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Al rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in eny form or by any means without ‘written permission from the author ar publisher. (C) 1992 by Scott Wells, AIM.C. Magic Inspirations 14506 Silver Lace Lane Houston, Texas 77070 Printed in Houston, Texas, USA. STEVE SHAWS PSYCHOKINETIC TIME What you are about 10 Jeara & perhaps the most phenomenal Impromptu, cose-up presentation for altering time on a speca- tors borrowed watch, There have been a few atiemps published ‘which approach the impact that ths method has, But nose can ‘ctually touch i. Let me deseibe the effet a the spectator sees ‘ is borrawed (noting i carved). After showing the watch aroand to those nearty who notice the current time, you place the Watch face down in the spectators lft hapd. His kasd f closed ‘ver the watch, You never touch the watch again. You ak hima to ame & number then you concentrate on that number and the swatch. He opens his hand and tums over the watch aod sce ‘hatte has of the watch have moved that rany minutes! No flmmickod watches, no sutches, no magaets no false handling Nothing but the spectators watch and your mental ailides 5 an anywhere, ny ime entertainer. 1am not eying «© put down other methods on the market but 1 ‘am quoting from cvery magician and mentalist that Ihave show {isto who tOHd me that This has say method beat tha Chey Bave bought. Gerry MeCambrige told me that he wished that he had ret me before he bought Richard Bloc’s “Perfect Tie” which is 2 beau, expensive, pmmicked watch, Bev Bergeron’ “Predict lng Time” is another good effec on the market Dut everyone ‘agsees that my method has it heat by miles. Tas effect is $0 good fat it fools even knowledgeable mipians.and it canbe repeated. {have had many performers eg me not 1 pt this out Deca 4s $0 good and i can be performed anyere, ny time. IT you PSYCHOKINENC TIME Ihave looked for the ulimat effect that canbe performed without carying any props with you them here It Ifyou intend to perform this efecto its Fllest impact that will safely leave your speciators confounded, hen T sugeest that you read every line carefully. AS with most meatalsm, it is not 30 fmoch the method that makes thi effect 30 song, but the prychology. [showed this a young magician atthe Porta Sate Magicians Convention and he ran off t0 start performing, It fmmeakatly LacklyT saw him the fist time that he id fH worked, of course, but Re had ft out the most lmporant| Ingredients, the psychological convinces. | sat down wth, him ‘gain and tied 10 explain why cyerything he said. was 0 ‘mporcane, ‘So 1 beg of ou, practice the method ofcourse, but please perform this the way I & supposed 10 be performed. UT see anyone ost ‘here pertorm thi foc tn 3 sloppy, haphazard maar, then T
be edited for ts origin and I want it dome right. ‘THE HISTORY Buck in the 1970% Uri Geller made a name for himself by appearing to bead meal objects with bis mind, and sarin, Stopping, aad moving the time om watches. Gller’s dowafall was Ins claim 0 be genuine. James “The Amazing” Randi wrote PSYCHORNETIC TIME ‘numerous artices and books exposing Geller as a fraud. It was alter reading one such book that I put togcther a method for ‘bly bending the tne of a fork. Shortly thereafter, was moving the hands of a watch; however, in Rand's drive to expase Geller, he showed a method of how 10 do this on nationwide television. During my subsequent performance, the commeat I most often heard was “T didn't see you do but T know that you pulled out the stem and secretly moved the ands with some sor of sleight of dnd. [saw Randi do that on TV." 1 eveatally deco that I would have (@ find 2 way 10 convince te spectators that ¥ did nor pull ou the stem, What beter way ‘han fo ask them to name's number afer it was in thir hands and to have the watch move that ay minute? I tried Hout sad, sure enough, it convinced them. 1 mean ould I have foreseen ‘what umber that they were going 10 chook? You may be thinking at this point “ls the choice a mathematical fone?" No, i noL. The choke usually goes something ike (his “Think ofa number trom 60 vo 120" That iit, noching more and nothing es. So read on PSYCHOKINETIC TIME, ‘This effect needs to be broken down into two parts 1) The ‘moving ofthe watch ands, and 2) the free ofthe number. The Ppochology behind both is equally important if it Bw be Performed convincingly and correct. Pay close atteton 10 the Imisirecton. It took many years 10 perfect the proper misirc- ‘on so that this foc cowld be repeated for even the most Seteemined skeptic PSYCHOKNETIC TME MOVING THE HANDS: ‘Look around the r000 and note wht ype of watches people are wearing, Avoid Roles, This effect can be performed with one ‘ut it quite dificult; however, we will eer tht phase of the work later. This eet cannot be performed with digital watches. ‘When someone asks you 10 use digital watch, jst explain that sou cannot we them they may break. you are unable to note the watch person i wearing, then ak them what ind of watch they are wearing I they say “2 Rolex” fen ask another person unl you find the one that you want. As you fete the watch, state tha you wil use their watch erate SoU cannot aford wo buy new Rolex. Tas wualy gets lg 1 usually get the watch I want without going 40 this trouble ‘Usually 1 use a ladks small faced watch of & mans Timex or Seiko ‘oF Guee orwell, you get the idea, almost any watch wil do. A, {ndies smal faced watchs prefered because I can vse this 10 gain ‘misdirection as 1 pull out the stem. Look a the watch handed 10 sme and say “Hina, I don't kao.” As | pl ot the stem I stare At someone else's wrist and ask them what Kind of watch they are ‘wearing. All eyes go 10 where [am loking 3 they answer. Watch tvenonc' eyes Bet dow ook suspicious a you do this {then state that this watch may be foo smal or tht thi watch has ‘0 minute marks Of you get the idea? Any encase will do just to belp get the heat off during the palling ou of the stem. AS $00 pecform his effec, you wll find itis unnecessary 20 et tis Iisdiection as the move 10 pall out the stem i undetectable, but hiss what Iwas talking about eater, follow all the psychooglal convincers given as it help to make the effect appear that much ‘more impossible. By aking ths simple question, the fleet has not ‘cen started, and yet you ae hala fished PSYCHOKINETIC TIME Polling out the stem: Take the watch handed 10 you stim Figure 1, left hand Holds the watch with the right thumb o top ofthe fae of the watch and the index, middle and ring Finger uader the watch. The et hand 8 shown in Figure 1 does nothing buts cower and soppart the watch Figwe 1 ‘Use your right midale Ringer to pullout the stom, not your index finger (asim previous watch moving rovtines) and not yout ring Alnger_ase your middle finger (Figure 2) Your thump wil cover the tat that the stem i out If you perform this routine often enough ae I do, then you sbouk! erm your Tngernalls with the middle ingermal eft eighty longer Leave i jst slightly tong enough 10 pull owt the siem of the watch You will find that the mindzestion above wll give you over when you come acoss a watch whove sem & hard 10 pull PSYCHOKINETIC TIME Figure ‘Checking out the play on the watch: It a good ica to chock out the watch that you are using to see how cay the watch hands move and whether or n0t they even do ‘move before you proceed withthe eet How do you do his? Easy. Afler you have pulled out the stem and finished the sentence about “what Kind of watch do you have? Keep i 0a foe ‘ow though Tay we tif his watch does ot work. This wate | dite small, but T wil ery iL AS T say “ths watch 1s que Sill.” 1 Hook back at the watch face t0 see ifthe wateh ands ‘move 3 | use my mile ager to move the watch bands ever $0 ghtly (Fgare 8). Jost a smal rong moun will do it, leaving the watch hands where they wete before the motion. This woy I ‘know i wil have to use a Tot of pressure when I comes pe to move the Hands PSYCHOKINETIC TIME Figure ‘Also, some watchs tke Swatches of watches with alam Rave (Wo positions 19 which the stoms pull Ou, one for the alarm and farther sul forthe moving ofthe watch hands {you do not pul te stem out all the way, then the hands will ot move and the fetfect will be lost. After performing thi ellct with diferent ‘watches, then you wil be thank tat 1 acladed this small bot Slenieant pice of business you have followed my instructions so fr, then no one wil have suspected that you pulled out the stem and checked the movement Of the watch hands. Now you are ready 10 display the TIME on the watch Displaying the time: ‘Aftr you have checked the movement of the hand then you Feadjust your fingers and remove your lft hand completly. Fiom PSYCHOKNETIC TIME now on the rst of the moves are performed cleanly and ope ‘ot tht they have Bees anything diferent sof Readjust your fingers by pushing the watch with your Itt hand so that the bottom strap ofthe watch gocs Betmoen yoUT ring finger ad pinkie (our pinkie on top of the sap) and your index finger {sclteily below the stom ofthe watch your thumb stl covers the stom (Figure 4). ‘This is 9 nntoral way to dipay the time on a wateh and is not Suspicious in the least. Whereas calier you neoded your otter bind for support a yoo polled out the som, the rst ofthe mes wil ake place with your one hand ‘Sow the watch to few people on you lft and fa font of you. [Now you hive to feadust your fingers agai to display the watch to the people om your right. To do th, turn the watch around by PSYCHOKINENC TIME Iwraing i towards yourself and vo the right while a the same time ‘moving the thumb tothe bottom ofthe wach 38 your right index finger moves 10 the side of the watch 10 cover the fact that the stem is out (Figure 5), Figure PSYCHOKNETIC TIME ‘Ask each and cvery person what time is dsplayod on the watch fat you are holding making sure that they aanownce the time on this watch and not the time on their ow watches. Correct them ten if they ae two oF three minutes OM. I says 2-77 and they fy 225, then podat Out their mistake 10 the next person. Do not ot in derogatory manner, doit in a factual mannet, You are thout to perform a miracle. Now readjust yoor fingers back wo the postion whete they were when you sare to display the watch “ih the thumb above the Stem and forefinger below the stem and ‘isplay the time to the people that you left out On your fa let. ‘You are now rady 1o change the tine (Changing the time: Immediately ater disphying the watch, point the watch face towards yourself and move your thumb dova to the strap telow the watch, You are now in position to change the time (Figure 6). Ask either the person that gave you the watch or a person in font ‘of you "Are you right or left handed?” AS you ask them this ‘gucaton, you gesture with your hand holding the watch Jus nO%e the watch slighty (about sir itches) wards them them hack ‘gain As your hand comes back, ase your index finger 10 change {We time of the watch, “The miutitection is perfect here. You have the cower of the movement and also you have directed their attention 10 that ‘person again atthe cracal moment when the sleight takes place. [As your hand comes back it should bring the watch slighty lower than before. Your right index Boger will be telow the stem and the fact that itt out wil be evident Put never soem ah you are ‘ning to Smaediately pos it back in using the boldest move Oo ‘nl probably ever pertorm in ll our yeas of magic 10 PSYCHOKINETIC TIME Pushing the stem back in: lrumodiately afer changing the ime and bringing your righthand back and they have rewaled what “handed” they ate (lef oF 1" PSYCHOKINETC TIME righ), bring the watch up sideways to your fce level, ste facing the ceiling and state "See th piee right hero” Indicate the stem by tapping om it withthe index finger of the hand bokling the sate while atthe same time om the fis tap pushing itn (Figure 7), Contin tapping a you state “Mae sute that I doo pull his “Actually You stat your fs tap a8 you rake The watch aD Desh the stem inthe, PSYCHOKINETIC TIME watch covers the sound. Alo if it makes a Joud noise, then I ‘Sntinse taping t with ny fngerail. The two sounds ae simile ‘After Ihave wld them co watch the sem, I immedatly being my fief hand hack up to take Bold ofthe Top part ofthe watch strap nd pall me bottom part ofthe slrap through my right fingers ‘nt am holding the watch im a nice and ccan display by the fends of the straps (Figure 8). You are ow ready © place the ‘wath in the spocators hand Figure 7 1 know that this & bold but it & clean and ob $0 clever that you vel never be cabght. [A this some time you cam see the new time on the watch. Ly 10 {void Swatch watches as they make a Toul fick at this polat hove never Been caught inthe thousands of times that T have Performed this effect, even with the Swatch. The tapping on the Figures Placing the watch in the spectator’s hand: Repeat what “handed” the specator said that he was and el Bi to bold out hs opposite hana palm up I he does not andersto, ‘thea show him by turning the straps down so that the watch (fas 0 PSYCHOKINERC TIME down and display your hand (Figure 9). Place the watch in is hind, have him close i and urn his erst over. I be does tindestand, then move the watch toward im 68. Figure So long. asthe watch s moving atthe right speed, then no one cam sec the hands of the watch, Practice this Te fact tat the watch 6 face wp helps to create the fecting that you afe not hiding anything. Turn the watch face down with a ‘weeping motion asi i ewer his hands. Turn the waich towards yourself as you tum itover Have the spectator else bis hand on the watch then tur his hand face down. This presides him frm opening his band and letting, the watch fll out Inmediatly go ato the forcing ofthe time 10 ‘61 NS mind off the watch “ PSYCHOWNETC TME FORCING THE TIME: “The foreing ofthe time i quit simple andi will work 907% ofthe time or Bete. Bu if it doesnot work, then we have an “out” and the effect te taken out of the SUPER MIRACLE dass and put the MIRACLE class and tha not bad. Instead of moving the hands oa specific ime, you move the watch atest specie amount of tine: Let us deal withthe SUPER MIRACLE effec fis 3s this is how A wil goat Kast nine oof ten times. Ifyou are going to attempt to perform this effec, then it is good to remember that watches work in 0 minote increments. People ate ued to cnuntingin teas and hundreds. Boeause of this for ‘and wen the hance of the watch move backwards (8 they all ‘ually when performed with this method) the amount of time i ‘quite confusing, therefor we Rave a litle leeway to play with. We ave about Ove wo ten minutes where we can be Off without it being pointd out Now our challeage isto yet x persoa to sclect am amoent of tine that i lose to the changed time. I pononally do ot lke meshods ‘hat employ adding and subtracting numbers to arrive ata forced tou. The fore shouldbe fee ike the “pick a number from one to te0" where most people select seven. Ths is how the fore Mere sould work, nd it Goes, have jst moved the bands of my watch 25 in the effet. It as ‘originally 204 and now it states that itis 245. My watch moved ahead instead of backwards But that Is okay. It moved byl ‘inate. I need to force the nimter 41 or a number close 10 i. How do Eo 2 Simpl. 1 ask the person to thin of a number from 291050. do not give him a eke to think model ak what his number. The speaking gocs like ths “Think of a names between 29 and 50.” (Geer $0 slight of 2 pause) “What is 7" If Tsay the number 50 ‘wid a ithe more fore and emphasis, then nearly 9 ties owt of OD he will choose number ess than ten below the higher 18 PSYCHOKINENC TIME this ase in the fortes, Nine out often times it wil be {he force number this ease it would more than Hikely wot be the force number as the number is 41 More than likely i would be 44,45, 46, or 47. "This 1s oly, 100. If they choose any of these ‘ember, then I would state “Tam going 10 Uy to move the hands ‘Of the watch so that instead of being fw mis afer, It wl be ‘4 (or whatever number that they amod) minutes afer. T may not te exact, bot Iwill be awfully close” When they look at the tine, they wil soe (at 248 and wil sil credit you with moving it the right amount of time, they choose a number in the 30% like 37,38, 39, or even inthe lows ike 40,4, 2,43, then you ate sil covered, just sate “L tam going Lo move the watch aminues. Tay ot be exact bat Tl be ally lose” Irby etance they choose a number that i6 100 How Hike 22 oF 0, ‘hen yoo simply ask them to choose a another number a6 that tum i oo kw and will not be a challenge wo You 38 they will soon se. Ths may seem weak om paper bu it Works and is never ‘questioned. If te number still 00 tow, then State“ wil ty 10 thove the Bands of the watch tha many minutes, maybe even more iC Tean-but won't promise anything thoygh.” And you proceed to-do just tat. 14 il strong 28 yOu sil ind “The example I gave you is one of the worst possible and I was {going to change It 1 do a better aumber bat I didn ss [ wanted 4 be fair It is bad Because 1) the wach moved forward, 2) Tcatse the hand did mot move more thin ome how, snd 3) i Imoved 10 am cuact number om the watch. Usually when you perform thi routine, instead of stating that you sul mowe the ‘ate wo asd ime, you wil tate that yow wll move the hands a ‘rain smowat of time. Yet evon with all ofthese things wrong ‘with this example, you can stl se how strong thes effect. You ‘wl be amazed at Bow many times you hit the amber exactly. Let inc gine you a few more examples. The following wumbers were forced on people during an actual routine. ‘6 PSYCHOKINETIC TME 1 needed to fore the namber 33 TIME: 521 ‘STATEMENT: 2 number beeen 15 and 40 ANSWER: 30 (METHOD: move that numberof minutes 1 noodle 0 force the number 7 TIME: 9:55 STATEMENT: 2 number between $0 and 20 ANSWER: 79 METHOD: move that many minutes, plas « minute 1 00 i 1 needed 10 fore the number 8S TIME: 8 STATEMENT, a number between 60 and 100 ANSWER: 92 METHOD: “I wll move it backwards about that many minutes, {ets see.that would be around 8:41, 82" And go right ino i ‘without giving them a cance 10 think, In this method the fact that the watch moved ackwaed is confusing, compounded bythe ft thatthe watch mowed over 60 minutes in the unlikely event that someone does point out that it ‘dnt move the right amount of mintes, then apologe for your ‘sttraction eror but point out that you did move i 10 where you ‘ai you would, 1k important that you immediately reset the watch afterall have PSYCHOMNETIC TIME {anced at it and soon that it has moved the sad amount of Iinates. This way they wall not be able 10 count the amount of ‘minutes that IC has moved as they reset the wach. When You ‘pettrm it, you wll hink that these ate stall points, but do Hot Sveriook tem. “AS T said eater, these are the psychological Sometimes the watch will move back exactly onc our. In this case [wl not ark for a ner but Uwe the pers that 1 wil move tack the watch exactly one hour. Often it wil be a few ‘inaes off and Take this to good ahantage by stating that Twi ‘move it an hour back but not exactly 50 that they won think that they misread the watch the ist time. Concentrating on the watch: When concentrating on moving the wate TBOld one Rand above the person's dosed hand and one below. The hands ed 10 be ar ‘anay or else the person sil think that you wed 4 magnet wich i IMogical anjway 25 2 magnet would fceze up the mechanism and {Hop the watch, Of ll people to thik that [at esing this method ‘vata felow magician who was alo an engince. I they suspect 4 ‘magnet, then no falter what you tll them, thy wil not bebiewe ou Its important that after you put the watch inte persoo's and that you do not touch it aguin until after they have seen that {thas moved and have acknowledged it. Then you can daplay it foc other o see. Often the person holiing the watch will say that they felt it moving. This is citer their own puke oF the mechanism in the ‘watch that they foc I play this up and even suggest that they il Teel it move. PSYCHOKINETIC TIME Afyou are surrounded: Ths eflest can he perfomed sercosnded. 1 have been in this Situation many times. AS you gesture and change the te of the watch, point the face of he watch to yoar body and slighly ‘dowward. Continue as before oaly do not glance tthe amount ‘of time it as changed. Pat the watchin their hand and state “Before 160 anything Jet_me Sce | can get started” ‘Concentrate on ity then have them turn thir hand fie up and ‘pen their hand. Take Hold ofthe watch by the very ends OF the ‘raps and qeickly Bring it close to your face so ony you can see {he face If done quickly il be almost roponible for anyone to {cus their eyes im enough Gime to sce thatthe hands have move. State “good” as you place St beck ito thir hand face down and begin agai by forcing the number, The Rolex wateh: Init possible w ese the Role watch? Yes. In this case you necd to unsrew the stem and you either nocd 10 4 this without being Seen of you need a reat 10 do iT ase both methods depending oa the mood I amt in and bow eany the peson fam working with & dstrcted. To wascrow the watch stem lundetected, you mced to use the watch fr her effec T wil pve you a few the end ofthese Rows. I'you do not want to perform Dither effects and take the time to wnscrew the stem without Being seen, then do the following. Unscrew the stem in front of them stating that oe want 1 et the watch on the hour, Protend to screw the watch back but dow ‘actually do it Just wt your agers around the sem pretending to serew it tack in, Progeed to change the tie as before after showing it around. Immediately change the time and ook at the face with a gestae as you ask someone to thisk of a number between "and "Te shoald go a follows “I want you 10 19 PSYCHOKNETIC TME think ofa umber erween (look at the face) hmmm (Figure it out ppronimatch) between and” AS you stale “hotweea GRRE an DO YoU have 1?” pu he stem in with your index Tager and seen it back i. It ees a ite more effort and it ‘wat ifyou don’ perform it witha large group of people. Tae idea ‘of sctting the watch on the hour i good for any atch when the ‘em is hard wo pall ut {hope that Ihave no rghtonod anyone away by aking ths many pages to describe am eect that takes one minvle to pertoem. 1 Ive teed to give all the eortect input 10 make the eller a monumental sacuess, This i real mentale, a reputation maket as they sy. You cannot perform anything stronger. For the sake of completeness, ere the wording: “Does anyone havea watch?” “You do? Great! May I borrow it please? Don't worry, I won't burt ie” Fimmm, 1 don't know. What kind of watch are you wearing?” “Lave your watch on for tow. This One dost have the minutes raked Twi yt” “What time does it ay?" “The exact time, pease.” “Aare you right or left handed?” “You ae right handed? Good, hold out your eft hand, palm up.” “Soc this pat ofthe wateh? Make sure tht I don't touch it” “Close your hand and turn it face down.” “Think ofa number between “What is your number?” “ica. wil ry to move the hands of your watch minotes™ PSYCHOKNENC TIME Can you fel anything happening? Turn your hand over and tke look It has moved minutes” ‘ter doing the routine many times, you may find it unnecessary to ak the senond person what Kind of watch he & wearing Just & “ummm” and staring at is Wrst will suffice in misdirection 10 pull out the watch stem, ‘McCAMBRIDGE STAGE ROUTINE "have sod the watch rostine om stage many tines and its quite letve: however, I used 0 shy away fom sing It om tage aly because one time in one hundrod T might come across watch that is hard to se and Thave to hunt for another watch Clase up ft is inc; however, on stage, it was time consuming, Gerry MeCambridge solved this dilemma. In 1989 atthe Invocational, 1 met Geery McCambridge, a nice, lable fellow with aa azine mind. We have Become quite food friends and we respect eachother’ way of thinking. I shamed ima iy wach routine and he was pevforming It Ris plane ride bome fora fellow magician. A few months Ite, Roy Miler ame out ‘with a publication of Gem's routines. Init was a watch rowing petformed on stage Inthe acta roatine it was performed with 4 Picture duplication and the revelation of 2 name. With Getty permission I will deal with the watch part of the routine. T do Suggest that you buy the booklet tiled “Mental Moatage” (ce ‘Address on the last page) You start by asking 2 spectator to think ofa specific ime in is Iie and to secredy write it down on 2 piece of paper. Examples ‘pal be the tie he was hor, or the time of hs wedding. et: He {ois it up and retaim it You know what time it i via your favorite impression device. Gemrys “Omni Glance” perfect here (Gee his referenced booklet) You then ask to borrow his watch Hive the spectator conceatrate of his time, as you try to “read his PSYCHOKINETIC TIME ‘mind and set his watch to that tine” Leave the siem palled out snd piace the watch face down on his opea palm. Ask im fr is Slip of paper and reed off the ume he wrote Have him very 26 the time he wrote. Pick up the watch and have him ver that You Indeed se the watch to the correct time. Walk up to some people in the fot row and have them verify it asthe coret time. CCome back to the poriom on stage amd show the time 10 them ‘again and then secreuy change the time as you ask him 10 hold ‘at his palm again. Explain that yo wat to try 10 something 2 litle diferent. Push in the stem. Emphasize the tne ain you [ut the watch into his hand. Coveeatrate and change the ine ‘meatal Ifyou sce how many minutes that Khas ove, then JOU {an number force this tim. This impressive and the duplication fof the time i perfect cover fOr getting the watch stem nto the ‘pen position to PSYCHORINETICALLY changeit late, ‘Asa sid not, Bow Bergeron’ “Predicting Time” would work well here also however, inthis case you would ave 10 use two watches One watch would be the one the spectator wsts 10 St the tie while you set the tine oo the other watch. Only on your ‘watch would you leave the stem out to perform the PSYCHO- KINETIC part ofthe routine ater. Iam not at liberty to disclose "he method of Bergeron’ rick 0 this may be cofuing to some. For sake of completeness, the address where "Proditing Time” is lable incloded atthe back ofthis book. SIMPLE WATCH TRICKS These can be use to gain the necessary time to wnscrew the Rolex satches or thy can juste used as filers. Neither ome is orginal {they have both boen around for many years now PSYCHOKINETIC TIME CONFUSING THE MATHEMATICIAN Show the spectator the face of the watch. Point out that each number has mamber opposite of i. For instance, tbe 12 has a ix ‘Opposite of it and one & opposite of seven and so forth. Ask the Specaior 10 hink of any number and it mate and add. them Together. He i 10 give you his total. You immediatly give him ‘he two mumbors He will not be impresed a i is obvious that you know mbich two aumber: come to which tal, Yet you ontinbe and make the following radial statement. “Ob, I kow ‘what you're thinking, You ae thinking that [have memorized all {he wus and | know what your numbers are because of thi. 1 ‘know i fooks lke that but I can prove you wrong” You proceed 10 have him think of two more Runes and ths time Be i 10 subtract ove fom the other, be i not to tell you the total. Aad yet you reveal How? ‘Simple. The ans will always be si. You confuse his thinking by fiat having him ad tho two mombers Tn this cae the otal & always ferent depending what numbers he cose. If exsy work {o gore ost what numbers he chore. The second tebe Sobuacsinscad of adding and his number will always be si. Do ‘ot give the speciator time to st and figure this one out. If you Insite too Tong between eects, he will quickly figure Kt Out Proceed immodiately with the net effect. TAPIT ‘The spectator is asked to think of any number on the watch fice. ‘You tell hin that every tine you tp the face of the watch with your pen, hei 1 add one fo bs umber, When he reaches 20, be 51 tell you 10 stop. State that you are going to tap the watch in ‘an anticlockwise ciecion and that you ate going (0 try and figure ‘shore to stat tapping so that when be teaches 20 you wail be on his nome. PSYCHOMNETIC TIME How Again it simple. Atvays surt on the number seven. When he {Spe stop you wll automaticaly Bo at hs number. Pla it up. Start ty looking like you ae tying 1 figure out where 1 start 00 the ‘watch, Each time yoo tap 2 number on the watch, say out loud “Add one.” When you fet to the number 11, don't forget 10 ‘remind the spectator to say stop when he reaches 2 [hope that you enjoys this treatise into the waknowa! INIS 3X sun aniston Magic Inspirations [YY BUSINESS EXCHANGE A tosioas card from 2 potential client magically changes flo your business card! This is 3 Z-foKd Desiness card wallet measuring 2 12" x 4 that accommodates 3 ‘ok se paying card in the mids compartmeat. $20.0 DISCREET BUSINESS A potential client gives you his phone ‘nomber only 10 find that i is already written Ox the back of your Desiness caf inside your business card wallet! This is 2 Boon ‘Writer which is built Fight ito a Dasnes card walle Wat in sive and quay to BUSINESS EXCHANGE. $2000 SELECTED MONOGRAPHS AND ASSORTED PRESEN- TATIONS by Scott Welly MMC. An secunulation of short amicles on how to look, ac, dress, promote and conduct yoursel as ‘magician, ‘The manuscript also Gntains proven presentations for ome pratcal routines. $10.00 MAGICIAN’S APPOINTMENT PAD Never again forget to ask tho right questons when booking a show over the phone. Keep ‘ne by each Ielephone! 0 sheets per pad. 00 per pad ‘TRIPLE INDEMNITY The Insurance Poliy trick with» twist Gne of thre different cards revealed eich time you unfold the polly, Awarded Special Mert for Originality by The Lnkine Ring in 188s. $600 ‘Allitems avaluble om Magic Inspirations 14506 Sitver Lace Lane, Hosston, Texas 77070 Please add 2.00 postage for all tems shipped within the U.S. and ‘$4.00 fr al other order,

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