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CAMBRIDGE ea 8 for Schools BA SIX PRACTICE TESTS /ERSITY of CAMBRIDGE > Expert guidance for exam success > Special grammar and vocabulary focus > Typical exam mistakes highlighted or Fi W 2 %, e Say eee Karen Saxby SIX PRACTICE TESTS WITH ANSWERS AND TEACHER’S NOTES A CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, New Yor), Melbourne, Maduid, Cape Town, Singapore, S40 Pauto, Delhi, Dubz, Tokyo, Mexico City Cambridge University Press ‘he Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK swww.cambridge org Isformation on this te: worwcambrieige osg/9700921192981 ‘© Cambridge University Press 2011 Tis Fubbcation i i COpyFTGHE Subject to sstitary exception and fo the provisions of refevant collective Hcensing agreemeats, tno reproduction of anv part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press, First published 2011 Printed in the United Kingdom a¢ the University Press, Cambridge A catalogue record for this publication is avalable frome the British Libvary ISBN: 978.0-521-13238-1 Practice Tests with ansivers and Audio CDs ISBN 978-0-521-13225.0 Practice Tests without answers ISBN 978-0-521-13239-8 Audio CDs (2) ‘Cambridge University ress has no responsibilty fr the persistence ot accuracy of URLs for exesnal or third-party internet websites refered to a ‘hie peblication, and dies not gait that any content on sich websies 5 ‘or wil remain, accurate or appropriate, Information zegarding prices travel timeisbls and other factual information given ip this work i cozzect at the time of fist printing but Cambridge University Press docs not guarantee the accuracy of such iniormation dhereafir ltts normally necessary for writen permission for copying to be obtained in advance from a publisher The answer sheets atthe back of this book are designed to be copied and distributed in class. The normal requirements are ‘waived here and it is noe necessary zo write to Cambridge University Press for permission for an individual teacher to make copies for use within his or ker ‘own classtooms. Only those pages which carry the wording “© UCLES 2011 Photocopiable’ may be copied. Introduction Training and Exam Practice Test 1 Papert Reading & Writing Paper2 listening _——Papec3_Speaking Test2 Paper Reading & Writing Paper 2. tistening Paper’3 Speaking Practice Tests Test 3 Paper 1 Reading & Writing Paper 2. Ustening Paper 3. Speaking Test4 Paper 1 Reading & Writing Paper 2. tstening Paper3 Speaking Test Paper Reading & Writing Paper 2 Ustening Paper’3 Speaking Test6 — Paper 1 Reading & Writing Paper 2 Listening Paper 3. Speaking Audioscripts Teacher's notes & keys Practice test keys tests 3-6 Speaking frames tests 1-2 Speaking frames tests 3-6 Visual materials for Paper 3 Answer sheets Acknowledgements 10 34 46 50 4 86 90. 02 224 108 120 225 126 138 226 4 156 27 162 184 218 224 228 236 239 Contents Who is this book for? Why is this book called Trainer? This book is called Trainer’ because itis full of exercises to help you get better and better at doing each part of KET for Schools. So, complete all the exercises then do all the practice papers! Ifyou train and work hard, you'll soon be ready to take KET for Schools! How do we use this book? Fitst, do the grammar and vocabulary exercises on each Training page. Then do the task on the Exam practice page and check your answers. 4-1 introduction (On Training pages, you will find: oO ‘Cambridge Learner Corpus ‘This shows information about mistakes that some KET candidates make if you do these useful exercises, you will earn not to make these mistakes when you do KET for Schools! ‘These are ideas to help you do well in the exam. For example: Look at the words before and ater the space, ‘These are quick reminders about grammar points or vocabulary that you should learn. For example: its goes with « noun: The cat broke its leg On Exam practice pages, you will find: ‘# A KET for Schools exam task for you to try and complete advice to help you with different parts of the task Tests 3, 4, 5 and 6: ‘When you finish Tests 1 and 2, you will be ready to do complete KET for Schools practice tests. Tests 3, 4,5 and 6 are just like real KET for Schools Reading and Writing, Listening and Speaking papers, Doing these will help you even more to prepare for the exam, Keep a record af your scores as you do the tests. You may find that your scores are good in some parts of the test but you may need to practise other parts more, Make simple tabfes like this to help record your scores Paper 3 Listening (Test 3 | Test introduction | 5 Other features of the KET for Schools Trainer Visual material In the Speaking Test the examiner will give you an information booklet. The visual material ‘on pages 228-235 will help you practise and become familiar with the type of information you will be given and hefp you increase your confidence, Teacher's notes and key wy aT ERG RST Te ware ad practice tests in this part of the book 6 The teachers notes also explain why some answers are wrong, You will find more CLC information here too, Answer sheets Look at these to see what the KET for Schools answer sheets in the test look like and learn how to complete them. Ask your teacher to photocopy them so that you can use them when you do practice tests ‘Two audio CDs Listen to these to practise the Listening paper. You will need to listen to these to practise some parts of the speaking paper too, Audioscripts Read the aucioscript after you have done a listening exercise. Find the answers and the information that is wrong, This shoutd help you hear the right answers the next time you practise Mp3 online speaking models There are five online speaking test models to listen to. Do the tasks in the training and exam. practice exercises and then listen to students doing the tasks online. There is one Part] model and four Part 2 models for the tests about a bike ride, computer classes, a fashion show and a swimming competition. Go to: www. cambridge org/elt/ketforschooistrainer/audio | Introduction gaps in sentences, understand some defi The Key English Test for Schools Contents KET for Schools has three papers Reading and Writing: 1 hour 10 minutes You will need to able 19 read and understand simple information that you might see on signs or read in brochures, newspaper ar magazine articles. You will also have to choose words to fill sand spell their words, You will have to write a short message or note that is between 25 and 35 words long too Listening: 30 minutes You will need to be able to listen and understand people who are talking together or people who are giving information about something. You will have to choose or weite answers to ‘questions which are about what these people say. Don't worry! The people talk very clearly and they don't talk fast! Speaking: 10 minutes You will need to be abie to fisten and understand what the examiner is saying, You will have to answer some simple questions about yourself. You will also be given some information to look at. You will ask and. answer questions about the information with another candidate You usuafly take the Speaking test with just one other candidate, but sometimes candidates take the Speaking test in groups of three. Introduction | 7 KET for Schools is A2 level At A? level, KET students can: ‘© understand simpie instructions and questions ‘write. tacor ask about simple information, opinions o ideas © complete forms (© write shor. simple letters, messages or emails about personal information, For more information on ‘Can Da statements go to: hitpé! "Note that some carclidates might be better than others {at speaking or writing. for example) butstit set the same final KET grade. The A2’Can do’ statements therefore help teachers and employers to understand what a candidate can generally do a this level What percentage grade do we need to get to pass KET for Schools? ‘The percentage of marks that candidates need to get for each gracle may change from testo test. This is because tests cannot always be actly the same. Some might bea litle more dificult than others. Howrever the ranges of percentages for exch grade of KET for Schools are ‘© Pass with Merit 85% ie. 85 out of 100 marks Pass 70% — 84% ‘© Narrow Fail 65% 69% © Fail 64% and below This information is included on your Statement of Results, What marks do we need to pass each paper, and to pass the exam? ya as y Candidates do not have to get a certain mark to pass each section of the test. The final marie for KET for Schools is the total number of marks from all three papers Reading/Writing, Listening and Speaking. There are an equal number of possible marks for reading, writing, listening and speaking at KET for Schools, @ | Introduction Is KET for Schools suitable for candidates of any age? ET for Schools is more suitable for students who are at school and aged frory 11-14. To make sure that the material's not to dificult oF too easy for this age group, all the parts ofthe reading, wnting and listening papers are pre-iested. This means that different groups of students try each part ofthe tests fist. The parts will then oniy be used in real exams ifthe results ofthe tests show they are suitable for candidates wino want to ‘ake KET for Schools, In KET and KET for Schools, candidates must use peneil in all papers. What happens if | don’t have enough time to finish writing? You can only be given marks for what you write on your answer sheets so if you cannot complete this, you wall jose marks. Watch the clock, plan your time carefully and do not waste time by writing answers on other pieces of paper fist. If you want to change an answer, just rub it out, write your correct answer then quickly move to thenext question, If l write in capital letters, will this affect. my score? No. You do not ise marks for weiting in capital letters in KET for Schools. Introduction | 9 In this part you: * choose © read eight notices and five sentences lone notice to match each sentence Vocabulary Focus on meaning 1 Match words and phrases 1-9 with the words in the box. Example not far. near, TNOTEKPENSIE aan 4 fast 7 nearly 2 litle ee 5 unsafe 8 extra a 3 noteasy 6 big. 9 putback ve Does the sentence match the notice? Write yes or no. Example © tis possible to swim here. No swimming in this river! re. 1. You must not camp inthis place 2 Anyone can ston these. 3 itis dangerous to go fishing here. 4 Children can playin this place, 5 You must lesve your bicycles here. 6 Youcan fine animals in this place ‘Choose the correct sentence, a or b, for each notice. example @ a Youshoud mun b Gin» Forest campsite, Now opent Seats are for adults only Dangert No swimming in this river. Under-12s playground Do not walk on cycling paths There are bears in this wood! In Part 1, the sentences and notices sometimes * have the sare words, but the words cont always have the sarne meaning. Wher you match ther, look for words that have the same mening. like can, cannot, should (not) and must (rot). Be sure you know what they enean 7 a You cannot use this door [Use other door | b itis possible to use this door: md 2a You may cycle here. (Cmsnter ) b You must not ride here } 3. a You should not turn off your mobile, | 5] f b You cannot use mobiles. {, Temottall mobiles 4a You can buy a drink I] b You haveto bring a drink. 1 est 1 Training Reading and Writing Part 1 Test 1 Exa fo cte Reading and Writing + Part 1 Questions 1~5 ‘Which notice (A ~ H) says this (1 ~ 5)? For questions 1 ~ 6, mark the correct letter A~H on your answer sheet. Example: _ YX tables here, : ABCDEFGH 0 You can eat on the grass or at the tables here, Answer OA B SOE RSH 1 People should not ride their bikes on the 3 green areas here. A 2 _ tis unsafe for psopte to sleep in tents here. 3 Donot go into the water hare. DO NOT excany |) 4 You should not play on these uniess you are | FOOD TO WILD ANIMALS Do New Geek! younger than ten years old. 5 You must not collect wood to cook food in ‘this place. Shiltock Forest No barbecues or Ee: Orville Playground *, E {| Swings are for children under 10 only Visitors fo Park Walk! Please use this aren for plewics Horseshoe Park No cycling on grass Please stay on path . Hw? Reading and Writing Part 1 ‘Test 1 Exam practice | 11 In this part you: © read fivesentences © choose one word (A, Ber C) to complete each sentence Vocabulary Focus on meaning O55 OU The wrong word. - Example We've believed / decided to go there more often, 1. Were all going to practise / try our swimming there. 2 became / began swimming when | was really young. 3 I want to spend / keep the whole day there today. 4 think I wear/ cary my red swimming costume: 5 | missed / lost my favourite blue towel there last time! 6 Itcost /spent four euros to swim at my favourite pool 7 My friends are already standing / waiting for me at the entrance. fm going to ge / drive there now on my racing bikel Choose the best wort! (A, B oF C) for each space UBER Look ot he words before ant after the sce Example Daniel ... tank... some CDs with him when he went to his fends fl. A brought B put © took um @ BYD when you come to my house, Annat A Take B Bing Canty Bannon nd get your school bag. It's outside in the car. A Come B Bring © Go to take something there 3 Canyou.....-te my house now? Ill wat for you Cone nere A go Baume — ¢ come tb tallspeak/chat to sereone 4 Anabel... her end about the party, Lo Aay ese one A spoke B told chatted o 5 I'm going to........... to Peter about the race. A tell 8B answer C speak HE emainunll my questions about Tony. A talked B said © answered @D KET candidates often make mistakes with go, come and arrive and prepositions, 3 Correct the mistakes. 1 Can you goat my house tomorrow? 4. Will you come my house tonight? 2-4 ke to go there on this Friday 5 arrive te your house at 6 pm: 3 Come hve in my class at 8:30, 6 J arrived to there on Saturday. Reading and Writing Part 2 Test 1 Exam practice Reading and Writing + Part 2 Questions 6 ~ 10 Read the sentences about Tania and her day at the pool. Choose the best word (A, B or G) for each space. For questions 6 10, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet, ... UP early last Saturday because she wantad to go to the pool. sosver HAE 8 B got © stood 6 Taniahada........., breakfast then rode her bike to the pool, A short B ready © quick 7 She decided to... a backpack to the pool because she had lots to carry. A bring B moved © take 8 Tania was pleasad that the... was hot and sunny, A weather B heating ——-G_ temperature 9 She most of the morning swimming and reading. A kept B spent © stayed 10 In the afternoon, she read magazine, had another swim and to her friends. A told B talked © answered Reading and Writing Part 2 Test 1 Exam practice | 13 arog 1 Br) In this part you: * read — whatsomeone says * choose one answer (A, B or C) to complete the conversation Grammar Pronouns ~bookc are worts Bold Cross OUT te RWS Wrong words "Eig! Check that pronouns ard people or hinge in the answers. snatch each oter Example Where are all the €Ds? He's / They're / im on that chain 1 Do you lke this beach? Yes, / they / you do! 2 What time will Maria arrive? {t/ We / She didi telt me. 3. Ishe going to cook those burgers? Yes! [hope he doesrtt burn ther /it / him! 4 Areyou all having fur? Were / He's / its having a great time, thanks! 5 Does your brother always dance like that? No! ve neverseen her / him / you do that! 6 ve brought my new mobile. Wow! Her / Its Their screen is really big QD KET canines onen make mistakes with ts and ts 2 Read the conversations and write is, or Mts. Beample IWS... great picnic. Good omnia _-going to snow! isi? “The cat broke tse. fs = kis or tbas gone to sleep, Oh yes, Shhh! Mao gest pay engine i realy loud. Ohdear! 15 got big windows _-on December 1th. | cant go that day. even BORA Au fae. Yes, ithas! conn ame Is MOREY. That's @ nice name! (GHB The response must be appropriate Ia response is OK, put a tick (V). Ifa response is not OK, put a a prs “<= io complete the conversation. cross (K. Example Are you going to dance? a Yes, twill in a minute [7 b Ves, die, thank you. [x] 1 These burgerstaste great! Ike to do that toot They do, dont they! 2 don't know that boy {think he's Jo's brother She is Jos sister 3 Thesea loots great Lets go for a swim! Thay were too cole 4 Istime to gonome. ‘We went there yesterday. It's late ist it? 1. Test 1 Exam practice Reading and Writing + Part 3a ‘Questions 11 ~ 15, Complete the five conversations For questions 11 ~ 15, mark A, B of C on your answer shest. 11 Whose CD are they playing? 12. Did you enjoy thet pizza? 13° Who's that boy over there? 14. Those gitis are very good at dancing! 15 When's Monica arriving? Reading and Writing Part 3a No, that wasn't its name. It’s Joel's, I think. Its name is Cloudy Hoved it) Yes, please! ‘They're amazing! What does he like doing? No, he couldn't come. That's my best friend. She was fine, thanks! So dot! I know, they are! She'll be here soon, ‘Where's she going now? She went by bus. Maes Test 1 Exam practice 18 In this part you: © read what the first pesson says in a conversation © choose the second parsons replies ‘Completing conversations | What does Jasper say to Finn? Finn; Do you want to play tennis? A Have you got a good teacher? Jasper: — B How much does it cost? Finn: — Great! Come on, then! C Yes, I'd love tol Grammar Short answers. 2 Cross out the ane wrong answer. Example How often do you play table tennis? Once a week. / Yes, you do. / Every evening. 1. Did you have sports lessons at school? No, we did't. /On Wednesdays. /Yes, of course! 2 Who'syourfavourite player? | don't know. / Maria Gilliam. / Yes, she’ great. 3. Ate you playing against Finn today? t's Finn. /No, he's too busy | think so. 4 -Whaisyournewracketiike? It's great! /Yes, ove it. / dont know yet. 5 Do you play at the sports centre? No, atthe club. / Yes, ido. / Its in the park 6 How are you getting to the match? Dad's taking me. / OK! will /7m cycling there @ Read the questions. Write a short reply. Use two, three or four words. bert: Examples iden'tenjoytennis. Ld Will hewin? — Yeas bg wll, Be you tke spor? 5 to! No, tone 1 Did you practise yesterday? sos . ‘Are you tec? 2 Are your friends going to watch? sn - Yes we are! No, svearen' 3. tstoo hot to play badminton. see ee 4. Will we see fla at the club? - Have they frishod? =| 5. Youaren't moving fast enough? Yes they have No they | haven't 6 Have you got your trainers? Complete the conversation. Choose a reply A-H from the box. FHGE Look at the sentence belore the s — 5 “space and the one altri Jo: Do you? That's great! Example Jo: Hove tennis! 1 Jo: How old is your coach? 2. Jo: When do you practise? Jo: Wow! That's young! Jo: On Saturday or Sunday? 3 Jo: My mum’ a great player Jo: Yes, she is. 4. Jo: Where's my sports bag? Jo: Thanks, 1 couldn't see it 5 Jo: This bail bounces betier. Jo: Yes, look! 6 Jor! can’ play today. Jo: Because I've got an exam. 16 1 Test 1 Training and Writing Part 3b (Questions 16-20) i Test 1 Exam ta sfad Reading and Writing « Part 3b Questions 16-20 Complete the conve:sation between a student and a teacher about tennis. What does Tim say to Janis? For questions 16 - 20, mark the correct letter A - H on your answer sheet. Example: Janis: You're really good at tennis, Tim. How old were you when you started playing? Tim: 0. E Janis: Wow! That's a fot! Do you prefer ‘Wall, that's a lot of fun too, isn’t ith 2 playing on grass’ ‘Yes, | do, because the bail bounces better. Janis: That's young! Who taught you to play A Three times a week, sometimes four. so well? B No, only once. I've never enjoyed it Tim: 16 © Ofcourse itis. I hate tosing! Janis: That's lucky! How often do you . practise together? Why not? It isn't far from here. jim: 47. E | was about six, | think, F G H Tim: Bo My dad. He's a brilliant coach and player. Janis: Does it? | didn’t know that. Do you ‘ike winning? Is that important? a Janis: So do i! But | only play table tennis. Tim: 20 Janis: Yes, itis! Reading and Writing Part 3b Test 1 Exam practice | 17 In this part your @ read atext © choose the correct answer (Right, Wrong or Doesnt say oF A, B, C)t0 seven questions Vocabulary Focus on meaning ‘Match words act phrases T=9 with Wards TA the BOX with a GRBE porant words in the question migty not similar meaning. NS be the samme as the words you reed in the txt But thelr meanings may be very simi. Example trip 1 exhibition 2 was able to emailed 3 lotsof find out 4 pictues perhaps, 5. strange n dropped Readl about Mikayla. Are sentences 1~6 Right or Wrong? GER Dont think an answer is sight ust because Right (the information is the same) - write A, ee eos word he tet alin Wrong {the information is different) - write B. Mikayla tives on a sheep farm in Queensland in Australia. She was riding her hovse across a field when she found the metal ball Mileayla wasn't strong enough to carry the ball home so she phoned her father. Example There are sheep on the farm where Mikayla lives. Mikaya’s home isin Austria Mikayla con ride a horse, ‘When Mikayla found the ball she was crossing a road, ‘The ball was made of plastic. The ball was too heavy for Mikayie to cary. Mikayl’s father phoned her about the metal ball Test 1 Exam practice Reading and Writing + Part 4 Questions 21 ~27 Read the article about a git who found something strange, ‘Ave sentences 21 ~ 27 ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B)? I there is not enough information to answer ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong? {B), choose ‘Boesn'tsay’ (C). “Por questions 21-27, mark A, Bor C on your arisiier sheet. © Read the whole text before you answer the questions. © Questions are in the same order as Information ia the text [Something strange falls from the sky field. “th dropped from abovel’ he I said. “I wus sure of that!” Mibzastezs vig ter tore acros te fetsat “Nuys iter emai to of ‘he farm where she and her pareets five in Australia que pall to tha Planet Museu Just Novernber, when she saw something very strange on tho fe sa tol hit the ball was possibly ground. ‘At Sst {wasaiaid to touch it” she suid, ‘Tthought pare gta rocket Tw daye earlier a something may jump ot of Tews 222 bilo ball mage of fockgt was uae to yan Aneta tots of efferent metal pars. satellite imo space wy study the sin Mikayla called her dad aad be care ina truck and drove it Mt oft fell nto the sea after the satelite was safely in track tothe farmhouse, People don't drive hundeds of wiles space, but maybe this part dda’ across the desort area to leave s meta ball the middle ofa "ikaw fof avout eons and sheep,’ Mikayla said “but don't now anything about rockets. I want co find out more bout them naw. Perhaps F' be an astronaut one day! ° Example: Mikayla lives ona farm in Australia. A Right B Wrong © Doesn'tsay 24 22 Mikayla saw something that iooked very unusual in the field. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say When Mikayla touched the ball, another piece of it dropped off, A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say Mikayla drove beck to collect the metal ballin her father's truck, A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say Mikayla’s dad wes certain that the ball felt from the sky. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say An American from the Pianet Museum emaiied Mikayla, A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say ‘We know that the metal ball came from another planet in space. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say ‘Wikayla Is thinking about being an astronaut in the future! A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say Reading and Writing Part 4 Test 1 Exam practice | 19 Writing Part 5 snthispartyou: © read some information © find cight missing words (choose from A, Bor C} Grammar Comparatives Compan “Wrom-Words ir each SERENE, Eleohonts are bigger than most Example The mountaias in Canada are higher than / what / then other ania the anes in italy Dobphins are mauch smaller than whies| Giratfes ae the tallest animals in Ain. ‘The sun is much / more / most bigger than the moon, ‘Monkeys ae the most interesting Its hotter in Africa when / than /then itis in India, animals im the worl, vote Nee n/sten Dragons are very different from The River Nile is one of the fong / longer /longest rivers in the world, énosaure A/The /One largest area of rainforest isin South America Spiders ae not the same ae insects Our world isnot the same as /Tike /to the other planets. _— Some of the auch /mest /many unusual animals in the word live in Australia. @P KET candidates often use thar when they should use a different word. 2 Correct the mistakes. 1 Ws great than she did that 4 Lets goto the shops than to the Beach. om 2 I think than Martive at § pim 5 My mobile is notas good thant Yours. emmmn 3. | had dinner than watched TY. 6 My jumpers the same than his Grammar Pronouns (GBR Somatimes wo, which oc shor are the missing words, Look tthe noun that Tre womranon/ i hii.) “== cores before the space to see which one you need. The book/bike/country which/that ‘Choose the best word for each space. Example One dey, J want ta have a job ..WAish... is realy exciting what/which/nko 1. Tike to be an explorer... finds @ new kind of animal who /whase/which Faw a movie about tWo men ennui that, what/that/vhose They found a tind of dragon. lived in the jungle there who/what/vhich The photo they took ofthe dragon was in thenewspapers. __thatéwho/what But most DeOpIC nwnmun- SAW the picture didn't believe it! which/whatAuho Complete the text with words from the box. Pronouns are as often tested in Part 5. Always read the whole sentence before you choose the rising word, Dic (0)... YOU... know that an elephant U9@6 (1) aun nme BFS 10 rake it ook more dangerous and to keep cooler on hot days 100? ‘The oldest elephant that (2) know about lived for 82 years and the largest one weighed 12,000 kil! (8) none have to eat neatly al the time because (4)... bodies are so big, (5) is easy to find outmore about 6)... 0n the internet, Reading and Writing Part 5 ead the wh before you begin Road the article about elephants, 3 Renin rene emer oo oa ich Choose the best word (A, B or G) tor each space. Think carefuly about whien pronoun to use For questions 28 ~ 35, mark A, B or Con your answer sheet. What do you know about elephants? There are two kinds (0) elephant - African elephants and Indian elephants. Aftican elephants, (28) are taller, also have bigger, rounder ears. An African elephants ears are almost (29) e.e..onnn Same Size 28 sheets for a single bed! But elephants don’t only use (80) v0 ‘ears to hear with. They wave them around to make them look MUCH (81) soncnnnun dangerous than they really are. Elephants stay together in groups called ‘herds’ and can live @2) 80 years. They are very big and they never stop (33) ... They often eat for 20 hours each day because they have such big bodies. An African elephant is heavier (34). [six cars! The only animals that are (35) than elephants are whales. Example: 0A from B off c of 28 A what B_ which © who 29 A any Ba © the 30 A their B them © they 31 A more B many © most 82 A ago B since ¢ for 33 A grows B growing © grow 34 A than B then © when 35 A large B larger © largest Reading and Writing Part 5 ‘Fest 1 Exam practice | 21 {in this part you: © read five sentences that each describe a word © write five words, spelling them correctly {you see the first letter and the number of letters in each word) Looking Read the text. Peter, Jeff and Caroline want to spend a wonderful day together, Where should they go? Peter fies playing computer games and watching DVDs on his laptop, He likes ‘buying clothes too. But he enjoys swimming more than anything else. jeff, who i Peters best friend, likes sailing and being outside, He's a very good football player. Peters sister is called Caroline. She loves calting her friends on her mobile, playing chess, walking by the sea and taking photos with her camera A thesportsstadium ——B thebeach the shopping centre Which of these places would you like to go to with your friends? Vocabulary Singular, plural 2 Look atthe questions below seach answer singular or plural? Underline ij Answers ae usu nouns in the word that tel you (¢his or these). Then complete the answers, * Part 6, Most of them are singular Example You can look at this at the beach sea but some cae be plural You can wear this at the beach, Tesh ort You can eat this at the beach, ce “po mate anoun phral We way baw ads magerine, magasines, boy You can read these at the beach. mg_z_nis 3 lmesarine mogasines: bay Boys). but sometimes we have toa You can play this at the beach, v_ti_yb_it -e5 (beach, beaches) ot ies story, You can find these at the beach. Hl seats . fs You can drink his tthe beach, lm ond Some kyl oak vena oo, rere Complete these sentences about a trip to the beach with plural nouns. Example 1m lucky! There are nwo beaches. (beach) near my house, T SOME .smanene (Child) love making sandcasties on the beach. 2 You dont need to take these un. (watch) off when you go swimming 3 How many... (person) were flying kites on the beach today? 4 Tread two wonder... ne (Story) on the beach last week 5) My favourite... (hobby) are swimming and saiing. 6 My fiends abweys take thei esau (mobile) to the beach with thern ‘words. Complete the answers, Example Put this on your head in hot sunny weather. 1. People wear these sometimes instead of trousers 2. Some people wear these on their feet when they do sports. 3 You can wear this when you are ina swimming poo} wwear these instead of sktts and blouses. 5 Youwear these on your legs and they are usually blue, Put this on over your shit if you get cald on a walk Example ize cream People use greer vegetables to make this cold food. Apples and bananas are examples of this. You can make this drink from oranges, for example. Some people make these with bread and cheese. ‘This meat is hot and round and often eaten inside bread. ‘his is usually round and has cheese and tomato on top. Look at the picture and complete the descriptions. Example Thisisanisi.a nd. The sea is all around this place. 1 Thesearet___.___. You wear therm on your feet 2 This iss___. tsusually yellow and you waik on it at the beach 3 These aret_____. Youneed them to get dry agein after a switn. 4 Thisisw____. Its good to drink this when you are hot. 5 Thesearew You need wind to make these move. 6 Thisisar You use itto hit a ball with. 7 Thesearec = They are white or grey and move sfowiy across the sky 8 Thisisam______. thas fots of photos on its pages. “These sentences describe things you can wear. Look at the undertined ‘These are all things you can eat or drink at a barbecue or picnic. Underline the words that help you find each answer, then complete the answers. C This s cold and sweet. Eat it quickly if you are in the sunt ik [pF Urderine important wards in he ASE description to help you find the answer, hat sh_its tre cLstim_ driss_s jens Test {Training | 23 oe answers in Pat 6 i 1) Theresa sal screen and 2. Same people ike playing 3 These are ike short letters i numbers and letters on this ‘games on this. but you dont write them i {tis small so you can carry it Lots of people use itto surf with a pencit in your pocket, the internet. Some people write lots of Youcan useittotalcto your_| | ___you can take twith you these each day. Friends or family. anywhere! If you want to send these, | : you need to know your: i friends phone numbers | Answer WSam_ Answer Wtsal | Ansiter They aret | | Vocabulary Double or single letters moo | cca 1 2 3 4 5 6 ‘Check the oumber of letters you need in Part 6 carefully 8 Cross out the wrong spelling in each sentence. Example ff you want io go swiming /swimming, i know a great beach! Look at ten words from this training section. Write the descriptions. Example wear/this/head/when/sunny — hat You can wea, fig..on. your head..when U's. sunny Do you need double oF single iewers? KET candidates often make spelling mistakes because they use double or single letters incorrectly. There’ a becutiful / beautifull beach only two kilometres away. You car have kinch or diner /dinner in the beach café there. There's a small supertmarket there to / too so we can even buy ice creams. We can also buy sandwiches and cold drinks or any other shoping / shopping that we need, Lats go there tommorrow /tomorrow. Its such a wonderful / wonderful place! Bring your cameral phone/friends/this mobile Youcan wearfthis/sea costume Youcan. - drink/this/wher/thirsty water Youcan . take/photosithis camera Youcan eee findfthese/sand/sea shelis You can, play/tennis/this racket You can sendfemailsthis laptop You caf read/thesesbooks stories YOU CAP read/good articles/this magazine Yuan. co eat/this/when/hungry burger You cai. Test 1 Training “Reading and Writing Part 6 om Cuescetsmgy Reading and Writing + Part 6 Questions 36-40 or Read the descriptions of some things that peopie take to the beach, ® Answers are usually singular, but some What is the word foreach one? can be plural (© Count the number of spaces for the The frst letter is already there, There is one space for each other letter * CN NE Mums in the word. celeste word. You must spel the wor Far questions 86 — 40, wiite the words on your answer sheet. ou mus spel te words comecty Example: 0 Ifyou take this kind of computer to the beach, don’t get sand in it Answer: gy laptop 96. You can make this with two pieces of bread and meat, salad or cheese, ---87...Some people wear these-to help them read more easily. 3B You use this to take photographs with. 39. ff you get wet after swimming, dry yoursel! with this, 40. In very hot weather, some people wear these instead of trousers. Reading and Writing Part 6 Test 1 Exam practice | 25 An this part you: © read texts that are usually one or two messages © write the tenmissing words Grammar Question forms ‘1 Readl the questions carefully Write Hie Missing form of be, do or have. Example ..HANE.... you seen that pop video yet? (BH espace isthe esr word in 2 question, the missing word might be a forma of be, do or have. Harry and Gwen going to come to the disco? Lesley told Stephen about the concert? __Jane’s birthday next Saturday? we have to leave the party naw? Your friend have a favourite band too? _-.Ou" seats near the stage? Vocabulary Finding appropriate words Lesley’s parents already bought the tickets? nn YOU Buy the concert tickets online yesterday? KET candidates often make mistakes with phrases like toke @ photo, have a party, give a present. Check the words that come before and after the space very carefully. 2 Cross out the wrong verb in each sentence. Example 1. Imade /took some good pictures of the band. Im doing / having my party tomorrow, My aad can go / drive us to the concert in his ear | offered / gave jane a necklace for her bisthday present, We always have / get lots of fun at the disco. |im going to wear /catry my new white jeans at the concert Would you like to watch /fook a DVD? Dad can pay / buy the concert tickets next week. | did / went shopping for some new clothes. My friends and! freard / tstened to music J can try to answer /reply al your questions. KET candidates often make mistakes in longer sentences, Read the whole text once before you make the corrections, 3. Find and correct five mistakes in the email opposite, oe Hi Sally, I'm going to goto a concert what's at Plaza Theatre tomorrow! We're going to have a snack ina coffee bar near our fat frst than we'l go to the that, ‘who Is only about 20 minutes away The band’s called the Oh Dears! Ded and | went thee last month for see The Gates (a brillant reggae group) ls going to be great, Cal me whan you would tke tc come with ust Love from Tina BCS RS Cr aie Reading and Writing + Part 7 Questions 41-50 (ti S Do not write more than one ward in each space, "Complete the emails. ‘© Toke a moment to check your spelina! Write ONE word for each space. For questions 41 ~ §0, virite the words on your answer sheet, = Example: a about Hi Stephen! We talked (0) .umsnn Going to the pop concert last night. It's 41) ‘18* February and the tickets cost £20 each. They're (42) expensive than tickets for the disco, but it willbe (49) really great night! ~~ 44) you want to come with us? My brother will (48). us there in his new cart Dad's buying the tickets online tomorrow, so write back quickly or (46)... me on my mobile. My (47) 07845, Lesley Hey, thanks (48)... your email. Yes, | can come too. Jane's (49) party tomor1OWi. (50). ne YOU GOING? | can give you the money there. ‘Stephen Reading and Writing Part 7 ‘Test 1 Exam practice | 27 In this part you: * read nwo short texts to find five pieces of information * write five pieces of information (words and numbers) Looking at dates and times ‘iiatdh. She feft home at 2.45 but the match doesn't start until 3.30. She wrote a note in her diary this moming. Which ‘is Mona’ diary, A or B? ~ ——T 8 Co a | Thursoy, 15 December Tuesday, 11 November | | My hoskag wath begins at (oping fm the hockey match | thruethvty, hoce fant bas today. [t begins at quarter to At that tine 0 IU have to go tects, WEL take. too long to eye by bike instead. ahink it takes thee. 1 catch the bas that about 4B minates bo get there. tna a ha pst [Ae Vocabulary Dates and numbers 2 Undertine the word(s) in the sentences that mean the same as the bold ‘IRE You often have to answer words in the notes, questions about times o Example The journey starts at nine o'clock. Journey begins at: 9 a.m. date in ts par Weil get home at 7 inthe evening Return at: 7 p.m. 1. That coach goes before 8.30. Coach leaves before: 8.30 2 Well arrive there by 200. Students will get there by. 9 3 The schoo! holiday ends on May 10", Holiday finishes on: 10 May 4. 6 Aprilis the day of the tip. Date of trip: Apsil6 5 Mrs Morganis coming back on Friday. ‘Mrs Morgan will return on: Friday 6 The tran leaves at 6.30 in the morning. Time of rain: 630 am Fig There may be mn dierent Underline the sentence that means the same as each note. rms oF dates in the texts. Only Example Finishes at:3.30 pm. it stars at half past three. /Itends at three thitty. one answers the question! ie game starts: 10 am. Game begins at ten. The game will start before 11 am. Film starts at 4.45 p.m. Film (from 4.45 to 6 p.m) / The film ends at'a quarter to five, Bus goes at: 2 p.m, ‘The bus takes two hours. / The bus leaves at two o'clock. No school om: May 4 School closed on 4 May. No schoo! in May for 4 days! Date of party july 14 Hes 14 in July! / Party will be on 14 July Factory trip: 17 Sept Factory visit Sept 17. / Factory opens on ¥7 Sept. 28 | Test Training : Reading and Writing Part & Grammar Prepositions GDP KET candidates often make mistakes describing when things happen. uwith at, on or in You might have to say when you would like to do something or when you did somethi ‘A. Cross out the two virong words in each sentence. Example it’s cycle to school at/ on / in Wednesday. Ry TE WMT TS HOTTIE Our plane leaves at /on in six thirty, 2. AL/On/Inmy birthday, Gabby gave me a DVD. Call me at /on /in Saturday evening, 3. My cousin can take you there by car at /on /in Mum says its more difficult to get a tax) the afternoon, at /on fin the evening. : Test 1 Exam practice Reading and Writing + Part 8 Questions 51 ~ 55 ee + Read beth texts to find all ve answers Read the message and the email. © Spell words correctly when you copy them. Fil in the information in Julia's notes. © FOF questions 51 - 56, write the information on your answer sheet, | Year 6- 8 o| Meetingabout trip! | as Mrs Morgan has givan us more information about the school trip. We sethectoctefartny on At 1 have to moet nthe playground a 190 and we'llbe Back a 4.20 tht nen. afternoon. She said no MP3 piayers on the coach. {We aren't going. Bring a per and notebook to this edting, please. Mrs Morgan bby train now!) Bring a drink becauise the Journey to and from Gower Le Park takes an hour each way. | hope we get some tree chocolate! Advice sss Julia’s Notes ‘Schoo! trio! Will visit: chocolate factory Date of tip: (BA J Should take: 2 _ i . Wil travel by: s _ Place to meet: in 7 | Will return at: Reading and Writing Part 8 Exam practice | 29 ed ES ke In this part you: © read three requests for information © write three pleces of information in a short message Answering three questions i Zara! Yes, ‘can play tennis Dear zara, i'd love to play tennis, Let's { is weekend i Half past thee play at the club é is best for me. by the beach 1 cattos. See you later i Louise 1 j 2 Civhostecan ie b [| Whereshall we play? i c, | ]Whoseracket can | borrow? [| How can we get there? Read the two example tasks befow and under How many are there in each task? Task 1: You went to see an exibition and really enjoyed it. Write an email to your English frlend, Linda. Say when you went to the exhibition © where the exhibition was '® why you enjoyed the exhibition, Grammar Prepositions something is or where you want to go. Example Wewent és a museum with our teacher Your school bags to the table in your room, My classmates are at France now. We went in a restaurant and had a curry. My family anrived at New York yesterday. You can buy the CD to the new music shop. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Iwas in a party at fills house. Reading and Writing Part 9 Zara sent a message to her three best friends to come and play tennis. Look at her friends’ answers. Tick (¥) the three questions (ag) that Zara asks. [7] How much does it cost? £ ]When can you play tennis? & (.]Why canttyou play today? KET candidates often make mistakes describing where with of, on, in or to, ‘You might have to say where you are, where you did something, where 3° Cross out the wrong word in each sentence, then write the correct word. ‘ail what 2 great Idea! we can cycle there, | think, That's the easiest way to get these, Bian, 1e the Wh- questions. Task 2: Read this note from your English friend Fi! I've Just been to a rock concert! When do you listen to music? What kind. of music do you like? | Which instrament can you play? | White a note to your friend and answer the questions, | In Port 9, you always have torte 25-35 wor. You ‘often have to answer Wi ‘questions Reading and Writing Part 9 A Cross out the wrong word in each sentence. Example Come by fina bus! 1 Heinvited meat /tohishome, 6 I'm interested at Jn music. 2 twas on Jin TV 7 Welcome in / to my town! 3. She'splayingon/ inthe concert. 8 mon /smhotiday! 4 Call me at / on $748, 9 The bookis grey in / on the front fou ate importantat tome, 10. Jose's at / in his best friends house. Grammar Irregular verb forms and spelling KET candidates often make mistakes with irregular verbs when they write about what they are doing now or what they did. Make sure you learn regular verb forms 5 Cross out the wrong past tense form in each sentence. Example | heared / heard some loud music. 1 Iecasted /cost £20, which is cheap. 2. We took /takeda picnic with us. 5 | choosed / chose pasta with mushrooms for my dinner. 3 | payed / paid £50 for the ticket. 6! wore /weared my new T-shirt. 4 My cousin gived / gave me some perfume. GB KET candidates often make spelling mistakes using double or single letters. [6 Puta tick (V) if the spelling of the verb is right Put a cross (x) if its wrong and [write the correct spelling on the dotted line. Example Vn waiting for you. My brother is comming too. ‘Thanks for vrtting to me Let’ go swiming ater Ym travelling to London tomorrow. im getting a bike for my birthday, ‘We go shoping on Saturdays. Fim listenning to ny new CD now. ansana 7 Complete the sentences with an -ing form or the past simple of Fig? Make sure you learn the splines for veibs the verb. SEE tat end ine or-y. Example He is..using._. (use) his red pen. Tim (play) my new computer game now. Verbs ending in -e change wien you ec ing 2. She nunmnon (Sy) Goodbye to me yesterday, 2g, dance/dances/dancing, veite/wrtes/umiting , Verbs ending na von and -y dori change, 3) Mysister {try] to heip me with my homework. 9 playplayeflaing, bayfouyetauying HOVE i osssmmn (dance) to crazy music! ‘Verbs ending in two consonants and -y change when you ada 5 (study) English at schoo! last year. 4 tyfttestiying, cyctes/ying 6 My riend i... (buy) the movie kets ‘es wit to bles erg n ene consonant and -y chenge wien you 260 -%, 2g. studh/studdes/tudying, caryfcaries/canying Hi Marcust Hello Is good Thanks for ‘see you on to know that you waiting to me. \wedensday, tm hada nice meal vas, 10 wont to camming on the My favourite moat 90 to the cinema bus. perhaps we Js dhlken,teatit whit you at the ‘can go shoping in aimost twice 2 weekend. That will the town cent month, Healy tke be grate il wait Yor you outside at Spm. By! Aiden Grammar Answering three wh- questions 9 Read this Part 9 task and the messages to Pat from three KET candidates, Anna, Ben and Candy. Then answer questions 1~5 below. ‘You want to go and see your English friend, Pat, tomorrow: Write an email to Pat say. © what you did yesterday © why you want to see her © what time you will artive. Hi Pat! | tted to do my English 1 arrive at half past three. | homework yesterday but | wil show you my wonderful haveing problems is quiet holiday photographs! They're dificult, Can loome and see amazing. Ill catch the bus, you tommorrow beoaus 1 wont See you! some help! By! Ben Anna {Gigi When you have frshes “= ysiting your message in the test, check it for speling mistakes "Pipe Read the instruction carefully! Remember you MUST write al trree parts of the message to get a good mark. Dear Patt {bought some great trainers yesterclay. They costed 60 eurast ll come to your fat to show them to you at about 4 P.m. tomorrow, Candy Which weiter: has included all three parts of the message? has made a past tense mistake? thas written fewer than 25 words? should check their spellings and grammar? might get the best marl? and put your name at the end. You saiwa TV programme that you liked a fot Write an email to your English friend, Daisy. Say: © where you watched the programme ‘© who you watched the programme with a why yourliked the programme - Hi Daisy, I watched a great TV programme eee I watched it on V enjoyed it &10t ssn Check! Answer these questions! © Have | included alithree parts in my message? * Does my message answer where, who with and why? @ Are there beeen 25 and 35 words in my message? Did | check all my spellings? Did f put my namest the end? Read the task carefully. Complete the message with your own words Test 1 Exam practice Reading and Writing » Part 9 co © Remember to write ative pars of the message, You ust rte at east 25 word, 1 Remember to put yournare a he end of the message Question 56 You went toa party Write a note about it to your English friend, Alison. Say: ® when you wentto the party, * where the party was why you enjoyed the party, ~-Write 25 = 35 words. Write the note on your answer sheet. Reading and Writing Part 9 Test 1 Exam practice 33 ae) J Listening Part 1 In this part you: © read five questions and look at three possible picture answers © listen to five short conversations and chase the right answer Listening for information | FFG Amelia Wants to talk to her brother, Justin, but she can't find him. Listen and answer the questions. 1 Whois Amelia talking to now? 2. What does Amelia want to borrow? 3 Is Justin in the kitchen, the living room or the bathroom? Grammar Prepositions 2 Draw arrows in, under, between, next to and on the pictures Bin Part 1 you often have to show the five possible places where the racket might be. 10 answer questions about - ‘here people or thngs are ina howse. EET inthe cupdoard under the piflow beeween the chars next to the bed (on the shel 1 Where’ Johns tennis racket? Tck 9 the right picture {EIBD uisten again 2 Where's Leah's tennis racket? Tick (¥) the right picture. §2 55) Listen. Where's Paul's wallet now? Choose the right answer f Listen carefully. Don't ONLY @ Bord, choose an answer bacause you hear something that you can see in one of the pictures, ~ Vocabulary Numbers 'You will hear one right number and one wrong number in each ‘conversation, Listen and choose the right answer (A or B). You often have to answer a question ae ‘1. What size shoes does the boy wear now? Aad B a2 about numbers, 2. How many pencis are in Saras pencil case? A30 833 3. How much did Axel’s boots cost? Ag2T BERS SLL When's Flas birthday? - AAS May, BS May [58 What number page is the girl reading? A68 B86 5 YEVEP Now listen and choose the right answer. How much is Stella belt? A 8 c ‘Grammar Present and future actions __.Read the conversation. What does Ross want to do? {GFE You ofen have to answer questions Choose the right answer (A, B or ©). aboot iat people are doing at home. Pay attention tothe verbs Jenna: Shallwe watch 1V, Ross? [Are they present, past or futre? Ross: Not now. fd like to make something to eat, Jenna: Well, 'm net hungry. fm going to listen to some music Ross: Ok, but don take any of my CDst TFG You" bear someting about a three pietres, bat there only ane right answer Make site you read the question very careful! 7 What is Holly doing at home now? Listen and choose the right answer. . yay Look at the pictures and the question. va What does Torn wantto wear? ’ < at does To ‘wear ; AK R Now wits curation ets Tm ad i rm 4 =p ‘Make one picture answer right and two picture anawers wrong. Se | é 8 c Listening Part 1 Test 1 Exam practice Listening * Part 1 $218 auestions 1-5 ‘You wil! hear five short conversations, ‘You will hear each conversation twice, There is one question for each conversation. Example: For each question choose the right answer (A, B or ©). How many new T-shirts did Ellen get? A «You hear information da you se all thee pctures but ONLY ONE i igh you dant know an ansiner, dont warty. Goess A Bor C a | | | | 1 Where is Justin's sister now? 2 How much monay is in Eva's purse? o a oO 36 | Test 1 Exam practice Listening Part t 9. Where is Paul's textbook? 4 What's Jenna doing now? Listening Part 4 Test 1 Exam practice | 37 In this part you: © read twollsts of information snto conversation and mateh the so lists of information Vocabulary Work and jobs (FFE Listen to information about people's jobs. ‘What does each person do? Dravr lines between the people's names and their jobs. Example Tom dentist Scott journalist wanna \ mechanic Gregor pilot tian photographer Charlie waiter Listen. How does each person describe their job? ‘Cross out the wrong word. Example cook boring / hard tour guide interesting / bad nurse Friendly / busy footballer dangerous / easy hairdresser dificult cool engineer exciting / uninteresting 1 2 3 4 5 musician amazing / fur 6 7 cleaner important / britiant 8 clown excellent / speciat EXE Listen. Where did each person in Kerry's family work first? Write one letter A-E next to each person. There is one extra answer. Kerry's family Place 1 dad cinema 2 mum circus 3 aunt disco 4 grandma factory office In the second list, the words you hear are often diferent from the words you read 7 You may hear more than one ofthe words on the Ist fer one question, so don't choose an answer just because you hear a sword on the fst! BE Remember you can only use an answer once, Cross cut ansivets after you have used them ene 2 2 o 3 3 é igten to Joe! telling his older sister about his friends. Where would they like to work one day? "For questions 6~ 10, write a letter A - H next to each person. i FRIENDS WORKPLACE 6 Mitton A hotel ‘Saskia B park 8 Elis C police station eG. tydia D restaurant 10 All a E school F sports stadium G television centre H z00 Listening Part 2 Listening « Part 2 Test 1 Exam practice In this part you: @ read fivequestions ‘© listen to 2 conversation and eheese the right answer (A, Bor C) Grammar Answering questions ‘Draw lines from the ‘how questions to the possible answers. Listen to an example. Example How tals that ree? ——— 1Odolias STigi Sometimes you have to anoner ; ‘question. Make sure you How long hes the park been open 35 miles oesetn a ese How high is the mountain? 3 months How much does it cost? 520 How hots ittoday? | 7610 metres How many people five in the forest? | 21 degrees How far away is the sea? “ 6 metres: FELD tisten ta gir asking questions about an island, Look at the answers If the answer is right, put a tick (V). If the answer is wrong, put a cross (x). Example Where is the island? in Australia How do most people travel to the island? by plane What colouris the rock on the island? black Which is the best time of year to visit the island? inthe summer How hots itin summer on the island? about 30 degrees Wheat is special about the island? the water in the lake Why do people often sleep outside? to watch the stars GEV Listen to a teacher, Miss Takara, telling students about a waterfall. Cross out the wong words. Example Miss Takara visited the waterfall aaweek-ago /a month ago. 1. The waterfalls in Galina Park /Wateria Park 2 You cant usualy vist the waterfall in January / February 3. The walicto the waterfall takes about § minutes / 10 minutes. 4 The waterfalls 28 metres high / 42 metres high 5 The bridge near the waterfall is made of rock / wood. £277) Listen to Lora asking about a nature park. Choose A, B or C. (TRE hs part one of the speakers 1. Visitors go to this park to see snly ah oh Be anon A monkeys B lions. € bears, 2 The parkusually A 07.00. 8 09,30. ¢ ¥.00 3 How much is the family ticker? ASS B58 EB yu dont know an answer you cs16 should sil choose one of the options! “Listening Part 3 VIP awestions 11-15 po you will hear the conversation twice. How long has the museum been open? A aweek (B) two months C three years : | EBS listening - Part 3 - Listen to Bruno asking about a museum that is in the countryside. For each question, choose the right answer (A, B cr C). 14 The museum has fots of information about A forest workers. B wild birds. © different trees. 42 When is the museum closed? A on Thursdays Bon Saturdays on Mondays 13° How far away is the museum? A 15 miles B20 miles © 30 miles 14 On the study day, teenagers can learn about A plants. B the sea © clouds. 18 The study day is tree for students under A 14 . 8 6 o 18 Listening Part 3 ‘Test 1 Exam practice ay In this part you: * read form that you must complete with words or numbers © fistento a stort conversation and write the answers en the form Listening for specific information ier an inleFesting programme on TV this evening. Listen to two people talking about it. Which is the correct programme information. A, B or C? F920) Listen carefully to six people talking about time. If the answer is night, put a tick (¥). If the answer is wrong, put a cross (x), Example Tie festival starts: 200 [VF 1 Programmebegins at: S30 [_] 4 Band begins playingat: B4S 2. Fill starts at: 2 [1] 5 Game will startat: 330 3 Concervencsat: «950 [] 6 Timedisco finishes 900 FBP tisten and answer time questions. You can write words, but its quickerto waite numbers, Example Group meets at: 4.30... p.m Exhibition opens at: Lam. Radio show starts at:.. am, Play Begins 2 nme PIM Send emai before: pm. Party is FrOMM 6.30 10 sseiemnaan PAM. ‘Computer fessor ends at... pm. Vocabulary Spelting 4 FEB Listen. re these names spelt correctly? Write YES or NO. Example MrJastin NO 1 Baliscott Park 4 Mrs Korduff 2. Kate Ailsh 5 Agher Stadium 3) Orinde Road 6 Newbert Village Remember that Begins and starts mean the same, and ends and finishes mean the sare. ‘aim. mears in the momring ard pam.) ‘means in the afienoon, | —_/ EE You nest atnays have 0 vite a name of a person or place. Someone wil spel it and you rmust write it correct to get Listen and complete the notes. ‘Most people make mistakes ‘Example Address of club: 12, Burgess. Road with vowvals (a, i 0, u} 0 listen carefully to those. Usten and © Person to call: CT complete each question. Write 2 “Find out about: Farm as dearly as you can. 3) Name of dragon: a Writers sumame! 6 Send email to ss Look careful athe form Preciict answers for this form. Write your guesses in column A. before you listen. What kind of “Then listen and write the information in column B. information will you need to write? 2 Festival Day of festival: Festival starts at Name of band Cost of festival Tshirt Travel there by: You will hear a teacher telling her students about a school trip. Listen an complete each question. You will hear the conversation twice, School trip Name of programme: Teen News. Day: 16). Begins at: I ees ‘Channel: (18) Good for (schoo! subject): (19) ‘Name of journalist: (20) Sara Listening Part 4 Test 1 Exam practice | 43 Listening Part 5 tn this part you: © read a form that you must complete with words or numbers © fistento one person talking and write the answers on the form Vocabulary Prices, numbers and colours FERS Listen carefully to people talkingrabyour how mich different things cost, If the answer is right, put a tick (¥), I the answer is wrong, put a cross (x), Example Oneice cream costs: $2 Return bus ticket costs: 75 pence Price of mineral water: 6325 Price for one cinema ticket: €9.50 Cost of guitar tesson: £1250 2B) Now listen and complete questions 5-8. One cheeseburger costs Price of top 19 DVDs: Entrance to swimming poo! for students: Cost of tenaislesson: Listen ard write the numbers. Example Luka’ mobile number: OTTB24. 1 Kind of laptog: Takio 2 Bookshop phone number: 3. Number of riders in race: 4 Size of trainers. 5 Number of O¥DS for sale. 6 Address... Grange Street FED tisten and write the colours, Example Colour of maths textbook: ..£@4. Colour of sweater Colour of school bag: wun Colour of tennis racket: Colour of bicyde: Colour of hair: Colour of watch: You often have to answer ‘questions about prices in tis part of the test. (GE You sometimes have to arse Inger number questions Remember, in phone numbers ve say each number, You sometimes have to answar ‘questions about colours Predict answers for this form. Write your guesses in column A. (ifRJF Look carefuty atthe fxr belore you “Then listen and write the information in column B. “fisten and think about what Kind of words you will need i write for Football game a B example, ay, time, a number. 1 Day of match 2 Startsat: se 3 Cost of school bustrip there: & FEVBP Questions 21-25 You will hear a man giving some information about a BMX bike that’s for sale. Listen and complete each question. ‘Will he@ir the information twice. Bike for sale Kind of bike: BMX Roadstar Price: 21) Ea Colour: (22)... Can go and see tonight at: (23) cnn Pa Address: (24) 237... Street. oo Phone number: (25) Listening Part 5 Test 1 Exam practice | 45 | \ “a6 | Test 1 Tratning Inthis part you: © speak — toan examiner * answer questions about your name, your schoo}, your hobbies Listening to personal questions 1 Jarek’ssurrame 2 hisnationality 3 the countey that he comes from 4 the subjects that he is studying Understand the task 2 Complete the sentences with words from the box, Someone will give you a mark sheet with your {1}... onit. Someone will take you and your partner tothe room where the 2) nnn at siting, FED usten to an examiner taking to a student, Which questions does the examiner ask? Tick () the boxes. Hello. Whats your name? What's your surname? How do youspell your surname? How old areyou? Where do yeu come fram? st “Tarek, Some questions. What does she know about Jarek oy the end of the conversation? Listen and tick (¥) the boxes. 5 his favourite hobby 6 another country he fas visited 7 his favourite day of the week 8 hisage lake sure you know what going to happen ‘in Part 1 of the Speaking test. The photographs bbelow wil help you. There will be (3). The ftst examiner will ay their examiners in the room, name and (8)... sane YOUr AFK The first examiner will say sheet. The second examiner will il (4) down, QO { o Oj ow then tall you to sit in your mark sheet. He / She (6)... 2k you any questions “The frst examiner wil ask each of you some ~ questions about yaur name, where you come from and about your school subjects. 6 Whats the name of this town? 7 Do you study English at choot? 8 Do you enjoy learning English? 9 What other subjects de you study? 10 What's your favourite subject? EBD Listen again tothe questions in exercise 3 and give your own answers "Read the questions. What can you add to the students answers? The examine then asks you questions stout ‘piample What’ your name? FS sour dal le, your intevests and hobbies ‘My name. is... Katia Give more than one-ward answers. sees ay ke the town where you live? . SHOPPING son ‘Whats your favourite hobby? 5 What did you do last weekend? sauna PRY 6 What are you going to do next weekend? volleyball “Think of two or three more things to say to complete each answer. (RAGE At the end of Part 4, the exarminer asks | Tell me about your fori. ‘each of you to speak about one thing a ‘The examiner wil sy: Tell me about saith nts. My fat ! fiparents My father (69, home, family, fiends, schoot, county) “ell me about your bes friend. My bestfriend is 14, He's Tell me about your school ‘My schoot is quite near here. Its Listen to an examiner and a student answering his Teff me about ... question. Test 1 Exam practice Speaking * Part 1 es © Don't wory if the other student knows more Enish than you do. Try to answer with more than one word #8 Try 10 say Sree things wien you answer the Tell me about. question. Listen to an examiner talking to two stucients. You will hear one student, Rosa, answer. YOU are the other student. Answer your questions. Speaking Part 1 Test 1 Exam practice | 47 © read notes and speak to another student © askand answer five questions Looking at factual information "internet search below. Listen: Which competition is 0? Competition 21/09 young writers and school students. Go to wyww.compo.tnz23.march.col Quiz competition September national: school students will come from all parts of country. wwwiw.guz.20/ Understand the task ‘Make sure you know what is goirg to happen in Part 2 of the Speaking test. The photographs below wil help you. 2 Complete the sentences with words from the box. The fist (1) amen givesthe two Student A fooks atthe question The examiner gives the students (A and 3) their question words and asks (3)... (8) ovnnn--back to the students and information booklets, questions about their topic with a different task Student B ne stucent gots a page of 234s five diferent questions about Student 6 finds the (4) (2) noes. The other student gets ‘i another (6) cman, Stucent ohlnlounmen he/she needs to answer each Afinds the information on their ‘question, and answers it booklet and answers the questions. 3 Look at this information about a cycing race, and then complete the questions that you might hear. 48 1 Test 1 Training FISD Now tsten tot stucents asking and answering the questions about the race. Did Student A ask all five questions? Did Student B answer all five questions? . Test 1 Exai ‘actice Speaking « Part 2 te (©The order ofthe questions wil be eifferent from the orcer of the information '# Asking questions: make sure you ask all five questions. ‘@ Answering questions: read the information booklet and oaly give the information thet on the booklet CANDIDATE B Go to page 222 ~~ CANDIDATE A - your answers: CANDIDATE A - your questions Hobby Club Bike Ride 15 kilometres through Danwood Forost ‘call Mary (075642) for more information July 2ist bring pionie lunoh meet in Forest Car Park Computer Classes what /feara,? how old / students ? eee ee Listen to a model conversation for the Hobby club bike ride and the Computer classes tasks at: For the audioscripts see page 169. Speaking Part 2 ‘Test 1 Exam practice 1 a9 Reading and Writing Part 1 © How many questions are there in Part 1? © How many notices are there to choose from? Vocabulary Focus on meaning 1 Match words and phrases 1-6 below with the words in the box that (BE took for wont in the SEE uestions and notices that Rove the some renin oe “They ae se aay same pat of spect Example akind of chair ..80@t.. pant TV HUgBBE ns 4 KE 2 tourists, 5. acheaper price EF row oct oen 2 sets i 6 ajoumey by air 2 ested in Part 1 ‘Match the notices with the lists of places where your family might see them, ipl; Sometimes a natce begins Example | Pt off your car engine | nna RODE, $tABO.... 1 underground No ambubneesenly - . petrotetation motorway (Platform 9A is across bridge ° re i bus stop Lifts up to street Fevel hospital eitport station , (GiB hein to se perce: . ergy sentence carefully. Example This seat is for staf only. D...sit somewhere else Ticket office closed. buy tickets here now. ‘No cycling onthe platform. ‘ide your bike here. Important! Donot leave your seat. stay in your seat. Have passports ready, please. __-find your passpert now. Sorry. No buses today. vom ttavel by bus this morning, Lifts to luggage collection, sw these to go and get your luggage. ‘Look for words inthe sentence and notice v that have the same meaning, They might ‘of questions 1 5, mark the correct letter A ~ H on your not be the sare words = answer sheet. (© Names of places in the natices may help you find your answer. Read the beginnings ofthe questions carey 1 You should not drive fast here because A a people like to cyclo in this place. Students must buy tickets 5 before getting on college bus 2 Do not leave your suitcases or bags sl anywhere while you wait for your fight. 8 |’ Forest Park Road Drive slowly ‘Hf you can show that you're a student, you ity “ » Gyclists use this path will pay tess for this. 4 You should not travel on this unless you c 7 Bo have already paid for your journey. Leon Airport Keep your luggage with you at all tines) 5. You won't have to wait longer than three quarters of an hour to go on this. D RRoePs Bias ‘Tyres of brakes repaired ‘while you wait! ee E Remembert Keap your return ticket ina safe place F - i | Coach station i L Gity tour leaves. from thie step | every 45 minutes —— River Severn ~ next boat trip 2.15, - Buy tickets here it 2 : J * Weekend rail tickets * discounts for student card holders Reading and Writing Part 1 Test 2 Exam practice | 51 ‘© How many questions are there in Part 2? © How many answers must you choose from? Vocabulary Focus on meaning 1L_Cross out the wrong word. (GFR Think caety abou me —_ ‘ difference in meaning between imple Can sch? Example Cant eook/make a sandwich: these pars of words Yim going to take /do a shower now. ‘There's a nice pink ground / carpet in my room. Can have atowel /sheet to dry my hands with? tive got a very soft / quiet pillow on my bed Please close the garden door f gate behind you! My school bag is usually on the chair /seat in my bedroom, its getting cold, Let's turn on the heating / fre. {need another blanket / curtain on my bed. There's a key in the entrance / dear of my room. xcuse me / Please, where's the toilet? ebtir Write the correct verb in each space. iB Someies phrasal vrs ae tested in Pat 2 Example Can ..}AMR....on the DVD player? put /turn / get J must nn ouenthese dirty cups up. grow / get / wach 1 iy jacket off in the kitchen. got/tumed / took When you. aan Ou shot the door quietly. find / go / get Put on sour het 8 (oo) Put yourkat on. My friend cn the same shirt as me. put /get/ turn “Take off your het / Tur on ihe TV, Make sure you 8aVE an onnan the cooker off got/put/tumed eh em the IV on sun ff that chair, you naughty cat! Take / Get / Turn “Turn off tie Te 1 2 3 4 5 srandpa up! He’ sleeping on the sofa! Grow / Wake / Wash (or) Take you het off 6 7 8 Help me took... my CD. | cant find it after / at /for fo) Tum the TV oft Some KET candidates make mistakes with do, make, take and have. 3. Write the right verb (do, make, cake or have) for each expression. hae... party se YOREHOMAWOT rem WASH : ot make 2 nose, dinnes sow 8 photo your bed make 20086 a phone call on ARISE semnnansSOM€ MICA ake sone maney a problem sn a a cake do ates, do a project do some homework, an appointment a project an exam do some exercise, do a job, do sore pratice Reading and Writing Part 2 Reading and Writing + Part 2 —_— we 5 © Read the sentence careful! The three passibie pea the sentences about Inez and her visit to England. answers might mean almost the same. “Choose the best word (A, B or G) for each space. (© Try al three words in the space before you choose =For questions 6~ 10, mark A, Bor Gon your answer sheet. your answes. © Look atthe words before and! alter each space Wate out for portelar expressions and for phrasat verbs. ‘with an English family last summer. © stayed Answer: ABS ‘The house was on the corner ofa... ty street. A fast B busy © quick Uhe2’s FOOT WAS nan DUE it Was quite cold. A lovely B speciat = G_well 8 She asked for two more............t0 put on her bed. A curtains B sheets © blankets 9 Inez liked Off the lights and looking out of her window at “the city each night. A taking B getting = turning 10 One evening, the family .......@ party so Inez met all their friends. A made B had © took Reading and Writing Part 2 Test 2 Exam practice | 53 © How many questions are there in Part 3a? © How many answers must you choose from? Vocabulary Everyday expressions 1 Match sentences 1~5 with responses a~ C ‘@ thope so! 2 Lets go outside, Its too hot inhere. bb How do you do? 3 Are they going to play that CD again? ¢ Sodolt going t Play that CD ag Many diferent expressicns are 4 Can you passme another sandwich? dtd rather not. 5 Hello, my name's jenny Here you arel Find expressions in Remember! that can mean: ee {I need to speak to you {to ask a question} - Sony? Certain! Please say that agin. nn What a pit! What a great deat | Goodbye... Fa rather not hope so. lagree! Of course! Excuse me! See youlater itsOk | ‘dont want Beto! Tata ant. | Yes. Thats tne! Excetent | Of course moll Alloght OK anon Fn. Paso No i) Read the first half of each conversation carefully. Cross out the wrang answer. Example Why don't you go fora walk? What a good idea! /-te-doesrit matter. What time dees the film start? Certainly! / Pardon? Can { borrow your dictionary? tim afraid | can't. / Here you aret tim sorry if made you angry. Iedoesivt matter / OF course not. Te tike some of those chips, please. | hope so. / Anything else? {wash up later. ‘Thanks a fot, /Just a moment. Will train this afternoon? | think s0, / im 50 sorry. whats it like? Make sure you understand the difference. ~ Yes, 10 Would you like someice 4 Cross out the two wrong answers. cream? ~ Yes, wow Example Do they like chocotate? Yes they-have-/ Wes, they-are-/ Ves, they do, wees tate eee Hike? What's he lke? Really funny, / He likes cycling. / Yes, thanks. ) Would you like some lemonade? Yes, Ido. / Yes, you do like it. Yes, Lwoula. What music do you like? No, dontt lke music. / Rock / Of course! What was the homework like? Iwas really hard. /1 hope not! / Yes, tras fine ‘Does Katy like you? No, she’s taller. | hope so. / Me too, © Some KET candidates make mistakes with like, would like and Do you like ice cream? | Test 2 Training Test 2 Exam practice Reading and Writing + Part 3a ta : ‘© Read all three possible answers betere ‘Complete the five conversations. you choose A, Bar For questions 11 - 15, mark A, 8 or C on your answer sheet. © Read each expression carefully. bs tthe correct answer? © Watch out for Wout ker Whats iter Do you fike questions. } ~ spell words conecty of to understand text, he did't enjoy being at schoo. In English, he had lots of problems So, when Robbie ‘was 12 his parents decided he should leave school and be taught ferent st home. There, he leant about business ‘and working on comguters and spent more time heppily studying at, exercising and practising on fis vil < Robbie's grancdmother started teaching him to cook too, which, like his mother and aunt, he really enjoyed doing. a (ne day, she told him her secret way of making jam, Robbie made too much for the farily to eat soe took it to ~ ‘ther people in his street. He made more and more jam. t tasted so good that his parents frends started buying i itfrom him. Robbie added all his costs together then decided on a price. Then he made a business plan on the computer with help from his dad. His jam is now sold at a weekly market. it tastes warnderful and i's healthy because Robbie uses grape juice ‘stead of sugar to make it ‘itm sill only 14 butt'm already 3 businessman” Robbie laughs. ‘Last wek | earned £93 because 87 diferent customers bought 52 kilos of my jam, anda supermarket wants to sel t too. My career is in jarmaking | think!” ‘Example: 0 Robbie's favourite subject at schoo! was Amaths, Bart. Cmusic. 21 Robbie had problems in his English lessons because A he couldn't understand the teacher, B hehated reading. € he couldn't spell very well. 22 Aiter he was 12, Robbie was taught A atadifferent school. B inhis own home. © atabusiness college. “33 28 After he left school, Robbie had more time to play ‘A computer games. B different sports. ¢ an instrument. 24 Who told Robbie the secret way to make jam? A his aunt B his grandmother G his mother 25 Who did Robbie give the extra jam to? se A. his neighbours B his parents © his schoo! friends 26 Where can people now buy Robbie's jam? A online B ata market © ‘rom his father’s business 27 How much jam did Robbie sell last week? A 82kg B 87kg © 93kg Reading and Writing Part 4 Test 2 Exam practice 1 59 Writing Part 5 ‘© How many missing words are therein Part 3? How many possible answers must you choose from? Grammar Auxiliary verbs (be, do, have) 1 Complete the sentences with words from the box. Example The clock....948.... yorong so we arrived fate! My grandnta nun days loved listening to the radio, Our beautiful nev BE mone Made OF glass. 3 David and |... playing computer games at the moment, 4 ste take the ice cream out ofthe freezer? 5 ‘you still got your video recorder? 6 WE nsuneBiven a DVD player yesterday. Grammar Connecting words 2 Cross out the two wrong connecting words. Example | dost wear woo! in summer because / oF /and it’ too warm, 1. This card isnt strong enough but /if/ and we'll use it anyway. 2. Doyou tke slver and / so /or do you prefer gold? 3. My phone ismade of plastic if/ when / and my brothers too, 4 ilwrite a note so / because /if you give me some paper. 5 Dad bought some wood after /s0 /orwe can make some shelves. 6 hurt my hand while /if/ before | was doing my homework Grammar Expressions with prepositions 3) Complete the sentences using Remember! Example read a book ..8b0Wk... Africa yesterday. F ean call you a8 I BUSY cum the Moment, We arent rich, 30 it was #2ally NICE mane Dad t0 buy me aTV! Mum wanted to use the hairciryer but | wanted to use it. the same time. tumed my TV off... the middle of the flim and took the DVD out. Send her an email instead... calling her on the telephone People all... the world are watching the concert on TV, Test 2 Training FGF In many Part 5 tasks, a berHo/have att ofthe verb is missing, Check that your answer goes withits main verb, for example fa wing, (GB A connecting word igh be ‘missing from the text in Pat 5. vwihen, while 2 book about a man hhuncreds of people in the middle of the poge ‘teosts about £3 a delay of two hours instead of reading atthe moment ‘Thats nice @f you! ail over the worid at the same time 2 pair of glasses 15 dear to me, __ at the top/botiom ofthe page Its made of metal Welconte to London Reading and Writing Part 5 Tig! © Read te whole text before you start chossing ‘Read the articie about goid, your answers Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space. «¢Read the whole sentence careful winen you For questions 28 ~ 35, mark A, B or C on your answer shest. ‘choose a connecting word ansver © Check that a beydorhove answer goes with it ain verb, ‘© Remember the prepositions in the expressions you've ear uestions 28 ~ 35 © | People (0), _w always loved gold because it is beautiful and useful. Gold is a soft, heavy, brilliant yellow metal (28) .......... it doesn’t change colour in the air or water. Peopie have used gold money for hundreds (28)... years, but people all (30) ‘the world _wwear gold wedding rings too. You can even (31)............ gold in racing-car engines because gold is able | fo Cary electricity, (82) onsen 1880. and 2002 most gold came from South Africa, but now more goid comes from China, People in india buy more gold (83) any other nationality. One kilo of gold (84) «en about 35,000 dollars at the moment. That's 2 lot of money! But if you want some gold for free, remember that all the winners in the Olympic Games (96)............ given gold medals. Train hard at schoo! in your sports lessons! Example: 0 Ado B have C be “28 A and Bor © after 29 Aby B of © from 30 A above B over © about 31 A finds B finding ¢ find 32 A Between B Before © Through 83 A what B when ¢ than 34 A cost B costs © costing 35 Abe Bis Care Reading and Writing Part 5 © How many words must you write in Part 6? © What kind of help are you given? Vocabulary Buildings, places and people in town Read the sentences, Put a tick (V) if the information is right and a cross otitswomeen ee Example A bank is a place where people save their money. 1 People go to adiseo to danca, 2 You watch actors on the screen ina theatre. 3. Amuseum is place where people buy cethes 4 You can buy things for your home in a guest-house. 5. Your parents can do all their food shopping in a supermarket. 6 7 a OMOOO &) Peopie can fill up their cars ata petrol station. A store is another word for a shop. Go to a stadium ifyou want to buy a flight ticket. oO In this part of the test, you must Read Donna’ diary about her family’s vist to the city, Underline six al ancanen covery spelting mistakes, English speting 6 eificuk because {ots of Enalish words come from other fanguages, Lear these speling res pou eand g © Ics fotowed by a au ors at the end ofa wore it sounds tke Wi fo example customer, pene ‘8.8 followed by or jt sounds fee 1s. for example cy, pice If gis otoned by 2.0. wer ist he en of 2 word sounds He fer When we arrived in the city we decided to visit the example quer, bag catedral first because itis such an amazing biulding, “9s fllomed by €or sounds the then we crossed the street at the trafic lights and walked Hi), or example agent vag past the entrance to the univercity. Lots of students were ‘The spelling of get, gif anc give don't Handing outside. folow this ul After that, we went into the national fibvarie and looked around, and then we had a cold drink in the caffe there. We had to run to the railway station. We nearly missed our train! {had a really great day. ‘Read the sentences about different places in town and viite the Frising letters in the answers. ll the words have a c ora gin them. -Biample A king and queen ved hereafong time ego. castle “1. Older students come to this place to study. co 2 You can buy newspapers and magazines hers 3. You css this to go over river. People repair cars in this place “6 The people who work here keep people safe. pouin “There are lots of sient letters in English words — letters you see, but don't hear, Gross out the silere letters in these words. Example gkest 1 wrong 4 business 7 watch 2 chocolate 5. hour 8 knife 3 science 6 vegetable 9 could Example The seoel is on the next comer. 1. Thats the highest bilding in the city 2. | goto the libray about once a week 3. That old caste isabout 700 years old 4 Have you visited the iland yet? 6 Complete the words about people's jobs and places where they work in town. Undertine the words that helped you find each answer. xample Oh this plece of paper you can find the names of different streets im & & People with jobs work on computers in these rooms, ‘Workers make things lke TVs oF bikes in these. “This person works in a shop. ‘This person welcomes guests in a hotel Actors and musicians work here Doctors and nurses work here Read the description of places where you can do things in a city. Write the missing letters in the answers. Example You pay to sit and wach a film here cineme 1 You can stopand have adrink ora snack in this place 2. You can eatch a train from thie place. 3 You can borrow different Books from this place 4. You and your family can sleep here if you are on holiday 5 You ean buy things outside in the street here. 6 You pay to sitand watch sports matches inthis place. 7. You can st and choose something t eat here. 8 This means llthe lorries, cars and buses on the street Lear words in word Write the missing letters in the words, Look at the other words in bold. fares. This will hep you you don’t know their meaning, look them up in a dictionary. to remember them. Example You post a letter ina post of fice You play sports ata sports ¢_ You buy coffee inac___. Children playin a playg People enter a building through its ent _ You should cross the road ata cross You camp on a camps People who tour a city might be tour _. you want totravel go toa travel a _ You can eyele to school on a__eyele. 10 Youwaitforabusatabus____. ‘Some words look or mesn almost the seme. What is the same and what is different ‘about these words? 64 | Test 2 Training : " Reading and Writing Part 6 © You musi spel the words eovreaty. Count the number of spaces careful © Don't forget silent letters and don't Forget speting a the word for each one? ries is alreacy there. There is one space ‘The main words in each description sentence wil help you find your answer 2°39" People can cross a river if they walk over this, “40+ People live in these. They are in buildings with lots of floors. Reading and Writing Part 6 ‘Test 2 Exam practice | 65 Part 7 ‘© How many missing words are there in Part 7? '* Are you given words to choose from for your answers in Part 72 Grammar Prepositions Look at the useful expressions in Remembert, then complete the Hi Thanks (0) aunf9F... telling me about your language course. | react 8) esassnnnen 8M Ergsh Course Online too Dut Im move Interested (2). se English history, I think. | watched a great programme about the kings and queens of England (8)... tlevision last week, | borrowed @ really useful book B) on ‘cur teacher about Brtish history too, # show it 6)... YOu at ‘the weskerd, Fm not very good (8) _ history but | enjy it'd ee to travel back irs timel ove watching fins Ske Back to the Futura, We've got lots (7). sm DVDS in ‘our schoo! ibrary that we can watch too. Perhaps we coud watch ona together. Bye for now, Molissa Grammar Connecting words 2 Join the two parts of the sentences with wards from the box. Example | study geography at schoo! .... oh... ead about it online too, Shafb we do our homework here es. Shall we go to the library? H ean get that BOOK... the bookshelf is too hight Fe gota dictionary ue. tS t00 big to take to school. Our science project was excellent, we won a prize! We visited the university... We talked to some of the teachers. Grammar Pronouns @P Some KET candidates make mistakes with pronouns. 3. Cross out the two wrong words in each sentence, Example The students all like Mr Kenzo, He teaches us / we / our art. 1 If you've fost your textbook, do you want to borrow me /my / mine? 2. When are you going to take you /your / yours exams? 3 She / Her / Hers best subjects are Spanish and French. 4. Which is he / his /him music teacher? The man who wears glasses? 5. These words are difficult. Oo you understand they /theirs /them? 6 Mr leo is us/we / our tennis coach at school. He's an amazing player! (GB tite misra word comer before ‘a noun (or a adjective + noun), ‘a pronoun ar an ~ing word, it might be preposition to find cutvreadialidkiow about seething { to be giad/sadvangry/sare/pleased about | something te be good at something to be at the 1opfoottom af someting to amive at a piaceftime) ta thank someane Fa something tobe sorry for doing something te borrow something from someone te download something from the iniernet| to be imetested im someting In front of something ro have oii ft of something {abe aftaid of something so waich something on TY to go on holiday to phone someone an (a number) to wave to someone ta gie/shoaviend something te someone te belong te sorneone —_ (GEG te mising word isin the mide = of two shorter sentences, tls 2 aga Lane ‘eamn these ustut expressions bout) education, to study/practise ord Good luck with your exarat to takefdorpass 2 tet Well done! tobe a beginner to.go to an advanced cass to borraw/return a (brary) book Wiite and tel me! \Wiite te me soon! Reading and Writing « Part 7 ist © Read the whole ext ance before you add any missing words © Check words that come before and after the space carefully. © Use a connecting word ifthe words on each sice ‘of the space look lice cormplete sentences, (© Make sure you choose the correct pronoun if you need one, joinpiete the emails. nite ONE word for each space. &}1@).. .. Some great news today! I've (44) ‘est! My teacher gave the diploma to (42) . Par.teally pleased (49)......uma OW Pil be able to join the advanced study music at college too? Write my music his morning. Helio Paulal Congratulations! | can (46) the guitar, but I'm not good an ityet. 'm only a beginner. We only tisten (48) classical music at school this year (49) we're going to study world music next yeas. [tll be fun to find out (50)... that. Bye for now! ‘Teresa Reading and Writing Part 7 Test 2 Exam practlce | 67 © How many texts must you read in Part 8? '* How many pieces of information must you write in the notes? Vocabulary Focus on meaning 1 Match each piece of information (1-8), with a prompt (A=). (Tipe The a aes Person to pay. from the prompt ‘The game is at three o'ctock this afternoon, Must wear: ‘words on the form, Races are for beginners, not advanced. - Cost per person: £ | go on the bus bacause its too farto cycle... Name of winner The team has to play in blue T-shirts, . Level IF you are stil at school, you pay £2 tess 7 Best way to go there Give your race money to the secretary. . Nationality The price is £4 each, Thats £8 for both of usa. Time ‘The fastest runner was jon Pewitt. . Student discount: £ ‘Answer the questions. Copy names and numbers carefully. Did you find your answers in text 1 or text 22 z : ____/"tvowenley cycling in the countryside and Paul told me you want to join @ cycling club. 'm 418 over 12 yearsold, why not join Forest a member of a realy Goad one, We meet on Gyeling Club this summer? Weekly races Thursdays atter schoo! so you've got enough time Start at 6 pin. from Forest Hotel car park, to get there, We have cyciing races each week, (24 Some races are longer than others but we This week's race is 12 klometres so i's not too fat. oually aye between 10 and 20 kilometres, all me between 5 p.m. and 7 this evening on Call 065548 for more information andto 977689 i! you wart to come with me. We canmect | EEE findour aboutcosrs in the schoo! playground at 5.45 and cycle to the stort together. It only takes 10 minutes to get there. Example Day dub meets: oO Meeting place for race: Should phone Alan before: Alarfs phone number: Club phone number: Meet Alan at: — Races begin at Name of club: os Meet Aian in: How long is ace thisweeic Can join club if older than: Coo CCC Cross-country club 15-kilometre races October 7 under 14s October 14° 14+ All welcome. Race from: Forge Farm Date: Food | must take: How long is race: Races begin at 9.45 from Forge Farm. Runners arrive by 9.15, Call club secretary by Sept 30" (094577) to enter the race. Barbecue at 12.30. Bring own food (meat, bread, salad, ete.) Ivan’s Notes Meet Ricky at: CCC phone number: Reading and Writing Part 8 g | CCC race | Look for words in the texts that mean the sarre 2s prompts on the form. Remember you vill need to read both texts te find all the answers Use woids on the forms ta find the answers inthe texts, Make sure you copy long numbers and names coneaty! Hi Ivan my new modile is (076554, We're t00 old tor the race on 7 Oct, but the other one is 0K for us. You bring the bread, 1 Bring some burgers. It's only 5 km to the tarm 30 lets cycle there. heat me at the park gates at &us Ricky ‘Test 2 Exam practice | 69 © How many pieces of information must you write in Part 9? Vocabulary Days and months KET candidates sometimes make spelling or punctuation mistakes when they write the names of days and months. 1 Cross out the wrong word in each sentence. Example Charley won the photography competition on Monday/monday! 1 | gota new MP3 player on Saturday/saturday. 2. My favourite college day is Wednesday/Wedensday. 3 | goto dighal at class after school on Tuesday'y Tuesdays: 4 Are you going to the cinema on Thusday/Thursday? 5. We have to fish our project by 12th Februany/ Feburary. 6 igo back to school on th jancary anu, Following instructions 2 Match the words in bold with sentences you could write in a message about a TV programme. tell. I think it starts at half past seven. I ant watch it because Ive got to Can watch TV this evening? Lets watch the programme together, suggest . ‘heres a programme on TV tonight. say what time Would you ike to come and watch .? ‘explain why you can't .. ‘Thanks for telling me about that Practise making suggestions, Begin each sentence with a suggestion phrase from Remember! BeaMpte nu SABLE... goto the circus? practise singing that song again, we to download that story from the internet? going to that music festival? buy some balloons from that games shop. enter that cartoon drawing competition? to make Mum a birthday card? listening to some hip hop? start our photography project? “The words we use for days and months) ate their names so you need to art thes: with a capital letter (On Monday, Monika and Mary vent, fo onewnistonin Manchester | ———_ BIE in Part 9, there are wards in bokd, i important to read them carefully and to Folows the Instructions conecty, Would you like (0 90 ..2) Thanking someone: ‘Thank you for inviting me. ities very nicefkind of you to take me to the beach, Reading and Writing Part 9 jeading and Writing Part 9 1 2 a} 4 5 Circle the phrases that can start a message. Underline those that can end 2 message. Love from Sane Dear Alana See you later! Rate xx rammar Prepositions QD) KET candidates often make mistakes with of and from and with. Cross out the wrong word in each sentence. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 He's got a CD off by my favourite singer t realy like the girls of / from my college. The shop is near ta / from our schoo! Are you happy with / from your project? took some photos by / with my camera He got a new guitar by / from his parents ‘Weill go to the fashion show by / with cae. ten interested with / in biology and chemistry. help / homework) {turn off cell phone) ~ Ghow / photo) {take /to schoo! play} (lend / magazine) Remember the good ways 0 start and end your messages. Hello Rupert! Gest wishes, Diane Hi Jowie! The exhibition i open fram am) unis pm ‘Mumm says can go tothe rock concert on Saturday fe Regen ery ace From 0 Iwas really nice of /ftem you to invite me. 1_tve spent the whole of / from July practising on my guitart ER LING Pitre oF ry Favour: { downloaded some information about the band of /from the internet. Hes got fs of CDs and D¥DS. ¥ rock con ity centre? isthe rock concert far of / from the city entre? She's ene of my x The audience will be full of /from students from our college? Shale ane of my shoot irene f Which type of / from instrument do you like most? fends fom schoo.” | need to get back home of / from the concert by 11 p.m, Bye for now! OD KET candidates often make mistakes with by, with, to or from. 8 Write the correct word. Ti meet with you in the theame at | Example ve ust bought the new CD of Purpie Rain! bu. 7pm. meet you in the theave at The film club is near from our school. Tomy He can sing all the songs of Bob Dylan, - Come byte / Come witha taxi X ‘That DVD player belongs fears my cousin, vo Come by taxi! 7 Come ina taxi ‘Only one of my friends ef school reads newspapers, lean help yotefoe thet X ‘These drums were given to me fram my uncle ‘can help you with tt. Can we videe the musictans by this camera? Jean weite to all my friends by our new computer Here! Listen io this song with my MP3 player. ‘Maggle is realy interested with break dancing. Shall help you éar your homework? dying possible answers ‘Read this Part 9 task and the messages to George from three [fg Read the instrucsons carefuly! KET candidates, Amanda, Brian and Cody. Remember you MUST vate al three pars ofthe message to get a ‘900d mark Fr racing our ansacing magazin 1 wa ind from yu brig hanks! Pe bring me aber sree magazine, : J apron Which writer (Amanda, Brian or Cody): _ cL. has included all hree parts of the message? 2 has not understcod one of the instructions? 3 has not made any grammatical mistakes? 4 forgot to put their name at the end? 5 has written fewer than 25 words? cum 6 should check their spellings? 7 might get the best mark? Reading and Writing + Part 9 © Remember to write al three parts ofthe message. © Use the expressions you have leamed for asking and making suggestions, © Remember to begin and end the message covrecty, ‘Question 56 ‘You want to visit the science museum soon. Write a message to your English friend, Sam. Say: © where you want to go © which day to go how you can go to the museum. Write 25 ~35 words. Write the message on your answer sheet. Reading and Writing Part 9 Test 2 Exam practice | 73 ee yar ‘© How many questions are therein Part 1? © How many picture answers must you chaose from? Vocabulary Times and dates 1 What time isthe next bus? 2 What time will the plane arrive? (2420 When will Richard's family go on holiday? Listen and choose the Fight answer. 2 2 e Vocabulary Clothes 3° Look at the twins’ clothes. Write the missing letters in the words. ‘You often have to anaver questions about time (RGA Yee fen have wo ansier Questions about dates too. Remember! You wil hear ll three dates burt only ove wi be correet Clothes are often tested in Listening Pant 1. ee jRead she conversation, Which boy is late for college? Choose the right answer. ~ Look! Someone's late for college today! Do you mean the boy in the jeans and sweater? {Gil He hassit gota sweater on. Look! Over there! He's wearing a T-shirt I dont know his name. He's got dark hai fou oken have to answer 11. What was the weather like yesterday? questions about the weather a In this exercise you wi hear ‘ane vig and one virong ay E weather answer $0 ead the . wnehing TV second ist 1 Hes buying focd fora picnic atthe supermarket. | doinga quiz 2 Shes fae 15 sending lots of messages on the computer taking pictures OE 3. Heb tying to answer all the questions really quick: | doing exercise S 4 He's waiting for his favourite programme to start. | wetness doing the shopping 5. He's trying to get some good photos of the race 6 She's in the sports hail, She wants to get fitter. A. visiting a friend VB tisen to a conversation about where Germma pays diferent Remember you on eay sports. Write a letter A~F next to each sport, Use art answer once ane you won't need to use tun ofthe SPORTS PLACE answers, 1 basebal [JA beach 2 hockey [JB hotel 3 skating |_} © park 4 volleybat [} playground E sports club F stadium Listening Part 2 Listening + Part 2 © In the seconé ist the words you to Pat talking to her friend, Alan, about her family’s activities. hear roay be iferen rom the are each of Pat's family members doing at the moment? ‘words you read, juestions 6 ~ 10, write a letter A ~ H next to each person, © Don't just choose an anower af conversation twici - because you hear one word oo the second! st © Use each answer once only, © Goss out answers after you have used them, ACTIVITY A cleaning something Beating something { © painting something 9 Pat's father TI D__ phoning someone © 10° Pat's mother E playing something F reading something G repairing something 1H tidying something Listening Part 2 Test 2 Exam practice | 79 Test 2 Traini ng * How many questions do you have te answer? © Do you have to write words or circle the answer? Grammar Answering questions 11 Match the questions withthe answers. CaF Sometimes you haves 7% po tistening i nswerelffevent questions rite hobby? listening to music sense Where does Erika live? her best friends Who does Erika look like? in Australia Which book is Erika reading? “The Blue Room Why does Erika like basketball? inthe evenings When does Erika practise on her guitar? Because she's good at itt Whose CD has Erika borrowed? her grandmother EVAR Listen to a teacher telling a class about a young artist, Put a tick (7) if an answer is right, or leave the box empty if an answer is wrong. Example —Whet nationality is Will Scorsby? Canadian 1. Which colour does Wilke using most? orange 2. Who first taught Wil to paint? his grandfather 3 Where does Will usually paint? at schoo! 4 5 Whose face is Wilf painiingin the video? hs own face When did Wil sell his rst painting? last winter OOOO §) ; You may h : {EVD isten toa student asking questions about an astronaut. You ray have compte a ‘Cross out the wrong answer. Example At school, Bil's favourite subject was geography / maths. At university Bill studied science / engineering Before he was an astronaut, Sill was a pilot /racing-car driver Bill started training to be an astronaut when he was 28 /32, Bill tained tobe an astronaut in Russia /Japan. Bills next space flight begins in August / September. Bill will work at the Space Station for three months /six months. EVD Listen to a student talking about a language club. Choose A, B or C. {GHIRE The answers you hear wi 1 Anew language cub sats nest faye oe sare she A Tuesday. B Wednesday, © Thursday. ainays. you dont ows 2 The fist language that students can team is an answer, you should sth A French, B Portuguese, € Arabic. Roose one of te options 3. Where will the language club be? A in room? B inroom3 © intoom4 Listening + Part 3 oa © You may have to answer a question "{steh to Sally and her teacher talking about a girl called Elsa or complete a sentence For each question, choose the right answer (A, B or C). © You wil ar all three answers tut 5 You will hear the conversation twice. ‘ony one is right. © Sf you canvt choose an answer, guess ABor’. Example: “9 What nationalityis Elsa? A Turkish (B) Mexican c Swiss 44 How old is Elsa? A 12 B13 0.14 12. What does Elsa like doing most? A horse-riding B_ making cloties © reading 18 Which subject is Elsa very good at? A German B English © maths 14 The teacher has a photo of Elsa's A family. B home. © pet. 15. Eisa will travel to England in A April. B May © dune. Listening Part 3 ‘Test 2 Exam practice | 81 © Do you listen to one or two people talking inthis part? © How many questions do you have to answer? © Do you have to write words or tick answers? Vocabulary Dates and days rane tes aT aPE TIN Puta Oss (K) next to the BE Vou often have to answer “ ‘questions about dates. Listen Example Date of tennis atch: 18th June ashy Holiday star on July 31st Go to cinema on: 27th March Date of party, 2nd January Date of exarn: 16 Decemiver Exhibition opens on: May Sth Dentist appeintment: Vth October Date of schoo! tip: 30th September Dan's birthday: 23rd August o OOO FBI Now answer the questions about dates. You will hear two dates for each question, but only one of them will be the right answer. Listen and varie the correct date, 1 Sale begins on Date of fight: Date of quiz: Piano lessons start on: Visit museum on: Surfing competition ison; Look carefully atthe fm, TEED erecer answers or tis form, White your guesses in column A etre yu ten. What ed of Then listen and complete the information in column B. answers will you need to waite? 1 Date of competition: 2 Place: 43 First race starts at: 4 Length of my rece: 5 To enter, pay Mr Rice by: © Remember when to use a capital ter (© Write numbers as numbers and net words, © Listen carefully for spelt ansners (you ‘must spell these wards correct © Listen carefully the second time to check your answers. International ........c8 BoGkeY...... matoh (18) Italy versus a7) Date of trip: (18) 260 Gost per student: (19) & Leave schoolat: (20)... vane Ph Listening Part 4 Test 2 Exam practice | 83 What's the only difference between Listening Part 4 and Part 5? © KET candidates often spell days of the week incorrecty 1 Correct the mistakes. CGR Ye oben ve oun yt ee Example Sports day: day Thureday. Meet Jo “monday sete Tennis 2 Buyticketsnext: — Wedensday Buy tickels Go on a boat tip? 3 Play tennis on Satarday 4 Dayofbeattrip: —sonday ERG Listen and vite the days. Example Schooi show con: Tuesday ‘Watch TV programme on: Go to disco om New bookshop opens on Day of helicopter ride: Day of pop concert Listen and write the answers. FAB times: 4 EOD Prices: 76 FRBE Names: 10 one Parke Hobbies or sports: VB es “4 (A248 Places intown: 16 7 VLD school subjects: 9 . 20 (BRIBE You wi hear two days foreach = question, but only one other wil be correct, You might have to write about any of these things in Pat 5 limes, days, dates ‘numbers, phone numbers, prices schoo! subjects, ways to tavel, places ina town, possessions, sport, habbies Listening Part 5 Listening * Part 5 Tips! : 4 Read the for carfully and decide what kind ev of answers you will hear (days, prices, etc.) camp for teenagers. ‘© Remember when to Use a capital letter G islen and complete each question. ‘Wve numbers as rubs and nt werd, - (© Listen carefully for spelt answers (you must spel these word correct Summer camp in ireland! walking arid galling (21) fom 11 to. . year-olds (22) Test 2 Exam practice | 85 Speaking Part 1 © How many examiners and students will be in the room in the Speaking Test? # Do you have to talk to an examiner or @ student in Part 17, 11 Match the questions and answers, There is one question you can use as an answer to ail the other questions. [ve got threesisters. They're great! cS ena ae Sorry Can you say that again? j= (jee one pes FLD) Use to the speting of surnames 1-7, Are the students speling gl Make sure you ean spl our their names correctly? Put a tick (7) or a cross (X) in the box. “SS surname correctly. Example Y-a-n-n-a-t-0-s 1. Schwarzkopf 5 Jarunsuk 2° Moreau 6 Forys 3 Almeida 7 Giacoppo 4 Kobayashi } FEED Answer the fottowing questions about you. Don't worry if the other student ‘Then listen and write Julia’ answers. knows more English tan you 40 oF speaks longer than you 1 Helo! whats yourrame? co hat rn carey ihe 2. How do youspell your surname? ‘questions as dearly as you can. 3. Where do you come frome 4 Do you study Engish at school? 5. Whats your favourite subject at school? GAD Tick W) the correct ways that you can ask someone to repeat 2 Mfyou don't understand a question. Then listen to Victor. How does he ask the examiner to repeat question, you can ask the ‘wo questions? examiner to say it again a oO ? oi Can you say that again? 5 Pardon’ Wha? 6 Sorry? a Please? 7 Idorit understand, C I didnt hear 8 Please ask me that question again, [_] Listen to the examiner taiking to Li and read the sentences. GRRE Precise taking abou youre, Tick (A) Right or Wrong. the place where you tive and your Right Wrony stuies and hobbies Example Lissurname is spelt Mayumi. Iv) 1 Leomestrom aan og 2. Shellives in the north of the country. | ohn England —-[--}- 4“ Her favourite subject is maths. 5 Her bestfriend isfunny. 6 Her best friend likes watching TV. Oo oe Look at these four Zel! me about ... questions. Think of two or three ings to 5 ctise with a friend. "more things to say foreach answer, then practise with 2 ‘At the end of Part the exaricer wil) ‘ell me about your home, ive ina fat. e's say; Tel oe about. for example, your Jell me about the food you lke, ike chips. ect lots of. fan, your fends, your seco. Jell me about your town or city. | live in a big town. Its got... Tell me about your hobbies. Hike playing basketball. | usually play. Read. the following questions. You'll hear them in the Exam practice below. Prepare your answers. ‘Whats your name? Which subject do you like best? ‘Whats your surname? What time do your lessons start? Thank you. How do you spell your surname? Tell me something about your bes fiend at school. What are you studying at school? © Prepare a few sentences to say about yourself before you do the Spesking test © Don't worry i the other student knows more Engish than you do. © Ifyou don't understand a question, 2% the examiner to say it again Listen to the examiner and answer the questions. Speaking Part 1 Test 2 Exam practice | 87 ‘© How many questions do you have to ask in Part 2? © Who answers your questions, an examiner or another candidate? Asking and answering questions en Me ‘ 1 When... is the disco? RS. 23rd June, 2 How, does it cost? You don't have to Its free! is the disco? its. ... the Sport's club in Square Street. time does it begin? It begins at 7.30 and. at 10.30. 5 Who CaM venninn t0 this disco? Students WhO a2 nun 12 and 1S years old, Look at the information about a music show, What five questions Answer the questions in 2 about the summer music show. Use the ‘words in the box to help you, Read the prompts below. Write questions about the windsurfing ‘competition. Ask your partner the five questions in the same order. [PB Listen to twe students asking and answering questions ‘Which question is forgotten, but then added at the end? el Remember 1 ask al fee questions! If you forget one, you can askit athe end You ro love marks fr ing tha Say thank you ence or tae when your hear the ansers. Ue Words ie OPY ard # who / dancing ? Great! as wel. | BatH DANCE SCHOOL * when ? Dances by students from | Bath Theatre Sunday vthDecember | # time / starts ? —“~— FREE ENTRANCE + how much / tickets ? 3:30-5.00 pm. ¢ where / show ? GANDIDATE A ~ your answers Teenage Fashion Show a a ee + date? Saturday 6-8 p.m. Hillside Shopping Centre ¢ how many / races ? free entrance prizes 7 reat surnmer clothes for teenagers * place? Por more information _ 1143390 how old / swimmers ? Listen to a mode! conversation for the Teenage Fashion Show and the Swimming competition tasks at: For the audioscripts see page 176. Speaking Part 2 Test 2 Exam practice | 89 Reading and Writing « Part 1 Questions 1-5 Which notice (A ~H) says this (1-5)? For questions 1-5, mark the correct letter A~H on your answer sheet. Example: 0 You will pay tess for a pair of swimming shorts here this weekend, Answer: 1. Make sure you arrive at the pool on time = for this. Bridge Swimming Poot ‘This weekend only free entrance 2 Ifyou enjoy sports competitions, watch epi this television programme, 3 Peopie who read this can lean more about doing this sport. 4 Call this number if you would like to learn to sail here. 5 If you go here this Saturday afternoon, you don't have to pay. 90 | Tests Watersports Clothes Shop Sailing + Swimming * Windsurfing ‘Summer sale begins on Saturday! Year 106 swimming practice 4pm today Don't be late! ‘Windsurfing’ by Hugh Carter Lots of useful ideas and photos $4.9 IMPROVE YOUR SWIMMING “| 4 classes for 10-14 year-olds © outdoor poot © call Jennie (099766) Free water bottle with this week's TV-~ Teen Sports magazine £2.95 Rien a Body Reading and Writing Part 1 Reading and Writing « Part 2 42) Aead the sentences about George's strange dream. 12 Ghoose the best word (A, B or C) for each space. Example: tt was cold in George's OOM last... BECAUSE it Was snowing outside, A night B evening © midnight Answer "5 @- George went to bed and dreamed he was a very football player A famous Best © right in. his dream, lots of people in the stadium were... his name, A talking B calling ¢ telling ‘8 All the other players in his were smiting and waving at him too. “A company B team © band 9 George wanted to kick the ball high if the ,.....num. Dut he Was too cold to move A air B space © cloud 10 HE vvsesmuen UP from his dream and found his sheet and all his blankets on the flocr! A tidied B grew © woke Reading and Writing Part 2 Test3 | 91 EEE Reading and writing - Part 3a Questions 11-15 Complete the five conversations. For questions 11 = 18, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet ——— 7 ° — - [ _fimeyou ead) fA isthatallngnt? —) el Smokey’s latest CD? , ’ B) 9 Z 2 FZ ey ~=={B Yes, loan hear you te =. © No, is it good? WN J i 2° ssaor SBR KO 44 It's June 20" today, A. Are you sure? No, that’s next month. a © twas, wasn't it? 42. The film was so funny! A It’s tomorrow evening. B Why wasn't it? € enjoyed it, too. 43° What's in Lisa's hand? A He knows she has. BI think itis C It's difficult to see 14 What's happened to Martin? A Yes, that’s right. B Sorry, ! don't know. © Of course he car. 18 Can we go fishing this weekend? A. went because you diet If you want to. © We travelled by boat. o 92 1 Test 3 Reading and Writing Part 38 ‘ =o Reading and Writing * Part 3b "Questions 16-20 © Complete the telephone conversation between two friends. (What does Linda say to John? correct I Hon your answer sheet, ” Example: John: Hi Linda. | don’t understand the instructions for cur space trave! project! GRASSO EFSH John; Thanks, Have you already finished A You don’t need to, We can use min. yours? Linda: 0 B The intemet. Why don't you come round? fi 16, show you, “That's good. How many words do we © Well, Pll help if | can, John! have to write? | can’t remember. D_ Miss Smiley said about a thousand, 7 “rene E Ofcourse itis, How about tomorrow “

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