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Common cold,

also known
simply as a cold, is a viral infectious
disease of the upper respiratory tract
that primarily affects the nose. The
throat, sinuses, and voice box may also
be affected. ... They include coughing,
sore throat, runny nose, sneezing,
headache, and fever.

Strep throat

is a bacterial
infection that causes inflammation and
pain in the throat. This common
by group
A Streptococcus bacteria. Strep throat
can affect children and adults of all
ages. However, its especially common
in children between the ages of 5 and
15. Sneezing and coughing can spread
the infection from one person to another.


gastroenteritis is

intestinal infection marked by watery
diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea or
vomiting, and sometimes fever. The
most common way to develop viral
gastroenteritis often called stomach flu
is through contact with an infected
person or by ingesting contaminated
food or water.

Pink Eye

is a common name for a

highly contagious form of bacterial or
viral conjunctivitis. The virus that causes
the common cold causes viral pink eye.
Staphylococcus or streptococcus cause
bacterial pink eye. To reduce the
chances for spreading pink eye, avoid
touching the infected eye, wash your
hands frequently and avoid reusing
towels or washcloths in contact with the


a sexually transmitted
disease caused by the Neisseria
gonorrhoeae bacterium, is a common
infectious disease. The Centers for
estimates more than 700,000 people
acquire gonorrheal infections every
year. Sexual activity is the primary
method of spreading the disease.

Fifth disease is

a mild rash
illness caused by parvovirus B19.
This disease is also called erythema
infectiosum. It is more common in
children than adults. A person usually
gets sick within 4 to 14 days (sometimes
up to 20 days) after getting infected with
parvovirus B19.

and a

mild cough that

progresses to


with a highpitched whoop.



is a viral infection of the

liver. The three types of hepatitis are
hepatitis A, hepatitis B and hepatitis C.
The most prevalent of the three types
worldwide is the hepatitis B virus, with
about 350 million people infected in
2005. Hepatitis causes inflammation of
the liver that can lead to life-threatening
conditions, such as cirrhosis and liver

Whooping Cough,

or pertussis,
is a highly communicable disease that
affects all ages. The symptoms of
whooping cough include respiratory
infection, runny nose, low-grade fever

Rotavirus is a highly contagious

infection that affects the gastrointestinal
system of children. Symptoms include
nausea, vomiting, fever and watery
diarrhea. Rotavirus is a noted problem
in daycare facilities. The virus spreads
from the stool of infected individuals.
Poor hand washing technique following
toilet use easily spreads the rotavirus.



immunodeficiency virus) causes AIDS

(acquired immunodeficiency syndrome)
in the late stages of infection. HIV is in
the semen, vaginal fluid and blood of
infected persons. Unprotected sex and
shared needles or syringes with HIV or
AIDS carriers are the main methods of
disease transmission.


Ebola virus disease

also Ebola hemorrhagic fever, or
simply Ebola,
viral hemorrhagic fever of humans and
other primates caused by ebolaviruses.
Signs and symptoms typically start
between two days and three weeks after
contracting the virus with a fever,





is a communicable
disease that is caused by bacteria
(germs) that attack the lungs or other
parts of the body such as the kidney,
spine or brain. If not


also called rubeola, is a

highly contagious respiratory infection
that's caused by a virus. It causes a
total-body skin rash and flu-like
symptoms, including a fever, cough, and
runny nose. Though rare in the United
States, 20 million cases happen
worldwide every year.


is a serious infection of the

nervous system caused by a virus,
known as Rabies virus. In Alameda
County, the virus is usually transmitted
to humans by a bite or scratch from a
wild infected animal, most commonly, a
bat or a skunk. Rabies almost always
results in death if a bite or scratch from
a rabid animal (an animal infected with
rabies) is not treated at the time of
exposure and symptoms of an infection

Zika is

spread mostly by the bite of

an infected Aedes species mosquito
(Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus). These
mosquitoes are aggressive daytime
biters. They can also bite at
night. Zika can be passed from a
fetus.Infection during pregnancy can
cause certain birth defects.

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