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Examiners Report.
Examination : C.S.S-2015

NOTE: Please comply with the Guidelines/SOP printed overleaf in writing this Report.
The overall performance in ESSAY paper is not satisfactory. There were a number of areas which were
overlooked by the candidates. As a result, candidates were not able to score satisfactory/pass marks. These areas
are listed below:
1. The weakest part in majority of the papers was candidates inability to grasp the crux of any topic. Each
topic was based on some argument which in turn required candidates to explore the relation of two major
variables/aspects clearly stated in the topic. The candidates delineated only on one aspect while the other
aspect was either insufficiently explored or completely ignored. As a result, the main argument was
inadequately focused, presented and discussed. For example, the topic The war on terror has contributed
to the growing abuse of human rights (attempted by majority of the candidates) requires exploration of
abuse of human rights in relation to War on Terror, however, the candidates have discussed in great detail
the causes, types, effects (in general) and remedies related to War on Terror only. Abuse of human rights
either in general or very briefly presented. The main argument, therefore, does not develop satisfactorily
and loses its relevance and significance. Since argumentation is the most important criterion to be taken into
consideration, no amount of deliberation which does not relate to the argument will be considered worthy
of any credit.
2. Any argument, no matter how strong, needs sufficient support to establish its strength and validity. The
candidates provided a number of arguments (quite relevant at times) but were not able to provide sufficient
3. This misconception and lack of clarity regarding topic leads to framing of outline which is not well developed
or relevant. Besides, there is great tendency in candidates to develop lengthy outlines with very little
relevant material. An outline which is relevant, crisp and succinct would be the best choice.
4. It has also been observed that outlines are quite relevant and extensive, but they are not well organized.
This irregularity in maintaining strong organizational pattern is observed in essays as well. Organization is a
key factor in developing and presenting an argument and must be taken into account.
5. Structural and spelling mistakes are in abundance. At times the sentence structures are extremely weak. This
weak expression is further combined with poor vocabulary. In some cases abusive language is also used. A
fairly good expression should be considered highly important for such competitive exams.
6. One very important consideration is of word limit. Few candidates reach this limit which also becomes one
chief contributing factor to low pas percentage in this paper. However, it is unfortunate that those who
qualify this criterion often lose focus on relevance. They tend to achieve the given target by unnecessarily
prolonging the discussion. This trend needs to be discouraged as the line between what is relevant and what
is not, is very clear.



Examiners Report.
Examination :-C.S.S-2015

NOTE: Please comply with the Guidelines/SOP printed overleaf in writing this Report.
General Comments.
In terms of the way candidates approached the answering of questions there were four common weaknesses.
The first concerned questions 2 and 4, where the word limits were often not adhered to. The second weakness
concerned question 3 where words (and sometimes whole paragraphs) were lifted from the comprehension
piece. The third weakness concerned question 5 and 6, which revealed a surprising gap in candidates knowledge
of idioms and Basic English grammar. The fourth weakness was that candidates did not follow the instructions in
the questions carefully.
The time factor did not appear to be an issue with comparatively few unanswered or partially answered
Question 2
This question called for a condensation of the text by a 1/3 and the suggestion of an appropriate title. Common
errors among candidates were: providing extra textual information, and exerting their own opinion on the text.
Question 3


Typically candidates defined the underlined phrases but not in the context of the passage as the
question states.
Candidates on the whole recognized that the author supported the scientific method due to it
being logical (based on facts and experimentation); however many failed to add that these facts are
then published and open to scrutiny, and often conclusions are revised.
and (iv) Many candidates failed to distinguish between the two sub-questions, often repeating

Generally a pleasing response. Almost all candidates understood that the question required
direct comparison between intuitive judgment and scientific decision, for which both terms
would have to be defined.

Question 4
The topic Education should be for life not for livelihood was extremely most popular; however, candidates failed
to give a balanced response where both sides of the topic where addressed and thus many struggled to access
higher marks for evaluation and nalysis.
Question 5
(a) This response did not elicit the required answer from a huge number of candidates. The key reason was a
clear lack of knowledge regarding the meaning of English idioms and their appropriate usage.

(b) Many candidates ignored the question, which asked for definitions of the words to show their distinction.
The most common outcome was candidates being awarded the mark if their sentences showed they
understood the meanings of the words.
Question 6
(a)Candidates generally failed to identify which part of the sentence required amending and even when
discerned corrections were largely inaccurate.
(b) This was in the main handled well by candidates; although a significant minority seems unaware that the
verb cried can also mean to call loudly, this led to some erroneous and humorous responses from
candidates in their translations.



Examiners Report

Examination: Competitive Examination 2015

Subject: GK-II (Current Affairs)

Note: Please comply the Guidelines/SOP printed over leaf in writing this Report,
The overall performance of the candidates was satisfactory if we compare the result in hand with some previous years
otherwise I do not consider it pleasing. More than 60 per cent candidates took the test without preparation. Among 40
percent who somehow prepared for the exam mostly follow the instruction they might have received from various CSS
academies as their approach to attempt the question and the contents they presented were similar. Hardly five percent
contestants used their own mind and methodology to respond to the questions.
Specific deficiencies, other than knowledge of the subject, are mostly related to the English language and
expression weaknesses, because most of the candidates schooling seems poor. But I do not argue that this problem could
be overcome by relaxing the English language as medium of communication rather it can be solved by improving the quality
of English teaching at school and college levels.
Generally, candidates were hesitant to attempt question No.2 and 5; most of them who have attempted answered
them without comprehending them properly. Similar was the situation relating to question No.3 and 8; most of the
candidates attempted half part of the questions. For example, majority of the candidates failed to highlight role of
education in character-building and no critical evaluation of the counter-terrorism policy of Pakistan was offered. Our
academic institutions are producing angry young lot whose approach is to accuse others and the system but they do not
use mind to critically evaluate the dynamics of the phenomenon.
The recent revision of syllabus might be helpful to reduce some of the problems highlighted above but security
studies and strategic studies have not been recognized as distinct subjects so far, despite the fact that thousands have
earned the specific degree and interest among the fresh graduate is rising every passing year.

Sd/Name and Signature

of the Examiner


Examiners Report.


NOTE: Please comply with the Guidelines/SOP printed overleaf in writing this Report.

Most of the candidates have failed to prove their point of view about the very common topics of Islamic

Most of the candidates have put no analytical approach towards the questions in general, & specifically
question No.4. & Q.N0.7 required a special critical approach which was not present in most of the answer

Hence overall standard of the papers could not be called satisfactory anyway.

FPSC should manage to get prepared special books from the scholars of highest knowledge from different
universities. These books should have written with analytical approach.

Topics of Islamic studies having applied nature towards the burning issues of the society should be added
to the syllabus.



Examiners Report

Examination: Competitive Examination 2015

Subject: Accountancy and Auditing, Paper-I

Note: Please comply with the Guidelines/SOP printed over leaf in writing this Report,

The standard of paper was up to the level of graduate. However the majority of the candidate attempted the
problems, few of them also concerned over the theoretical proportion, but generally the candidate having less concern
over the specific required answers. However over all standard is satisfactory.

Name and Signature

of the Examiner


Examiners Report.

Accountancy & Auditing-Paper-II.

NOTE: Please comply with the Guidelines/SOP printed overleaf in writing this Report.

In overall picture, candidates exhibited fairly decent grasp on the subject. The candidates proved to be well
prepared, specially, in Accounting and Income Tax Section as compared to an occasional exhibition of shallow
knowledge in areas of Auditing and General Business knowledge.



Examiners Report

Examination: Competitive Examination 2015

Subject: Agriculture

Note: Please comply with the Guidelines/SOP printed over leaf in writing this Report,

The general performance of the fellows appearing in this subject has been medium grade. The students have
pooled the knowledge without understanding the questions that have been asked.
A few have critically answered the questions and for that they have been rewarded. There has been general
understanding that candidates do not undergo through the course out line of the subject and are thus unable to answer the
questions No.2. And 7 have overall poorly been attempted.
The spectrum of answering questions in a rationale way is also lacking in most of the scripts. It is there fore strongly
recommended that the candidates should appear in this exam after good preparation rather than loosing the firs chance for
experience sake.

Name and Signature

of the Examiner


Examiners Report

Examination: Competitive Examination 2015

Subject: Applied Maths, Paper-I

Note: Please comply with the Guidelines/SOP printed over leaf in writing this Report,

Overall result of Applied Mathematics-I is not satisfactory. Only 30% students have got through while 70% students
have failed. Moreover, 55% of the failed students either got single digit or zero marks.

I think the reasons for such result are:


Non serious attitude of the students


Lack of proper preparation


Semester system in Universities /Colleges


Internal evaluation system

To make up such deficiency, I suggest that the semester system may please be discouraged for quality education. Further
more, external evaluation system should be observed along with internal evaluation for unbiased and fair results.

Name and Signature

of the Examiner


Examiners Report

Examination: Competitive Examination 2015

Subject: Applied Maths, Paper-II

Note: Please comply with the Guidelines/SOP printed over leaf in writing this Report,

It seems that there were several candidates who appeared without any preparation in the exam. Others did
relatively well. The paper was by no means difficult.

Name and Signature

of the Examiner


Examiners Report
Examination :

Arabic, Paper-I

NOTE: Please comply with the Guidelines/SOP printed overleaf in writing this Report.
The Answer books of CSS candidates for Exam-2015 were sent to me for evaluation. While
evaluating/marking the said answer books, I knew that that majority of candidates were not serious in the
preparation of the subject. They took examination without proper preparation.
The candidates had a poor understanding of literacy sense, criticism and appreciation. I found them weak
in syntax and eloquence.
They were not bad in attempting short answers but where they were demanded to answer in details, they
failed to do so well properly.
However, some answer books were found up to the mark. I think their understanding of the subject is
according to the required standard.



Examiners Report

Examination: Competitive Examination 2015

Subject: Balochi

Note: Please comply with the Guidelines/SOP printed over leaf in writing this Report,

The Candidates of Balochi CSS Competitive Examinations gave all the answers to the point. Candidates gave all the
answers and secured full marks that of the grammar part in paper. The sentence making and vocabulary was also up to the
marks. Candidates have keen knowledge in the subject of Balochi.

Name and Signature

of the Examiner


Examiners Report

Examination: Competitive Examination 2015

Subject: Botany, Paper-II

Note: Please comply with the Guidelines/SOP printed over leaf in writing this Report,

Overall performance of the candidates is satisfactory. Understanding of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
seems to be weak, which was evident by the way Q.No.4 and Q.No.5 was attempted.

Name and Signature

of the Examiner


Examiners Report

Examination: Competitive Examination 2015

Subject: British History Paper-II

Note: Please comply with the Guidelines/SOP printed over leaf in writing this Report,

With the declining standard of education in colleges and universities, the performance of candidates in the CSS
Examination has been adversely affected. British History as a discipline is not offered in many institutions of higher learning
hence the local text books have not been written. Similarly the Teacher/ Professors are in Short Supply to teach British

It is important that the teachers should be trained to teach the discipline of British History and students should
have wider choice of books on the subject.

Name and Signature

of the Examiner


Examiners Report
Examination: Competitive Examination 2015

Note: Please comply with the Guidelines/SOP printed over leaf in writing this Report,
As per requirement candidates select some subjects (optional) along with compulsory subjects for CSS examination.
In my opinion candidate select optional subject due to their specialization or good knowledge. I experienced & faced
different situation at the time of marking the answer sheets. The question paper was set from the given syllabus according
to the guideline/instructions.
My comments are:

Majority of the candidates did not have the knowledge and concept of Chemistry. So most of the candidate
could not understand even very simple questions. Less than 5% were able to write few lines for logical


They were non-serious in attempting the questions for such a prestigious examination i.e. CSS


It seems that our system of education is not producing the stuff we need.


Our education system becomes quantitative which is supported by policies and implementation at
graduate to postgraduate level.


If serious step are not taken then our system of education may collapse.


We must act now to save our system and becomes very SELECTIVE, go for QUALITY at least at specialized


Our country needs this overhauling and deserve quality at local and international level.


Teachers training, learning facility and laboratories needs improvement along with up gradation of class
rooms are must with no political disturbance/interference from out side are key steps for the said goal. Can
we do these steps?

Name and Signature

of the Examiner


Examiners Report

Examination: Competitive Examination 2015

Subject: Constitutional law

Note: Please comply the Guidelines/SOP printed over leaf in writing this Report,
After having examined 619 scripts in the subject of constitutional law, the following observations are placed for
your kind perusal:

Out of 619 scripts examined, 140 candidates obtained marks up to 32%; 231 candidates could secure between
33% to 43 % marks while 170 candidates managed to obtain marks in the range 44 % to 59 %. No candidate
could get marks in the 60 % to 64% range. It was noticed with an unpleasant surprise that only 01 candidate
was able to earn marks in the range of 65 % to 79 % whereas none of the candidate could get marks in the
category 80% upwards.


It is noticed with concern that the result turns out to be poor and is reflective of and unsatisfactory quality
keeping in view the desirable results for CSS examinations. This state of affairs is alarming for the education
standards on part of graduates in this specific area.


It is also observable that candidates appearing for the important examinations of CSS come for examination
unprepared as most of them have shown poor performance with regard to their conception of the
Constitutional Law.


It is strongly recommended that the experts and psychologists of the CSS examinations management may
devise some practicable strategy for the candidates so that they come for examination well-prepared, with
sound understanding of the constitutional law and related knowledge in the subject of political science.

Sd/Name and Signature

of the Examiner




NOTE: Please comply with the Guidelines/SOP printed overleaf in writing this Report
Two hundred and forty six candidates attempted the question paper of English Literature (II). The subjective part of the
question paper contained two sections and students were instructed to attempt at least tow questions from each section,
thus attempting four questions in all. Most of the candidates attempted four questions. However some attempted only
three questions.
The answers written by the candidates reflect their knowledge of the literary works as well as their command over
English language. The common errors of language made by the candidates include.

Discrepancy in subject and verb

Inappropriate prepositions
Inappropriately places articles
Incorrect spellings
Lack of punctuation
Switching of verbs

These errors often occur due to literal translation. The candidate thinks in Urdu or some regional language and translates
his or her thoughts into English. This tendency results in grammatical errors. Besides literal translation produces confused
expression and the reader finds it difficult to understand the candidates point of view.
In addition to the faulty language produced by the candidates while attempting the paper another problem appears
frequently and that is inability to organize and present ideas. Most of the candidates cannot identify the ideas they need to
express and tend to produce irrelevant details. Moreover they fail to explain a single idea in detail and support their stance
with some substantial proof. This problem reflects lack of practice of writing and particularly essay writing in English.
Essay writing also requires a thorough knowledge of the subject attempted by the candidate. Unfortunately most of the
candidates who attempted the question paper of English literature did not have enough knowledge of the subject matter
which could enable them to produce a sound explanation. The answers produced by the candidates reflect the fact that
they had not read the literary works they were discussing. Some candidates had done cursory reading but could not express
themselves effectively. The relied on producing summaries of some significant events of the literary works in question by
failed to refer to the thesis of discussion. A detailed explanation of the problems of candidates while attempting each of the
questions included in the question paper is given below.
Question Two required comparison of the madness feigned by Shakespeares Hamlet and Thomas Kyds Hieronimo in the
Spanish Tragedy. The candidates were expected to have read both the plays. However only one candidate seemed to have
read the two plays and could compare the two characters with reference to their fake madness. Some other candidates
who had not read the play the Spanish Tragedy were familiar with the plot and characters and could compare the two
characters. However most of the candidates relied upon reproduction of the plot of Hamlet and some explanation of
Hamlets plan to take revenge. Since their answer did not take into account the thesis of the discussion these candidates
could not score well.

Question three was about the Shaws play Pygmalion. Most of the candidates seemed to have read the play and were also
familiar with the myth of Pygmalion. Despite this knowledge most of the candidates failed to justify Shaws choice of the
title because they could not compare and contrast the two stories. The ideas expressed by the candidates did not
synthesize and formed effective explanation.
Question Four was the attempted by majority of candidates. It required the candidates to give reasons for Swifts making
Gulliver travel to the lands of pygmies and that of giants. A common tendency quite observable in the answers was
production of the summaries of the two voyages of Gulliver. Few candidates bothered to give reasons for Swifts deliberate
attempt of making his central character travel to two different lands. Most of the answers were replete with unnecessary
and wrong quotations from the text of Gullivers Travels.
Question Five required the candidate to discuss the role of the journeys made by the central characters of the novel Pride
and Prejudice. This could be done provided the candidates had thoroughly read the novel and were familiar with the
various journeys made by the characters and their consequences on the plot. Few candidates managed to produce the
required answer. Most answers included the character sketches of the central (and other) characters or discussion about
the themes of the novel. Hence their answers were irrelevant and did not enable them to get marks for their efforts.
Question Six was a statement declaring the opinion that W.B. Yeats kept one foot in Ireland. It was a metaphorical
expression and required the candidates to prove that Yeats poetry contained several references to Ireland. The answers
however indicated the limited reading of the candidates. Very few managed to refer to those poems of Yeats which were
about Ireland. Most candidates produced explanation of two poems the Second Coming and Sailing to Byzantium.
Unfortunately neither poem referred to Ireland. Consequently the lengthy explanations remained irrelevant to the thesis of
Question Seven referred to the literary movement of Modernism and its reflection in T.S Eliots poetry. Though just few but
still some candidates treated T.S Eliot and George Eliot as the same person. Most of the candidates did not have any idea
about the characteristics of Modernism and interpreted it as a term referring to modern man. Their answers were
explanation of the interpretations of Eliots poems the Wasteland, The Hollow Men and The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.
Some candidates mentioned Eliots views about the phenomena of objective co-relative. However these explanations
were quite irrelevant. These tendencies indicate limited reading of candidates and their ignorance about the literary
Question Eight was about the reasons of failure of D.H. Lawrences character Paul Morel in the novel Sons and Lovers. Not
many candidates attempted this question. Those who attempted it mostly reproduced the summary of the plot of novel.
The answer required the candidate to take a clear stance about the position of Paul. However most answers did not contain
a clear stance probably because the writers had not read the novel but relied upon the notes they had read about various
aspects of the text.
Concluding the discussion it strongly recommended that candidates should be advised to do extensive reading. Moreover
they should practice writing argumentative and expository essays. Instead of reproducing summaries of different literary
works and unnecessary information about their creators the candidates should focus on interpretation of the questions
being asked and only write the relevant answers. The tendency to produce quotations from the text also cause loss of
marks because the lengthy quotes are often wrong and they halt the flow of ideas thus leading to confused expression.



Examiners Report
Examination: Competitive Examination 2015

Note: Please comply with the Guidelines/SOP printed over leaf in writing this Report,
European history is an interesting subject. But the tragedy with our students is that they do not work hard to
understand the subject. Rare are the students who replied the questions put in the paper which required insight in the
subject e.g. as in Qs. No.2 & 7 in the paper.
Further, there are straight questions like 4, 5, 6 & 8 but the answers are not satisfactory. I think that the students
idea is that examiners do not check the papers but measure the answers.
Social sciences as a whole lost interest amongst students, whereas these subjects are taught in European
Institutions in open minded with critical approach.

Name and Signature

of the Examiner


Examiners Report.
Examination :

European History Paper-II.

NOTE: Please comply with the Guidelines/SOP printed overleaf in writing this Report .

This year the Paper-II of the European history has been better in pass percentage; and the standard of answers
have improved. Although, the number of candidates who have opted for European History has declined, but the
performance showed better results.




Competitive Examination-2015


Geography Paper-I

NOTE: Please comply with the Guidelines/SOP printed overleaf in writing this Report.
Following are my observations regarding the geography- Paper A of the CSS examination 2015.

It is very difficult for the candidates to qualify the standard set by the Commission in the instructions for
CSS competitive examination. The marking of the scripts reveal that only few candidates possess some
knowledge of the subject. It is very unfortunate to say that reading has no place in our education or
examination system. Usually poor text material is used to get through the examination. I do not think that
in case of geography, the candidates will be able to utilize the knowledge with reference to given situation
and can produce ideas and utilize them.


The 351 2 scripts that i have marked , 1101 candidates have obtained less than 26 out of 80 marks, while
only 128 candidates have obtained 60 or above 60 marks out of 80 (above 75%). It seems that majority of
the candidates are not serious about their paper. They are not able to write correct English. Grammatical
and spelling mistakes are common.


Majority of the candidates do not know how to attempt the paper in logical sequence. There are no titles,
sub-titles, diagrams where they are needed or very poor diagrams or sketches. In some cases the candidates
forget to write the question or the number of the question that he/she has attempted. It makes problems to
mark or evaluate the paper.


Bad hand-writing is another important issue. In some cases it is not legible making it difficult or rather
impossible to evaluate the paper. It reflects the lack of practice in wring.


In view of the above mentioned observations I am not satisfied with the performance of the candidates in
geography-A of the CSS examination 2015. Some of the candidates are wasting their time and resources
by setting in the examination.


I think that some mechanism must be developed by the commission to allow only those candidates to set in

the examination who are really serious with some background in geography.


Examiners Report.
Examination :-C.S.S-2015

Geography Paper-II

NOTE: Please comply with the Guidelines/SOP printed overleaf in writing this Report.

It has been my pleasure to evaluate 3492 scripts in the subject of Geography paper II for the Competitive
Examination, 2015. Out of the total scripts marked by the undersigned, only THREE of the candidates are found
in the category above 80 percent of the marks. However, ELEVEN candidates have acquired 80 percent of total
marks. NINETY EIGHT candidates fall between 75 to 79 percent marks. While 1565 were found between 60 to 74
percent of the marks and reckoned good in their performance. The candidates with less than 40 percent of the
total marks were 325 in number. Majority of the candidates (44.8%) have shown satisfactory performance.
Similarly, the percentage of the total candidates that fall in the categories of marks between 41 to 59 percent
and those who remained below the passing mark turned out to be 42.7 and 9.3 percent respectively.
Majority of the candidates have attempted question no.2,3,4,5,7 and 8 and narrated the answers in a standard
sequence with analytical approach. The least attempted question was no.6 and only a handful of candidates
chose to attempt it (14 out of 3492). A few candidates have used illustrations in support to their answers,
particularly in question no.2 and 4 while few have used poetic compositions and verses in their answers, which
were deemed futile. It has also been noticed that the candidates do not have a clear idea of South Asia as a
region and its constituting countries. Moreover, they cannot distinguish between minerals and energy resources
that were asked in question no.8 part-A. However, most of the candidates were to the point in their approach
while majority of them used the map outlines to supplement the answers, which is commendable. Since maps
are a very important tool for an effective planning and administration therefore, the future CSPs should be and
they are well aware of the outline maps of Pakistan as well as the World. In addition to this, I would still like to
advise the candidates to consult Atlas of Pakistan published by the Survey of Pakistan, Rawalpindi as well as the
Times World Atlas for spatial distribution of socio-cultural phenomenon. It is further recommended that
geography teachers should use wall maps to depict various human activities; both in time and space.



Examiners Report
Examination: Competitive Examination 2015

Note: Please comply with the Guidelines/SOP printed over leaf in writing this Report,
I have gone through more than three thousand papers. Overall the performance of the candidates is good. Some
are exceptionally good, majority do. However, as a teacher of History of Modern South Asia, I have more suggestions to
improve the standard further:

The students in colleges and Universities should be encouraged to understand the topic and ask as many
questions as possible from the teachers. This will enable them to rely less on low-standard books, easily
available in the markets for the preparation of competitive examinations.


More emphasis be given on English Language. Local teams and phrases other than English language should
not be allowed in the main text.


The students should be encouraged to read books on the subject rather than to ask for notes and other
ready availably material for exam. Preparation.


In some cases candidates tried to cheat/befool the examiner by citing questions repeatedly and in one
particular case the candidate has mislead the examiner by writing in roman Urdu. They should be punished
for that.

Name and Signature

of the Examiner


Examiners Report
Examination: Competitive Examination 2015
Subject: History of Pakistan and India, Paper-II

Note: Please comply the Guidelines/SOP printed over leaf in writing this Report,
I have had the experience of marking papers in the subject of Indian History in the past and the performance of the
candidates has deteriorated to a great extent this year. However, some candidates have performed relatively better but
their number is insignificant.
As far as their strength and weaknesses are concerned, the strength of those who performed well seems to be their
power of memorization as they have been tuned to this mode of preparation for examination over the years. Their
weaknesses are many but the most common and chronic weakness is their inability to express themselves appropriately
and satisfactorily in English. As most candidates lack the knowledge of the very basics of language and grammar, they tend
to use difficult words, at times not even knowing the meaning of those words, to impress the evaluators. Power of analysis
is lacking as our educational institutions focus only on chronological details and not on analysis.
Other than that, the main deficiency in most answers is the lack of arrangement, sequence and proper flow of
thought. Apart from this the deficiency in English language make them use more words to express themselves which
increases the length of their answers and leaves them with lesser time for the questions attempted last. In many papers,
the first two questions are the best attempted questions but the insufficient length and inadequate answers to the last two
questions reduce their marks considerably. The candidates must know appropriation of time limit for each question and
their proper utilization of the available time.
In the paper, the questions which required analysis rather than mere narration of facts are the most poorly
attempted. This is because of the problems that have already been identified above.
Overall, a comprehensive and concerted effort is needed to overhaul the education system at the school level,
focusing on the standard of the teaching of English language and particularly address in the problems related to vocabulary
and grammar.

Name and Signature
of the Examiner


Examiners Report

Examination: Competitive Examination 2015

Subject: History of USA

Note: Please comply with the Guidelines/SOP printed over leaf in writing this Report,

The overall standard of the scripts was very low. There are two glaring problems.

Issue of substance
Time management

Students should be clear that History of U.S.A. is consisted of 5 components: history, politics, foreign policy,
pol. economy and intellectual history of the USA. Syllabus given by commission is quite overlapping. It should
be edited under above mentioned heads. Then they would be able to select right substance from prescribed
books, not from guides.


Time management is a big issue. Most of the students who successfully attempted first 2 questions, collapsed
in the last two.

Apart from these problems, expression, presentation and spellings of the candidates are very weak.

Name and Signature

of the Examiner


Examiners Report
Examination: Competitive Examination 2015
Subject: International Law

Note: Please comply the Guidelines/SOP printed over leaf in writing this Report,
I have the honour to set a paper for International Law and marked 2566 (Two thousand five hundred and sixty six)
Answers Sheets of the FPSC Competitive Examination 2015. During the evaluation of these answer sheets of the candidates
I observed as under:

The organizations secrecy and process of sending answer sheets to the examiners and collecting back the results of
FPSC is outstanding and completely organized.


These answer sheets were delivered to the undersigned in completely sealed and the detailed instructions
regarding the evaluation of the answer sheets were attached. Confidential Roll Numbers were properly marked
both on the Answer Sheets and the Award List. The answer sheets were packed properly with sequence of
Confidential Roll Numbers and it helped me to mark the answer sheets in an organized way with the same yard


The answers of the candidates on the answer sheets were varied. Some of the answers were excellent. The
majority of answer sheets were middle level varying between fair and good.


Some of the candidates did not take this exam seriously and just entered in this exam without proper preparation.


The candidates who were able to obtained good marks were fully prepared with the syllabus and came up with
appropriate answers. Their answers helped the examiner to reach at the conclusion of merits of these candidates.
The majority of the candidates tried to attempt this exam without serious preparation. From their answers it
appeared that they were not prepared seriously for this examination.


A Few candidates appeared in the exam without any preparation. They just came to sit in the exam for wasting
their time and energy aimlessly.


It also appeared from the answers sheets that majority of the candidates prepared from the guide books. This was
evident from their answers that in many cases were similar to each other. It would have been better instead of the
guide books the candidates would have studied the original recommended sources.


The report along with Answer Sheets, Award List and relevant certificates is submitted.
Sd/Name and Signature
of the Examiner




NOTE: Please comply with the Guidelines/SOP printed overleaf in writing this Report
The general performance of the candidates was not so good. One or two candidates out of hundred were of the
required standard.

The strength of the candidates reflects in their studies buy they are very much weak in submitting their knowledge
in a proper way and language. Most of the candidates are very poor in English. As a result they could not express
their views properly.

Q.No.5, which was about advent of Islam in Western Asia, was not proper attempted because most the candidates
were unaware from western Asia. Similarly question about Muslim civilization in Spain was misunderstood
because the candidates were not clear about the civilization.

99% candidates were very weak in quoting verses of the Holy Quran and ahadith.

Difference between Jihad and Terrorism was a common question but the candidates were not able to differentiate
these two items in the light of the Quran.



Examiners Report
Examination: Competitive Examination 2015

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Questions 2 and 5 are the most attempted. Quality of answers however indicates superficial knowledge of the
candidates. Question No.8 is the least attempted. Overall standard of the answers reveal that the probationers have not
touched the original sources of the subject. The reason may perhaps be that our nation does not take interest in Arabic &
wholly solely depends upon English sources which at time may be wrong.

Name and Signature

of the Examiner


Examiners Report




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I have observed that candidates have good knowledge about contract Act. However, almost all the
candidates were confused about Q.No. 4 pertaining to registration of a firm. Most of them do not know
distinction between a firm and a company i-e the companies Ordinance 1984 dealing with companies and
partnership Act-1932 dealing with firms. Similarly, Q.No. 3 pertaining to the Notice of Dishonor under the
negotiable instruments Act was not attempted very well. I suggest that special emphasis must be laid down
during training of successful candidates on the destruction between a company and a firm and the relevant
statutes. Moreover, they should also be trained about the procedures pertaining to negotiable instruments
under the negotiable instruments Act.

Sd/Name and Signature

of the Examiner


Examiners Report




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After evaluating 997 answer books I was shocked to see the poor standard of answer because of following

Most of the candidates failed to understand the question asked for.


Instead of answering the question to the point they resorted to unnecessary and irrelevant details.


For example in Question No. 3 only one section i.e. 4 was involved but the candidates embarked upon
whole section of Muslim family laws ordinance 1961.


Majority of the candidates English was too poor hence they seemed to have failed to express answers


It is suggested that there should be minimum eligibly criteria for the candidates appearing in CSS exam.


In some cases it appeared that some of the candidates set in CSS exam just for fun and left the answer
sheets blank.


In some cases the candidates instead of answering the questions dictated them verbatim on the answer


Finally there is a need to review the Islamic law syllabus.

Sd/Name and Signature

of the Examiner


Examiners Report



Persian Paper-I

Note: Please comply the Guidelines/SOP printed overleaf in writing this Report.
On examining the CSS Persian paper it appeared that students do not know Persian literature, their
knowledge about history of Persian literature is not up to the mark just because of this many students thought
that sub-k-e-khurasani is a person name, so they tried to write his life history.
Also their grammar is not good majority of the students wrote grammatically incorrect sentences. They
use Persian words which doesnt make any sense.
Sot they are meaningless sentences.
Even some students do not able to understand the questions. Due to this reason their answers does not match
with the questions.
Many of the students do not know how to express their views or their thoughts?
Writing style of a few students is a mixture of Hindi, urdu, Panjabi, Pashtu and Persian.
There are also a few students which do not attempted the paper in Persian language because of it they do not
get any marks.
Standard of majority students is below average, lack of knowledge is observed which shows that they do not
have habit of reading books except their course.
Sd/Name and Signature
of the Examiner


Examiners Report.


NOTE: Please comply with the Guidelines/SOP printed overleaf in writing this Report.
While checking Answer Books of Persian-II, I came across few points that are as under:1. Although it is clearly instructed in Q. Paper and Answer Book to Write Q.No. in accordance with Q. No. as
mentioned in the Q. Paper, but still some candidates did not follow the rule or did not read the instruction
2. As per instruction of Answer Book, space must be left between the two answers, but some candidates
overlooked it and did not leave proper space.
3. Candidates must avoid irrelevant details while answering. Answering. Answers should be precise and to
the point. Candidate should emphasize on the quality, not quantity. Candidate must cover all aspects while
answering the question, i.e. if a poetic verse contains a Ward KHODI or ISHQ, the candidate focused only
on a single ward and ignored the rest of the verses or stanza and has given unnecessary explanation, which
compromises the quality of material. Hence the candidate should focus on the quality and answer every
question according to its requirement.
4. Question No. 4 & 5 were required to be answered in Persian language, but some candidates attempted
these questions in English or Urdu.
5. Some candidates tried to show cleverness and copied Persian Text of the question paper instead of
answering Q. No.4 & 5 in question.
6. Mostly candidates could not attempt Q. No. 4 & 5 in Persian properly. It means that they have no
knowledge of Persian and have not learned Persian language.
7. Lastly, I would like to propose that the minimum qualification of candidate for participation in the CSS
Examination should be revised as BS/MA or equivalent, i.e. sixteen (16) years education instead of 14 years.



Examiners Report




Note: Please comply the Guidelines/SOP printed overleaf in writing this Report.
The general performance of the candidates has not been satisfactory at all. The most glaring and common
deficiency of the candidates is their in ability to understand the nature of the question. Hence their answers are
not in accordance with what has been asked in the question concerned. This criticism is not true of all the
candidates. Some scripts were really very good and I fully appreciate them.
The second point I have observed while evaluating their scripts is that candidates do not make proper
preparation this, to a certain degree, reflects also the weakness of the process of imparting knowledge to the
students by our academic institutions.
The third point is about the language barrier. Most of the students do not find themselves in a position the
express their thoughts freely and creatively in English. Not to speak of English, their proficiency in urdu language
is doubtful. For example, most of the students have committed mistakes in quoting urdu verses of Iqbal while
attempting Q.NO. VI of this paper I think our students are not entirely to blame. This is a very big and serious
question mark for our entire educational system.

Sd/Name and Signature

of the Examiner


Examiners Report
Examination: Competitive Examination 2015
Subject: Physics, Paper-II

Note: Please comply the Guidelines/SOP printed over leaf in writing this Report,
The general performance of majority of the candidates was extremely poor. A total of 336 candidates
appeared in Physics Paper-II. 20 candidates did not get any score. Eighty-nine percent (299 out of 336) candidates
scored less than 40 marks i.e. 50 percent. Very few candidates (37 out of 336 or 11 percent) scored more than 50
percent marks. Among these only the performance of four candidates can be regarded as outstanding.
Majority of the candidates lacked a clear and thorough understanding in the subject of Physics and the
level of understanding was not beyond the intermediate/ F.Sc. level. It seems as if they have never studied/ consulted
any calculus-based standard textbook appropriate to graduate/ CSS level. The present examination was taken without
any proper, systematic and serious preparation.
Majority of the candidates attempted questions very poor and this was not restricted to any particular
question. They failed to understand the exact theme and nature of the question. The answers were based on
memorization rather than the understanding of the subject. It was interesting to note that irrelevant answer (within
contents of syllabus outline) was written in response to a question that had not been asked. This is all due to lack of
understanding of the subject and not reading/ consulting standard textbooks. Notes can never be a substitute for a
standard textbook. The familiarization with S.I. units is essential and more practice is needed in numerical problem
solving techniques. The candidates can improve their by dedicated study/ consultation of standard and recent
international books appropriate to CSS examination level and they should not rely upon ready-made substandard
notes. Notes can never be a substitute for a standard textbook.
There is an urgent need to revise the existing CSS syllabus in the subject or Physics on priority basis to bring
it at par with current undergraduate syllabi or different universities of Pakistan and with one proposed by Higher
Education Commission. A list of books meant for further reading is enclosed with this report.
Sd/Name and Signature
of the Examiner


Examiners Report.

Political Science Paper-II.

NOTE: Please comply with the Guidelines/SOP printed overleaf in writing this Report.
Please find herewith brief report regarding standard attained by the candidates:1. Concept was not clear by the candidates.
2. Writing of candidates was poor.
3. Written material/answers were irrelevant in general.



Examiners Report

Psychology Paper-II

Note: Please comply the Guidelines/SOP printed overleaf in writing this Report.
A variety in answer formats is observed depicting various types of preparation strategies for the exam.
Several of the examinees responses indicate ratification of some sort of filtered material with least conceptual
understanding. Responses of other examinees consisting irrelevant answers and showing a non serious attitude
with probably little or no preparation at all. Some of the candidates with no reading and exposure to the referred
literature, also tried to present their own understanding of concepts which appeared to have nothing to do with
actual concepts of the subject. Overall a lack of reading habits is observed which in my opinion shall be a core
characteristic of candidates appearing in Competitive examination.
To improve reading habits of Candidates, I recommend modification in referred literature. The referred books
shall include latest editions which are easily available in local market. This way candidates reliance on notes and
guides can be minimized. Further reading habits of candidates may be improved by incorporating some national
and international research journals as source of referred material. For instance for the exam to be conducted in
2016, all issues of PJPR published in 2015 becomes part of course work. Incorporating research journals will
automatically discourage reliance on notes and guides as every year new issues of journals are published
constituting recent trends and developments in the subject. Material published in previous issues of journals
becomes irrelevant for each next year and hence notes or guides prepared in previous year become irrelevant for
next year. This may change candidates attitude toward reading extensively and in diversity rather relying on
notes, guides and filtered material. I recommend to select some of the HEC recognized APA journals for the
purpose. Alternatively, a committee of experts shall be formed to review journals and select at least on reputed
journal of each major discipline with maximum issues per year.
Sd/Name and Signature
of the Examiner


Examiners Report



Public Administration

Note: Please comply the Guidelines/SOP printed overleaf in writing this Report.

The scripts give the impression that majority of the candidates have not fully grasped the nature of the
subject and its related concepts.


Question No. 3 regarding public corporations and Q.No. 8, regarding the system of auditing in Pakistan
have been very poorly attempted by an overwhelming majority, while many have also failed to properly
define and explain the concept of Public Administration.


Lack of critical thinking, unintelligible handwriting, a lot of spelling mistakes and noncompliance to the
norms of written examination could be identified as the other major Flaws.


Conditional responses devoid of any intellectual depth and logical inconsistency are also common in most
of the cases.


Many candidates have not bothered to understand questions before answering them. Hence instead of
Tailoring the answer to the demands of the question, many candidates have resorted to pen down
whatever has come to them.


Keeping in view the liberal options/choices of question, the candidate should have performed very well.
However, the scripts indicate that perhaps most of the candidates do not consider exam as a serious
project. They expects credit for whatever they write which needs to be discouraged by the examining


Many candidates have also serious problems in expressing themselves poor English and ignorance of
punctuation are the main spoils of the whole thing.
Sd/Name and Signature
of the Examiner


Examiners Report
Examination: Competitive Examination 2015
Subject: Punjabi

Note: Please comply with the Guidelines/SOP printed over leaf in writing this Report,
The general performance of the candidates was above average but some of them were extra ordinary perfect. A
large number of candidates had written irrelevant or inappropriate matter. One of them has disclosed his identity on his
answer sheet which I have pointed out.

Regarding readings, students should avoid guides and read the relevant text books. Hand writing must be dear and

it should be made sure not to disclose identity.

Name and Signature

of the Examiner


Examiners Report
Examination: Competitive Examination 2015
Subject: Pure Maths, Paper-I

Note: Please comply with the Guidelines/SOP printed over leaf in writing this Report,
In my opinion:
1. More than half of the candidates were not serious about the exam.
2. 2/3 of the candidates have confused concepts, seems having a bit better calculating skills.
3. Most of them did not seem to have consulted a book. Perhaps using some notes (e.g. made some mistake in Q.3)
4. A couple of candidates have clear concepts and made systematic attempts.
I suggest:

It would be helpful if

Book consultation is encouraged.

More emphasis on correct concepts.

No laborious calculations.

Learn by heart and reproduce may be minimized (except for definitions).

Name and Signature

of the Examiner


Examiners Report




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Over all performance of the candidates was good and few of them attempted the paper in an excellent
manner. Along with this the questions of history of literature and folk love were not attempted by some
candidates up to the standard of the paper.

Sd/Name and Signature

of the Examiner


Examiners Report.


Subject:- Sociology.
NOTE: Please comply with the Guidelines/SOP printed overleaf in writing this Report.

The Sociology paper was taken by 4365 candidates in Competitive Examination 2015. 20% of the candidates
gave very good answers, 25% were good, 35% were satisfactory and 20% gave bad answers. The deficiencies
found in the answers to the questions attempted were as follows:
1. The questions were attempted in a general way, which gave the impression that the candidates were not
having basic knowledge about the theoretical frame work of Sociology.
2. The candidates stressed more on the outline of the answer but while giving the explanations. They could
not justify the outline they already produced. It was disappointing.
It is suggested that the candidates who opt. for Sociology paper should not take it as a general knowledge
subject. In depth study of the theories, over all Social Structure of Society, Social problems being faced by the
people and their remedial measures, Social Development its concepts and procedures should be studies.



Examiners Report.

Zoology, Paper-I.

NOTE: Please comply with the Guidelines/SOP printed overleaf in writing this Report.
It was observed that out of 438 students 31% students seemed to appear in the examination just for fun
or they wrongly opted for the subject of Zoology. About 42% students performed satisfactorily, while the rest
27% proved their worth and capability in having the option for Zoology.
It is suggested that at least M. Phil should be the basic criteria of eligibility for opting in this subject for the
said exam.
Many best books, on the subject are available in the market. A thorough study of any best book will
suffice the requirement.





NOTE: Please comply with the Guidelines/SOP printed overleaf in writing this Report
The general overall performance of students in Zoology Paper-II, CSS-2015, examinations was satisfactory and at
par with the international/regional standards. However, the marks obtained are general skewed towards the left of
the Normal Distribution Curve. Therefore, it is my apprehension that perhaps the science candidates especially
those opting Zoology are at some disadvantage when compared to the candidates from arts and humanities subjects
like social sciences and languages etc. it is generally agreed that many of these Zoology candidates were otherwise
high achievers from Pre-medical and medical groups in there undergraduate studies. Therefore the FPSC should
devise a statistical formula to normalize and standardize the competition between hard core science and
I would also recommend the Zoology candidates to study authentic original/modern books written by the
eminent foreign referees instead of plagiarized local guides and booklets from the local publishers. Moreover,
no single book would suffice the reading for all the topics given in the syllabus of Zoology Paper-II.

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