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Alhamdulillahirabbilalamin, praise and thank to the presence of God the

Almighty who has given his blessing to the researcher to finish this thesis. On
this occasion, the writer would like to express gratitude to people who had given
help support, especially my parents, lecture of Research in ELT. Bapak Dr.
Fatchul Muin, M.Hum, and all my friends in English Departement batch 2014.
The writer realizes that this thesis may be far form being perfect.
Therefore, criticism, opinions, comments and suggestion from the readers are
expected to improve it. Finally, the writer whishes that the thesis will be useful for
the readers, especially for teachers and students of Englis Departement FKIP
ULM Banjarmasin.
Banjarmasin, December 2016

The writer


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