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An Indigenous, Customized ,Multi key and

MultiMode Cryptographic Engine in FPGA

Freeha Azmat, Asim Rafiq, Muhammad Nadeem, Zarar Khanzada
Department of Computer and Software Engineering
Bahria University
Islamabad, Pakistan,,,

AbstractIn this paper, a cryptographic processor is

designed by implementing Advanced Encryption Standard
(AES) as the algorithm for encryption/decryption in Field
Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) which will ensure
the secure transmission of the Ethernet data. The proposed
processor has the ability to encrypt/decrypt in three
different modes i.e. OFB, CFB and CTR .Moreover the
ultimate security is guaranteed by providing the capability
to use three different key lengths i.e. 128 bits,192bits and
256 bits. The processor is indigenous and can be
reconfigurable according to user requirements.(Abstract)
Index TermsCryptographic Algorithm,
Computing, AES and Security.(Key words)




As we are living in 21st century where technology is

advancing day by day, and in order to meet the customer
needs, engineers have to keep up with all the newly emerging
advance technologies. They are trying to make new costeffective tools which can help people in daily life but at the
same time meeting the criteria of security and reliability. The
usage of computer and internet is becoming unavoidable as its
importance in the various fields of life including education
sector, banks, government sector, armed forces, and business
sector is increasing. Some of these sectors like armed forces
and government departments exchange confidential data over
those mediums. In order to maintain confidentiality between
two entities, end-end encryption is introduced.
Maximum numbers of companies are accessing internet using
Ethernet lines, therefore it is very important to secure our
Ethernet data while transmission. Methods should be devised
which can provide ultimate security.
The data security can be provided by encrypting the data using
encryption algorithms before transmission and consequently
decrypting on the other end. The data encryption is dependent
on two main parameters: one is encryption algorithm used and
the other key. In this paper, we have designed and
implemented a cryptographic processor in FPGA by
addressing both parameters for data security. We have used

978-1-4673-4450-0/12/$31.00 2012 IEEE

the most secure algorithm for encryption i.e. Advance

Encryption Standard (AES) and provided the choice to user to
encrypt using three different key lengths i.e. 128,192 and 256
bits. With the longest key 256bits, we can assure the
maximum security. We have also provided the option to user
to encrypt/decrypt in three different mode of operation i.e.
CTR (Counter Mode), CFB (Cipher Feedback Mode) and
OFB (Output Feedback Mode).
The proposed design in FPGAs provides a customized
solution for securing government, military and civil
applications. This is a holistic solution which includes
cryptographic algorithm design, key management and
capability to encrypt in various modes. The device offer
customers to change encryption algorithms and other key
parameters according to their own security requirements. This
is one the reasons to choose FPGA platform for building
customized and reliable security solutions. There are several
high speed security solutions dealing with implementation of
AES are discussed in [1][2][3] which reduces the area
utilization of the hardware and also make the the utilization of
resources efficient during encryption and decryption.
Moreover [4][5][6] deals with the pipelined implementation of
AES and methods are discussed for low power consumption
while providing high performance network security at the
same time. The novelty about our solution is that its compact
and all the modules AES Encryption/Decryption, Key
generation using three key lengths and encryption in three
different modes are integrated into one chip which consumes
less hardware.
Another question arises that why to build this cryptographic
engine in presence of already available cryptographic
solutions for securing Ethernet data in market? . This is due to
the following factors: firstly the products available in the
market become useless when encryption algorithm is need to
be replaced because the authority to change algorithm rests
with vendor due to which customers in our country suffers in
terms of cost and reliability. The proposed Cryptographic
engine design facilitates the companies to introduce the
desired changes whenever they need. This design can be
configured in shorter time because the product is indigenous

instead of bringing new product every time and if the

encryption algorithm is broken then it can be replaced without
affecting other modules. Moreover the designed methodology
is cheap as involves less hardware equipment.

processor with three key lengths i.e. 128, 192 and 256

The paper is organized as follows. Section II is dealing with

proposed methodology for our cryptographic engine described
that is followed by performance results explained in section III
.Finally conclusion is presented in Section IV which is
followed by references illustrated in Section V.









16 bytes

16 bytes




14 bytes


2 bytes


The proposed design of our cryptographic processor that is

encrypting/decrypting Ethernet data with varying key lengths
and modes is shown in figure1.The detailed explanation of
each module is as follows:

Figure 2: Ethernet Frame

For selecting different keys, we have defined key select in our

system that will be a input from the user e.g. if user wants
ultimate security then he can encrypt his 128 bits of data with
256 bits of key by selecting key select 2 as shown in table
1. As the keys are longer so more time is required for
computation as well that consequently makes 12 rounds of
encryption for 192 bits and 14 rounds for 256 bits [10].


NO. of Rounds

Key Select

Figure 1: Proposed Cryptographic Processor Design in FPGA

Table 1: Key Selector

A. De-composition of Ethernet Frame

C. Mode Selector

The Ethernet frame structure (IEEE 802.3) is shown in figure

1 where Preamble, SOF, CRC, Length, Source and
Destination Address are the header bits while the data in frame
can vary from 46 bytes to 1500 bytes. As we need to encrypt
data only, so we segregate data and header bits in this module.
The minimum data length is 46 bytes however AES can
encrypt 16 bytes (128 bits) of block using varying key lengths
i.e. 128, 192 and 256 bits respectively. For encrypting 46
bytes (16 bytes*2 +14 bytes) of one Ethernet frame, we divide
the data into three blocks each of 16 bytes with 2 bytes of
zeros padded in the last block which consequently make 48
bytes (16 bytes *2+14 bytes +2 bytes(Zeros)) of data that can
be fed into AES in three blocks that is show in figure 2.
B. Key Selector

As we have implemented block cipher encryption in our

system by splitting the Ethernet frame into three blocks, so all
three blocks will be encrypted using same key at one
time.Modes of operation is the procedure of enabling the
repeated and secure use of a block cipher under a single key
by introducing randomization in the blocks .There are
different modes defined for AES Encryption/decryption that
can be utilized e.g. Electronic Codebook (ECB) , Cipher block
chaining (CBC) ,CTR (Counter Mode), CFB (Cipher
Feedback Mode) and OFB (Output Feedback Mode)[11]. Each
of the modes has its own pros/cons however we have
implemented CTR, CFB and OFB modes in our system. The
advantage of implementing OFB mode is that it can increase
speed by providing parallel encryption of all three blocks,
CFB reduces overhead by utilizing same AES algorithm for
encryption/decryption and CTR increases security between
consecutive blocks of data by introducing randomization.

The security of cryptographic algorithm increases with

increase in Key Length. Similarly AES algorithm will be
more secure if the same data (i.e. 128 bits) is encrypted
with longer key lengths i.e. 192 and 256 bits. We have
implemented AES algorithm in our cryptographic

We have defined Mode select input in our system where user

can choose a particular mode of operation depending upon its
requirement. The Mode select is abbreviated in table 2.

AES Mode

Mode Select
Table 2: Mode Selector

C.AES Crypto Core

AES is an algorithm that was approved as most secure
algorithm for encryption/decryption in 2002 by federal
government information processing (FIPS)[8].
The AES encryption is presented in figure 3 where RND0 is
ARK (Add round key) step: the userkey and plain-text of 128
bits are added. The RND1-9 block includes the four AES
steps, namely BS (Byte substitution), SR (Shift Rows), MC
(Mix Columns) and ARK. There are total 10 rounds required
for 128 bit key length Encryption. Round keys are generated
for all iterations of algorithm [9].

Figure 3: AES Encryption Algorithm (for 128 bit length key and



Table 3: Operating Modes

The Register Transfer Level diagram for our system is shown
in figure4. MUX is used for the selection of key length
(i.e.128,192 and 256 bits) and encryption modes( i.e.
CTR,OFB,CFB).As we have nine operating combinations with
three key lengths and three modes, so we have shown only one
operating mode in RTL i.e. CTR mode with 128 bit length
In figure4 PT_1 , PT_2 and PT_3 stands for three chunks of
plaintext each of 128 bits length. Ld_key is one bit signal that
is used to load the key for any certain mode. Initial vector(IV)
is required for encryption mode that is also fed as input to the
system.wo,w1,w2 and w3 represents 128 bit length key
where each word wo,w1,w2 and w3 contains 32 bits In
AES-192 and AES-256 case it will be configured to six
words of 32 bits i.e. ( w0,w1,w2,w3,w4,w5) and eight words
each of 32 bits i.e.( w0,w1,w2,w3,w4,w5,w6 and w7)
respectively.Cipher_1,2,3 are corresponding Cipher Text of
three plaintext chunks while rst signal is used to Reset the
system and clk is used for system clock that synchronizes
the system.

D. Re-Composition of Ethernet Frame

In our system, the data of Ethernet frame acts as plain text
which comes from de-composition of Ethernet Frame
module that will be encrypted using the key length specified
by the user from Key selector Module .Finally encryption
will be performed by a specific scheme selected by Mode
Selector Module. The encrypted data will be passed to the
Re-Composition of Ethernet Frame Module where
encrypted data and header bits are concatenated again to form
a encrypted Ethernet frame structure.


We have implemented our system in Virtex-4sx35ff668 device

using Verilog. We have 9 main operating modes for our
cryptographic engine considering three key lengths and three
modes. E.g. OFB is implemented using three key lengths
which constitute three operating modes and same is true for
CFB and CTR as shown in table 3.
Operating Mode

Mode Select, Key select


Figure 4: RTL Schematic

The results for CFB mode with key lengths 128,192,256 is

shown in figure 5(a),(b) and (c) respectively.

Figure 5(c) Encryption in CFB mode (256 bit key)

Figure 5(a) Encryption in CFB mode (128 bit key)

Figure 5(a) illustrates the encryption/decryption of Ethernet

frame using CFB mode and key length of 128 bits where
Key_sel=0 select key of 128 bits, and mode_sel=1 select
the Cipher feedback mode operation. Plain1,Plain2 and
Plain3 represents plain text each of 16 bytes. As our
minimum length Ethernet frame constituted three blocks of
plaintext and we have initialized it to be zero which is shown
in the figure. The Ethernet frame containing all zeros will be
encrypted using AES and produces three blocks i.e.
Cipher_cfb, Cipher_cfb1, Cipher_cfb2 respectively. All of
these three blocks contain different values and contains
maximum randomization in a manner that nobody can predict
that they were all initialized with the same values, encrypted
using same key and they belonged to same Ethernet frame.
Moreover decryption is also illustrated in the simulation with
registers named Plain_dec1, Plain_dec1, Plain_dec1
respectively. The decryption results depict that both plaintext
and decrypted text are same and that verifies our process as
In Figure5(b) the key_sel=1 and mode_sel=1 depicts the
encryption/decryption using AES in CFB mode with 192 bit
key length .Now the encrypted data is more secure because the
longer key is used.
While Figure5(c) depicts the
encryption/decryption using AES in CFB mode with key
length of 256 bits.

The Device utlization summary for our system is tabulated in

table4 which shows that 47% of the total resources are utilized
for implementation 9 different operating mode in FPGA. It is
considerably improved when compared to previous
approaches e.g. in [7] the implementation of the AES on the
same FPGA device is discussed that supports various key
lengths and consumes 8378 slices while our processor
consumes less resources i.e. 7315 slices and provides the
feature to encrypt not only with varying key lengths but also
with various modes.

Device Utilization of Cryptographic Engine

Number of
7315 / 15360
Number of
5841 / 30720
Slice Flip
Number of 4
10439 / 30720 33%
input LUTs
Number of
259 / 448
bonded IOBs
Number of
1 / 32
Table 4: Device Utilization
The burning results produced using chip-scope pro software
is illustrated in figure 6 where least significant bits of the
encrypted output is shown.


In this paper we have designed a cryptographic processor

which supports compact, customized and re-configurable
implementation of AES in FPGA. The security is improved by
providing the option to user to encrypt in three modes and by
using three different key lengths. The product is indigenous
and cost-effective. The solution provides flexibility to
customers by providing the capability to change the
Figure 5(b) Encryption in CFB mode (192 bit key)

encryption algorithm if its broken and can bring the required

customization according to specifications.

[10] Federal Information Processing Standards Publication

197 November 26, 2001 Announcing the, advance
encryption standard (AES)

Figure 6: Implementation Results using Chip Scope Pro

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[9] Arturo Diaz Perez, N.A.Saqib, Francisco Rodriguez-Henriquez

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