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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam January 05, 2017

What must we do to secure our well-being, here and hereafter? Do we have a role to play
at all? Bhagawan, our loving God, clearly explains to us today.

Desires for worldly objects can plunge you into endless misery.
Desires are like a green pumpkin which will sink in water. A
desireless person is like a dried pumpkin that floats in water;
such people will be able to overcome the pulls of the mundane
world and also aspire for a divine life. They may not be
particular about liberation, but they will never give up devotion.
God looks after the progress and well-being of such a person,
here in this world and thereafter, only because they are
desireless and are detached, with all their thoughts centered on
God. To secure the grace of the Divine in this way is truly the
best spiritual practice (yoga). To preserve such hard-won grace
is the best way to ensure your well-being (kshemam). It can be
got only through grace-filled human effort. Some spiritual
exercises are indeed necessary for this purpose.
- Divine Discourse, Jan 8, 1988.

By constant contemplation on God turn your mind away from mundane desires. Baba

05 jnvrI, 2017
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: swnUM,,ies jnm Aqy Agly jnm ivc,AwpxI byhqRI leI kI krnw cwhIdw hY?kI swnUM koeI , BUimkw inBwauxI
hovy gI?Bgvwn, A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[

au`qr: sMswrI cIzW nUM pRwpq krn dI quhwfI ie`Cw quhwnUM, AnMq d`KW ivc fubo dvy gI[quhwfIAW ie`CwvW,iek hry k`dU
dI qrHW hn ijhVw pwxI ivc fu`b jwvy gw[ijhVw mnu`K,ie`CwvW nhIN r`Kdw, auh iek su`ky k`dU dI qrHW hY ijhVw pwxI
ivc qYrdw rihMdw hY[ies qrHW dy lok, ies AsQweI sMswr dIAW musIbqW dw mukwblw kr ky,iek idvX jIvn dI
kwmnw krn gy[aunHW dw iDAwn,mokS pRwpq krn vl nhIN hovy gw pr auh, kdy vI BgqI krnw nhIN C`fx gy[ies
qrHW dy mnu`K dI dyK-Bwl dw iDAwn Kud Bgvwn,ies jnm Aqy ies jnm qoN bwd vI r`Kdy hn ikauN jo aunHW ivc
,iksy iksm dI ie`Cw nhIN huMdI,aunHW ivc iqAwg Bwvnw huMdI hY Aqy aunHW dw iDAwn Bgvwn au`qy kyNidRq huMdw hY[ies
FMg nwl,Bgvwn dy AwSIrvwd nUM pRwpq krnw hI AslI Xog hY[ies qrHW sKq myhnq nwl pRwpq kIqw ASIrvwd,
AwpxI BlweI leI bhuq cMgw FMg hY[ieh AwSIrvwd kyvl,s`cI koiSS nwl hI pRwpq kIqw jw skdw hY[ies nUM pRwpq
krn leI,ku`J A`iDAwqimk A`iBAws zrUrI hY[(06 jnvrI,1988 dy idvX pRvcn)[
Bgvwn au`qy Awpxw iDAwn, lgwqwr r`K ky, Awpxy mn nUM sMswrI ie`CwvW qoN dUr r`Ko[(bwbw)[

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