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1. What does CARRDSS stand for?

C is Credibility
A is Accuracy
R is Reliability
R is Relevance
D is Date
S is Sources behind the text
S is Scope and purpose
2. What are the similarities and differences between the CARRDSS
and BASIC forms?
CARRDSS and BASIC both care for Authority (Credibility) and Bias (Purpose).
CARRDSS and BASIC are diff. by many things too like BASIC also has to care
about content and Usability/Design.
3. How do you know if your information is reliable or not?
If it is reliable it would show: Who authored (wrote) the site, who published the
site, what is the main purpose of the site? Why did the author write it and the
publisher post it, Who was the intended audience, What is the quality of
information provided on the website, and how does it all add up.
4. How do you know if you should move on to another website to find
your information?
You should know because you have to if the one you were on was not reliable.
5. How would you explain this to your classmates so they know if
the website is credible?
Well the first things first know who wrote it and published it, if its up to date or
close to date, and the purpose of it.

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