, he responce may wt geen ta pout Ste ‘oad so hve ben a contng vars a ditercastoseh ts a ue and contol grou n tsa gerne chal tc seen ‘des se tha he poping a vile ns do mt ene vile fendencics may tbe yall fr hn al pops il poe wih he desig tate cue fei te sae model of th popalition wih respec ote ses level ay ls ‘ypotbesed case of vole! batavo is uns, Therion. fen ‘earth eles of ie mvc apical ey is ‘Az iss ue observ sure feminine, Co ‘eye stds ae predominantly bemcen de ages of 1 a1. Iseann dts are more prone to exit aggresive Savio, ese ore te aly to hve teks basa toward more aprenive mops he ‘tle of convesieac samp, ki latin nel tne Mase theres in such way a ot 9 allow he genta he pas, ‘in: Of couse, ote tors may ao have seen it ees ‘snd barns, ibs tors ay te vive dated ene ‘Spend the pop, ‘Th tert a bins ibe contin two ways so wes mie tat improve te convene sample apprenct h te vues san ing tbe corse proms favr oa roby to, Pe for inate th can be aly sense has ge sap, ols an be wae. An aieraivecoovenince snc wh pepe ‘emesriion fom eachage group cold ane hon sewed atta "tom the paycholgy ia. or sues, is re dificl wo aie ifn ow sess kes {nti popuiion This infrmation would bs reveary posed ec ‘evils proportional. Random slecton, ich pause ‘nem oi popula posit of en ce, pois areas of conrol oer tess even Radom ecto an ipl sot ed ‘o daa ami of eharctic, nhaingstcslvls amd wi co ‘irs not exit coool. Rando etn n sees obey sempling, explained hens esto. So 18 worth ante tht he ano tigen of he stent 0 the icant and conta gros In this example eee te let ‘ns ssn with tera aii (Cok Carpe, 1979). Ta sereces wernt eaten! coal gops, oth wie con Sof volutes rom the el psichlogy ca, nemo the age ‘he behvio canbe atte expo to Vola! vie Reon ‘sgt hs asi rl removing eer vars tht nay ca fre iterses ne voles. However, tdom signet don tafe ‘he eriny an bis hat would ec ietreplaig the ee fue ‘rom the sop of voles wb Areas pie Generali se "tice hy the one af convenience sample ahs aon, ‘Thelen nls poptn nl diethnatin pes ' concrte xompl af the we af eonenlence ramps. As polymers scams more nie ofthe prble the rho rove le a, on contig the homes meat ht mich ofthe da wee sad Proughthe we of coneaieoce ample (Rema & Keep, 198), Ua Iy misono ote provider of tee forthe rom whieh rsponiens were sete ond na war clei. The eee, ‘i for bis exe case th rules povering wh wer igi fads ‘clad see vids foe te le, Frenne sme arse ‘ete nt wing or apa of crag trough the pede ree ere two sero hehonelspopulton hav tele to ro a Ifans on probably sompling sprees These ap Drowches. decribed in Ro, Wret, Fie, a Wis (1987) nd "ron wa Roped (989, regure mare te ans Ie Nee ha "he comenienceaprnches: Duh re ing w sme santa Face. Fr eamale, Barro nl Keel pt mal 4.25) he homeless sept na misono ele bein ons an ‘tina f tery Ivo tds (6%), talon 4 covenece oso nt sampling. Mex sla tt isa ‘ples ae varies 0 purpose spl ta te fen sed coe [tive Rveramet research on oe stay prone ply she ‘Westen ats sc athe Unie! Sey, Cama, Hagan Prone SGeenway, aol aly feat proued awed ame of ace ves fr comparing ease beet piace a coms ‘stam. Oster ropa, for expe devel nations, ar ft es fr sta: cho he npn of ice an to ‘sont of ving nt eoete. Cone les fen set he at fe “Sten eat yey implement fae dor The ss are wel gen the lined sae of ess, inte "sures, alte ned fo erprtve norman al quan ‘vcerigte bio eRatngsta beeen eye acl se ‘stil. Oe, ai wl cna el wt suring hess ck onsicring propery tax rats oe juling fhe lsyacy of sae fons ‘Sengrctiposnty te opertiondl Sti of sinter he ‘These comarsons may a wy not earl sh he cas tne ‘ton wih respect ales tht a sn tr ot oe or Dili to ae lal eve, pica cate sampling. Nonprobsbiiy sues arin sees wn ‘tere lino on Hite and rsoee oi ply sales “Typical ene designs exemplify desig developed mer ve stances Forth ein th recreate ‘abe non or ena. To crete cedbiiy a tevin ves at ue coed neo spc or lela he sie However, th retearche algae ul mee of fh pation ‘seri for hs design ne eat. I poy reac “ype cae Sample oe ngeer very ls Scat Sapln i ins nest tons commen probe. Using "yl aes vies hss ington feces selec and fen he city of the tcingy na hen oe spears apical. The metodo eng eases hs design fst aii om ea nv se The namic Hes the focus of ena ital ae sapsing. Anotee noob snp dig ht ‘naan ways "pic em" deen eel aes or erica eve desgs th esercher et iia miner oes ogo reper let il allow geet te rye fon Section key preciso pet clin res a be he ‘od ene. An exes aplication th desig sae snare, "At Maine ges, pes the mn Ug an th ee ‘3th op well ui the 948 presenta scm when tray ol Maine ges, s0 gos Vermin Sonal sing. inc aiy of wopebasy sans the seo sue, Sowa snglivg ran rev Meal gry members en ater emer: of he option, Asem dean members ane oer ments sap gros ew somal ‘sombal sang cu when opel ing ss cose be compte by eearchers. Sobral rach om Emp as dre ot egal deg uses, leg tes nd comment rr es a hs ‘wai of peeing sane of th pelt on sping, ee vay of oapebaiy sap the qo sap ats nln vee the pain gro being staid to Stgepes fo insane mole id female or ick, we, Hise, ‘Resco inl at ee pou, ie, bse on porns of ‘nes ede ir tials, nerewes are en ber sate sug ht hr ne slew eve. The go. ‘has ays th obi pe, prea wih ‘auto psy samples, bt esa Oe mp rept. Qe ‘Sing ow neave discret he section te indians ier compl. inerviwers re prot wit xpi suns ba ‘he couse ofthe tins hate ae expected o ier. For ctompl, ener of fespndens rom pei sghoriood an thc mmuberaf ioc al wot, or snd ones may be psi rate ie sa eee to it hives Get, dager fen a SUSRI,Sn i gen sp ane crs oe ran SEIRAEE ited tena oof ein he am (Se ef amoung sling conceals tbe rent ‘Sworn g crvinis a 1 ys espns conned in ta aig Heese he Inte or cel hahaa or above m oe aed ‘Thou, slay tere Ths enews aye “tlt eed ember of crews ta deepsea! eo ef te pp ha iil eh "Caan Cap yer pia gu apig wich sy ote of leaping forsee (9) th ney fqn sont yf cs ing empl mee im ne ange foc an ons te expect hance bel “Ton cl oon exper nhs (Dimi tyes hr ies, ove, al ara sans wl difer ‘iyi tia ee ale pe on acre el ome ‘Riis 75) However he ds socom ne ayo ‘no Te nn ech en ay tha ve eared fri tr bk cle wah tt ene supe (Cok 1 Camel 1973p 6). Wi el of ten econ thin vs ny il he nog wi ail sme. Wit ‘owing ex comin of he ap the wy tsa ‘theory tdng i bed. Par, lasing Hadng syria oul ‘ant adequate for provid norman inne ole ‘Guta tres ave, for the reson gies, illen tof vr 83 sunpling thd. tas cara eof he ft da gu Sunes cyst iy saps, As pr ‘whieh bt soi cnrceass of he qn tae Bl is acu ‘wolaiy sng wid yous, sonetues wd for henson Mais. The publ ample wih quotes pci ror wc ‘ons tae puter rhe revert flow tein neve long wih ta Stdnn (1976) descr the has hi yp samp bei cone sider spot spe ‘a pba satin wi uns, se sn i a pie ‘ede be wipnds i asi che obs by ne fearing tw ay apap ay fg tcc ‘le pct of Me con tay tan he laity a eg However, babii siting wit gt i based satin ee sou he isis pteraliy Sl nado, saping ero ge tian for oer pobabisysanpcs of iar sve (ee 985, Nonproibity samplings ttl an expen tod of ksing ‘mpl incerta ccunsance any steno s propia Inne ees ite ony meted aaa Hor isin tc of ‘ra pei populations, cho ileal dg wer whl haps ‘eto pul ogee ist cde odo prod eaple The lee ‘mah wid in sont sapling aay be We oly vale oppo On ccm when te rasaree & tu feted i pie members of te popula at epic ti tmp, athe ha he opt oa, nonpotiiy sre maybe mare price. For exer onparatv governess ar ne eed in pce ous thas sep of coun eg, developing deter aa), nexploraiyreseah states whet ashe mig skecmine wiht upbeat exis om, a orp tent ay ea practic howe A sal pt sy widens weld be ely ‘ocx he problem cos cond. The dt colle ued ex: ‘nin wheter problem ex or This peach wad wallow the “imation fhe exten ofthe poem, bat fn be eftet nea berunsenaen ‘ii the nee a nnprobxiity sample maybe pret ia many cones ie cere he earn eng te spe da oe stv the populton. Nan (193) eoncely marie the sore of Newpnnhitysmpng corr vrey of proces dng be eof {ohnees athe uve coe slat rhe pls ns Sot epee he opin The eae nena riage, oh pa Sepa ‘esse he josie mane ofthe section poses, nec ty samples st anceainy whe te spl we repestt he ppae: Sonar whale Coorg aie ce func ort The secu and pelo facts hot pple ca ly be eer ‘ine! hy mbjective adgment The sleston procedure dos provi foes or tins for inert ale er ne ating, bcos ‘sprobity septing. oped oa ale. Thao, hte sa sk "hott tings are twa Because f bat the scan proces. "Vile he rent in ng pnp saps tpn wh teal vay, the creo te Baling is tsk. The ston ‘nos, "what wlth eco of ater an fr srl show?" Ne fe setenda, athe ston proces con prota res hat ‘ne feret om Hose exact forthe option. An nied secon Process fhe only et tht gurates an wbised sample ‘Shot (1982) stent The sop lf ean nvr ell wheter the proce tal engendered war fie rom bis, We mt tom at ‘he proces seen wee no fever be dogg by he sow ‘toe ba pt. Thos rey of th ppl sample ess rales on ech India's asus of te selon onl sample nis, ‘ven ih he onface a popiton pops pediced ih gota ‘mpg, he ing bie feo erg nv he ‘mounts tate eset eas om iatvi, The is inh ete ‘ste bythe propertns Instn spay saplings he ony eee fr bing da incon stato Lined repre, hy Meaty members of the poplin and nein eth he extensor col thetacafa nnpaiiy sap Hower the eset sol ee var ft she ped by sig anor samplers wo the ‘yun eet be sy eds Preity mpc, des TMtneret section fh cap, sald cael concern ater ‘uve tela for cont © potbellied ‘Sing scopy sate etapa amr exe of err ronpotsity smi cans ine preset ton of 1918. hes prominent oligos hing quot Semple, were convinced tat Thomas Dewey woul een ary Troma by significa arg Truman acy rected 3% of {hepa te, compre wih Deney's 45%, Te sete bs the Incrvower ml sling Rept reve ene ee [Sth preiton. even tue ese propria whe he ne foahton propor ners owen, are, nl eo Fiance a onthe cic cere of pis cas ing Fret ep aoc cosy pat sams aN Prony samples have the ding characters each wit inte poplation ts Know, nome robb of being cn Mesa. Te pebaiity of bleton I nt aay the ame fort Ire he popu, bowever.Saneing digesta ge very ‘Meier of he population the mare probly of slim ae eed {oan eal baby pls, Unc potty falc sts (hoor her nme members the popula re rare el Yo per the sample tun ier. Retnchrs rss nel oui ar esi compet rh ferences thle of am op tna members appease. The mse ae serene h ty wring soe ees gener nln or weigh in he estas. or ‘arp i sme mersers th outa ate ot es Hel wh Sled wether manter, ic weigh inthe exininter mate rece Trome quer, ora weight of 25. Racing the infec of hve ses ‘cotton times as f ese meres rh) {o ape inthe ample, Weighs, bse onthe prota of wlecon, ‘Sew uted ote he ppt on ane! uh iy soe Same unis poly sample cm be sett with corbin, ron flor, se tina he scarcer ios tobe abs 8% sued rhe syle Preamp, ay survey fis les wo ‘oly ade Cleno-Cook Cul wi oi Chiag-Couk Cour 1) wo spre! Hl inthe soil, aed ane he estes ‘ng tame wou be regu w camps fore ifrencet I te pbb of ection Probably sles ply te ae of ro ection mechanism ao selon elie sail in in the set procs a Sie the nore ee ofr the sam els wo the population ‘indo scton mechani ined eer wig ery preere wih trellises enracga e f wners oo ig of anon ‘no gc progras genrale nando a Unis ftom ans a, and docs ot wenn abirry or aptzar Rando Slt 2 ‘ey cei pci proesar tha srs Unt he eleton of exch uni fe sl ndpenten! oft er of yar ui. Ranorness ttle Be ndgeece ofeach selon ht yd selection of ty pula enber does aoa! he etiodo y the! pple ‘on mete xing soe. Tel random processes ies eve ‘lar of uot ohana ero eke (1987), an ace ed The Oney Pari of Pate Disord,” shows tess of eo (carat grwly roar an random ine prample of he ral 1 ty oF 1900, ‘ops souing a ee ae ee tin hn te ‘Strauetusoueyer ast peste sur phe sr fe ear, An pt epee wae ov, hs a he Sar ted vy fet a Deer G's oe an een ae ng er i ec. yoe Sn fas eae be (Srl th proton see.) vet tciges fr sling pbb samples a: Sp amelie Spaemate meng Safed sempeg Chaser sie isos pti vet defiton of each gp a sae ea ow. Table 22 pro ‘less suena for eeease. Caper 6 provides requests ‘es al dsavantages fea sampling techie V——— tame 22 Proebity Samia Dosing yp Sagig ‘Soto Seigy Sen yf ge he ee rs se er ra me Sh a on gn ‘tle i ar ess Spe and ring Sac do spe cle ‘sachmenbe af te sy popula faa ysl pty oe ‘Amc hen popision ie yay pros a, he weer sled rnd i vay pa Of members unis as bcn seed nn eb: Using the conveton th rps he nmbe of wisn te an "N te mune f wis inte uy popaon sss en tle have the pepery at very se le ely iyo te cece un hua oft polation prothey otcey foreach tec of te sy popaion posnun het 76 te probably of selec, an Fis te spi fraction, Fo expen sy of esd ey, 10 at oe 75 sah fmt 6500 wen a opin ‘ta nes cn e500 ese ingen son hs tet Wl Cn be sin ol accent. meat nt need ak lng ce, ranre tom te pol cr ewe ssa rbebty of alco or Car Sarping ep ete: = 000 NGS Seer acpeeens C= tn Sm at Seiten = 1500 Bikaner teams «= 201088 = 0 Sty p's tana en = 2 “Wheres the we of sticuon genera improves he precio of tals, else wooly ve he Oposte fe. Cheng os (Serene in pecb of esses, The we of dae sanllg sly ened on rece! roi, Char saps cone olaied witb) EISS ot tent pylon sl lw xa vetoing ta a ining ose pero nrvews mew be se calle | in Thnasage sampling the concep ayn caster pling Is wed neti rlistage uta, sae ype of alin ‘ing worsapeamping In es stage, goings of esta opal {ion cries, know pinary sampling (PSUs), which re Shalgeut wo csr, me else. In he second sage, meters of he Fpston ae aml sled fam the prevent aes pinay ening "The obit of sloon teed th uml proba cc seletion Ts: ual probable none seca be compe tue the scecling se to proce am egal bai of ection ‘cal Table 2 its two poms statins a Table 245, S00 tn av seed hog probable, ten 4 hoshols ae selected tui PSU, Use poh fsb sl ease he pinay ‘Si uns cova dileet bs of mene In de wl, xan ‘STFRUt wi 0 ois and OD untae shove. The cae seed fo th primary sari ws with 50a Lave probly of seen TDL Cast frome pinay saying unt Da sve 8, Twa, hve one ale pvt of seecon, OE. The fal ex ine ne A presets pros propationa sn(PP) eke thn PSUs ve skied bse on Wet relive se: ee MIN p tA i iy Taste 24 Probab of Season for Mlltege Samp ‘ey crag a= Ka. Sims nel Py of en see path set ue? ome a ly of Sn ete "bly Ppa ae eo see “ ee white saber of PSU see, ‘isthe mba felons nt pila PU, Wish al enter of deen, ite probly of siti ote exnane te pababiicyo stig te FSU ta 0 110% S050 Th pay ayn al a Sk wie oy oe eed p= Hower by sekey ope tuber fie fol pinay apg eis 2Uin cue shee tebliy of slcton fr fal sping una eu p tua ne 3 sich veal prot of wero sped Ye opaion, cl i he ple aite (004 > 50,009 ~ 2,00) waits malig spc ee nia betes ed pe on fe spe eines, ver conn of at eon gas rmplealy. A he uber of sage nae, peel ae Pesos ees pment ayo ge, wet geneiy isaac tbls oad compoty Atal of hey Moorehead Savy coda! dan Geet Ui oom, Te means "on se decibIn Cpe concrusion ‘no to cep, probity and non tse two type of epost mss or aly and credty sat ae erent Ravkemens fr incites ane cect "meprbiy snpl ref nk El el echely wt pois raat? ate. Samplg ty, wel dso can Prambiiy spn. accounts Re the ee eae ere date stueiet caper provi he aaah tesa despa trast stg tl cen bay raping The Renee ee ser trl be ef hgh reach ier ESE pu rnd eres setae Unset ee Tan tm dea sample wit the hew pret sapling dsin el exerts | iecenil mech pets nog cma cater | ELST, celts nd pectin eae re ee Rear of ferns nis te pte a Eira fom testo hypoteae, Crete we ee Doce. Using ta eeton ses He secctkn the sample canes {ea tei dete he sek fe made at deg pe | Saypleme te pclae eis spr as ssn toi ad sac arity mu et be dere jit vii, decd Cae yw wy Pa ee ‘izations w be werent! ie _Peat satel conchae aly tal eae ences cee meson very. evewung omplag matinee [Sa epsemaie vtec ren teppei at eye

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