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A brief history of extraterrestrials

from selected links online


Multiple attempts
Gaia theory


A long time about our species evolved to the state of the human. A
human was a geometric body type two legs for land mobility and
two arms for reaching and feeding. The mind, enclosed by the head,
allowed direct access to four sensory portals: eyes, ears nose and
mouth. Similar to mammals, except humans were also capable of
recording memories.

Humans had tremendous mental capabilities on this planet. They

communicated telepathically, adapted ways of living and seamlessly
evolved into new species. Humans pulsed with growth.
One day a huge meteor crashed into earth. Volcanoes erupted. The
ocean turned to mist. The planet became inhabitable. The species
left the planet and inhabit two other planets in another star system.
One of the planets came to be known as Lyra. The other was called

One planet (green)

Two planets Lyra/Draco
The people on Lyra, Lyrans, proliferated their species wherever
there was land. They swiftly evolved their appearance and mental
capabilities. Over time they naturally separated into different
cultural factions. His concept could be what we refer to as
Panspermia. Once Lyrans figured out how to propagate life, Lyrans
could do it everywhere.

The other planet was called Draco. Draco was a dark planet
and the people who lived there were a reflective species. The
Draconian people remembered the events of what happened
on the first planet. As a result, they struggled to evolve.
However they managed to build tremendous security and
defense forces in case a storm like that happened again.
Draco had concerns. They were concerned the Lyrans were
evolving too fast. They felt they needed to slow the evolution
of the Lyrans down and remind the Lyrans how vulnerable they
were in case a storm were to come along.
So the Dracos attacked Lyra. There was a great battle.

Draconian war on Lyra

In response, Lyran factions built more advanced civilizations.
One faction, known as the Vegans, built the first city when
they established the city of Vega (the brightest star in the Lyra
star system). This was the first city on the planet (star system)
Lyra. Vegans are darker skinned humans. Lyrans are lighter

City of Vega
The raid caused other Lyran factions to leave the planet.
These species inhabited new planets and setup their own
civilizations. These factions evolved into the Procyonians,
Pleidians, Ummites, Arcturians, Tau Ceti, Antaries, Altairians,
Alpha Centaurians and Sirius A among others.

Once humans reached the ability to reciprocate themselves,

they grew prolifically and evolved into many unique types of
with different capabilities. Similar to the idea of Pansperma.

Lyran factions all over the galaxy

Rigel war
The Draconians then returned to Rigel, another star system.
They settled a little, although they still struggled to evolve and
focused too much on defense. Tensions built. Eventually the
planet imploded into war. Draconian factions found other
planets to live. Some of these factions were Zeta Reticuli I,
Zeta Reticuli II, Epsilon Bootes, Reptilians, Orion and Sirius B.

Draco breaks up

The Reptilian family then evolved into several other races, the
Alpha-Draconians are the leaders, the Reptilians are the
soldiers, the Tall Greys and Short Greys are the drones.

Reptilian family

Inter-special marriage
A long time ago, colonies on Sirius B and the Orion Group were
having trouble with each other. To bring peace, there was a marriage
between members of each group. Both members were considered
royalty of their respective line. The DNA of the woman came from
Orion, where the hierarchy includes a queen, and the DNA of the
male came from Sirius B. This species was sent to live on the planet

Nibiru and were called Nibiruians or the Annunaki. (Alex Collier,

Source 1, 2)

Orion + Sirius B = Annunaki

The Annunaki lived on planet Nibiru for a long time. Nibiru passes
earth once every 3600 years. One cycle, Nibiru passed earth and a
clan of Annunaki splashed down onto the surface. The Annunaki
came to earth in search of gold. (Sitchin, Essence of The Sitchin

Earths Orbit, Nibirus orbit

They found gold and mined gold. After many years, they got tired of
mining for gold and there was disagreement among the Annunaki.
They had a mutiny. Enlil and Enki, the two brothers who were in
charge of the Annunaki couldnt agree on what to do. Anu, their
father and leader of the Annunaki returned to earth the following
cycle. Anu decided they should fashion together a human from
their hands, like Orion and Sirius B did for them. It was decided.

They mixed together Annunaki genes with simian genes and created

Fashioning man
Annunaki DNA + Simian DNA = Human

Gobi desert, reptilians, underground caverns
The reptilians decided one day to visit the earth. They set up
colonies in the Gobi region. This could have happened anywhere
between 250,000 to 65 million years ago. Whenever it was,
Reptilians may have come to earth and fashioned a species with
their DNA and earths reptile DNA. These people, or dinosaur-people,
were known as the Agharians (Source). The experiment collapsed
probably because they were Draco and focused too much on
building defenses, a bomb erupted in Antarctica and the Gobi region
turned into a desert. Many reptilians left the surface of earth for
underground subterranean caves. They may still occupy them today.
Pre-Scandinavian race from the Gobi region and a Reptiloid race
based in Antarctica, the reptilians allegedly lost the battle for
domination of the surface world and were driven into underground
networks in which they eventually developed aerial and space
technology. (

Man mined for gold for various factions of the Annunaki clan. Two of
the leaders, Enlil and Enki, had different approaches to training
humans. Enlil wanted to share the secrets of the universe with the
humans and Enki wanted to keep the secrets from them and control
them. Enlil and his crew created one version of humans called the
Nagas or Naacals. They were sent to live in Lemuria. Which was
arguably in todays Pacific Ocean.

Enlils crew taught them strategies for communication. These

strategies were passed down to The Secret Teachings of Mu (Secret
Teachings of Mu, James Churchward), or Mu.

Mu is the thin membrane that separates the sky and the land, the
area that separates space from the earth. Mu is a place where
earth meets the heavens.
This space is what the whole tribe learned to respect. Remember
the membrane. Respect the membrane and keep the gateway open
to the skies.
According to Zecharia Sitchin (The 12th Planet),
The Lumerians originally used this
as the symbol of Mu. A
union of two worlds, the heavens and the earth. A circle with a line
through the middle.

Mu, membrane where sky meets earth

The Nagas, or Naacals, grew into a thriving colony on Lemuria and
lived for thousands of years. They learned how to expand this
membrane and glide through time, passing information seamlessly
between one another. Nagas were of high intelligence and
communicated telepathically with one another.
Over the next 850,000 years the Lumerians spread across the face
of the planet. They founded daughter colonies such as Atlantis, Yu
which is now Central China and Tibet and the Libran/Egyptian
colonies. (

The Atlanteans began to acquire a feeling of uniqueness about
their culture and wanted to eliminate Lumeria so that they could
become the mother country. The Atlanteans began forming
alliances with renegade Pleidians and Alpha Centaurians which had
Hierarchical systems of government. They accomplished the
destruction of Lumeria by taking the Earth's moon (Earth had 2
moons in those times) out of orbit by using force fields until it was

as close as possible to the Lumerian empire, and then the moon

was destroyed resulting in a catastrophic shower of meteors. This
destroyed much of Lemuria, but this also resulted in many
pressures being inflicted upon the tectonic plates : resulting in the
gas chambers under Lemuria to implode and thus sink most of the
Lumerian continent.


Atlantis formed 10 ruling districts, each with their own king. These
kings together formed the governing council of Atlantis. The royal
governing council of Atlantis decide that a new form of government
was desperately needed in which a superior ruling class could be
Autocracy was thus born and was in full control enforcing a period
of peace and stability. To achieve control over the populace, they
started experiment with the people's DNA and genetics . This
resulted in the peoples consciousness being reduced, life spans
contracted and psychic/spiritual abilities dramatically decreasing.
Throughout the years there were many wars among the various
empires due to underground movements of people that wanted to
have the Lemurian "philosophy" back in place (i.e. no hierarchy).
These wars led to vast destruction.
DNA or No DNA experimentation
Lead to war, crystal sky temples were shattered in the sky
Leading to a Great flood
Then there was a big flood. It flooded both Atlantis and Lemuria.
Much of the history of both places Lemuria was lost.

Some of the Nagas/Naacals made their way out of the flood
and landed in Sumer. Or maybe the Annunaki fashioned
another species altogether, either way, the Sumerians
appeared very quickly and built a large civilization. The
Sumerians etched the Teachings of Mu onto stone tablets. One
of the inscriptions were instructions to arrange a Pantheon, 12
or so entities, in which a group of people pay homage to. The
Sumerian Pantheon is documented to have had up to 3600
deities. One of the early Pantheons consisted of family
members of the Annunaki royal family:
Anu: god of heaven,
Enlil: god of the air,
Ninlil: an air goddess and wife of Enlil
Enki: god of freshwater,
Ereshkigal: goddess of the underworld,
Nammu goddess of primeval sea (Engur)
Inanna: goddess of warfare,
Ninurta: god of agriculture, wind, war
Ninhursag: goddess of the earth,
Nanna: god of the moon
Ningal: goddess of the moon, wife of Nanna,
Utu: god of the sun
The Akkadians, Babalonians and Hitties later incorporated the
Sumerian pantheon into their pantheon.

Cuneiform script

Early written language written on stone tablets to enable people to

communicate about things without speaking.
Phonemes, units of sound
Letters, symbols that represent units of sound
Words, letters that have associations
Sentences or syntagm, a set of forms that are in sequential
relationship to one another
Glyphs or written scripts, can also be used to scribe symbols
of common words like verbs, nouns, positions in space, colors,
units of measurement.

Zodiac / Pantheon

The sun as it passes through the constellations over the

course of a year. 12 months, 4 seasons, solstices, equinoxes

Sumerian technology Examples of Sumerian technology:

Lunar-solar calendar, wheel, arithmetic and geometry,
irrigation systems, boats, bronze, leather, waterskin, bags,
Tools and weapons Saws, chisels, hammers, braces, bits, nails,
pins, hoes, axes, knives, lancepoints, arrowheads, swords,
daggers, armor, quivers, war chariots, harpoons
Rings, glue, boots, sandals and beer

Fall of Sumer
Lack of coordinated defense arrangement. Each Sumerian city-state
had its own defense in the way of armies and city walls. However,
Sumer did not have a central, unified defense arrangement. It was,
therefore, easier for invaders to break down the structure of Sumer.

Maya and Inca

Mayan and Incan civilizations seemed to have similar associations
with Sumeria. Maybe the Annunaki just replicated what they did in
the east over in the west.

There isnt nearly the amount of ancient artifacts found in India as in
other places. Some sources say India adopted the Teachings of Mu
and created the first commune. They lived with no hierarchy. All
were equal. Perhaps humans in the Indus valley understood Mu and
spirituality better than other civilizations.

Having lived through a few civilizations by now, the Egyptian elite
decided to turn Mu into a game.

360-day year
They created the 360-day year. A highly divisible number which if
divided into months, weeks, days and hours, it could be a way to
measure a relative pace amongst the population.

Solar Deity

Egyptians were one of the first to create a solar deity, a character to

represent the movement of the sun and all things in nature. Horus,
one of if not the first solar deity was a personification of nature in
the life of a particular individual. This process was called
anthropomorphization. The constellations represent the movement
of the sun and were identified by elements of nature that happened
during that time. Most of this section is either taken directly or
paraphrased from the first part of the Zeitgeist movie.

Egypt 3000 BC. Sun god, Opposed by Set (darkness), every day
Horus would defeat Set (sunrise) and every day Set would defeat
Horus (sunset). There are many parallels across various books. One
of the important notes of a solar deity is that he/she is born on
December 25, relating to the Sun beginning its move upwards.
On Dec 22nd, 23rd and 24th, the sun is directly below the
Southern Cross (crux) constellation, and doesnt change
height in the sky.
On December 25, the sun rises 1 to the north, foreshadowing
longer days, warmth and spring.

Other solar deities

Horus was one of the earliest solar deities. Here are 34 other solar
deities (as listed in Zeitgeist movie) with similar stories: Zulis, or
Zhule, Osiris and Orus of Egypt, Attis of Phyrgia (Rome), Krishna of
India, Dionysus of Halicarnassus, Mithra of Persia, Chrishna of
Hindostan, Budha Sakia of India, Salivahana of Bermuda, Odin of the
Scandinavians, Crite of Chaldea, Zoroaster and Mithra of Persia, Baal
and Taut the only Begotten of God of Phoenecia, Indra of Tibet,
Balie of Afghanistan, Jao of Nepal, Wittoba of the Bilingonese,
Thammuz of Syria, Atys of Phrygia, Xamolxis of Thrace, Zoar of the
Bonzes, Adad of Assyria, Deva Tat and Sammonocadam of Siam,
Alcides of Thebes, Mikado of the Sintoos, Beddru of Japan, Hesus or
Eros, and Bremrillah, of the Druids, Those, son of Odin, of the Gauls,
Cadmus of Greece, Hil and Feta of the Mandaites, Gentaur and
Quexalcost of Mexico, Universal Monarch of the Sibyls, Ischy of the
Island of Formosa, Divine Teacher of Plato, Holy one of Xaca, Fohi
and Tien of China, Adonis, son of the virgin Io of Greece, Ixion and
Quirinus of Rome, Prometheus of Caucasus, Manou in India, Minos in
Crete, Mises in Egypt

Started western philosophy, literature, history, drama
City-state over kingship
Also started the Olympics and created western mathematics,
particularly the symbol Phi, a symbol representing Mu, balance.

In 325 AD in Rome, Emperor Constantine convened the Council of
Nicea. He invited bishops from all over the Roman Empire to
convene. During the meeting, the politically motivated Christian
doctrines were established.
Nicene Creed
There was a common debate among churches as to the degree from
which they believed Jesus was a man or a spirit.

Man on left, spirit on the other

In the meeting, Constantine declared Jesus was a man, and that all
other churches should proclaim the same. For the next 1600 years
the Vatican maintained a political stranglehold on all of Europe.
(ZG) This is around the time people declared ownership of land. The
Nicene Creed could have been one of the first motions of ownership.

VRIL, Thule, Maria Orsic and the Nazis
After WWII, some reports say that Nazis found a way to
teleport from the South pole to the north pole by way of
Antarctica. This could indicate the earth is in the shape of a
donut with a space portal between the two poles.

Vril and Thule societies were composed of women with long

hair who claimed they could communicate with other worlds.
Maria Orsic and a few other women from the Vril society
transcribed a message from extraterrestrials from Aldebaron.
Immediately after the meeting, Hitler dispatched submarines
and other military equipment in response to what was
transcribed. It is unknown what the message was. After WWII
however, it was reported Nazis fled to the South pole and
were able to transport themselves to the north pole in a short
time. This could provide some evidence the earth is in the
shape of a donut and the poles are some kind of
interdimensional portal.
22 Jan 1944 Aldebaron. were going to send a ship through a
dimensional channel to Aldebaron. Video, Third Reich
Operation UFO
1947 Operation Highjump, Admiral Byrd

The USA is a melting pot of humans. Ranging from vegans, the
darkest tone to Lyrans, the lightest tone. Dracos, who may have
associations with the US Government, aim to divide the Lyrans from
the Vegans through social manipulation.

1913 Federal Reserve Act

The US created the Central Banking System, which was able to
create infinite amounts of money in exchange for bonds.

Revenue Act of 1913

In the same year, the IRS was established to collect income and
other taxes.

1933 Gold standard abolished. Gold was collected and the standard
valuation became the US dollar. Supported by Government bonds.
1947 Landing in Roswell, NM
UFO crash. Equipment recovered. Government had to make quick
decision how to handle it.
This was politically unacceptable. Captain Rubelt to Major Heho,
Gen Vandenburg believed, it would cause a stampede. How could
we convince the public aliens werent hostile, when we didnt know
Decide to cover up the incident. This lead to the establishment of:
Area 51
Technological research

Open budget clause
No congressional or
Presidential oversight
Created shadow government

1954 Nordics/greys/tall whites, meeting with Eisenhower

Signed Tau-9 Treaty, renewed every 9 years
Agreement ET Technology in exchange for abductions

1961 Drake Equation

The Drake equation was an agenda for a meeting.
This [the formula] was aimed at the radio search, and not to
search for primordial or primitive life forms. Frank Drake
Does not take into account panspermia If a species can
propagate elsewhere, they can propagate everywhere as the
Lyrans may have done after the Draco war.

Probability theory questioning if extraterrestrials exist

Search for extraterrestrials meeting with leading scientists
Drake equation was scribbled on a napkin just before the
meeting with top physicists of the world, including Carl Sagan.
Is still regarded by science, as the leading formula for
determining existence of extraterrestrials. The formula was
created as an agenda for a meeting on the search for
extraterrestrial intelligence. Drake was later quoted saying,

Other theories
This next section outlines a few theories that explain other
viewpoints of earths history.

Multiple attempts

Orion and Sirius B may have fashioned their DNA together to create
the Annunaki, as probably other extraterrestrials species.
Annunaki may have fashioned their DNA with Simian monkeys to
create the humans.
There may have been several attempts at creating a new human
Gobi, Lemuria, Atlantis, Sumer, India, Tibet, Egypt, Greece, Rome,
Germany, Russia, USA. This is a list of at least one source online has
mentioned with who cooperates with who.
Mayan and Inca
Tau Ceti
Sirius A
Sirius B
Orion confederation
What is the goal of a species? Is it for them to be able to take care
of themselves? To evolve? To learning how to fashion together
human DNA with other species? The fact that humans can clone two
different species is one indication we have reached some level of
being extraterrestrial.

Gnostic theory
Maybe we made the whole thing up and this whole concept is all our
Gnostic writings support the view that extraterrestrials have duped
us into believing they exist, whereas ETs are in reality incapable of
reaching or breaching the genomic intelligence we embody.

Gaia Theory
Crop circles are geometrically exquisite shapes.
Crop circles could be representations of how the earths mind
Earth thinks with geometric precision
and grows with the chaos of nature.
This provides a parallel to how humans think. We think with
mathematical precision. OKur physical world is emotional and nongeometric.

Some things we could do to create an
accepting environment for extraterrestrials
In regards to:
Create sustainable businesses
Distribute funds proportionally among participants
Invest in gold and land, physical assets
Accept and befriend that which is different than you
Seek, learn and integrate new ideas and technology new upgrades
If you believe you come into contact with an ET, document what
happens as best as you can and find people who can relate to what
happened to you
Stay in frequent communication on social media and email
Do something local and sustainable
Aim to create a sustainable business in your environment

We live in a universe of spirit, mind, and matter. These are three
factions of extraterrestrial influence. Paper by Michael Salla,

One approach to ethics could be to balance these three aspects on

a personal and a communal level:


Material conquest

Core systems of the Draconian collective include:

Alpha Draconis

Rigel Orion

Epsilon Bootes

Zeta II Reticuli

Intellectual / technological

Core systems of the Ashtar Alliance include:






Spiritual development

Core systems of the United Federation include:


Tau Ceti




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