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Overview of Week Six:

This week, we will add a lot more functionality to our sites through tables and

Course Outcomes:
At the successful completion of this weeks lessons, you should be prepared to:

Define table elements

Create a table with rows and data
Style a table for desktop and mobile devices
Create a form with text input controls, labels, and check boxes
Create a selection menu with multiple options
Create a submit button

Additional Learning Outcomes:

In addition to the course learning outcomes, you should develop a better
understanding of the following concepts:
Insert a table caption
Use the textarea element
Assigned Reading:
1. Read chapter 8, Creating Tables and Forms
2. Read lectures: Tables and "Forms"
1. Participate in the week six discussion: Tables

2. Complete the week six assignment: Creating a Table and a Form for the
New Harvest Food Bank Website
Additional Resources:
To help you better understand the concepts we are discussing this week, review
this helpful article on Tables

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