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IIT-Ms first placement session concludes

Hyderabad: With the end of rst
phase of placement session at the
Indian institute of TechnologyMadras a record number of 729
students out of 1195 have been
placed in the reputed multinational companies.
The rst phase of placement
season began on December 1 with
the graveyard session at 00:01 hrs.
After a total of 14 sessions of placement interviews, which were
scheduled until December 13, 672
out of 1195 registeredstudents
were placed. Along with the 57
students who have accepted preplacement oers, the total number of students placed so far is 729.
Speaking about December
placement session Prof Manu
Santhanam, Advisor Training &
Placement said, The rst phase
of campus placements saw almost
60 per cent of our registered students getting job oers, which is a
similar situation as last year. The

large participation by core engineering companies, even among

start-ups, is very heartening. Nevertheless, the presence of IT and
analytics companies was also
strong. We hope the momentum
continues in the next phase. Despite the unanticipated break in

the placement schedule on December 6 and 7 due the unfortunate demise of the Chief Minister
of the State, and the diculties
faced during the Cyclone Vardah,
the placement season was successful thanks to the eorts of the
placement oce sta and the en-

tire team of students that coordinated all the activities.

The rst phase saw 176 companies making job oers to the students. Companies that made
large number of oers include Intel, Citicorp Services, Eaton,
Samsung R&D Bangalore, Ersnt

and Young, EXL Services, Belcan

and Axis Bank. A total of 9 international oers were made including 3 in the graveyard session. 90
participatingcompanies were
from the Core and R&D sectors.
This was followed by 43 in IT related sector. There were also
more than 35 companies in Analytics and Consulting. 45 start-up
companies made 137 oers, in
which 116 students ultimately
were placed. Among the major
start-up recruiters were Belcan,
Citicorp Services, Enfrein, My
Ally and Noodle Analytics.
Apart from Indian Navy, ISRO
and ONGC that had conducted
their placements before December 1, IIT Madrassawparticipation from Coal India, BEL, and
CDAC among the government
sector companies during the rst
phase of placements. More PSU
and government sector companies are expected on campus during the next phase from the middle of Jan 2017.

VRS students to participate

in national-level competition

Students of Sister Nivedita School, Ameerpet,

Hyderabad, celebrating X-Mas in school


Hyderabad: Students of The Play
School, Sister Nivedita School, Ameerpet, Hyderabad eagerly celebrated
Christmas in school. The little Niveditans presented the nativity scene with
a specially crafted stable amidst the
singing of Christmas carols. The delight of students was uncontainable on

seeing santa claus amongst them and

especially as he had brought gifts for
one and all. The entire play school,
which came thematically dressed in
red and white, brought the curtain
down on the programme as they spontaneously danced spreading joy and
happiness, feeling of peace, love and
hope as a prelude to generating positivity and cheer in the new year.

Hyderabad: Two students

from Vivekananda Residential School, Karimnagar have made the school
proud by qualifying for the
national level of the CBSE
Science Exhibition which
will be held in New Delhi.
The CBSE has conducted its regional level
science exhibition competition at Jubilee Hills Public School, Hyderabad and
Kushal Class X and
Maizkhan Class VIII with
their guides Srinivas and
Srivani respectively participated in the competition.
Their project is about
Application of Mathematics in Agricultural Development which comes under the mathematics

Oh my word!!
Than, Then, Thence

ho is greater than who,

and whom, and why? Because few people live by what
they preach, and accomplish
and sacrifice for others than
many others they are greater,
and are respected.
Than has many meanings,
and functions as an adjective,
adverb, conjunction and
preposition. As an adjective,
than is used after a comparative by introducing a clause or
phrase as a result comparison
is expressed.
India is smaller than China
in terms of population and geographical extent.
Than is used to draw comparisons between two things: I
like to live a rural life than an
urban life.
A husband loves his wife
more than their children?
Mother loves her husband
more than their children?
You should know more than
your peers or classmates in
order to secure a job.
Than as a preposition is
used before a noun or preposition to express a comparison.
You will be displeased if
you get less property
or money than
your sibling, ah?
Are you older
than him?
Everybody understands

T Lalitha Kumari, Principal of VRS, Karimnagar

congratulating the winners Master Kushal and Maizkhan
with their guides Srinivas and Srivani at the school campus
theme. To prevent problems in the agriculture that
can have a large impact on
the countrys economy.
The degrees of freedom
and the nuisance factors
that aect the crop were
demonstrated in a Randomized Block Design
(RBD). The principles
shown can be applied for

better crop. Of the 180

projects demonstrated, 18
were selected for the next
level one which is this project. The winners were
congratulated and appreciated by the Principal T
Lalitha Kumari and Chairman Sudhakar Rao Polsani
for their eort and performance.

ter than
you! You may understand
better than everybody
about yourself!
Than is used after more
or less: To pay rent costs
me more than for food
and transport.
Than is used before
an expression of time
to indicate how long
it takes, before an expression of distance
to indicate how far the
destination is.

How far is the horizon from

your home? Always more than
one can imagine!
Then is an adverb, and has
many meanings at that time;
indicating to the time of past
or in the future, something
that is next, after that, afterwards.
Then means at that time: I
used to travel regular to see
her then.
They practiced the game for
seven hours, and then (next)
went home.
At that time, we paid homage to Gandhi as Gandhi Ghat,
when we visited New Delhi.
Then refers to someone who
had held a position in the past
but no more.
Then Prime Minister was,
Then President has set precedents
Then also means: also.
We had dinner, then a
dessert, then
They families usually go out
for dinners together on the
weekends, then they go in
their directions.
But then again is an idiom
used to introduce information
that is contrasting: He
is wealthy
and accomplished
but then
again mean
spirited and inconsiderate.
Then and there,
there and then
means at that
time, at that
Thence is an archaic, and formal
word of adverb
meaning from
there. Pilgrims
travel to Tirupati,
and thence (from
there) to Tirumala on foot or
by bus.
Kovuuri G



Which is the only promotional

media vehicle that is like an
elusive lover? This would
surely wake any slumbering
student in the class. Oh yes he
would ponder, Which is that
media vehicle that is so hard to
get at? So unique that it will
not be at your beck and call like
the digital media which is so
obedient and ready to serve.
Yes we are talking about OOH
(Out Of Home) media, the only
media that does not come to us.
Rather we need to go and
experience it. As it is not
intrusive and in many cases
unavoidable, it is very powerful

ost marketers feel that television advertisements are the best when it comes to
promoting the products. They feel that out of
home (OOH) media or outdoor media is to be
despised and at best ignored. It is the last of the
media option considered the least glamorous but
the most potent. It is one option that comes with
tremendous potential. Consider the advantages
of Out Of Home media.
OOH is the only mediathat does not come to
the customer. The customerhas to go to the
OOH. In other words the people are forced in
many cases to notice it.
OOHadvertisements can be placed in strategic
locations where there is high trac density.
OOH advertisements come with magnied appeals. Theycan be very big in size. They are
very much in the face and can attract immediate attention.
To the bored commuters, OOH comes as a re-

lief. They are a source of entertainment and

OOH is a great source of reminder advertising.
The advertisements seen on the TV, read in
the newspaper gets reinforced with the OOH
But care should be taken to see that the OOH
campaigns are visual in nature, have little written matter and aretopical. The best example of
topical OOH advertisements is the campaign
that is run by AMUL. The campaign has become
so famous that people wait with baited breath
to nd out what is the next topic that the AMUL
girl will be focusing on. Types of OOH advertising techniques
Transit advertising is advertising placed in or on
modes of public transportation like buses, trains,
planes etc. Using this method,advertisements

can be placed anywhere from on the sides of

buses, trains and taxis, to inside subway train
carriages, inside bus stands and near train or bus
platforms or bays.
In tunnel advertising system consists of series
of back-lit poster images which are put up in the
subway train tunnels. These posters with consecutive frames of an advertisement are hanged
out next to each other. These poster panels create an illusion of a moving advertisement when
viewed from the subway train window. When a
subway train passes through them at a certain
specied speed, they form a marvelous video sequence. They were a terric method of mass entertainment before the onslaught of the all persuasive mobile phones.
Billboards/hoardings are usually located in
highly visible, heavy trac areas such as highways, service roads, and major trac islands.
They can be illuminated. The advertisement is
digitally printed on large vinyl coated fabric.
With extended periods of high visibility, bill-

board advertisements provide advertisers with

signicant bang for their advertising rupee.
A sandwich board is a type of advertisement
composed of two boards (holding a message or
graphic) and being carried by a person, with one
board in front and one behind, creating a "sandwich" eect; or set up (for example next to a store
advertising its goods) in a triangle shape, hinged

along the top. The mobile version is usually attached to straps acting as suspenders, allowing
the person wearing the boards to carry the
weight on his or her shoulders.Sandwich boards
are most typically deployed in busy trac areas
and advertise businesses within easy walking
distance. The wearer might also pass out yers
or shout advertising slogans.
Sandwich boards have largely been overtaken
by billboards/hoardings, which are more eective in advertising to passers-by who are now
likely to be in cars, rather than traveling by foot.
But Sandwich boards can still be used in crowded
areas where the vehicular movement is slow or
in trac zones where only pedestrians are allowed.
Advertising on a bus or train is eective as
the bus moves about and it catches attention.
Hyderabad Metro Rail Corporation caught on
to the OOH platform very fast. A signicant part

of Hyderabad metros earnings willcome

fromthe OOH posters that will be put up on the
metro pillars. This has already been tried out
and advertising on the metro pillars is garnering
good eye balls, thanks to the slow moving Hyderabad trac.
This OOH advertisement had a surprise element. It was a hoarding that said Hate dropped
(and next to the word dropped is a huge hole in
the hoarding). At the base of the hoarding was
the cutout of the word calls that has dropped
from the hoarding to the ground. It takes a split
second for the viewers to comprehend the advertisement which was Hate dropped calls.
The art director has cleverly used the dropping
of calls to literally drop the word itself from the
hoarding to create a very powerful visual imagery.
As people are getting more tech savvy they are
getting increasingly more jaded. It is time that
marketers up the ante and create better and better OOH campaigns that not only get attention
but become a reference point. If the Digital natives like an idea/product/campaign they will
take it onto their digital platforms and once the
advertisement is ashed on the digital platforms
the brand gets a jolly ride and bountiful publicity
- all of it free!
The author is Director-Academic,
Siva Sivani Institute of Management,
A Premier B-School in Hyderabad. Send in
your queries:,

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