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A PPLIED Science University (ASU)

Civil Engineering Department

Building construction

Wall Formworks

NAME: Mohammed Sameer AlDawoudi

ID: 201220367
Instructor: Dr. Hasan Hijjeh
Sec. #: 2

Table of content
Economy of formwork


Formwork is a mould or open box, like container
into which fresh concrete is poured and
compacted, When the concrete is set, the
formwork is removed and a solid mass is produced
.in the shape of the inner face of the formwork

Material such as steel, plastic, wood and .fiberglass used in formworks

The operation of removing the formwork is knownas stripping
Reusable forms are known as panel formNon-usable forms are called stationary formsFor most situations the formwork is made of wood. A smooth outer surface provides the main
support for the concrete as sets, normally made
.by plywood
Formwork is made from expensive materials, and .requires great skill and experience
Formwork usually needs to be used many times for it to be cost efficient. This can be done if it is
carefully handled, cleaned and stored,
.regardless of what material it is made from
:Criteria for good formworks
strong enough to support the weight of fresh -1
concrete during placing and compacting, and
.any other loads it may be required to take
.Rigid enough to retain the shape without undue deformation .2
The joints in the formwork should be tight -3
against leakage of cement grout
Containment: formwork must be capable of -4
shaping and supporting the fluid concrete until
.it cures
Ease of Handling: it should be light as -5

All the formwork is very expensive. On average about 35% of
the total cost of any finished concrete can be attributed to its
formwork ;( 40% for material for formwork and 60% for
:To reduce the cost of formwork for concrete structures Design the formwork to provide adequate but not excessive -1
strength and rigidity

Fabricate the forms into modular sizes to provide more reuses -2

Use the most economical formwork material considering the initial
.cost and reuses
.Remove the formwork as soon as it is permissible -3
.Prepare working drawings prior to fabricating the forms -4
Objectives of Form Building:
Quality: sufficient and accuracy of the size, -1
.shape and position
Safety: suffucent strength and factor of -2
Economy: Forms must be built efficiently, -3
.minimizing time and cost
:Requirement of formworks
.Deflection should be minimum -1
It should be practically water proof, so that -2
.it should not absorb water from concrete
.Swelling and shrinkage should be minimum -3
Strong enough to with stand all external -4
Surface should be smooth, and afford easy -5
Light in weight, so that easy to -6
Material should be cheap and re usable -7
Joints should be stiff, so that lateral deformation -8
.and leak is minimum

:Wall formworks
In walls, wet concrete exerts horizontal bursting
pressures on the vertical soffit. The pressure is
reduced as the semiliquid concrete hardens and
becomes self supporting. Formwork construction
.must be able to withstand the loads imposed
:It consist of
horizintal members-4
vertical posts-5
Timber sheeting-6

:Loads on formwork
Dead load -1
Self weight of formwork
Pressure and loads from fresh concrete ReinforcementImposed load -2
Construction workersStacking of materialsHorizontal loads -3
Environmental loads -4
Accidental loadsWind loads:There are two types of wall formwork

walls requiring only one face of formwork, .e.g. -1

.for basement walls
double faced formwork for free standing walls in -2
.a structure

:Formworks material
Formwork can be made out of timber, plywood, steel, precast -concrete or fiber glass. Steel forms
are used in situation where large numbers of re.use of the same forms are necessary
.For small works, timber formwork proves usefulFiber glass made of pre-cast concrete and aluminum are used in cast-in-situ construction
such as slabs or members involving curved
:Timber formwork -1
Most common material used for bracing the member (traditional formwork)

can easily cut to size on site :playwood formwork This the most common material used for the facing panel. It is easily cut to shape on site, it
.can be used many times
Standard plywood thickness on site is 18mm. .This is usually sufficient for most pours
if the formwork is curved, thinner plywood is .used to facilitate bending

:Advantages of timber formworks

Limited size of shape

Damaged parts can be
replaced with new one
Easy handling because it Excessive loss of heat
is light weight
Very flexible
A very smooth surface
will be produced which
would give problems for
finishing process
Easy to produce
Limited fixing
:steel formworks -2
This type of shuttering is considered most .suitable for circular or curved structures
Steel forms are largely used in large projects or in situation where large number reuses of the
.shuttering is possible
The panel units can be held together through .bolts and nuts

The panels can be fabricated in large number in .any desired modular shape or size
Used For heavy concrete work High initial cost and high handling cost Advantages
used for a many times
non absorbent
Smooth finish surface
No shrinkage of
formwork occurs
Easy to use
Its volume is less
Its strength is more

Limited size or shape
Excessive loss of heat
A very smooth surface
will be produced which
would give problems for
finishing process
.Limited fixing

Formwork Tolerances and variations in


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