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Session 5

Hiring and Talent

The Key that Makes or Costs You Millions!

Videos in Session 5:
5.1 Sales Superstars Ego vs. Empathy
5.2 The Five Traits of Star Salespeople
5.3 How to Hire
5.4 Interviews Part 1
5.5 Interviews Part 2
5.6 How to Keep Top Producers

This Workbook is provided to support each of the areas described above. It is important that
you take notes as you watch each video and to follow and conduct the workshops provided
for you and your team, so you can begin implementing what you learn.

The Masters Series

Chet Holmes International

All Rights Reserved

5.1: Sales Superstars

Ego vs. Empathy
Areas covered in Session 5:
1. Discover the secret on how to recognize and hire top producers.
2. Find out the specific traits all superstars have.
3. Design a perfect ad to attract superstars.
4. Learn how to screen and interview for the best.
5. Utilize recruiting documents and example comp plans included.
Concepts to Customize for Any Position or Profession
Traits of people who will be good at keeping business.
Traits of people who will be good at winning business.
Sales Superstar
Sales Superstars are relentless, clever, entertaining, persuasive, compelling, highly
competitive and a pleasure to deal with for the client.
Within months, they outsell the people have been your best for years.
They perform well even when put in bad situations with poor tools.
They learn quickly and soon put innovation improvements on everything.
They succeed not matter what.
The Two Main Personality Traits that Drive Superstars are . . .
1. Empathy
2. Ego!! (sense of self)
Empathy in a Superstar
They need to bond with others, so they should be very open in an interview.
Adapt to every situation.
Find something to like in everyone.
Ego/Strong in a Superstar
Never gives up because it now about their performance.

Become even more determined when presented with a challenge.

But too much ego and youve got a difficult person who doesnt play well with

But for some environments, those types are perfect.

The average bad hire costs a company $60,000 yet most hiring decisions are made
from an hour-long interview.
Chet Holmes

The Masters Series

Chet Holmes International

All Rights Reserved

5.2: The Five Traits of Star Salespeople

They represent the top 4%
Five Traits of the Sales Superstar
1. Empathy (Sincere interests in helping clients succeed.)
2. Ego Ego Strength (Rejection Armor) and Ego Drive Personal Ambition)
3. Superior Skill Sets
4. Market Knowledge (beyond product knowledge)
5. Training (always looking to improve themselves)
How to Find Superstars (review often before hiring!)
Research of hundreds of top sales people in all fields show that they have the ability
to bond and be friends with almost anyone. They have the drive, the passion and selfconfidence to go-for-the-jugular, to close the sale and get the order without being
fazed by rejection or obstacles along the way.
Ground Rules for Hiring Superstars
1. Look beyond a resume. You cant hire a superstar from a resume. Age and
experience dont matter. The psychological profile is everything!!
2. Design a challenging ad must scare away the unsure and weak; must not ask
for resumes.
3. Perfect specific interview techniques. Personally screen all inquirers. When they
call act busy, sound gruff and be to the point. So tell me, why do you think you
are a superstar? Tell them your story and ask them to tell you why they should
be hired. Make them sell you. They cant be intimidated!! If you can chew
them up and spit them out they are not worth interviewing. They must be able
to take this treatment well if they are going to sell like champions, because its
part of sales. Dont interview them. Instead use the probe, relax, attack
Get Them While You Can
Often these types are frustrated in most companies, so they go out and form
their own companies and become extremely successful.
Get them while they are young and keep challenging them, and paying them
and you can keep them a LONG time.

Background is not important. Its who they are not what theyve done.
Chet Holmes

The Masters Series

Chet Holmes International

All Rights Reserved

5.3: How to Hire

The Ad and Pre-Screening Techniques
A Superstar Sales Ad


Average will earn $50K, stars will earn $250K.
Dont even call unless you are a truly awesome salesperson. You have a burning
desire to succeed, are extremely client oriented, highly motivated and never
say die. You develop deep and meaningful rapport with your clients, and
communicate with piercing persuasiveness. You believe you can be the best at
almost everything you do, and can prove it. Dont call unless you fit this bill.
Excellent salary and commission structure, and great opportunity for upward
mobility. Build an empire within our fine progressive company (Type of company
here). We dont hire backgrounds, we hire top producers.
Call Susan Martin at (phone number)
Call only between (you may want to limit the hours)

Personally Phone Screen All Applicants

At this point in the process forget resumes.
We line up all the candidates and then do them all at once 5 minutes each.
On the Very First Screening Call
Act busy, be gruff and to the point.
Ask, So tell me why you think you are a superstar?
Then tell them I am not hearing superstar performer and see how they respond.
Make them sell you. Remember, you cannot intimidate the self-esteem of a
Candidates Must Be:
Confident when confronted with the third degree.
Able to talk their way into an interview!
If they are weak, get them off the phone quickly.
Dont be put off by a little arrogance top producers know they are good.
Most superstars will intimidate you to some degree and may even appear a little
arrogant. Thats because they know they are really good. Dont discount a
person because of this confidence. Put them to the test.

The Masters Series

Chet Holmes International

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If You Decide to Interview

Ask them to write down 5 questions they would like to be asked during the
Tell them theyll be judged by the quality of their questions and that you want
questions that will show their best sides. The questions will tell you a lot about
Tell them to bring a resume to the interview.
Make them sell you. Remember, you cannot intimidate
the self-esteem of a Superstar.
Chet Holmes

The Masters Series

Chet Holmes International

All Rights Reserved

5.4: Interviews Part 1

Step 1 and 2 Relax and Probe
The Interview Process



Relax at the Beginning of the Interview

Be super friendly. Your goal is to get in rapport with the candidate. This will
prove invaluable later in the interview.
Relax the candidate, let them see that you really like them.
Try to understand the candidates psyche and who they really are!!!
Tell the Candidate.
Dont give me the standard answers; you dont know what Im looking for.
Would you agree that its more important to know WHO you are than what
youve done?
So the best thing for you is to
o Be honest, so we can discover if youll be happy here.
o Let me understand what shaped you.

Check with your HR department, but this allows you to now go deep

Seek deep understanding about their psyche and background.
If they feel uncomfortable answering questions about their background and
themselves, they lack empathy. Top producers live to bond with others.
Find if someone in their background gave them confidence (usually their
mother). Ask How would your mother describe you?
If you were 5 years old and told your mother you want to be an actor, what
would your mother/father say to you?
a. Dont do it.
b. Do it, but train for a job
c. Do it youll be successful at whatever you do!!!!!
Determine if Background Contributed to Confidence
If the candidates background contributed to their present levels of confidence.
Ask Questions Like:
1. What types of things in your childhood shaped who you are? How were you
2. Tell me about some of your biggest challenges in your life? (Not necessarily work
related) and how you dealt with them.
3. Tell me about the toughest sale you ever made? (Ask a lot of specifics, what
they said, details of the process, what was the crunch, how they closed it, etc).
The Masters Series

Chet Holmes International

All Rights Reserved

Look for Other Areas of Accomplishment

Top producers usually have some other area of discipline, physical skill or
Ask questions like:
1. Tell me about a time in your life when you surmounted difficult odds.
2. Tell me about the 3 or 4 things of which you are most proud? What are you most
proud of? Why?
3. Have you practiced or overachieved in any other area of discipline, like sports,
music, specialized knowledge, etc.?
4. Can you give me any other examples where your personal determination took
you through to winning?
Determine Their Ability to Bond with Others
Top producers are eager to please and bond with others. Their life is an
open book. You can ask them anything and theyll tell you.
Ask Questions Like:
How would your best friend describe you?
Of all the people you know, who has the most faith in you? Why?
What are some of your best memories?
Determine Confidence
Ask them to rate themselves from 1 - 10 in each of these 10 areas:
1. Ego drive-ambition
2. Ego strength-confidence
3. Ability to face rejection
4. Empathy establishing rapport
5. Time Management
6. Presentation Skills
7. Strategic Thinking
8. Market knowledge
9. Self-improvement
10. Getting around gatekeepers
More Questions:
Find out how the candidate measures themselves against the best.
1. Whos the best salesperson youve ever met? Why?
2. If they named themselves offer them the job.
3. If not, ask whats the difference between them and you?
Ask Them to Rate Themselves in Their Ability
Ask them to rate themselves on a 1 10 scale in the following areas related to
making a sale; 10 being the best salesperson theyve ever known. Superstars will
rate themselves very highly.
1. Develop rapport
2. Qualify find need
3. Build value
The Masters Series

Chet Holmes International

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4. Create desire
5. Overcome objections
6. Closing skills
7. Follow up skills
8. Presentation skills
9. Cold calling skills
10. Cold calling discipline
Determine Dedication and Desire for Improvement
The best are always trying to get better, to improve themselves. Ask
What was the last self-help book you ever read? Or tape you listened to? Or
which seminar you went to? (Look for people trained by Tony Robbins, Jay
Abraham, Jim Rohn and other marketers and sales stars.)
Of all the people in the world today (past or present) who do you admire the
After youve bonded and got rapport with them: Ask about their resume
Why did you leave each of the last 3 positions?
Why were you looking? What was bad about it?
If youve left, were you unhappy? Why?
What are your top 3 personal goals? What are you doing right now to achieve
Determining Confidence, Perseverance and Judgment
Tell me about a disappointment or disagreement with a boss and what
happened? Then what? And then?
Name 2 weak points of your previous boss, how did you deal with this?
How do you handle stress? What is your technique? Give me some recent
examples. (You are looking for how they think and you can ask deeper questions
to clarify.)
Probe on How They Think
Name two times when a boss criticized you and why?
What was the result? How did you deal with it?
Important: Dont react to their answer negatively or react positively. Be nonemotive, but nice. If you react negatively to anything the person says they will
clam up and wont tell you anymore. You must encourage them to tell you

The Masters Series

Chet Holmes International

All Rights Reserved

5.5: Interviews Part 2

The last most crucial part of the interview.
Step 3 - Attack
This separates the men and women from the boys and the girls.
You may find someone who you think is
Top communicator/producer
Has a good sense of self
Has good rapport skills
But the attack stage will tell you if they really believe in themselves. This is a prerequisite for a top producer!!! If they cant take rejection and come back even
stronger, they will never be able to close the sale.
The Ultimate Interview Test
Tactfully tell the candidate you dont think they have the right stuff. Say
You seem like a nice person _____________, but I only have one opening
and I need a real superstar. While I am sure youd do well in many other
endeavors, this is a very competitive business and I doubt your particular
skills and personality would hold up in this business!!!
Look directly at them and watch them crumble.
The Attack Will Amaze You
A number of candidates who looked great a minute ago will crumble when you
act like you doubt them.
A top producer will NEVER crumble.
A top producer will convince you that he or she can do any job even when you
attack and express doubts.
The Attack phase May Be Hard to Do
You may feel mean and hard to attack the candidates ability.
If you can convince them they dont have what it takes, they are not a top
Test Their Presentation Skills
You will find a great candidate.
They will pass all these other tests.
You will hire them.
They will be great at getting appointments, and in the end.
They Cannot Present to save their lives.
So Test them Before you hire them. Let them go into a room and practice and
come back and present just a few panels of your core story.
Hire Only the Best and Watch Your Sales Skyrocket!!

The Masters Series

Chet Holmes International

All Rights Reserved

5.6: How to Keep Top Producers

Youve hired them, now how do you keep them from starting their own
Top Producers Are


Sure of Themselves

Generally Frustrated in Most Organizations

End Up Starting Their Own Successful Companies

Keeping Superstars
Never say no to a Superstar. Redirect their energy or give them a few hurdles to
Superstars will perform far better if you challenge their ego But dont forget to
compliment when they do something right.
Chet Holmes

The Masters Series

Chet Holmes International

All Rights Reserved


Sample Comp Plans

# of
Assigned Acts.
per Client

Year 1
Smaller Accounts (15-100 EEs)
Large Accounts (100+ EEs)


@ 5%


















Year 2
Existing Clients


Smaller Accounts (15-100 EEs)





Large Accounts (100+ EEs)
















Year 3
Existing Clients (20%)


Smaller Accounts (15-100 EEs)





Large Accounts (100+ EEs)














The Masters Series

Chet Holmes International

All Rights Reserved


Sample Comp Plans

Year 1

# of

Smaller Accounts (<$50,000)




Large Accounts (>$100,000)






Existing Clients




Smaller Accounts (<$50,000)




Large Accounts (>$100,000)









Existing Clients




Smaller Accounts (<$50,000)




Large Accounts (>$100,000)











Year 2

Sales reps

Year 3

Sales reps

The Masters Series


Chet Holmes International

All Rights Reserved


Workshop #1: List at least three initiatives that you would LOVE to put someone on
in which the reward could be great if they did a great job for you.






The Masters Series

Chet Holmes International

All Rights Reserved


Session 5 Quiz: Hiring and Talent

Please Note: This test can be copied only for repeated usage, by the original program
purchaser, and not to be resold or used for any profit. Uses for the test: a) Used as a primer
before viewing the video, this test will prompt you to note the important points as they arise. b)
The test should be given after viewing the video to show how well you retained the information.
c) The test can be used as a vehicle to measure the comprehension of employees who view
the video (for current employee new-hires, or any employee who uses the video for self-study
or in a training situation). d) The test can be given every eleven weeks as a means for promoting
memorization (the minimum acceptable level of learning) of the material.

Name: _________________________________________________________________________
Score (6 points for each correct answer, 84 points = 100%): ________________________


What are the 2 main traits that drive a Superstar?


Superstars with too much empathy have a great ability to close.



Superstar salespeople are mostly guarded in an interview.



List the 3 rules for hiring superstars:

1. ___________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________

5. The psychological profile of a superstar is irrelevant. Direct experience is

6. It is better to sift through resumes than tie yourself up on the phone screening
through countless applicants.
7. If the candidate comes off as a little arrogant, you definitely do not have a top

The Masters Series

Chet Holmes International

All Rights Reserved


8. When you interview the candidates in person, your initial approach must be gruff,
in order to challenge them right from the start.
9. Superstars become uncomfortable when you ask them questions about their roots.
10. If a candidate is overdeveloped in some area (sports, music, or in some
specialized knowledge) it is usually a sign that they are an intellectual, not a
11. True superstars are bored with self-help books.
12. What are the three main techniques used to interview superstars?
1. ___________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________
13. What are a few key questions you would ask a superstar to understand how they
think and how they have performed in the past?
14. Motivating superstars requires constant challenge and occasional disapproval
from the supervisor.

The Masters Series

Chet Holmes International

All Rights Reserved


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