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MEL Databases

Academic OneFile:
Britannica School: High:
Britannica School: Middle:
Learning Express Library:
New York Times:
Research in Context:
World Cat:

Hoax or Real: Evaluated

Article: Fisher Price Tupolev Tu-164
I would say that this article is a hoax. The author does not seem to be a
reliable source on this topic; I am not sure what makes him credible. He does
not claim ownership of the article nor does he post the date that the piece is
published online. It does not mark any updates either. The pictures offer
captions, but no clear ownership or sources from where they were found. Not
only do the pictures lack citations, but the work and facts lack citations.
There is no support or credibility to support the information. The comment
below appears to be fake as well seeing as there does not appear to be a
way for viewers to leave comments. Lastly, the website has nothing to do
with that type of article. They don't seem to align at all, meaning that this

article is quite random and not supported. Overall, this seems quite
unreliable and undeniably a hoax.

Article: Feline Reaction to Bearded Men
This article is a hoax article as well. A radio pop-up appeared on the screen
as I was reading through the article. Aside from that, the sources that are
listed do not link back to anything reliable. When searched in another
browser, such as Google, there are no results. This makes the information
lack reliability. When searching for background information on the authors,
nothing other than the article at hand come up either. This makes it seem as
though the authors are also fictional. None of the pictures or writing are cited
with sources, therefore disproving any possibility that the information is
reliable. There are also ads on the side and the website overall does not
seem reliable. It appears to be a hoax site.

Citation Maker: BibMe

Gabaldon, Diana. Outlander. New York, NY: Delacorte Press, 1991. Print.

Final Reflections on Thing Ten

I think that this resource is immensely helpful for both students and
teachers alike. First, the resources provided under the MEL Databases were
vastly different but all very helpful in their respective areas. I thought that
there were good sources aimed for academic purposes as well as current
events. It seems to be a very well-rounded source form which students can
pull information. This will be a great source for students to use while writing
research papers or creating presentations. The Hoax or Real portion was
very interesting. It seemed pretty clear to me that the sources that I
observed were hoaxes, but I know that it is harder to identify for students
who are just learning how to investigate and write their own papers. I think
that this resource is a very good resource for teachers because it makes the
reader think of questions regarding authenticity and reliability. I think that
this would be a good activity to practice to strengthen their skills as well as
my own. In regards to the citation makers, I think that those are a good
resource for students to use if they do not know how to cite materials yet. I
think that the practice of inputting the information and seeing how that

information is set up in a citation will help students understand why and how
citations are set up the way that they are. I used them in high school and I
thought that they were valuable so I would definitely recommend that
students who are beginning to write start off using a source like BibMe.

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