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Q-Comp PLC Action Plan 2016-17

Due November 11th/Revisions due by January 31st

PLC Administrator/Supervisor
PLC Name or Composition ( i.e. 1st Grade, 9th grade
Science, District Phy-ed, Elementary SLPs)
PLC Team Lead
PLC Team Members
Site goal from the School Improvement Plan (SIP) your
PLC SMART goal supports.
For district PLCs your goal will align to the Unified
District Vision (UDV)
PLC Action Plan
1. Needs Assessment - Collect and chart data: If there is no current-year teacher-generated data to examine, the team may decide to

examine previous year state, district or classroom data to determine the instructional area(s) of focus and set the year-long SMART goal.
In the absence of a state or district-wide pre and post assessment, teams may create and use their own.
The team sets a SMART (specific, measureable, attainable, relevant, timed) goal:
Choose the specific student group
Choose the measurement tool
Establish the relevance of the goal (how does this support the SIP or UDV)
Schedule the date of pre-assessment (If MAP, MCA, or FAST data are used from prior year to establish your goal, no pre-assessment is
Specify the desired outcome (percentage gains, or percentage of students proficient)
Goal(s) must align with building SIP goals (Reading, Math, Science, Sense of Belonging, Behavior)
NOTE: Progress toward the year-long SMART goal will be monitored by the weekly PLC meetings.

The percentage of (student group) _________________________ scoring proficient or higher

in (content area) _________ will

increase from (current percent)____%

to (goal percent*)

____% by (timeline)_____________________ as measured by

(assessment tool)_______________________ administered

(specific date) __________________.

2. Why did you pick this area(s) of focus? What data did you use in making your decision? Provide your rationale in three to five

Revised September 19, 2016 1 of 2

PLC end of year reflection on SMART goal:

1. Did we meet our goal?
2. What evidence or documentation do we have to prove this?
3. What did we learn about student achievement based on our SMART goal?
4. Summary of strengths
5. Improvements for next year?

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