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C e n t r a lU n i t e d M e t h o d i s tC h u r c h V o l u m e1 2 I s s u e6

"Make a difference in the world
for Christby reaching
out in love and service and bY riurturingspiritualgrowth."

1 NE 2010'€ffi@+
Historyof Father's
r::!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii',#:iiiiiiiii::|#:iiiX..diiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiili,;i{irtiililiiil:i.:i,::;$iliii'::*iitliillilf:iiiiiiit::i:iii:i; Dayin US
The modernversion of a Father'sDay celebrationoriginatedin
the United Statesandthereafterthe tradition spreadto countries
aroundthe world. The world owesthanksto Ms. SonoraLouise
SmartDodd, a loving daughterftom Spokane,Washington,as
it is becauseof her strugglethat Father'sDay saw the light of
the day.

The idea of a Father'sDay celebrationoriginated in Sonora's

mind when dheper chancelistenedto a Mother's Day sermon
in 1909.Fairly mafure at the age 27, Sonoraponderedif there
is a day to honor mother then why not for father? Sonorafelt
strongly for fathersbecauseofthe alfection shereceivedfrom
her own fathir N{r.\Villiam JacksonSmart,a Civil SIar veteran.
Sonora'smotherdied in childbirth when shewasjust 16. Mr.
Smartraisedtlrc newbornandfive otherchildrenrvitb love and
care. t
Inspiredbv Ms. Anna Jarvis'sstruggleto promote Mother's
Day, Ms. bdail U"g- a rigorous campaign to celebrateFa-
ther's Day. The SpokaneMinisterial Associationand the local
Young Men's ChristianAssociation(YMCA) supportedSo-
nora'scause.As a result Spokanecelebratedits first Father's
Day on June 19, 1910.Thoughtherewas initial hesitation,the
ideagainedgradualpopularityall overtheUS andFathers'Day
cameto be celebratedin cities acrossthe counfy'

Looking at the heightenedpopularityof Father'sDay, PresidentWoodrowWilson approved of this idea in 1916.

"establishmore intimate
presideit Calvin Coolidge ioo, suppo.tedthe idea of a national Father'sDay in 1924to,
relationsbetweenfathersandtheiichildren andto impressupon fathersthe full measureof their obligations".After
a protractedstruggleof over four decades,PresidentLyndonJohnsonsigneda presidentialproclamationdeclaring
th'ethird SundayJf lune as Father'sDay in 1966.Then in lgT2,President RichardNixon establisheda permanent
national observanceof Father'sDay to be held on the third Sundayof June.SonoraSmartDodd was honoredfor
her contributionat the World'sFair in Spokanein 1974.Mrs. Dodd died in 1978at age96.

My father gave me the greatestgift anyone could give an- The father who does not teach his son his duties is equally
other person,he believedin me. by JimValvano guilty with the son who neglectsthem, by Confucius

He didn't tell me horv to live: he lived, and let me watch him When a father gives to his son,both laugh; when a son glves
do it by ClarenceBudington Kelland to his father, both cry Jewish Proverb
"The most important thing a father can do for his children is
Blessedindeedis the man who hearsmany gentlevoicescall
him father! by Lydia M. Child to love their mother." Unknown
Therearetwo touchingmomentsthat occurin dinnertime or running to his mother at different
WorshipeverySundaythat few peoplesee,but times throughout the day.
moveme deeplyandmakeme smile.
And, when he getsto church,he waits with great
They both occuron Sundaynightsduring our anticipation for Offering time, often looking
"\&brshipat (i" service.The first happensat the to the altar to see if its time yet, clutching his
beginningofworship.PastorDavecomesdown coffee ban to his heart.
the centeraisle with little VaughnDesmond
precedinghim, holdingtheAcolytelighter. And then, when Pastor Dave announces,
time for the Offering", he climbs down from
The lighteris twiceasbig asVaughn.Vaughn's his $randmother'slap and standsin the center
cherubicfaceis matchedby thesenseofabsolute aisle waiting with great anticipation for the
awehisfacereflectsashekeepshiseyesfocused usherto come to him.
on theflameat theenclof the lighter. I

Thenheopenshiscanandwith greatexcitement
After the candleson the altar are lit. Pastor takesgachdollar out one at a time until they
Davekneelsdownwith onehandon Vaughn's are pll*placed in the plate and then turns the
shoulderandtogetherthey pray at the altaras canlrpsidedown soall the changefalls into the
if they are lost in awe and standingon Holy plat{.Thatpreciousmomentcannotbecaptured
Ground,while the PraiseTeam continuesto witH#ords.It is a momentof exquisiteholiness
singtheopeningcallto worship.It is amoment andit movesme deeply.
for me of exquisiteholinessand it movesme
deeplyeverySunday. My family sometimesasksme on a Sunday
night,when I havealreadybeento worship3
The secondhappenslater in worshipnearthe timesandusuallypreached3 times,knowingI
end. GrandmotherSharonCarrocciasits just am physicallyand emotionallydrained,
acrossthe centeraislefrom me, midwayback, do you go to Sundaynight servicetoo, Pastor
cradlingher almost2 yearold grandsonin her Davecanhandleit?"
arms.In his tiny handsis cradleda coffeecan
he bringsto worshipwith him everySunday. Well beyondloving to hearthe PraiseTeams
sing and to be a supportfor my pastorfriend
It is his "Offering for Jesus" coffee can. I Dave,I go to watch little Vaughnand Gianni
learnedfrom his grandmotherthat all week in worshipandto experience the purejoy that
long he remindshis motherthat they needto makesme smile not just with my mouth but
for Jesus,at deepin my soul.
hli up thecoffeecanrvithotl-erings

Pastor (on
retirement as presidentdue to declining health.

T h eG o i n q s - o n Mce PresiclentJirn Grarrtagreedto take the office.

Martha Crrant,lvho was one of our directors,and
af Centfal ;i chuckwolrram \ fio was in anotherstateduring our meetingand
had no idea what was happening,was electedto
succeedher,frusbandas vice-president. Howard
JohnEwing, our pastorfrom 1971to 1981,wrote Hampton's term as a director expired and he
abook titled Zo GodBe TheGlory: Miracles in my declined to stand for re-election. We therefore
lfe and ministry. Publishedby Xulon Pressyou had two of the threeseatson the boardof directors
canbuy it,ISBN- l0: 1615796983 up for election. Yours truly and Bob Stiefbold
"JohnEwing" in werethen electedto the boardof directors.All the
ISBN - l3. l61 5796984. Justput
the searchengine after getting to Amazon and it elections were unopposedand unanimous.Bob
will take you to it. The book is focused on the Samesas secretary,BarbaraMeade as treasurer,
churchesandpeopleofSouth Jersey.The chapter Joe Breidenstineas businessmanagerand John
concemingCentralis Chapter26,A Churchwith a Wil li amsonasa directorcr.rntin uedin offi cewthout
GreatWitness. I haven'treadthe book yet but I've interruption.
beentold it's an easyand quick read. Besidesmy Earlier that day we hostedthe District Conference.
rnomhasn'tfinishedreaclingit yet. It's purposeis to elect ihe district oflicers arrd
The Friends Central CemeteryAssociationheld receive their reports, which we would have to
their annual luncheonand businessmeetingin do at Annual Conferenceif we didn't do it here.
Adams Hall on Saturday,May 8ft. Twenty three We also talk about what will happen at Annual
personswere in attendance.The Carlton Johnson Conferdnceand discussthe proposalsin the pre-
family preparedthe foo4 and we enjoyed some Conferencepackage. The theme of this year's
"Disciples Transforming
deliciouschicken, potatoespersillade,coleslaw, D strict Conferencewas
string beans, cranberrysauce,rolls, coffee,iced the World: Through Presence."The day began
tea, cherrycobblerand spicecake. The meeting with the Methodist Women (thank you) serving
beganat l:45 p.m. andendedan hour later. There refreshmentsof fresh fruit, bagels and cream
were five burials sinceour last meetrng.and we cheese, danish,coffeeandjuice.
were informed there were three inquiries about Last ybar the annual conferencesvoted on 32
purchasinggrave plots. All the graveshave been a-enddtdntsto our churchconstitution,23 of razhich
sold exceptfor one lot devotedto cremainsonly, would reorganizeand restructureour churchon a
which is only partially sold. Therearegravessold global basis. On Tuesday,May 4, the Council of
to thoserryhomwe have lost track of and we have Bishops canvassedthe votes and announcedthat
no idea if those graves will be used; we talked fir'e of the amendmeuts wele ratified. There'satrout
aboutthis situation and what we can do aboutit. 49,400Annual Conferencemembersworldwide,
Maund Enterprisesopens and closesthe graves and ratrficationrequiresan affirmative vote from
and Blue Sky Landscapingmows the lawn. We two-thirds of them presentand voting. All of the
extendedtheir contractsand approvedtheir new restructureamendments failed,all ofthem receiving
fee schedules. We discussedthe possibilityof a majority of no votesandthemostoppositionfrom
demolishingthe shed;we no longeruseit. There the conferences inAfrica, who werethe onesit was
are electricalwires and a junction box underneath supposedto most benefit. Amendment2, which
that providespower to the Country Club, and the would have requireda code of ethicsfrom every
building is very well built. It was suggestedto tum United Methodist organization,ctune within 260
it, or its site, into a mausoleum or columbarium. votes of passage,and some reportedincorrectly
Estimates for itsdemolitionwill beobtained.Aminor that amendmentwasratified. The constituhonno*'
repairwill be madeso that we can open the shed providesthefollowing:l) we cannotdiscriminate in
door,which we cannoteasilydo at present.Finally, thechurch govemance on the basis of gender;
it j oins
as to the elections:CarltonJohnsonannouncedhis "race" "status" as protected,2) Jurisdictional
-3- continued on pg.4
continuedfrom pg.3

Conferences (theyelectthe bishops)mustnow have DAY2ASUCCESS!

100 delegates. The amendmentis aimed at the
Westem Jurisdiction which either just barely has
The family of Coach Dave Lewis is grateful
that number of delegatesor doesn'tquite 3) the lay
memberson the committeeon investigationcannow for your help in making Dave's Day 2 such a
success!We continueto be oven^/helmed by the
vote on ordinationand clerry membershipquestions
4) clerry delegates(rvho must be fully ordained outpouringof love and support for Dave and for
eldersor deacons)to the General,Jurisdictionaland our family. We truly appreciatethat with your
Central Conferencesare to be electedby (almost) assistancehis legacy will live on as we help
all of the clerry membersof the annualconference. others in our local, national and international
Until now clergy must have beenfully ordainedto communities.
vote. Hereafterassociatememberscan vote without
restrictionwhile local pastorsand provisionalclergy Thank you to all of the church memberswho
must complete their educationalrequirementsand donatedwater and soda to our event. We are
local pastorsmustservetwo yearsunderappointment so fortunateto be part of such a caring church
beforebeingableto vote.5) Finally,Bermudais now community. Your ongoinglove and supporthas
part of the NortheastemJurisdiction. Geographically helpedus throughthe pastfew years.
it makes no sense but the Baltimore-Washington
The Lewis, Hdssonand ChomomazFamilies
Conference,which is part of that Jurisdiction,has
beenappointingtheir clergy...
Clancy Wilson, who was our associatepastor from AFTERPROM
1970-1972, is retiringat AnnualConference.
The Rev A. KeyesLayton died April 12,2010. He DearCentralUnited MethodistChurch:
was technicalityone of Central'sPKs (preacherkids) The Mainland Regional High School After Prom
---he was already in the ministry when his father, Committeethanksyou for your supportof its After
Albert,wasour pirtor 1966-1971. Prom program. Your 2010 donationof $100 will
greatly contributeto the of our l7m annual
on Juiie 5,2OlO. We expectover 500 studentsto
DearFriendsin Mission:
attendian all-night celebrationof camival games,
Amassiveearthquake on Janua:y12devastated Haiti, taking entertdinment,live musicandfood, with merchandise
thousandsof lives andleavingmorethan a million in needof andcashprizesgiven away.
rvater,food, shelterand medicalcare. Within hours,United
Methodist Committeeon Relief (UMCOR) friends like you Our primarygoal is to keepour childrensafeon Prom
respondedwith prayersandgifts. Nght. Studentswho attend our celebrationleam
they canhavean absolutelywonderfultime with their
Thanl youforyourgift of$9,674.00throughTheAdvance, without theinfluencesof drugs
the designatedgiving channelof The United Methodist andalcohol.
Church. Becauseof your support, UMCOR is able to
addressnot only immediateneeds,but also the long-term
Your contribution is a eift to our children from a
recovery of thoser.r,hose lives have beenshattered.Your
contributionis helpingUMCOR to be in Haiti for as long
asit takesto understand the people'sneeds...100%ofyour
gift is helpingour neighborsin needin Haiti. Any questions,pleasecontactAnn Jungelsat 641-5771
afishI 0(
United MethodistCommitteeon Relief P.S.If you area parent,wouldyou considervolunteering
GeneralBoard of Global Ministries thatevening?We'll supplythecoffee,you getto stayup
'til theweehourschaperoning
or running agame.It's great
Shaun Bakker AssociateGeneralSecretary
funto seethesmilesonthestudents'faces. Priceless!
Please"extendour heartfelt thanks to our church
family for all of their cardsand thoughtsand pray-
On the first Surday of every month, nuse Ltnnea
in PastorRon's ersat this time of partingof Betty McClain.
Brown will be taking bloodpressures
officebetweenthe 9;30and I l :00AM sen',ces.
Mom lived a happy,long,blessedlifel
On the third Sundayof everymonth,CarmenDorsey
Sheleft usa legacyoffaith, memories,eachother,and
will provide healingtouch tn PastorRon's office
lots andlots of love. We haveall beenso blessed.
betweenthe 9:30 and l1:00 AM services.It takes
approximately five nrinutes.
John,Judyandall the McClains(38 in all!)
On the fourth Sunday of every month, a parish
nursewill be availableto talk to anyoneaboutheath
concemsand medication information at the same
time andplace. CPRTRAINING

Any nursesin our membershipinterestedin being CPR - first aid r defibrillation training will
part of the parishnurseministry, pleasecall Joanne be held on Wednesday,' June 16sfrom 7 to 9 PM. A
Draneat927-4179,Ext. 1.. certificationcardwill be givenbY
If you haven'treceivedyour new church directory,
plea,se from 9:00
stopin the churchoffice "r,eekdays Pleasecall JoanneDrane if you wrll be
leastl0 peopleto hold the
AM to 3:00PM or on Sundays.Pleasetakeoneper attending,as we needat
family course.The costwill be S30-00per person.

We now have eight new parishvisitors who will be F.S. This trainingis opento everyone.
visiting any hospitalizedmemberson Tuesdaysor tr
Wednesdaysat Atlantic City Medical Center and 'I'"r:
ShoreMemorial Hospital. We are also looking for I

personsinterestedin readingscriptureat the ll:00

AM service. Pleasecontact Rev.Joanneis you are
interestedin assistingwith any serviceswhen the
pastoris alone. ft O'rr
. June7.....Sunday SchoolTeacher ';loew
r fippreciationDinner
. June13...LisiDayof Sundayschool
. D a y "One
. l u n el 4 ...F l a e
. June20 ..lst Daycif RoomSwnmer
SurtdaY Sclrool"ages4 -Gnde2
. June20...Father's DaY
. June2l...FirstDav of Summer

;Jt a

/ SEEYOU i;ii'
j unit*r b,lethodlttl{lnrrtrn
:.:-...: :..:..

I seeyou in the eyesof my Pastor.

I hearyou in the songsof the PraiseTeam. AboutAssembly2010
I readyou in the wordsof the newsletter.
I seeyou on the walls of the church
Assembly2010:Faith' HoPe' Lovein
I feelyou in the outstretched handof an usher. Apnl 30-May 2

You arethe poundingfeet of the WatotoChoir St. Louis,MO, America'sCenter

The triumphantcheersfor Godspell. United Methodist Women have assembledevery
The Encore. four yearsto celebrate,to lift up, to learn,and to
The sweetchimesof the Bells. retum to their communitiesbetter equippedfor
You arethat high note in the choir. mission.Tensof thousandsof women have been
meetingin this fashionsince 1942in a unifiedef-
I seeyou in the bluevangoingto AtlanticCity. fort to stay at the forefront of the work being done
I seeyou in my ShopRite card. both locally andglobally,both systemicallyandin
I feel you in the warm blanketsand coatson the charity,to improve and sustainthe lives of women,
backsof childrenon the streetwith our shoeon childrenandyouth.
their feet. ; "Faith. Hope. Love
Assembly2010 was themed:
Far andwide you touchthis earth. in Action." Chosenbecauseit encapsulates the 140
I seeyou in hugsfor Haiti. year history of United Methodist Women, it says
Dave'sHousefor OrphanedChildren. everythingabout what is happeningon the ground
A homefor baby soldierswho lost their youth. today,,andis the momentumfor decadesto come.
In Grace'splaygroundoutside. Faith. Hope. Love in Action is the enerry that
And PassChristianwe canneverforget. movbslthrougheach woman that has pledgedher
timolfor servicethroughUnited MethodistWom-
I .,
I feel you in my heart.
Thatfeelscloser. beingpartof your
f;f. Miriam Circle will meetat 1l:30attheCrabTrap
onJune8. PleasecallCarolat927-7302 for further
You give us that in missionsat homeandaway.
We seeyou everyday. information.

You arethis churchand this churchis you.

4 years:My Daddy can do anything!
You arehere.
7 years'.My Dad knows a lot...a whole lot.
I seevou. 8 years:My father doesnot know quite everything.
12years:Oh well, Fatherdoesnot know that either.
Bv an anonvmousblessedchwch member 14years:Oh, Father?He is hopelesslyold-fashioned.
2l years:Oh, that man-heis out of date!
25 years:He knows a little bit aboutit, but not much.
Generation -10yems:I must lind out rvhatDad thinks aboutit.
35 years:Belbrewe decide,rvewill get Dad'sideafust.
After crawling into Grandpa'slap, little Freddie 50 years:What would Dad havethought aboutthat?
asked,"Wereyou in the ark with Noah,Grandpa?" 60 years:My Dad knew literally everything!
"Why, no, Son,I wasn't." 65 years:I r.vishI could talk it overwith Dad oncemore.
The grandfatherchuckled,
"Then why weren't you
The youngsterpersisted, unknown

Beforetaking any tablesor chairs

or other items from this facility,
please request permission by
filling out the properfbnn in the
churchoffice. Also,plea:;ereturn
anyitemsmovedto otherfacilities
for temporaryuseto their regular
place promptly and inform our
crlstotJianor churchofficenl-their


heen rlotified that she has

been awardedthe Conference
TrustFundScholarship for 2010.
Congratulationsto Jennifer for
receivingthis United Methodist

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!it ?-';:),:,t!!
{i,tjti'i; i:i:ii.::ilg:i..,:l:..;t. .itir
i',iririi;'i.-:;' Sundays are speoial because we show our love for our heavenly Father together. On this
i iif .:iirijri.i1t:i f:I.1tii u'ii i-i;ri!.iic:r'li il,,irr.'' Father's Day, rt'e worship God and honor our earthly fathers as he commanded'

A publication of: Central Unired Methodist Church, 5 W. Marvin Ave., Linwood, NJ 08221, 6W927-4882: Editor: BarbaraE. Van
Sant,609-2g9-622,; Copy Editor: Lynne Quicksall, ffi9 gl-7415; SeniorPastor: RonaldWatts' 6o9-927-3555'
rev$,atlscumc(; As-.istantF'astor:
[)ave t)elaney'i)(l '6-52"?($,
r erizon.trel.\'i sit lur web srte,wwr.r'.centt
The Courier is publishedmonthly to keep membersand iriends inl'ormedof programsof the church and to report news about Central's
'lo rnarlboxin thectrurrh
antlicavcit in thc l'lell'sletter
pcople. suhrnitncws,clearlywritc or tVFrthernlbrrnation
and e-mail the inlbrmation to the Editor. The Courierarticlesmustbe submitted'bythe lOth of the montlr prior to the issue.
"We believe'in God and in
eachother."Thepeopleof The

United CentralMethodistChurch

are"" "."?"J,,ti3f
corree list'
by followingthe alphabetical
is askedto helpdesignated .tffi.,llF"

Month GongregationCommittee Month Congregation Committee

January A &B Staff Parish July L,M,N Tfustees

February c Youth August Atl Music

March D&E Finance September O,BQ,R Ilospitality

April F&G Outreach October s,T,u Worship

May H vwx,Y' November XYZ'S UMW

June IrJr&K Lay Ministry December All Church

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