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24 06 2013
1. - Goodbye, Susie! - _____ !

A. So so
B. The same
C. Yeah
D. So long
2. - Anna: I dont think I can do this.
- Susan: ________________
A. Oh, come on! Give it a try!
B. Yeah. Its not easy.
C. No, I hope not.
D. Sure, no way!
3. - Are you good at math?
- ________ .
A. Im taking my driving test next week
B. Yes, about fifty words a minute
C. I think so. Ive got a lot of friends
D. I came top in my class in the last test
4. - Are you going to visit him?
- If she goes ________.
A. I do so
B. so will I
C. so I go
D. so I do
5. - Did you know Jims getting married next week?
- ________ Who to?
A. Really?
B. Is he?
C. Never!
D. All are correct.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to fulfill
the following blanks .
The next generation of telephone users will probably laugh (6) ________ we explain how we used to
stand next to a wall in the kitchen to (7) ________ a phone call. Mobile communications, already
highly advanced compared with a decade ago, will completely change communications in the next few
years. (8)________ there are millions of people using mobile phones, most people know (9) ________
about the mobile telecommunications industry and its technology.
There are three types of mobile phone. These are hand portables, pocket-sized hand portables and
transportables. The smallest and most popular are the pocket-sized hand portables. These work on
rechargeable batteries, which allow an (10) ________ of up to 80 minutes' conversation. Mobiles that
are fitted permanently in a vehicle do not (11) ________ on separate batteries. They require an external
aerial on the vehicle. This can mean a stronger signal with clearer (12) ________ . Transportables have
a high power capability and can be used (13) ________ anywhere. They come with powerful battery

packs for longer, continuous use and may also be put (14) ________ a vehicle, using its electrics. They
(15) ________ to be bulkier than hand portables.
6. A. unless
B. when
C. while
D. whether
7. A. make
B. give
C. take
D. do
8. A. In addition B. Because
C. As a result D. Although
9. A. little
B. some
C. few
D. lots
10. A. amount
B. account
C. activity
D. average
11. A. rely
B. create
C. carry
D. insist
12. A. wave
B. letter
C. speech
D. speed
13. A. mostly
B. hardly
C. most
D. almost
14. A. on with
B. into
C. up with
D. in to
15. A. used
B. have
C. tend
D. are
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
In this era of increased global warming and diminishing fossil fuel supplies, we must begin to put a
greater priority on harnessing alternative energy sources. Fortunately, there are a number of readily
available, renewable resources that are both cost- effective and earth friendly. Two such resources are
solar power and geothermal power.
Solar energy, which reaches the earth through sunlight, is so abundant that it could meet the needs of
worldwide energy consumption 6,000 times over. And solar energy is easily harnessed through the use
of photovoltaic cells that convert sunlight to electricity. In the US alone, more than 100, 000 homes are
equipped with solar electric systems in the form of solar panels or solar roof tiles. And in other parts of
the world, including many developing countries, the use of solar system is growing steadily.
Another alternative energy source, which is abundant in specific geographical areas, is geothermal
power, which creates energy by tapping heat from below the surface of the earth. Hot water and steam
that are trapped in underground pools are pumped to the surface and used to run a generator, which
produces electricity. Geothermal energy is 50,000 times more abundant than the entire known supply of
fossil fuel resources and as with solar power, the technology needed to utilize geothermal energy is
fairly simple. A prime example of effective geothermal use in Iceland, a region of high geothermal
activity where there are over 80 percent of private homes, are heated by geothermal power.
Solar and geothermal energy are just two of promising renewable alternatives to conventional energy
sources. The time is long overdue to invest in the development and use of alternative energy on global
16. What is the main topic of this passage? {#1}
A. The benefits of solar and wind power over conventional energy sources.
B. Two types of alternative energy sources that should be further utilized.
C. How energy resources are tapped from nature.
D. Examples of the use of energy sources worldwide.
17. According to the passage, why should we consider using alternative energy sources? {#2}
A. Because fossil fuels are no longer available.
B. Because global warming has increased the amount of sunlight that reaches the earth.
C. Because they are free and available worldwide.
D. Because conventional energy resources are being depleted, and they cause environmental damage.
18. Which of the following words could best replace the word harnessing?
A. Capturing
B. Harassing
C. Depleting
D. Exporting
19. According to the passage, what can be inferred about solar roof tiles?

A. They are being used in many undeveloped countries.

B. They can convert geothermal energy to electricity.
C. They are more expensive than solar panels.
D. They contain photovoltaic cells.
20. According to the passage, how is solar energy production similar to geothermal energy production?
A. They both require the use of a generator.
B. They both use heat from the earths surface.
C. They both require fairly simple technology.
D. They are both conventional and costly.
21. Where is the best place in the passage to insert the following sentence?
Although the US is not utilizing geothermal resources to this extent, the Western US has a similar
capacity to generate geothermal power
A. after the phrase earth-friendly
B. after the phrase growing steadily
C. after the phrase geothermal power
D. after the phrase global scale
22. According to the passage, which of the following is true about solar power?
A. There is very little of it available in Iceland.
B. It is being used in 100, 000 private homes worldwide.
C. It is 6,000 times more powerful than energy from fossil fuels.
D. There is enough of it to far exceed the energy needs of the world.
23. What can be inferred about the use of geothermal energy in Iceland?
A. It is widely used form of energy for heating homes.
B. Twenty percent of the geothermal energy created is used to heat businesses
C. It is not effective for use in private homes.
D. It is 80 times more effective than traditional forms of energy.
24. What does the author imply about alternative energy sources?
A. Many different types of alternative energy sources exist.
B. Most alternative energy sources are too impractical for private use.
C. Alternative energy is too expensive for developing countries to produce.
D. Solar and geothermal energy are the effective forms of alternative power.
25. What best describes the authors purpose in writing the passage?
A. To warn people about the hazards of fossil fuel use.
B. To convince people of the benefits of developing alternative energy sources.
C. To describe the advantages and disadvantages of alternative energy use.
D. To outline the problems and solutions connected with global warming.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
Although they are an inexpensive supplier of vitamins, minerals, and high quality protein, eggs also
contain a high level of blood cholesterol, one of the major causes of heart disease. One egg yolk, in
fact, contains a little more than two-thirds of the suggested daily cholesterol limit. This knowledge has
caused egg sales to plummet in recent years, which in turns has brought about the development of
several alternatives to eating regular eggs. One alternative is to eat substitute eggs.
These egg substitutes are not really eggs, but they look somewhat like eggs when they are cooked.
They have the advantage of having lower cholesterol rates, and they can be scrambled or used in
baking. One disadvantage, however, is that they are not good for frying, poaching, or boiling. A second
alternative to regular eggs is a new type of egg, sometimes called designer eggs. These eggs are
produced by hens that are fed low-fat diets consisting of ingredients such as canola oil, flax, and rice
bran. In spite of their diets, however, these hens produce eggs that contain the same amount of

cholesterol as regular eggs. Yet, the producers of these eggs claim that eating their eggs will not raise
the blood cholesterol in humans.
Eggs producers claim that their product has been portrayed unfairly. They cite scientific studies to
back up their claim. And, in fact, studies on the relationship between eggs and human cholesterol
levels have brought mixed results. It may be that it is not the type of egg that is the main determinant
of cholesterol but the person who is eating the eggs. Some people may be more sensitive to cholesterol
derived from food than other people. In fact, there is evidence that certain dietary fats stimulate the
bodys production of blood cholesterol. Consequently, while it still makes sense to limit ones intake of
eggs, even designer eggs, it seems that doing this without regulating 30 dietary fat will probably not
help reduce the blood cholesterol level.
26. What is the main purpose of this passage?
A. To convince people to eat designer eggs and egg substitutes.
B. To inform people about the relationship between eggs and cholesterol.
C. To persuade people that eggs are unhealthy and should not be eaten.
D. To introduce the idea that dietary fat increases the blood cholesterol level.
27. As used in line 4, the word plummet refers to which of the following?
A. Hesitate unexpectedly.
B. Drop abruptly.
C. Bounce uncertainly.
D. Rise gently.
28. According to the passage, which of the following is a cause of heart disease?
A. Vitamins
B. Canola oil
C. Minerals
D. Cholesterol
29. As used in line 6, which of the following could best replace the word somewhat?
A. A little
B. In fact
C. A lot
D. Indefinitely
30. According to the passage, what has been the cause for changes in the sale of eggs?
A. Increasing price
B. Decreased production.
C. A shrinking market.
D. Dietary changes in hens.
31. The word portrayed in line 13 could best replaced by which of the following?
A. destroyed
B. described
C. tested
D. studied
32. As used in line 14, what is the meaning of the phrase back up?
A. reverse
B. block
C. support
D. advance
33. What does the author mean by the phrase mixed results in line 15?
A. The results are blended
B. The results are a composite of things
C. The results are inconclusive

D. The results are mingled together

34. According to the passage, egg substitutes cannot be used to make any of the following types of eggs
A. fried
B. poached
C. boiled
D. scrambled
35. According to the author, which of the following may reduce the blood cholesterol?
A. Reducing egg intake but not fat intake.
B. Increasing egg intake and fat intake.
C. Increasing egg intake but not fat intake.
D. Decreasing egg intake and fat intake.
36. The patient recovered more rapidly than expected.
A. The patient made a more rapid recovery than expected.
B. The patient made a more recovery rapidly than expected.
C. The patient made a more rapidly recovery than expected.
D. The patient made a more recovery rapid than expected.
37. She prefers Italian food to French food.
A. She'd rather have Italian food than French food.
B. She like eating Italian food to French food.
C. She only like Italian food without French food.
D. She only eat Italian food without eating French food.
38. As television programmes become more popular, they seem to get worse.
A. The more popular television programmes become, they seem to get worse.
B. The less popular television programmes become, the worse they seem to get.
C. The more popular television programmes become, the worse they seem to get.
D. The more popular television programmes becoming, the worse they seem to get.
39. If we can solve the problem soon, it will be better for all concerned.
A. The sooner we solve the problem, the better it will be for all concerned.
B. The sooner do we solve the problem, the better it will be for all concerned.
C. As long as we solve the problem, the better it will be for all concerned.
D. As long as do we solve the problem, the better it will be for all concerned.
40. There weren't nearly as many people there as I had expected.
A. I hadn't expected fewer people there.
B. I had expected many people there.
C. There weren't far fewer people there than I had expected.
D. There were far fewer people there than I had expected.
Choose A, B, C or D to show the underlined part that needs correction:
41. As a child grows on, its physical health is affected by many elements in the air, water and food.
A. on
B. is affected
C. by
D. many elements
42. The threat of being dismissed do not worry me anymore because I have started my own business.
A. The
B. being dismissed
C. do not worry
D. my own business

43. This will have a serious effect about agriculture.

A. will
B. a
C. about
D. agriculture
44. When many of my friends take a shower in the morning, I usually take one before bed.
A. When
B. of
C. one
D. bed
45. The Concorde can fly across the Atlantic without re-fueling and carrying 11 tons of freight.
A. across
B. without
C. carrying
D. of freight
46. A. favourable B. forgettable C. formality D. familiar
47. A. luminous B. adventurous C. laborious D. autonomous
48. A. interpret B. interval C. interior D. internal
49. A. assistant B. decision C. redundant D. management
50. A. occasional B. industrial C. information D. variety
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is
CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
51. The whole village was wiped out in the bombing raids.
A. changed completely
B. cleaned well
C. destroyed completely
D. removed quickly
52. He drives me to the edge because he never stops talking.
A. irritates me
B. steers me
C. moves me
D. frightens me
53. - Would you like some more to eat?
- No, thank you. Ive had more than enough already.
A. amount
B. race
C. pour
D. plenty
54. About 95 percent of all animals are invertebrates which can live anywhere, but most, like the
starfish and crabs, live in the ocean.
A. with backbones
B. with ribs
C. without ribs
D. without backbones
55. He had never experienced such discourtesy towards the president as it occurred at the annual
meeting in May.
A. politeness

B. rudeness
C. measurement
D. encouragement
56. Five years .................a long time, he might already be forgotten.
A. has been
B. is
C. had been
D. are
57. They each................... responsible for all the activities.
A. be
B. are
C. is
D. being
58. The facilities at the new research library, including an excellent microfilm file...............among the
best in the country.
A. are
B. is
C. has been
D. was
59. I am not used .............spoken to like that.
A. being
B. to be
C. to being
D. to have been
60. Before the late eighteen century, most textiles home.
A. produced
B. was produced
C. producing
D. were produced
61. He the zoo once a month when he was young.
A. taking
B. to take
C. being taken
D. to be taken
62. Children ...............warned not to talk to strangers.
A. is
B. will be
C. should be
D. used to be
63. If you had told me about this problem earlier, everything ................all right now.
A. has been
B. will be
C. would be
D. would have been
64. If you walk into the road without looking, you risk ..............knocked down.
A. been
B. be
C. to be
D. being

65. The students are made their assignment by Tuesday next week.
A. hand
B. to hand
C. handing
D. handed
66. America, which is considered to be a new continent, is Christopher Columbus.
A. to discover
B. to have been discovered
C. to be discovered
D. being discovered
67. Your house needs.....................
A. redecorated
B. redecorating
C. being redecorated
D. to redecorate
68. A cool drink .... him after his long hot journey.
A. relaxed
B. relieved
C. refreshed
D. recovered
69. He says he is considering (go) to Scotland this summer.
A. to going
B. going
C. to go
D. go
70. How long shall I have to bear (listen) to it all?
A. to listen
B. to listening
C. listening
D. to be listened
71. This one is prettier, but it costs the other one.
A. as much as
B. as many
C. twice as much
D. twice as many
72. These two girls ................that I can't tell them apart.
A. are so like
B. are so alike
C. are too alike
D. alike enough
73. I can honestly say I've never seen .............boring film.
A. so
B. such
C. such a
D. so much
74. Supposing I agree to your request, how do you think the other students would feel?
A. would
B. am
C. were

D. could
75. Mercury,to the sun, is also the smallest of nine planets orbiting the sun.
A. the nearest planet
B. is the nearest planet
C. that is the nearest that written
D. it is the nearest planet
76. Nowhere ..................such cooperative staff.
A. you can find
B. you found
C. you could find
D. can you find
77. Up.......................and the people cheered.
A. went the balloon
B. did the balloon go
C. does the balloon go
D. goes the balloon
78. On no the office be used for personal materials.
A. the photocopy machines
B. should the photocopy machines
C. the photocopy machines should
D. does the photocopy machines
79. I was brought .. in the countryside by my aunt after my parents had pass...
A. on / over
B. for / on
C. on / off
D. up / away
80. Instead .. petrol, cars will only run energy and electricity.
A. of / on
B. for / by
C. in / over
D. from/ upon

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