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Professional Learning Communities

Team Reflection Pre Assessment form

Academic Excellence for ALL
SMART GOAL: (What do you want students to learn?)
What standard(s) and learning target(s) are your focus?
Set short-term SMART Goal

Grade: _____

Date: _____

Members Present:
Members Absent:

During the Meeting (Discussion questions)

1. What do you expect your students to know? (Goal and Expectations)
Clarify essential learning (EO's)
Design Common Assessments
Establish what proficient looks like
Pre-assess students
Gather baseline data

2. How will you know that they are learning? (Assessment)

3. How will you respond when they dont know? (Intervention),
4. How will you respond if they already know it? (Enrichment/Differentiation)
Create action plan to differentiate

Include the content area that you are working on (Literacy/English, science, social studies)
Collaborative brainstorming (Best Practice) Strategies you will use to teach the standard(s)
Include information for content area you are working on
Proposed Solutions (Collaborative brainstorming based on Best Practice)
Include information for content area you are working on
Planning For next meeting (what will be done between meetings)
Next Meeting (date)

Professional Learning Communities

Team Reflection Post Cycle form
Academic Excellence for ALL
SMART GOAL: (What do you want students to learn?)
(from pre-assessment)
Grade: _____

Date: _____

Members Present:
Members Absent:

During the Meeting (Discussion questions)


What is the data telling you? (share data)

Did your students reach their target? (Review Goals and Expectations)
What strategies worked/didnt work?
Are there any trends we are noticing (for both successful and unsuccessful students)?
How will you address the trend?
How will you respond if they do already know it/do not know it?

Include the content area that you are working on (Literacy/English, science, social studies)
Chief Challenges (list academic challenges based upon data)
Include information for each content area
Proposed Solutions (Collaborative brainstorming based on Best Practice)
Include information for each content area
Planning For next meeting (what will be done between meetings)
Short term SMART Goal: What do you want students to learn?
CFA Agreement: What will you use for CFA? How will it be graded?
Data Agreement: How and when will the data be collected?
Instructional Strategies/Plan: What strategies will you use to help students get there?

Next Meeting (date)

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