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Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

I am terrified of heights. Of course, its not really a fear of being in a lofty place. It is
rather the vision of a long way to fall, of rocks far beneath and no firm wall between me
and the edge. My sense of security is screamingly absent. There are no guard rails, flimsy
though I picture them, or other safety devices.
Despite my fear, last summer, I somehow found myself climbing to a towering place,
while quaking inside and outside. Most of my schoolmates had come along on a day trip
to the Boquern, a gorgeous, lush spot in the foothills of Peru. Its major attraction is the
main waterfall, about 100 feet high, that thunders into a crystal clear pool, feeding the
river behind. (1) The shoreline is strewn with rocks. On both sides of the fall, the
jungle stretches to meet it, rising parallel to it on a gentler slope.
After eating our sack lunches within sight and sound of the cascade, many of us wanted
to make the climb to an area above it. (2) Along the right edge, the jungle hugged the
rocks and a passage through its trees did not look feasible. Looming high to the sky, the
boulders rose in a tiered manner. Peering back down toward the river, I saw a steep slope
of rocks all the way to the water. All I could think about was how far it would be to fall.
My tense thoughts were interrupted by the awareness that my friends were already
beginning to climb! My anxiety increased as I watched them. I voiced my uncertainties to
(3) Querying about my own sanity, I decided at least to attempt the climb. I chose a
path that seemed most accessible. My friend, Tom was ahead of me. Come on, Lara, you
can do it! he emboldened me. Then, suddenly, he slipped and slid backward about 10
feet! (4) My heart was hammering.
1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence
for each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4
A. They dismissed my fears and encouraged me to stick it out.
B. I watched, paralyzed, until he stopped himself and assured us he was all right.
C. All around the pool and on down to the rushing stream, large and small boulders are
scattered everywhere.
D. The ascent soared steeply above us.
E. Tom and Laura were waiting for a rescue helicopter.
2. Give the antonyms of the following words. 6 points
A. lofty
B. flimsy
C. feasible
3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points
4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C) which fits according to
the text. 6 points
1. How would you describe the main character?
A. fearful
B. fearless

C. happy
2. Lara and her friends
A. used to climb mountains every weekend.
B. were climbing a very dangerous slope.
C. went on the trip with their parents.
3. What did the children do before climbing?
A. They ate a copious lunch.
B. They had a snack.
C. They took a bath into the pool.
5. Comment on the following fragment in about 100 words: I am terrified of heights.
Of course, its not really a fear of being in a lofty place. It is rather the vision of a long
way to fall, of rocks far beneath and no firm wall between me and the edge. My sense of
security is screamingly absent. There are no guard rails, flimsy though I picture them, or
other safety devices. 4 points
6. In most lines of the following text, there is one unnecessary word. It is either
grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text. Put a tick to the
numbers indicating a correct line and find the incorrect word and then write it next
to the numbers indicating the incorrect line. 6 points
Although it was not only the third time he had competed 1____________
in this event, he won it with a record-breaking time of 51 .7 seconds. 2____________
This is remarkable if we could compare Tisdalls training with 3____________
the intense training that modern athletes undergo to prepare them 4____________
for the Olympics. Tisdalls training consisted of staying in bed for 5____________
a week, going straight out from his bed to the track and winning! 6____________
7. Use the words in bold to form one word that fits in the text. Write the new word
on your exam sheet. 6 points
1. Have a discussion with your doctor, then exercise according to his instructions.
2. The fountain pen is still a very attractive and . object. practice
3. It provoked him such of feelings! intense
4. You mean that, , the computer is far more than a mere instrument. basic
5. Complaining can be used to draw attention to the of the social system. efficient
6. This is one of the characteristics of the instrument. distinct
8. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points
1. For a couple of hours after I left the dentists my jaw was still . .
A asleep B unfeeling C painless D numb
2. I expect .. the course next year.
A completing B to complete C will complete D completed
3. Dont tell anyone about this, .?
A do you B wont you C will you D should you
4. The accused guilty to all charges.
A pleaded B admitted C said D confessed

9. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE
word in each gap. 10 points
Although the great detective Sherlock Holmes is read in almost every language, his first
appearance in print was a (1) ... than auspicious occasion. His creator, Conan Doyle, was
a practising doctor when he wrote his first Sherlock Holmes story, A Study in Scarlet,(2)
was rejected three times (3) a publisher agreed to pay the author 25 for the
copyright. The story appeared in 1887 but neither (4) nor its follow-up The Sign of
Four (5) very much attention in the literary world. Then, in 1891, Conan Doyle sent A
Scandal in Bohemia to The Strand magazine. The story (6) in the July issue and
Sherlock Holmes achieved fame at (7) This fame, (8), grew to such an (9) that
Doyle is reported to (10) said he takes my mind from better things.
10. Rewrite the following sentences using the words given so that the meaning stays
the same:
1. I did not remove the money from the safe, said Peter.
Peter denied.
2. Macbeth is the play that I enjoy the most.
3. Nobody remained on the ship after the captain had left it.
The captain
4. The factory seemed to have been damaged by fire.
It looked..
11. Translate into English:
1. Dac nu ar fi comentat felul n care erau mbrcai, nu s-ar fi suprat.
2. Nimeni nu ar fi bnuit c el era cel care a furat banii.
3. Nu erau dovezi care s l acuze pe Brown de omor.
4. De ndat ce va sosi i voi da vestea despre examen.
5. Cum arta James cnd s-a ntors de la ar?

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