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Editorial: Enforcing Rules on Punishment

By The Editors of F.M.N.S

F.M.N.S Magazine
Published December 19, 2016 7:37 P.M
What will happen to Verona when the Prince becomes strict on
punishment? No one want to go there right? Citizens of Verona need
to understand and follow the rules or pay the consequences. We all
make mistakes but there is a point at which mistakes go too far and
need to be punished and that is when we feel the guiltiest for what
we have done. In our news report tab, we talk about how the
Montagues and Capulets got punished for their immature decisions.
The Montague and Capulets have crossed the line and now have
paid the punishment when Mercutio, relative of the Prince, and
Tybalt, member of the Capulets, died on Monday. In Romeo
Montagues anger, he killed Tybalt and was banished from Verona.
However, he is lucky to not have been killed because the Prince had
clearly announced that anymore fighting in the streets would result
in death. From these foolish decisions, people die, punishments are
laid down, and that is when people involved with these incidents feel
guilty and upset for their losses.
My poor Tybalt has died. He was like a son to us but that Montague,
Romeo, killed him! If this Montague cannot die, then he shall be
punished for his wrong doings and sins. We dont deserve this!
Tybalt was a fierce young man and he didnt deserve to die! said
Lady Capulet after hearing the news of Tybalts death. She sounds
upset for the loss of someone important to her. These feuds and
problems result in angry, aggressive, and revenge-taking people and
now the Capulet family paid the price by seeing what happens when
citizens do not follow the rules.
From this valuable of example of the punishments that have
overcome the Montagues and Capulets, we can see the
consequences of not following the rules and having to pay the price.

We dont want to learn the lesson the hard way and learn from the
mistakes of others so we dont get punished for something we
already knew the consequences for took a risk-taking action
We dont want to make decisions like these because not only is
death a problem, but banishment is too. If people arent killed, the
Prince will surely abandon them, as that is what he did to Romeo
Montague for killing Tybalt. Banishment is almost as bad as death
because families and loved ones will never see someone close to
them ever again and will have a fearsome thought of where the
person would go and if it is a safe and healthy environment for
them. This punishment would not only be difficult for the victim but
also their family and friends because they feel as much guilt and
grief as the person leaving does.
Since Romeo was banished, he seemed to have a different view on
this punishment policy. I dont deserve to be punished. Tybalt killed
my friend, Mercutio, and I killed him. The Prince needs to
understand that what happened is only fair and I should be forgiven.
I will apologize for all I can but I think that maybe people should be
given a second chance. I will prove that I will never hurt anyone
again, just let me show everyone, says Romeo who thinks people
should have a fair trial and a second chance to prove themselves.
This is a very opposing point of view compared to the rules and laws
the Prince has made, but there can always be believers who have
different opinions and thoughts and in this case, it is Romeos plea
to not be a banished man. People dont deserve to have a second
chance if they have done something very wrong and have hurt other
people intentionally. They deserve to be punished in their own ways
for what they have done.
If we learn from our mistakes and choose to make the right
decisions then we will live a good life but if we choose to do the
wrong thing even when we are aware of the consequences, we will
be left in hurt. Rules are rules, punishments are punishments, and

consequences are consequences and we cant escape them if we

choose to be in the same line of circle with them.
The only solution to this problem will be if we learn to listen and
follow rules and it is nothing to be afraid of unless people choose to
make inappropriate and immature decisions. We need to be safe and
resolve our issues in calm and humane ways and this is a skill all
citizens of Verona need including the Montagues and Capulets.
This warning has been sent out so that this message of punishment
and consequences has been spelt out clearly. We know to be careful
because we know what will happen if we choose to do something
against the law. Do we want peace in this city with problems being
solved in a more humane way? Or would we like to see what
happens when we choose to make poor decisions, get punished, and
see what happens to our loved ones? What decision are we making

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