Freeyourmindpoem Angelinesr

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By: Angeline Santa Romana

Everyone has their own strength
But instead of celebrating them, people put them down
People mistake strength,
As if its a weakness
They put others down for not having those skills
It makes someone vulnerable.
Strength doesnt show itself from the start
Like a caterpillar in a cocoon
You dont see its becoming a butterfly
You dont see a persons true strength
Until they become their true selves
Strength is what makes a person themselves
It causes one to doubt their ability
They make one feel as if strength isnt to be shared
It causes one to doubt their strength.
Each gender has equal strength
But not everyone can see it
Thinking physical ability is more important than mental ability
They put masculinity over femininity
As if masculinity was paper and femininity was a rock
Thinking masculinity can cover all that femininity can do.
Their strengths are both needed everywhere
In the workplace
In the media
In everyday life
Women have the power
Women are capable of doing everything a man can do
If everyone works together and accepts our strengths,
If we see everyones strength and use it as a gift,
We will make our future brighter.
We need to appreciate the strengths we have

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