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Health / Wealth Portfolio

Part 1: Mathematical Skills

Mathematical Mindsets:

Everyone can learn math to the highest levels

Mistakes are valuable
Questions are really important
Math is about creativity and making sense
Math is about connections and communicating
Depth is much more important than speed
Math class is about learning, not performing

Directions: Please answer the questions below in complete sentences with explanations.
1. Tell us mathematical mindsets that you feel like you have modeled well for other students and explain
why. This can include any positive contribution to our class or school.
Depth is much more important than speed:
I believe I modeled this mindset throughout this whole project. Ive never been able to solve a problem
fast, which is why I think this mindset applies. I believe if you solve a problem fast, you dont get to
stimulate brain growth or challenge your brain to apply this problem to a different scenario. When we
were given that problem to solve with our table, there would be students that had a hard time
understanding and solving the problem. As a group, we would explain the problem in different ways so
they could easily understand. Hopefully, after we shared our answer they were able to understand the
2. Looking at the mindsets, is there an area you feel you can improve in, or push yourself for next week?
Please explain.
I believe I could improve on Everyone can learn math to the highest levels mindset. This is because I
feel I only learn what is given and dont really try to learn the highest level. I believe if I focus on this
mindset, it will help me to challenge myself with any math problem. This mindset will also help me
expand my knowledge in maths.
3. Explain your top accomplishment of the last few weeks below. This can be a behavior, social, or
academic accomplishment and does not need to be in math class.
My top accomplishment of the last few weeks was being able to meet my participation goal in
4. Using evidence from Powerschool, how do you feel you are doing at completing and revising your
assignments? (If you are doing great, what do you need to continue doing - if not so well, what can you do
to make sure you work is being completed and turned in?)
I feel I have been able to a very good job completing and revising my work. In order to keep doing the
same, I must keep doing what I am doing and I should also be challenging myself to do my best.
Total Assignments: 6

# marked as B: 1

I have 16.6 % of my assignments marked as B.

# marked as C:

# marked as A: 5

I have 83.3 % of my assignments marked as A.


Part 2: Unit Summary

Learning Statement
Tell the story of how you made sense of these different concepts throughout this unit. Be sure to hit all the
following talking points and include all activities/worksheets that are applicable. Y
ou must use artifacts
(class activities, homework, problems of the week, group activities) from this unit as evidence of your
learning and growth. You must include at least two problems of the week.
1. Understanding probability:
a. Probability defines the likelihood of a given outcome
The Counters Games shows that probability defines the likelihood of a given outcome when rolling two
die. Rolling a die is all based on probability whoever is rolling it does not affect at all. When you roll it
many times you see that some may come up more than others.
b. Probability can be determined based on theory or observation
In the Friday Probability Work, we were asked to find a situation that matches the probability. We had to
come up with a situation that we thought was best for that probability. It was all based on theory,
observation, and knowledge.
c. Probability can be expressed in multiple different ways
I know that probability can be expressed in different ways because I was able to notice this when we
would come together as a class and share our results. When we did come together as a class many
groups would express probability in different ways.
d. Using many different strategies, an expected value can be determined
When we were sharing our answer for A Simpler Country & Everyone Pays the Same many
students solved the problem the same way but there was also one or two groups that would do it
differently. Although they solved the problem differently they still did get the correct answer.
e. Probability can be used to assess the appropriate price for health insurance
I know that it can be used to accesses an appropriate price for health care because we were given an
assignment that asked us to find a fair price for some citizens and I was able. When I did find the price
it seemed to be very high to pay but reasonable for their risk of getting sick.
2. Unit Question: What is a fair price to charge for health insurance?
a. Recall and explain the elements of probability that are important in this question
It's important to know the probability of the citizens risk of getting sick. It is also important to know the
yearly income because it might be too much for them to pay at once. Once we know these two
elements it will be much easier to find a fair price for health insurance.
b. Discuss elements of equity and social justice that you considered in this question - why is it a
question in the first place?
Equity and Social Justice is an element that is taken very seriously when it really shouldnt. There is a
lot of inequality in our society that we must be very careful when we are trying to find a fair price. Many
people might have to pay higher due to their high risk of a certain sickness. It could be that whoever is
paying higher each year and is part of a minority group, they can be offended by that price thinking that
it was done due to them belonging to a minority group .
c. Be sure to provide justification for your citizen a
nd for a broader population
My citizen is a 19yr American girl that earns more than 100,000 a year and has a lower than normal risk
of cancer. My citizen has a good life ahead of her and will be able to afford health care. If other races
were rejected, lets say a latino is rejected that person would assume that they reject because of their
race. When there is a broader population means that there are more races and it's very diverse.
d. Use images, charts, graphs and/or tables to support your response
*in the table below*
3. Habits of Mathematicians:

a. Throughout your story, please talk about one of the Habits youve grown in. Remember to
focus on growth, so demonstrate your skill when you started the unit and show how it has
improved as you progressed through the unit
Start Small: When comparing my first and second problem of the week there is a difference. I was able
to start small and then improve from where I was. If I keep improving little by little it will help me do my
best. Each time I do add a little bit more than before it will allow me to get used to me pushing myself to
always to my best.
Identify a second Habit that you would like to work on and describe how you could improve in that habit.
Describe and Articulate: I wish to improve in this because I feel that I have not been able to use this
habit while solving a problem. I have very few drawings that help me understand the problem and only I
try to use my knowledge and nothing else. I believe that drawing can be useful for everyone because it
is much easier to visualize, other than trying to visualize in your head.
Its difficult but I believe that if I start putting this habit in practice it will help me get a bigger
understanding of the problem and organize my thoughts as well.

Putting it all together

Imagine a visitor from another school came up to you and saw you working on the Health / Wealth unit and
asked you the following question:
Whats the point of trying to figure out a fair price for health insurance? Couldnt you just look that up?
How would you respond?
When we search for the answer we gain nothing, our brain does not grow. Knowing what is a fair price for
health insurance will benefit us in the future. When were older we are going to have to pay health insurance
and knowing a fair price, will help us. For example, do you what should be a fair price? In this project not
only are we solving this question but we as young adults we are becoming aware of a big problem here in
the U.S. I was impacted to know that many people dont go to the doctor because they simply cant afford
health insurance or the provider declines them? Therefore it is very good idea for us to learn what goes into
having a fair price other than just searching it up.
Please note, these are examples. You will fill this table with your own work and your own narrative describing
your growth in understanding probability and its application.
Beautiful Sketches and examples
Problem of the Week #2 - Linear NIM_Leslie

Amazing Narratives
1. A
The evidence provided shows that it all depends on
probability and it also shows that when you add up both
numbers on the die there is a bigger chance that some may
come up more than others.

Friday Probability Work/Ask the Actuary_Maddi

P, Leslie

1. B
I believe that this very good evidence for this section
because it shows that probability can be determined
through theory and observation. When we were working
on this we had to come up with the best situation for the
given probability. For example, we had to find a situation
that was best for 2/7 or 2%.

POW Organizer_Leslie

1. C
I chose this as my evidence because I believe it shows
what a-c is looking for. It also shows that probability can
be expressed in different ways by how I wrote and
explained my solution because its most likely different to
another student's explanation.

1. D & E
I chose this piece of evidence to show that using different
strategies can give us an expected value. I believe it was
the second and third problem where students used
different strategies to solve the problem. When we shared
out we all were able to see the different strategies they
used. This piece of evidence shows that probability can be
used to access an appropriate price for health insurance
because we were able to find it for this very simple
country. If this was done for the real world it would be
much more difficult because a lot of other things go into
2. A& B
This piece of evidence also shows that the risk of them
getting sick is important but their yearly income also
matters. We were not given the yearly income of these
citizens but if they were then the prices would of be much
different. Race is also something health insurances take in
consideration hoping everyone to be treated equally and
that there is also a diverse group of races.

2. C & D
This shows that there can be racial injustice in health
care providers.



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