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Ingls I (Grado en Ingeniera Electrnica Industrial, en Mecnica y en


The speaking exam will take place during the last two weeks of classes in
December in practical lessons and big group lessons in the same rooms in
which lessons usually take place. The order in which the test will be taken
will be specified before the exam. Students will undertake the exam in
pairs. Each pair of students will be given three topics at random. From
these three, each pair must choose one topic to discuss in the exam. Then
they will have 5 minutes to choose and prepare. The exam will last
approximately 5 minutes.
As a general rule, students should use as many different grammar,
vocabulary, and pronunciation items covered in class as possible in their
speaking. However, according to the chosen topic, specific grammar and
vocabulary items are more appropriate and convenient.
Note to prepare for the exam, you should also look at the key grammar
and vocabulary that is required for each unit. Make sure also that you are
wide aware of the various pronunciation items dealt with in class. This
information can be found at the top of the page at the start of each unit.
Topic 1: Getting to know each other. Talk with your partner about your
life and likes and dislikes.
The speaking & grammar section on page 5, especially the questions are
useful when preparing. You can also take the speaking & reading section
on page 4 as an example.
Topic 2: Tell your partner about a good friend of yours.
The following sections will be useful: on page 9, the speaking: anecdote
section as a guideline for your description, and adverbs of frequency in the
grammar section on page 7.

Topic 3: Tell each other a story about something exciting or dangerous
that happened to you.
Use the information on page 15, in the speaking: anecdote section for the
stages of your story as well as the grammar section for the tenses. Also
use the information on page 14 in the listening section and page 13 about
adjectives, gradable and non-gradable and emotions.
Topic 4: Describe your city.
Use the information on page 17, the questions in the speaking section as a
guideline and the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives and
adverbs in the grammar section.
Topic 5: Talk about your family.
Bring a diagram with our family relations and describe it to each other.
Also tell your partner about some of your relatives. For this topic, use the
specific vocabulary on page 21, with the expressions in exercise 4. On
pages 24, 25, and 26 you will find vocabulary about personal qualities.
Topic 6: Bring some photos of people you like and describe them to your
For this topic, use the language in the reading on page 20 as well as the
grammar on page 21 and the vocabulary about personal qualities on pages
24, 25 and 26.
Topic 7: Describe a festival you have been to or youd like to go to.
For this topic use the information on pages 32 and 33, in the reading,
vocabulary & grammar sections as well as in the listening section on page

Topic 8: Tell each other about a memorable party youve thrown or been
For this topic, use the information in the speaking: anecdote section on
page 37 for the guidelines of your story together with the speaking &
reading and vocabulary sections on page 36.
Topic 9: Describe typical dishes of your region and the types of food you
can find in the market.
For this topic, use the info in the reading & speaking section on page 40,
the grammar and vocabulary sections on page 41, the speaking and
vocabulary & pronunciation sections on page 42 and also the vocabulary &
speaking sections on page 43.
Topic 10: Tell each other a story about your childhood memories.
For this topic, use the reading entitled Memories of food as an example
on page 44. Use the information in the speaking: anecdote section on
page 45 as a guideline for your story and the grammar on the same page
to talk about the past.
Topic 11: Talk about time.
For this topic, bring a calendar of December and tell your partner about
the things youve done recently or plan to do in the future. Use the
vocabulary, grammar and expressions on pages 49-52 and 54 as an
example. Also notice the pronunciation tips and grammar section on the
same page. The speaking & reading section on page 48 will also be useful.
Note: For all topics we expect you to use specifically the grammar, and
vocabulary covered in the corresponding units. Please also remember
that when telling a story of anecdote, it is not a question and answer
situation but one in which you tell your partner about the topic required,
following the guidelines given in the book. Your partner may ask some
questions for clarification or getting further information.

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