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Miss Reid

Miss. Reid

11/04/2016 - 11/04/2016
Day View
Friday 11/04/2016

Lunch count/ attendance/ morning work 7:45am - 8:00am

Students will arrive in the classroom. They will do lunch count, empty their folders, put their
backpacks away. Students will then do the post-it on the side board and then will read books out of
their book bins.

Students will come into the room starting at 7:45. When they come into the room they will do lunch count on
the board. This is done on the ENO board, it is minimized on the screen. You will also need to turn on the
white board with the controller.
***If students have their reading logs, you are going to put a star on the teacher's part of it for the day then
have them get a Schroeder Buck to put away! They will put these in the bin above the mailboxes. If they have
any change in how they are getting home notes, they will put it in there (if they need a bus pass- have them
bring them to the office); other notes will stay in the bin for me when I get back. Also, while the students are
reading if they have their folder in their mailbox they can get a Schroeder Buck!
-After they do their lunch count they will put their folder away and backpack away. Then the students will
work on the post-it note that is posted on the side board. After they have done this... they will read by
themselves quietly at their smart spot to sit! Their voices should be quiet.
You may give students DOJO points throughout the day!! I told them that I should be getting a good report.
Please encourage the positive behavior by giving them DOJO points!!:) This is a tab on Google Chrome which
is also minimized on the bottom of the screen.
Whiteboard Question: Famous Friday: What is the first thing you would do if you were famous?
Calendar/ Shape/ Word of the Day 8:00am - 8:15am

Students will continue to read out of their book bins around the room quietly. Call students up to the library to
switch out thier books and get new ones. I would call them up in number order (1-24) or you can tell students
that are reading quietly that they can go get new books to exchange.
*Send Lunch Count/ Attendance down to the office*
Speech: Sierra
Morning Meeting/ Daily Targets 8:15am - 8:30am

At 8:30ish (might be later... depends on how long it takes students to pick out new books) have the students
put away their book bins and head to the rug. While the students are on the rug you are going to do calendar
and talk about the date. Ask if anyone knows the date, they should say "Today is Friday November 3, 2016"
Then you will click on the date and then say it together as a whole class.
The next thing is you ask the students what they know about the shape of the day. You can continue to call on
different students to hear all about the shape of the day.
Then you will ask students what they know about the number of the day. Answers to look for include if it is
even or odd and how we know that, also how many tens and ones go into that number. We also discuss the
different ways that we can use money to make that number.

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Miss Reid
Miss. Reid

11/04/2016 - 11/04/2016
Day View

Word of the Day: review all of the words from this week..have students see if they remember the different
definitions, if they do not... give them a few hints. I have them tell me the definition and use it in a sentence.
Speech: Carrie, Danielle
Math Daily 5 8:30am - 9:45am

Goal Setting Friday:

*Students will get their SMILE Folders and will write new goals for themselves for week 7. Then they will use a
post-it note and will write one thing they want to work towards next week. Students will then get on See Saw
with a partner and will record their videos. I allow for some students to sit in the hallway because other wise it
gets super loud in the classroom.
After they have recorded their videos... (I normally write this on the board)
They may record themselves reading part of a book.
Then they should post something that they are proud of.
Then something they need to work towards.
After they finish this, they can read by themselves at their seats until PE.
PE 9:45am - 10:10am
Music/ Computer Lab 10:10am - 10:35am
Bring the students to the COMPUTER LAB. They will be doing Type to Learn on the computer. Have

Trayson and Clayton G get the headphone container to bring.

RTI 10:35am - 11:00am
You will have some students in your room from both Miss Reid and Mrs. Loyer's class. Some will go to Mrs. Loyer's
room or Mrs. Williams room.
10:35-11:00: Sierra will go to Mrs. Williams Room
11:00-11:25: Jason, Josslyn, Sierra and Carter will be in Mrs. Williams room

Students in Miss Reid's Room will continue reading their books that they are reading. Everyone will do MOBY MAX

READING Stories on the IPAD. Each student will have their own ipad and will be working independently.
Social Studies/ Science 11:00am - 11:25am

Have students free write in their Work on Writing Notebooks about anything they want. This should be a quiet
time for the students to write. If they are clueless about what to write about.. have them write about what they
are going to do this weekend, what they are most excited about with their pumpkin experiments or what they
like to eat the most.
Tell them we will do the pumpkin experiments on Monday! :)
Lunch/ Recess 11:25am - 12:05pm

Have students wash their hands in the commons before they go to lunch. Have them line up around 11:20.
Writer's Workshop 12:05pm - 12:45pm

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Miss Reid
Miss. Reid

11/04/2016 - 11/04/2016
Day View

Veterans Day Activities!

Use the templates that are cut out on the tan paper in the zip lock bag. Have the students create their ARMY
Man/ Woman. The paper that they will use is pre-cut and is on the art cart in the commons. They are only
creating one. On the tan paper template it states what color they should trace it on and what it is. The girls can
have yellow or brown hair if they would like.

Then have the students create their army man. Ask Mrs. Loyer (next door) if any questions.
WTW/ Word Work 12:45pm - 1:00pm

You will have students from Mrs. Loyer's room as well as my classroom in the room. Each student has a spot
that they should work in.
Students in the room should sort their words and then write their sort.
Reading Daily 5 1:00pm - 2:20pm
Veterans Day Activities!

**Mrs. Loyer will let you know what you are going to do next with getting ready for the Veteran's Day
Activities. I'm not sure exactly what will be happening. If she tells you that you are going to practice for it.. that
is good otherwise have students finish their army men. If they finish those, have them help others that are not
working so fast.**
If you don't have very much time left because of Veterans Day stuff then you can either have the students read
to themselves for 15 minutes and then read with someone for 15 minutes. You can read a story as well.
But if you have a lot of time leftover then you can do the normal reading daily 5 stations, without the minilessons other than you reading a book. Have each station last about 10 minutes.
Daily 5 Station #1: (Read to self, Read to someone, Work on Writing, Listen to Reading)
Read "The Other Dog" (ask Mrs. Loyer for this book)
Daily 5 Station #2: (Read to self, Read to someone, Work on Writing, Listen to Reading)
Daily 5 Station #3: (Read to self, Read to someone, Work on Writing, Listen to Reading)
Daily 5 Station #4: (Read to self, Read to someone, Work on Writing, Listen to Reading)
If you need something to fill more time... Have students complete the -es, -s, -ies words in the pockets of
jeans. They will cut out the pockets and then will glue on the flaps. Then they will put the pencils in the pocket
that it best fits into by what you add to it. The light blue construction paper is in the hallway cabinet. Students
know where it is located.
End of the Day/ Pack up/ Class Jobs 2:20pm - 2:25pm
Have students get packed up and then when the bell rings they can all go!

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