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~omron —!19- _ T4826 /838] B40 "| SYSDRIVE 3G3EV Inverter Series | 3G3EV ‘A compact, easy to use inverter series designed for a wide range of applications 0.1 to 1.5kW models. 1m In-built operator. 1& Footprint RFI fiters available. 1 Four models to choose from ~ Standard, Advanced, Sysmac Bus and ModBus. Ordering Information = Part Numbers SG3EV A B 004 CE T ‘Specifications Series Name —! CE: Standard MCE: Advanced RE: Sysmac Bus AME: ModBus Installation Type u l A: Panel Type | KW Rating oot: OaKW. 002: O.2kW 008: o.kW (07: O.7KW | O15: 1 5KW ‘8 Single Phase 240VAC 2 Trvee Phase 220VAC 4 Three Phase #15VAC (Avalable ate 1997) = Explanation of the Four Models CE Standard mode for simple speed contol applications with one multi-function input, relay output, analogue input and operator. MCE Advanced version to enable greater interface via more advanced parameter set, thvee multi-function inputs, ela output ané mut funetion output, analogue output and operator RE —_SysmacBusuntalows simple to wie contro of uo T6inverters wih transmission cstance of 200m and ransmissionspeedof 4187.5 kBaud via an Omron Sysmac Bus Master module on either a G200H or CV PLC system. IME Modus version allows upto 31 inverters tobe controlled using ModBus RTU protocol. R232, 422.0 485 canbe used, dependent upon te system Baud ate upto 13 2xBaud avalable, Omron has developed a simple to use Modus Master using an ASCI card forthe C200H range of PLCs. For ful details on all ofthe above, please refer to the technical manvats as listed below: Standard Model 111 Advanced Model 113. sysmaceus 112 Modus Sysmac Modus Software Operation Marval 3G3EV omron 3G3EV Specifications = Rating ‘3G3EV model | Three-phase input ‘2001 | _AnG02 | _—A2008 | —A2007 | _—A2OTS [SinglerTree-phase input wmaoor | aBoo2 | ABooe | Aéo07 | — arin applicable motor capacity (W) ar oz [ea ors [as Rated | Rated output capacity (VA) ta jas_ 1a [ae output | Rated output current (A) 08 1S 30 5.0, 7.0 Fated output voltage V) “Tres phase 20010290 (depending on input vokage) | Maximum frequency (2) 700 Fa een coretartNo 24) Power | Rated voltage and requency 3G3EV-A2—CI (tree phase inp) supply “free pace, 200 290 VAC, 800 He 3G3EV- ABD (hvee-phase rou “ree phase, 2000 230 VAC, 560 He ; 3G3EV-A3 C2 (Sngl-phace input Single pase, 200 240 VAC, SOGO He Towable votagefveuaton =i8% ta 10% ‘Allowable frequency fluctuation 2 Cecling method Sel-eoaing = Control Characteristics Contral method Sine. wave PWM method (automatic torque boost) Frequency control range 15 10 400 Hz Frequeney accuracy (temperature | Digital command: luctuation) 0.01% (-10°C to 50°C) Analogue command £19125 210°C) Frequency selting resolution Digital command 0.1 Hz (less than 100 He), 1 Hz (100 Hz or more) Analogue (0.06 He (60 Hz) Frequency output resolution (0.1 Hz (operation resolution) ‘Overload resistance 7 minute or lass whan 150% of ated output currents received Frequency setting signal ‘10 10 VOC (20 KA) or 4 to 20 mA (250 0) Note __ This seting can be switched using the intemal DIP switch. ‘Receleration/Deceleration time | 0.0 10 999 seconds (acceleration and deceleration times are set separately) Braking torque (continuous “Approximately 20% regenerative braking) Note 125% to 220% when braking resistor is externally installed Voltage’Frequency characteristics _| Simple Vif patter seting = General Specifications installation ype Panel mauning installation site Indoor (ree rom corosive gases and dust) “Ambient temperature for operation _| 10" 10 50°C Humidity 90% or less (no-condensing) “Ambient temperature for storage | 20°10 60°C ‘Altitude 7000 m max Vibration resistance Less than 20H; 1G (9.8 mis2) of less 2010502: 0.26 1.86 mis*} or less motor ‘Gable length between Inverter and | 100m max ™ Protection Functions Motor protection Elearonie thermal protection Instantaneous overcurrent ‘When 250% of he rated output amperage is exceeded protection (Overload protection [ When 150% of the rated output amperage is exceeded for one minute aa Te ae ea 5 & 3G3EV omron 3G3EV Voltage drop protection 'GSEV AZOLILE Stops the system when voltage drops below approximately 200 V '3G36V-ABCICIC: Stops the system when votage drops below approximately 160 V Protection rom instantaneous power interruption Operationis continued uncondtonaly. ‘tops the system when a power interuplion lass for 15 ms or more. ‘Operation can be continued by seting constant No, 36 as flows: ‘Operation i continued if a power interruption only lasts for approximately 0.5 second or les, Radiation fin overheat protection Detecis a in temperature ot 110 = 10°C (Ground protection ‘Overeurent evel protection Dimensions ——-+-.-HATY>_~_CNTNTNHH_ Outside/Mounting Dimensions [A cimensions ae in miimetres. = 3G3EV-A2001 to 3G3EV-A2004 (0.1 to 0.4 KW): Three-phase 200-VAC Input = 3G3EV-AB001 to 3G3EV-AB002 (0.1 to 0.2 kW): Single/Three-phase 200-VAC Input io 45 We st i aa Mi 4 | th | ke | l ll | ll —— Note 1: For the 3G3EV-A2001, 3G9EV.A2002, and 3G3EV-AB00. a U-shapad notch (4.5 mm wide) is provided instead ofthe uoper ‘mounting hole (6.5 mein diameter Note sal the nv with wo Mé bots. ‘© Three-phase 200-VAC Input Model ‘IGIEV model | Output w a o wi Ht Weight (ka) A201 OrKW > [6B yas 5 % Te Aporox. 05 ‘A2002 O2KW 8 ‘Approx. 08 "A2004 Oa KW 110) ‘Approx. 09 ‘© Single/Three-phase 200-VAC Input Model ‘SG3EV model | Output w a lOmin iW co Weight ka) "BOOT OaKw [68 1 75 % ve Approx. 08 ‘AB002 “To2kw 108) [aapron.09 | 3G3EV ————. Omron. —————— 3G3Ev = 3G3EV-A2007 to 3G3EV-A2015 (0.75 to 1.5 kW): Three-phase 200-VAC Input 3G3EV-AB004 to 3G3EV-ABOO7 (0.4 to 0.75 kW): Single/Three-phase 200-VAC Input Two, 45 da Note: Instalthe invertr with four M4 bolts, ¢ Three-phase 200-VAC Input Model ‘3G3EV model | Output w EC i] wi Hi Weight 3) ‘2007 O7SKW | 108 18 730) 96 18 aprox. 13 ‘2015 SRW 155, Approx. 15 Single/Three-phase 200-VAC Input Model ‘3G3EVmodel_| Output w a . wi a Weight 3) "ABODE oa KW 108 18 130 % Te Approx. 13 ‘ABOO7 O75KW ‘Approx. 13 = Installation Space + When instante Inverter, arays prov the folowing instalation space o alow roral heat span a he ve: ULE Mills Ly We 30mm in toommmin. ar BY Z, 3 3 5 Yi 3 i i see [7 Ww - w - hl - y 100 mmmin, Ar J Ls Me = Ambient Temperature Control + To enhance operation rlabilty, the Invert should be installed in an environment free kam extreme temperature rises. + ifthe Inverter is installed in an enclosed environment such as a box, use a cooling fan or air conditioner to maintain the internal air temperature below 50°C. + The surface temperature ofthe Inverter may reach 90°C higher than the ambient temperature. Therelore, keep al thermally susceptible vices and wires away from the Inverter. 3G3EV omron 3G3EV ™ Control Circuit Connections Please rele to individual techrical manus in doub Input Terminal © Output Terminals Terminal Tnterace Terminal Tnterace symbol symbol F = PR poms jeavY eav ai " SCO 240C ama Po 7 ie i 50 mA at 48 VOC max, Note: S2and 83 ae only avaliable onthe advanced model ea aa Anslogue Input * Analogue Output Terminal Tnterace Terminal interface lh symbol i = ry > Fs ‘ nh FR aan aM aC Ler Fo i Inputimpedance 2maat 010 +10 VOC max. Note: (ony avalable onthe advanced model Output Terminals Terminal interlace symbol wa cr sovoc bt " Me MC 250VAC a 1A 3G3EV. omron. = Terminal Block Layout Configuration “pica layout ~ Example stows Standard mae ¢ Name of Each Terminal Block Control circuit terminals (output) Main Circuit Terminals (Input) Powerinput Braking resistor connection temas terminals TF? TB B2 el i i oY Awe! co aaa >|/0 2 2 SF SAS SCFSFRF QS@QSOQ! SPE / u_V Ww, Ground teina Man crcl terminals (ouput) Motor Output Terminals (Output) Note: This diagram shows an Inverter wih all terminal block covers removed. 3G3EV Control cut terminals frp i 3G3EV omron = Terminal Layout and Parameters List 3G3EV oe Terminal Layout Braking resistor opton) Power supp “ree pnae'Snge phase 20010 200 VAC, 5080 He & & BI B2 fo, ©) 1 U@© D ©) NIL2 6. ©) L3 v@ Muided-case cect breaker (C8) wo FowardSop — SO) SF ReverseiSop __ MA eee ee ry SR GMS sut-uncion contact ouput (Contact a) tisuncton input MB 0 o0—4 s1 (Contact) Sequence input common Mc. osc oman FS (H2V) Frequeney wees <—+ FR FC OoGoOo—- Note: fa 9G3EV-ABCIOO is used in single-phase inaut mode, single-phase 200 to 240 VAC power witha frequency of 50/60 Hz must be input between terminals Lt and L2, Parameter Listing Constantine. | Dedicated Description Setting range Factory seting indicator noF Constant wite-inhii selectonconsiant [01.8.9 7 iniaizaton 02 MODE) | Operation mode selection O15 0 noe FIR] | Fowardreversertaion seecion Fox. i6v For 206 Matituncon input selection Dies 7 708) Mutituntion output selection 012 1 a requency relerence 1 FRER) | Freeney rterence 0.010 400, 6.02) ni, requency reerence 2 a FREF] | Fresvency reference 2 0018 «00 aoe) 720 | [ace] [Aemeraionsine 0.010888 100 (seconds) nat Develeration time 0010985 Vio seconds) 28 MAK] (Meron tenn 50.010 «00 soo (He) ad 3G3EV omron 3G3EV Constante. | Dedicated Deserption Seting ange Factory setting indleator 25 sr [Te 20017 MAR) | Maximum votape [Teas m 728 TEAS) | Maxum vatage requency 7610 #00 Cr ca THR] | Eecwonethemalvirarcecwvant | COwave noe? Serie} 733, Stall prevention during deceleration Ot fo 96 ‘Operation ater recovery tom power intr. | 0, 1.2 ° | ruption 137 I + [Carer teaueney PEER z na i Frequency reference gain 0.101020, 1.00 nao Frequency reference bias =391099, 4) 68 [ror Fistory (Dispiay oni) Note 1: Thesetng ange andfactry seting fornat(@lecvonicthemalrelerence cure) dapend on he inverter model. Fordetals, eer to Usors Manval Normal set the rated motor amperage in nt Note 2: Displaying he constant ra corresponding to an inicto inthe “Dedicated inceator column ght the nccator. Note 3: Constant no, 02 (n02) and subsequent constants canbe set ony when constant ro. 01 (m0) i eto 1 © Advanced Model: 3G3EV A ___ MCE Terminal Layout Braking resistor (opon} Power supply: * ‘Three phaserSingle phase, 2000 290 VAC, 5060 Hz 3 OR © Os > OT Moulded case circuit breaker (MCCB) MA | Mutt-unction contact output Forwardtemp © (Contact a) [Reverse/Stop = bal Mutton input 1 ———~ i : [COT st Sees te $3 [Sequence input common FS (+12 V) Frequency relerence <—+4 rR resistor ‘Mutifuncion analogue ouput FC Note: if a3G3EV-ABCCICIMs usedin single-phase input mode, single-phase 200 to 240 VAC power with a trequancy of 50160 Hz must be input between terminals Rand S. ad 3G3EV omron 3G3EV Parameter Listing Constant no. | Dedicated Description Setting range Factory setting indicator not Constant wite-inhibitselecton/constant | 0,1,6,9 7 initialization 02, MODE] _| Operation mode selection O15 0 03) Interruption made selection ot 0 04 EZR] | Forwardieverse rotation selecton For, Rev For 05 Reverse rotation inhibit selection at 0 06 ‘Muit-function input selection # ($1) ‘oto14 1 07 Mult-lunction input selection 2 ($2) 01 2 i 08 ‘Muit-function input selection 3 ($3) 11015 4 08 | Muitfunction output selection 1 (MA and [0%0 10 1 | Ma) 10 Mutt-tunction ouiput selection 2(PA) | Oto 10 0 an uency reference 4 (i FRR] | Freavencr 7 0.010.400 6.0 (Hz) "i uency reference toa (2 12 FRE) _| Frequency 2 0.010400 0.0 He) nia FRE] _| Frequency eterence 3 0.010 400 0.0 (He) ata FREF] | Frequency reference 4 0.010400 0.0 2) ms FREF] _| Frequency reference S 0.010.400 0.0 (2) nie FREF] _| Frequency relevance 6 0.010 400 0.0 (Hz) ai7 FREF] _| Frequency relerence 7 0010 400, 0.0 (2) ate FREE] _ | Freauency reference 8 0.010400 0.0 (He) oo Inching Frequency command 0.010 400 6.0 (He) 20 TEE] | Accelerationtimet 0.010999 10.0 (seconds) net Deceleratoniimet 0.010998 10.0 (seconds) nz FEE] | Acceleration time 2 0.010999 10.0 (seconds) 123 DEE] _| Deceleraon time 2 0.010898 10.0 (seconds) 24 [FMAx] | Maximum frequency 50.010 400 60.0 (He) 125 Fra] | Maiimumvohage 110255 200 (0) m6 BAS) | Maximum votage irequency 0610 400 00 (Ha) nar Intermediate output frequency 0510399 15 (Ha) 28 Iniermediate output hequency votlage | 1 10 255 12(V) 28 Micimum output frequency 0510100 15 (Ha) 30 Minimum output frequency valiage 11050 12(V) nat THR] _| Electronic thermal eference current 0.010 see note 1 ‘See note 1 32 Electron thermal profecton D104 0 133 Stall prevention during deceleration 04 0 nae ‘Stall prevention level during acceleration | 30 10200, 170 0%) 8 ‘Stall prevention level during operation | 30% 200, 160%) 136 Operation after recovery from instanta- [01,2 0 heous power interruption Cari frequency 12,34 4 ‘Automatic torque boost gain 0.01030 i Frequency reterence gain (0.10 t0 200 cy relerence bias 7891099 ia Hac aie aaa Dio 110 3G3EV omron 3G3EV Constant no. | Dedicated Description ‘Setting ange Factory setng indicator naa Frequency elerence input terminal a 2 aa ‘Mut“unction analogue output oN ° na T ‘Muttuneton analogue output gain 00016200, 030 na 16 contol current Oo 100 501%) a7 Interruption OG conta ime 001050 05 (seconds) na Startup DC canal time 2.01050 (0.0 (seconds) na Ssshape acceleration and decdleraion [0103 0 characenstc | 150 ‘Over-torque detection ~ [owe | mst Over iorque detection level 3010200 [160 0%) 152, ‘Qveriorque detecton ime 0.110100) 0.1 (seconds) sd Fequney detcionol ca 400 aoe nse ~ [Sip compensation gain [oss 0.0 (4) m5 Motor current wth no load [e109 401%) 56 sump requency 1 0.010 «00 2. (Ha R67 ump frequency 2 0.010400 oo He) 88 Jump requency 3 0.010400 0.0 (He) 758) Jump with 090255 1.0 (2) 60) Number of fal recs 01010 Ohms) 68 Eroristory (Display on) 768) ROM numba (or mance le | (payor) Note 1 The seting range and actor setting for nt (electronic thermalreference curren) depend an he Inverter model For data, eler to Users Manual. Nowmally, set he rated motor amperage in nt Note 2 Displaying the constant no. corresponding to an indicator in the “Dedicate inccator column ight the indicator. Not le 3. Constant no. 02 (nd2} and subsequent constants canbe set only when constant no. Ot (nQt)is sat to 4 ad omron 3G3EV 3G3EV ‘* Sysmac Bus Model: 3G3EVA__RE Ter inal Layout Braking esistor (option) Power supply: i ‘ree pnselSingle pase, Pheent 200 t0 230 VAC, 8060 Hz © © 82 v@ vO Deeator CCS reaker (CCB) wo Mutttunetion input + a 6—) St sc ‘Mult-unction output 1 Mutfuncton input common TK Mut-unton ett commen Pc | svoe' ama emote vO. (one input channet emate VO Master Unit land one auiput channel) + aR R eo Note 1: Ita 9G3EV-ABCICIOA is used in single-phase input made, 200 to 240 VAC power with a frequency of $60 He must be input between terminals L1 and L2 Note 2: Use cabtira cables (VCTF 0.75 x 20) to connect tothe Remote UO Master Unit. Parameter Listing bi Consianine. | Dedleat Description Seting range Facior/sating indiator no Constant wiie arbi seectoncarsiant [1.8 7 itiaeaton wae RODE] | Operation mode selection at 7 708 | ‘Stop mode selection a ° 08 [EDR] | Fovaraeverse ator ston | For Rev Fer 106 Waliuncionnpu selec Det 7 . na ‘urtuncton input seecion 2 io 14 z 08 ufivuneton input eecon 3 Ties 4 08 Matiuncion expat selecion 1 owt 1 m0 Mutiuncton output selection dwt 2 att | THREE) | Freaveneyrterence 0010400 eo) ni Frequney teen 00 a0 FER] _|Pesvenoyreteence? 00 a ai Freqoney teence i a a a FEF) | Fewency wleence ao10 400 [ar Fry Reo RL TTT To.0t0 400 70.0 (Hz) ad 3G3EV omron 3G3EV Constante. T Description Seting range Factory ating m8 SaER] | Feaenay terres rr oo) m6 TaER] | Fecenayieeences o0%000 00) m7 FREE) _| Freaveney eerence 7 010 400 0.0 (He) my | a8 SEF] | Fossey teens D0. 400 wore 720 FEE] | esteraton ime 0008 71.0 feconds) mai SEE] | Decision me ooo T econds) ma AGE] | Aesleraton ime? or TW. ecards na TEE] | Pecseration tna? or 00 fsconds) mae aac) | Wavimom requeney B01 wore) mas eC Teas 20010) na BAS) | Wavirum vakagereuency ieee ee) é mai econ thermal elerence cent | 00 er more See te? : CR) {seo ote ma Salprevenion dung ceceeaten [0.1 3 796 Operation ater recovery rom poweriier [01.2 ° rupton 37 Carrier frequency 12,34 4 I 180 ‘er torque detection oreon selection 010 2 nst Over-torque detection level 30 to 200 160 (%) 52 Overtorque detection time [0.1% 100 2 ecard) 753 Frequency detection vel 0.00400 20 a) n67 Unit no (see nate 0.18 3 N68 Error history (Display only) Note 12 The setng ange and factory sting format (lecvone thermaleterence cuen)depandon he inverter model For deals refer to User's Manual Normal, set the rated motor amperage in a3, Note 2: Displaying the constant no. corresponding to an indicator inthe “Dedicated indicator column lights the indicator Note 3: Constant no, 02 02) and subsequent constants can beset only when constant no, Ot (nO) is set ot. Note 4: Alte setting the Unit no. in 067, tun the power of (make sure that all LEDs go of, then tur the power on This makes the seting vai. aw 3G3EV omron 3G3EV ‘© ModBus Model: 3G3EV A___RME. Terminal Layout Braking resistor option) Power supply: : “Three Pheselsngle phase, 200-230 VAC S460 He © 82 u@ vO se L118) and NL2{5) for Single Phase Operation wo Matsuri input i st eo ca ie i PA Mutuncion photocouper Multifunction input common ouput 48 VOC, S0mA or oss el sexo $6 Se i BS422A or : Rae Sees ax {{_/ressice EIGISIBIEIE RS422485 Selection Terminal Resistance 422485 ONOFF s+ [|s- [ln [La] pale] _ Parameter Listing Se The ModBus version has llothe parameters ol the Advancedmadel excepts, 9, 40 42, 64 and 5. nadton, te folowing parameters reed tobe sr coe operation, Constantno Descipion Funston [Beau Factor sing a8 nso Fequene Reerence cathe 7 fo.othe 223o000/ 100% acaor% 7 Ceased Cammuricaons Dascion | O-Provded 7 (Sate eta) {Snot Proved Comsat tes oe Baud Rae 0-2400 z ‘se00 : 223600 i Sct8200 oo Pariy Selatan 2086 2 ‘even 2:None er Save hates rai i omron 3G3EV 3G3EV Using the Digital Operator Name and Function of Each Component = Name of Each Component Data display section , Monitor item indicators / Display section In-service item indicators (green indicators) / These items can be monitored o set even during val TW operation ‘These items can be set only when the Inver is fl stopped. Operation keys, ¢ constant item indicators za Mode Key pu) VY Emer Key STOP rrmenkoy |] | RUN | [errr] | A ecrementkey AUN Key STORIRESET Key ny on = Function of Each Component # Display Sections Daa display section Taterence frequency values, oulput Fequency values, oulpat caren values, constant seings, and error codes are displayed. ‘Wien this inicatoris it an output frequency valve Ha) is splayed nthe data display secton, When this indicator is It, an output current value (tfective current: A) is displayed inthe data display section. Monitor item indieators ‘Constant tem indicators “The value sein the constant corresponding tothe it inicatoris displayed inthe data display section. A new value can be sat, Note: In-service item indicators (green indicators): ‘These items can be monitored or the constant fr each item can be set even during operation. ‘Stopped item indicators (ed indicators): Constants for these items can be sot only when the Inverter is stopped. In this cisplay the dracon of motor rotation i displayed during operation. © Operation Keys Key operation Tndicator Explanation Wade Koy ress iis Kay to Bwich between monitor item indcalors and constant lem indeatos. Enter Key Press his kay to regis the value set ina constant eg Increment Key Press iis key to tease a constant no or he vale ofa const. |—] za a ie omron 3G3EV Key operation | tndieator Explanation 1 |Deenen Key roasts Ky daaea a contain, othe value oa cana Yy UN Key roasts Ky 1 Sa Iver (Ts Wa eval ony when lg Opeator on mode RUN ( settied and alindcators inthe stoped tem cetera aera it) aoe) | STOPRESET Ray | Prensa ky ws te ivr (Ts ays val ony when Dal Operator an made -St0P i soecee) Also, press hey to ese the Inverter when a eer Ras cccue. RES = Setting Constants Setting Constants Using a Dedicated Indicator Example: ‘Changing acceleration time irom 19 seconds to 50 seconds. Key operation | Indicator | Example of data Explanation ‘display ie Too reas te Mode Key untl the AGG indicator igh up. Fasting Press the Inerement Key. The data display sechon flashes (indicating that #R nee the dais yet to be registered) wW~ Tot Fasting ‘ress the incroment Key ul "50.0" appear inthe daa display secton #RE Bd rx ——_| Holding down the key changes data quick. wz? [mo xe Fano) _| Press the Enter Key to complete the seting procedure Flashing : 700 [=e 300 - ae a ‘ACC KCC ACC. Note: the new dataisnottobe registered ress the Mode Key instead ofthe Enter Key. The new data becomes inva andthe nextitem is displayed. © Setting Constants Using the PRGM Indicator Example: ‘Changing he value of constant no. 02 (operation mode selecon) t0"2" Key operation | Indicator | Example of data Explanation display PR] aT ress he Mode Key unl the PAGM indicator bghis up. [RCM] oy |__| Press the nerement Key. 702" appears inthe data spay section, za (FROM) 7 ‘ress the Enter Key The value of constant no. 02 i displayed (Prom rene ‘Change the value to "by pressing the Increment Key. The dala display zB rs secbon flashes (indicating thatthe value yet to be registered), 3G3EV omron 3G3EV Key operation | Indicator | Example of data Explanation splay Te Press he Enter Key The dala eplay secon stops fasting 7nd] | Afler approximately 0.5 second, the data display section retums othe constant no display ("027 Flashing z | yun) z eacm] —Lencm] [enc] PRGM PRGM PRG (Alter 0.5 second) Note 1: Itthenew dataisnottobe registered, press the Made Kay instead ofthe Enter Key. Thenew data becomes invalid and tre constant no. display 102") is returned Note 2: Holding down the Increment Key or Decrement Key changes data quicly. ae Protective and Diagnostic Functions ‘The 9G3EVhas exclient protective and giagrostic functions. The RUN ané ALARM indicators onthe front panelincicate the curet inverter status, and the dala splay secton also displays information about an eror hat has occured. These funcbons thereloe enable he usr to take the appropriate actions to correct most rors = List of Error Codes Inverter satus Teeaor ata opoy Dessipton won| Aa Noma [Fahes Not eaayionn : tt Natit Noma opeaion npogiess ; Wares [Rass [ aes Sinn npt fad ad eves aon ade oe ashes an ckeotundewotage (UY) cu Main set overvatage OY) ot Fiadaton in overeaed (OF) 3 Dt! Operator topped (STP) Prcacive | Rat a Ea Sverre 06) ‘recarsm ou Hein ret ovewsags (OV) ul Main et undowotage (UV 2 ool power supply fault (V2) £ oH Fagan in overheated (OH) olt Motor overload (OL) ol2 Inverter overload (OL2) al sera aut) oa Tener ener [Rai or Fao Ital nemo enor Fa ROW enor Foe Constant rr Fos ‘AD comer er Fos Onion ener Rat Nail (Neti | Cont cra ever “3 3G3EV ad omron 3G3EV = Data Display and Action to be Taken when Warning Status Arises “Te ALARM indicator ashes when warring stats aries. Te data splay section alo ashes nen warring satus aes, no erorcadeis output Eiinaing te cause recovers the system automatcaly. pressed whie the Invert was being operated using ‘contol circu terminals SF and SR. The Inverter decelerates and sls the motor Data display Description ‘ation EF ‘imultaneous input of forward and reverse rotalion | Review the sequence ashing commands Forward ane reverse rotation commands were Simultaneously input for 5 second ot more. The verer oceerates and stops the mato. us ‘ain circuit undervoltage (UV) ‘heck he power voage teshos | meDcsatage tmemancicat speed tlow tte | Check poerinpineor sorcion low voltage detection tvel whan the Inverter was copecth i iat Check te terminal block sews for looseness. ou Main circuit overvaiage (OV) ‘heck the power vatage fasting ‘Tae 0 voltage ot the main circuit exceeded the covervliage detain lve when the Inverter was stopped on Radiation fin overheated (OF) ‘Check he anion temperature ashing ‘The aciation fin overheated when the Inverter wes Install acooing fan oar contoner. stopped. si Digital Operator stopped (STP) ‘Open Bath SF and SA, tasting _| The STOPIAESET Kay on he Digital Operator was = Data Display and Action to be Taken when Protective Mechanism is Actuated ‘The ALARM indicator ghts up when the protective mechanism is actuated. In this event, Inverter output is shut of, ‘and the motor coast to a stp. (Check the cause ofthe eror, take the necessary action, and perform fault reset o tu the power of then on. Data Description Cause and action display oe ‘Overcurrent (OC) “The ouiput side ofthe Inverter is shorad or grounded. The Inverter output current instantaneously exceeded Load inertia excessive 250% ofthe rated amperage ‘The acceleration and deceleration time setings are too short. A special motoris used. “The motor was started during free unning “The magnetic contactor onthe output side ofthe Inverter ‘was opened and closed. Determine the cause ofthe errr, take the necessary ac tio, and reset the system. ou Main circuit overvoltage (OV) The deceleration fine seting sto shor. Because ragenerative energy trom the motor was excessive, the DC valiage ofthe main circuit exceeded approximately 10 V. Increase the deceleration time. Connect a braking resistor (or braking resistor unit. wut Main circuit undervaltage (UV) The input power valage dropped ‘The DC vatage of the main cuit dropped below the ‘Open phase occured. specified level RSEV.AZIEID: Approximately 200 Vor less ‘Aninstantaneous power interruption occured, | aG2€v-AB500: approximately 160 Vor less J Ccheck tne power voltage {Check the power input ine for disconnection. | {Check the terminal block screws for looseness, ur en Turn the power off, then on. 3G3EV omron 3G3EV of Radiation fin overheated (OF) Toads cassie. ‘The radiation fin overheated because of ambient ==> Reduce the load. temperature eo lover temperature rse 68 1 v overoad The Vit characterises ae inappropriate <=> Reset constant Nos. 24 to 26. The aceelerabondecseraton time or eee time is too show => Increase the acceleration/deceleration time or cycle time. “The ambient empeature i 20 high > Install a cooling fan or air conditioner. au Motor overload (OL1) Fviw te load sie, Vi charactors, acoleration ‘The electronic thermal relay actuated the motor overload deceleration tne, and cycte Une. protecon urcton Sethe rated motor amperage in constant No.3 (lee- tron thermal rlerence cure. aa inverter overioad (012) Feview the load size, Vt charactors, accoleration! ‘The electronic thermal lay actuated the Invert overload | #esleratontime, and cy te, ‘protection function. Review the Inverter capacity. oa Over-torque (O13) ‘Make sure thatthe 051 and nS2 songs are aporopi, “The low ofcurent exceeded the value determined with | Creckthe operating statusolthe mechariclsystamand the constant setin aS formore than tho spectiod arad | remove te cause of heer determined wih the constant etn 2 ei External fault (EF) Review te extemal ereuis, “The Inverter received abnormal input kom extemal ruts. | Review the external sequence. ‘Check the signa ine of mutunction contact inp for disconnection RFI Fil 1 A range of two slimline footprint type AFI fiers. ® Specifically designed for the 3G3EV Inverter Drive. '™ Ensures cabinet size is reduced to a minimum. ters and Installation 2 = Part Numbers and Dimensions d w y ec > d 4 L SG3EV — PFI- EMC FILTERS Fiter PartNo, | Sysdiive Model | Current | wiath(W) ] Lengthit) | Height (HW) | Mounting Dimensions ating om 0, IGIEV-PFI VOTE | SGREV-ABOOT [TOA Ton [36imm [Seam [Simm | 180mm aG3EV-ABOU2 i oon pee ary ee am TY URLCOTT TTT IT casa TTT Hevea 3G3EV omron 3G3EV 4 nviw of Omron’ instalation guidelines given below, the folowing ouput fertte choke should be used: = Output Cable Filter Choke This choke is simply tweaded over the three motor output i conductors as they ext tha rverte (not the earth or screen leads) nd contbuies sgnfeanty to tne reducton of radiated and a ‘Conducted RF cause by ong ouput eabes w Fiter Paro, | Centre oles | Wwiath (W Felght Fh) Mounting | Mounting Hotes | (0) | Dimensions (X) Dia. SGIN-PEOOCA [Simm Bam nm Foam [am ra = Installation Guidelines “The following guidelines ae intended to give the use the necessary inlormationto allow the installation to comply tothe relevant EM requla- tions Please consult your Onwon representative if any queries exist = «+ The back pane! ofthe wiring cabinet shouldbe prepared as per the mounting dimensions ofthe fier as given in he table ovrlat «+The filter shouldbe securely mounted in postion, terminals uppermost and the Syscrive mounted tothe front ofthe fiter withthe screws provided. + Connect the fiter terminals marked INVERTER’ tothe mains input of he Syscrive using short lengths of appeoprate gauge wire, Connect the incoming mains supply tate itr terminals marked "MAINS" and any eartn cables to the earth stud provide. «+ Connect the motor and ft the Output Cable Fiter Choke as cose othe Sysdtve as possible, Armoured o screened cable should be used vith the the phase conductors only passing twice through the centre ofthe choke. The eath conductor plus seen shouldbe securely ‘earthed at both inverter and motor ends. + Connect any control cables as instructed the Syscrve instruction book SYSORIVE Nains Supaly Choke ‘Screened Cable sax length = Som ® Option Units © S232 Adapter * Braking Resistors “The operator rom the 3G2EV inverter can be removed and the Al Omron Sysdive SG3EV inverter dives are complete with the adapter used for 1 conve from ether a PC, PLC. Copy Unit or infernal braking card_necessary 10 cope with regeneration dedicated sofware ‘sometimes caused by overhauling loads and rapid deceleraionof a load. Part Number: SG3EV PUVOP122 ii The resistors ar fited to dissipate ths energy and prevent the tripping o he inverter on Overvaltage, © Copy Unit Part Number | _ Specification Applicable ‘Asimpleto use handheld unit allow up 103 soparate seis of rive Inverter information to be held and used o downioadtocther drives, greatly ‘Smpiying and speeding up multiple dive set Seon ico tetad aa Se et PERF 1SoWJ101 Part Number: 3G3EV PJVOP125 aaa 2000 150W (.75KW and below PERFISOWJ201 ‘The resistors ae ited to terminals Bt and 82 ofthe inverter. 3G3EV omron © DIN Rail Plates a These plates canbe used alow OIN Raiimoumting of he AG3EV inverter Note: These plates cannot be used with the footprint style FFL Fiters Part Number ‘Applicable inverters ‘2GIEV PSPAT-3 [01 and 0.2 KW models (and A2004 model) IGSEV PSPAT-4 | 04 and 0.7 KW models Sean mt ec get i (and A2007 to 2015) ds 12 ——S aG3EV-PSPAT3 asev-pspata # Moulded Case Circuit Breakers These devices should be instal in the Mains Input side ofthe _3GIEV inva, recommended values are given below. Model Terminal symbol “Terminal serew Wire size (mime) Moided-case crelt breaker capacty (A) SGSEV ARO ASTeiee 13S T75—2 3 SG3EV.AB00t aie 3G3EV-A2002 RSTB162 MBs ‘o75102 3 V.A8k SG3EV-A8002 www © SG3EV.A2008 AsTeree was o75.02 3 G3EV.AB004 vw on, . GEV ADOT mister 82 was ‘o75e2 0 EV AE /s¢3ev.A8007 ww @ i SGREV ADDIS AsTei62 ory o7se2 ia uw @® : Cat. No. F.2696V.001__In the interest of product improvement, specifications are subject to change without notice. omron eae Electronics Ltd. Staples Corner,

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