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Career Development: Syllabus and Informational Sheet

Harrison Junior High School

Instructor: Coach Beth Earl
Welcome to Career Development.
I expect that you will leave this course thinking about your future
career. You will be exposed to the different jobs that are available in the
world of work today. Listed below is the important information on the
guidelines, expectations, and procedures for your success in this course.
Please keep this in your binder.
Note: please return the signature portion that is at the end of this

Introduction: Career Development is a semester long class with 5 units of study. This is a
foundational course designed to teach Career Development through research and understanding of self and the
world of work for college and career readiness. Career research and decision-making with education/training
plans for exploration and development will be the core standards. Students will be knowledgeable of career
options, personal skills, aptitudes, and employer expectations of future careers of choice. Students will identify
personal traits/characteristics for a better understanding of oneself in their pursuit of Cinding a meaningful,
fulCilling, and rewarding career. Through better understanding of personal interests, values, aptitudes, and
abilities students can assess how they relate to the world of work in order to acquire the skills necessary for
appropriate placement in the workforce.

Course Description: Career Development is a technology-based course that will allow HJHS to
introduce students to hardware/application software of a computer with applications in career planning,
preparation, exploration, and development. The major goal of Career Development is to prepare students to take
responsibility and become engaged in their own futures. Through Career Development, students will be able to
progress through the educational environment with viable education, training, and career plans for transition to
adult life. Students will demonstrate the use of technology to gather information about careers and demonstrate
an understanding of the ways in which work, family, and leisure roles are interrelated. Students shall develop a
career focus with viable expectations for success based upon careful research, consistent planning, and
employment preparation.

Units of Study: There are 5 units of study that we will examine in Career Development.
* Unit 1 Self-Awareness: Students will begin to examine what their personal interests and abilities are
and what work values they consider important. Also, in this unit, students will examine how their
personality traits affect their selection of occupations and lifestyles.
* Unit 2 Career Exploration: In this unit, students will look at many different occupations and necessary
job skills from the 16 career clusters.
* Unit 3 - Career Decision-Making Students will formulate career decisions based upon a decisionmaking process necessary for choosing a career pathway with the highest probability of success.
* Unit 4 - High School and Career Planning Students will develop tentative high school, college, and
career plans with a logical sequence of courses and achievable steps for success aligned toward a career
focus area.
* Unit 5 - Career Readiness Students will assess and explain fundamental career readiness skills, which
form the basis for further career preparation. Students will utilize technology skills to design a creative
and comprehensive project to showcase personal career aspirations.


Learn about yourselffor your best interest and of those around you.
Stand up for your rightsas an individual and as a student.
Research all possibilities available to help you make wise decisions.
Strive to improve your attitude and your self-esteem.
Set goals and work towards meeting them.
Make every opportunity count toward your future.
Strive to well work with othersas a team successfully.

Classroom Rules

Be on-time, on-task, and prepared to learn EVERYDAY.

Personal electronics are for Educational Purposes only! Teacher must grant permission to
use them during class.
Be responsible for your own learning.
Respect the teacher, classroom, other students, and any other guests in attendance.
Trash goes in the trashcan, be sure to clean up your workspace before you leave at the bell.
Keep hands and feet to yourself.
No food, drink, or gum in class.
You break buy it!!

Classroom Procedures
1. Make sure you have all materials before you enter the room. You must have a pen (blue or black ink only)
or pencil with you every day.
2. Please go to your seat when you enter the room and stay seated until you are dismissed at the end of
3. The bell does not dismiss you, the teacher does.
4. If you need to leave the room for any reason, you must sign out and take the hall pass.

5. You must be in your seat and ready to work before the bell rings or you will be tardy. After the third tardy,
you will receive an ofCice referral.
6. Make sure your pencil is sharpened and all other business is taken care of before you are seated. If it must
be done during class, please wait until the teacher is Cinished speaking.
7. We will enter and exit the room in an orderly manner.
8. Your bell ringer will be on the board in the front of the room, on your desk, or sent electronically on
Schoology. You must enter the classroom and then begin your bell ringer before the bell rings.
9. All papers must have the students name, date, and class period in the top right hand corner of your paper.
The assignment title will be written in the center of the top line.
10. The majority of assignments will be submitted electronically through Schoology. Paper assignments that
are to be turned in must be placed in the black tray located on the Cile cabinet. Students are responsible
for their own papers and making sure they are turned in properly.
11. Late work for each unit will be taken up until the day of the test for half credit.
12. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to make up missed work and get the notes from the previous
day. If you are absent, Cirst check with your classmates then ask the teacher.
13. No food or drink allowed in the classroom due to computers.
14. Do not mess with any of the computer equipment cords. This is very important. If your computer will not
turn on, please ask your teacher for help. Do not try to Cix computer issues on your own.
15. Do not write or draw on the desks, computers, or mouse pad.
16. We will speak in complete sentences and address each other by name.
17. We will use good manners; please, may I, and thank you.
18. When we have a guest speaker, come in, be seated promptly, be very attentive, and be sure to thank them
for their presentation when you leave. (It is always appropriate to introduce yourself with and extended
hand before you are seated.)
19. At the end of the day please place your chairs under the table, log off your computer, and put away any
additional supplies that was used during your particular class period.
20. Be sure to answer all questions on assignments on Schoology using an easy to read font color.
*Following these procedures will ensure your success in this classroom and an awesome semester for

Expectations of Students
Since you are enrolled in a business-oriented class, you will be expected to behave in a
businesslike manner. This means you are to be on-time, have all necessary materials, and have
completed trips to the bathroom before coming to class. Tardiness and unpreparedness are not
tolerated in business, nor will they be tolerated in this class. Students must have a signed
Computer Internet Form and Schoology Code of Conduct Form on Cile in order to be able to
participate in any activities that are related to Computer Technology.

Schoology: We will utilize Schoology during the duration of this course as an online classroom resource.
Course documents, course assignments, class discussions, and quizzes will be posted on Schoology. Students will
submit their work through Schoology. More information on Schoology will be sent to parents on how parents can
gain access to student accounts. Schoology Code of Conduct for students is after the Syllabus
Acknowledgement Form.

Student Responsibilities: Some class time will be available for completion of the
assignments, but some outside effort will also be necessary. If a student is absent, it is the responsibility of the
student to ask for missed work. Students will have 1 day to make-up work for each day missed as outlined in the
student handbook. The longer the student waits to make-up work the more points will be deducted from the
assignment. If you miss class on a test day, the next day of attendance the student will be required to take the test
missed. Tests are announced numerous days in advance.

Grades: Grades will be given on a weekly basis for group participation and work turned into the teacher.
Parents, as a reminder, you may check your childs grade online during any point in the semester. Grades will be
compiled of the following: individual and team projects, assignments, quizzes, and tests. The students attitude
will be an important part of individual grades. NO NAME on a paper that is turned in means a ZERO for that
grade. Zeros in the grade book can be made up for partial credit (except if the student earned that grade).

Supplies (Only for Special Projects)

*Throughout the semester, special projects will be assigned. At the time of those projects, students will be

asked to bring the following items to class. Other than this list no other supplies will be required for this
course. Students do not need to purchase or bring the supplies until further notice.

1 package of colored construction paper

1 Pair of Scissors
2 Plain White Poster Boards
1 package of markers or colored pencils
3-4 sticky note pads****

Communication: Please be sure and check out our school link at My course website is: You may also directly
email me at the following address: Please feel free to call the school at (870) 741-3496 and
ask to leave a message, and I will return your phone call as soon as possible. I will also be communicating with
parents and students through Remind101 messages. The instructions for being able to receive those messages is
attached to this letter. I will also be reviewing this process in class.

Closing Remarks: I am so excited to have you in my Career Development class! I feel like this is going
to be a great semester in C.D. This is a different type of classroom and I know that I will be passing along vital
skills for your future in whatever Cield you choose for an occupation in later in life.
Students and Parents please Cill out the following information section and return it to Coach Earl by this deadline

Monday, January 9th, 2017.

Thank you!

Coach Beth Earl

Sign and return This Page Only!!

Career Development Syllabus Acknowledgement
Student name _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Student signature ___________________________________________________________________ Date_________________________________________
Parent name__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Parent signature_____________________________________________________________________ Date________________________________________
Phone number_____________________________________Parent email_________________________________________________________________

Schoology Code of Conduct

1. While on Schoology, what I say and how I say it will be school appropriate.
2. I will use posts to discuss school-related content only.
3. I will use a respectful tone of voice when posting. All school rules and consequences related to
harassment apply to Schoology.
4. I will use appropriate grammar instead of texting language.
5. I will not reveal any personal information on Schoology. This includes telephone numbers, addresses,
emails, etc.

Posting & Replying to Messages or Comments

* Post a note to the whole group if your question is about something the whole group should know
(assignments, instructions, due dates etc.)
* Send a note only to your teacher if you want to talk about something that doesnt relate to everyone.
* Dont post questions or comments about personal issues or topics. Keep private information private.
* Keep your conversations on topic.
* If youre not sure if a word, joke, or image is okay, then its probably not. DO NOT write posts that tease,
bully, annoy, spam, or gossip about any other person.

Inappropriate Content
* If you think there is something inappropriate posted on Schoology, please tell your teacher immediately!

Punctuation & Grammar


No txting lingo. I am ur tchershow me that u have lrnd how 2 spell.

Do not end sentences with more than one exclamation mark!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or question mark????????????
Please please please do not repeat a word more than necessary.

By signing this and using Schoology, you are agreeing to the terms listed above.
Student Name: _______________________________Signature: _________________________________________

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