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(Photocopies may be asd] Signature ate ‘cesreaL ROLES 1. Region fw: Re. 10/- epi 2. No Rtation for alt mob 8. Maximo o participant per allege, 4. Participant hou blooging to the U0/FO apartment of 8/11/68. § Participant shold produce thelr ard ding registatin, 6 Tes and Lan willbe provided. 17. NoTA/DA wil pid. 1 cortete wil be esd to the prtiipants, 9. Discipline and Dress Code willbe followed stetly ‘aside the campus ‘ADDRESS FoR counUNICATION ‘8. Narsimma Subramanian, sa a SRIPARAMAKALYANI COLLEGE, ALWARKURICHI ONE DAY STATELEVEL SEMINAR oy “Big Data Analyties with Hadoop” (6 January 2017 id DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER: ‘Te provide quality computer education tothe url stent, Information Technology courve MS [T @ .Com| tee started in Sepember 2000. The undergraduate ‘oure Bachelor of Computer Ayplitions wa tart {nthe 2005. The management started and anther atch of Computer Applications in the yea 2007 ‘The management introduced «port Graduate Cour ‘se Computer Science in the yer 2016. The Department has eqepped ieborstories with WIFL ‘onnectiy-The Department has clea ext vison to ‘ei Parumatsiyan Clege, Aruba is ne of he pret nstitutionsetbished by Late 8. Ananthurams ‘eshnes,Charman, Amalgumations 2, ada in 1964 wth 2 ‘vie vison and cershed est ar the nea of ral ‘ope. The cllee a to acleve cent pereat elceney Sed cent percent character, ‘Ti ition ie ated to MB ivr, Tirunle snd offers 11 UG and 6 FG conc inctoing doctoral rogram, in ato ocertetecosris a aye Ss ‘The management provide als based quality higher dation the deveopag Halls for ual mone ton Mlorabe cot Patron Dr 6, Dern, Sein, 5 Pavamakayai Caer, ‘Anais -627 412, President: Dr § Kabarsreman, Principal Si Pavamakajai Coles, Alnaiuci-627 412, ‘convenes Mr. 8. Naresinme Sobeamaian, MCA, M Phi Ms. 8, Sehuraralingan, MCA, Pal Organising Committee ‘StS. Jyvall, MCA, MPhil, Sri 8 Manila, NCA, MP St. [ Una, MCA, Sit. J Sand, MCA, BL Pi Sei C. Queene, MGA Sebi Pawns, CA, Seti A. Sap, MCA, Mp

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