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Written by: Aloma Buntting

Drama, hatred, revenge, lies, love, father and son bond, murder, sacrifice,
forgiveness, betrayal, greed and friendship is all what Kushubile is about.
Kushubile is a zulu word which means: theres trouble/ Its a mess/ or
something that is extremely hard; and Kushubile is about a boy called
Nkosinathi who grows up knowing that the man he has been calling dad for 18
years is his father, and when this man supposedly dies, Nkosinathi finds his
life taking a drastic turn. When his father dies, Nkosinathi and his younger
sister Andisiwe are taken to the city of Jozi by their gangster uncle, and all hell
breaks loose because this is when Nkosinathi finds out who his father really is.
The very harmless, good hearted, and soft Nkosinathi changes and finds
himself doing drugs, and stuck in the middle of his real fathers fights with his
enemies. He even finds himself killing just to prevent his father and best
friend Lucky from killing someone, and dating a married woman who is four
years older than him. And when an unexpected enemy tries to kill his father,
Nkosinathi puts his own life on the line, and a half dead Nkosinathi who has
always longed for a mothers love in his life finds himself fighting for his life in
hospital, and the love that he has always longed for is what saves his life, a life
which is short lived though.

The reason I have written this drama is because, we are living in a world
where it is the fathers that are not a part of their childrens lives, which is the
main cause of most of the commotion in this world. Many of us are under the
impression that a child needs a fathers love the most and not the mothers,
but in fact a child needs a mothers love just as much as the child needs a
fathers love. In this drama, Nkosinathi finds himself dating a married
woman that is older than him, yes he loves her, but he also craves and longs
for a mothers love because his mother that grew him up died when he was
still young so he did not really experience a mothers love. And even though he
does not admit it to anyone, but when Nkosinathi finds out that his biological
mother did not want him, it hurts him, and it opens up a wound in his heart.
He thinks that he is doing drugs because of his father that supposedly died,
but in fact he is doing drugs to forget about the pain he feels for being rejected
by his mother. Parents dont really know the effect their absence or rejection
has on their children, and hopefully this drama will open up their eyes to see
that children need their parents in their lives. Children need their parents
love and warmth, they need to hear their parents telling them that they love
them. Then maybe, this world we are living in will be a much better place to
live in.
I really hope that you enjoy this drama and that you learn from it just as I did.
Yes I have written this drama, but as I was writing I found myself learning a
lot from this drama, I even sometimes found myself in tears, so hopefully you
will also enjoy it as you read it.

Thank you
Aloma Buntting.

1) Morgan Radebe
2) Nkosinathi Radebe
3) Andisiwe Radebe
4) Sbusiso Radebe
5) Mbali Cele
6) Lucas Cele
7) Luthando Cele
8) Lucky Sithole
9) Ben Sithole
Roselinah (The house helper)
Detective Cohen
Gumede( The inyanga)
Benson Sithole

Happy birthday to you.. Morgan and his 10 years old daughter Andisiwe
sang to Nkosinathi, Morgans son who was turning 18 today.
Morgan was a single parent; his wife had died 10 years back after
experiencing difficulties whilst giving birth to Andisiwe. Morgan lived with his
family in a small town called Ixopo, and he was a street vendor. They were a
Xhosa family, but mostly spoke English and a little bit of Zulu. He had his own
stand where he was selling fruit, vegetables, sweets, and cigarettes. And this is
how he was putting his children through school, and how he and his family
were surviving.
Nkosinathi who had just come home from soccer practice could not hide the
surprise in his voice: Wow you guys, you shouldnt have. He said.
Nonsense, you are my son and you are eighteen today, of course I should
have. Morgan said proudly.
Nkosinathi looked at the table which was so beautifully set, and on it was a
cake written Happy Birthday Nkosi. There were snacks on the table, a
grilled chicken and some cool drinks. His eyes immediately filled with tears
and he went to his father and hugged him. Thanks Tata. He said softly.
Nkosinathi was doing matric, he was already into the second term and he was
a very smart student. Nkosinathi was a good boy and tried his best to support
his father at his stand every afternoon when he came out from school. Even
though his dad never did complain, Nkosinathi could see that he was really
feeling the pain of raising the two kids on his own, and Nkosinathi promised
himself that he would do well at school so that he could get a good bursary to
study medicine and then he would take good care of his father and little sister.
Im proud of you son. Boys your age are busy in the streets breaking into
peoples houses and doing drugs, but you my boy, are always helping me out
here in the house, at the stand, and with your little sister. I love you son.
Morgan said.
Okay, okay, okay. Enough with the love now. Can we start eating, because I
for one am starving? Andisiwe said rubbing her tummy.
Morgan and his son both laughed, and they all sat down to enjoy the birthday
meal that Morgan had prepared for his son with love.

Later that night when Andsiwe was asleep in the room that she shared with
Nkosinathi, Nkosinathi went to the kitchen to sit with his dad.
Would you like a cup of tea tata? He asked Morgan.

Id appreciate that son. Morgan replied.

Nkosinathi busied himself with making the tea for his father, but was also
studying him. When he was done with making the tea, he served it to his dad
and sat beside him and asked: Tata, are you okay?
Of course Im okay, what makes you ask me that question? Morgan asked.
You look exhausted tata. Maybe you should take a break. I mean, I can
manage the stand for you as from tomorrow after school. Nkosinathi said.
Morgan smiled, he loved the way his son always put him as his father first
before anything else.
That wont be necessary son, if I leave you to manage the stand alone, when
will you do your homework? Morgan said.
I can manage doing my homework when I come back from the stand tata.
Nkosinathi said.
Thank you son, I appreciate your concern but it wont be necessary for you to
work at the stand alone. What I need you to do Nkosi is focus on your school
work. Morgan said. He then took out a small heart shaped pendant from his
pocket and handed it to Nkosinathi and said: I want you to have this.
Treasure it, and even when Im no longer around, I want you to treasure it.
Nkosinathi took the heart shaped pendant from his dad, and saw on the other
side of the heart a carving of Morgans face. The pendant looked very expensive
and Nkosinathi wondered where his father had got it from but he decided not
to ask any questions. Its beautiful tata, I love it and I promise that I will
treasure it and take good care of it. Nkosinathi said.
And when Im no longer around and you are feeling lonely, I want you to take
this pendant, and you see this carving of me thats on it, its a sign that I will
always be here. Morgan said touching Nkosinathi on his heart.
He then hugged his son, and held him in his arms for a long time, and then
said: I love you son, dont you ever forget that. And in all that you do, never
ever forget God.
I love you too Tata. Nkosinathi said, wondering to himself why his father
was being so serious and emotional.

Nkosinathi and Andisiwe were making their way home from school when one
of the boys that lived next door to him came running and shouting: Nkosi
come quick.

Why, whats wrong? Nkosinathi asked.

Its your father, come on, be quick. The boy said breathlessly.
Nkosinathi turned to his friend and classmate Enhle who was walking with
them and said: Enhle can you please walk Andisiwe home, I need to go and
check on my dad. He then ran with the boy in the direction of Morgans
When Nkosinathi reached his fathers stand, he saw lots of people standing
there and there was an ambulance and two police vans. Out of curiosity,
Nkosinathi pushed through the crowd to also see what they were so interested
in, and what he saw had him running to the man who was lying motionless on
the ground. Dad! he cried. Tata please wake up. He said kneeling beside
his father, the man who was lying on the ground.
Im sorry son, but his gone. One of the paramedics said with his hand on
Nkosinathis shoulder.
No, no, no. Tata please wake up. Please tata. Nkosinathi cried.
He sat beside his fathers body, buried his face in Morgans upper body and
cried his heart out, until one of the paramedics took him to the ambulance
whilst Morgans body was taken away. After Morgans body was taken away,
Nkosinathi moved from the ambulance and he ran, he did not know where he
was going, all he wanted was just to run, and maybe the pain he was feeling in
his heart would go away. What happened, why had his father chosen to die,
what was going to become of him and Andisiwe were all the questions going
round and round in his head. He ran until he could run no more, and then sat
down at the side of the road and he cried.

When Nkosinathi got back to the house it was very late at night and Andisiwe
was not there. He slowly made his way to Enhles home to check if Andisiwe
was there. When the door was opened for Nkosinathi and he had walked into
the house, the first thing he saw was Andisiwe crying. He ran to her and
hugged her saying: Shhh, its going to be alright. He gave Enhle an enquiring
look and she said: The police came over to your home and told us what
happened. Im really sorry Nkosi, I know how close you and your dad were.
What exactly happened? Nkosinathi asked.
Your dad was attacked by two guys; the people that saw what happened said
that these guys just started beating him up and stabbing him. They didnt
take anything from him; its as if their intention was to kill him. Enhle
replied. The police are still looking for these guys.

Nkosinathi did not speak; he just held Andisiwe close to him and wondered to
himself why the guys had attacked his father. He wondered how he and
Andisiwe were going to survive, because as far as he knew, Morgan was the
only family that they had and he was now dead. He was probably going to
have to leave school and get a job, in order for him and Andisiwe to survive.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.. The Pastor was saying at Morgans funeral
when a black jeep parked close to them and a tall, slender and good looking
guy stepped out of the jeep. He was dressed in a black suit with a white tie, and
was wearing genuine leather shoes. He stepped out of the car, and joined the
people at the funeral.
I wonder how this guy knew my father. Nkosinathi whispered to Enhle who
was standing next to him.
Eish, he looks like he is loaded, and he even kind of looks like you too. Enhle
whispered back and Nkosinathi scowled at her.
After the funeral, the stranger went over to Nkosinathi and Andisiwe who were
standing with Enhle and her parents, he then introduced himself: Hi, Im
Sibusiso Radebe. Im Morgans younger brother. He noticed how Enhle's mom
quickly walked away from them as if she did not want him to see her face but
he chose not to say anything because he had already seen who she was and she
was still as beautiful as ever.
How come dad never mentioned you to us? Nkosinathi asked disturbing
Sibusiso's thoughts.
Your dad and I never did see eye to eye, so I guess that when I moved away,
he wrote me out of his life. Sibusiso said.
Nkosinathi looked at Sibusiso, he didnt trust this man. Why would he stay
away from them all this time and then only decide to come now when his
brother has passed away.
Okay, Im Nkosinathi and this is my little sister Andisiwe. He said holding
Andisiwes hand as Enhle and her father had now also moved away.
So I guess you kids are now my responsibility. As much as my brother and I
were not close, you kids are still family so Im taking you with me to Joburg.
Sibusiso said.
What! No! I cant go to Joburg, Im in matric and I cant just up and go just
like that. Im already in my second term. Nkosinathi said.

Dont worry about that boytjie, Ill get you the best school in Joburg.
Sibusiso said.
That will be great Malume. Andisiwe softly said and squeezed Nkosinathis
hand when she felt that he was about to explode. She knew her brother very
well, and she knew that he had a very short temper, a dangerous one in fact,
and it was only Morgan who was able to calm him down when he had lost his
Nkosinathi did not like this one bit, but for his sisters sake he said: Thank
you Malume that will be great just as Andisiwe has said.

Welcome to your new home. Sibusiso said to the kids as he drove into the
yard of a beautiful double story house.
Wow Malume, you have a beautiful house. Andisiwe said in awe.
Thank you my princess, but this is not just my house, this is now your home
too. Sibusiso said smiling at Andisiwe.
Nkosinathi got out of the car and started exploring the house from outside. The
house was huge and beautiful, it had about four garages and Nkosinathi
noticed that in every garage there was a car, and not just any car but the
latest models, and there were quite a few men standing in the yard as if they
were guarding the house. One of the cars that were parked on the outside of
the garage caught Nkosinathis attention. He moved closer to the car to marvel
at it. It was a red BMW convertible and it was beautiful.
Wow. He said softly.
Do you like it? came Sibusisos voice from behind him.
Yeah, its an awesome car! Nkosinathi said in excitement. What is it that
you do by the way, I mean it must be a very good job if its able to get you such
good and expensive cars. He continued.
I do a little bit of this and that, and I also have a club that is doing very
well.Sibusiso said.
Okay, so whats this a little bit of this and that you are talking about?
Nkosinathi wanted to know.
Im a gangster. Sibusiso said with a serious look on his face and then
laughed at Nkosinathis expression. Im just kidding boytjie, I run a law
firm, so Ive got a bunch of lawyers who do all the work, and I make all the
money. He continued.

Oh, I see.Nkosinathi said softly. So, can you give us a tour of our new
Sure Sibusiso said and led the two kids into the house.

The next day, Sibusiso took the kids shopping for uniform and other clothing,
and he also bought a phone for Nkosinathi.
You didnt have to buy me a phone Malume, it looks rather expensive.
Nkosinathi said as Sibusiso handed him the phone.
Relax boytjie, I bought it for you because I want to. Please take it son.
Sibusiso said.
The moment Sibusiso called him son, something triggered inside of
Nkosinathi. He began to remember how his father every time he spoke to him
would call him son, and something about the way Sibusiso said it had
Nkosinathi feeling some love for the man, and without thinking he hugged
Sibusiso tightly and said: Thank you Malume.
Sibusiso was touched by the way Nkosinathi hugged him. He felt the warmth
and the love in the hug, and had to stop himself from crying. From the time he
met the kids at the funeral he could tell that Nkosinathi did not like him at
all, and that had dug a deep hole in the depths of his soul. But here he was
now, hugging him tightly.
You are most welcome. He softly said to Nkosinathi.

The following day Nkosinathi stood in front of his new classmates, and his class
teacher Mrs Cele was introducing him to the class: Okay boys and girls. I want
you to meet your new classmate Nkosinathi Radebe. I want you to make
Nkosinathi feel welcome. She said. Mrs Cele was a young and very beautiful
woman and Nkosinathi couldn't help but notice that. She had the smile of an
angel and even though she did not know it, most of the boys in her class
wanted her, the only thing that was keeping them from making a move on her
was the fact that she was married.
Hey Cheeseboy, you can come and sit next to me. Lucky the naughtiest and
oldest boy in the class said. Lucky was an only child to his parents. His mom
had died earlier this year on Luckys 20th birthday through murder so Lucky
was living with his dad, the notorious Ben Sithole. Lucky had no interest in
school, and he was not doing very well in his subjects. Most of the teachers had
lost hope in him, and its only Mrs Cele who had patience for him.

As Nkosinathi made his way to sit next to Lucky, Mrs Cele said: Lucky, please
dont contaminate Nkosinathi with your bad behavior.
Lucky looked at Mrs Cele and winked at her then turned his attention to
Nkosinathi and said: Stick with me Cheeseboy, and I promise you lots of
Sorry to disappoint you Lucky, but Im not here to have fun. Im here to
learn. Nkosinathi sternly said to Lucky.
Yeah whatever. Lucky said softly.
Mrs Cele could not help smiling. It was her first time ever since she joined the
school, seeing someone make Lucky be at a loss for words. Maybe Nkosinathi
sitting next to Lucky was not a bad idea after all.

During break time, Nkosinathi was sitting under a tree when Lucky walked up
to him and said: Cheeseboy, do you mind if I sit here with you.
Sure, go ahead.Nkosinathi replied.
So where are you from, I mean Ive never seen you around here before.
Lucky said.
Im from Ixopo.Nkosinathi replied.
Wow, thats quiet far away. What made you move to Jozi? Lucky asked.
Feeling a little bit irritated Nkosinathi replied: Come on man, whats with
the interrogation, what do you want from me?
Look Im sorry dude if Im irritating you. Its just that I feel lonely, in case you
did not notice I have no friends. None of the kids here are interested in being
friends with me, even my own father has no time to give me any attention. I
know Im a trouble maker and all, but the reason I cause so much trouble is
because I want someone to notice me. I feel lonely Cheezy, so lonely it hurts.
All my dad ever does is feed me with lots of money and all the fancy clothes
and what so evers, but the one thing that I want from him, is the one thing
that he does not give me and that is his time. Lucky said sadly.
Nkosinathi was filled with compassion as he listened to Lucky.
Im sorry to hear about that Lucky, Ill be your friend. He said.
Lucky smiled and said: Thanks Cheeseboy, you have no idea how much that
means to me.


Nkosinathi was making his way out of the school gate after school when Lucky
came running after him and said: Hey Cheeseboy, can I give you a lift home.
Youve got a car! Nkosinathi exclaimed.
Yep, it was a birthday gift from my dad when I turned twenty earlier this
year. Lucky said as he led Nkosinathi to his car. The car was a silver grey c
class Mercedes Benz and the car was just amazing.
Wow, nice car dude. Nkosinathi said in awe.
The two boys got into the car and drove away from the school. When
Nkosinathi showed Lucky where he lived, Lucky widely opened his eyes and
said: You are Sibusiso Radebes son!
Uhm nope, hes my uncle. Why do you seem so surprised? Nkosinathi said.
Its just that you are so soft and Sibusiso, well he is just so Sibusiso. Lucky
And what exactly does that mean? Nkosinathi asked in confusion.
Your uncle is one of the biggest or should I say greatest gangsters here in Jozi.
In fact I think in the whole of Mzansi. He and my father were once partners,
but for some reason my dad thinks that Sibusiso killed my mom and now they
are sworn enemies. Lucky said.
Hes a gangster! But he told me that he runs a law firm. Nkosinathi said in
Yeah, he does have a law firm, but thats the way the gangsters work. They
always have a legit business to cover up all their illegal activities. Lucky said.
So why does your father believe that Uncle Sibusiso killed your mom?
Nkosinathi asked.
I really dont know Cheezy. But I personally know that Sibusiso did not kill
my mom. As far as I know, there is nothing he hates more than murder. So I
really dont know why my dad thinks he killed my mom. Lucky said.
Nkosinathi was quiet for a while and then softly said: Thanks for the lift
Lucky, Ill see you tomorrow.

When Nkosinathi walked into the house, he found Sibusiso and Andisiwe
sitting in the dining room playing video games.
Hi boytjie, dont you want to join us. Sibusiso said with a big smile on his

Nkosinathi did not move, he just stood looking at Sibusiso, wondering to

himself how a sweet and kind man like his uncle could be a gangster.
Nkosi, Malume asked you a question. Andisiwe said.
Yeah, Id like to join you guys. Nkosinathi said. But before I do, can I
please speak to you Malume, its urgent.
Okay, lets go into my office then boytjie. Sibusiso said and led Nkosinathi
into the study.

What is it boytjie, what do you want to speak about? Sibusiso asked.

Malume, why does Mr Sithole believe that you killed his wife? Nkosinathi
Sibusiso gave a soft cough and then said: How do you know about that?
Im friends with his son, and he told me about you and his father. Malume
did you kill her?Nkosinathi asked.
Nkosi, stay away from Bens son. If Ben finds out that you are my nephew, he
is going to hurt you. Sibusiso said.
Malume, dont avoid my question. Did you or did you not kill his wife?
Nkosinathi asked.
Of course I didnt. Why would I kill Mary? I loved that woman boytjie, but
unfortunately for me she loved Ben. Ben and I were once very close, but one
day his attitude towards me just changed way before his wife died. Sibusiso
said softly.
So I guess, if you couldnt have her, you had to make sure that no one else
could have her. Nkosinathi said.
Dammit Nkosinathi, I did not kill Mary. I would never do anything to hurt
her. Sibusiso said.
Then why does her husband believe that you killed her? Of all the thugs in
Jozi, why does he think you did it? Nkosinathi yelled.
I dont know Nkosi. I dont know why Ben thinks I murdered his wife,
because the night she was murdered I was with him. Sibusiso said.
I hope that for mine and Andisiwes sake you are telling the truth. Because
Malume I would never forgive you if anything were to happen to my sister, in
fact Malume, I will kill you if anything happens to her. Nkosinathi said and
walked out of the study.

Sibusiso sat down on his chair, and was deeply troubled at the fact that
Nkosinathi was friends with Bens son. He was afraid that Ben was going to do
something to Nkosinathi and there was no ways that Sibusiso was going to
allow that to happen. He had to come up with a plan to protect the kids.

It was around midnight and Nkosinathi was fast asleep on his bed, and he was
having a nightmare. In his dream, Nkosinathi was sitting with Morgan at his
stand when two dark figures came up to them and started beating Morgan up.
Nkosinathi tried to get up from his seat to help his father, but he could not
move, he felt like he was glued to his seat. Morgan kept on shouting: Help me
son! but Nkosinathi was unable to help him, and eventually Morgan died.
Dad no!Nkosinathi cried. No!
He then woke up to find Sibusiso kneeling besides his bed saying: Its okay
boytjie. You were having a nightmare.
Nkosinathi was breathing heavily and his heart was beating so fast and he was
also sweating as a result of his nightmare. He was feeling so emotional at that
moment, that he could not talk, he just broke down into tears and began to
cry. Sibusiso took him into his arms and began to cradle him saying: Shh, its
okay. Its okay. Sibusiso held Nkosinathi in his arms, until he felt that the
boy was asleep. He nicely tucked him into bed and then tiptoed out of the
room, so as not to disturb Nkosinathi.

The following day during break time at school, Nkosinathi said to Lucky: How
did your mom die, I mean what happened?
She was raped, and then shot in the head and whoever did this to her then put
her in her car boot and left her to die. Lucky lied.
Wow, some people can be so heartless out there. Nkosinathi said.
Thats true Cheezy, and the funny thing is that all of this happened on my
birthday, and this is one day that I will dread for the rest of my life. I dont
think Ill ever be able to celebrate my birthday ever again. Lucky said sadly.
I know what you mean man, my dad was murdered on the day after my
birthday, and he was beaten to death in broad daylight. So I know exactly
what you are going through. Nkosinathi said.
Enough with the sad stories now Cheezy. A friend of mine is throwing a party
tonight and he has invited us. And please Cheezy, please dont give me any
excuses because today is Friday so nothing can stop you from going to the
party. Lucky said.

Cool, Ill ask my uncle for permission, and hopefully going to this party is
going to stop you from calling me Cheeseboy. Nkosinathi said.
Its a deal. Lucky said and high fived Nkosinathi.

Malume, Lucky and I have been invited to a party tonight. Can I please go?
Nkosinathi asked Sibusiso.
Do you know this person that has invited you? Sibusiso asked.
I dont know him, but he is a friend of Luckys. Nkosinathi said.
In that case, no Nkosinathi. You cant go to that party. Sibusiso calmly
But Malume.. Nkosinathi began to say, but Sibusiso stopped him by
saying: No buts Nkosinathi, I said no and thats final.
With a disappointed look on his face, Nkosinathi went upstairs to his room and
called Lucky.
Cheezy. Came Luckys bubbly voice.
Look Lucky, Im really sorry, my uncle has refused to give me permission to
join you at the party. Nkosinathi said.
Aah, thats small things Cheezy. Just do what I do when my dad says no.
Lucky cheerfully said.
And what exactly is that? Nkosinathi asked knowing deep down that
whatever it is, was going to get him into trouble.
I just sneek out when hes not looking. Lucky replied.
Uhm, sure thing. Nkosinathi nervously said and then cut the call.

Later that evening when Nkosinathi received a text from Lucky telling him
that he was on his way to pick him up, Nkosinathi tiptoed down the stairs and
peeked into his uncles office, and saw that he was busy with a load of
paperwork. He then tiptoed to the main door and made his way out of the
house and out of the gate, then he jumped into Luckys car and they drove
away. Little did they know that Sibusiso had seen Nkosinathi sneeking out of
the house, and was following them.
When the boys got to the party, they were offered drinks. Lucky took his beer
and gunned it down as if it was water, whilst Nkosinathi took his and just held

it in his hand, not drinking it because he was scared to drink it and he had
never ever drunk any alcohol before in his life.
Come on Cheeseboy, relax. Drink it, it wont kill you. Lucky who was on his
second beer said.
Nkosinathi raised the glass to his mouth and as he was about to drink, a hand
grabbed the glass from him, and Sibusisos voice came, saying: I dont think
Nkosinathi stared at Sibusiso in shock. Ma..Ma.Malume. What are you
doing here? He stuttered.
Im taking you home! Sibusiso shouted and he roughly grabbed Nkosinathi
by his arm and pulled him to the car and drove away.

Malume, did you really have to embarrass me like that! Nkosinathi

shouted when they got back to the house.
I did what I had to do Nkosinathi. I told you to stay away from that boy and I
also told you not to go to that party, but you deliberately disobeyed me!
Sibusiso shouted back.
Its a free country, and I can do whatever I want to do. Nkosinathi rudely
Yes Nkosinathi, it is a free country indeed. But I dont want you to end up like
me. I dont want you to make the same mistakes that I made. Sibusiso said.
What makes you think I want to be like you, or that Im going to make the
mistakes that you made? I just went to a party, its not like I killed someone.
Nkosinathi said.
I was once your age Nkosi, and I went to a party without my dads
permission. I snuck out of the house just as you did, and at the party my
friends and I were drinking like there was no tomorrow, we even went as far as
taking drugs, and we were so high that we broke into a house but
unfortunately for us we were caught and were arrested. When dad heard what
I had done and that I was in jail, he suffered a heart attack and died because
of me Nkosinathi. Sibusiso said.
Oh, Im sorry to hear about that Malume, but I was not going to take any
drugs or break into any house. Anyways, my dad is already dead, so I was not
going to kill him. Nkosinathi said.
Sibusiso pretended that he did not here Nkosinathis statement and
continued with his story: I was seventeen Nkosi, and I was in jail. As if that

wasnt enough, when I got out of jail I still carried on with my bad ways, no
matter how hard Morgan and his wife tried to keep me in line. I carried on
drinking and doing drugs and I ended up by impregnating a girl, but denied
that it was me. After a while I gave the girl money to have an abortion, she
took the money but did not have the abortion. And after she had given birth to
the baby, she left him at our door step and I never ever saw her again. I didnt
want a baby, so Morgan and his wife took the responsibility of parenting the
baby. Eventually I moved to Joburg because I just couldnt stand seeing the
baby, and then I started a new life for myself.
So what happened to the baby then? I mean, the only children I know that
mom and dad raised are me and Andisiwe. Nkosinathi said.
You are that baby Nkosi. Sibusiso softly said.

Nkosinathi felt a lump in his throat and when he spoke, his voice came out in
a whisper: So what you are saying is that you are my father? he said.
Yes Nkosi, Im your father. Sibusiso softly said.
No, no! Nkosinathi shouted.
Sibusiso tried to hold Nkosinathi to calm him down, but Nkosinathi pushed
him away from him and walked out of the house. When he got out of the gate,
the tears began to flow from his eyes, and then he started running in the dark.
He had no idea where he was going, all he wanted was to be as far away from
Sibusiso as possible. The tears that were flowing from his eyes as he ran were
blinding him, and he did not see the car that was coming his way from the
opposite direction, he just heard the screeching sound of the car wheels as the
car came to a stop just in time not to knock him. The driver came out of the
car and began shouting: Whats wrong with you, Cant you see that this is a
road, why are you running on the road. Can you see that I almost knocked
Nkosinathi looked at the man, and the man saw that Nkosinathi was crying.
Hey, hey, dont cry. Look Im really sorry for shouting at you, I was just so
shocked that I almost knocked you. Please dont cry. He softly said to
Nkosinathi could not help it, he tried to stop crying but he just couldnt,
instead his crying became even stronger. The man took Nkosinathi by the
hand and then led him into the car and drove away to his house with him.


When Nkosinathi woke up the following morning, he was surprised to find

himself in a room that he had never been in before. He sat up on the bed and
then heard a mans voice saying: Good, you are awake.
Nkosinathi looked at the man and then said: Who are you, and where am I?
The man seated himself on Nkosinathis bed and said: Im Luthando, and
you are at my house.
But how did I get here? Nkosinathi asked.
You were in a state last night, and I almost knocked you. I couldnt leave you
on the street in the state you were in, so I took you and brought you to my
house. And because you were in such a state, I had to inject you with a
tranquilizer which knocked you out. So tell me young man, whats your
name, and why were you so upset last night? Luthando said.
Nkosinathi was silent for a while, and the happenings of the previous night
began to play around in his mind. "I'm Nkosinathi Radebe. And the reason I
was so upset last night is because I found out that my uncle is actually my
father, and the man that I believed to be my father all my life, is not my
Im so sorry to hear about that Nkosinathi. Luthando softly said.
Thank you. Nkosinathi said.
So tell me, this uncle or should I say father that you are talking about, does it
happen to be Sibusiso? Luthando asked.
Yes, and please dont also tell me that he murdered your wife too.
Nkosinathi said.
What! Sibusiso would never even murder a fly. Yes, he was a gangster, yes he
is a hard man, but one thing he would never do is murder someone.
Luthando said.
So, he is no longer a gangster? And how do you know all this? Nkosinathi
Well, it so happens that Sibusiso and I are very good friends. We go way back
and you are all he has ever talked about ever since I knew him. It may not
seem like it right now, but Sibusiso loves you more than life itself. You mean
the world to him. We were a gang and did lots of bad things, but the gang
broke up and Sibusiso started his own law firm and club. He also owns quite a
few hotels. Luthando said.
If he loves me so much, then why did he not want me when I was a baby, why
was he never there for me? Nkosinathi asked.

I dont have the answers to these questions. Im afraid that only Sibusiso can
answer you and the only way that you can get these questions answered is if
you talk to him. Luthando said.
Thank you sir, thats exactly what I will do. Uhm, is it okay if I ask you to give
me a ride home. Nkosinathi said.
Sure thing son. Luthando said.

How can I calm down? My son is missing, and you are telling me to calm
down! Sibusiso was shouting at someone over the phone when Nkosinathi
walked into his office followed by Luthando. He immediately cut the call and
walked over to Nkosinathi and took the boy into his arms and tightly hugged
him. Oh my boy, thank God youre alright he whispered. Nkosinathi
wanted to pull away from Sibusiso, but he did not. When he had looked at
Sibusiso, he had seen that the man had not gotten any sleep at all. He was still
dressed in the previous days clothes, his eyes were red, and he looked
After a very long hug, Sibusiso let Nkosinathi go and then said to Luthando:
Thank you so much my friend, for bringing my son back home to me. Where
did you find him?
I ran into him last night and then took him over to my house. And now that
Ive brought him back, Ill leave you two alone as there is a lot that you need to
talk about. Luthando said and then took his leave.
When they were alone, Nkosinathi went to the kitchen to make some coffee for
himself and for his father. When they were both seated down Nkosinathi said:
Im sorry for running away last night. I was just so shocked by what you had
told me, and I didnt know how to react to it.
Its okay boytjie, Im the one that should be apologizing to you. Im so sorry
for putting you through all the pain that I put you through. Im so sorry for not
being a part of your life. I was young Nkosi, and I was a lost soul. I was so much
of a trouble maker, and the thought of being a father scared the hell out of
me. I was scared that all my badness would be transferred to you Nkosi. Im so
sorry my boy, please forgive me. Sibusiso said with tears flowing from his
With tears flowing from his own eyes, Nkosinathi reached out his hand to
Sibusisos and held it in his own and said: Malume, I mean dad. Its okay.
Well get through this together. Yes it will not be easy and it will take a while,
but we will get through this.
Thank you my boy. Sibusiso said and then hugged Nkosinathi.

The following week as Mrs. Cele stood in front of the class teaching, Lucky
whispered to Nkosinathi: Wow, I still cant believe it. You are actually
Sibusisos son, I mean you are so soft and so sweet, and he is just so, uhm
Well, just as a pastor does not give birth to a pastor I guess a gangster also
does not give birth to a gangster. Anyways, my dad is no longer a gangster, he
has gone legit. Nkosinathi replied.
Oh sweet Jesus, why does our teacher have to be so young, and so hot. Lucky
said eyeing Mrs. Cele as she taught.
Dude, thats our teacher, dont speak about her like that. Nkosinathi
Oh come on Cheezy, do you honestly not see what Im saying. She is hot, and
so sexy. Lucky whispered back.
Yeah, and she is married. Nkosinathi said.
Oh Cheezy, just when I was beginning to think that there is hope for you, you
go right back to being a cheeseboy. Lucky said.
Okay, okay, okay. You are right. Mrs. Cele is hot, shes so hot that just being
in the same classroom as her is making me hot. Nkosinathi said and
pretended to fan himself with his hand, and both the boys laughed.
Would you care to share the joke with us boys? Mrs. Cele said standing next
to the boys.
Both boys jumped in surprise, and both of them looked at Mrs. Cele with very
guilty looks on their faces.
Uhm, we were, we were just talking about a comedy that Lucky watched this
weekend, and he was just telling me about one of the funny scenes that took
place in the comedy. Nkosinathi lied.
Oh wow, its so painful to know that Im so boring, my students actually start
talking about comedies instead of concentrating on my teaching. Mrs. Cele
said jokingly. Oh, and Nkosinathi Id like to see you after school. She
Ooooooh, someones in trouble. Lucky teased Nkosinathi.
Nkosinathi said nothing, he just wondered to himself why Mrs. Cele wanted to
see him.


After school, Nkosinathi made his way to Mrs. Celes classroom. Uhm, you
wanted to see me mam. He said as he entered into the classroom.
Nkosinathi, please close the door and come closer. Mrs. Cele said as she took
a seat on her desk.
Nkosinathi closed the door and then moved a little bit closer to his teacher,
and nervously asked: Am I in trouble mam?
Mrs. Cele smiled and said: No Nathi, you are not in trouble. I just wanted to
thank you for the great job youve been doing with Lucky. Ever since you
joined this school and become friends with Lucky, he has not gotten into any
trouble, and he has not been bunking school either. Its the first time since I
joined this school, not hearing any teacher complaining about Lucky. I dont
know what you did, but whatever it is, thank you.
Its a pleasure mam. Im glad I could be of assistance. Nkosinathi said, and
couldnt help but notice how beautiful Mrs. Cele was.
Mrs. Cele then jumped off of her table and then moved closer to Nkosinathi,
she was so close to him, that this time Nkosinathi was really feeling the heat.
Thats not the only thing I wanted to say Nathi. You are a really good looking
guy, you are smart, sweet, and just to be honest; you drive me crazy.
I dont follow. Nkosinathi said moving away from Mrs. Cele, but she held
onto him and said: I like you Nathi, I really really like you. From the day you
walked into my classroom I have not been able to think about anything else
but you. She said this and then moved closer to Nkosinathi with her lips
trying to kiss him. Nkosinathi tried to pull away from her, but she did not let
go of him.
Kiss me please Nathi, Im begging you. She begged, and because Nkosinathi
did not want her to feel rejected, he kissed her. It was a deep and very
passionate kiss. It was Nkosinathis first kiss since he had never kissed a girl
What the Lucky who had followed Nkosinathi and was peeping through
the classroom window, whispered to himself and then went to his car and
drove home. He couldnt believe it, Mrs. Cele was in love with Nkosinathi The

Youre the man dog! Lucky said to Nkosinathi during lunch break.


Wow, what have I done to be promoted from Cheeseboy to The Man?

Nkosinathi asked in amusement.
Come on Cheezy, dont act all innocent, I saw you kissing Mrs. Cele
yesterday. Lucky said.
What, how.. Oh no. Im so gonna be expelled from this school. Nkosinathi
Relax boy, I wont tell anyone. So tell me, how was it? Lucky said.
How was what? Nkosinathi asked.
Oh come on Cheezy, you know what Im talking about. Lucky said.
It was awesome Lucky, but I really regret doing what I did.
Youve got to be kidding me, why on earth would you regret kissing a queen
like Mrs. Cele? Lucky asked in amazement.
Shes married Lucky, shes my teacher, and kissing her is not something that
I planned on doing. Nkosinathi said.
Oh come on Cheezy, her husband is probably a dweeb, and thats why she is
interested in you. From what I saw boy, she really digs you, the question is, do
you dig her too? Lucky said.
I like her Lucky, but not in that way. Nkosinathi said. "Do you think she
didn't come to school today because of the kiss?"
Well, keep telling yourself that, you might end up by believing yourself,
because I for one dont believe you. She probably stayed home today because
she saw that if she sees you she is going to want more of you. Lucky said with a
big smile on his face.
Nkosinathi said nothing, he was flattered that his teacher was in love with
him, and deep down he knew that he also felt something for her, but there was
no ways that he Nkosinathi was going to allow himself to be involved with a
married woman, even though she was just four years older than him, was
beautiful, sexy and so hot, he was not going to get involved with her, never.

Kids, Ive invited my friend Luthando and his family over for supper today.
So Nkosi, I know boytjie that you are not much of an eater, but just for today
son, please join us for supper. Sibusiso said to Andisiwe and Nkosinathi.
I wish you were also my dad Malume, you are just so cool. Andisiwe said to

Of course Im your dad my angel. And I love you just as much as I love Nkosi,
okay. Sibusiso said and hugged Andisiwe.
Nkosinathi noticed how close Andisiwe and Sibusiso were. As much as Sibusiso
was his father, Nkosinathi did not feel as attached to him as he was to Morgan.
Okay dad, Ill be at supper today, but if its okay with you, can I invite Lucky
to join us? Nkosinathi said.
Absolutely not. I thought I told you to stay away from that boy Nkosi, what are
you still doing hanging around with him. Sibusiso said.
Lucky is my friend dad, and we have nothing to do with this feud that you
and his father have going on. Nkosinathi said.
No Nkosi, I dont want that boy in my house. Do you hear me, I dont want
him here. Sibusiso shouted.
Fine, but you might as well also count me out of your supper plans!
Nkosinathi shouted back.
Sibusiso was just about to answer Nkosinathi when the doorbell rang.
Nkosinathi glared at his father and then went to go and open the door, and in
came Luthando followed by his son Lucas and Mrs. Cele.
Uncle Luthando, welcome. Nkosinathi said with his eyes on Mrs. Cele who
had a bruise on her face, like someone had beaten her up. Maybe that was the
reason she had not been at school.
Nkosinathi, meet my son Lucas, and his wife Mbali. Luthando said with his
eyes on Mrs. Cele.
Its a pleasure meeting you Lucas. Oh, and Mrs. Cele and I already know each
other, shes my teacher. Nkosinathi said and led them all to the dining room
where the table was beautifully set.

Luthando my friend. Im so glad you guys could make it. Sibusiso said.
Thank you for having us. Luthando said and they all sat down at the table.
Okay, I see you have all met my son Nkosinathi, Id like you to also meet my
daughter Andisiwe. Sibusiso said.
You are beautiful. Andisiwe said to Mrs. Cele.
Thank you princess. Mbali softly said.


Nkosinathi sat at his seat, his eyes on Mbali, he was amazed at how beautiful
she was, even with a bruise on her face she was still as beautiful as ever.
By the way dad, Mrs. Cele is my teacher. Nkosinathi said with a smile.
Okay, this is interesting. So tell me Mbali, is the boy giving you any trouble?
Sibusiso said.
Not at all. In fact, Nathi is one of my best students and its just a pleasure to
have him in my class. Mbali said looking at Nkosinathi.
For a moment, both Nkosinathi and Mbali stared into each others eyes, and
for them time seemed to have come to a standstill and it felt like it was just the
two of them in the room. Lucas picked up on this moment that they were
having, and then cleared his throat and said: So I guess I can count on you
Nathi to keep an eye on my wife for me. Shes beautiful and I know that many
of you young boys have got your eyes on her.
Nkosinathi said nothing, he just looked at Lucas and then at Mbali and
wondered what was happening with him. He felt like he was actually falling in
love with his teacher. And he was wondering if Lucas had nothing to do with
the bruise on Mrs. Celes face.
Can I be excused please? Nkosinathi said and got to his feet and left the
dining room. Sibusiso could see that his son was uncomfortable and he could
tell that it was not because of their argument but it was more of Mbali, his son
was in love with Mbali. Sibusiso looked at Mbali, and could see in her eyes that
she too was in love with Nkosinathi.

Just before pudding, Lucas received a phone call and after the call he said:
Uncle Sibusiso, thank you so much for supper. Unfortunately though, I have
to leave. They need me at the hospital. He said this and then left just as
Nkosinathi made his way into the dining room to rejoin them.
Lucas was an only child to Luthando, and he was twenty five years of age. He
was a doctor by profession, and he and Mbali had been married for over a
year now. He was always busy at the hospital and hardly had any time for his
Your boy needs a break Lu, he spends more time at work than he does with
his family. Sibusiso said to Luthando.
Thats so true, Ive even given up on having any grandchildren. Luthando
said and both the men laughed.


After supper, Andisiwe retreated to her room, and both Luthando and
Sibusiso went to Sibusisos office to catch up, so Nkosinathi and Mbali were left
alone at the table.
When Roselinah, the house help came to clear the table Nkosinathi said: Its
okay Mam Rose, you can take a break now, Ill clear the table and Ill also sort
the dishes out too.
Roselinah smiled at Nkosinathi. She was very fond of the boy. He was so well
mannered, and was always helping her out with the house chores. Thank
you Nkosinathi. She said and left for her cottage which was in the yard.

Nkosinathi and Mbali cleared the table together, and when they were doing
the dishes Nkosinathi asked: What happened Mam, what happened to your
Mbali did not answer, instead her eyes just filled with tears. Nkosinathi
immediately stopped doing what he was doing, he grabbed a chair and then
seated Mbali down and said: Talk to me, whats going on?
My husband is never home Nathi, he always has some crisis to sort out at
work, so Im always left alone with his father. Luthando has always given me
extra attention which has made me uncomfortable many times. I spoke to
Lucas about this but Lucas just told me that my father in law loves having me
as a daughter in law. Last night, Lucas had another crisis to sort out at work,
so again I was left alone with Luthando. Luthando then tried making moves
on me, like he tried kissing me, but then I pushed him away. He was too strong
for me Nathi and he pushed me onto the sofa, I tried fighting him but then he
punched me on my face. He then began to undress me, and he raped me
Nathi. He raped me, I tried to fight him but he was just too strong for me. He
raped me Nathi, the pig raped me. Mbali said crying uncontrollably now.
Im so sorry. Nkosinathi said and took Mbali into his arms and hugged her
until she had calmed down.
When Mbali had calmed down Nkosinathi said: He thinks he can pick on you
and do as he pleases, Ill show him that he has gone way too far, Im gonna kill
him. He said this and stormed towards Sibusisos office.
Nathi, dont. Mbali said and followed Nkosinathi.

Lu, Id like to thank you again for bringing my son home the other day. I
dont know what I would have done if something had happened to him or if
Ben had been the one to run into him. Sibusiso said.

You know Id do absolutely anything for you my friend, even kill. Luthando
Well lets hope that you never have to kill for me, Id never want that to
happen. Sibusiso said.
Its a little bit too late for that Sbu, because I have already killed for you.
Luthando said.
What are you talking about? Sibusiso asked.
Youre a smart man Sbu, Im sure you can figure it out. Luthando said with
a smile.
Figure what out? Sibusiso asked in frustration.
Oh come on Sbu, who do you think was responsible for Morgans death?
Luthando asked.
No Lu, you wouldnt have. Sibusiso said.
Of course I did. I was sick of hearing you moaning about your son and how
much you wished that Morgan would just give you a chance with the boy.
Luthando said.
You killed my brother Luthando, my own brother. Sibusiso said and
punched Luthando who fell to the floor and at that moment Nkosinathi
walked into the office and he started beating Luthando up.
Nathi, please leave him. Dont beat him up please. Mbali pleaded.
No, this bastard deserves to die, there is no ways that Im going to leave him
after what he did to you. Nkosinathi said angrily.
Nathi please. Mbali cried.
Nkosinathi got off of Luthando and walked out of the office, and then turned
around and pointed to Luthando and said: This is not over.
Luthando smiled at Nkosinathi and then turned his attention to Sibusiso and
said: Yeah, this is not over. This is just the beginning.
He then got to his feet, grabbed Mbali by the hand and left, leaving Sibusiso as
angry as ever and also wondering why his son had just gone off at Luthando,
but even more, he was worried about what Luthando meant by saying that
this was just the beginning.


Thats hectic man. That Luthando character needs to be taught a lesson that
he will never forget. I mean what kind of a man forces himself on someone as
sweet as Mrs. Cele? Lucky said to Nkosinathi after he had told him about
what had happened during supper.
I agree with you pal, Luthando needs to be taught a lesson. Nkosinathi said.
So what do you have in mind? Lucky asked.
Nothing yet, Im just more worried about what it was that he and my dad
were fighting about when I walked into the office. Nkosinathi said.
What do you mean? Lucky asked.
When I walked in, my dad had punched Luthando, and I really wonder what
they were fighting about. Nkosinathi said.
Lucky was silent for a while, and then said: I just pray for your sake that you
and your little sister dont end up by paying for whatever it is that they were
fighting over.
Why would we pay for that? Nkosinathi asked.
Gangster arguments always end by one of their children being killed or
kidnapped. So Cheezy, at all times just be careful and be on guard. Lucky
Nkosinathi said nothing, he just stared out of the window as Lucky drove.

Luthando, time is not on our side, Im tired of seeing Sibusiso happy. I want
him to suffer, just as much as I suffered when he killed my wife. Ben Sithole
said to Luthando.
But he didnt kill your wife, and anyways I know a way in which you can get
Sibusiso to suffer Ben. Luthando said.
Whats the plan Luthando? Ben asked.
Sibusiso has a son that means the world to him, the son whose father we took
care of. And if we kidnap the boy and torture him, you will have Sibusiso
where you want him. Luthando said.
Then what are you waiting for, get on it already. Ben said.

Nkosinathi was just walking into the gate at his home after Lucky had
dropped him off, when he felt something hit him hard on the head knocking

him out cold. Two men helped each other to get him into the car they were
driving, and they drove away with him.

When Sibusiso got home that evening from his law firm, he was met by
Roselinah at the door.
Mr Radebe, Nkosinathi has not yet been home. I was hoping that he was with
you. She said.
No, Nkosi is not with me. I havent seen him since this morning. Sibusiso
Maybe he is with his friend. Roselinah said.
Sibusiso took out his phone and dialled Nkosinathi's number but it went
straight to voivemail. He then called Mrs. Cele to find out if she knew where
Nkosinathi was but she also had no idea where he was, so he asked her for
Luckys number and then called him, but Lucky also did not know where
Nkosinathi was.
Where can he be? Sibusiso whispered to himself, and Roselinah began to
pray for the boys safety.

Aargh Nkosinathi groaned when he woke up. Where am I?

Oh, dont worry Nkosinathi, you are in a very safe place. Came Luthandos
What am I doing here, Aargh and why does my head hurt so much?
Nkosinathi asked.
Luthando went closer to Nkosinathi, and he was carrying a syringe in his
hand. He injected Nkosinathi with the syringe, and Nkosinathi immediately
dozed off. This is for your own good Nkosinathi. This will teach you not to
involve yourself in what does not concern you. Luthando whispered to
Nkosinathi who was lying on the mattress on the floor, completely out from the

Luthando was sitting in his dining room, having a cup of coffee when Sibusiso
stormed into the dining room. He grabbed Luthando and angrily said: Where
is he Luthando, where is my son?
Now how am I supposed to know where your son is? Luthando calmly asked.

Dont make a fool of me Luthando, I know that you have him. Now tell me
where he is before I kill you. Sibusiso said.
Luthando laughed and then said: Oh come on Sibusiso, we both know that
you dont have the balls to kill me. You wouldn't even kill a fly.
Dont test me Luthando, where is my son? Sibusiso shouted.
How am I supposed to know, hes your son not mine. Luthando said.
Sibusiso angrily glared at Luthando and then walked out of the house.

Mbali was making her way to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of milk, since
she was unable to fall off to sleep. Nkosinathis disappearance was taking its
toll on her. She did not like this feeling, but Mbali was in love with Nkosinathi.
She did not know what to do because she was married, was his teacher and
was also four years older than him. As she entered the kitchen, she heard
voices in Luthandos study. It was Luthando and Lucas, and they were
quarrelling about something. She quietly tiptoed to the door and listened to
what the quarrel was about.
Dad, how could you be so stupid! Lucas shouted.
What was I supposed to do Lucas? I had no choice. Luthando shouted back.
You had no choice! Dad, if Sibusiso finds out, he is going to kill you. How could
you kidnap his son dad? Lucas shouted.
He wont find out son, so stop stressing. Luthando said.
Dad, you yourself once told me that Sibusiso is a dangerous man, and now
dad you go and kidnap his son. I thought you were his friend dad. Lucas said.
So what do you suggest I should do then Lucas? Luthando asked
Release Nkosinathi dad. Lucas said.
What! And have Ben after me. Look son Sibusiso is dangerous, but he has a
heart, while Ben on the other hand is dangerous, evil, and has no heart. If I
release Nkosinathi he will not even think twice about killing me. Luthando
said with fear in his voice.
Well dad, you leave me with no choice then. I will tell Sibusiso that you have
his son. Lucas said and made his way to the door. Mbali quickly ran to her
room, she couldnt believe what she had just heard. Luthando was not just a
rapist but was also a kidnapper.


When Nkosinathi awoke from his sleep he was surprised to see Lucas in the
room with him. Lucass face was badly bruised, and judging by the way he
was holding himself, other parts of his body were also bruised and he looked
deeply in pain. Nkosinathi rose to his feet and made his way to Lucas and said:
Lucas, what happened. Are you okay?
At that moment, the door opened and Ben came in followed by Luthando, and
another strong built guy.
Nkosinathi, its good to see that you are finally awake. Ben said. And Lucas,
I see you are still living.
Who are you, and what do you want from us? Nkosinathi asked Ben.
Im you worst nightmare Nkosinathi. And I dont want anything from you.
Ben said and then laughed. Oh wait, what I want from you Nkosinathi, is to
make your father suffer, I want him to suffer so much, that he begs me to kill
And why do you want my father to suffer? Nkosinathi asked.
Young man, you have way too many questions and I hate being asked too
many questions. Ben said.
Nkosinathi got to his feet and walked over to Ben and said: Im not scared of
you, you may have me locked up in this place and treat me like an animal,
but I am not afraid of you. Nkosinathi smiled and then said: You said that
you are my worst nightmare, well guess what, Im your greatest nightmare.
Ben gave a loud laugh and then said to Luthando: I like this kid, he has that
fire in him.
Nkosinathi then moved closer to Luthando and said: And you Mr. Rapist,
youd rather see your own son dead than be a man and stand up to this
monster. What kind of a man are you, Are you even a man? Or are you a
woman in a man's body?
The strong man had had enough of Nkosinathi, so he tried to punch him but
Nkosinathi ducked the punch, and grabbed the mans arm holding it behind
his back. The man cried in pain: Let me go, you are breaking me.
Nkosinathi let him go, and went back to Lucas and sat next to him. Ben looked
at Nkosinathi in amazement. He then took out his gun and shot the strong
man in the head. Useless piece of trash. He softly said and led Luthando
who was dragging the body out of the room.
Nkosinathi looked at Lucas and then said: Who is that guy, and did he just
kill his bodyguard?

That man is Ben Sithole, and yes he did just kill that man and me and you
are next on his list. Lucas said weakly.

Sibusiso was just walking out of the house when Mbali drove into the yard.
When she stepped out of the car, Sibusiso led her into the house and then said:
Mbali, to what do I owe this visit?
Without wasting any time Mbali said: I know who kidnapped Nathi. Its my
father in law, hes working with some guy named Ben.
Sibusiso showed her to a seat and also sat down and said: How do you know
about this?
I heard him quarrelling with Lucas last night. And they were quarrelling
over the fact that Luthando kidnapped Nathi. Lucas threatened to come and
tell you, but now they also have him, because when I woke up this morning
Lucas was nowhere in sight and his car is still in the yard and his phone is also
at the house, which means he is not gone to work. Mbali said.
Do you know where they are keeping him? Sibusiso asked.
No, they did not speak about that. Mbali said.
Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention. I really appreciate it. In
the mean time I suggest that you dont go back to that house. You will stay
here for now, and dont worry, my men will take good care of you so nothing is
going to happen to you. Sibusiso said.

You are one brave boy. Lucas said to Nkosinathi.

Im not brave at all Lucas. The man that grew me up was a God fearing man,
and he always told me that the only way to defeat the devil was not to show
him any fear. And in my eyes, this Ben dude is a devil, so I figured that the
only way to make him unsure of himself is to make him believe that Im not
afraid of him at all. Nkosinathi said.
Wow, I dont think Id be able to do that. Im one hell of a coward. Lucas
Dont worry, we will find a way to bring Ben down, but most importantly, we
have got to get you out of here. You need a doctor man, and fast. Nkosinathi
What did you mean when you called my father a rapist? Lucas asked.


Do you love your wife Lucas? Nkosinathi asked.

Yeah I do. What does that have to do with my father being a rapist though?
Lucas said.
You need to start spending more time with your wife, she needs you.
Nkosinathi said.
You are confusing me Nkosinathi, why are you not answering my question?
Lucas asked in pain and frustration.
Just give your wife more of your time, the rest she will tell you. Nkosinathi
softly said.
Lucas said nothing, he was in too much pain to push Nkosinathi for answers.

Luthando had just gotten back from Bens place and was entering into his
house when he felt a strong grip on his shoulder. He turned around to find
himself looking into Sibusisos eyes.
Sbu, what do you want here? he asked.
Luthando my friend, is that the way to welcome your friend? Sibusiso asked
as he could see the fear in Luthandos eyes.
No, its just that you caught me by surprise. And last time I checked, you
were angry at me, and you were promising to kill me. Luthando said.
Come on Lu, you dont really believe that Id kill you. Youre my brother,
and brothers dont kill each other. Sibusiso said, really enjoying seeing the
fear in Luthandos eyes.
Then what do you want Sbu? Luthando asked.
I just came to apologize Lu, I should not have said those things that I said to
you. Sibusiso said, and then left, leaving Luthando feeling really scared and

Nkosinathi was starting to really worry about Lucas, Lucas was slowly fading
away, and it seemed like he was going to pass out any time soon, even he
himself was feeling weak, because he had not had any food for a few days now.
Hang in there buddy, Im gonna get a way to get you out of here. He softly
said to Lucas.


Just then, Ben opened the door and walked in with some food on a tray.
Nkosinathi immediately ran to him and said: Ben sir, please do something.
This guy needs a doctor, and soon or else he is going to die. Please sir, if you
help him I promise that Ill do anything that you want me to do.
Ben was taken aback by Nkosinathi. He did not want to admit it, but for some
reason he actually had a soft spot for the boy. The boy reminded him of
himself when he was young.
Okay, Ill get a doctor to come and check on him. Ben said. He handed the
tray of food to Nkosinathi and then left.

I want you to follow his every move, dont let him out of your sight. Sibusiso
said over the phone and then hung up.
Mr. Radebe, whats the plan? Mbali asked him.
I have organized for my men to follow Luthando, and I too also put a tracker
on his car. That way I can also track his movements. Sibusiso said.
I hope you are able to find them soon. Mbali said.
This must be hard on you hey. Your husband and the boy that you are in love
with have been kidnapped. Sibusiso said.
I dont understand what youre talking about. Mbali said.
Look, I know that you are in love with my son, and I know that he also feels
something for you. But Mbali, you need to put an end to whatever it is that you
two have going on. You are his teacher and you are married. Sibusiso said.
I cant do what you have asked me to do. I really love Nathi. Ive never felt
this way about anyone before. So if it means that I have to get a divorce and
leave my job to be with him, then thats what Ill do. Mbali said.
Sibusiso just looked at Mbali and shook his head, but did not say anything.
Right now he was more worried about finding his son, than what he was
hearing now.

Nkosinathi was also dozing off to sleep when Ben came in, followed by a man
who immediately went over to Lucas and examined him and then said: Boss,
this guy needs a hospital.
Listen here Raymond, I dont pay you to tell me that people need a hospital, I
pay you to attend to them as a qualified doctor. Ben said.

But boss the doctor began to say but Ben interrupted him by saying:
Dont but boss me, just attend to him, and make sure that he does not die
because if he dies, Im going to kill you.
Yes boss. The doctor said and began to attend to Lucas.
Nkosinathi looked at Ben for a long time and then softly said: Thank you.
Without saying anything, Ben nodded his head and then left.

Why hasnt he left his house? Sibusiso asked in frustration.

Maybe instead of finding Nathi and Lucas on your own, you need to involve
the police now. Mbali said.
No, I cant involve the cops. They will only complicate things. If Ben wants
fire, Ill give him fire. Two can play this game of his. Sibusiso said.
What do you mean? Mbali asked.
Dont worry about it. Sibusiso said and then took out his phone and called
someone and said: Gideon, I need you to get Bensson, and bring him here to
me. And I don't want even a scratch on him
Mr Radebe, no. Dont do this. Lucky has nothing to do with this whole
situation. Mbali said.
I know what Im doing Mbali, and dont worry I wont do anything to the
boy. Sibusiso said.
Mbali was not sure if she believed Sibusiso or not when he said he wouldnt do
anything to Lucky, but she decided to just drop it, and retreated to the room
which she was sleeping in at Sibusisos house.

Hey, get off of me. Lucky shouted when Gideon grabbed him out of his car.
You coming with me. Gideon said pulling Lucky roughly, but Lucky fought
him off of him which caused Gideon to beat Lucky up.

You idiot, I told you not to hurt the boy. Sibusiso shouted at Gideon when he
brought Lucky to Sibusisos house, and the boy was full of bruises on his face.
Im sorry boss, but the kid was giving me a hard time. Gideon said.


Im sorry boss. Sibusiso repeated and slapped Gideon then said: Get out of
my sight now, before I do something to you that I will regret.
Gideon quickly left and then Sibusiso turned his attention to Lucky and said:
Son, Im sorry that you had to get hurt, it was not my intention, but I really
need your help.

Is he gonna live? Ben asked the doctor when he had come back to check on
how the doctor was doing with Lucas.
He is pretty bad, but I have given him some pills and an injection which is
going to make him sleep for most of the time. The doctor said. But I have to
come and check on him regularly. He continued.
That shouldnt be a problem, and Raymond, no one must know about this. If
you tell anyone about this, I will kill you. Ben said.
I... I wont tell anyone. Raymond stuttered and Ben opened the door for him
to leave.
Now, to keep your side of the deal. Ben said to Nkosinathi.
But of course, a deal is a deal right. Nkosinathi said with a shrug.
Ben took out a powdery substance from his pocket and handed it to
Nkosinathi then said: Here, I want you to take this.
Is this drugs? Nkosinathi asked in dismay.
Yes, and I want you to take these drugs, and make use of them whilst Im
standing here. Ben said.
Nkosinathi hated drugs with a passion, but if taking these drugs was the only
way to keep Lucas alive, then he had no choice but to take the drugs.
Fine. He said giving Ben a challenging look, and emptied the substance into
his hand and he sniffed it into his nose. Happy now? he asked Ben, who said
nothing but just walked out.
God, if you really are there, then please help me and Lucas to get out of this
place. Nkosinathi prayed.

Come on Uncle Sibusiso. I know my father is a bad man, but there is no ways
that he kidnapped Nkosinathi. He would never do that. Lucky said.
I know its hard to believe this son, but Ben has my boy, and God alone knows
what he is planning to do to my son. Sibusiso said.

You are lying. My dad would never kidnap Nkosinathi. He would never!
Lucky shouted.
Son, Im not lying. Sibusiso said in desperation.
Stop calling me son, you are not my father! Lucky shouted. Anyways, what
if this is all just a trap for you to get my father killed? What if you are the one
responsible for Nkosinathis disappearance? You are after all a gangster, and
are capable of doing that.
Why the hell would I kidnap my own son? Sibusiso asked in frustration.
To get my father in trouble of course. Come on, we both know that my dad
believes that you killed mom, so the only way for you to get back at him, or to
kill him is just to frame him, and then say that you killed him because you
were protecting your son. Lucky said.
Listen here you little piece of trash, I did not kill your mother and I have no
intentions of killing your father, but you on the other hand are really trying
my patience and if you dont watch it, I will kill you. Sibusiso said.
Go on then, kill me! Lucky shouted, and Sibusiso took out his gun and
pointed it at Lucky, but Mbali went running towards him and said: Mr.
Radebe, dont do this. What would Nkosinathi say if you killed his best
What best friend? This kid is probably working with his father, and was
involved in Nkosinathis kidnapping. Sibusiso said.
Lucky loves Nkosinathi as if he were his brother, he would never help out in
destroying him. So instead of fighting each other, you both should come up
with a plan to get Nkosinathi back. Mbali said in anger. If you really love
your son, and want him back alive, you are not going to kill Lucky! she said
and walked out in anger.

So, whats the plan? Lucky asked Sibusiso after they had both calmed
Call your dad, and tell him that I have you as a prisoner. Sibusiso said.
What! And what if that makes him angry? Im sorry Mr. Radebe, I know that
you wouldnt kill me, but if my dad really has Nkosinathi, and then believes
that you have me, he will not think twice but he will kill Nkosinathi. Lucky
What makes you say that? Have you seen your dad kill someone? Sibusiso

Lucky hesitated for a while, and avoiding Sibusisos eyes he said: No, Im just
Then what do you suggest? Sibusiso asked, noticing that Lucky was hiding
something from him.
Lucky was silent for a while and then said: Okay, heres what well do. And
he told Sibusiso the plan.

Without knocking, Sibusiso and Lucky walked into Luthandos house.

Hey, what do you guys want here, dont you knock? Luthando said in
Wheres my boy Luthando? Sibusiso asked ignoring Luthandos question.
For the hundredth time Sbu, I dont know where your son is. Now just leave
me the hell alone. Luthando angrily said.
Luthando, you better tell me where my son is, or else Sibusiso said.
Or else what Sbu, Are you gonna kill me. Come on, we both know that you
dont have the balls for that. Luthando said.
He may not have the balls to kill you, but I do. Lucky said, and pointed a
gun at Luthando.
Whats this, youve got Bens boy working for you now Sbu? Luthando said.
Lucky armed the gun and then said: Listen here old man, you better start
talking or else Im really going to pull this trigger.
Okay, Okay. Ben has Nkosinathi. He is keeping both Nkosinathi and Lucas at
his drug warehouse. That place is surrounded by his men, and getting the
boys out of there is practically impossible, not even the police can get them
out. Please dont kill me. Luthando said.
Dammit, the bastard probably has my son on drugs. Ben has gone too far this
time, he can do anything to me, but not my son. Sibusiso said and he walked
out of the house followed by Lucky who said to Luthando: If you tell my dad
about this visit, I wont spare you.

Sibusiso was just about to have a cup of tea when his phone rang: Hello. He


Check your emails. Came a voice that Sibusiso knew very well belonged to
Sibusiso cut the call and then took his laptop and opened his emails, an email
came in with a link and he opened the link only to see his son shaking from
head to toe. It was obvious that his body was craving a fix, and in came Ben
carrying drugs, he handed the drugs to Nkosinathi and Nkosinathi sniffed the
drugs through his nose and started laughing at nothing. Besides Nkosinathi,
Lucas was lying there and he looked unconscious. What has he done?
Sibusiso shouted and threw his laptop at the door of the dining room and
Andisiwe came running down the stairs. She went to her uncle and hugged
him and said: Its gonna be okay Malume. Nkosinathi is gonna come home
Sibusiso also held Andisiwe in his arms and he cried his heart out. He had to
find a way to get his son out of that place, before it was too late.

Lucas finally regained consciousness and the first thing he saw was Nkosinathi
lying on the mattress besides him and his nose was heavily bleeding.
Forgetting about the pain he himself was in, Lucas went over to Nkosinathi.
What happened Nkosinathi? he asked.
We need to get out of here Lucas, this man is going to kill us. Nkosinathi
softly said, and his body was trembling.
Lucas ripped his shirt off and held it to Nkosinathis nose trying to stop his nose
from bleeding. Hes been giving you drugs hasnt he? He asked.
Nkosinathi said nothing.
"Has he been giving you drugs?" Lucas asked again.
"It's the only way to keep you alive Lucas. I have to take drugs and also be Ben's
mule so that he can bring the doctor to treat you." Nkosinathi said.
"No, this can't go on. I'd rather die than see you suffer like this Nkosi. Ben can
go ahead and kill me." Lucas said close to tears.
"What we need, is a plan to get out of here." Nkosinathi softly said.
So whats the plan, how are we gonna get out of here alive? Lucas asked.
We have to use the doctor that has been checking up on you. Hes our only
hope. Nkosinathi softly said. If we dont get out of here Lucas, we are going to
die, you from pain and me from a drug overdose.


Lucas and Nkosinathi were sitting on the mattress trying to figure out how
they were going to get the doctor to help them, when the door opened and in
came Lucky.
Lucky, what are you doing here? Nkosinathi asked in surprise.
Im here to rescue you guys, now come on lets get out of here before my
father gets here. Lucky said and he and Nosinathi both gave support to Lucas
as he was unable to walk on his own.
How are we gonna get past all these men? Nkosinathi asked when they were
Dont worry Cheezy, I kind of made them believe that my father sent me to
come and collect you guys, so they wont be a problem to us. Lucky said. So
they made their way to Luckys car and drove away.

Nkosinathi! Sibusiso exclaimed when Lucky walked in with both Lucas and
He went over to his son and hugged him. Im so sorry son, Im so sorry that
you had to go through all of this because of me. He said.
Its okay dad, we are alive, but Lucas needs a hospital because I think he has
some broken ribs. Nkosinathi said and at that moment Mbali walked in. The
moment she saw Nkosinathi, everyone else in the room became invisible to
her. She ran to him and hugged him: Nathi, Im so glad you are safe she
said. She hugged him for so long that Lucas felt jealous and said: My love,
arent you happy to see me?
Mbali let Nkosinathi go and said: Of course Im happy to see you my love.
She then went over to Lucas and hugged him and then kissed him on the
So tell me Lucky, how did you get past Bens men? Sibusiso asked trying to
avoid the situation that Mbali put herself in.
Well, after Lucass dad told us where my dad was keeping Nkosinathi and
Lucas, I went home and I made a recording of him saying Its okay, Lucky
can take them, so dont give him any trouble. I pretended to be doing a play
and told him that those were his lines. I saved the recording on my phone, and
then decided to visit his warehouse and I saw for myself that the place was full
of his men, so forcing myself in or involving the police was not going to be safe
for Nkosinathi and Lucas. So when I heard my father speaking on his phone

this morning saying he was going to meet someone for a meeting, and that
hed be gone for the whole day, I decided to go to the warehouse and I told his
men that he had sent me there to collect Nkosinathi and Lucas. When they
wanted to phone him, I insisted on phoning him, and then I opened the
recording and they heard my dad saying that I can take them and they must
not give me any trouble, so thats how I got past them. Lucky said.
Wow that was a great plan indeed Lucky, just one thing though, when your
dad gets back and his men tell him that you took the boys, what are you going
to do? Sibusiso asked.
Ill tell him I have no idea what he was talking about because I was at school.
And I do have witnesses that saw me at school, Mrs. Cele is one of them. Ill just
say that someone disguised themselves as me. Lucky said.
At that moment Nkosinathi began to go into a fit and fell to the floor, his body
was trembling and it looked like he was going to die at any moment.
He needs a hospital immediately or he is going to die. The drugs are probably
doing that to him. Lucas said and Sibusiso and Lucky immediately took hold
of Nkosinathi and rushed him to hospital.

Lucky, how could you do this to me? My own son backstabbing me like that.
Ben shouted at Lucky.
Dad, what are you talking about? Lucky asked in an uninterested tone.
I had Sibusiso where I wanted him Lucky, and you just had to be the hero.
Ben said.
I have no idea what you are talking about dad. What do I have to do with you
and Sibusiso and being a hero? Lucky said. So it was you dad, you are the
one behind Nkosinathis disappearance.
Yes Lucky, and if not for you, I would be controlling Sibusiso now. Ben said.
Youre a monster dad. Im even ashamed of calling you by dad. Do you know
that Nkosinathi happens to be my best friend, my only friend in fact? And
then you dad, went and kidnapped him. I hate you dad, I hate you with all of
my heart, and from today just tell yourself that you have no son, because
theres no ways that I am going to stay here with you. You are dead to me Ben
Sithole. Lucky said and turned to walk out of the house but Ben took out his
gun and pointed it at Lucky and said: You are not going anywhere.
Or what dad? Are you going to kill me, your own son? Go ahead dad, shoot
me. Id be much better off dead anyways, than alive with you as a father.

Lucky said looking his father straight in the eyes. He then turned around and
walked out.
Lucky, dont go. Ben said, but Lucky was already gone. You think youve
won this round Sbusiso, well youre wrong, because I was just warming up.
Ben said to himself.

Sibusiso had bodyguards guarding both Nkosinathi and Lucass wards incase
Ben tried to do anything to the boys again. Nkosinathi was still unconscious
and the doctor had told Sibusiso that he had brought Nkosinathi in just in
time, if he had been a second later Nkosinathi would have been dead. The
drugs that Ben had been giving Nkosinathi were too strong and he had been
giving Nkosinathi an overdose on an empty stomach, which is what had
caused him to have a fit. Lucas on the other hand had suffered a few broken
ribs but was going to be okay and would be discharged in a few days. Sibusiso
sat beside Nkosinathis bed in the hospital, he had one of Nkosinathis hands
in his own and was crying.
Please dont leave me boytjie, please come back to me.

Ben dialed a number on his phone, and then said: Nkunzi, I have a job for
you. There is a certain teacher whose name is Mbali Cele. I want you to get her
and bring her to me.
After he ended the call, Ben laughed and then said to himself: This is sure to
bring our sweet Doctor Lucas out of his hiding place, and our daddy dearests
Nkosinathi will also be sure to follow.

Mr. Radebe, we were in class yesterday morning and some guys came into
the class with guns and they took Mrs. Cele. Lucky said to Sibusiso.
What! Sibusiso exclaimed. Who would kidnap Mbali, and why are you
only telling me this now?
And at that moment, there was a knock on the door and when Sibusiso went to
open the door, Detective Cohen came in and said: Sibusiso Radebe, you are
under arrest for the kidnapping of Mbali Cele.
What! Both Sibusiso and Lucky exclaimed.
But I didnt kidnap Mbali. Sibusiso said.


Detective Cohen took out his handcuffs and handcuffed Sibusiso then led him
out of the house. My lawyers details are in my office Lucky, please call him
for me. Sibusiso said.
Lucky watched as Sibusiso was put into the police car and was driven away.
This so has my dad written all over it. He said to himself.

Three days after Sibusiso had been arrested,Nkosinathi regained

consciousness and the doctor that was checking on him was happy and said:
You are doing well Nkosinathi, I guess someone up there really loves you. It
seems like tomorrow you will be going home. While the doctor was still
talking to him, something caught Nkosinathis attention on the television that
was playing. He saw that Sibusiso was arrested for kidnapping Mbali.
Nkosinathi waited for the doctor to leave and then he went over to Lucass
ward and when he walked in Luthando was sitting with Lucas.
Nkosinathi. Lucas said with joy in his voice.
Theyve got her Lucas. We need to go and save her. Nkosinathi said.
What are you talking about? Lucas asked in confusion.
Mrs. Cele has been kidnapped and I can bet on my life that Ben has her.
Nkosinathi said.
What! Lucas exclaimed and then turned to his father and said: Dad, are
you involved in Mbalis disappearance?
What are you talking about Lucas? Last time I checked Mbali was living at
Sibusisos house, and last time I checked you boys were being kept by Ben as
prisoners. Luthando said.
Listen here Uncle Luthando, where is Mrs. Cele? Nkosinathi said
manhandling Luthando.
I dont know where Mbali is. I didnt even know that she was missing.
Luthando said.
Nkosinathi let Luthando go and stormed out of the ward, he was still feeling
very weak but he had to do something to find Mbali.

Ben was sitting in his dining room feeling very proud of himself for what he
had just done when there was a loud knock on his door and he heard the voice
of Nkosinathi saying: Ben, open up this door now. Take me, do to me


whatever you want to do, just let Mrs. Cele go. Nkosinathi had discharged
himself from hospital so he could rescue Mbali.
Ben smiled and said to himself: This kid never ceases to amaze me. He
made his way to the door and opened it. Nkosinathi walked into the house and
said: Where is she? What have you done to her?
Oooooh, someone has a crush on his teacher I see. Ben said.
Nkosinathi punched Ben, and then said: Listen here you monster, if you have
done anything to her I swear I will kill you. The expression on Nkosinathis
face was so scary that Ben actually was afraid and said: Okay, okay. I
havent done anything to her. I just injected her with a drug that caused her
to sleep. But since you are here, you can take her home with you.
Wait a minute, are you just going to let her go as easy as that? Nkosinathi
Yes, so you better take her before I change my mind. Ben said. Oh, and
Nkosinathi, I kept Lucas alive and Im letting your teacher go, that means that
you owe me Nkosinathi, you owe me big time.
Nkosinathi was amazed, he didnt think that he was gonna get through to Ben
so easily and he also wondered what Ben meant when he said that he owed
Ben went upstairs and came back with Mbali, and then said: Here she is, now
go, both of you.
Nkosinathi hugged Mbali who was still drowsy from the injection and then said
to Ben: Thank you, you know, you actually are a good guy.
Ben was not a good guy, he just had to let them go, because when Nkosinathi
said he was going to kill him, Ben knew that the kid was not kidding and it
scared the hell out of him. He just had to come up with another plan to destroy
Sibusiso, and he knew exactly what he was going to do.

Nkosinathi took a cab and went with Mbali to his home and picked up Lucky
and then they drove off to the police station in the BMW convertible that
Nkosinathi had fallen in love with when he had first came to Sibusiso's house.
Hello boys, what can I do for you? Detective Cohen asked when they got to
the police station.
We are here to fetch my father. Nkosinathi replied.
And who is your father young man? the detective asked.

Sibusiso Radebe. Nkosinathi replied.

Oh I see. So what makes you think that Im just going to let your father go?
Cohen asked.
Because my dad was arrested for something he did not do. Here is the person
that you arrested him for. Nkosinathi said pointing at Mbali.
In fact detective, you arrested the wrong man, because the person who
actually had Mrs. Cele was my father Ben Sithole. But I guess you already knew
that and you will not do anything about it, because you are on his payroll after
all. Lucky said.
Young man, dont talk things that you know nothing about. Cohen warned
Or what Detective, or should I say faketective, are you gonna arrest me?
Lucky said.
Ill let it slide for now kid, wait here and I will go and get Sibusiso for you.
Cohen said, his eyes on Lucky.
What was that all about? Nkosinathi asked Lucky.
You dont wanna know Cheezy. Lucky replied softly.

Dad. Nkosinathi said when his dad showed with Detective Cohen.
Boys. Sibusiso said and hugged the both of them Mbali, its good to see that
you are alive and Nkosi how did you get out of hospital so soon? He said.
Sibusiso was looking very exhausted, like he had not gotten any sleep for these
past three days that he was being kept in jail.
Nkosinathis phone rang and he answered it. I want to talk to your father.
Came a voice that sounded like someone was disguising it.
Nkosinathi handed the phone to his father and said: Its for you dad. And
wondered to himself how the person on the other end of the phone knew that
Nkosinathi was with Sibusiso.
Hello. Sibusiso tiredly said.
Go to the boys car outside. There is a package for you in there. Came the
Sibusiso went outside followed by the boys, Mbali and Cohen. He went to the
car, and as soon as he opened it, the car exploded.


Dad! Nkosinathi cried. He ran to the burning car, but his father was
nowhere in sight.
Do something! Lucky said to Cohen who got the police to get the fire out from
the car. By the time the fire had died down, the car was unrecognizable and if
Sibusiso was in the car, he was ash because there was no sign of his body
anywhere near the car.
Nkosinathi Radebe, who was on the phone that you handed to Sibusiso?
Cohen asked.
I dont know. He just said he wants to talk to my father. Nkosinathi
answered in a shaky voice.
Look Detective, he just lost his father. Cant you leave him alone for now? You
were here also, and you saw what happened. Now is the time for you to do your
job and find out who killed Sibusiso. Lucky said.

Luthando my friend, why are you hiding yourself so much? Ben said as
Luthando opened the door for him.
What do you want Ben? Luthando asked.
Ben laughed and then said: Havent you heard the good news Luthando?
Sibusiso is dead.
What! Luthando exclaimed.
I said that Sibusiso is dead. Ben said in excitement.
Luthando couldnt believe it, Sibusiso was dead. No there was no ways that
this was true, no ways in hell.
Whats wrong Luthando? You seem heartbroken? Ben said.
I cant believe you Ben, I cant believe that you killed him. You killed my.....
You know what, get out of my house Ben, and dont ever set foot here again.
Luthando said.
"I killed your what?" Ben asked.
"I said get out of my house Ben." Luthando said.
Listen here Luthando, and listen carefully. Im the king of Jozi now, and if
you try to take me on, you will find yourself joining Sibusiso. Ben said.
I said get out of my house! Luthando shouted.


Ben gave Luthando a look as if he were warning him, and then walked out.
When Ben had left, Luthando collapsed onto the floor and began to cry.

Nkosinathi, you need to have something to eat. Mbali said to Nkosinathi.

I dont want anything. Nkosinathi said.
But you have to eat. Mbali insisted.
Is eating going to bring him back? Nkosinathi asked.
Roselinah who was also in the dining room, gave Mbali a sign to leave the
dining room. When Mbali had left Roselinah went over to Nkosinathi, she
hugged him and he began to cry. Why, why do things like this have to
happen? I know that dad was once a gangster, but did they really have to kill
him the way they did?
Life is unfair my boy, I know that its hard right now and that it doesnt seem
like it, but it will heal with time. Roselinah said.
I dont have anyone else Mam Rose, he is all I had, now hes gone. What am I
going to do? And what about Andisiwe, how are we going to cope? Nkosinathi
Its okay, Im here for you both. Roselinah said.

Im worried about Nkosinathi, hes not taking this well. Lucky said to Lucas
who was now out of hospital.
I know hey, you know I actually wish that there was a way to bring Sibusiso
back but unfortunately there is none. Imagine what hes going through, to lose
two fathers in one year? Lucas said.
Yeah hey, and both through murder. Lucky said softly.

Sibusiso was lying unconscious on a bed in a room, and an Inyanga known as

Gumede was attending to him.
Im gonna heal you Bhungane, its a good thing that I was where I was when
your car exploded. Ill have you up and running soon. Gumede said and
busied himself with attending to Sibusiso.


The day of the funeral came and they were all sitting in the church while the
Pastor was talking. Nkosinathi was then called up to give a speech. He stood in
front of them all and said: My father Sibusiso Radebe as many of you may
have known him, was not a perfect man. Yes he was a gangster, yes he did
many wrong things, but he was a good father. I only got the chance to know
him for just under six months, but that was a great six months for me. He was
a family man, family meant a lot to him, its just a pity that we will not get to
spend Christmas with him. In this short while that I knew him, I got to love
him even more than life itself. But hes gone now, and honestly, I dont know
how Im going to survive this. He meant the world to me and may his soul rest
in peace.
When they were at the graveyard, a small boy dressed in dirty clothes came
over to Nkosinathi and handed him a note, and then ran off.
Nkosinathi opened the note which read: Meet me at your fathers club. You
dont know me, but I know you.
Is everything okay? Lucky asked him.
Yeah, all is well. Nkosinathi said and at that moment he caught a glimpse
of Ben leaving the graveyard.
Whats he doing here? Nkosinathi asked.
Dont worry about him, right now you need to get some rest. Lucky said.
Ill rest later. Right now I need to sort out something. Please take Andisiwe
home for me. Nkosinathi said.
Sure thing. Lucky said and then put his hand on Nkosinathis shoulder and
said: And Cheezy, if you want to talk, Im here alright.
Thanks man. Nkosinathi said and walked away.

When Nkosinathi walked into the club, a man that had quiet a long beard
came up to him and said: I wrote you the note, can we talk in your car?
Gumede said.
Sure. Nkosinathi said and they made their way to the car.
So, whats this about? Why did you want to see me? Nkosinathi asked.
Im Gumede, and I have some news for you about your father. Gumede


If youre here to tell me that he is dead, then youre late man. I was just
burying him today. Nkosinathi said.
Your father is alive. Gumede said.
You know what, you are wasting my time. My dad died in front of me. So I
suggest that you get out of my car now and stop wasting my time. Nkosinathi
said in anger.
Okay, but if you change your mind here is my number. Gumede said
handing a piece of paper to Nkosinathi and then got out of the car leaving
Nkosinathi very confused annoyed.

I cant believe my father never came to the funeral, I thought he and

Sibusiso were friends. Lucas said.
At that moment Nkosinathis phone rang: Hello. He said.
We have got the results from the cars explosion, and there is nothing that
shows that your father was in that car. Nkosinathi, theres a possibility that
your father is alive, or his body is out there somewhere. Came the PIs voice
that Nkosinathi had hired to try and trace who had killed his father.
Okay, thanks for the information. Nkosinathi said and then turned to the
rest of the guys and said: Can you excuse me please, I need to sort something
Something is up with Cheezy, hes been acting very strange lately. Lucky
said after Nkosinathi had left.
Well, he did just lose his father, so do you blame him? Mbali said and at
that moment she felt sick and quickly ran to the bathroom.
When she got back, Lucas asked: Are you okay my love?
I think I just have a stomach bug. Mbali said.
More like a pregnancy bug. Lucky mumbled and walked away leaving
Lucas and Mbali alone.
Lucky does have a point Mbali, lately you have been giving symptoms of a
pregnant woman. Hows it possible that you are pregnant, Is it Nkosinathi?
Lucas said.
Oh come on Lucas, what do you think of me? If I am pregnant Nkosinathi has
nothing to do with it, but your evil father. Mbali said.
What does my father have to do with this? Lucas asked.

When you were so busy attending to one crisis after the other at the hospital,
your monstrous father raped me. Mbali said.
And you said nothing to me Mbali? Lucas asked. I thought we were
married Mbali.
I also thought we were married Lucas, but how was I supposed to say
anything to you, when you were never around. Mbali said.
Oh, so this is what Nkosinathi was talking about when we were kidnapped. So
Mbali, you would rather trust a boy in your class more than me your
husband. Lucas said.
What husband Lucas? Youve never been a husband to me, in fact you have
never been there for me. Nkosinathi on the other hand has always given me
his time, he has put me first before everything else in his life. He has loved me
Lucas, something that you have never done. He even discharged himself from
hospital just to save me from Ben. Mbali shouted.
Im sorry Mbali, please forgive me my love. Please forgive me. Lucas said
with tears in his eyes. He then moved closer to Mbali and hugged her.

Gumede, you said my father is alive. What did you mean when you said
that? Nkosinathi asked over the phone.
You need to come over to my place and Ill tell you what I meant. Ill sms you
my address. Gumede answered.
Nkosinathi walked into the house to get his car keys and walked in on Mbali
and Lucas hugging. When he saw them hugging, even though he did not show
it to them, Nkosinathi was filled with jealousy. He was the one that wanted to
be holding Mbali in his arms, but unfortunately, she was married.
Nathi, is everything okay? Mbali asked pulling out of Lucass arms.
Nkosinathi stared at Mbali for a while, and then said: Yeah, everything is
You guys will have to excuse me please, I have a bone to pick with my
father. Lucas said, and then went over to Mbali and kissed her on the
forehead and said: Im gonna fight for you Mbali, Im gonna prove to you
that I love you.
When Lucas had left, Nkosinathi looked at Mbali and asked: And that,
whats going on?


I might be pregnant Nathi, I might be pregnant with my father in laws child.

I told Lucas about the rape incident. Mbali said in tears.
Im sorry to hear about that, Im really sorry. Nkosinathi said. Come
here. He said and hugged her, and then without thinking he kissed her, very
After the kiss, he looked into Mbalis eyes and said: I love you.
Oh Nathi, I love you too. Mbali said.
Nkosinathi held her in his arms for a very long time and then said: I need to
go somewhere right now, I got a lead with regards to my dads murder. Well
talk when I come back if you are still awake.
Okay, just be careful please Nathi. Mbali said silently praying that
Nkosinathi was not doing drugs.

Gumede let Nkosinathi into the house.

Follow me. Gumede said leading Nkosinathi to a room.
Nkosinathi followed him into the room and when he saw the man lying on the
bed he said: Dad!
He then turned to Gumede and asked: Where, how, what..
I was close to the police station when his car exploded. His body flew and
landed right next to me. I then figured that someone probably wanted to kill
him, so I took him and brought him to my place. He has been going in and out
of a comma but is much better now. On the day of his funeral he woke up and
kept on calling your name, so thats why I sent that young boy to you.
Gumede said.
Youre alive dad, youre alive. Nkosinathi said in tears, with his head on his
fathers chest.
Sibusiso opened his eyes and softly said: Nkosinathi.
Im here dad. Im here. He said and looked at Gumede and softly said:
Thank you.

Dad, how could you force yourself onto my wife? Lucas angrily said to
Luthando when he got into the house.


Lucas, it has been a really long time. Its good to see that you are looking
much better. Luthando said.
Yeah, after my own father sold me out to Ben Sithole. Lucas angrily said.
Anyways dad, dont change the subject, what gave you the right to force
yourself on my wife?
I dont know what youre talking about son. Luthando calmly said.
You know what dad, Ive had it with your lies. Come with me, we are going to
my wife now. Lucas said dragging Luthando out of the house.

Ill call it a night now, Im exhausted. Mbali said to Lucky as they were both
sitting in the dining room waiting for Nkosinathi to come back.
As she got up to go to her room, Lucas came in followed by Luthando.
Okay dad, here is Mbali. Tell me in her presence that you did not force
yourself on her. Lucas said.
Son, I did no such thing. Luthando said and started towards the door, but
Lucas blocked him and said: You are not going anywhere dad until I have
the truth. Why did you force yourself onto my wife?
What wife Lucas? You were never there for her. She was always left alone with
me, and in case you havent realized it Lucas, Im a man and your wife
happens to be very attractive. Luthando said.
You bastard! Lucas said and grabbed his father just about to strangle him
but at that moment Nkosinathi walked in and separated them. Hey, hey,
hey. He said.
Stay out of this Nkosinathi. This is between me and my dad. Lucas said
pushing Nkosinathi away. He then took out a gun and pointed it at his father
and said: Today dad, Im going to kill you.
Mbali ran to Lucas and wrestled him for the gun saying: Lucas you dont
want to do this.
He raped you Mbali, how can I leave him. Lucas shouted and they both
continued to wrestle for the gun and the trigger went off, and Mbali fell onto
the floor with blood flowing from her stomach.
Mrs. Cele! Nkosinathi exclaimed and knelt down besides Mbali. Lucky
help me, we need to get her to the hospital. Lucky helped him carry Mbali to
the car and they drove to the hospital.


I have managed to remove Sibusiso out of the picture, now I have to get that
idiot son of his to sign all of Sibusisos assets over to me, then Ill be the richest
man in Jozi, and the greatest. Ben said to one of his men Henry.
What would you like me to do boss? Henry asked.
Get the boy back on drugs, and when he is high, make him sign these docs.
Ben said handing some documents to Henry.
Sure boss. Henry said and then left.

How is she doing Doctor? Nkosinathi asked when the doctor came over to
We were unfortunately unable to save the baby, but we managed to stabilize
Mbali. She however lost lots of blood and we dont have her blood type here at
the hospital. The doctor said.
What blood type is she Doctor? Lucas asked praying silently that she was
blood type A.
Shes blood type O. The doctor said.
Oh God, Ive killed my wife. Lucas said in defeat.
Im blood type O Doctor. Ill donate blood to her. Nkosinathi said.
Okay, follow me because there are some tests we need to run before we do
anything else. The doctor said and Nkosinathi followed him.
I swear dad that if Mbali doesnt make it, I will kill you. Lucas said.
Kill me for what? This thats happening here Lucas is all your fault. It is you
that pulled the trigger after all. Luthando said.
Now you listen here.. Lucas began but Lucky angrily said: Just drop it
both of you. This is not the time nor the place.

Mbali was now out of ICU and Nkosinathi was in her ward.
Please wake up Mam. Your husband needs you, I need you. He said softly.
Lucas had also walked into the ward, and was standing at the door and
watching Nkosinathi, he couldnt help but feel jealous that of all the people
that had the same blood type as his wife it had to be Nkosinathi.

Unaware that Lucas was standing behind him, Nkosinathi lowered his head
towards Mbali and kissed her, and just like in the fairytales, she woke up.
Mrs. Cele, youre awake. Nkosinathi said. Ill get the doctor. He said and
as he turned around to leave he saw Lucas standing at the door.
Ill get the doctor, you just stay away from my wife. Lucas said and walked
out, leaving Nkosinathi as confused as ever.

Lucas had just walked into the ward with the doctor when Detective Cohen
walked in and said: Lucas Cele, you are under arrest for the shooting of Mbali
But it was an accident Detective. Lucas said.
Lucas, dont make this harder than it already is. Come with me to the police
station. Cohen said.
But it was an accident, tell him baby. Lucas said looking at Mbali.
Nkosinathi then walked in and said: Detective, youve got the wrong guy. It
was me, Im the one that shot Mbali Cele. Im the one that you should be
Thats not the story I got from that Sithole boy. Doctor is it okay if I ask your
patient some questions? Cohen said.
Cant you see the condition shes in dammit? Im telling you that Im the one
that shot her. If you want to arrest someone, arrest me because Lucas is
innocent. Nkosinathi said.
Mbali weakly looked at Nkosinathi, with tears flowing from her eyes. She then
looked at Lucas expecting him to tell the truth but Lucas just stood there not
saying anything.
Then why is Mr. Cele here insisting that it was an accident? Cohen asked
He says it was an accident because, I was in a fight with him and then took
out a gun to shoot him, but Mbali wrestled me for the gun, the gun went off
and Mbali got shot. Nkosinathi said with his eyes on Mbali.
Detective Cohen handcuffed Nkosinathi and then led him out of the hospital.


What the hell man! How could you not tell the Detective the truth? I thought
you and Nkosinathi were friends. Lucky shouted at Lucas when Lucas got to
the house and told them that Nkosinathi had been arrested.
Hes the one that told the detective that he shot Mbali, what was I supposed to
do? Lucas said.
You were supposed to be a man Lucas. Grow balls and be a man. Lucky said
and started towards the door.
Where are you going? Lucas asked.
To get my friend out of jail. Lucky said.
Wait Lucky, if you go now to the police station you also might end up in jail.
Lucas said.
But Nkosinathi didnt do anything. Lucky said. "Nkosinathi put his life in
danger just so that my father could get you treated when you were kidnapped,
and now you just gonna allow him to go to jail for something that you did!"
Im gonna fix this Lucky, please just give me some time. Lucas said.
Oh, I see. This is punishment for Nkosinathi hey? You are punishing him
because your wife is in love with him? He did not ask for it Lucas, but it
happened okay, your wife fell in love with him. Lucky said.
Lucas couldnt handle the truth about Mbali being in love with Nkosinathi. It
pained him deeply so he just walked out of the house.
Lucky, Nkosi is going to come home right? Andisiwe asked Lucky when she
got downstairs.
Yes Andisiwe, Nkosinathi will be home soon. I promise. Lucky said and
hugged Andisiwe.

You say the boy is in jail? Ben asked Henry.

Yes boss. Henry replied.
Ben laughed and then said: He seems to be making this very easy for me. How
did he end up in jail?
Apparently he shot Luthandos daughter in law. Henry replied.
This is great. Now all I have to do is convince Luthando to take power of
attorney from Nkosinathi and then I will take it all from Luthando. Ben said
with a smile.

My son is in jail? But how did this happen Gumede? Sibusiso softly asked
Im not really sure what happened but according to what Ive heard, the boy
shot Mbali. Gumede said.
But how? I know that my son loves Mbali and he would never do anything to
hurt her. Its impossible. Sibusiso said. I need to get out of here Gumede, my
son needs me.
Patience Bhungane, you need to be patient. You cant get out of here now,
you are not yet strong enough. Gumede said.
Gumede my son needs me, youve got to get me out of here. Sibusiso said
remembering how Ben also once used to call him Bhungane when they were
still friends.
And what use will you be to your son if you are not strong enough? You need to
be patient. Gumede said.
Sibusiso hated the fact that Gumede was right. As much as he wanted to help
Nkosinathi, he was not going to be of good use to him if he was still injured and

Nkosinathi sat in the waiting cell and was deep in thought. The incident of
Mbalis shooting was playing over and over in his mind. He knew that it was
wrong to have lied to the police about shooting Mbali, but what else could he
do? If Mbali and Lucas were to mend their relationship, Nkosinathi was
supposed to be out of the picture. As much as he loved Mbali, he had to
consider that she was married and that her husband also loved her.

Cohen, I hear that you have arrested Sibusisos boy. Ben said to Cohen over
the phone.
Yes boss, the boy shot Mbali Cele so he is being charged with attempted
murder. If you ask me though young Radebe did not shoot her, he is just
covering for someone else. Cohen replied.
Good, now Cohen. I want Sibusisos businesses in my name, and right now
you are the guy that can make it happen for me. Ben said.
Sure thing boss, just tell me what to do and Ill do it. Cohen said.


Nkosinathi was still in dreamland when Cohen came into his cell.
Young Radebe, todays your lucky day. Ive got a present for you. Cohen said
holding a small packet of drugs out to Nkosinathi.
Get that rubbish out of my face. Nkosinathi said remembering the pain he
went through when Ben was forcing him to take drugs and was also using him
as a mule.
Come on young Radebe, we both know you want this. Cohen said still
holding the drugs out to Nkosinathi.
I said get that rubbish out of my face! Nkosinathi shouted.
Okay, okay. Cohen said and left the cell.

Lucas was at the hospital to check on Mbali. She was still a little bit weak but
was doing much better.
Lucas, I cant believe that you just stood there and allowed Nkosinathi to be
arrested for what you did. Mbali said.
What was I supposed to do Mbali? He is the one that said he did it. Lucas
Lucas, are you allowing this to happen because of what is going on between
me and him? Mbali said. Its not his fault that I fell in love with him.
Mbali, Im your husband and you are telling me that you are in love with
another guy. What kind of woman are you? Lucas asked.
Im the kind of woman who is going to file for a divorce when I get out of here,
and yes during the court case I am going to tell the truth, Im going to tell the
court that you are the one that shot me Lucas. Mbali said.
You want a divorce? But baby I love you. Please think this through my love,
please give me another chance. Lucas pleaded
My mind is made up Lucas. I want a divorce. Mbali said and then turned
away from Lucas whose heart was heavy with the sorrow of losing his wife to
another guy, a guy that had just finished writing his matric exams.

Hes not budging boss, the kid doesnt want to take the drugs. Cohen said to

Seriously Cohen, how hard can it be to get a teenager to take drugs? Ben
The boy is stubborn boss, and he has that look when he is angry that can
cause even a lion to run away. Ben said.
He has that look? Cohen, hes just a kid. I dont care what you do but I want
Sibusisos businesses in my name by the end of this week. Ben said.
But how am I to do that Boss? Cohen asked in frustration.
I dont care what you do Cohen, just let it happen. Ben shouted.

Whats wrong Lucas? Why do you seem so down? Luthando asked Lucas
when he had gone to check on him at Sibusisos house since Lucas was still
living there.
This is all your fault dad. Its all your fault. Lucas said.
Whats my fault, what have I done? Luthando asked in confusion.
My wife wants a divorce dad. And its all because of you. You just had to get
horny on my wife dad. Lucas angrily said.
If you want someone to blame son, you should blame yourself. You were
never there for your wife Lucas, you were always busy at work. And now that
she no longer wants you, you blame me. No, you have to man up and admit
that you were in the wrong. Luthando said.
I know I was wrong dad, but how do I fix this? I dont want to lose Mbali, I love
her too much. Lucas said sadly.
Then show her that you love her, and quit being a wimp. Lucky rudely said
as he entered into the dining room.

Cohen was now not sure what to do to get Nkosinathi to take the drugs and he
was really fearing now because he knew that if Ben did not get what he
wanted, it was going to be tickets for Cohen. He went into the cell to try one
more time to get Nkosinathi to take the drugs.
Detective, I dont know why you keep pushing me to take those drugs. I dont
want to, so please just leave me alone. That stuff almost killed me and I dont
want a repeat of that. Nkosinathi said.
Im so dead. Cohen softly said and rose to his feet to get out of the cell.


Did Ben put you up to this? Nkosinathi asked.

Why would you think that? Cohen asked.
Detective you are an officer of the law, but you choose to work for a scumbag
like Ben Sithole. Why do you do this sir, dont you love your job? Nkosinathi
I do, but that man, he just gets into your mind and makes you do what he
wants you to do. I hate working for Ben, but what can I do? If I dont do what
he wants he will kill me. Cohen said.
And what does he want you to do? Nkosinathi asked.
He wants me to get you high on drugs, and then make you sign your fathers
businesses over to him. Cohen said avoiding eye contact with Nkosinathi.
Lets play him at his own game then. Well make him believe that the
businesses are under his name, where as they are not. Nkosinathi said.
But how do we do that? Cohen asked.
Okay, heres the plan. Nkosinathi said.

Ben was over the moon when Cohen gave him the documents that had
Sibusisos businesses in his name.
I had my doubts about you Cohen, but you proved me wrong. You really
came through for me. Ben said excitedly.
Im glad I could be of help boss. Cohen said.
I hear that tomorrow is the boys court case. Do you think he has a chance of
getting bail or anything? Ben asked.
The boy is a goner. He confessed to shooting Mbali, so I guess he will lose the
case. Cohen said.
Or, he pleading guilty might actually play in his favor, his sentence might be
lessened or even dropped. Ben said.
Come on Boss, theres no such. Cohen said.
If you say so. I might as well also just go to that court case to see that little
rascal go down. Ben said with an evil laugh.


Your Worship Nkosinathis lawyer said. Evidence has been brought to my

attention that my client did not shoot Mbali just as Mbali has informed the
court. Exhibit A shows us that the person who shot Mbali was her husband
Lucas, who was also acting out of fear since he was being threatened to kill his
father. The actual person that Lucas was intending to shoot was in fact
Luthando Cele, but Mbali then got involved and in the process got shot by
accident. The reason why Lucas was trying to kill his father was because Ben
Sithole was threatening him to do so, and the reason why Nkosinathi took the
blame was because he was protecting both Lucas and Mbali. After the shooting
incident, Lucas received many messages from Ben threatening him that if he
told the police the truth, then he Ben was going to finish off Mbali.
Thats a lie! Ben shouted.
Order in court. The judge said. This case will continue after an hour.
All rise in court. One of the police officers said and everyone rose as the
judge and the rest of the jury made their way out.

After an hour the case resumed and the judge said: The court has reached
its verdict. And from all the evidence that has been given to us, we find
Nkosinathi Radebe not guilty. But because of him lying to the police about a
crime, the court is fining him R50 000.00. The court also finds Ben Sithole
guilty of attempted murder and we are therefore sentencing him 10 years in
Nkosinathi heaved a sigh of relief and then looked at Lucas who was looking
very confused and winked at him. Lucky went over to Nkosinathi and high
fived him and said: You are coming home Cheezy, what a relief.
When the police handcuffed Ben and were leading him out of the court room,
he looked at Nkosinathi and said: This isnt over boy, you are going to pay for
messing with me.
Oh shut up dad, it is already over. Lucky said and took Nkosinathi by the
hand and they left.

Nkosinathi, thank you for taking the fall for me, I dont know how you pulled
off pinning the whole thing on Ben, but thank you man. Lucas said.
Dont mention it Lucas. Its all over now. Nkosinathi said.


Just one question though, how did your lawyer manage to get evidence that
Ben sent messages to Lucas, because as far as I remember Ben was not even
involved in the whole incident? Mbali asked.
Detective Cohen helped me. Nkosinathi said. You see, Ben was using Cohen
to get me high on drugs and then trick me into signing dads businesses over to
him while I was high. Cohen no longer wanted to work for Ben, so me and him
made a deal that I would help him if he helped me, and it was him that got
those messages to appear from Bens phone, I dont know how he did it but at
least all went well.
Wow, you guys rock. Lucky said with a big smile on his face. I know he is
my dad and all, but he deserves whats coming to him.
But why did you take the fall for me Nkosinathi? Lucas asked.
I figured that the only way for you guys to sort out your marriage was for me
to be out of the way. Nkosinathi said.
Thanks for thinking about us Nkosinathi, but Mbali here wants a divorce.
Lucas sadly said.
What! Nkosinathi and Lucky exclaimed looking at each other.

Ben was sitting in the visitors area waiting for whoever it was that was coming
to visit him, since he had been notified by the jail warden that he had a
visitor. He was just about to get up and go back to his cell since his visitor was
not showing up when he heard a voice say: Good to see you Ben. I bet you
never thought youd find yourself in this place.
Ben opened his eyes widely in surprise and said: Sibusiso, but youre dead.
Sibusiso laughed and then said: Ben, never allow a woman to do a mans job.
Next time you want to kill me Ben, get a professional to do it.
Ben rose to his feet and then said to the warden: Take me back to my cell,
were done here. He couldnt believe it, how was it possible that Sibusiso was
alive. How did he survive the explosion? Sibusiso laughed and then pulled his
cap over his eyes and left the prison.

Mbali was sitting in the dining room having a cup of coffee when Nkosinathi
walked in and said: I dont understand, why do you want to divorce your


I dont love him anymore Nathi. I cant be with him when all I think about is
you. Mbali said.
No, if you guys work on your marriage; that love that you think is gone will
come back. Trust me, you do love him, you are just in denial right now.
Nkosinathi said.
Im not in denial Nathi. I dont love Lucas, youre the one I love. Mbali said.
Stop it Mbali, just forget about me, and work on your marriage. Nkosinathi
shouted and stormed out of the dining room.
So do you still believe that he loves you? Lucas asked as he walked into the
dining room.
I dont think he loves me, I know he does. Mbali said and also walked out of
the dining room.

Mbali was just falling off to sleep when there was a knock on her door.
Oh this is just great. Mbali said to herself and went to open the door. When
she opened the door, Nkosinathi walked in and locked the door then he
started kissing Mbali and they ended up on her bed making love.

You what Cheezy? Lucky asked in surprise.

Yeah man, I cant help it. I love that woman. I love her so much, it is actually
driving me crazy. Nkosinathi said.
Lucas is so gonna kill you boy. You slept with his wife Lucky said.
Well, they are getting a divorce. Nkosinathi said with a shrug.
You bastard! Lucas said as he walked in on the conversation and he rushed
towards Nkosinathi and punched him.
Look man Im sorry okay. I didnt ask for this, but it happened. Nkosinathi
said to him.
Nkosinathi, you are taking my wife from me and thats all you have to say to
me. Lucas said in anger.
She was already gone from you Lucas even before I was in the picture.
Nkosinathi said.


Im gonna kill you! Lucas shouted and grabbed Nkosinathi but a voice had
him letting him go as quick as lightning. Stop it now, both of you! Sibusiso
said. He had walked into the house while the boys were arguing and they had
not seen him.
All three boys looked at Sibusiso in silence and in surprise.

You are alive? Lucky asked his voice coming out in a whisper.
Very much alive. Sibusiso said.
But how? We were there when the car exploded with you. Lucky said.
Ill explain that some other time. Right now I want to know what these two
are fighting about. Sibusiso said.
This is crazy. So this was all a setup. You never did die hey. You people are
crazy! Lucas said and stormed out of the house.
Nkosinathi tried to run after him but Sibusiso stopped him and said: Leave
him. Hes still in shock. Hell come back once hes calmed down.
You knew didnt you, that your father is alive? Lucky asked Nkosinathi.
Nkosinathi nodded and Lucky said: I dont believe it. I thought we were
friends man, and you hid this from me. You know what Cheezy, youre just as
bad as my father. He said this and started towards the door.
Lucky.. Nkosinathi began to say. But Lucky stopped him by saying: Save
it, I dont want to hear it. And then he also left the house.
Im sorry son. Sibusiso said.
Nkosinathi just went over to his father and hugged him and softly said: Im
just happy to have you back dad.

Uhm you called, you know what to do. Came Luckys voicemail when
Nkosinathi tried to call him. Lucky please. Im sorry bro. Please call me
when you get this message. We need to talk. Nkosinathi said.
Dont stress too much Nathi, hell be back. Mbali said to Nkosinathi rubbing
his back.
I dont think so Mbali, he was really angry. I think Ive lost my friend.
Nkosinathi softly said.


But you have me Nathi. Im here for you. Mbali said.

I know, but Mbali you really have to make things right with your husband.
The guy loves you, and hes really suffering as you dont want him.
Nkosinathi said.
But I want to be with you Nathi. Mbali said kissing him lightly on his cheek.
No Mbali. Sort things out with your husband please. What me and you did
was very wrong. I love you Mbali, but I wont allow you to make a mistake.
Please sort things out with Lucas, if not for him do it for me then. Nkosinathi
But Nathi. Mbali said close to tears.
You love me right? And youd do anything to make me happy? Nkosinathi
Mbali nodded and then Nkosinathi said: Then sort things out with your
husband. That will make me very happy.
Lucas had walked into the house but neither Nkosinathi nor Mbali had seen
him, so he stood at the door and heard their conversation. He was touched by
what Nkosinathi was doing. He decided not to disturb them so he silently
walked out of the house.

Lucky went to the prison to visit his father and was sitting in the visitors area
when his father walked in
Oh look who decided to drop by. Ben said sarcastically.
Dad, Im really sorry about everything. Please forgive me. Lucky said.
Why should I forgive you Lucky? You told me that I was dead to you, so whats
changed? Ben asked.
Ill do anything dad to earn your trust and forgiveness, just name it. Lucky
desperately said.
Ben looked at Lucky and thought for a while and then said: Okay, Ill forgive
you Lucky. But you have to do something for me.
Anything dad. Lucky said.
I want you to get me out of here. Ben said.
But how am I supposed to do that dad? Youve already been sentenced.
Lucky said.

You are going to help me escape from here. And only when youve done that
will I be able to forgive you. Ben said and then signaled to the warden that he
wanted to go back to his cell.

Lucas was sitting with Luthando at Luthandos house and Luthando said:
Lucas my son, Im really sorry for doing what I did to your wife. I dont know
what came over me. Please forgive me my boy.
Ive forgiven you dad, its just that I wish Mbali would forgive me. I wish she
would give me another chance to be the best husband I can be to her. Lucas
said. But she keeps insisting that she wants to get a divorce.
There was a knock at the door and Lucas went to go and open and Mbali
walked in.
Mbali. Lucas said.
Lucas Im here to talk things through with you. Ive had lots of time to think
and Ive decided not to go through with the divorce. Mbali said.
Lucas was over the moon with joy, he hugged Mbali and said: Thank you so
much my love. I promise to never neglect you again.
I also thought that it will be good if we go on a vacation just the two of us,
maybe that will bring us closer to each other. Mbali said.
Anything my love, anything for you. Lucas said and hugged Mbali tightly
whilst Luthando smiled at them.

Nkosinathi was getting ready for bed when his phone rang: Hello. He said.
Nkosinathi Im calling to say thank you. Thank you for making my wife come
back to me. Lucas said over the phone.
I had to Lucas. And Im really sorry for coming between you and your wife.
Nkosinathi said.
I know it wasnt an easy thing for you to do Nkosinathi, I know how much you
love her. Lucas said.
Dont worry about it Lucas. Ill get over my feelings for her. You just need to
worry about making her happy and dont do anything that will cause her to
drift away from you again. Nkosinathi said.
I promise that I will try my utmost best to make her happy. Lucas said.


Cool. Goodnight then. Nkosinathi said and ended the call.

I have a plan dad. Lucky said to Ben when he went to visit Ben.
Im all ears. Ben said.
Im going to set this prison on fire dad, and while everyone is busy trying to
get the fire out Im going to sneak in and get you out of here. Lucky said.
Ben smiled and then said: I like your way of thinking son, but a fire might get
either one of us killed. Think of something else son.
Okay dad, how about I give you a pill thats going to give you terrible stomach
pains and that will cause them to take you to hospital. Then from the hospital,
I can help you escape. Lucky said.
Ben was silent for a while and then said: Hit me Lucky, and dont hold
I must do what dad? Lucky asked in dismay.
Beat me up Lucky, beat me in a way that will cause me to be so badly hurt
that I will be admitted to hospital. Ben said.
But dad. Lucky said.
Just do it. Or do you want to be a chicken all of your life? Ben said. Lucky
then got to his feet and started to beat Ben up, he punched him and kicked
him and threw him onto the floor. At first he was beating Ben because he said
so but after a while he began to beat his father out of anger that he had for the
man, and Ben was really injured. The warden then ran to them and got Lucky
off from Ben and then Ben who was really in pain and had not expected Lucky
to beat him up in that manner, pretended to be unconscious so he was rushed
to the hospital.

Lucky went over to Sibusisos house to fetch his clothes and he ran into
Nkosinathi sitting in the dining room. Lucky, its so good to see you man. Ive
been trying to get hold of you for days now with no luck. Nkosinathi said.
I have nothing to say to you Cheezy, and Im not here for you but for my
clothes. Lucky said and started towards the stairs but Nkosinathi grabbed
him by the arm and said: Im sorry Lucky okay. Im sorry that I didnt tell
you that my father was alive. The reason I didnt tell you is not because I dont
trust you, but the day I found out that he was alive is the day that Mbali got


shot. After she got shot, I was arrested so there is no ways in hell that I could
tell you man.
But Cheezy, you could have told me when I came to visit you in jail, but you
said nothing. Lucky said.
My dad being alive was the last thing on my mind Lucky. I had much more
important things on my mind. Nkosinathi said.
Are you telling me the truth? Lucky asked.
Why would I lie to you Lucky? You are my friend, and my brother. Lucky I
cant lose you bro. Yes my dad is alive and back but Lucky my life is
incomplete without you. Your friendship really means the world to me.
Nkosinathi said in tears.
Its okay Cheezy. Lucky said and softly punched Nkosinathi on the
shoulder. Lets put this whole mess behind us.

Ben was laying on his bed in hospital and outside of his room were three
policemen guarding that he does not escape. Mbazo who was also one of Ben's
men then came to the ward dressed as a doctor, he went into the room and
quickly came out pushing Bens bed. And now? one of the policemen asked.
This man is having a seizure, I need to rush him to ICU. Mbazo said and
rushed away with Ben, the police did not follow him but what they did not
know was that Mbazo was escaping with Ben.
After they had left the hospital, Lucky came running into the hospital and
went to his fathers ward but one of the policemen said: Your father has been
taken to ICU. He was having a seizure.
What! Lucky exclaimed and then rushed to the ICU ward and bumped into
one of the doctors and asked: Doctor, hows my father? Is he going to be
Your father? The doctor asked in confusion.
Ben Sithole. Lucky answered.
Your father is not here, the last time I checked he was in ward 7. The doctor
But the policemen said he was taken to ICU by a doctor. Lucky said.


No, there must be some misunderstanding. The doctor said. Im sorry to

say this son, but it looks like your father has escaped from hospital or has been
Oh God what have I done? Lucky softly said to himself and quickly ran to
the policemen to tell them what he had done.

Lucky was taken by the policemen to the police station to give his statement
since Ben was nowhere to be found.
Lucky, talk to me. Tell me exactly what happened. Cohen said to him.
Detective, I was manipulated by my father to beat him up when I visited him
here. I think this was his plan to escape from jail. Im really sorry detective
please forgive me. Lucky said.
Lucky, do you know what youve done. Your father is out there probably
coming up with a plan to kill Luthando and his son, even me and Nkosinathi.
Cohen said.
Im sorry detective. Lucky said.
I have no other choice but to arrest you Lucky. I have to arrest you for helping
a prisoner escape from prison. Cohen said.
But Detective, cant you do something else to punish me? I wont survive
prison. Lucky said in fear.
You should have thought about that before you helped Ben escape. Cohen
Detective, let the boy go. And I promise that Ill make it worth your while.
Came Sibusisos voice as he and Nkosinathi walked in.
Cohen looked up at Sibusio with his eyes wide opened because he was not
aware that Sibusiso was alive. "You're alive?" He asked and Sibusio nodded.
If I dont do anything Mr. Radebe I will lose my job. Cohen said.
Detective please. Lucky will not survive in prison. Nkosinathi said.
Look Cohen. I can protect you from Ben. I can ensure that you and your
family are well looked after, but Cohen you going to have to quit your job and
relocate. What Im doing is not a bribe, but its my way of protecting you. My
son told me how you helped him when he was in jail, and someone who helps
my family deserves my protection. Sibusiso said.


Thank you Mr. Radebe. And you Lucky since this is your first time getting into
trouble with the police I will not arrest you, just promise me boys that both of
you are going to stay out of trouble. Cohen said.
Both boys nodded and smiled at Cohen.

After Mbazo had taken Ben out of the hospital he took him to Durban to lay
low for a while until his escape had blown over. Ben was sitting at the table of
the B&B that he was living in and said: Mbazo I really didnt believe that
Lucky would actually come through for me, Lucky is a softy, yes hes rebellious
and all, but helping me escape is really not like him. I wonder what changed
From what I heard Boss, Lucky had a fight with Sibusisos son. Maybe thats
what changed his attitude. Mbazo said.
Thats music to my ears, so Lucky finally came to his senses and distanced
himself from those people. I failed to kill Sibusiso the first time, but now that I
have my son on my side I Ben Sithole will not fail again. Ben said
If I may ask Boss, why do you hate Sibusiso so much? You guys were so close.
Mbazo asked.
Ben laughed and then said: Thats what everybody believes Mbazo, everyone
believes that Sibusiso and I were close, but thats not the case. You see Mbazo,
the only way to destroy your enemy is to keep him close and gain all of his
trust, then when he least expects it, you strike.
Mbazo was very confused, he had no idea what Ben was trying to say, but he
asked no further questions.
Oh and Mbazo, I want my son here with me. And I want you to teach Cohen a
lesson that he will never forget. Ben said.
Consider it done Boss. Mbazo said.

Lucky and Nkosinathi were sitting at a coffee shop having milkshakes when
Nkosinathis phone rang. He looked at his phone and saw that it was Mbali
that was calling so he ignored it.
And then Cheezy, why arent you answering your phone? Lucky asked.
Its Mbali. How am I supposed to get over her if she is not allowing me to do so?
Shes on vacation with her husband but she keeps on calling me. Nkosinathi

But dont you think that ignoring her calls is a little bit harsh? Lucky asked.
What else can I do? Lucky I love that woman, but she already belongs to
another man so its best if I just avoid her. Nkosinathi said.
You know what I think Cheezy? I think that you are making the biggest
mistake of your life. If you love her as you say you do, dont let her go. Lucky
Nkosinathi did not reply, he silently thought to himself how he was supposed
to fight for another mans wife.

Nkosi my son, I got this in the post this morning. Sibusiso said handing an
envelope to Nkosinathi.
I wonder what it is. Nkosinathi said taking the envelope and ripping it open.
Yes! he exclaimed.
What is it? Sibusiso asked in surprise.
Ive been accepted into the University of Johannesburg dad. And guess what,
Im going to do medicine. They've even given me a scholarship! Nkosinathi
said in excitement.
Wow, Im so proud of you boytjie. Sibusiso said and hugged him.
Yeah man, congratz. Lucky said.
Im sure yours has also come. Nkosinathi said to Lucky. Do you want me to
accompany you to your home to check your post? he asked Lucky.
Dont stress Cheezy, Ill go alone. Lucky said. Ill see you guys later.
Lucky, be careful out there alright. Sibusiso said to Lucky.
Sure. Lucky said and left.

Lucky checked his fathers post and also found an envelope that was
addressed to him, he opened the letter and saw that it was a letter of
acceptance from the University of Johannesburg.
Yes, theyve accepted me. He said to himself. He was just walking out of the
house when Mbazo showed and pointed a gun at him.
Mbazo what are you doing? Lucky asked.


Im securing a future for myself. Mbazo said. Now come on. He said and
led Lucky to the car that he had come with and drove away with him.

Dad, its getting late now and Lucky is still not back. Nkosinathi worriedly
said to Sibusiso.
Have you tried calling him? Sibusiso asked.
Yes dad, and his phone just goes straight to voicemail. Nkosinathi said.
Maybe his battery is dead. Sibusiso said.
I hope so dad. Nkosinathi said in concern.

Mbazo wheres my son? Ben asked Mbazo when Mbazo walked into the
house alone.
He didnt want to come with me Boss. Your son is very stubborn and he
doesnt trust me. So when I said Im bringing him to you he did not believe
me. Mbazo said.
Ben slapped Mbazo and then said: Mbazo you sometimes can be so useless,
you know what just get out of my sight. Ill get someone else to bring my son to
As Mbazo was about to walk out Ben asked him: And Cohen, were you able to
take care of him?
Sure thing Boss, you will never hear from Cohen ever again.Mbazo lied.
Good, one down and two more to go. Ben said with a smile.

The following day Nkosinathi saw that Lucky had not yet come back so he went
to Sibusiso and said: Dad, Im going over to Bens house to check if Luckys
okay. His phone is still going to voicemail and he has still not come back.
Theres no ways that Im allowing you to go to that house alone. Ill ask
Gideon to accompany you." Sibusiso said.
Whatever dad. Nkosinathi said and walked out of the house.

When Nkosinathi and Gideon got to Bens house they saw that Luckys car was
parked in the yard. Nkosinathi then went out of the car and went to knock at

the door of the house but there was no answer. Lucky, come on, open up. Its
me Nkosinathi Nkosinathi said but there was still no answer. Nkosinathi then
tried the door handle and saw that it was not locked so he let himself into the
Lucky, are you here? Nkosinathi shouted but there was no answer. He then
went into every room of the house but there was no sign of Lucky.
Nkosinathi then left the house and went back to Gideon and said: Theres no
one here. Lucky is not here.
But his car is here. Gideon said.
Yeah, but theres no sign of Lucky. Come on man, lets get out of here.
Nkosinathi said.

And you say you checked every room in the house? Sibusiso asked
Yes dad, and there is absolutely no one in that house. Nkosinathi said.
Not even Bens men? Sibusiso asked.
No one dad, not even a cat was in sight. Nkosinathi said.
We have to inform the police, because Ben is probably responsible for
Luckys disappearance. Sibusiso said and then took out his phone to call the
police station.

Mbazo, why are you keeping me here tied up, what did I do to you? Lucky
who was tied up to a chair by Mbazo asked.
I told you Lucky that Im just securing my future. Mbazo calmly said as he
lit a cigarette.
Okay, can you at least give me some food then? Lucky said.
Dream on Lucky, because thats not going to happen. Mbazo said.
Mbazo if my dad finds out that you kidnapped me he is going to kill you.
Lucky said.
I guess Ill just have to make sure that he doesnt find out then. Mbazo said.
Mbazo please. At least untie me then. Lucky pleaded.


You know something Lucky, you talk too much and I hate it when someone
talks too much. So little man, you either shut your mouth or I will shut it for
you. Mbazo said.

Mbazo where was Lucky when he refused to come with you? Ben asked
He was at your house Boss. Mbazo replied.
And is that where you left him? Ben asked.
Yes Boss. Mbazo replied.
Then what happened to my son? Why is it that Im reading in the newspapers
that my son is missing? And guess what Mbazo, he went missing on the same
day that you were supposed to bring him here. Ben shouted.
What are you implying Boss? Mbazo asked.
Im not implying anything Mbazo, Im just wondering if this is just a
coincidence. Ben said.
Boss if you think I had something to do with Luckys disappearance you are
wrong. Have you forgotten that Sibusiso has a score to settle with you? Dont
you remember that you almost killed him? In case youve forgotten Boss,
Sibusiso is alive and he wants revenge. So instead of suspecting me Boss, you
should be suspecting him or that loser Luthando. Mbazo said in anger.
You have a point Mbazo, Sibusiso thinks hes won well he is so wrong. Ben

Lucas and Mbali got back from their vacation and they looked very happy.
Lucas, its good to see you guys back safe and sound. How was the vacation?
Sibusiso asked.
It was awesome. It felt so good to be alone with my wife. Lucas said in
Yeah, it was really awesome. Mbali said.
Nkosinathi felt a little bit jealous when he saw how happy Lucas and Mbali
were so he excused himself and left them talking and went to his room.


Lucky is missing? But how? Lucas asked Sibusiso.

I dont know what happened to him. He left here going to check for post at his
home, and since then we dont know where he is. Sibusiso said.
I wouldnt be surprised if Ben is behind Luckys disappearance. Mbali said
Or my father. Lucas said.
Im with Mbali on this one. Luthando has been very scarce and Im sure he
had nothing to do with it. He probably doesnt even know that Luckys
missing. Sibusiso said.
Come on Sibusiso, my father is a lot smarter than you think. Lucas said.
No, this time Luthando is not involved. You see, Luthando is terrified of Ben
and he would never do anything to anger him. As it is Ben might still be
planning how to get back at Luthando for getting him involved in Mbalis
shooting. Sibusiso said.

Sibusiso was sitting in his office when his phone rang: Hello. Sibusiso said.
Sibusiso what have you done to my son? came Benss voice.
Excuse me, whose this? Sibusiso asked.
Sibusiso dont play dumb with me, what have you done to Lucky? Ben said.
Ben, I didnt think Id be hearing from you anytime soon. Anyways I dont
know where your son is, I thought that you were behind his disappearance.
Sibusiso said.
Now why the hell would I kidnap my own son? Ben asked in frustration.
I dont know, you tell me. Sibusiso said.
Look Sibusiso Im begging you man, please let my son go. I promise that if you
do that Ill back off and Ill stop bugging you. Ben said in desperation which
made Sibusiso realize that Ben really had nothing to do with Luckys
Look Ben, I myself am busy with the police looking for Lucky. I really dont
know who has him. All I know is that he went to your house to check on the
post and he never ever came back.Sibusiso said.
Well if you dont have him then who does? Ben asked in frustration. I cant
lose my boy, not my boy.

Mbazo, is it your plan to starve me to death? Lucky asked weakly.

Now that youve mentioned it, yeah I think that would be a great plan.
Mbazo said in an uninterested tone.
Come on man, you know that my dad has a lot of money. Instead of starving
me to death why dont you just ask him for a ransom in exchange for me? You
get money and I get to live, see its a win win solution because we will both get
what we want. Lucky said.
Thats a good idea Lucky, but who said anything about me wanting money?
Mbazo said.
Lucky did not answer he just gave a sigh of defeat.

Sibusiso was sitting alone in the dining room and then took out his phone and
called the number which Ben had used to call him.
Sibusiso. Came Bens voice.
Look Ben, I know that we have our differences but right now we both have
one priority and that priority being to find Lucky. So how about we put our
differences aside and work together to find the boy. Sibusiso said.
Id do anything to find my boy Sibusiso, but Im an escaped convict and
theres nothing I can do at all. Ben said.
Okay, I can get your dockets to mysteriously disappear, and that way no one
will have any case against you. Sibusiso said.
Youd really do that? Ben asked.
Yes Ben Id really do that, you just promise me one thing Sibusiso said.
Name it. Ben said.
This revenge vendetta of yours that you have against me needs to come to an
end man, we cant work together if you still have plans of destroying me.
Sibusiso said.
Its a deal Sibusiso. Lets find my boy. Ben said and hung up.
The boys are back. Sibusiso said to himself.


Lucas and Mbali had bought their own house and they invited Nkosinathi over
for supper.
This is a nice house. Nkosinathi said looking around the house.
Thanks Nkosi, getting our own house was long overdue, and we being alone
will bring me and my wife more closely together. If you know what I mean.
Lucas said and both he and Nkosinathi laughed. Nkosinathi looked at Mbali
and saw that she was not really herself, she looked a bit pale and was just
pretending to be alright for Nkosinathi and Lucass sake.
Has there been any news on Lucky? Mbali asked.
Nothing yet. Nkosinathi replied and just that moment Lucass phone rang.
Hello. He said. Okay, Ill be there in five minutes.
Mbali gave Lucas an enquiring look and he said: My love theres a bit of an
emergency that I need to attend to.
I guess I should also get going then. Nkosinathi said, not trusting himself to
be left alone with Mbali.
No, No Nkosi. Ill be back in an hour or so and Id really appreciate it if you
kept my wife company until I get back please. This world is not a safe place
and I dont want her to be left alone. Lucas said.
Nkosinathi shrugged and then said: Sure, that shouldnt be a problem.

So Nathi, how have you been? Mbali asked.

Im okay. Im just worried about Lucky. Nkosinathi replied.
There was silence for a while and then Nkosinathi asked: What about you,
are you okay?
Im pregnant Nathi. Mbali said softly.
Thats great! Congratulations. Nkosinathi said.
No Nathi, its not great. Mbali sadly said.
Come on, why not? Is Lucas not happy to be a father? Nkosinathi asked.
I havent even told him yet that Im pregnant. Mbali said.
But why Mbali? Nkosinathi asked in confusion.
Because hes not the father Nathi, you are. Mbali said.

Nkosinathi was too shocked to say anything, he just stared at Mbali in shock.

Sibusiso, hi. Please brother Im sorry for all the trouble I caused you, please
dont fight with me. Luthando said when he opened his door and saw that it
was Sibusiso that was knocking. He was still coming to terms with the fact that
Sibusiso was alive.
Lu, Im not here to fight my friend. Im here to rebuild what was broken.
Sibusiso said.
What are you talking about? Luthando asked.
The boys are back Lu, and I just want to know if you are in? Sibusiso asked.
What boys are you talking about? Luthando asked.
Im talking about me, you and Ben. What we had was great. Back then we
did bad stuff but now we will be doing something good, we are going to find
Lucky together. Sibusiso said.
Wait a minute, are you saying that you and Ben have made peace?
Luthando asked and Sibusiso nodded with a smile and said: Yes, and he is
going to be joining us tomorrow.
Halleluya, Ive been waiting for this to happen for such a long time.
Luthando joyfully said.

Sibusiso, Ben and Luthando were sitting in Sibusisos office discussing the
Lucky matter when Nkosinathi walked past the office and heard Ben say: So
Sbu, you telling me that my son went to the house to go and check for post?
Yeah, and he didnt come back. Sibusiso said.
Thats funny, because on that same day Mbazo was supposed to bring Lucky
to me but he says Lucky refused to go with him. Ben said.
And where did Mbazo see Lucky? Sibusiso asked.
He says Lucky was at the house. Ben said.
Come on guys, dont tell me that you guys believe that Mbazo is responsible
for the boys disappearance. Luthando said. "The guy is your right hand man
Well, he was the last person to see Lucky. Sibusiso said.


So Mbazo has Lucky. Nkosinathi said to himself and walked out of the

Nkosinathi had invited Mbali to have a milkshake at a coffee shop so that they
could discuss the pregnancy issue.
We have to tell Lucas about the pregnancy Mbali. Nkosinathi said.
I cant Nathi. I cant break his heart like that. Lucas will not survive that.
Mbali said.
So you want us to keep quiet about it, come on Mbali I also want to be a part
of my childs life. Asking me to keep quiet about this is really unfair Mbali.
Nkosinathi said.
And asking me to tell Lucas about this is also unfair Nathi. Mbali said.
At that moment Lucas walked into the coffee shop carrying a bouquet of roses,
and a little boy about four years of age that was sitting at a table next to
Nkosinathi and and Mbalis ran to Lucas and shouted: Daddy. Lucas lifted
the little boy into his arms and said: Hello boy boy, daddy missed you so
He then made his way to the table where the little boy was sitting with his
mother, he kissed the woman and then said: These are for you baby.
Mbali could not believe what she was seeing: Lucas. She said.
Mbali, uhhmm, wh what are you doing here? Lucas stuttered.

Is she all those emergencies that you had to take care of at the hospital?
Mbali asked.
Mbali please let me explain. You werent supposed to find out like this.
Lucas said.
How was I supposed to find out Lucas? Why Lucas, why did you play me the
way you did? Mbali cried.
Baby, why dont you tell this trash of a woman that you belong to me? Tell
her that me and your son are priority number one in your life, shes just a
distraction when Im not around. The other woman said.
Mbali, Im really sorry, but I never did love you. I only married you to make
my dad happy. Cindy is the woman that I love. Lucas lied because he
honestly did love Mbali, he was just choosing Cindy for his son's sake.

Nkosinathi had had enough, he rose from his chair and punched Lucas hard
on the face and then took Mbali by the hand and left with her.

Mbali, take this please. It will help you to calm down. Nkosinathi said
handing a glass of water to Mbali and a pill.
How could he Nathi? He refused to get a divorce when I asked him for one. He
told me that he loved me and that he was going to do everything in his power
to make me happy. And all along he knew that he was just playing me. Mbali
Lucas is an idiot, he never did deserve you. Nkosinathi said.
Why is it that you are always there for me when I need you Nathi? Mbali
I dont know, it just happens. Or maybe its just fate. Nkosinathi said.
Come here. He said and he hugged Mbali.

When Mbali was asleep, Nkosinathi went to his room and logged onto his
laptop. After he had heard the conversation between his father and friends,
he had gone to put a tracker on Mbazos car when nobody was looking. He
checked the details of where the car had stopped from that time and he
noticed a place where his car had parked for a number of times during the
course of the day and that it was parked the longest amount of time at this
place. Nkosinathi then went to his car and drove away to this place. When
Nkosinathi got to this place, he noticed that Mbazos car was parked in the
yard of a four roomed house. Nkosinathi tiptoed to the window of the house
and tried to have a peek to see what was inside the house, but the curtain was
closed so he could not see anything. As he was about to leave, he heard voices
and those voices belonged to Lucky and Mbazo.
Mbazo, its been days and you havent given me any food or anything to
drink. What use am I to you if Im dead? Lucky asked weakly.
Lucky, I hate people that talk too much. Just shut up and stop
complaining. Mbazo said.
Nkosinathi went a distance away from the house and phoned his father.

Mbazo please, Im begging you brother. Can I please have just a glass of
water? Lucky said.


Mbazo took out his gun and then pointed it at Luckys head and then said: I
said shut up. Shut up before I blow your brains out.
Nkosinathi had managed to silently break the lock of the door and got the door
to open. He got into the house and saw Mbazo holding a gun to Luckys head.
He also took out his gun and pointed it at Mbazo without saying anything. Ever
since he had been kidnapped he had learnt to carry a gun around with him
everyday. Nkosinathi had never in his life used a gun but right now his
friends life was in danger so he had to use it. He fired a shot and the bullet hit
Mbazo on the leg which caused him to fall onto the floor and his gun also fell
onto the floor. Before Mbazo could reach out and pick his gun up, Nkosinathi
was standing above him and said: If you move, I swear on my life that I will
shoot your heart out of your body.
Cheezy, its so good to see you pal. Lucky said in relief and a few minutes
later Ben, Luthando and Sibusiso came into the house and Ben ran to his son
and untied him while Luthando and Sibusiso took Mbazo with them.
You did well Nkosinathi, you did well. Ben said to Nkosinathi.
Thank you, now lets get Lucky to the hospital, he is really weak. Nkosinathi
said helping Ben to carry Lucky to the car. I guess we are even now, I no
longer owe you. He continued and Ben just gave him a smile.

After Lucky had been seen to at the hospital Ben, Lucky and Nkosinathi drove
back to Sibusisos house. When they got to the house, Lucky was put to bed as
he was on strong medication and then Ben, Luthando, Sibusiso and
Nkosinathi went to deal with Mbazo whose leg was in lots of pain.
Mbazo, why did you kidnap my son, what were you planning on gaining?
Ben asked in anger but Mbazo just kept quiet and did not answer him.
Hey, did you not here the question. Why did you kidnap the boy? Sibusiso
I wanted him to suffer, just as my mother suffered because of him. Mbazo
What does Lucky have to do with your mothers suffering? Ben asked in
He has nothing to do with her suffering, but you, you Ben Sithole have
everything to do with my mothers suffering. Does the name Busisiwe
Khuzwayo ring a bell to you? Mbazo said.
You are Busisiwes son? Ben asked.

Yes, which makes you my father. Mbazo said.

The silence in the office was deafening.

Whats he talking about Ben? How is he your son? Luthando asked.

Let me enlighten you. Mbazo said. This monster was in a relationship with
my mother, but when he found out that she was pregnant he wanted nothing
to do with her. Mom grew me up on her own without any help from him. This
man though kept on making my mothers life hell, and when I was ten years
old he came to the house where me and mom were living and he shot her
dead. I grew up and when I was nineteen, I decided to come and work for him.
I did such a good job that I got on his good side and he put me in charge of all
his men, so thats when I started planning my revenge on him. I had to watch
Lucky get everything he wanted, being treated like a prince, whilst I had to
live on handouts until I completed my matric.
Why didnt you say anything Mbazo? I would have given you the life that you
deserved. I did not chase your mom away, but she ran away when she found
out she was pregnant. I did not kill Busi Mbazo, she killed herself. She shot
herself with my gun when I told her that I wanted to see you. Ben said.
Thats a lie Ben, I saw you shoot her. I was in the kitchen when you shot her.
Mbazo said.
So thats your specialty dad, you specialize in killing your childrens
mothers? Lucky said as he walked into the office.
What are you talking about? Ben asked him. And you shouldnt be here
Lucky, you should be resting like the doctor said.
You know very well what Im talking about, both you and Uncle Luthando
know what Im talking about. Lucky said.
Wait a minute. Lucky are you trying to say that your father killed your
mom? Nkosinathi asked.
Yes. Lucky softly said.

I dont believe this. Ben hated me and even planned revenge on me, yet all
along he knew that he was the one that killed his wife. He kidnapped you son,
he almost killed me. And all of this for something that he did. Sibusiso said
in anger.
Im sorry dad. Nkosinathi said.

And to top it all up, Luthando knew about this and he said nothing to me.
These guys were like brothers to me Nkosi, but they went behind my back and
did something so evil. Sibusiso said. "I don't blame Mbazo for doing what he
Calm down dad, please dont get yourself worked up on this. Nkosinathi
Im going to kill them. Sibusiso said with a very strange look in his eyes, a
look that scared Nkosinathi. Sibusiso then rose to his feet and took his gun and
was about to leave the house, but Nkosinathi followed him and blocked him
at the door: Dad, please. Leave it. Forgive them dad. I know that what they
did was wrong but dad, killing them wont solve anything. He said. "Besides
we have to focus on protecting Mbazo because Ben might try to harm him. And
the police might also be after him for kidnapping Lucky. We have to come up
with a plan to keep him from being arrested."
Fine, they have you to thank because I would have killed them. Sibusiso

How are you doing pal? Nkosinathi asked Lucky.

Much better now that the truth is out. Im sorry that I didnt tell you all
earlier. Lucky said.
Hey its cool man. You probably had your own reasons for keeping quiet
about it. Nkosinathi said.
Wow man, I have a brother. Its weird but also awesome. Lucky said.
Nkosinathi smiled and then said: I feel sorry for him, having you as a brother
must really be a big job.
Hey. Lucky said and they both laughed.

Im here to see Mbali. Lucas said to Nkosinathi when he opened the door for
She doesnt want to see you Lucas. Nkosinathi said.
But you havent even told her that Im here. Lucas said.
What do you want from her Lucas? Havent you hurt her enough? Why dont
you just leave her alone? Nkosinathi shouted at him.


Hey, Im not the only one that did wrong here. She slept with you while she
and I were still married. Lucas shouted.
Yeah, and guess what pal, she is pregnant with my baby, so Lucas stay the
hell away from Mbali or else I will kill you. Nkosinathi said.
Lucas grabbed Nkosinathi and said: You got my wife pregnant?
Id prefer it if you said ex-wife. Nkosinathi said.
Hey, hey, hey, stop this nonsense of yours now. I will not tolerate this stupidity
of yours, fighting over a girl. Instead of fighting over her, you should be asking
her who she wants to be with. Sibusiso said separating the boys.
Dont even bother trying to find out who I want to be with. Lucas I want a
divorce, I dont want anything to do with you. Mbali said.
Fine by me baby, I also want nothing to do with a bitch like you. How does a
teacher get involved with one of her own students, and then on top of that
sleep with him and get pregnant with his baby? Lucas said.
The same way an idiot like you can sleep with another woman while married
to someone as awesome as Mbali. So Lucas get the hell out of this house now,
and I swear man, if you so much as lay a hand on Mbali, I will kill you.
Nkosinathi said and pushed Lucas out of the house.

Lucky, Sibusiso, Mbali and Nkosinathi were having breakfast when there was
a knock on the door.
Ill get it. Nkosinathi said and came back followed by Ben and Luthando.
What do you want here? Sibusiso asked rising to his feet. You are not
welcome in this house.
Im here to get my son. Ben said.
Im not going anywhere with you dad. Lucky said.
And Im here to apologize. Luthando said.
Get out of my house now, both of you. Sibusiso said in anger.
Oh come on Sibusiso, what happened to bygones being bygones? Ben asked.
That was before I found out that you fools killed Mary and then you Ben, you
then turned it all onto me. Sibusiso angrily said.


Oh come on Sibusiso, cant you just leave the past in the past? Luthando
Leave now, before I blow the living hell out of both of you. Sibusiso said
taking out his gun.

Dad please put that gun away. Nkosinathi said trying to get his father to
calm down.
No Nkosi, these two dogs need to die. Sibusiso angrily said.
Oh, just like Morgan deserved to die? Ben said.
Wait, how do you know about his death? Nkosinathi asked.
Why dont you ask your saint of a father? Ben said.
Dad, what is he talking about? Nkosinathi asked.
I didnt know Nkosi, I didnt know that they were behind Morgans murder.
Sibusiso said.
Oh cut it out Sbu. The reason why we killed Morgan was for you, so that you
could get access to your son. Ben said.
Is this true dad? Nkosinathi asked. Is that why my father was killed?
No son. I swear I didnt know anything about it. Sibusiso said.
Im sick of these lies. Nkosinathi said and stormed out of the house.

Nkosinathi went to Sibusisos club and drank until he could drink no more. He
was angry, was it true, and was Sibusiso behind Morgans death? How could
you dad? he said to himself and then he was consumed with anger and then
left the club.
When Nkosinathi got into the house, everyone that he had left in the house was
there. He went straight to Sibusiso and grabbed him by his shirt. How could
you kill him? He was you brother for crying out loud. He said in anger.
Nathi please, hes your father. Mbali said and tried to pull Nkosinathi away
from Sibusiso but Nkosinathi pushed her away and said: Hes not my father.
My father is dead and its all because of him.
Dad, do something. Lucky said but Ben just stood and watched Nkosinathi
manhandling Sibusiso.

Boytjie please, please dont do this. I swear I didnt know what these guys
were planning. Sibusiso pleaded.
Hes telling the truth Nkosinathi. Sibusiso knew nothing about our plan. Hes
really innocent. Luthando said.
What are you doing you fool? Ben said to Luthando.
Im telling the truth Ben. It was me and you that killed Morgan. We paid
those two boys to kill him. Sibusiso had nothing to do with it. Luthando said.

While all the commotion was going on, Mbali called the police because she
knew that something bad was about to happen.
Dad, you killed your best friends brother? Why would you do something like
that? Lucky asked.
Because I can. Ben said with a smile on his face.
You monster! Lucky shouted and then took Sibusisos gun from his pants
and pointed it at Ben.
Son you dont want to do this, Im your father. Ben said.
You are not my father, you are dead to me. You are a monster that solves all
of his problems by killing people Lucky said. "Maybe it's about time we also
solve our problem and kill you."
Lucky please my boy, you cant do this to your father. Ben said.
When mom pleaded with you, did you listen to her? Lucky shouted.
Lucky please. Ben said.
Just shut up! Lucky shouted and there was a gun shot. The bullet hit Ben
right in the heart and he died immediately.

Out of shock, Lucky dropped the gun onto the floor and said: I didnt shoot
him, I swear I didnt pull the trigger. At that moment the police barged into
the house and saw Ben lying dead on the floor. To get Luckys fingerprints off
the gun, Sibusiso picked the gun up and put his fingerprints on it. What
happened here? Who shot this man? one of the police officers asked.
I did it officer. Sibusiso said.


But dad Nkosinathi began to say but Sibusiso stopped him and said:
Son, dont worry. Ill be okay. I love you boytjie, but now I have to suffer the
consequences of my actions.
The police officer handcuffed Sibusiso and took him away while the others
took Bens body away.
Just as they were about to get out of the door Sibusiso said: Luthando, please
take care of the boys and Mbali.
Dad. Nkosinathi said in a whisper.
No Nkosi, I have to do this. But Ill be back okay. Sibusiso said and both boys
went to hug him and then the police took him away.
When the police had gone, Lucky said: Im sorry Cheezy.
Hey, this is not your fault Lucky. Everything is going to be okay. Nkosinathi
said and hugged Lucky.

I swear though, I didnt pull the trigger. I didnt shoot him. Lucky said in
You didnt shoot him, but I did. Came a voice from behind them. They all
looked to see who it was and Mr. Gumede was who they saw standing at the
bottom of the stairs.
Mr. Gumede. Nkosinathi said in surprise.
Mr. Gumede reached his left hand to his face and tore off the disguise he had
on his face and what they saw had them all silent and in shock. The man
standing before them was Ben Sithole.
No Nkosinathi, Im not Mr. Gumede, but Im Ben Sithole the father of Lucky.
He said.

But how are you Ben Sithole? The man was just here a few minutes ago and
was dead, now I dont understand. What are you saying to us exactly?
Luthando asked Ben in confusion.
The man that I shot is actually my twin brother, Benson. Benson abducted
me because he wanted all my wealth. He abducted me and then sold me to a
Japanese business man as a slave. The Japanese man somehow died and
then thats how I was able to come back to South Africa. But since Benson was
busy pretending to be me I had to go into hiding so that he did not find out

that I was back in South Africa or that I was still alive. I disguised myself as an
inyanga so as not to draw any attention to myself, and then it so happened
that Sibusiso was almost killed but I found him. Sibusiso told me who he
thought was behind him being killed and thats when I started following
Benson around. Im not a murderer but I just reached a point where I had
really had enough of Bensons nonsense so I decided to follow him when he
came here and when I heard what other disgusting stuff he had done, I
decided to kill him. And I dont regret doing it, he killed my wife and he stole
my identity. He deserved to die. Ben said.
Why should we believe that this story you are telling us is true? Lucky asked.
You dont have to believe it Lucky, Im just happy that you are safe now
because you were probably next on Bensons list. Ben said.
If you are telling us the truth you have to come with us to the police station to
tell your story to the police, so that my father will be released. Nkosinathi
Then what are we waiting for? Ben said and led the way out.

Sibusiso was released from prison and went home with Lucky and Nkosinathi
whilst Ben was kept in a holding cell so that his story could be verified.
So all this time I thought I was friends with Ben Sithole, I was actually friends
with his brother. What kind of a man abducts his own twin brother and then
sells him to be a slave in a foreign country? And what kind of a friend am I, I
couldnt even notice that the man was not Ben. Sibusiso said.
The kind of man that would do anything to have power. Lucky replied
softly. All these years I lived with hatred towards my father because I thought
he did not love me, and all along I was not even living with my dad. I hated
him so much especially after I saw him kill mom. I too was supposed to realize
that the man was not my father, I am his son after all and I could not even
recognize another man that was posing as my father.
Its hectic. I cant believe that someone can actually be so evil. Nkosinathi
Yeah, but I think that theres more to this story than my father is letting on.
There must have been something major that my dad did to Benson to make
him abduct him. Theres no ways that he could have done what he did for no
reason. Lucky said.
I dont think your father did anything Lucky, Benson was just being greedy.
Sibusiso said.

Lucky did not reply, his gut was telling him that there was way more to this
story than what they had been told.

Later that night when Mbali and Sibusiso were asleep, Lucky went to join
Nkosinathi in his room and asked: So do you buy my fathers story?
What do you mean? Nkosinathi asked.
It just doesnt make sense Cheezy. Benson was surely acting out of anger
when he did what he did. My father must have done something really bad to
him. Lucky said.
Then maybe you should ask him, if he did do something he will probably tell
you. Nkosinathi said.
That I will definitely do. Lucky seriously said.

Lucky went to the police station and found that his father had been released.
So while they were driving back to Sibusisos house Lucky asked: So what did
you do to him dad?
Do to who son? Ben asked in amusement.
To Benson. What did you do to him to make him do what he did to you?
Lucky asked.
I didnt do anything to him. Benson was a very greedy and selfish man, and
he just wanted to get rid of me so that he could get his hands on my wealth.
Ben said.
Oh. Lucky softly said.

So what are your plans with Mbali? Sibusiso asked Nkosinathi.

What do you mean dad? Nkosinathi asked.
Nkosi, she is still married to Lucas but she is pregnant with your child. What
are you planning on doing with her, are you going to marry her or are you just
going to be friends that have a child? Sibusiso asked.
Whoa dad, marriage. Isnt that a little bit too soon? Nkosinathi asked.
Have you both even spoken about what you want out of this relationship?
Sibusiso asked.

No dad, we havent had any time to speak. With all thats been happening
theres just been no time. And whats worse, in a few weeks Lucky and I will be
leaving for University. Nkosinathi said.
Nkosi, you and Mbali need to sit down and talk. You both have to see if being
together is what you both want. See son, in University you will meet other
beautiful girls, girls that will catch your eye and when that happens, what will
happen to Mbali? Im not trying to scare you son, but Im trying to prepare
you. How sure are you that this baby that Mbali is carrying is even yours? What
if shes lying to you just so that you dont leave her? Sibusiso said.
Come on dad, Mbali would never lie to me about something like that.
Nkosinathi said wondering to himself if his dad was not somehow right.
Okay, if you say so. Sibusiso said.

Sibusiso Id like to thank you for looking after my son for me. Ben said to
Sibusiso as he and Lucky were preparing to leave and go back to their house.
Its my pleasure Ben. Lucky is like a son to me and it was a pleasure having
him here. Sibusiso said.
I guess Ill see you around then. Lucky said to Nkosinathi. And thanks
Cheezy for being such a good friend. If it wasnt for you I dont think I would
have made it through matric.
Hey, I did nothing at all. It was your brain that got you through matric.
Tomorrow me and you should go out for supper hey. Nkosinathi said.
Sure thing. Lucky said and he and Ben left.

Mbali was sitting in the dining room when Nkosinathi walked in and sat next
to her. Whats up? He said.
Nothing much, Im just thinking what a year this year has been. Mbali said.
Yeah hey, it has been a hectic year. Nkosinathi said and they were both
quiet for a while then Mbali said: I heard what your father said to you the
other day. He thinks Im lying to you about the baby.
Dont take what he said seriously, Im sure he didnt mean any harm, he was
just looking out for me. Nkosinathi said.


But what about us Nathi? Sibusiso was not lying when he said you are going to
meet beautiful girls in University. Will you still even remember me when that
happens? Mbali asked.
I love you Mbali, and nothing is going to change that.Nkosinathi said and
then hugged her.
You may love me now Nathi, but sometimes love is not enough in a
relationship. You will be away for almost four months and when you do come
home, it will be for a short while. You will have absolutely no time for me and
another thing, I cant live here with your father when you are gone, Ill have to
get my own place. Mbali said.
Look Mbali, I am going to UJ which is just around the corner. So how about I
dont live at the school then, how about I live here at home so that it wont feel
like I have no time for you? Nkosinathi said.
Youd really do that for me Nathi? Mbali said.
Id do anything for you. Nkosinathi said and then kissed her on the

Whats it like living with your real father? Nkosinathi asked Lucky as they
were at a restaurant having supper.
Its cool. He gives me so much attention it actually irritates me. Lucky said
and they both laughed.
Did you speak to him? Nkosinathi asked.
Yeah I spoke to him and he says that he did nothing to Benson. Lucky said.
And do you believe him? Nkosinathi asked.
I dont know, it just doesnt make sense." Lucky said.
I somehow think that all of this has to do with Mbazos mother. But Im just
saying. Nkosinathi said.

Mbali was lying on her bed when her phone rang: Mbali hello. She said.
Mbali my love. How are you? came Lucass voice.
Lucas, what do you want? Mbali asked.


I want you back Mbali, and Im not going to rest until Ive got you back.
Lucas said.
Mbali ended the call and sat up on her bed. She couldnt believe that after all
the pain he had put her through, Lucas still had the audacity to phone her
and say he wants her back. She was furious at him.

Nkosinathi! Andisiwe shouted as she ran into the house. She had come back
from oversees and Sibusiso had gone to fetch her at the airport. After Sibusiso
had almost been killed, he had moved Andisiwe to a friend of his oversees so
she could not get caught in the middle of his battles just like Nkosinathi had.
Hey you. Nkosinathi said and hugged her. Ive really missed you.
I missed you more Nkosinathi. Andisiwe said.
Tell you what, lets go and have some ice-cream just me and you, then you
can tell me everything about how it was in Japan. Nkosinathi said.
Cool. Andisiwe said.

Lucas, what are you doing here? Sibusiso asked when he opened the door to
Im here to see Mbali. Lucas said and Sibusiso let him in and left them
alone to speak.
Ive got nothing to say to you Lucas so leave. Mbali said but Lucas pulled her
close to him and kissed her and at that moment Nkosinathi walked in with
What the hell is going on here? Nkosinathi angrily said.
Mbali pulled away from Lucas and looked at Nkosinathi and said: Nathi, this
is not what it looks like. Lucas was just leaving.
Oh okay, he was leaving his tongue in your mouth. Mbali I will not force you
into anything. If you want to be with Lucas its fine by me, just dont lie to
me. Nkosinathi said.
But I dont want to be with Lucas, I want to be with you Nathi. Mbali said in
Mbali please, I made a mistake. Lucas said.


Lucas just leave, and dont ever try contacting me again. It is over between
us, Ill get the lawyers to draw up the divorce papers then we can make it
official. Mbali said.
With tears in his eyes Lucas left.

Whats up Lucky, why did you want to see me? Mbazo asked. After the truth
about who he really is had come out, Mbazo had gone on a little vacation that
Sibusiso had paid for just to keep him safe from Benson but he was now back
and Lucky had gone to speak to him.
The man that you have been working for all along is not the real Ben Sithole,
but he was his twin brother Benson. Lucky said.
What, hows that possible? Mbazo asked.
I dont know exactly what went down between them, all I know is that
Benson abducted our father and then sold him to a rich Japanese man as a
slave. Lucky said.
And how do you know all of this? Mbazo asked.
The real Ben Sithole killed Benson and thats how the truth came out. So I
wanted to meet you so that I can introduce you to your real father. Lucky
I remember my mom one day saying: I had no idea, I thought he was you,
he looked just like you. She was saying this to my father when they were
arguing about something. By the way bro, thank you for not pressing charges
against me. Mbazo said. Lucky did not answer, he was deep in thought.

So you think that Mbazos mom was dating one of the twins but then ended
up in bed with the wrong twin? Nkosinathi who had gone to visit Lucky asked
Lucky when he had told him what Mbazo had said to him.
Yeah, thats what I think happened. Lucky said and just then Ben walked
into the house.
Nkosinathi, how are you. Ben said.
Im fine thanks, but I just want to know something from you please.
Nkosinathi said.
Sure, what is it? Ben asked.


Do you know Busisiwe Khuzwayo? Nkosinathi asked as Lucky looked at him

in surprise.
Ben looked shocked for a while and then said: No, I dont know anyone by
that name. Why do you ask?
No reason, I just remember someone talking about her and your name
somehow came up. Apparently she was killed by her lover but no one knows
why. Nkosinathi said.
I know nothing about her. Ben said and then went to his room.

Why did you ask my dad about Busisiwe? Lucky asked when Ben had left
them alone.
Did you see his facial expression when I asked him? Nkosinathi asked.
Yeah, he looked shocked. Lucky said.
See, this is what I think happened. Busisiwe was dating your father, but
Benson was also in love with her. Benson somehow got Busisiwe into bed and
she fell pregnant with his child. Your father found out and was angry about it,
so he killed Busisiwe. Benson then found out that Ben had killed Busisiwe and
thats why he did what he did to him, and thats why he killed your mother.
He wanted your father to go through the pain that he went through when he
lost Busisiwe. Nkosinathi said.
This kid is good. Ben thought to himself as he was standing at the door of his
room listening to the boys.
You cant be serious Cheezy. Lucky said.
Oh Im dead serious. Just think about it. Nkosinathi said.

Lucas was sitting in his room at his and Mbalis house and was looking at a
photo of Mbali.
If I cant have you Mbali, nobody else can. He said to the photo.

I wonder how Uncle Luthando is doing. He has been so scarce, the last time I
saw him was the day that Benson died. Nkosinathi said to Sibusiso.
Luthando left. He went away to Durban to start a new life for himself. He said
all this stuff that has been going on here is just too much for him. Sibusiso

said. He also told me that the so called son of Lucas was not really his son, the
girl was just using Lucas to get money from him.
Wow, thats serious. How can someone be so evil? Is that why you are afraid
that Mbali might not be pregnant with my child? Nkosinathi asked.
Mbali is a sweet girl Nkosi, but there are women out there that would do
anything to get what they want. Theyd even go as far as lying about being
pregnant or about you as the guy being the father. Sibusiso said.
There may be women like that dad, but Mbali is not one of them. Shes
different from all the girls that Ive ever met. Shes one in a million dad.
Nkosinathi said.
You really love her dont you? Sibusiso asked.
More than life itself dad. Nkosinathi replied.

Dad, Id like you to meet Sanele. But everyone calls him Mbazo. He is
Busisiwes son. Lucky said to Ben. "The same Busisiwe that Cheezy was asking
you about."
Hello Sanele, Its nice to meet you. Ben said looking at Mbazo in a weird
Dad, I know you told me and Nkosinathi that you dont know Busisiwe, but it
so happens that Busisiwe was dating either you or Benson, and one of you guys
are his father. Lucky said.
Well, as I said to you before, I dont know Busisiwe so she was probably dating
Benson. Ben said.
Okay, if you say so. Even though Mbazo is Bensons son hes still family and
he has as much of a right to stay here as I do. So dad, as of today Mbazo is going
to be living here with us, but only if that's okay with you. Lucky said.
Ben gave a fake smile and then said: Of course he can stay here. You are
welcome to stay here son for as long as you want.
Thank you sir. Mbazo said and Lucky led him to his bedroom while Ben sat
down on a sofa and held his head in his hands. Oh God, this is just a mess.
This is one big mess. He said to himself.


Mbali and Nkosinathi were sitting together at a coffee shop having coffee when
Lucas walked in. He walked over to them and said: Mbali please, Im begging
you my love. Please give me another chance.
Lucas why dont you just leave me alone? Why dont you go to your bimbo
and your son and just leave me the hell alone? Mbali said in irritation.
She lied to me Mbali. That was not my son, she was just using me to get
money. Lucas said.
Oh, and because of that you remembered me, and thought that Id just come
running back into your arms. Mbali said.
Mbali we are married for crying out loud. Lucas said in frustration.
Not for long Lucas, as soon as you sign those divorce papers, you and I are
done for good. Mbali said.
Then I will not sign those papers Mbali. You think this kid can make you
happy? Lucas said referring to Nkosinathi. Hes just a kid Mbali, and sooner
or later he is going to get bored with you and move on to better and greener
Look Lucas, Im sorry that you have been taken for a ride. Im sorry that you
lost Mbali to me, but Im not gonna sit here man and allow you to just
disrespect me as if Im not here. I may be a kid man, but I love Mbali okay, I
love her.
Oh yeah, then why does she still have my ring on her finger? Lucas asked.
I dont know Lucas, maybe its because you are taking your own sweet time
to sign the divorce papers. Nkosinathi said.
Lucas laughed and then said: You know what daddys boy. You may have
won for now, but Im telling you, this is not over. Im going to get Mbali back
one way or the other. She belongs to me. He said this and then walked out
leaving Mbali and Nkosinathi staring at his back.

Mbazo was pouring some milk for himself when Ben walked into the kitchen
and pointed a gun at Mbazo.
Uncle, what are you doing? Mbazo asked as he dropped the glass of milk
onto the floor.
You have to die, I cant bear to see your face, you remind me of her. Ben


I remind you of who? Mbazo asked. Lucky had heard the noise of a glass
breaking and came out of his room only to find his father pointing a gun at
Who do I remind you of? Mbazo asked.
I loved her, she meant the world to me, but she just had to go and sleep with
my brother and then get pregnant with his child. I didnt want to do it but I
just had to. I had to kill her. Ben said with tears in his eyes.
Are you talking about my mother? Mbazo asked with his hands in the air.
Ben dropped the gun and fell to his knees and began to cry. I loved her
Mbazo and I was so angry when I found out that she had slept with my
brother. I was even angrier when I found out that she was pregnant and
furious when the child was born. But how could I blame her, Benson and I
looked so alike so she had no idea that she was sleeping with him, she thought
it was me. But I did not want to believe her, I kept on saying she was lying. And
my anger and jealousy led me to killing her. Not a day goes by without me
regretting doing what I did, if I could I would turn back the hands of time and
undo what I did.
So thats why Benson did to you what he did? Wow, Cheezy was right. Lucky
Please forgive me boys. I know I dont deserve your forgiveness but please
forgive me. Ben cried.
Mbazo and Lucky both went over to Ben and helped him to his feet and then
they both hugged him.

Dad. I dont know whats wrong with Mbali. I went into her room to check on
her and I found her lying on her bed. Shes bleeding dad and she looks
unconscious. Nkosinathi said as he ran into Sibusisos office.
We need to get her to the hospital ASAP. Sibusiso said.
They helped each other in carrying her to the car and they drove off to the

Doctor, how is she, is she going to be alright? Nkosinathi asked the doctor
when he came over to him and Sibusiso.


Mbali is going to be okay. It does seem though that Mbali took abortion pills
and thats what caused the bleeding. Im really sorry but by the time she got
here it was too late for us to save the baby. The doctor said.
Abortion pills, but why, why would Mbali want to abort our baby?
Nkosinathi asked in confusion.
Thank you Doc, can we see her now? Sibusiso asked.
She is exhausted right now and we have sedated her. Its best if you come
back tomorrow to see her. The doctor replied.
Sibusiso patted Nkosinathi on the back and then said: Come on son, well see
her tomorrow.

Nkosinathi and Sibusiso were at the hospital to fetch Mbali as she was being
discharged when Lucas showed up. What are you fools doing here? he asked
We are here to take Mbali home. Nkosinathi answered.
I dont think so daddys boy. Mbali is my wife and shes going home with
me. Lucas said.
Come on Lucas, Mbali is going home with me. Nkosinathi shouted.
Im going home with my husband. Mbali said softly as she walked into the
waiting area. She walked over to Lucas and said: Lets go Lucas.
But Mbali. Nkosinathi began to say but Sibusiso stopped him and said:
Leave them son, if this is what Mbali wants let it be.
Nkosinathi was confused, why was Mbali doing this to him? First she killed
their child and now she was just walking out on him just like that, without any

Uncle Ben, I know you might think Im angry with you for killing my mom
but dont stress I forgive you. I for one know how stupid a person can be when
they are angry, Ive been there myself. Mbazo said to Ben.
I loved your mother Mbazo, she was my light, my strength, and my joy. She
was my world. Ben said.
It must have been very hard for you to find out that she was pregnant with
another mans child. Mbazo said.


It was, I asked her to get an abortion but she refused. She told me that even
though the child did not belong to the man she loved there was no ways in hell
that she was going to kill that child. Ben said. Despite who your father was,
Busisiwe loved you.
I loved her to, she was all I ever had. When she died life became so hard for
me. I didnt have the privilege of going to University after I matriculated, I had
to work as a hit man for your brother because I thought he was the one who
had killed my mom. If it were not for Nkosinathi I would have killed Lucky,
just to get the pain away, the pain of me not being able to do anything to save
my mom. Mbazo said. So you see, anger is a terrible thing. It can make you
do things that you would never do when you are in your right mind. You might
not be my father, but we both share something and thats the love for my
mother. So how about we put everything behind us and just focus on the
future, not just for our sakes but for my mothers sake and for Luckys sake.
I can live with that. Ben said and went over to Mbazo and hugged him.

Lucas and Mbali were having supper when there was a knock at the door,
Lucas went to go open the door and in stepped Nkosinathi. What do you want
here? Lucas asked.
Id like to speak to Mbali. Nkosinathi said.
What do you want from me Nkosinathi? Mbali asked.
I want to talk to you, I want to understand whats going on. Mbali why did
you kill our child? Nkosinathi asked.
Oh, I killed our child? Nkosinathi you came into my room the other night and
gave me pills, you said that they will help me with the heartburn that was
worrying me. And those are the pills I took. Mbali said.
What are you talking about? I didnt come into your room to give you any
pills. Geez Mbali what do I even know about heartburn? Nkosinathi asked.
If I ever see you again, it will be too soon. I want you to leave me the hell alone
Nkosinathi, stay away from me and stay out of my life. Mbali said.
You heard what the woman said Nkosinathi, now beat it. Lucas said in
Nkosinathi sadly looked at Mbali and said: "I hope you don't live to regret this
Mbali." then he walked out of the apartment.


I dont understand dad, she says I went into her room and gave her the pills
but I did no such thing. Nkosinathi said in frustration.
Why would Mbali lie about something like that? I mean why doesnt she just
come out straight and tell you that she wanted to get out of the relationship
and the only way to do that was to get rid of the baby? Sibusiso asked.
Dad, shes the one that came onto me, she made a move on me. And now
that Im head over heels in love with her, she just drops me like a hot potato. I
cant wait for the semester to start so I can get the hell away from here.
Nkosinathi said and then ran upstairs to his room.
Sibusiso just quietly sat where he was and looked at his son.

Dont you wish we get to be roommates at res? Lucky asked Nkosinathi.

That would definitely be great. Nkosinathi replied.
Then we can get to have some fun without our dads spoiling it for us, and
since you are single now we can get any girls that we want. Lucky said.
I dont think Ill be falling for any girl anytime soon. Nkosinathi said.
Hey, who said anything about falling? We dont have to fall for them but we
can have fun with them. Lucky said.
Nkosinathi laughed and then said: That I can definitely do.

I missed you Mbali, and Im really sorry for all the pain that I put you
through. Lucas said.
Im sorry too Lucas, Im sorry for cheating on you with one of my students.
Im really sorry about everything Lucas. Mbali said.
How about we start all over again? Lucas asked.
What do you mean? Mbali asked.
Lets get married again. Lucas said.
Are you serious? Mbali asked.
Dead serious. Lucas said and then went down on one knee and took Mbalis
left hand, he then took out a jewelry box from his pocket and took out a
diamond ring and said: Mbali, will you make me the happiest man on
planet earth and marry me.

Mbali smiled and softly said: Id love to Lucas.

Lucas put the ring on her finger and then kissed her: I love you Mbali. He
softly said.

Ben and Sibusiso decided to throw a surprise party for Lucky and Nkosinathi
as a farewell for them since they were going to be leaving for University in a few
days. They invited all their friends except for Mbali and Lucas because they
did not want any drama.
I cant believe that you guys actually pulled this off without us suspecting
anything. Nkosinathi said to Ben and Sibusiso.
You didnt think that wed just let you boys go without a farewell party? Ben
We are proud of you boys. Weve been through one hell of a year together but
both of you still managed to get good grades. Sibusiso said.
Yeah, and remember University should not change you. Even when you are
in University you must remain the sweet young boys that you both are. Ben
Sure thing dad. Lucky said and gave his father a hug.

Mbali was having coffee at the coffee shop that Nkosinathi loved taking her to
when he walked in.
Mbali. He said. I know that you dont want to talk to me. Im not here to
cause you any trouble, I just want to say Im sorry about everything. I dont
know how those pills got to you but I can assure you that it was not me.
Anyways I just wanted you to know that Im sorry. I love you Mbali and I would
never do anything to bring any harm to you. Just take care of yourself and
know that if ever you need a friend to talk to or a shoulder to cry on you can
call me. Lucky and I are leaving next week and I just wanted to say goodbye
and good luck with everything. He said this and then left.
Mbali stared into space, she loved Nkosinathi with every single part of her
being but when she found out that he had given her abortion pills that had
caused her to be furious with him and she wanted nothing to do him. But why
was Nkosinathi denying giving her the pills? One thing Mbali knew was that
Nkosinathi would never lie to her. So if he did not give her those pills, who did


Its so great that we are roommates man. Wow, I guess there is a God after all.
Imagine all the mischief we are gonna get up to. Lucky excitedly said to
Nkosinathi as they made their way to their room at the University.
Nkosinathi. Came a girls voice from behind them.
Nkosinathi turned around and he saw that the girl was Enhle. He went over to
her and he hugged her and said: Wow Enhle, its so good to see you.
Lucky cleared his throat and then Nkosinathi let go of Enhle and said: Oh
Enhle, this is my friend Lucky and Lucky this is my friend Enhle.
Nice to meet you Lucky. Enhle said.
The pleasure is all mine. Lucky said and took Enhles right hand and kissed
We really need to catch up. How about we get some pizza and you join us in
our room later? Nkosinathi said to Enhle.
That sounds great. Ill see you guys later. Enhle said and walked away.
Wow what a beauty. Lucky said to Nkosinathi.
Nkosinathi just smiled at Lucky, he had to admit that Enhle was really looking
hot. Not that she was not beautiful before but now, her beauty was just so wow.

Enhle was sitting with the boys in their room and they were just talking while
eating their pizza.
So, how has Jozi been treating you? Enhle asked Nkosinathi. And how is
Jozi has had its ups and downs but yeah Im still kicking. Andisiwe is still as
lively as ever. She's in Japan so well only see her during the holidays.
Nkosinathi said.
Enhle laughed and then said: Yeah, the neighborhood has been awfully
boring since you guys left, theres been no Andisiwe to liven up things.
Nkosinathis phone rang and then he excused himself from the other two to
attend to his phone.
So Enhle, how about you go on a date with me? Lucky asked.
Enhle smiled and then said: Lucky you seem like a great guy, but if I go on a
date with you it will be like Im interested in you and that will be like giving
you false hope.

Ouch, so this means that youve got a boyfriend? Lucky asked.

I dont have a boyfriend, but my heart does belong to someone even though
he does not feel the same way about me.
Let me guess, its Nkosinathi right? Lucky said.
Enhle blushed and then said: But please Lucky, Nkosinathi cant find out
about this.
Cant find out about what? Nkosinathi asked when he rejoined them.
Uhm nothing serious, uhm Enhle and I are going on a date tomorrow evening
and Enhle did not want you to know because she says you are a very over
protective brother. Lucky lied.
Okay, I think its good that you guys are going on a date. Lucky just make
sure that you take good care of her right. Nkosinathi said with a smile. Oh,
and please call your dad.
Yes sir. Lucky said.

Later that night when the boys were getting ready to sleep Lucky said: I lied
to you man.
About what? Nkosinathi asked.
About taking Enhle on a date. Lucky said.
Nkosinathi laughed and then asked: Why would you lie about that?
Enhles in love with you dude but she doesnt want you to find out because
you dont feel the same way about her. Lucky said.
Enhles in love with me? Nkosinathi asked in disbelief.
Why do you sound so shocked Cheezy? Don't you know that you are a chick
magnet? Look I know that youve just come out from a relationship where you
got your heart broken but Cheezy, Enhle loves you and shes not married so
Im 100% sure that if you give her a chance she will not play you like Mbali did.
This girls the real deal man, and youd be a fool if you dont give her a
chance. Lucky said. "You should also give me some tips bro, I also want to be
a most wanted by the ladies."
Okay Doctor Phil, Ill think about it. Nkosinathi said. "About the tip though,
I don't know about that, you might have to stop being Lucky to be a ladies
most wanted." He continued and they both laughed. He couldnt believe it,


Enhle actually loved him, the girl that he had a crush on from when they were
in grade 1 actually loved him.

The next day Enhle and Nkosinathi were sitting in the library and Enhle
asked: How have you been Nkosi?
Uhm, what do you mean? Nkosinathi asked.
I know that your fathers death hit you hard. You guys were very close
Nkosi. Enhle said.
Yeah, we were very close but it turns out that he was not even my father. You
remember the man that came to the funeral and told us that he was our
uncle, hes my father. Uncle Morgan was just being the good man that he was
and raised his brothers son as his own because his little brother wanted
nothing to do with that son. Nkosinathi said.
Wow, I had no idea. Enhle said.
I love my biological father Enhle, but not as much as I loved Uncle Morgan. I
loved that man more than life itself E but then death had to just snatch him
away from us and to make it worse, Im the reason he was killed. You see my
father was a gangster and his friends killed Uncle Morgan just so that he could
have access to me. Nkosinathi said in tears.
Enhle reached out her hand to Nkosinathis and said: Dont blame yourself
Nkosi, it was not your fault.
I have forgiven him but I havent forgotten. Enhle there are days when I just
want to strangle my dad because of what happened but his my dad.
Nkosinathi said. "There are days when I miss Tata so much it actually hurts."
Hey tell you what, Im here now Nkosi and together we will find a way for you
to forget about what happened alright. There will be no strangling of anyone,
but you are going to be alright. We are going to work through this together.
Enhle said.
Thanks E, its really great to have you here. Nkosinathi said and squeezed
her hand.

Ben and Sibusiso were sitting at Sibusisos club having some drinks and
Sibusiso said: I never thought Id miss someone so much.
Who are you missing Sbu? Ben asked.


My boy, I miss him so much. I was never a part of his life and I only got to be a
father to him late last year. But in those few months that Ive spent with him
he has changed me. Ive gone legit because of him and he has just become my
world. I dont know how to explain it but its just so painful as he is not
around. Sibusiso said.
I know exactly what you are going through Sbu, its the same for me. I was
not able to raise Lucky, I was not a part of his life but my boy means the world
to me. The house feels so empty without him around and its even worse since
Mbazo too has also left. These boys have made us soft Sbu. Ben said.
I guess thats what being a father does. Sibusiso said and gulped down his

Cheezy Ive got some news that you are so not going to like. Lucky said to
Im listening. Nkosinathi said.
Mbali is here. Lucky said.
What, what is she doing here? Nkosinathi asked.
She said she is furthering her education, something about wanting to get her
PHD Lucky said.
And of all the universities, she just had to choose this one?Well thats good for
her. I hope all goes well for her. Nkosinathi said.
Wait, her being here is not troubling you? Lucky asked.
Why should it? Mbali is no longer a part of my life, so she can do whatever she
wants to do whenever she wants to, I dont care. Nkosinathi said.
There was a knock on the door and when Lucky opened Enhle walked in: Hey
guys, Id like to stick you boys for a milkshake. She said.
Thats so sweet of you dear, but uhm youll have to count me out. I have some
homework to catch up on. But Cheezy here is free. Lucky said since he
wanted Nkosinathi and Enhle to spend some time together alone so that
Nkosinathi would realize that he also felt something for Enhle.

I never thought that Lucky was the kind of guy that would say no to going out
just so that he can catch up on school work. He just struck me as the kind of


guy that's not into doing homework. Enhle said to Nkosinathi as they sipped
on their milkshakes.
Thats Lucky for you. He is always full of surprises. Nkosinathi said.
Mbali then walked into the coffee shop that they were in and went over to
Nkosinathi and kissed him on the lips and said: Baby, Ive missed you so
Nkosinathi stood to his feet and then said: Mbali what are you doing?
Im greeting my man Nathi. She said with a smile.
In case youve forgotten Mbali, your man is Lucas Cele. So I suggest that you
leave me alone. Nkosinathi said.
Oh come on Nathi, you know that you are the only man for me. Why are you
pushing me away? Mbali said.
Dammit Mbali, youre drunk. Nkosinathi said as he smelt the alcohol on
her breath. Come, we are taking you home. He said and pulled her towards
the exit with Enhle right behind them.

And now, I thought I told you to stay away from my wife. Lucas shouted at
Nkosinathi when he brought Mbali back to the house.
And you Lucas should try to keep an eye on your wife. I was having a
milkshake with my friend when she rocked up to us drunk as ever. Because I
respect you man, I brought her home and before you get that silly mind of
yours all worked up, Mbali and I did not do anything. Nkosinathi said in
Thanks Nkosinathi, Im sorry man. Its my fault that Mbali is like this.
Whats wrong with me man? Every time Mbali gives me a chance I mess up.
Lucas said.
What happened? Nkosinathi asked as Lucas showed him and Enhle to
Ive been drinking Nkosinathi and Mbali has been my punching bag. Its
hard for me to accept that she is married to me but her heart belongs to you.
So Ive been beating her up and sometimes I lock her out of the house and she
sleeps outside. Lucas said.
No man, you cant be serious. Nkosinathi said.


I have to let her go Nkosinathi, before I end up by killing her. Its you that
Mbali loves and its you that she wants to be with. You make her happy, but
all I ever do is hurt her. It was me that gave her those abortion pills. I killed
your baby Nkosinathi, it was all my fault and Im really sorry. Lucky said.
Wow, I was really not expecting that. But look man I know you love Mbali and
I know that she loves you too. What you guys need is to go for marriage
counselling and you will be okay. And you Lucas need to go for anger
management classes or counselling whatever its called. Nkosinathi said
looking at Enhle and he could tell that she was shocked by what she was
hearing. She was the reason that he was not strangling Lucas now.
You think so? Lucas asked.
Yeah, and everything is going to be alright. Nkosinathi said.

When Nkosinathi and Enhle got back to res Enhle asked: You were going to be
a father Nkosi?
Yeah, I was almost a father but Mbali had a miscarriage. Nkosinathi said.
Wow. Enhle said.
Look Enhle, Mbali is older than me and she was my teacher. I dont know
what happened but I somehow fell in love with her, I fell in love with a
married woman E. Things got so out of hand that we ended up in bed together
and she became pregnant. I know that you must be very disappointed in me
Enhle and Im really sorry about that but I really love that woman, I'm crazy
about her. Nkosinathi said.
Come on Nkosi, Im not exactly very innocent either. I also dated an older guy
that was married. Enhle said. "And it's not a sin to be in love."
No ways! Nkosinathi exclaimed."You dated an older guy?"
Im serious. We were in a very serious relationship. I was crazy about him,
until he tried to force me into bed with him. Enhle said.
Im sorry about that. Nkosinathi said.
Yeah me too, but maybe it was for the best. If he didnt try to force me to
sleep with him Id probably still be dating him right now. I mean just imagine
what his poor wife might have been going through with her husband cheating
on her. Enhle said.
I guess me and you really were a match made in heaven. Look Enhle I know
that this might sound weird right now, but I really like you a lot and Id really

love to give us a chance. I know that I just told you that I love Mbali and all,
but there's a spark between me and you and we'd be foolish if we don't give us
a shot. Nkosinathi said.
Enhle smiled and then softly said: Id really love that.

Nkosinathi and Lucky had gone to their homes for the weekend and
Nkosinathi had brought Enhle home to introduce her to Sibusiso.
Dad Id like you to meet my friend Enhle. Nkosinathi said.
Hi Enhle, Oh I remember you. You the pretty girl that was sitting next to my
son at my brothers funeral. Sibusiso said.
Its a pleasure to meet you sir. And thank you for having me at your house.
Enhle said.
Feel at home dear, any friend of Nkosinathis is more than welcome in this
house. Sibusiso said.
So dad, how have you and Uncle Ben been? Nkosinathi asked.
Believe it or not but weve been missing you boys like crazy. This house was
just too quiet without you around. Sibusiso said.
Aaah dad, Ive been missing you too. Nkosinathi said and gave Sibusiso a

Its so good to have you home son, Ive really missed you. Ben said to Lucky.
Aaaah, my old man was missing me. Thats so sweet. Lucky said.
Im serious Lucky. Ive missed out on eleven years of time with you son, if it
were up to me Id spend every second of every day with you. Ben said.
Whoa dad, Im not going anywhere. Im not going to leave you if thats what
you are afraid of. Lucky said.
Ben smiled and then said: You are growing up son, very soon you will be
moving into your own place. I dont know how Ill survive that but I have no
Its okay to be scared dad, Im also scared, and Im scared that very soon Im
going to have to be my own man, Ill be a father to my own children and a
husband to someone. Believe it or not dad Im terrified of growing up, I mean


the stuff that both you and Uncle Sibusiso have been through it terrifies me.
Lucky said.
Its okay son. Come here. Ben said and hugged his son.
Lucky was really worried about why his father was speaking the way that he
was speaking, it was like he was going to die anytime soon and that thought
did not settle well with Lucky.

This weekend came to an end almost too soon. Sibusiso said to Ben.
Almost too soon. Ben said feeling very down.
Whats wrong my friend? Lately you seem to be very down, whats going on.
Sibusiso asked in concern.
I just got my life back Sbu, only to find out that it might be taken from me
anytime soon. Ben said.
What do you mean? Sibusiso asked.
I havent been feeling well lately, so I went to see a doctor who ran some tests
and he found that one of my kidneys is completely damaged. I guess karma
does exist after all, Im probably paying for all my sins. Ben said.
Come on my friend, Im sure we can get you a donor soon. Ill also go and get
checked maybe my kidney is a match with yours. Sbusiso said.
Youd really do that for me Sbu? Ben asked.
Of course. If not for you Ben Id be dead. Sibusiso said. Now stop stressing
okay, well find a way out of this.

You know Cheezy, my dad was acting all weird the whole weekend. I mean
every chance he got he kept telling me that he loves me and that I am his
world. Lucky said to Nkosinathi.
I think your father is trying to make up for lost time. He did miss out on
eleven years of your life Lucky. Nkosinathi said.
I dont know Cheezy, its like he found out that hes dying or something. But
hopefully you are right and Im stressing about nothing. Lucky said.
Look dude, if it makes you feel any better Ill try to do some digging from my
dad. Our fathers are very close so if theres anything wrong Im sure Uncle Ben
has probably told my father. Nkosinathi said.

Thanks Cheezy that will really help. Lucky said.

Nkosinathi was sitting alone in his and Luckys room since Lucky had gone to
the library when there was a knock on the door. Come in. he said and Mbali
walked in.
Mbali hi, how are you? Nkosinathi said.
Im here to apologize Nathi. Im sorry about the other day, please forgive
me. Mbali said.
Its okay Mbali. Lucas told me whats been happening between you guys. I
hope that things are much better now. Nkosinathi said fighting the urge to
just take Mbali into his arms.
We have been going for counselling but how do I go on with this marriage
Nathi? How do I go on when my heart belongs to you? Mbali said.
Look Mbali. I really loved you and I still do. Therell always be a place for you
in my heart and Ill never forget you. But Ive moved on with my life, Ive
found someone else Mbali and I think it will be a good idea if you also move on
with your life. Nkosinathi said.
I understand Nathi, but can I at least get a goodbye kiss from you? Just one
more kiss Nathi. Mbali said.
Okay. Nkosinathi said and then kissed Mbali and at that moment the door
opened and Enhle came running in saying: Nkosi how about we.. but she
stopped in her tracks when she saw what was happening and then turned
around and ran out of the room.
Enhle, Enhle wait. Nkosinathi said and ran after her.

Enhle ran into her room and began to cry, luckily for her, her room mate was
not in the room. Nkosinathi walked into her room and said: Enhle Im really
sorry about what you just saw now, but its not what you think.
Its not what I think Nkosi? You were kissing her for crying out loud, and only
God knows what would have happened if I did not walk in. Enhle said.
Enhle, I know that we were kissing. But I was just giving Mbali a goodbye kiss.
I told her that Ive moved on with my life and she should do the same. What
you saw was not passion Enhle, but it was a goodbye kiss. Yes I did love Mbali,
but Enhle youre the one I love now, youre the one I want to be with.
Nkosinathi said.

Why should I believe you Nkosi? Enhle asked.

Because Enhle, I left Mbali and I came running after you. Doesnt that mean
something to you? I love you Enhle. I love you. Nkosinathi said close to tears.
I love you too Nkosi. Enhle said and threw herself into Nkosinathis arms.

Nkosinathi my son, how are you? Are you already missing your old man?
Sibusiso said when Nkosinathi phoned him.
Yes dad, I am already missing you but thats not the reason Im calling. Im
calling because I want to find out something from you. Nkosinathi said.
What is it son? Sibusiso asked.
Is everything alright with Uncle Ben? Is he okay dad? Nkosinathi asked.
Sibusiso was silent for a short while and then finally answered and said: No
son, Ben is not okay. Ben has a damaged kidney and is desperately in need of
a donor. I went to go check if Im a match but unfortunately Im not. Hes been
going to the hospital every day for dialyses. Nkosinathi whatever you do, please
dont tell Lucky about this, Ben doesnt want his son to find out about this.
Sure thing dad. Dad maybe I should also go and check if Im a match.
Nkosinathi said.
Are you sure about that son? Sibusiso asked.
Yes dad. This is my best friends father that we are talking about here.
Nkosinathi said.
Sibusiso was amazed at how kind his son was, he was always putting the
people he loved before himself. It was something that Sibusiso admired the
most about him.

Mbali was sitting in their dining room doing an assignment when Lucas came
into the house as drunk as ever.
Mbali, wheres my food? he asked
Your food is in the oven. Mbali replied.
Lucas walked over to where Mbali was sitting and then pushed her books off
the table and they tumbled onto the floor.


Lucas, thats my assignment that youve just thrown onto the floor! Mbali
Lucas slapped Mbali and said: You dare to shout at me woman?
Im sorry. Mbali cried.
And you dare to talk back at me? Lucas said and began to beat her up.
Mbali managed to get free from Lucas and she ran out of the house leaving
him alone. She did not know where she was going to go, she had no family to go
to, Luthando was now living in Durban, she was scared to go to Sibusisos
house, and Nkosinathi was not an option.

I went to the hospital to check if Im a match dad, unfortunately Im not.

Nkosinathi said.
Aaah, thats a pity. Sibusiso said.
Hell be okay dad, a donor will eventually come.Tata always told me that
nothing is impossible with God when we have faith in Him. And right now dad,
I have faith that Uncle Ben is going to be alright. Nkosinathi said.
Sibusiso smiled and then hugged his son and then said: By the way son,
Enhle is a very nice girl. I think she is a keeper.
Yeah dad, shes a very special girl. Nkosinathi said with a smile.
Shes very beautiful, she reminds me of someone. Sibusiso said.
Shes a photocopy of her mother. Nkosinathi said.
Who is her mother? Sibusiso asked.
Her moms name is Asanda, they live a few blocks away from where we lived
in Bizana. Nkosinathi said.
Sibusiso was silent and the smile on his face immediately disappeared.
Whats wrong dad? Nkosinathi asked.
Its nothing son. Do you mind inviting Enhle over again this coming weekend?
I need to talk to both of you. Sibusiso said.
Sure. Nkosinathi said wondering to himself what this was all about.

Dude, have you heard what your ex has been up to? Lucky asked

Nope and I dont really care what shes up to. Nkosinathi said.
You will care once you hear what shes up to. Apparently Mbali is now doing
drugs, and heavily. Another thing is that shes a prostitute. Lucky said.
What! Nkosinathi exclaimed.
Im telling you man. I didnt believe it when I heard until I saw her with my
own eyes. Look, I know I was one of the people that told you to forget about
Mbali, but dude she needs you. She needs you now more than ever before.
Mbali loves you and youre the only one that can help her out of this situation.
And, as much as you may deny it Cheezy we both know that you are still in
love with Mbali. Lucky said.
Nkosinathi didnt say anything, he just couldnt believe what he was hearing.

Nkosinathi and Enhle went over to Sibusisos house for the weekend just as
Kids thank you for coming. Sibusiso said and hugged them both.
We didnt come for you dad, we came for Mam Roses delicious food.
Nkosinathi joked and both he and Enhle laughed but Sibusiso didnt. It was
just a joke dad. No need to be offended. Nkosinathi said when he saw the
serious look on Sibusisos face.
Kids, I need you both to take a seat. Weve got something very important to
discuss. Sibusiso said.
What is it dad? Is everything alright? Nkosinathi asked in worry.
Nkosinathi, you and Enhle need to put an end to this relationship that you
have. You cant date. Sibusiso said.
What! Dad, just the other day you told me that Enhle is a keeper, what has
changed now? Nkosinathi said.
Trust me Nkosinathi, this is for your own good, the both of you. Sibusiso
How can we breaking up be for our own good dad? Nkosinathi asked in
You are brother and sister dammit! Sibusiso shouted.

What! Nkosinathi exclaimed.


But how? Enhle asked.

Sibusiso got to his feet and then said: Asanda is your mother Nkosinathi."
No. Nkosinathi said in tears.
So, you are the cruel man that got my mother pregnant and then denied
being the father of her child? How do you live with yourself? How do you even
sleep at night? Enhle asked in anger.
How do you know about that? Sibusiso asked.
My mom told me. She told me that she has a son that is one year older than
me, a son that she abandoned because she was never going to be able to live
with him since he was conceived out of a one night stand. My mother was in
love with you, but you broke her heart. Enhle said.
I need some air. Nkosinathi said and rose to his feet and walked out of the
Nkosinathi.. Enhle began to say but Sibusiso stopped her and said:
Leave him, let him cool off for a while. He needs some time to process what he
just heard.

Nkosinathi walked into the room that he was sharing with Lucky at res and
threw himself on his bed.
Whats up buddy, why do you look so down? Lucky asked with concern in
his voice.
I just found out that Im dating my sister. Nkosinathi said.
Huh? Lucky said in confusion.
Enhle and I share a mother, so she is my sister. Nkosinathi said.
Wow man, thats hectic. Lucky said. You guys hadnt yet uhm you know,
you hadnt yet slept together? he asked.
Fortunately for us, no. I dont know how much more of this I can take Lucky.
I love my dad but its just been bad news after bad news ever since Ive known
him. And as for my so called mother, I practically grew up in front of her but
still she did not mother me. My own mother wanted nothing to do with me, I'm
a nobody. Nkosinathi said.
Look man, you are not a nobody. You are a good guy, who is smart and I for
one am very blessed with having you as my friend. And Im not siding with
your father or anything but at least he was honest with you. He probably also

only figured it out now that Enhle is your sister, and he didnt keep it from
you, he made sure to tell you before things went too far. Unlike my father, I
can tell that hes hiding something from me and no matter how hard I try to
get him to open up to me, he just wont budge. Lucky said.
I might know what hes hiding from you. Nkosinathi said.
What is it? Lucky asked.
Your father has a kidney infection and he urgently needs a donor. He didnt
want you to find out because he didnt want you to stress. Nkosinathi said.
Oh my God. My dad is going through all of that alone. I need to go and get
tested Cheezy, I might be a match. But since its already night I will go
tomorrow, right now I need to go to my dad. He needs me. Lucky said.
Ill come with you. Nkosinathi said and they left.

Mbazo my boy, I didnt know that you were back. Ben said when Mbazo
walked into his room that he was sleeping in.
Mbazo laughed and then moved closer to the bed which Ben was sleeping on
and then knelt next to the bed and said: Im back by popular demand Uncle
Ben, and guess what, Im here to finish what my father could not finish.
What are you talking about? Ben asked.
See dearest Uncle, I heard about your little dilemma and I happen to be a
match. But my dear Uncle, there is no ways in hell that I am going to donate
my kidney to you. Mbazo said.
But why Mbazo? Will you just leave your uncle to die when you have the
power to save him? Ben asked.
Thats a funny question Uncle Ben. Ive got one for you too, did you not just
leave my mom and my dad to die? Mbazo said.
Mbazo its not Ben began to say.
Shut up! Mbazo shouted and pulled Ben out of his bed and threw him onto
the floor then began to kick him in the ribs.
Aaaah! Ben cried in pain. But Mbazo continued to kick him without feeling
any mercy for him.
What the hell? Lucky said as he walked into the room with Nkosinathi and
saw what was happening. They both rushed towards Ben who was helplessly


lying on the floor. We need to get him to the hospital immediately. Lucky
said and while they were busy picking Ben up, Mbazo ran away.

What happened? Sibusiso asked the boys when he got to the hospital.
Mbazo beat him up. I cant lose him, I cant lose my father now. I only just
got him back. Lucky said in tears and at that moment the doctor came up to
How is he doctor? Is my father going to be okay? Lucky asked.
We did everything we could, but we were unable to save him. Im sorry son,
but your father has left us. The doctor said.
No, he cant be dead. No. Lucky cried and Nkosinathi held Lucky and
hugged him.
Im so sorry Lucky. He softly said.
Sibusiso had no energy to say anything, he just slowly walked out of the
hospital with the tears flowing from his eyes. His friend had only just come
back, and now he was dead, and he felt like a part of him had died, he felt
angry that he was not there to protect his friend, his friend that was there for
him when he was almost killed by Benson. When Sibusiso reached his car he
broke down and began to cry.

Im sorry about your father Lucky. Enhle said to Lucky when she had went
to check on him at the room that he and Nkosinathi were sharing.
Thank you. Lucky said softly.
How are you doing though? Enhle asked and sat down next to Lucky on his
I dont know Enhle. A part of me is furious with Mbazo and wants to find him
and kill him also, but the other part of me kind of understands why he did
what he did. I mean my father did kill both of his parents after all. Lucky
I dont know what to say Lucky, I cant even begin to understand what you
are going through, but just know that Im here for you. Enhle said and
hugged him. Whilst they were still hugging Nkosinathi walked in and when he
saw Enhle he did not know what to say or how to react so he just walked out.


Dont worry Enhle, hes going to come right just give him some time. Cheezy is
still in shock but he will come right. Lucky said.
I hope he does Lucky, as much as he is my brother I really miss having him
as my friend. You know me and him have always been very close, from grade
1 we were friends and now as he is so distant it hurts. Enhle said.
Come here. Lucky said and hugged her, and then he kissed her and she
kissed him back.

After the funeral Lucky and Nkosinathi went for a walk just to clear their
minds and then they saw Mbali and she was being beaten up by two big built
Hey, leave her alone. Nkosinathi shouted as he and Lucky ran towards
One of the men looked at the boys and said: You boys stay out of this, this
lady owes us money and we will not leave her alone until she gives it to us.
How much does she owe you? Nkosinathi asked.
Thats none of your business kid. Now if you know whats good for you, get the
hell away from here now. The man said and continued beating Mbali who
was helplessly lying on the floor.
Nkosinathi couldnt take it, every kick on Mbali was bringing pain to him so
with all his might he pushed one of the men away and they began to fight, and
then Lucky also did the same to the other man.
Run Mbali. Nkosinathi said and Mbali ran and hid behind one of the
Nkosinathi managed to overpower the man he was fighting with and then
went to help Lucky with the other man who was the strongest of the two. He
punched the man and then while he was checking on Lucky the man took out
a gun and shot at Nkosinathi and the bullet hit him on his spine. Nkosinathi
immediately fell to the floor while the two guys ran away and Lucky shouted:
Cheezy, no no no no Cheezy, please dont do this to me. Somebody please call
an ambulance. But there was no one on the street so Lucky called the
ambulance with his phone. Stay with me Cheezy, please. The ambulance is
on its way. Lucky said.

How is he doctor? Sibusiso asked when the doctor walked over to him and

We have managed to get the bullet out so he is out of danger now, but the
bullet hit him on the spinal cord so there is a possibility that Nkosinathi will no
longer be able to walk. The doctor said.
You mean that hes going to use a wheelchair? Sibusiso asked.
The doctor nodded and Sibusiso sat down on one of the benches and held his
head in his hands. Lucky sat down next to him and said: Nkosinathi is a
fighter Mr. Radebe. He will fight this and very soon he will be walking on his
own two legs.
This is all my fault Lucky. How am I ever going to forgive myself? Sibusiso
said softly.
What do you mean? Lucky asked.
Mr. Radebe you can now go in to see your son. The doctor said before
Sibusiso could answer Lucky.
When Sibusiso had gone to see Nkosinathi; Lucky sat wondering to himself
what Sibusiso meant by saying that this was all his fault. He also wondered
what was going on, he was just finished burying his father a few hours ago and
now his best friend was in hospital and was probably never gonna walk again.
"God why do you allow such things to happen?" Lucky softly said.

Its like everything is going all wrong all at once. Lucky said to Enhle. First
my dad was killed by his own nephew, and now Nkosinathi is in hospital and
may never walk all because of Mbali.
Nkosinathi is a fighter, he will walk. Enhle said.
Wow you seem very sure of that. Lucky said.
Thats because I know Nkosinathi, he wont let something like this get him
down. Enhle said.
Lucky smiled and said: Then I believe that he will be okay.

Dad whats wrong? Nkosinathi asked Sibusiso who had visited him at the
Its nothing son, Im just glad that you are okay. Sibusiso said and at that
moment the doctor walked in and said: Okay Nkosinathi you are good to go
home today.


Nkosinathi was silent for a while and then he softly said: Dad, I have no
feeling in my legs. I cant feel them. Whats wrong with my legs?
The doctor sighed and then looked at Sibusiso and said: So you havent told
Told me what? Nkosinathi asked in frustration.
Im sorry son, the bullet damaged your spine and the test results show that
you wont be able to walk and so you are going to use a wheelchair. Sibusiso
Nkosinathi did not say anything he just looked away from his father, he did
not want his father to see the pain in his eyes.

Hey buddy. How are you feeling? Lucky said to Nkosinathi.

I dont know how Im feeling Lucky. I have no feeling in my legs and Im in a
wheelchair. How about you Lucky, how are you doing? Nkosinathi said.
Well everything that my dad owned now belongs to me. It's just weird man,
I'm stinking rich at such a young age. And just being alone in that enormous
house is just freaky. But most importantly Cheezy, Im worried about you.
How are you holding up? Lucky said.
You know whats funny Lucky? Im in a wheelchair because of Mbali, but Im
still head over heels in love with her. Whats wrong with me? Why cant I forget
about her? The woman has done nothing but bring trouble in my life.
Nkosinathi said.
We dont choose who we fall in love with Cheezy. And you always tell me that
things happen in our lives for a reason and that if you believe in God then
anything is possible. I know it may not seem like it now but there is a
possibility that you might be able to walk again. Lucky said.
Nkosinathi smiled and then said: Wow Lucky, so you actually do listen when I
talk to you about God.
Mbali who was eavesdropping on their conversation walked in and said:
Nathi Im really sorry about everything. Please forgive me.
Mbali Im in a wheelchair because of you and all youve got to say is youre
sorry. Is sorry going to make me walk again Mbali? Nkosinathi said.
Nathi, just as Lucky said, there is a possibility that you might walk again. Im
not a doctor Nathi but I do know you, I know that you are a fighter and that
you never let anything keep you down. I know that if you Nathi, put it in your

mind that you can walk, no matter what the doctor has said you will rise from
that wheelchair and will walk. Mbali said and then left.

Lucky was sitting in his room at res when there was a knock at the door.
Come in. he said and Mbali walked in. What do you want Mbali? Lucky
Lucky I need your help please. Mbali said.
Forget it Mbali, the last time I helped you my best friend almost died. Lucky
But hes the one that I need you to help me with. Lucky I know that Nathi can
walk, he needs to just get what the doctor said out of his mind. Mbali said.
And how are we supposed to do that Mbali? You saw him, he doesnt believe
that he can walk again. Lucky said.
Then well give him a reason to believe. We both know that Nathi is always
willing to help out someone that is in danger so if either you, Sibusiso or Enhle
are faced with a dangerous situation or need to be saved Nkosinathi will forget
that he is in a wheelchair and he will stand on his feet to save you. Mbali
And what if he falls when he stands on his feet? Lucky asked.
He wont fall. You know why, because he will be too focused on saving you
and falling will be the last thing on his mind. Mbali said.
Mbali just forget about Nkosinathi, he has been through way too much
because of you and the best way for you to help him out is to leave him alone.
Lucky said.
Sure thing. Mbali softly said and then turned around and walked out.

Nkosinathi was sitting alone in the dining room and the tears were just flowing
from his eyes. Why did this have to happen to him? Why did he have to be in a
wheelchair? He felt that he needed something that was going to let him forget
about his situation, and he knew exactly what it was. He took his phone and
dialed Gideons number and said: Gideon, can you please come inside for a
while, I need your help with something.
Gideon came into the house and said: Yes little man, what can I do for you?


Gideon, I need you to get me the strongest drug ever. I want to forget that Im
in a wheelchair. Please Gideon Im begging you.
You want drugs Nkosi? Dont you remember what happened when you were
kidnapped? You almost died Nkosi because of the drugs they were giving you.
Gideon said in dismay.
What am I supposed to do Gideon? I cant even go to my room on my own, I
have to call one of you to carry me up the stairs. Its frustrating Gideon, I feel
like in everything I do now I depend on people. I want to depend on myself
again Gideon, I want to walk again. I want my life back. Nkosinathi cried.
I dont know what you are going through Nkosi, but one thing I know is that
you are a good guy and doing drugs is not your thing. You are a smart guy and
have a bright future ahead of you, dont mess it up by doing drugs. Drugs can
only destroy you. And Id be dammed if I allow you to do that. Gideon said.
I just want to walk again Gideon. Nkosinathi said in tears.
Gideon did not know what to say or do, so he sent Sibusiso a message to come
home quickly.

Dad you have that weird look in your eyes. Whats going on? Nkosinathi
asked Sibusiso when Sibusiso got home.
"What is it I'm hearing about you wanting drugs?" Sibusiso asked.
"I just want to forget about my situation dad." Nkosinathi softly said.
If I ever get my hands on Mbazo Ill kill him. Sibusiso said.
But dad, will killing Mbazo bring Uncle Ben back? Nkosinathi asked. And
wont you go to jail?
It may not bring Ben back, but at least I will have avenged his death. And
you dont have to worry about me going to jail son, I know people in high
places. If Mbazo had not killed Ben, you and Lucky would not have been
where you were when you got shot. You would not be in a wheelchair right now
thinking about taking drugs. Sibusiso said.
Nkosinathi shook his head as he watched his father go into his office. He
reached into his pocket and took out the pendant that Morgan had given to
him on his birthday, he remembered how he had said that he would always
be there for Nkosinathi in his heart and that no matter what happened
Nkosinathi should never forget God. What should I do Tata? Nkosinathi
whispered and closed his eyes. He dozed off for a while and had a dream
where Morgan was holding his hand out to Nkosinathi saying: come son, you

can do it. Nkosinathi woke up and couldnt believe it, he was standing on his
own two feet.
Nkosinathi, you are standing! Sibusiso exclaimed as he had come out of his
office to get something from the dining room.
Im standing dad, Im standing. Nkosinathi said excitedly.
Oh my boy. Sibusiso said and walked over to his son and hugged him.

This is a miracle. The doctor said to Sibusiso and Nkosinathi.

It is indeed Doctor. Nkosinathi said with a smile.
The tests that we have run dont show any sign of a problem on your spine
Nkosinathi, you are fully recovered just like that. In all my life of being a
doctor, Ive never experienced this type of healing, this really is a miracle.
The doctor said.
Now dad, I can go back to school at last. Nkosinathi said in excitement.

Lucky was busy with some school work when Nkosinathi walked into the room
supported by the crutches he was using.
Hey, whos entering my room without knocking? Lucky said and looked up
to see Nkosinathi standing before him. Lucky widely opened his eyes in
surprise and said: Cheezy you can walk?
Nkosinathi laughed and said: And it feels so good to be walking on my own.
That wheelchair was beginning to work on my nerves and my butt, and these
crutches are much more comfortable.
This is the greatest news ever. Lucky said and hugged Nkosinathi.

Later that night as the boys were asleep Nkosinathi was awakened by Lucky
who was having a bad dream and was crying in his sleep: Mbazo leave dad
alone, leave him alone.
Nkosinathi went to Luckys bed and then woke him up and said: Its okay
buddy youre just having a bad dream.
I want him dead Cheezy. Mbazo has to die. Lucky cried.


When Lucky was asleep Nkosinathi took out his phone and called Detective
Cohen: Hello Detective, I need your help with something please. He said.

Mbazo was lying in bed at his flat since it was night time when Cohen barged
into the flat followed by Nkosinathi.
Nkosinathi, how did you find me? Mbazo asked in surprise.
I have my ways. Nkosinathi said.
What do you want? Mbazo asked.
Cohen looked at Nkosinathi who nodded at him and then Cohen walked over
to Mbazo and grabbed him off the bed.
Hey what are you doing? Mbazo asked. Let go of me.
You better say your last prayers Mbazo, because today you are going to
die.Nkosinathi said in anger.
Mbazo laughed and said: Who died and made you king of my life?
You killed my best friends father Mbazo, you killed my fathers best friend.
And today Im going to kill you. Nkosinathi said, he had a strange look in his
eyes that even scared Cohen.
Nkosinathi then took out his gun and pointed it at Mbazo and said: Do you
still think Im joking?
The smile immediately disappeared from Mbazos face: Nkosinathi look
man, Im sorry. Dont do this, you are not a murderer, you are a good guy.
Dont become like me, you dont want to be like me.
Just shut up Mbazo. Nkosinathi said and then pointed at the door with his
head as an instruction to Cohen to lead Mbazo out the house. Cohen pushed
Mbazo outside.
Nkosinathi, where are you taking me? Mbazo nervously asked as Cohen
shoved him into the car.
Curiosity killed the cat Mbazo. Nkosinathi replied.
Where is he taking me? Mbazo asked Cohen with panic in his voice.

Nkosinathi drove until they got to a grave yard and then he said to Mbazo:
Get out.

What. Mbazo said. Im not doing that.

Cohen opened the door and roughly pushed Mbazo out of the car and then
handed a spade to him and said: Start digging.
No ways. Mbazo said. Nkosinathi then fired a shot at Mbazo and the bullet
hit him on his foot.
Aaarg. Mbazo groaned in pain.
Start digging. Nkosinathi said and Mbazo started to dig. When the hole was
six feet deep Nkosinathi said: Throw the spade out of the hole and then sit.
What do you want to do to me? Mbazo asked as he began to realize that
Nkosinathi was planning on burying him alive.
You my friend are going to die a slow but painful death. Nkosinathi said.
Guys please dont do this. Mbazo pleaded but Nkosinathi just looked at
Cohen and said: Do it. Cohen started throwing the sand into the hole again
burying Mbazo while Nkosinathi stood and watched. Nkosinathi did not
understand what was happening to him, he felt like there was an evil force
inside of him that was pushing him to kill Mbazo and he did not like that
Mbazo cried out but Nkosinathi and Cohen ignored his cries and continued to
bury him alive.

Sibusiso was fast asleep and he was having a bad dream about Nkosinathi
being in trouble.
No. Sibusiso said in his sleep and then woke up. When he realized that he
was just having a dream he whispered to himself: Its just a dream.

When Lucky woke up the next day he was surprised to see Nkosinathi sitting
on his bed with his head in his hands and his t-shirt was as dirty as ever.
Dude what happened to you? Lucky asked.
Nkosinathi lifted his head and looked at Lucky and then said: I killed him
What, who did you kill? Lucky asked in confusion.
I killed Mbazo. Nkosinathi said with a blank expression on his face. Im a

Lucky immediately jumped out of his bed and then went to sit next to
Nkosinathi and said: What are you talking about buddy? Are you dreaming
or are you really talking to me?
I killed him Lucky. I buried him alive last night. Nkosinathi said.
Lucky stared at Nkosinathi in surprise but couldnt say anything.
I had to kill him Lucky, I couldnt take the risk of you or my father finding
him first. I couldnt take the risk of either one of you going to jail, so I had to do
it. Nkosinathi said. Now I can go and hand myself in to the police.
No, you cant do that Cheezy. Nobody knows about this except me and you,
and I promise that I wont say anything. Wow, I cant believe that he is
actually dead. How did you find him? Lucky said.
Detective Cohen tracked him down for me. Nkosinathi said. Relax, Cohen
is on our side he wont say anything to anyone. What have I become Lucky?
I've killed someone, what's happening to me?
"Hey, you did what you did to protect your father and I. You are not a
murderer Cheezy, you were just being a good son and a good friend." Lucky
said and Nkosinathi gave Lucky a faint smile.
Thanks buddy. Lucky said and softly punched Nkosinathi on his shoulder.
Now we need to get rid of those clothes you are wearing.

Mbali was sitting at the coffee shop when Nkosinathi went up to her, she did
not know that he was no longer in a wheelchair and her eyes nearly popped
out when she saw him walking with the aid of the crutch he was using.
Hello Mbali. Nkosinathi said and took a seat next to her.
Nkosinathi, you are walking. Mbali said in amazement.
Yeah, and how are you? Nkosinathi asked.
Im much better now, getting into drugs is very easy but getting out is the
hardest thing a person can ever do. The support group I joined though is
helping me a lot. Mbali said.
Thats good to hear. So tell me something Mbali, how did you get yourself
involved with those two thugs that were beating you up? Nkosinathi asked.
I was just sitting at your fathers club having some drinks when those guys
walked up to me. They offered me drugs and told me that they were for free
and did not have to worry about paying for them. They kept coming to me and

giving me drugs, buying me drinks and giving me money. And then out of the
blue they turned against me and then started saying I owe them lots of money
for the drugs they were supplying me with. And on that day when you and
Lucky showed up they had told me that they were going to kill me because I
did not have their money, so I guess you guys came just in time. Mbali said.
Wow Mbali, you really went through a traumatic experience and you were all
alone. I'm really sorry that you went through that alone. Do these guys hang
around the club a lot?Nkosinathi said.
Yeah, they are always at the club. I bet that right now they are probably
working on their next victim. Mbali said.
Nkosinathi rose to his feet and then said: Well I guess someone has to put an
end to their nonsense.

What are we doing here at the club? Lucky asked Nkosinathi.

We are here to put an end to these big shots reign. Nkosinathi said. He then
recognized the guy that had shot him on his spine and went over to him and
took out his gun and held it to the guys head and said: You remember me?
Am I supposed to remember you?Oh, you the idiot that interfered with us
when we were trying to get that stupid girl to pay us, its good to see that you
did not die. You better get that gun out of my face sonny because you dont
wanna mess with me. You know what they call me here? They call me
Danger. Danger said.
Well guess what they call me here? They call me triple Danger. Nkosinathi
said and then armed the gun. Now tell me Danger, who do you work for?
I work for me. Danger said.
Im going to count till three and if you havent yet given me the answer I want
dude Im going to blow your brains out. One, two, thr. Nkosinathi said.
Okay, okay. I work for Sibusiso Radebe. He was the one that sent me and my
friend to that girl. He was the one that gave us the drugs to give to her. He
makes these girls feel like they owe him and when they are desperate for us
not to kill them, he makes a deal with them and takes them in, makes them
beautiful and all and then sells them to some rich dude in Japan. Danger
said when he saw that Nkosinathi really meant business and was really going
to shoot him.
Did you just say Sibusiso Radebe? Nkosinathi asked in surprise.


Yes, Sibusiso Radebe is the man Im working for. Danger lied since he knew
that Nkosinathi was Sibusiso's son, and he was afraid to give the name of his
real boss.
Where does he keep these girls? Nkosinathi asked trying to hide the fact that
he was really taken aback by hearing what his father was up to.
I dont know where he keeps them. He has never shown us. All I know is that
he has all types of girls there, young ones, and older ones. Danger said.
Thanks for you cooperation Danger. Nkosinathi said and both he and Lucky
walked out of the club.

When they were back in their room Lucky asked: Dude are you okay?
I cant believe it Lucky, what kind of a man is Sibusiso Radebe? What kind of
a man do I have as a father? And what the hell is happening to me Lucky? If
Danger had not given me an answer I was really gonna kill him. Why the hell
am I so full of anger? Nkosinathi said.
Maybe this is some kind of a misunderstanding Cheezy, I dont think Uncle
Sibusiso would do something so evil. Lucky said. "Maybe the anger is coming
from the fact that you just recently found out who your mother is."
Then why would Danger say he is working for my dad? Nkosinathi asked.
Because Danger probably knows that you are Sibusiso Radebes son and he is
trying to cause division between father and son. Lucky said.
No, I dont think so Lucky. Danger didnt seem to know that Im Sibusisos
son. Nkosinathi said. Oh my God, Lucky do you think Andisiwe is living in
Japan with this so called rich Japanese man? Is the oversees friend that
Andisiwe is living with the rich Japanese man?
Lucky didnt answer, he just stared at Nkosinathi. He was worried about his

Sibusiso was sitting in his office when Nkosinathi stormed in with Lucky.
Sibusiso looked up and then said: Hello son, arent you boys supposed to be at
Where is Andisiwe dad? Nkosinathi asked in anger.
Shes at a friends oversees Nkosinathi, you know this. Sibusiso said.
Dad where is Andisiwe? Nkosinathi asked again.

Nkosinathi what is going on? Why do you keep asking me where Andisiwe is?
Sibusiso asked.
Nkosinathi limped towards Sibusiso and said: I know that you were behind
the whole Mbali incident.
What was I supposed to do son? I couldnt allow my son to be a father at such
a young age. I had to help Lucas get rid of the baby. Sibusiso said.
Wait what! Nkosinathi exclaimed. You helped kill my baby, your own
grandchild, dad what if Mbali had died?
Judging by the surprised look on your face, you obviously did not know that I
helped Lucas. So what incident were you talking about? Sibusiso asked.
The sight of you makes me sick dad. You are just pure evil and your evilness
is rubbing onto me. Nkosinathi said with tears running down his face and
walked out.
You know for a man that does not want to lose his son, you are doing a very
great job of pushing him away. Lucky said and also walked out leaving
Sibusiso confused at what the boys were talking about.

Nkosinathi went to Lucass house and knocked at the door but there was no
answer. He then tried the door handle and the door opened. He walked in and
found Lucas lying on the floor and it looked like he was dead, and judging
from the smell that was in the house it seemed like he had been dead for some
days. Nkosinathi took out his phone and called the police and then left.

Nkosinathi and Lucky were having lunch in their room when Enhle walked in.
Hey guys. She said.
Hey. Lucky said but Nkosinathi did not reply. He was lost in thought
wondering what had happened to Lucas and if Mbali knew anything.
Dude, Enhle is greeting you. Lucky said and Nkosinathi looked at Enhle and
said: Hi Enhle. Guys please excuse me, I need to find Mbali.
Thats the reason Im here Nkosi. Mbali is in my room and she is in a state. I
thought it best to come and get you because I had no idea how to calm her
down. Enhle said. Nkosinathi was out of the room before Lucky could say
anything and when he walked into Enhles room he saw Mbali huddled in a
corner of the room and she was crying.


Oh Mbali, Im so sorry. Nkosinathi said and went over to Mbali and held her
in his arms. He held her there for a long time until she had calmed down.
The police think I did it. Mbali said softly.
But why would they think that? Nkosinathi asked.
Because I had had enough of him beating me up. The only reason they
couldnt arrest me is because they dont have any evidence. Mbali said.
Its going to be okay Mbali. I promise you. Nkosinathi said softly.
But how is it going to be okay? Lucas is the only family I had. Yes he beat me
up, yes he killed both my babies, but he was a good guy. Lucas was just under
the influence of alcohol and someone was manipulating him into doing all the
bad things he was doing to me. Mbali said.
Nkosinathi was silent because he already knew who was manipulating Lucas
and he had a feeling that he knew who was behind Lucass death.

Nkosinathi went to his fathers house and found Sibusiso sitting in the dining
room deep in thought. He was looking awful, like he hadnt gotten any sleep
for days. He hadnt shaved and all Nkosinathi wanted to do was hug his father
and tell him that all would be okay but he was too angry at Sibusiso right now
to hug him.
Dad where is Andisiwe? Nkosinathi said now pointing his gun at Sibusiso.
You dare to point a gun at you father. Sibusiso said.
Nkosinathi pulled the trigger and shot at the coffee cup on the table and then
angrily said: Start talking or else.
Sibusiso had taken his son lightly but now that he could see the anger in the
boys eyes he said: Okay fine, I was the one who made Danger give Mbali
drugs, I was the one that sent them to beat her up. I have a business on the
side where I sell girls to rich men from Japan and Andisiwe was one of those
girls. Im sorry son, I dont know what came over me. Sibusiso was lying to his
son because he was covering up for someone. He did not want Nkosinathi to
find out who was really behind all that was happening, it was going to destroy
Nkosinathi and Sibusiso did not want that to happen. He would rather see his
son being angry at him than to see him destroyed by the truth.
You sold my sister dad? What kind of man are you? How do you even sleep at
night? Nkosinathi shouted.
Son Im sorry. Sibusiso said.

Is sorry going to bring Andisiwe back? Nkosinathi asked.

Nkosinathi Ill do anything for you to forgive me. Sibusiso said in tears.
First you killed my father and now you have sold my sister to a foreign
country. I hate you Sibusiso Radebe, I hate you with every single fibre in me.
Nkosinathi said.
Those words were like someone was piercing a sword through Sibusiso heart
and he felt empty and that everything he had worked for was all for nothing
and he softly said: Im sorry son.
Nkosinathi said nothing, he just turned around and was about to leave when
Sibusiso grabbed him and held a gun against Nkosinathis head and said:
Everything Ive done Nkosi Ive done for you. Yes its bad stuff but all I did
was so that you could have a good life.

With tears flowing from his eyes Nkosinathi softly said: Do you call this a good
life dad? You sold my sister to a foreign country dad, you killed Lucas dad and
now you are pointing a gun at me. Why dont you just go ahead and kill me
All Ive done is love you Nkosi, Ive lived just for you Nkosi but you dont
appreciate me. All you ever do is fight and judge me. Sibusiso said.
Nkosinathi turned around and faced his father and said: Kill me dad, just
kill me. What are you waiting for? Kill me
Im sorry my boytjie. Im sorry for messing up your life. Im sorry for all the
pain Ive caused you. Im sorry. Sibusiso said in tears.
This time dad, sorry is not going to fix anything. Nkosinathi said.
Sibusiso let Nkosinathi go and then said: Get out of here now, and just know
that everything Ive done I did for you. I love you my boy.
Yeah whatever. Nkosinathi said and then walked out of the house. As he
was about to get into his car he heard a gunshot coming from the house.
Nkosinathi ran together with Sibusisos men into the house and they found
Sibusiso lying on the floor with a gunshot wound on his head.
Dad, Dad. Dad what have you done? Nkosinathi cried kneeling besides his
father. He buried his head in his fathers chest and cried.


Nkosinathi walked into the room he was sharing with Lucky, he had blood all
over him and he looked devastated.
What on earth happened to you? Lucky asked.
Nkosinathi just started crying and Enhle who had been sitting with Lucky
went to him and asked: Hey whats wrong?
His shot himself. He almost killed himself. Nkosinathi said still crying.
Who? Lucky asked in confusion.
My father. He is in hospital, in ICU. I cant lose him, not again. Nkosinathi
said and broke down into tears again.
What! Im sorry buddy. Lucky said and both he and Enhle hugged him.

Lucky and Nkosinathi went to the hospital to check on Sibusiso, but he was
still in a comma. Nkosinathi was sitting beside Sibusisos bed holding
Sibusisos hand in his own and said: Please dont leave me dad. Im sorry for
being so angry with you. I didnt mean it when I said I hate you, I was just
angry. I really love you dad, you are my life dad and I cant lose you. Please
come back to me. After Nkosinathi said this he felt Sibusisos hand squeezing
his and he looked at Lucky and said: Did you see that? He just squeezed my
Ill go and get the doctor. Lucky said and went to go and call the doctor.

How is Sibusiso doing? Mbali asked Nkosinathi at their favorite coffee shop.
They had gone to have some milkshakes together with Enhle and Lucky who
were now dating.
He is still in a comma, but at least he is alive. Nkosinathi said.
Hes going to be okay Nathi. Sibusiso will make it out of this. Mbali said.
So is there any news on Lucass death. Have the police found anything?
Nkosinathi asked.
Nothing yet. They are still busy accusing me. Yes, Lucas did abuse me in
many ways than one, but I would never kill him, never. Mbali said.
Hey, why dont you ask Cohen to look into this matter? He is now working as a
PI after all? Lucky suggested.
Youre right. Ill call him now. Nkosinathi said and took out his phone.

Nkosinathi was asleep when his phone rang.

Hello. He said. Okay, Ill be there now. Thanks for letting me know Doctor.
Whats up? Lucky asked.
My dad has woken up and he has asked to see me. Nkosinathi said.
Thats great. Come on, Ill go with you. Lucky said and the boys made their
way to the hospital.

Sibusiso was laying in his bed in the hospital with his eyes closed when he felt
someone holding his mouth with a wet cloth, the person was trying to suffocate
Sibusiso. Sibusiso tried to fight the man but he was still very weak so as he was
about to doze off Nkosinathi walked into the ward and said: Hey what are
you doing? He punched the man and the man fell to the floor. The man had a
balaclava on so they could not see who he was, so Nkosinathi pulled the
balaclava off the mans head and when he saw who it was, he stepped back
and collapsed into Lucky who was standing behind him. The man rose and
ran off while Lucky was still helping Nkosinathi onto his feet.
Cheezy, are you okay? Whats wrong? Lucky asked.
He, he, hes dead. Hows it possible that he was here? Nkosinathi said in
What are you talking about? Lucky asked in confusion.
That man, that man is my Uncle Morgan. Nkosinathi said.
Thats why I wanted to see you boytjie. Sibusiso weakly said. Your uncle is
alive, and it was him that shot me.
Nkosinathi took out his phone and then dialed Cohens number and said:
Detective, I need your help again.
He then turned to Lucky and said: Lucky, get some men to guard this ward,
and please man, whatever you do, dont let Mbali and Enhle out of your sight.
I dont know whats going on here, but whatever it is its big and we all have to
be careful.He said this and then ran out of the hospital, leaving Lucky staring
at Sibusiso with wide eyes.


Nkosinathi drove as fast as he could to the club and when he got there he ran
inside and asked for Danger.
Danger is not here, he left with a man just a few minutes ago. The barman
said and at that moment Nkosinathis phone rang: Detective. Nkosinathi
said. Okay, Ill be there in five minutes.

Nkosinathi got to the hotel that Cohen was waiting for him at, and they both
made their way to the room that Cohen had traced Morgan to.
They knocked and Morgans voice came: Who is it?
Room service. Cohen said and when the door opened both he and
Nkosinathi went into the room with their guns pointed at Morgan.
When Nkosinathi saw Morgan again he softly said: Tata is that really you?
Yes son, Im alive. Morgan said.
Nkosinathi dropped his gun and threw himself into Morgans arms and then
said: Tata, Ive missed you so much.
Ive missed you too my son. Morgan said hugging Nkosinathi tightly.

Mbali was sitting with Enhle in Enhles room at res when Lucky came rushing
into the room.
What is it Lucky? You look upset. Is Mr. Radebe okay? Enhle asked in worry.
Uncle Sibusiso is fine, for now. Lucky softly answered.
Whats that supposed to mean? Mbali asked.
Cheezy and I walked in on his uncle trying to kill Uncle Sibusiso. His uncle
ran away and then Nkosinathi asked me to get someone to guard Uncle
Sibusisos ward and he said I must not let you ladies out of my sight. Lucky
Wait, when you say uncle, do you mean Morgan? Enhle asked her eyes wide
open with shock.
Yeah. Lucky said.
"But how's that possible?" Enhle asked in confusion.
"I have no idea." Lucky said still in shock.


So, how is it that you are alive Tata? I saw your body being taken away.
Nkosinathi asked Morgan in confusion as they were sitting in the hotel
restaurant having coffee.
I never did die son. You see on your birthday, I received a message from a
Ben Sithole telling me that my life was in danger, Sibusiso wanted to kill me in
order to get access to you. Because of my hatred for Sibusiso, I worked with Ben
who turned out to be Benson, I worked with him to fake my death so that
Sibusiso would take you in. The plan was to kidnap you and torture you until
Sibusiso came to your rescue, but then your friend Lucky spoilt our plan and
so we put a bomb in Sibusisos car but still he survived, and he has still
survived even when Ive shot him in the head. The guy is worse than a cat, he
just wont die.
Nosinathi looked at Morgan with a blank expression on his face and then said:
So, you worked with a devil like Benson to kill your own brother, and on top of
it all you helped him to kidnap me. Tata, what happened to you? When did
you become so evil?
Sibusiso happened to me. If it were not for him, my father would not have
died so quick and my wife would still be alive. Morgan said softly.
But Tata, he did not kill your father, your father died of a heart attack.
Nkosinathi said.
It was all Sibusisos fault. If he hadnt been arrested that night dad would
not have died and if he had not introduced my wife to drugs she too would still
be alive. Sibusiso took two very important people away from me and he has to
pay for it. And I killing Lucas was just the beginning. Morgan said in anger.
How did Lucas even fit into your whole revenge? And will killing dad bring
back these two people Tata? Nkosinathi softly asked.
Dont ask me that question Nkosi, you dont know what Its like to lose the
most important person to you, to have them taken away from you just like
that. Morgan said.
I know what its like, I lost you Tata. While you were busy faking your death,
did you just for a moment think of the impact it would have on me and
Andisiwe? Or did all you care about was getting revenge on your brother? Do
you know what Ive been through ever since I moved here? Tata, I have even
gone as far as killing someone, I Nkosinathi Radebe, the one who would never
even harm an ant have killed someone, and you know why? Its all because of
you and Benson Sithole. You ruined me Tata, Im on and off drugs because of
you, ever since you died I have not been able to sleep and so I resorted to
taking drugs and that is what helps me to sleep. Im addicted to drugs Tata,

and its all because of you. I hate you man, I hate you. Nkosinathi said then
stood up and looked at Cohen and said: Lets get out of here. Nkosinathi
reached into his pocket and took out the heart shaped pendant that Morgan
had given to him on his birthday, he held it in the air for Morgan to see it and
said: I guess this was also a lie. He then threw the pendant at Morgan and
left. Morgan was surprised that Nkosinathi had kept the pendant, and judging
by the fact that Nkosinathi had taken it out of his pocket, Morgan could tell
that Nkosinathi had the pendant with him everywhere he went.

When Nkosinathi and Cohen had reached Sibusisos house, Cohen said: So,
were you telling the truth? Do you really take drugs?
Nkosinathi nodded and Cohen said: Why are you torturing yourself like this
Nkosi? That stuff is not good for you, it can kill you. You need to stop taking
drugs immediately.
Nkosinathi shook his head and then softly said: Id rather die Cohen than
live the life that Im living. The man that I idolized for as long as I can
remember turns out to be the devil himself and my father is in hospital right
now, fighting for his life. Oh my God, we have to get my dad out of that hospital
But why? How is he going to get better when he is not in hospital? Cohen
Cohen, my uncle wants my father dead, and we need to get him out of that
hospital before he gets to him. Nkosinathi said.
Then what are we waiting for? Lets go and get him now. Cohen said and
they both ran out of the house.

How does a patient go missing from a hospital? Nkosinathi shouted at the

receptionist at the hospital. When Nkosinathi and Cohen had gotten to the
hospital they had found out that Sibusiso was missing and no one knew where
he was.
Its Morgan. Cohen softly said to Nkosinathi. This is one case that we cant
handle alone, we need to inform the police.
I swear, if he does anything to my father I am going to kill him. I will chop
him up into small pieces and feed him to the stray dogs on the road.
Nkosinathi said.


Look Nkosinathi, I think its best that I be with you wherever you go. He has
Sibusiso and you are next. Cohen said.
I cant believe this, Tata used to be such a good man. He always taught us
about God and to do good at all times no matter what the situation, yet here he
is, he has kidnapped a helpless man and only God alone knows what he is
going to do to him. We have to find him Cohen, we just have to find him before
its too late. Nkosinathi said in desperation.

Nkosi, dont stress so much. Im 100% sure that your father is still alive.
Enhle said to Nkosinathi trying to make him feel better.
Nkosinathi rose to his feet and started pacing up and down in the dining room.
Why are the police so quiet? Why does it seem like they arent doing anything
to find him. Guys I cant lose my father, I just cant.
Relax Cheezy, you wont lose your father. We will find him, I promise you.
Lucky said.
Nkosinathi sat down again, he was feeling agitated because he was desperately
craving a fix to calm down and there was just no chance for him to have one
because Cohen was with him everywhere he went, he even went with him to
the bathroom.
Cohen could see that Nkosinathi was craving so he called Lucky to the side and
whispered: Nkosi is losing it. Did you know that he was doing drugs?
What! Lucky whispered back.
Look at him now, he is craving and just now he is going to lose it. If we dont
get him onto a bed and tie him to it, we are in trouble. Cohen said.
Lucky looked at Nkosinathi and could see the agitation in his friend, and then
Nkosinathi lost it. He started going crazy, he punched the glass coffee table
and it broke, then he started punching at the walls and his hands started to
bleed. Cohen and Lucky tried to grab hold of him, but he was just too strong
for them and Mbali and Enhle just stood in a corner too scared to move, both
of them were terrified of the Nkosinathi that they were seeing.
Im going to find him myself! Nkosinathi shouted and started towards the
door. Cohen tried to stop him but Nkosinathi pushed him out of his way and
said: Leave me alone Cohen! I am going to look for my father!
All Cohen, Lucky and the girls could do was watch as Nkosinathi walked out
into the night to look for his father.


He has lost it. We have to follow him. This is not the Cheezy I know, and its
not just the drug craving thats making him like this but something in him
has snapped and he is a danger to himself. Lucky said.

Nkosinathi walked, and walked, and walked in the streets of Jozi in the dark,
and little did he know that Danger was following him. Danger then walked up
to him and said: I have something for you that will make you feel much
better, it will take you to paradise. He then took out a packet of drugs and
gave it to Nkosinathi and then said: Come with me, and you will never run
out of this stuff.
Nkosinathi held the drugs in his hand, he closed his eyes for a while and then
looked at Danger and said: After you dude.
Danger led Nkosinathi to some run down house and when they got into the
house, Nkosinathi saw that it was packed with drugs. He smiled and said: I
like this place already.
Danger nodded at him and then said: Go ahead young Radebe, help yourself,
its all yours.

Nkosinathi took so much drugs that he passed out and when he woke up two
days later, he found himself in a small room and he saw Morgan standing over
Welcome back to the land of the living son. How was it in paradise? Morgan
Nkosinathi shut his eyes, and then slowly opened them and looked at Morgan
and softly asked: Where am I, and how did I get here? Nkosinathi could
vaguely remember pushing Cohen out of his way and then walking out into
the night but everything after that he could not remember.
Come on now Nkosi, dont tell me you dont remember what you got up to.
Morgan said.
Nkosinathi then sat up and said: Please give me some sugar, please I need
some more.
Morgan laughed and then said: Thats my boy. He then took out a sachet
from his pocket and threw it to Nkosinathi and said: Enjoy it son, there is
plenty more from where that comes from.
Nkosinathi dug into the drugs like a hungry lion digging into its prey. He was so
busy with the drugs, he did not even see Sibusiso who was helplessly lying on a

mattress across from him. Sibusiso weakly looked at his son and the tears just
began to flow from his eyes. His son was being tortured with drugs right in front
of him, and there was nothing he could do about it. He felt so helpless.

Joburg is such a large place. Where will we start looking for Cheezy? Lucky
asked Mbali.
When I was on drugs, the places you would find me is at the drug spots.
Mbali said.
Its worth a try Mbali, we have to find him. Cheezy is not just my friend, but
he is a brother to me. Ive already lost my father, and I cant lose him too.
Lucky said close to tears.
Come on guys, Nkosinathi is stronger than you think. Hes okay wherever he
is and we are going to find him. Enhle said.
I hope so Enhle, I really hope so. Lucky said.
The first place to look is at the club. Mbali, you said that most of the drug
dealers hang out there right? Cohen said as he walked into the dining room.
They were all at Sibusisos house in case Nkosinathi showed up or anyone with
any news on Sibusiso.
Mbali nodded and then thoughtfully said: If Danger is working for Morgan as
you said, then he might have a good idea of where both Sibusiso and Nathi
Then lets go to the club now. And I know just how to get Danger to talk.
Lucky said already out the door.
Hey, we have to be smart about this. If Danger knows their whereabouts and
we confront him, he will tell Morgan and if Morgan has both Sibusiso and
Nkosinathi he will kill them. Cohen said.
Then what do you suggest we do? Lucky impatiently asked.
Me and you are going to follow Danger where ever he goes, but we have to
ensure that he does not see us. Cohen said.
Yeah, and he will lead us to where Morgan is keeping Cheezy and uncle
Sibusiso. Youre a smart man Cohen, no wonder Cheezy likes you so much.
Lucky said.


Nkosinathi woke up from his deep sleep, and the first thing he saw was
Sibusiso lying on the mattress across from him. Dad. He softly said.
Sibusiso weakly opened his eyes and said: Boytjie, how are you feeling.
Im sorry dad. Nkosinathi said and went to kneel besides his father. He
buried his head on Sibusisos chest and began to cry: Im so sorry dad. Ive
failed you.
Shhh. Everything is going to be okay. Sibusiso said and just then Morgan
walked in with one of his guys and said: Oh, its great to see that you are both
awake. He then signaled to his guy that went over to Nkosinathi and roughly
pulled him away from Sibusiso and began to beat him up.
Sibusiso felt so helpless, and so weak and he began to drift off but Morgan
slapped him and said: Come on now Sbudah, are you going to give up so
easily. Ive got plenty of more fun in store for you. You cant die just yet. He
opened the door and called in some guy and said: He cant die now, I want
you to do everything in your power to keep him alive. He then turned to the
guy that was beating Nkosinathi up and said: Come on, thats enough for
now. He and the guy walked out leaving the guy attending to Sibusiso, and
Nkosinathi lying on the floor groaning in pain.

I dont get it. Danger is always going to that run down house next to the
church but he never sits there for long. He always has some sort of packet when
going there but when he comes out hes not carrying anything. Lucky said in
confusion to Cohen. Do you think thats where they are keeping Cheezy and
Uncle Sibusiso?
No, they cant be keeping them there. Not where they have no men guarding
the place. Cohen said.
What if there are men guarding that place? I mean, we didnt go closer to the
house, we just parked at a distance and we didnt really see much of the
yard. Lucky insisted.
I still dont think thats where they are being kept. The place is so deserted.
Cohen said.
Thats exactly why I think they are being kept there Cohen. Where else can
people be held hostage except a deserted place that no one would think of
entering or looking at? Lucky said.
Okay, okay. If thats the place we have to let the police know. Cohen said.


Come on dude, the police will take forever to look into that place, why dont
we just go and check it out ourselves and then go to the police once we are
sure? Lucky said.
Lucky, this man is dangerous. He is even more dangerous than Benson was. If
we go there, it has to be with the police. They will know how to get in. Me and
you going there alone will be like committing suicide. Cohen said. Lucas
thought he could stand up to this man, and look where that got him.
Wait a minute, so it was this Morgan dude that killed Lucas? Lucky asked.
Cohen nodded and Lucky said: Dude, its about time that Uncle Luthando
came back to Jozi. If there is anyone that can help us find this man it is him.

Nkosinathi was sitting beside Sibusiso when Morgan walked in and said: Look
what I got you son. He held his hand out towards Nkosinathi and in his hand
was a satchet with drugs. Nkosinathi stretched out his hand to take the drugs
but Morgan pulled his hand back and said: How desperate are you for this
Please Tata, I desperately need a fix. Nkosinathi said holding his hands
together and his body was trembling.
Okay then, since you desperately need this from me, you have got to do
something for me. Morgan said.
Still trembling Nkosinathi said: Anything Tata, Ill do anything.
Morgan smiled and then took a gun and handed it to Nkosinathi and said:
You want me to give you these drugs, and I want you to shoot Sibusiso now.
What! Nkosinathi exclaimed.
You heard me. Shoot him now, and I will give you these drugs. Morgan said.
Nkosinathi looked at the drugs and then looked at Morgan then at Sibusiso
who was helplessly lying on the floor and looking at Nkosinathi with sorrow in
his eyes. Nkosinathi began to scratch himself on his face and neck and then
looked at the drugs again then turned to Sibusiso and pointed the gun at him.

Come on, do it. Do it Nkosinathi. Morgan prompted him.

Dont do it Boytjie. Sibusiso softly said as he tried to get himself into a sitting


Do it Nkosinathi. Kill him, he never did love you as a baby, he didnt want
you. I raised you as my own, that makes me your father and Im telling you to
kill him. Kill the dog now! Morgan shouted.
Nkosinathi closed his eyes and remembered how he felt when he had thought
Sibusiso had died in the car explosion. He remembered how he once loved
Morgan, how he adored him, and how broken he was when he saw him lying
dead on the floor that day in Bizana. He remembered how lost he had felt and
how he had thought that his life had come to an end. He remembered how
Sibusiso had taken him and Andisiwe in, he remembered the night Sibusiso
had told him that he was his father and how angry he had been with Sibusiso.
But most importantly, he remembered how much he had come to love
Sibusiso, how he didnt want to lose him. He remembered that Sibusiso was
more important to him than drugs, he was his dad and he loved him more
than life itself. Nkosinathi opened his eyes with tears flowing from his eyes and
looked right into Morgan's eyes and then shook his head and said: No, I will
not kill him.
Kill him now. Morgan said in a dangerous tone, but Nkosinathi shook his
head again.
Dont you want this? Morgan said holding the drugs in front of Nkosinathis
face, but still Nkosinathi shook his head. With his gaze now on Sibusiso he
turned the gun towards himself and held it to his head and then armed the
gun getting ready to shoot. With the last bit of strength left in him, Sibusiso
rose to his feet and hit the gun out of Nkosinathis hand. The gun flew to the
floor, and in shock Morgan grabbed Sibusiso who was falling and shouted at
Nkosinathi: You stupid boy, why were you doing that. You could have killed
I would rather die, than kill my father whom I love more than anything in
this world. Nkosinathi said and then he grabbed Sibusiso from Morgans grip
and helped his father to sit down. Feeling beaten, Morgan picked up the gun
and then walked out of the room.

So, did you manage to get hold of Lucass dad? Enhle asked Lucky while
she, Lucky and Mbali were having coffee.
Yeah, Cohen managed to get a hold of him but the man doesnt want to come
back to this place. He says he has had enough of the drama here and doesnt
have the energy to face any more of it. He said he hopes we find Cheezy and
Sibusiso but he will not be able to come back here. Lucky said.
I think coming back here will just remind him of his son. Mbali softly said.


Yeah hey, the man must still be in great pain. Lucky said remembering
how he was still struggling to come to terms with the fact that his father was

Boytjie, why did you do that? Why did you try to shoot yourself? Sibusiso
"Why did you lie to me dad? You said that you were responsible for Lucas's
death and the attack on Mbali. You had nothing to do with niether one of the
incidents, so why did you say you were behind them dad?" Nkosinathi asked.
"I found out that Morgan was alive and what he was up to. I didn't want you to
find out boytjie because I knew that it would destroy you." Sibusiso said.
"But dad...." Nkosinathi said.
"So why did you do what you did boytjie? Why did you want to shoot yourself?"
Sibusiso asked.
Dad, you are my father and I love you. I would never kill you. I would rather
die in your place Nkosinathi said. How are you feeling though dad? You
need to get to the hospital.
Im still feeling weak Boytjie, but Morgans doctor has been very good.
Whatever it is that he is doing is working very well. It seems like I will have
recovered even before I get a hospital. Sibusiso said with a smile.
I dont understand though, why would Tata get a doctor to check up on you
daily if he wants you dead? And when you were falling after you hit the gun out
of my hand, he caught you and prevented you from falling. If he is so
desperate to kill you, why is he going out of his way to keep you alive?
Nkosinathi asked in confusion.
I dont know Boytjie. Im just as confused as you. His like two people in one,
the one minute he wants to kill me and the next minute he is going out of his
way to keep me alive. Sibusiso said. "And Boytjie, don't let Morgan see that
gun you've got hidden in your sock."
Nkosinathi smiled and was amazed at how his father never missed anything.

So what do we do now? Uncle Luthando doesnt want to help us, and I still
believe that going to the police is not a good idea. Lucky said to Cohen.


I dont know Lucky. I honestly dont know what to do. I have a contact at the
police station, maybe if I team up with him, we can find Sibusiso and
Nkosinathi. Cohen said.
One thing I know Cohen, is that Cheezy and his father are being kept in that
run down house. Before you go to your contact, we have to get proof that
Cheezy and his father are being kept at that place. Lucky said.
Okay, you win. We will go to that place. Cohen said.

Morgan walked into the room where he was keeping Sibusiso and Nkosinathi
and he was carrying two plates of food. The expression on his face was not as
cold as it was the past few weeks, Nkosinathi picked up some warmness in his
expression and voice. Nkosinathi who hadnt been given anything to eat since
he was kidnapped three weeks back was very happy to see the food.
Thank you Tata. He said when Morgan handed him the plate of food.
Just eat my son. Morgan said and then turned his attention towards
Sibusiso and took out some tablets from his pocket and gave them to him and
then said: Take this Ntwana, the doctor recommended this. He said it will
help with the pain.
Thank you. Sibusiso softly said and then looked at Nkosinathi who just
At that moment someone pushed the door open and in came Luthando
dressed in a white suit. He walked in and slammed the door closed and then
grabbed Morgan and said: Oh, so when you said you had the job under
control, you meant that you were keeping them both alive? I told you to kill
him Morgan, kill him but you failed to do it. Instead you took him from the
hospital and brought him here to keep him safe. Luthando then pushed
Morgan onto the other side of the room and then pulled Nkosinathi towards
him and said: Me and you are going to play a little game.
He then shouted: Danger, get in here! Danger came into the room and
Luthando pointed at Morgan with his head and then pushed Nkosinathi to the
middle of Morgan and Sibusiso.
Heres the game Nkosi. Since both of these men are your daddy, you are going
to choose who you love the most between them. I have a gun and am going to
shoot Sibusiso here, and Danger also has a gun and is going to shoot Morgan.
Im going to count to three Nkosi, then both me and Danger are going to pull
the trigger. The question for you Nkosi is, who are you going to save between
these two men? Luthando said.


Nkosinathi nervously looked at Morgan and then at Sibusiso and asked: Wait
a minute, whats going on here? Tata, have you been working for him?
Luthando laughed and said: Of course he has. But then Morgan here decided
to steal Sibusiso from the hospital and has been treating him so he can get
better, yet he was supposed to kill him. He then also kidnapped you so that I
wouldnt get to you. So Morgan has been working for me, but has been keeping
you both safe at the same time. If it wasnt for Lucky I wouldnt have even
known where Morgan was keeping you or that he was working with Danger.
Lucky? Nkosinathi asked.
Oh yeah, Lucky and Cohen have concluded that Morgan here killed Lucas, so
they wanted me to come back to Jozi to help them find you and Sibusiso, but
what they didnt know is that it was me who put Morgan up to killing Lucas.
You what? But Lucas was your son. Nkosinathi said.
Yes, my son that never had my back. Well, not the way that you always have
your fathers back. You know Nkosinathi, Sibusiso is very lucky to have you as
a son. You love your father so much that youd even die for him even if he is in
the wrong. Well that wasnt the case with Lucas, he found out that Morgan was
alive and that Morgan was working for me, he found out that I kidnapped
Andisiwe and she was the hold that I had on Morgan and he was going to rat
me out to the cops, and thats why he had to die.
Nkosinathi looked at Morgan and then back at Luthando and shook his head
and softly said: But to kill your own son.
Enough with that now, Im going to spare you your life Nkosi because I have a
soft spot for you. And Andisiwe is outside with my men, so when these two have
been dealt with, you are free to go with her. Or should I say that you are free to
go home with her and the daddy that you choose to save. Luthando said.
What Luthando did not know though was that when Nkosinathi had angrily
left home on the day when Danger took him, he had taken a gun and had
hidden it in is sock, and the gun was still there, the same gun that Sibusiso
had said Morgan must not see.

Okay, let the games begin. One, two Luthando said and as he said three
Nkosinathi quickly bent to his foot and pulled out the gun from his sock and
pointed it at Danger No! he shouted, fire ring a shot that hit Danger on the
head, killing him instantly. As he shot, he also ran towards Sibusio and threw
himself on him and the bullet that was meant for Sibusiso hit Nkosinathi on


his chest. Luthando got ready to pull the trigger again but Morgan took
Dangers gun and shot five times at Luthando who fell down and died.
The last thing Nkosinathi saw was Lucky and Cohen rush into the room
followed by the cops before he passed out.

Nkosinathi was rushed to the hospital and Sibusiso was also admitted for his
head injury. Morgan was taken to the police station for questioning and since
Luthandos men were arrested, Andisiwe was also free to go home. While
Cohen and Lucky rushed to the hospital to check on Nkosinaths condition,
Mbali and Enhle went home with Andisiwe.
Im so sorry my princess, this must have been such a traumatizing
experience for you. Mbali said to Andisiwe when she was tucking her into
It wasnt really bad. Uncle Luthando was taking very good care of me. He was
feeding me, buying me clothes, and he was very nice to me. He told me that
Uncle Sibusiso had asked him to take me in for a while and take care of me
since there were people that were after him, so he wanted me to be safe. He
also told me that I would only be able to phone and visit home when
everything had calmed down for Uncle Sibusiso. I didnt know that he was
keeping me as a prisoner. Andisiwe said.
Wow, thats weird. Mbali said in confusion.
Is Nkosinathi going to be okay? Andisiwe asked.
Yes, your brother is the strongest guy Ive ever met. Nathi is going to be fine.
Mbali said.
But he looked so helpless, he was bleeding so much. Im scared Mbali, I dont
want Nkosi to die. I dont want my brother to die. Andisiwe said close to tears.
Hey. Mbali said patting Andisiwes arm. Nathi is going to be okay, he wont
die. He needs our prayers, okay.
Andiswe nodded and Mbali then hugged Andiswe.

Doctor, how is he? Is he going to be okay? Lucky asked the doctor when he
came to them.
Nkosinathi has lost a lot of blood and the drugs that he was taking are not
helping either. Right now he is in a very critical condition and needs your
prayers. The doctor said.

Lucky fought to hold back the tears and said: Can we see him Doc?
Not now, maybe tomorrow you will be able to see him, but not now. The
doctor said.
Lucky went to sit on one of the benches and Cohen followed the doctor who had
already started to walk away and asked: Doctor, please be honest with me. Is
Nkosinathi going to make it?
The doctor delayed answering for a while and then said: Its not looking good
sir. The bullet missed his heart by just an inch, and at this point, only a
miracle can save him. The drugs have damaged him completely and now that
he has been shot also, it makes it very difficult for us, but we are doing
everything in our power to get him to recover. The good thing is that we have
managed to get the bullet out and stop the bleeding.
When you say the drugs have damaged him, what do you mean? Cohen
I mean that Nkosinathi had a huge overdose of drugs and..and The
doctor said.
And what Doc? Cohen asked.
Nkosinathi might die. The doctor said just as Sibusiso was pushed up to
them in a wheelchair by one of the nurses.

Enhle, how is it possible that Tata is alive? I thought he was dead. Andiswe
asked Enhle the following day.
Im not really sure what happened nana, but it turns out that your father
did not die after all. Enhle said not sure what to tell Andisiwe as she herself
was still confused about the whole Morgan thing.
Enhle, can we pray please? Can we pray for Nkosi to get better? Andisiwe
Okay nana. Enhle said holding Andisiwes hands and Andisiwe prayed:
Dear God, I dont remember ever praying to you. Tata was always the one
who prayed about stuff and I always thought he was being crazy, since he was
talking to someone that we could not see. But here I am today, praying to you
and I have only one request and that is for you to please help my brother to get
better. Please dont let him die God, you know how much I love him, you know
that he means the world to me, and if you save him God, I promise that I will
do whatever you want me to do, just please save my brother. Amen.
Amen. Enhle said with tears in her eyes and then hugged Andisiwe.

Lucky, you need to go home and get some rest, and you need to go back to
school. You have already stayed away from school for way too long. Sibusiso
said to Lucky since he and Cohen were in Sibusisos ward.
No Uncle Sibusiso. I cant go back to school. I wouldnt even be able to
concentrate anyways. My friend is in there fighting for his life, and theres
nothing I can do to help him. If I were in his situation, I know that Cheezy
would have come up with a way to help me, but I cant even help him. Lucky
said in tears.
Hey, Nkosinathi is going to be okay. Cohen said to Lucky.
What if he dies? Sibusiso said, also in tears. I cant lose my son, I cant lose
my boy. He took a bullet that was meant for me, he was given drugs all
because of me. I cant lose him.
You wont lose him. Morgan said walking into the ward since he was
released on bail that Sibusiso had gotten his lawyer to pay for him. That boy
is the strongest kid I have ever known. He never gives up, even when
everybody else has given up, he never does. Hes a fighter, just like his father.
What are you doing here? This is all your fault. If you had not decided to
come back from the dead, Cheezy would be okay, he wouldnt be in a critical
condition right now fighting for his life. Lucky angrily said.
Lucky, I know you are angry son but Morgan was also in a tight spot and he
had to do what he did, or else Luthando would have killed Andisiwe. Sibusiso
softly said.
Uncle Sibusiso, all this man had to do was talk to you. Lucky said in disgust.
And risk losing my daughter? Morgan asked.
When you faked your death, was your daughter in danger? When you chose
to work with Benson, was your daughter in danger? When you and Benson
kidnapped Cheezy, was your daughter in danger? Well, congratulations sir,
your daughter is very much alive and okay, but what about your son huh?
You know, all Cheezy speaks about is you, how great a man you are, how kind
and honest you are. He adores you, and your death broke him in a very bad
way. Your death destroyed him mentally, it filled him with anger and hatred,
yet all along you were alive. You could have let him know that you were alive,
but no, all you were interested in was getting some stupid revenge on your
younger brother. Are you happy with your revenge now huh? Are you happy
that Nkosinathi is fighting for his life that the doctors themselves dont even
believe that he is going to make it? Are you happy? Lucky angrily said.


Morgan couldnt answer Lucky, he was too emotional to say anything. Nkosinathi kept on saying in his unconsciousness and the nurse

went to call the doctor.

Doctor, how is he doing now? Is there any improvement or is he getting

worse? Sibusiso asked the doctor when he came to Sibusisos ward.
He keeps on calling his dad. He must be having a dream about you. The
doctor said. I believe that if I give you a chance to go and see your son, it will
help him. As much as he is in a comma right now, he will be able to hear you
speaking to him.
Okay Doc, take me there right away. Sibusiso said jumping out of his bed.

Hey boytjie, its me your dad. Sibusiso said holding Nkosinathis hand in his
own. I remember how much you disliked me when you first met me. You had
that disapproving look every time you looked at me. Im so sorry Boytjie, Im
so sorry for being such a bad father. I have failed you as a father. Im the one
that was supposed to take a bullet for you, not the other way around. Please
dont leave me son, I would never survive if I were to lose you. Please come
back to us.

Mbali was sitting in the kitchen at Sibusisos house and was crying when Lucky
walked in to make himself a cup of coffee. He saw Mbali crying and went over
to her and said: Hey, hes going to be okay. You know how much of a fighter
Cheezy is.
What if he dies Lucky? What if Nathi dies? Mbali asked.
He wont die Mbali. Cheezy is not going to die. Very soon he will be back at
school with us driving us up the wall with his smartness. Lucky said with a
Mbali laughed and said: Oh yes. Nathi is so smart, sometimes hes just too
smart for his own good.
Hes going to be okay. Lucky softly said also trying to convince himself.
Mbalis eyes began to fill with tears again and then Lucky held out his arms
and said: Hey, come here.

Mbali went closer to Lucky and he hugged her. And without thinking he kissed
her, and she kissed him back, and at that moment Enhle walked in.
What the? She said. Nkosinathi is fighting for his life in hospital, and here
you are kissing his girlfriend!
Lucky pulled away from Mbali and said: Enhle, this is not what it looks like,
we were just
Oh come on Lucky, it is what it looks like, you were kissing your best friends
girlfriend, and she was kissing you back. Enhle said and walked out of the
kitchen leaving Lucky and Mbali staring at each other in shock.

Enhle, Im sorry for kissing Mbali. Theres nothing going on between us, we
were both so emotional and I guess we just allowed a moment of weakness and
madness to consume us. I swear that nothing is going on between us; that kiss
meant nothing, in fact it was a mistake. You're the one I love Enhle. Lucky
pleadingly said to Enhle.
What is it about Mbali that drives you guys so crazy? Why are you all unable
to resist her? Enhle asked.
What are you talking about Enhle? Lucky asked in confusion.
You have feelings for her dont you? Enhle asked.
No Enhle, you are the one that I love and anyways, Mbali is dating Cheezy.
Lucky said.
Keep telling yourself that, and you might actually believe it. Enhle said.
What are you trying to say? Lucky asked in confusion.
Im trying to tell you to be honest with yourself Lucky. You want Mbali, and
you know deep down that Im telling the truth. You are just afraid to admit it
because she is dating Nkosinathi. I think its best for us to break up, because I
cant be with a guy that is in love with someone else. Enhle said.
Enhle, no. Lucky said desperately.
Enhle shook her head and then softly said: Im sorry Lucky. She then kissed
him on the forehead and then walked out of his room.

Sibusiso had just woken up from sleep when Morgan walked into his ward and
said: Hes awake and he is asking for you.


Sibusisos face lit up with hope and he asked: Are you talking about Nathi?
Morgan nodded with a smile, and in the twinkling of an eye Sibusiso was out of
his bed and out of the ward he was in. When he walked into Nkosinathis
ward, he saw his son awake and Sibusiso was so excited; he walked over to his
son and hugged him.
Ow dad, I was shot in the chest remember? Nkosinathi weakly said.
Boytjie, Im so happy that you are awake. Thank you for coming back to
me. Sibusiso said between sobs.
Have you and Tata made peace? Is Andisiwe alright dad? Nkosinathi asked.
Sibusiso turned around and looked at Morgan and then said: Yes Boytjie,
Morgan and I are good. And Andisiwe is also alright. Luthando did not harm
her in any way.
Thats good. Nkosinathi said and then dozed off to sleep since he was on
heavy medication.

When Sibusiso got back to his ward followed by Morgan he asked: Are we okay
Bhungane? I know that I did some stuff to you back in the days that was very
wrong, and I just want you to know today that Im really sorry. Im sorry for
being the reason that dad died, and for also being the cause of your wifes
death. Im sorry for being irresponsible and for running away from my
responsibility of raising my son. Im sorry Morgan, please forgive me
Morgan walked over to Sibusisos bed and sat next to his brother and softly
said: Im the one who should be apologizing Ntwana. I should have been a
good older brother to you, but I was too busy being jealous of the fact that dad
loved you more. I knew that you were going to that party, and I should have
also gone to that party. If I was there, you wouldnt have gotten into trouble
and you wouldnt have been arrested, and dad would not have died that
Its not your fault Morgan, that was all me. I messed up and now I have to live
with the guilt of killing my father for the rest of my life. Sibusiso said.
Its not all you. Mama begged me to follow you to the party, but I refused. So
to be fair we are both to blame, and Im just sorry that it took me so many
years to see that. I was angry at you all these years, and there is nothing that I
wanted more than to see you suffer and when the opportunity presented itself
to me, I took it. I was the one that blew up your car, but you survived. I then
shot you in the head, and you survived, but this time I was only doing what

Luthando wanted me to do. I tried to finish you off at the hospital, but then
Nkosinathi intervened, and I could have finished you off again here at the
hospital, but after talking to Nkosinathi something in me triggered and so I
decided to get you out of this place to keep you safe. The anger though was still
there, hence I tortured Nkosinathi in front of you. He didnt fight me, all he did
was plead with me to let you go which awakened the older brother in me that
had died and thats why I got my doctor to keep an eye on you. Nkosinathi
stood up to his drug addiction to save you, and the way he was willing to shoot
himself for you made me realize how important family is. I was supposed to
kill you that day, but Nkosinathis bravery, his love for you defeated me and
thats when I realized that I was never going to be able to harm you again. I
mean youve lived with him for almost a year now, Im sure he has also
changed you in many ways. He has that gift of changing people for the better.
Morgan said.
Sibusiso smiled and said: Hes not afraid to speak his mind. That boy if he
were into politics would make an awesome president. When Nkosinathi and
Andisiwe moved in with me I was a gangster, but in just a month he was able
to change me completely. Lucky was a troublesome kid but then he became
friends with Nkosinathi and he changed completely. And its because of his
bravery that me and you are even sitting right now talking to each other like
civilized people. I love you big bro.
Love you to Ntwana. Morgan said and playfully punched Sibusiso on his

Cheezy, its so good that you are awake my friend. Lucky said to Nkosinathi
when he, Mbali and Enhle went to visit him at the hospital.
Hey guys. Nkosinathi softly said to them since he was still weak.
Enhle walked over to him and hugged him for a long time. It was weird for her
to know that Nkosinathi was her brother and yet she still had strong feelings
for him. Mbali and Lucky nervously looked at each other, wondering if Enhle
was going to tell Nkosinathi about the kiss.
Wow, it seems like you really missed me. Nkosinathi said to Enhle. He was
also a little bit confused about the bond that he and Enhle shared.
Of course I did. What kind of sister would I be if I didnt? Enhle asked letting
go of Nkosinathi.
Nkosinathi then looked at Mbali and Lucky and said: And you guys, why are
you standing there looking so uncomfortable? Is there something you want to
tell me?


They both smiled and Mbali said: Uhm, we are just so happy to see that you
are getting better, its overwhelming for us.
Nkosinathi looked at them again and then asked: Are you sure everything is
okay? Its like you guys are hiding something from me.
Everything is good Cheezy, we are not hiding anything from you. Lucky
Okay. Nkosinathi said but was not convinced that all was good.

Sibusiso was discharged and was taken home by Morgan, while Cohen
remained at the hospital guarding Nkosinathis ward. Cohen had decided
that he was going to be Nkosinathis full time bodyguard until he was 100%
Uncle Sibusiso. Andisiwe said as he walked into the house followed by
Morgan. She ran to Sibusiso with her arms wide open, and he took her into his
arms and hugged her for a very long time.
Ive missed you so much my angel. He said to her.
Ive missed you too Malume. She said.
Sibusiso then put her down and said: My angel, your father is also here. Dont
you want to greet him?
Andisiwe tightly held onto Sibusiso and said: I dont want to greet him.
But baby girl, he wants to greet you. Sibusiso said.
I dont want to greet him, and I dont want him to greet me. Andisiwe said.
Morgan held out his hand and touched Andiswe on her shoulder, but she
moved away and ran upstairs to her room.
Sibusiso wearily looked at Morgan and said: Dont worry, shell come around.
I think shes still in shock. Look, make yourself at home and Ill go and chat
with her.
Morgan nodded and Sibusiso went upstairs to check on Andisiwe.

What do you mean by you kissed Mbali? Cohen asked Lucky who had come
to visit Nkosinathi who was still asleep.
I didnt do it on purpose man, it just happened. Lucky defended himself.

Look Lucky, Im a guy, and let me tell you something. A kiss does not just
happen. How could you do something like that man, Mbali is your best friends
girlfriend, and you kissed her. Cohen said.
Well technically, they havent yet gotten back together so I didnt kiss his girl
but I kissed his ex. Lucky said.
Are you even listening to yourself Lucky? Not even Lucas was able to break up
what Mbali and Nkosinathi have, and he was married to her. He eventually
gave up, and he was not even as close to Nkosi as you are. Cohen angrily said.
What am I supposed to do Cohen huh? What am I supposed to do? Mbali is an
awesome girl, and Im crazy about her man. Lucky said.
So, is being with Mbali worth losing your best friend? Cohen asked. Both he
and Lucky were not aware that Nkosinathi had woken up and had heard
what they were talking about, he suddenly went into a fit and started foaming
from his mouth. Cohen turned around and saw him then ran to get the doctor.

Morgan, come on. We need to get to the hospital. Sibusiso said, bursting into
the dining room where Morgan was sitting with Mbali, Enhle and Andisiwe.
Whats wrong? Are you okay? Morgan worriedly asked.
Its Nkosinathi, he had a relapse, and its not looking good. Sibusiso said
close to tears.
Oh God, no. Morgan said and both he and Sibusiso rushed out of the house.
Andisiwe just burst into tears, and Enhle took her into her arms and said:
Ssh, its going to be okay.

When Morgan and Sibusiso got to the hospital they saw Lucky sitting on the
bench with his head in his hands and he was crying and immediately Sibusiso
thought that Nkosinathi was dead.
No, no. he softly said to himself and then Cohen walked over to him and
said: Dont worry boss, hes a fighter. Nkosinathi is going to make it.
Oh, so my boy is still alive? What happened? Sibusiso asked and just then
the doctor came over to them and said: Mr. Radebe, I think you need to take
a seat before I explain anything to you.
Doctor, I dont want to take a seat. All I want is to know how my boy is doing.
Sibusiso said in agony.

The drugs that he was taking were too strong for his body, and his body and
organs are fading away. Your sons heart has been completely destroyed and
has given up on functioning, and he is last on the list for a heart transplant.
We have had to put him on life support because theres nothing else we can
What do you mean by life support Doc? Morgan asked in a calm voice but
inside he was in tears.
Theres nothing more we can do for Nkosinathi. Its the life support that is
keeping him alive right now. Unless we get a heart for Nkosinathi, there is
nothing we can do. As I said he is last on the list and the list is very long.So as
his father Mr. Radebe we would like to get your consent to switch off the
machine, if that machine is switched off he is dead. The doctor said.
Sibusiso put his right hand on his head and asked: You mean that my son is
living off a machine?
The doctor nodded and Sibusiso said: No Doc, I cant kill my son. I cant allow
you to put that machine off. Hes going to wake up, youll see, hes going to
wake up. We are going to find a heart for my son, trust me we will.
Mr. Radebe, weve tried everything, theres nothing else we can do.
Nkosinathi is not going to wake up. The doctor said.
No Doc, as you said he needs a heart, and a heart is what we are going to find
for him. I want to see my boy. Please take me to my boy. Sibusiso said and
the doctor led him to the ICU ward that Nkosinathi was in and left Sibusiso
alone with him.

When Sibusiso saw his son helplessly lying on the hospital bed, all he could do
was cry. Never had he seen Nkosinathi looking so frail and helpless, he was
always strong and full of life no matter what situation he was facing, but right
now he was just helplessly lying on the hospital bed, connected to a life support
machine that he was living off. Sibusiso moved closer to the bed and choking
because he was crying softly said: Please dont leave me boytjie, please come
back to daddy.
Morgan who was standing at the door of the ward felt sick in the inside, he felt
that all of this was his fault. If he had not faked his own death, Nkosinathi
would not have moved to Joburg, he would not have started taking drugs, and
he would not have been shot by Luthando. Nkosinathi would be happily doing
his medicine degree without a worry in the world. Morgan hated himself for
this, and he turned round and walked out of the hospital. He needed some
time alone to deal with what the doctor had just told them.


When Sibusiso got back to the house with Lucky because Cohen had refused to
leave the hospital he found Mbali, Enhle, Andisiwe and even Roselinah all
sitting in the dining room and all seemed to have been waiting for him.
Sibusiso looked at Andisiwe and said: Come here my princess.
Andisiwe went to Sibusiso who just hugged her tightly until Andisiwe finally
said: Malume, whats wrong? How is Nkosi? Is he going to come home soon?
Sibusiso tried to talk but his voice couldnt come out and so Lucky finally said:
Cheezy is on life support. He is living off a machine.
What does that mean? Enhle asked as Mbali broke into tears.
It means that Cheezy is unable to live on his own. He needs a heart
transplant and to keep him alive, the doctor has connected him to a
machine. Lucky said.
What will happen if for some reason that machine is switched off? Enhle
Hell be dead. Morgan said as he also walked into the dining room. The
moment Lucky saw Morgan he couldnt help it but he just began to boil with
anger and he grabbed Morgan by his shirt and shouted: This is all your fault!
You should have just remained dead, Cheezy would have been okay. Its you
thats supposed to be connected to that machine, not him!
Lucky, calm down. Sibusiso softly said.
Hes right Malume. Its all this mans fault. If it wasnt for him, Nkosinathi
would be here with us right now. He and I would probably be out having ice
cream right now. Andisiwe said.
This man is your father princess. Sibusiso said.
Hes not my father. My father would not have pretended to be dead. My
father would not have kidnapped my brother and stuffed him with drugs. No,
my father would never have done all those things. Andisiwe said and ran
Ill go talk to her. Enhle said and went upstairs.
Mbali could not move nor speak, she just remained still on the couch she was
sitting on and her face was as white as ever. The tears were just flowing out of
her eyes but she was not making any sound at all. She couldnt process what
she had just heard, it was just too much for her. Seeing her like that, Lucky let
go of Morgan and went to Mbali and said: Hey, come with me. Ill get you
something that will help you to sleep.

Roselinah walked over to Sibusiso and said: Nkosinathi is very much alive,
just believe in God and you will see the miracle he is going to perform. The
bible says that nothing is impossible with God. The doctors may have lost hope
and given up, but God never gives up. She said this and then hugged
Thank you Mam Rose. He softly said. He felt drained of all his strength, he
felt weak. The thought of losing his son scared Sibusiso to death.

Early the next morning, Morgan went downstairs only to find Sibusiso sitting
on the couch still dressed in the previous days clothes.
Come on Sibusiso, please dont tell me that youve been sitting here all
night. Morgan said.
How can I get sleep Morgan? Every time I close my eyes, I just see him
helplessly lying on that bed. And then on top of that the doctor wants me to
switch off the machine.
The doctor does have a point though Sbu. Let him go Sbu, let the kid go in
peace. Morgan said.
What! Are you crazy? I cant believe Im hearing you of all people saying this.
I will not kill my son Morgan! Sibusiso said.
Hes as good as dead Sbu, Do you want him to live off that machine for the
rest of his life? Sbu, dont you think that keeping him connected to that
machine is more painful than him dying. He wont be able to talk to you
anymore, he wont be able to wake up, and he wont be able to do anything. Is
that what you want for your son? Is that the kind of life you want for him?
Morgan said.
Did you not hear the doctor say that if they find a heart for Nkosi, he will
live? Sibusiso asked in frustration.
And did you not hear him say that Nkosi is last on the heart transplant list?
By the time his turn for a heart transplant comes he will be dead already, it
will be too late. Morgan said also just as frustrated as Sibusiso.
Sibusiso did not answer, he just walked away from Morgan and went into his
office and slammed the door shut.

Sibusiso sat at his desk in his office and prayed for the very first time in his life:
Dear God, I know that Ive done many wrong things in my life. And Im
probably not even worthy to be praying to you right now, but God please,

please dont punish my boy for my sins. God I love that boy more than life itself
and if I could, I would gladly take his place in that hospital bed right now.
What am I supposed to do Lord? I cant switch off that machine, but then
again I cant just watch my son living off a machine, hes like a cabbage Lord.
What am I supposed to do? I cant lose my boy Lord, please bring him back to
me and I promise you that Ill become a better person. Ill start going to
church, Ill even become born again, please just save my son Lord. Sibusiso
was so deep in prayer that he did not hear the door to his office open and
someone walk in. He just felt a hand on his shoulder and heard a female voice
say: Hes going to make it.
Sibusiso looked up and looked right into the eyes of Asanda the mother of
Nkosinathi and Enhle.

Asanda, are you doing here? he asked in shock.

Enhle called me last night and told me what happened to our son. You know,
I have never been a part of the boys life but maybe its time that I start being
a mother to him now. Asanda said.
Isnt it a bit too late for that Asah? Sibusiso asked.
My son is not going to die Sibusiso, not my Nkosinathi. Hes a fighter. Do you
know that I did go and have the abortion with that money you had given me?
Oh, but that son of yours Sbu, he refused to be aborted. I tried aborting him
three times, but he refused. Now if he was able to fight an abortion whilst he
was still in my womb, this heart issue is nothing for him, Nkosinathi will make
it out of this. He will come back to you Sbu. Asanda said.
Maybe this is Gods way of punishing me. I have done so many wrong things
in my life. Ive hijacked cars, Ive broken into banks, Ive been a drug lord,
and I walked out on my son when he was just a baby. And now he is lying on
that hospital bed all because of me Asah, all of this is because of me. Sibusiso
said and began to cry.
Asanda held Sibusiso in her arms and softly said: Shh, its all going to be
okay. None of this is your fault.

The following day, Asanda went to the hospital to visit Nkosinathi. When she
walked into the ward Cohen asked: Who are you? since he did not know her.
Im his mother, and Id like to have some alone time with my son. Asanda


I dont know you, and since I dont know you Im not leaving you alone in this
ward with him. Cohen said.
Oh come on, what could I possibly do to him? Asanda asked.
Well, how do I know that you are not here to switch off the machine? This kid
has been through a lot for his age, and Ill be dammed if I allow him to go
through any more pain. Cohen said close to tears.
Okay fine, you can stay while I talk to him. Asanda said as she sat on the
chair that was next to Nkosinathis bed.
My son, I cant believe that you had to till be in a death situation for me to
realize that I love you my boy. I abandoned you when you were still a few days
old, and I was never there for you as a mother. But thats going to change now,
Im going to be the mother that I was long time supposed to be. Im going to
make sure that you get a new heart, and that you will come back to us. Just
know my son that what Im going to do, is all out of love for you and your
father, I love you boys and I dont want to see any one of you suffering.
Asanda said, and with tears flowing from her eyes she stood up and then
walked out of the ward. Cohen wondered what she was going to do, and how
she was going to get a heart for Nkosinathi.

Sibusiso was sitting in the dining room when Morgan walked in and said: So
Sbudah, have you decided anything yet?
How can you ask me that Morgan, do you know that this whole situation we
are in is all your fault? All of this is because of you. Sibusiso said with anger in
his eyes.
Oh, this is my fault? Lets not forget Sbu, that you started this whole mess.
You were the cause of all the anger that Luthando and I had, all we wanted
was revenge. Morgan said.
What revenge? What did I ever do to you guys that caused you to hate me so
much that you would want to kill me, and on top of it, to stuff my boy with
drugs? What did I do? Sibusiso asked in frustration.
Morgan sat down on the sofa next to Sibusiso and said: Dad had two sons in
his marriage, two sons that he loved dearly, until he found out about his last
born son that he got from his side chick. He brought his bastard son home and
then he started treating his other two sons as if they did not exist. He didnt
want to spend time with them, or do anything with or for them. The younger of
these two sons felt so neglected that he decided to run away from home, he was
only eight when he ran away, but dad did not care. He did not even go and
look for his son, all he cared about was his bastard son.

And what does this story have to do with me Morgan? I dont understand
what youre trying to say. Sibusiso said.
Im trying to tell you that you are the bastard son that dad loved so much,
and Luthando is the son that ran away from home. And me, well I was too
scared to leave mom alone so I decided to stay at home, and I watched every
day how dad treated you like a prince. He gave you everything you wanted,
and me I was just invisible to him. It is that, which made Luthando and I hate
you so much, you took our fathers love from us and as if that wasnt enough
you were the cause of his death. And thats why we were so angry at you.
Morgan said.
Are you telling me that Luthando was our brother? But he was using Cele as
his surname. Sibusiso asked in shock.
Morgan nodded and said: "When he ran away from home he decided to
change his surname. He didn't want anything to link him to the Radebe's
Wow, if only Id known. Maybe my son wouldnt be depending on a machine
for life right now. Sibusiso said still shocked at the fact that Luthando was his

Lucky and the girls were sitting in Enhles room at res and Lucky said: Its so
hard seeing Cheezy like that. I mean hes just always so full of life, and always
fighting for what he believes in, and right now hes just lying on that hospital
bed, connected to a machine for life support.
Its just sad, and you know what hurts the most? Its the fact that we cant
even do anything to help him. If one of us were in his situation, Nathi would
have already come up with a plan to save us, but us, we cant do nothing.
Mbali sadly said.
Uncle Sibusiso has money. The mans loaded. Im sure he can get a heart for
Nkosi in the twinkling of an eye. I heard him telling Uncle Morgan that they
were going to pay the judge off to keep Uncle Morgan from being sentenced. If
he can pay a judge to keep someone out of jail, surely he can pay someone to
donate their heart to Nkosinathi. Enhle said.
Come on Enhle, in order for someone to be able to give their heart to someone
else, they will have to be brain dead. Where on earth will Uncle Sibusiso find
someone that is brain dead? Lucky asked.
Hes a connected man after all, surely one of his connections knows
someone. Enhle said.


Sbu, I need you to give me 1 million rand. Asanda said to Sibusiso who was
sitting in his office.
Excuse me! Sibusiso said in surprise. What do you want to do with so much
money? he asked.
You do want your son to get a heart right? Asanda asked.
Of course I do. Sibusiso said.
Then give me the money Sbu. Im a nurse and I have access to brain dead
people. But in order for me to get the heart, its going to cost me. Asanda said.
Okay, fine Asah. Ill get you the money. Just dont do anything stupid
please. Sibusiso said since he did not have the energy to debate with Asanda.

Asanda went to the hospital and she was carrying a briefcase in her hand. She
went to the doctors office, walked in and closed the door and then said:
Doctor, Im here to offer my heart for Nkosinathi.
The doctor looked up from what he was busy with and said: Excuse me.
I said Im here to offer my heart for Nkosinathi. Asanda said and then
placed the briefcase on the doctors table and said: Heres your payment, so
come on, get on with it now.
Lady, are you aware that we only take the heart of a person who is brain
dead? The doctor asked.
Im very much aware, and thats why you Doc, are going to inject me with
whatever medication thats going to make me brain dead. And then you are
going to take my heart and give it to my boy. Asanda said.
But that will mean Im committing murder. The doctor said. No, I cant do
what youve asked me to do.
Then Ill do it for you. Asanda said and took out a gun that she had stolen
from Sibusisos office from her bag and pointed it to her head. Since you
dont want to help me, Im going to shoot my brains dead right here in your
office. Just know that you will be in big trouble when the police find me dead
in your office Doc.
Fine, Ill do it. Just put that gun away. The doctor said.


Asanda smiled and said: Oh Doc, I knew youd come to your senses. As for the
gun, you can do the honors of putting it away only once youve injected my
brain to death.
Oh God, please forgive me. The doctor softly prayed.

Sibusiso was pacing up and down in his office when the doorbell rang. Morgan
who was in the dining room went to open the door and in came the doctor
carrying a briefcase in his hand.
Doc, what are you doing here? Is Nkosinathi okay? Morgan asked.
Id like to speak to Sibusiso. The doctor said.
Sibusiso came into the dining room and said: Here I am Doc, please tell me
you have good news. Have you found a heart for my son?
Yes we did. We did the heart transplant today and it looks like it went well.
Your sons body did not reject the heart so it seems he will be waking up in a
few days. The doctor said.
Thank you so much Doc. Sibusiso said. Doc, you should give us the details
of the heart owners family so that we can thank them.
The doctor looked away from Sibusiso and then after a short silence handed
the briefcase and the gun to Sibusiso and said: I believe that this belongs to
you. This was given to me by the heart donor, but I refuse to accept it. And the
gun was also in her possesion.
Sibusiso took the briefcase and opened it, and saw that it was full of money in
it. He remembered that he had given Asanda a briefcase like this the previous
day that was also full of money. Doc, no. No Doc, it cant be who Im thinking
it is. He said.
Im sorry Sibusiso, but Nkosinathis mother had me in a corner. She tried to
pay me to make her brain dead and when I refused, she held that gun to her
own head and was ready to shoot herself in my office. I had to do it. So Im
sorry but she is no longer alive, she loved her son too much and decided that it
was best to give her own life so that he could live. Her last words to me was to
tell you that she loved you Sibusiso, she said she always has. And she asked
that you take good care of Nkosinathi and her daughter. The doctor said.
Sibusiso looked at the doctor in disbelief and then looked at Morgan and said:
This is a mess. What am I going to tell the kids?


Uncle Sibusiso, we are here now. You called us for a meeting. Lucky said as
he and Enhle walked into the dining room from University.
Kids, sit down. I have something very important to tell you. Sibusiso
seriously said.
Are we in some kind of trouble? Have we done something wrong? Is
Nkosinathi okay? Lucky asked.
Whoah, so many questions. Sibusiso said holding his hand up. No, you are
not in trouble, and you havent done anything wrong, and Nkosi is fine, in
fact, he has already received a new heart.
Say what now, so Cheezy is going to be fine? Lucky asked in excitement.
This is the best news ever. Enhle said also just as excited as Lucky.
Sibusiso was pained by the excitement he saw on Enhles face, he didnt know
how he was going to tell her the news about Asanda.
Im afraid Ive also got some bad news for you kids. He softly said.
What is it Uncle Sibusiso? Enhle asked.
Asanda gave up her heart for Nkosinathi. Sibusiso softly said.
Whoa, wait a minute, when you say Asanda, do you mean my mother?
Enhle asked.
Im sorry Enhle. Sibusiso said.
Enhle couldnt say anything, she just stared at Sibusiso in disbelief.

Enhle Im really sorry about your mom. Lucky said back at res in Enhles
I cant believe it Lucky, why would my mom give her heart up for Nkosi. She
abandoned him when he was still a baby. What if Uncle Sibusiso put her up to
it? What if he is the one that killed my mother? Enhle said.
Uncle Sibusiso would never do something like that, he would never do
anything to hurt you or Cheezy. You saw him Enhle, the man looked hurt by
what happened, and he is also freaked out by what your mother did. Lucky
Thats bull Lucky. He was acting. That man killed my mother so that he
could save his son, the son that took drugs that were too strong for his heart. I
hate them both Lucky, I hate them. Enhle said.

Enhle come on. Lucky began to say.

Shut up Lucky, its their fault that my mother is dead! Enhle said.

Cohen was sitting next to Nkosinathis bed in the hospital. He was holding
Nkosinathis hand in his own and said: I miss you Nkosinathi, please come
back to us.
Nkosinathi slowly opened his eyes and softly said: Dad, is he okay?
Dont worry little lion, your father is okay. Get some rest now, you need your
strength. Cohen said and Nkosinathi closed his eyes and fell off to sleep again.

Sibusiso was sitting in his office and staring at the briefcase that had the
money he had given to Asanda. He took the briefcase and threw it at the wall
saying: Dammit Asanda, why did you have to do this? The money that was
in the briefcase fell to the floor and Sibusisos attention was caught by a white
paper that also fell with the money. He went over to the paper and picked it up
and then opened it. It was a letter addressed to him by Asanda and it read:
My dearest Sbu, Im sorry for doing what Ive done but I had no choice. The
pain of seeing my son helplessly lying on that hospital bed got to me, and I just
couldnt stand seeing him in that condition. Ive never been there for him,
Ive never shown him any love, and I guess this is the only way I can show him
that I love him. Please forgive me for all the pain Ive put you through, please
love our son Sbu, take good care of him, and please just keep out of trouble so
that he wont find himself taking a bullet for you again. Whatever you do,
dont blame Nkosinathi for my death, because I did what I did out of love. I
love you Sbu, I always have, I just never had the courage to tell you. Take care.
Sibusiso crumbled the letter up and threw it at the wall, and then he began to
cry his heart out. Enhle who had come to the house to confront Sibusiso saw
him crying and immediately she knew that he had nothing to do with her
mothers death. She went over to Sibusiso and hugged him, and they cried

Sibusiso had gone to the hospital to check on his son when the doctor walked
over to him and said: Mr. Radebe, whatever you do, please dont tell
Nkosinathi who donated a heart to him. If he finds out that it was his mother,
he might have a relapse. Its best to wait until he is 100% fine.


Sure thing Doc, and thank you so much for all of your help. I really
appreciate it. Sibusiso said and then walked towards Nkosinathis ward.

When Sibusiso walked into the ward, Cohen was sitting at the edge of
Nkosinathis bed and they were both laughing.
My Boytjie. Sibusiso said and Nkosinathi looked at him and smiled and
said: Dad, its so good to see you.
How are you feeling son? Sibusiso asked.
I feel like I was hit by a bus. My whole body is in pain, but at least Im feeling
much stronger now. Nkosinathi said.
Im sorry son, I really wish I could take away the pain from you. Sibusiso
What happened dad, I remember being fine, and then all of a sudden I was
out of it. What happened to me dad? What was wrong with me, because I
remember the doctor saying I was going to go home soon, but then here I am?
What happened to me? Nkosinathi asked.
Sibusiso looked at Cohen and then back at Nkosinathi and said: It was just a
relapse son, but youre okay now, thats all that matters.

Nkosinathi was dozing off to sleep when Lucky walked into the ward.
Cheezy. Lucky said and Nkosinathi opened his eyes and weakly smiled at
How are you feeling buddy? Lucky asked.
Ill feel much better once I get out of this place. Nkosinathi said. Wheres
Enhle? he asked.
She has an important test tomorrow so she was unable to come. Lucky lied,
and just then Mbali walked into the ward. She walked over to Nkosinathi and
said: Nathi, it is so good to see you awake again. She tried to hug Nkosinathi
but he brushed her off and softly said: Mbali, just go please.
But Nathi Mbali began to protest but was interrupted by Nkosinathi who
softly said: I said go Mbali, just go.
Mbali enquiringly looked at Lucky who just shrugged and then in
disappointment she walked out of the ward.


And then Cheezy, what was that about? Lucky asked in confusion.
I think you should also leave Lucky, just leave me alone. Nkosinathi said
and turned his face away from Lucky towards the wall.

When Lucky was outside of the ward he confronted Cohen: Dude did you tell
Cheezy about what happened between Mbali and I?
Come on man, why would I do that. The kid has just woken up from a
comma and you want me to bombard him with stupid news. Cohen
answered in irritation.
Then why is he angry at Mbali, and why did he chase me out? Lucky asked.
Maybe he smelt the betrayal. Cohen said and walked into Nkosinathis
ward leaving Lucky standing alone outside.

I was at the hospital, and Cheezy asked about you. Lucky said to Enhle.
Oh. Enhle said in an uninterested tone.
Come on Enhle, is that all youve got to say. Oh! Lucky said.
What do you want me to say Lucky? I lost my mother because of Nkosinathi. I
cant face him right now, its just too soon for me. Enhle said.
But hes your brother Enhle. Lucky said.
The brother who is living off the heart of our mother, our mother who was
very much okay Lucky but chose to give up her heart for him so that he could
live. Enhle said.
Its not his fault that your mother gave up her heart for him, he doesnt even
know what happened. Lucky said.
But its his stupidity that put him in that situation. If Nkosi had stayed away
from drugs, he would not have damaged his heart, and mom would still be
alive. Enhle said.
"But it was Morgan that was giving Cheezy the drugs, you can't blame Cheezy
for what someone else did." Lucky said.
"No Lucky, he is just as much to blame as his uncle." Enhle angrily said.
Lucky did not know what to say to Enhle so he just walked away from her and
left her alone. Getting into a fight with Enhle was the last thing he wanted to

do. He was still puzzled by the fact that Nkosinathi was angry at him and

Nkosinathi woke up to find Mbali sitting on the chair next to his bed and the
expression on her face was full of love.
Mbali, what are you doing here? He asked.
Am I not allowed to come and see my boyfriend? Mbali asked.
Mbali, I dont want you here. Nkosinathi harshly said.
Nathi please dont do this. If you are angry with me because of the kiss
between Lucky and me, it meant nothing, we were both emotional and we just
kissed, but the kiss meant nothing. Mbali said.
It may have not meant anything to you, but that kiss did mean something to
Lucky. Nkosinathi said. Lucky is my best friend Mbali, hes my brother and
if he has feelings for you, Im sorry but you and me cant be in a relationship.
So you are willing to risk your own happiness for your friend? Mbali asked.
Lucky is my brother, and as his brother I cant date someone that he is in
love with. I love you Mbali, with all of my heart but we cant date. Nkosinathi
Mbali was too shocked and hurt to say anything, she just stood up and walked
out of the ward.

Why is Cohen so attached to Nkosinathi? The guy refuses to leave Nkosi alone
at the hospital. Is he gay? Morgan asked Sibusiso since both the men were
sitting at the club having a drink.
Sibusiso chuckled and shook his head and then said: No man, I guess Cohen
has a soft spot for the boy. You know what its like, once you come into contact
with Nkosi, its hard to let go of him.
Thats true, but Cohen is really dedicated to watching over Nkosi. He is
always around him, its like he doesnt want him out of his sight. Morgan
So is that bothering you Mo? Sibusiso asked in amusement.
No, but Im just worried. Doesnt Cohen have a family of his own to take care
of? Morgan said.


His wife left him when she found out that he was working for Benson. She took
their son with her. So just let him be, Nkosinathi is Cohens sons age and
Cohen probably just sees a son in Nkosinathi. Sibusiso said.
Okay, if you say so. Morgan said raising his glass to Sibusiso and then drank
his drink.

Lucky was sitting in his room at res wondering how he was going to get Enhle to
calm down when Mbali stormed into the room and walked to him and slapped
I hope you are happy. She angrily said.
Am I supposed to be happy that you slapped me? Lucky asked.
No you idiot. What did you say to Nathi? Did you tell him that you have
feelings for me? Mbali asked.
Now why would I do that? Lucky asked.
Well, Nathi doesnt want to be with me anymore because of you. He is
convinced that you are in love with me. Why does he believe that you are in
love with me Lucky? What did you say to him? Mbali asked.
I didnt say anything to Cheezy. But dont worry Mbali, Im going to fix up
this mess. Im sorry for coming between you guys, Im really sorry. Lucky
You better do that. Mbali said and then walked out.

Hello Nkosi. Enhle said as she walked into the ward.

Enhle, its so good to see you. I was starting to think you were angry at me.
Nkosinathi said. Its good that you came, I want to ask you something.
What is it Nkosi? Enhle asked.
How is our mom doing Enhle? Ive been having nightmares about her, its
like shes in trouble and is in need of my help. Its so real Enhle, and she keeps
telling me that she loves me. Its a repetitive dream that Ive been having
since I regained consciousness. Nkosinathi said.
Enhles eyes filled with tears and Nkosinathi seeing this asked: Whats wrong
Enhle? Please talk to me.


When you had a relapse Nkosi, your heart failed you so you were put on life
support because your heart was no longer working. Your name was last on the
heart transplant list. So mom came to Joburg, and she decided to give her
heart up for you. Enhle said in tears.
What! Do you mean that Im alive today because mom gave her heart up for
me? She gave up her life for me, but why? Nkosinathi softly asked.
Because your mother loved you. Came Cohens voice as he walked into the
ward and gave Enhle a dissaproving look.

You what Enhle? How could you tell your brother about the heart
transplant? Sibusiso shouted at Enhle.
Im sorry, he was just asking so many questions, and I had to tell him.
Enhle said.
Enhle man, Enhle! Sibusiso said as his phone rang. Hello. He answered.
After he cut the call, Sibusiso looked at Enhle and anger was written all over
his face. Can you see what youve done Enhle? That was Cohen, and he says
that Nkosinathi has run away. This is all your fault, you better pray young
lady that we find him, because if we dont, God help me. Sibusiso said this
and both he and Morgan left the house to go and search for Nkosinathi.
Enhle burst into tears and Lucky who was also in the dining room said: Dont
cry Enhle, Uncle Sibusiso didnt mean what he said. He was just speaking out
of anger.

How did he disappear Cohen? I thought you were watching over him 24/7.
Morgan angrily said to Cohen.
His water jar was empty, and he asked me to fill it up for him. I only went for
just a few minutes, and when I got back he was gone. I found this note on his
bed. Cohen said handing the note to Sibusiso.
The note read: Dont look for me, Ill be back I just need to sort my mind out.
Dont worry Sibusiso, I will find him and I will bring him back home safely.
Cohen said and then left to go and look for Nkosinathi.


Cohen was driving around in Nkosinathis car looking to see for any sign of
Nkosinathi on the streets when something caught his attention. On the side of
the road he saw someone sleeping in the grass. Cohen stopped the car and
went to go investigate who it was. The boy lying in the grass was Nkosinathi,
and his clothes were covered in blood. Cohen shook Nkosinathi and Nkosinathi
opened his eyes and looked around at the grass and then at Cohen and asked:
Cohen, what am I doing here, and why are my clothes covered in blood?
You tell me, you ran away from the hospital Nkosi. Why did you do that in
your condition? Cohen asked.
Why would I run away Cohen? I dont remember running away from the
hospital. Nkosinathi said in confusion.
You mean that you dont remember running away from the hospital?
Cohen asked also just as confused as Nkosinathi.
All I remember was that I was feeling exhausted after Enhle broke the news
about mom to me. I then asked you for some water, and as you went to go and
fetch some water for me I fell off to sleep. And here I am now without an idea of
how I got here. Nkosinathi said.
Come Ill take you home. But first lets get you cleaned up. Cohen said
helping Nkosinathi to the car and wondering who had wrote the note.
Whats happening to me Cohen? Am I going mad? Nkosinathi asked.
Dont worry Nkosi, everything is going to be alright. Cohen softly said
wondering to himself what was going on.

When Cohen walked into the house with Nkosinathi who was now clean,
Sibusiso quickly walked over to him and held him in his arms: Im so glad
youre alright boytjie.
Im also glad Im alright dad. Nkosinathi said returning his fathers hug.
Cohen where did you find him? Morgan asked.
I found him at one of Sibusisos hotels. He was fast asleep when I found him.
Cohen lied.
I just wanted to be away from the hospital and that bed dad. Im sorry for
just disappearing and not saying where I was going. Nkosinathi also lied.
Come on Nkosi, let me accompany you to your room. The doctors orders were
that you get as much rest as possible. If not he will have to admit you again


into the hospital. Cohen said and Nkosinathi moved from Sibusisos arms
and followed Cohen. Ill see you when I wake up dad.
Sure thing Boytjie. Sibusiso said.
When Cohen and Nkosinathi were upstairs Morgan said: Cohen really is a
good guy, he really cares about Nkosi.
Yeah, I sometimes feel like he is more of a father to Boytjie than I am.
Sibusiso softly said.
Dont tell me you are feeling jealous now. Morgan teased and they both

The following day while Sibusiso and Cohen were sitting in the dining room
having some whiskey while Nkosinathi pretended to be eating his food that
Mam Rose had prepared for him, Enhle walked in and she was looking
Enhle, whats wrong my angel? Sibusiso asked.
I just received a call from home. My father was killed the day before
yesterday. Whoever killed him, ripped his heart out of him. I always wished he
was dead since he abused mom so much, but I didnt wish for him to die like
this. Who rips a persons heart out? Enhle said. "Did this have to happen
now? I just lost my mom, and now it's my dad."
Oh Enhle Im so sorry. Sibusiso said and hugged her.
Im sorry Enhle. Lets hope the police find the animal that did such a
horrible thing to your father. Nkosinathi said.

It was midnight and everyone was asleep when Nkosinathi woke up. As if he
was in a trance he said: Im coming master. He got out of his bed and
walked towards his door and was chanting: Lucky must die, Lucky must
Cohen who was sleeping in Nkosinathis room so that he could keep an eye on
him sat up on the bed he was sleeping on and softly said: What the? He also
jumped out of his bed and followed Nkosinathi.

Nkosinathi walked into his and Luckys room at res, he took out a knife from
one of the cupboard drawers in the room and walked over to Lucky who was

fast asleep and he was still chanting: Lucky must die. Nkosinathi was about
to stab Lucky when Cohen came from behind him and grabbed him, pulling
him out of the room. When they got outside to the car Cohen began to
vigorously shake Nkosinathi saying: Snap out of it Nkosinathi. Snap out of it.
Nkosinathi woke up from his trance and looked at Cohen and then around at
the school. Cohen, what are we doing at school at this time? Why are we
here? he asked.
I should be asking you that question Nkosi. Cohen replied.
What do you even mean by that? Nkosinathi asked in confusion. The one
minute Im asleep in my bed and the next Im at the school with you. What is
happening to me Cohen? Why does it seem like Im doing weird things in my
We are going to fix this Nkosinathi. Dont worry about anything. Cohen said
realizing that Nkosinathi really had a problem and he felt relieved that he
had taken the knife away from Nkosinathi because he was sure that
Nkosinathi would have freaked out if he had woken up with the knife in his

The next morning while Nkosinathi was asleep, Cohen walked into Sibusisos
office while Sibusiso was having a cup of tea. Cohen was looking so depressed
that Sibusiso asked: Whats wrong detective?
We have a serious problem sir. I know who killed Enhles father. Cohen
Who was it? Sibusiso asked now standing on his feet.
It was Nkosinathi. Cohen softly said.
What! Are you going crazy? Why on earth would he kill the man? Sibusiso
asked."And Boytjie was not in Bizana when the man was killed, he was here in
Well technically, Asanda killed her husband using Nkosinathis body.
Cohen said.
What are you saying to me Cohen? I dont understand what you are saying.
Sibusiso said in confusion.
Asanda has some hold on Nkosinathi. When I found Nkosi when he
disappeared from the hospital, his clothes were covered in blood and he had a
human biengs heart in his hand. The kid was not even aware of where he had
been or what he had done, he just remembered falling off to sleep at the

hospital. I had the heart examined as well as the blood on his clothes, and the
results were sent to me this morning. The heart and the blood belongs to
Enhles dad. Cohen said.
But how? Sibusiso asked in confusion.
Last night Nkosinathi woke up in a trance, he kept on saying that Lucky must
die. And he went to the University and almost stabbed Lucky. I got there just
in time. And when he woke up from the trance, he did not even remember
how he got to the school. Cohen said.
So you believe that Asanda is behind all of this? Shes dead Cohen, how can
she be behind this? Sibusiso asked.
Im a white man sir, and I dont believe in stuff like this. But if you
remember, Enhle said that her father used to abuse her mom a lot. And
Lucky also broke Enhles heart by cheating on her. Asandas heart is in
Nkosinathi, and she is somehow using her heart to control him. And she is
using Nkosinathi to get revenge on the people that have hurt her and the
people closest to her. Cohen said.
Sibusiso had no words to say, he just shook his head in silence.

What am I going to do Cohen? When will we have peace in this house?

Sibusiso asked.
Its going to be alright sir. Cohen said.
How Cohen? The ancestors are angry with me, and they are punishing my son
for my sins. Im the one that they should be punishing, not him. Sibusiso
So ancestors are real? Cohen asked.
They are real Cohen, and mine are not happy. I have to go and see an
inyanga to find out what to do to appease them. Just imagine Cohen, the heart
that is keeping my boy alive is the very same heart thats killing him.
Sibusiso said.
Enhle was eavesdropping on the conversation and she was deeply troubled by
what she heard.

Sibusiso went to see the great inyanga who was known as Chonco.


I see a dark cloud hanging over you Bhungane, the ancestors are not happy
with you at all. You have not yet welcomed your son into the family as your
own, and you have done lots of stuff to anger them. I sense a very strong spirit
of the occult on your son. Chonco said.
What must I do? How can I get them to forgive me? And what does an occult
want with my son? Sibusiso asked.
You have to do a welcoming ceremony for your son. But in order for the occult
to leave your son, blood needs to be shed. Chonco said.
I can do that. And I will shed the blood of a goat. Sibusiso said and got up to
his feet and Chonco said: You also need to make a sacrifice.
What type of sacrifice? Sibusiso asked.
The youngest girl in your family has to be sacrificed. Chonco said.
When you say sacrificed, do you mean I have to kill her? Sibusiso asked.
Thats right. Chonco said.
I cant do that, I cant kill my niece. Cant I sacrifice an animal? Sibusiso
It cant be an animal Bhungane, the ancestors want the youngest female in
your family. If you dont give the ancestors what they want, your boy is going to
go crazy and he will die. And Bhungane be careful, someone very close to you
is responsible for everything that's been happening in your life. Someone right
under your nose. Chonco said.
Sibusiso shook his head, how was he going to kill his daughter in order to keep
his son alive, and how was he going to not do what the ancestors said. How was
his son even involved in an occult? He was in a fix, he had to make a choice,
and he had to choose between his son and his niece. What was he going to do?
And who was this someone close that Chonco was speaking about?

Nkosinathi was sitting in his room when Lucky knocked. Come in.
Nkosinathi said.
Lucky walked in and said: How are you doing Cheezy?
Im good dude. Nkosinathi said without looking at Lucky.
Im really sorry Cheezy. Lucky softly said.
About what? Nkosinathi asked.


I was a fool Nkosi. I didnt mean to come between your relationship with
Mbali. Dude that girl loves you, she loves you more than anything. Im sorry
that I read more to the kiss than there was. Yes I do have a crush on Mbali, but
you cant punish her for what I feel. She loves you Nkosi, and you are the guy
she wants to be with. Lucky said.
Wow, its the first time ever since Ive known you that youve actually called
me by my name. Its just that Lucky, you are my friend dude, youre my
brother and I cant be with a girl that you also have feelings for. Nkosinathi
Please dont break up with Mbali dude. Im sorry for having a crush on her,
but it will come to an end. Whilst what you two have is for keeps. Dont let her
go man. Lucky said and then stood up and left.

Cohen, this is all a mess. Sibusiso said after he had told Cohen what Chonco
had said.
So, if you dont do what he said; do you really believe that Nkosi will die?
Cohen asked.
I dont know Cohen, Ive never been an ancestor person. Ive never even
believed in inyangas, and here I am stressing about what an inyanga said to
me. Sibusiso said.
Enhle walked into the dining room and said: Well, maybe what Nkosinathi
needs is prayers. Take him to church, and God might just deliver him from
the occult spirit and He might just deliver this family from all of this
Enhle? Sibusiso said.
Ive been eavesdropping on your conversation with Cohen and I know whats
happening. If you dont believe in ancestral things, then just try God out and
see what He can do. Im 100% sure that He wont ask you to sacrifice someone.
Enhle said.
I think you have a point there Enhle. Maybe its time that I too; change my
ways and become a better man. I need to start going to church and God might
just have mercy on my family and I. Sibusiso said. "I just wonder what
Chonco meant when he said someone close to me is responsible for all this stuff
that's been happening. Who can it be?"
Both Enhle and Cohen shrugged because both of them had no idea who
Chonco was talking about. Although deep down Cohen was suspecting Morgan.


Sibusiso was in a deep sleep and he was having a dream that he was fighting
with himself. In his dream he was trying to go and kill Andisiwe, but he was
fighting himself. Then from out of nowhere Chonco showed and said: Kill her
or your son will die. Sibusiso lifted the knife to Andisiwe and as he was about
to stab her he woke up. He was panting and breathing heavily. It was just a
dream. He softly said to himself and then got out of bed to get himself some
milk in the kitchen.

While Sibusiso was pouring himself some milk, Nkosinathi walked into the
kitchen and said: So Im not the only one who is unable to sleep.
Hey Boytjie. I was having a nightmare, whats your excuse? Sibusiso asked.
Im afraid to fall off to sleep dad. Nkosinathi said and pulled a chair for
himself to sit down.
Sibusiso also pulled out a chair for himself and said: Why are you afraid?
Everytime I fall off to sleep, I find myself waking up in weird places. I dont
know if Im sleep walking dad, but Im worried that in my sleep walking Im
doing wrong things. Nkosinathi said.
What makes you think you are doing wrong things? Sibusiso asked.
Dad, the day that Cohen found me when I went missing from the hospital I
was covered in blood and as much as he tried to hide it from me, I did see that
I had a human heart in my hand, and Im pretty sure that the heart belonged
to Enhles father. Dad, I killed Enhles father and I dont even know how I did
it or why I did it. Nkosinathi said with tears flowing from his eyes.
You didnt kill him Boytjie. It was.. Sibusiso began to say when the
doorbell rang.
Who could it be at this time of the night? Nkosinathi said and went to open
the door. Two policemen walked in and the one said: Who between you is
Im Nkosinathi. Nkosinathi said.
Nkosinathi Radebe you are under arrest for the murder of Eric Mbatha. You
have the right to remain silent, anything you say shall be.. the police
officer said.
I know the drill officer, no need for you to give me the long speech.
Nkosinathi said as the police officer handcuffed him.

Officer, you have the wrong guy. I killed Eric. Im the one you should be
arresting. Came Morgans voice as he walked down the stairs.

This is a mess Cohen. How did the police know that Nkosinath was behind
Erics death, and why did Morgan take the blame? Sibusiso asked in
Maybe Morgan is behind the mans death after all, I for one wouldnt put it
past him. I know hes your brother but I just dont trust that man. Cohen
Cohen, we have to get Morgan out of that place. He wouldnt survive jail,
Morgan is too much of a softy for jail. Sibusiso said.
Okay, Ill see what I can do. But Im only doing this for yours and Nkosinathis
sake. If it were up to me, I would throw away the keys and leave him to rot in
jail. Cohen said.
Cohen I dont know what beef you have with my brother, but please just get
him out of that place. Im begging you. Sibusiso said.
Fine, Im on it. Cohen said and then left.

When Morgan got back to the house Sibusiso was sitting in his office and he
had his head in his hands lost in thought.
No need to think so hard baby bro, Im home now. Morgan said as he took a
seat on one of the chairs.
How could you be so stupid Mo? Why did you say that you killed Eric? Dont
you remember that you still have a pending case against you for shooting me
and for kidnapping Nkosinathi and I? Sibusiso asked.
I killed him Sbu, and I think its time for me to pay for my sins. Im tired of
hiding the truth, Im tired of living a lie. I'm tired of it all. Morgan said.
What are you talking about Mo? Sibusiso asked.
Yeah, what are you talking about Tata? Nkosinathi asked as he also walked
into Sibusisos office.
When I was 25 years old, I got myself involved in an occult. I wanted to be rich
so thats why I got involved. In order for me to get rich I had to kill my father.
Morgan said.
Im still lost Mo, you didnt kill dad. Dad died because of me. Sibusiso said.

No Sbu. I did kill dad. You see, I have a very powerful inyanga and he gave
me muthi to put in dads tea. So when you decided to sneek out of the house to
go to the party I made dad a cup of tea and put that muthi in his tea. Everyone
thinks that he died of a heart attack because of you, but the truth is that dad
died because of the muthi I put in his tea. Morgan said.
You are lying Mo. You loved dad way too much to kill him. Sibusiso said.
Yes, I did love dad. But I loved the idea of getting rich more. Morgan said.
But you didnt get rich. You were living on selling at your stall. Nkosinathi
The stall was just a cover to keep people from talking. Im rich Nkosi, I have
all the money you can think of. Its just that I prefer to run my businesses
overseas where nobody knows me. I secretly run a business where I sell
beautiful girls to rich men from oversees. I was responsible for the incident
with Mbali, the plan was to sell her but the plan failed. Morgan said.
All these years Ive hated myself because I believed that I killed dad, yet all
along you knew that it was you. I turned to crime Mo because I believed that I
was a monster. I robbed banks, I hijacked cars, I sold drugs, and I became the
biggest and most feared gangster in Jozi because I wanted to get rid of the pain
of killing dad. Meanwhile it was you Mo, it was you that killed dad. Sibusiso
said softly as he was holding back the sobs. "So it's you that Chonco was talking

Im sorry Sbu. Morgan said.

Is sorry going to make everything okay Mo? Is sorry going to turn back the
hands of time? Is sorry going to bring dad back? Is sorry going to undo all the
gangster stuff I did? Sibusiso asked.
I had no choice Sbu. I was tired of being poor. I also wanted to get rich, I also
wanted to feel powerful. Morgan said.
Oh come on Mo, we always have a choice. And you chose to choose witchcraft
over your own blood. Tell me man, how many more people did you have to kill
to sustain your riches and your power? Sibusiso asked.
To get started I had to get my fathers blood. After that I had to get your
blood, I tried to kill you but I failed. I just couldnt kill you Sbu. I guess there
really is a God out there that loves you. I failed to get your blood as my brother,
but killing Luthando covered for that since he was also my brother. Then I had
to kill Asanda, but I was scared so I went to my inyanga again and he was the
one that caused Nkosinathis heart to fail him, and it was him that caused

Asanda to give her heart for Nkosi. After the beast had Asandas blood it
wanted Erics blood. So my inyanga and I conspired again, and he caused
Nkosinathi to sleep walk out of the hospital. Nkosi didnt kill Eric, my inyanga
sent spirits to torment Eric and thats how he died. Since Im now old the
occult chose someone who is going to take over from me, and that someone is
Nkosi. Thats why Nkosi was covered in blood when Cohen found him.
Nkosinathi was supposed to eat Erics heart and he was going to receive
extreme power, but then Cohen just had to show up and wake him from his
trance. Once Nkosi was out of the trance, it was not possible to get him to eat
the heart. So my inyanga decided to get Nkosi to kill the person closest to him,
and that is Lucky. Nkosinathi was supposed to stab Lucky and then take his
heart and eat it, but then Cohen intervened again. So when you went to see
Chonco, my inyanga caused Chonco to see that you have to sacrifice the
youngest female of your family. Nkosinathi is taking over from me, that's why
Asanda had to die. I tried to get Nkosinathi to kill you when I was keeping you
hostage but his love for you was way too strong for the occult. Morgan said.
"So you were prepared to kill your own daughter just to sustain this so called
power that you have?" Sibusiso asked in digust.

Tata, I dont want anything to do with your occult. I dont want to eat
anybodys heart. I dont want to be powerful or stinking rich. I just want to live
a normal life that boys my age are living. Nkosinathi said.
If you dont do as the occult says Nkosi, you will die. Morgan said.
Id rather die Tata. There is no ways in hell that Im going to join your
occult. Nkosinathi said.
You already have Nkosi. The power of the occult is already upon you. Why do
you think youve escaped death so many times? Do you honestly think that
you getting out of your wheelchair was a miracle? It was not a miracle son, it
was the occult. What do you think made you kill Mbazo? Morgan said.
No, no, no. Nkosinathi said and walked out of the office.
"He killed Mbazo?" Sibusiso asked in surprise and Morgan nodded his head.
"Morgan, what have you done?" Sibusiso asked in agony. "What have you

Nkosinathi walked until he reached a church. He walked into the church and
went to stand at the altar. He then fell on his knees and began to cry. God I


need You so much right now. I dont want to be a part of an occult. Please
deliver me, please deliver me Lord. He prayed.
While Nkosinathi was praying, the pastor of the church walked up to him and
laid a hand on Nkosinathis back. Nkosinathi immediately turned around
and faced the pastor. Im sorry Pastor, I, I just wanted to be away from all
the troubles Im facing. I just want some peace in my life. He said.
Then you have come to the right place son. There is nothing that is too hard
for God. He has the power to deliver you from absolutely anything. The pastor
Im not sure He can deliver me Pastor. Nkosinathi sadly said.
With a hand on Nkosinathis shoulder the Pastor said: There is a bible there
at the pulpit, I want you to open to Proverbs3 verse5 and 6.
Nkosinathi walked over to the pulpit and opened the bible and read: Trust in
the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all
your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.
Meditate on that son, do as the verse says and you will see God deliver you. I
dont know what you are going through right now, or what it is that has gotten
you so freaked out. But God has the ability to make your paths straight. The
pastor said and then walked over to Nkosinathi who was sobbing and took him
into his arms and hugged him.

Sibusiso, just say something please. You have been quiet ever since I told you
that Nkosi is the one chosen to take over from me. Morgan said. He was sitting
on a chair in Sibusisos office and Sibusiso was sitting in another chair while
Cohen stood at the door. Sibusiso rose to his feet and lit a cigarette for himself
and then said: What do you want me to say Mo? Huh, what do you want me to
Shout at me, or hit me. Just do something that will release that anger inside
of you that you are feeling for me. Morgan said.
Sibusiso gave a soft laugh and said: You messed my life up Mo. I did things
that I did not want to do. I became something that I did not want to be. And
my son Mo, my son is messed up because of you. I cant shout at you, I cant hit
you. All I want to do is blow your brains out. That is how angry I am at you.
Go ahead then Sbu, kill me. I deserve it. Morgan said.
Damn right you do. Sibusiso said and with the cigarette in his mouth he
took out his gun and armed it then pointed it at Morgan.

Sibusiso, this guy is not worth it, dont kill him. Lets take him to the police
and they will deal with him. Cohen pleaded.
He deserves to die. Sibusiso said with tears flowing from his eyes. This
monster deserves to die.

When Nkosinathi got back from the church, he went into the kitchen to get
himself some juice. Mbali was sitting at the kitchen table holding her head
with her hands. Nkosinathi took a chair and went to sit next to her and then
said: Mbali please forgive me. Ive been a jerk, and Im really sorry. The
truth is that I love you Mbali. I love you with all my heart, all my soul, and
more than life itself. Please give me a chance to prove myself to you.
Of course Ill give you a chance Nathi. In fact Ill give you a million chances.
Mbali said and then hugged Nkosinathi. After the hug, Nkosinathi took out a
jewelry box from his pocket and handed it to Mbali. Nathi. She
questioningly said.
Come on, open it. Nkosinathi said. Mbali opened the box and in it was a
beautiful ring and embroided on the ring was: Nathi 4 Mbali. Its a promise
ring my love. And with this ring I promise to love you unconditionally. I
promise to always be there for you no matter what the situation. Nkosinathi
said and put the ring onto Mbalis finger.
Oh Nathi. Mbali said and then Nkosinathi kissed her. As they were kissing
they heard the noise of Sibusiso and Morgan shouting at each other in the
We better go and check on whats going on. Nkosinathi said and they both
went towards the office to see what Sibusiso and Morgan were fighting about.

By now, Lucky, Enhle and Andisiwe were also standing in Sibusisos office
because of the noise.
Dad, whats going on here? Nkosinathi asked.
This dog deserves to die. Sibusiso said referring to Morgan. He deserves to
Ever since Nkosinathi had met Sibusiso, he had never ever seen him so angry.
And he was scared that his father might do something stupid.
Dont you ever call me a dog again. Morgan said in a warning tone.
Or what are you going to do? Sibusiso asked.

I will kill you Sbu. Morgan answered.

Sibusiso gave a chuckle and then handed the gun to Morgan and said: Go
ahead brother, kill me. Kill me just as you killed our father. Kill me just as you
killed Lucas and Luthando. Come on man, kill me just as you killed Eric and
Asanda. Just kill me.

Dont tempt me. Morgan softly said.

Having had enough of the fight he was watching, Nkosinathi stepped towards
Morgan and Sibusiso and said: Stop it both of you, just stop it. You guys are
brothers and in case you havent noticed, you are the only family that you
have left. Yes, Tata has wronged us in many ways than one but he deserves
our forgiveness. And you Tata, you should be feeling bad about the stuff you
have done, but no, you are busy threatening to kill your brother. Dont you
have a heart?
Son, stay out of this. Morgan said.
I will not stay out of this. In case youve forgotten I am very much a part of
this fight that you guys are having. It involves me too, you used witchcraft on
me and because of you Tata Im afraid to fall off to sleep because I might just
do something stupid like killing someone in my sleep. Nkosinathi said.
Nkosi just shut up! Morgan shouted. His eyes had turned red and he looked
I will not shut up. Nkosinathi said. Morgan then pointed the gun at
Nkosinathi and Cohen immediately jumped in front of Nkosinathi and said:
If you want to kill him, you will first have to go through me.
Morgan laughed and then said: That will be like taking candy from a baby.
He then pushed Cohen aside as if he were a piece of paper and then again
pointed the gun at Nkosinathi.

Nkosinathi stood head to head with Morgan and looked him straight in his red
eyes and said: I dont know what spirit has gotten into you Tata, but this man
Im seeing right now is not you. Youre a strong man and you can fight this
spirit. Resist it Tata, dont allow it to control you anymore.
Get out of me. Morgan began to cry. Get out of me.
The spirit of the occult that was in Morgan then threw Morgan onto the floor
and he began to have a fit.


Whats happening to my father? Andisiwe whispered to Enhle who was

standing next to her. I wish I knew angel. Enhle whispered back. Nkosinathi
looked at Sibusiso inquiringly and then Sibusiso signaled to Cohen with his
eyes to help him with Morgan. Both men tried to stop Morgan from fitting but
instead of stopping it just got worse.
Sibusiso must die. The spirits were whispering in Morgans ears. No, I cant
kill my brother. Leave me alone. Morgan said, but the spirits kept on
whispering in his ears. We will not leave you until we get some blood. Blood
has to be shed in this place today and only then will we leave you. They
whispered in his ears. And then, as if something threw him onto his feet,
Morgan stood up and grabbed Sibusiso by his throat. He held the gun to
Sibusisos head. Sibusiso tried to break free from Morgan but the spirits in him
made Morgan too strong for Sibusiso. Cohen tried to help but Morgan just
shoved him away. Nkosinathi then grabbed Morgan from behind and he let
Sibusiso go. Sibusiso was still gasping for breath while Morgan and Nkosinathi
wrestled for the gun, and then he heard the gun go off.

Sibusiso looked up just in time to see Nkosinathi holding his stomach, and
blood was oozing from his stomach. Sibusiso quickly rushed to prevent
Nkosinathi from falling to the ground as he saw his son slowly falling. He
grabbed Nkosinathi and gently laid him on the floor and said: Cohen, get the
car ready. We need to get him to the hospital. Cohen quickly ran out of the
house to get the car ready.
Boytjie, please stay with me. Hang in there son, please. Cohen and I are going
to take you to the hospital now, please just hang in there. Sibusiso said.
Nkosinathi lifted a bloody hand towards Sibusisos face. Blood was now also
coming out from his mouth, he looked at Sibusiso and smiled at him and then
he died.
Son no. Sibusiso cried. Boytjie please wake up. But Nkosinathi was now
gone. Cohen came running into the office and said: Come on, the car is ready.
Lets get him to the.. he stopped when he saw everyones expression, and
Sibusiso cradling his son and crying, and Cohen immediately knew that his
little soldier was gone. He took off his cap and fell to his knees and began to cry.
Nkosinathi had survived many deaths but this time he was gone for real and
was not coming back. As soon as Nkosinathi died, the spirits left Morgan, and
he weakly lay on the floor. The spirits were off to find themselves another king
because the one they had chosen was now dead. They had gotten the blood
that they wanted, and now they were also leaving the Radebe's for good.


The End
Moral of the story: Our actions have consequences. Sometimes our foolishness
affects the people closest to us. Morgan was the cause of all the commotion in
this story. His greed for power and wealth led him to take wrong decisions. The
problem though is that his decision did not only affect him but it ended up by
affecting a whole lot of other people. To keep his wealth and power, he had to
kill lots of people, people that were close to him. And to get freedom Nkosinathi
had to die because if he carried on living he would have been next to be used
by the occult that Morgan had joined. Hence I say that in whatever decision we
make in our lives we should first think about the impact it will have on the
people around us. If you want to be rich, save money, dont join an occult
because once youve joined it, its very hard to get out. Think before you make
any decision, because your decision might just come back to haunt you.
Because of Morgans selfish act, Sibusiso became a gangster. Because of
Morgan, Nkosinathi also became a gangster even though all he did was in
order to protect his father. Because of Morgan, Asanda died to save her son.
And because of Morgan, Nkosinathi died. So just imagine how peaceful these
peoples lives would have been if Morgan had just decided to work hard and
legitimately to get rich. Think about it



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