Proposal PV

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Audio Visual: Promotional Video of Cambridge

Cambridge: A city of wonders. Take the time to explore and indulge the art, music and wide culture
that rests in the heart and stone of the Cambridgeshire county.

Cambridge Cultures: A city of wonders will be a promotional video showing the university buildings
and locations, including interviews from students of their experience and why they choose to learn
in Cambridge.
The middle part of the video will feature locations of a religious culture and the activities that
surround it. The Kings College Chapel and the punting tours is what I would like to promote. I
would finish my promotional film by ending with the shopping attractions and theatres, showing the
audience what they can do in their spare time while attending the university.

Objective and Aim

The objective is to inform and educate tourists about the city of Cambridge in a promotional video
and invite them with the benefits of living there. I will be focusing on the positive elements, sites
and attractions that make Cambridge an magical place to not only visit but live in.

Style and Genre

I would like to a achieve a professional style promotion, that is informative to a peaceful extent with
colloquial language in a formal style. This is so any voice overs or interviews will be
understandable for my target audience.

Target Audience
For my target audience of the promotional video, I will be focusing on tourists of a mixed gender
student age, primarily between 18 and 35, to promote the university society and educational
culture that benefits when choosing to study in Cambridge. As a video that explores different
cultures, it will appeal to a diverse audience of any religious background. At a educational age, my
target audience will not have a full working class status but most likely part time and would be
looking into further education.
The BBFC rating for the promotional video would be classified as a E certificate.

The resources i will need to create a promotional video will be split into the three stages of
production. In the pre-product, I will need storyboards to effectively plan the type of camera work
and photography. In the main production, a camera crew which will consist of members of my

media class with myself as director. I will need cameras for the sequence of different shots, sound
equipment for dialogue and interviews.
Equipment in the main production:
Microphones for interview
Lighting equipment (depending on the weather and amount of sunlight)
Director/Producer/Editor: Myself (Bethan Murfitt)
Camera Operators: Charlotte Creek and Andrew Redhead
Sound Operator: Chess Sharman
Lighting operator: Anna Burnley Davis
Runner (also helping carry equipment): Imi Ranner
Camera Operator: 25 per day
Sound Operator: 25 per day
Lighting Operator: 25 per day

The main focus will be university students and residents of Cambridge.

Timeline and Launch Date

I will be aiming for a time length of two to three minutes, to make sure a full insight of the art,
religious and youth culture is presented.
By the end of January, I would like to have completed a set and detailed plan in the form of a
storyboard and script for the video structure. At this point, I would also have the locations chosen
with permissions granted if needed.
At the beginning of February (between the 1st and the 10th), I would like to have conducted a test
run or visit of the locations to make sure the locations are still appropriate before the actual
By the end of February, I would like to have filmed the promotional video completely, so I would
leave myself a greater amount of time for post-production.

Launch Date: March 17th 2017

Mood board

Distributing and Marketing

My promotional video will be beneficial to the Cambridge city council as it will encourage different
audiences to live in Cambridge or attend the student universities. In terms of distributing, the video
would be appropriate to appear on the council website. Another suggestion would be distributing
the video onto YouTube, as there will be a higher chance of the target audience viewing the video
and is a efficient way to share the video to reach a wider audience.
As promoting student life, the video could be cross promoted with the universities of Cambridge.

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